June 1, 2012, 2:39 p.m.
June 1, 2012, 2:39 p.m.
“Where are you going?” Rory flipped the autopilot switch on Kurt’s side of the console.
“I need to take a walk.” Kurt left the cockpit.
“Good luck with that, mind you, we’re in space.” Rory yelled, his attention still on driving.
Kurt paced the empty halls of the ship, funny, they had never felt empty like this before. He turned around and poked his head back in to the cockpit. “Do you believe in fate or destiny?”
“What, Kurt you hate that destiny crap. You always call it nonsense.” Rory flipped his autopilot switch and turned around.
“I know what I think of fate, Rory. I’m asking what you think about it.” Kurt leaned on the door frame.
“I dunno. I suppose you could call our meeting fate, but destiny is different.” Rory thought for a moment. “Destiny is where you end up in the end right?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I’m asking!”
“Why are you questioning yourself all of a sudden? I thought you believed in making your choices.”
Kurt looked to the vast space ahead of them. “I think we made the wrong one.”
Rachel was the only intact Rebel fighter left and she had three Imperials on her tail, Lady Corcoran included. She raced across the trench avoiding the Imperial fighters as best she could. As she approached the exhaust port one of the Imperial fighters locked on to her ship. Rachel dodged, but with the little room in the trench, Q got hit with the blast. She beeped a rapid sequence and shut down.
“Q!” She screamed.
Back at the Rebel base, F1NN leaned closer to the screen. “Q?! No!!”
Blaine pulled him back. “Calm down, she’ll be alright.”
Rachel continued forward, preparing her ship to blast the torpedoes.
“Use the Force, Rachel.” Brad’s voice echoed in Rachel’s cockpit. She ignored it and looked through her computer’s automatic targeting device.
“Let go Rachel, just like you practiced.”
Rachel closed her eyes and shut off the targeting device
Corcoran prepared her own, closing in on Rachel’s ship. “The Force is strong with this one.”
Rachel’s computer beeped signaling that someone was locked on to her. “Oh no!”
The Death Star was finally in range of the Rebel base.
A huge blast shook Rachel’s ship, an Imperial fighter behind her had exploded.
“No!” Lady Corcoran’s fighter was blown away from the explosion of the fighter next to her.
Kurt’s voice echoed through the Rachel and Blaine’s headsets. “What would you do without me?”
Blaine’s face instantly lit up. “Kurt?”
Kurt blasted the remaining Imperial fighter. “All clear, Rachel. It’s now or never!”
Rachel stared ahead in concentration and fired without the targeting computer. The torpedoes went directing into the exhaust port. Rachel let out a relieved breath and she followed Kurt’s ship away from the station.
Ryerson spoke on his intercom in the Death Star. “Fire!”
The entire Death Star blew up in its own little supernova, visible to the Rebels on the planet below. The base erupted with cheers as the Rachel and Kurt flew back.
“Damn, that shot. Rachel you are one in a million.” Kurt spoke over the headset.
Brad’s voiced echoed through Rachel’s ship. “Remember, Rachel, the Force with always be with you.”
Rachel practically jumped out of her fighter, glowing with excitement. The surviving pilots and crews crowded around her in congratulations. She thanked them and curtsied, despite not wearing a dress. Blaine rushed forward searching for her and Kurt.
“Rachel!” Blaine grabbed her for a hug. “You did it!”
Kurt and Rory came running into the hanger.
“Kurt!” Blaine let go of Rachel and tackled him, while Rory smothered Rachel in a hug. Caught in the excitement Kurt hugged him back with equal force.They let go and Blaine’s hands lingered on Kurt’s arms. “What made you change your mind?”
“You still have my clothes.” Kurt smirked. “Besides I figured some eternal glory comes with defeating the Empire right?”
Blaine rolled his eyes and smiled. Rachel broke the space between the boys to hug Kurt. “Oh I just knew you’d come back!”
Rory came up behind them and pulled all three of them into a hug.
“Oh no, Q!” Rachel escaped Rory’s grip and ran to her. She was badly burnt and her digital screen was cracked.
F1NN looked terribly sad. “Q? Say something, anything?!” He grabbed the sleeve of the mechanic lowering her down. “You can repair her right?”
The mechanic nodded. “Don’t worry, we’ll get to work right away.”
F1NN trailed after him. “She can have any of my circuits, she always said she’d make better use of them than me.”
Rachel stared after them.
“Don’t worry, she’ll be alright.” Blaine stood behind her, followed by Kurt and Rory.
“Oh I know. It’s F1NN I’m worried about.” Rachel let out a small laugh.
Blaine linked his arms with Rachel and Kurt, and Kurt grabbed Rory as Blaine led them to where they would be staying.
A speeder dropped our Rebels off in front a large gate. With Blaine’s wave they were let through and he led them down a wide path. The only word that could describe the place before them was a castle, a giant, worn, beautiful castle. There were rebel guards standing on either side of the giant main door. Kurt, Rory and Rachel all stopped short to stare. Blaine continued walking, but his linked arms made him stumble backwards.
“Guys?” He let go and stood in front of them.
Rachel, Kurt and Rory had their mouths hanging open. Kurt kept his eyes on the building, but spoke to Blaine. “You live...here?”
Blaine laughed. “When I’m here, yes, but its not like I own the place.” He grabbed his hand. “Come on.” Blaine pulled Kurt who grabbed for Rory’s hand, and Rachel grabbed his thus creating an awkward train as Blaine led them inside. It was just as old and just as breathtaking, but Blaine had been visiting it all his life so he just rushed them by.
“Sorry if it’s not all fancy and technical, this place is pretty ancient.” Blaine stopped at the end of a hallway in a circular sort of sitting room.
Kurt snorted “He thinks this isn’t fancy...” He thought to himself.
The vast room was furnished with several couches facing a fireplace and there were little end tables everywhere decorated with delicate vases. There were four doors equally placed around the walls with a set of end tables and another couch between them. “I arranged for you guys to have rooms for the duration of your stay.Oh and there’s a ton of clothes in the closets. Help yourselves.”
Rachel ran to the dead center of the room and spun in a circle, staring at the ceiling, it was covered in paintings of nearby constellations. While she didn’t recognize any of them, the memory of her own ceiling brought tears to her eyes. “It’s beautiful...” She whispered.
“My room’s on the far left you guys can fight over the rest.” He said with a smile. “I’ve got a meeting to go to, princely duty and all that, but I’ll be back later to bring you guys to the feast.”
Rory spun around to face him. “Feast?”
Blaine understood the excitement in his voice. “Yeah they’re holding a feast in your honor, my meeting is actually about giving you three medals in a grand ceremony tomorrow.”
Kurt flinched so violently he knocked the vase of a nearby table. Luckily Rory was close enough to catch it and give him a weird look as Blaine swiftly left the room.
“I dunno about you boys, but I want to pick out an outfit for the feast.” She picked the door closest to Blaine’s and disappeared with a giddy giggle.
Rory turned to Kurt expecting him to do the same thing, but Kurt was frozen, clutching the end table in a vice grip. “Kurt. Free clothes? No?”
Kurt shook his head. “Wait, what?” he let go of the table and came back to reality. “I’m still processing the medals part.”
“What’s wrong with medals?”
“Nothing, nothing...just-- We need to get out of here.” Kurt began to pace.
Rory watched him for a few seconds, saying nothing.
“How can you be so calm?” Kurt snapped
“It’s not like I’m not worried about the price on our heads, but...we’ve sort of been on the run from something or another since we were kids.” Rory shrugged. “Better question, Why are you so worked up? We helped save a ton of lives today, people are preparing a feast in our honor, we might even get medals and you are acting like your life is over.”
“Oh but it is! Both our lives! The longer we wait to pay Jabba, the closer he gets to upping the bounty which would mean everyone would be clamoring to turn us in, despite our medals or honor.” Kurt threw his hands up in the air.
“Now that’s something I don’t understand.” Rory ignored most of what Kurt complained about. “Why does Jabba want our money, when he’s willing to pay more to have us killed?”
It took Kurt a while to form actual words. “I-It just...” he took a breath. “It’s a manner of principle. He wants to show what the punishment is for betraying him. Either you pay him his money, or you pay with your life.”
“Kurt, he’s not the first person who’s tried to kill us, in fact, countless others have come closer.”
“I know, I know! But this time it’s different!” Kurt collapsed onto a couch. It was more cushy than he expected and he was soon buried in pillows. He pushed several off and groaned. “We should just leave. Get out of here. Go back to it being just us, Pav and the stars.”
“Whoa, back it up!” Rory threw a pillow back at him. “What do you mean different?”
Kurt hugged the pillow. “Before Rachel and her stupid mission, we had no one left to miss us. Now...now we actually have people who will...”
“So...if I am understanding correctly. You want to leave the only people who will ever miss us to prevent them from having to miss us?” Rory gave Kurt a look. “Sounds a bit backward don’t you think?”
“What? Maybe? Yes. I don’t know.” Kurt buried his head in the pillows. “Choices, we have to make our choice.”
“Not right now.” Rory got up. “Sleep on it.” Rory pulled Kurt to his feet.
“Nope. I will not listen to another word til you’ve had rest and thought about this some more.” He opened the door and pushed Kurt in.
Kurt stumbled and turned around to see a mischievous look on Rory’s face. “No, don’t!” Kurt lunged for the door but it was too late.
Rory slammed the it and sat leaning against it. “Now I’m not letting you out, til I know you’ve changed your mind.”
Kurt pounded on the door and Rory smirked.
“Ugh I hate you!” Kurt gave the door one last kick and turned around. “Holy...”
The bedroom was huge. A luxurious bed complete with posts and curtains was against the far wall. A set of drawers, a bureau and the door to a closet lined one wall, while the other had a door to a large bath. Kurt sat on the bed taking in his surroundings. He hated being left to his own thoughts.
“Ugh...” Kurt slumped over on the bed and fell asleep on the covers.
Rory no longer blocked Kurt’s doorway, but sat nice and clean, still in his furry clothes on a couch nearby. He played with a small game on the table before him and looked up when Blaine walked into the room.
“Kurt here?”
Back in his room, Kurt hesitantly opened the closet door. His clothes were rumpled from sleep and his hair was a bit dishevelled. “Oh my...” Most of the clothes were white and they lined the closet wall a small insta-clean laundry device in the back. Kurt lightly traced his hand on the material, it was the softest thing he had ever felt in his life. He shook his head, these clothes were not his, despite what Blaine said. Kurt decided to just clean the clothes he had.
Kurt stripped off his shirt and vest revealing an array of scars mostly on his back, same age as the ones on his arm. He stretched with a groan and placed his clothes in a laundry device.
A knock.
Kurt peeked from behind the closet door assuming it was Rory.
“Yeah, ok. You win.”
Blaine opened the door a little confused. �“Oh? What do I win...” Blaine paused and Kurt froze at the sound of his voice.
Kurt’s back was turned, giving Blaine a perfect view of his scars. He could even see the muscles of his back twitch and tighten under his gaze. Kurt reached out and grabbed closet thing to him in the closet and wrapped it around himself like a blanket. The white fabric against his skin only made his blush seem darker. “Ever heard of knocking?” Kurt said with a bite.
“I did...” Blaine said meekly as he walked slowly towards Kurt.
Kurt had no comeback for that, the anger drained from his face. “Oh...” he turned away from fiddling with the laundry machine, it was extremely different than the machine back on his ship.
“Oh, let me.” Blaine reached over and Kurt flinched away. “Actually do you mind if I wash something too?”
“You don’t have one in your room?” Part of Kurt really wanted Blaine to leave, but the rest of him was begging for him to stay. Kurt pulled the fabric tighter around his chest.
“Well yeah, but it works better if you put more in it.” Blaine shrugged.
“You know more about than me. Do whatever you want.” Kurt backed away and sat on the little bench next to the end of the bed. He looked up to see Blaine taking off the v-neck shirt, his robe draped neatly over a chair. He wore a white, skin tight tank underneath. “What is it with you and the color white?”
“Hmm?” Blaine placed the shirt with Kurt’s clothes and started the machine. “Oh umm it’s not me. It’s a ceremonial color. Senators and royalty are required to wear white for meetings and missions...which ends up being most of the time.” Blaine shrugged, Kurt could see his muscles flex beneath his thin shirt. “The robe you’ve got is actually similar to the ceremonial robes I have to wear tomorrow.” Blaine walked towards him. “Except that this one is traditionally worn by women.”
Kurt looked down at the fabric draped across his torso. “Fashion has no gender.” He clutched it tighter, hoping his clothes would be clean already.
“Kurt, I want to talk.” Blaine sat next to him on the bench.
Kurt looked apprehensive and didn't meet his gaze. “About what?”
“Remember when you saw my arm...you said if I wanted to talk...” Blaine trailed off absently tracing his own scar.
Kurt let out a long breath. “Just ask me already.”
Blaine’s eye widened and he looked from Kurt to his hands clutching the robe. “How did..um can I...”
Kurt let go and the robe’s smooth fabric rolled off him and crumpled to the floor. His heart was racing, Kurt had never let anyone look at his scars. Even Rory hadn’t seen them all. Kurt watched Blaine from the corner of his eye, too afraid to look at meet his gaze.
Blaine’s expression was full of compassion, and awe. He reached out a hand, but was afraid to touch. Kurt moved his body the last couple centimeters meeting his fingertips and Blaine gasped. The scars were cool to the touch, some unnaturally smooth, others raised and rough. Blaine traced the lines from his back to his ribs earning a gasp and shiver from Kurt.
“Sorry.” Blaine pulled his hand away.
Kurt let out a breath. “No, it’s ok. Just...I’ve never let anyone see before.” Kurt finally met Blaine’s eyes. The damn prince was dripping with compassion. He was about to ask how Kurt got them, when the machine dinged, their clothes were done.
Kurt jumped up and grabbed his shirt reveling in its warmth and glad to hid his scars.
“You shouldn’t be ashamed of them.” Blaine whispered.
Kurt stopped mid button. “Oh I’m not, I’d just prefer to hide my hideous back from the world.” His sass was back.
“Hey.” Blaine put his hand over Kurt’s. “You,” He put his face in front of Kurt’s and looked up into his eyes. “Are beautiful.” Blaine was close enough for his breath to ghost over Kurt’s face.
Kurt glanced at Blaine lips, almost leaning forward. Blaine took a deep breath.
“Thanks.” Kurt quickly backed away and finished getting dressed. “Isn’t that feast thing soon? You probably need to get dressed.” Kurt’s heart was pounding in his chest.
“Right. Yeah.” Blaine stood up, heart also pounding, and grabbed his robe.
“Here.” Kurt held out the v-neck shirt. Blaine stared at it then looked up at Kurt.
“That’s yours.”
“Keep it.” Kurt whispered and placed it in his hands. “Now if you don’t mind, I’ll like to make my hair look decent for this event. I’ll see you by the couches.” Kurt retreated into the bathroom and shut the door. He put his back to it and sighed heavily. That was too close.
Blaine wrapped the robe around himself and carefully folded the shirt with a smile. He left Kurt’s room and headed to his own. Q and F1NN had joined Rory in the sitting room and they were helping him with the puzzle. Blaine nodded towards them and disappeared into his room.
The feast was plentiful and glorious. Rory ate like he’d been starved his whole life, which unfortunately was pretty close to the truth. Kurt picked at his food and found himself practicing etiquette he thought he had forgotten. Rachel looked stunning in her tea length sleeveless dress and she basked in the attention of the rebel fleet. Music rang through the halls and they all sange and danced around the spacious rooms. By the end of the night all four of them wear dancing like crazy, droids included. F1NN eventually tripped and fell, but all in all everyone had a wonderful time.
The next day the ceremony was held in an old abandoned temple. The Rebels had decorated it with banners of the Rebel logos.
Rachel, Kurt and Rory walked down the aisle surrounded by the Rebels fleet. Kurt and Rory were a bit nervous, but they gladly walked alongside Rachel. She was eating up the attention, thoroughly excited to be a part of something.
Blaine stood at the top of the steps at the head of the temple, dressed in his ceremonial robes. Q and F1NN stood off to the side, polished and gleaming in the natural light. Beside them, Becky held open a box with three medals inside and General Sylvester handed each one to Blaine. �He turned to each of them and placed a medal on Rachel, Rory, and Kurt’s shoulders.
He let his fingers linger slightly as he fixed Kurt’s lapel under the medal. Their eyes met and Kurt’s noticed his borrowed V-neck peeking out from Blaine’s robe. He smiled and Blaine gave a small smile back. They all turned towards the rows of Rebels and bowed as they erupted with cheer and applause. A faint, but noticeable blush crept across Kurt’s pale cheeks he looked to Rory and they both shrugged with a smile. Tomorrow would have to wait, for today they had won.
I absolutely adore your casting! And I've always loved the idea of a Star Wars/Glee crossover fic! I really hope you decide to write the next one. I want to find out more about Kurt's past (I love how you're going into detail about it!) and see more Klaine improvement.
Thank you! I'm so glad you do. I can't wait to write it all!
I just made an account to say that this story is great and you should keep writing it. Star Wars is one of my favourite movies and you did a great job of casting the glee characters, I especially like how Will is Jabba the Slut. So please keep writing.
Thank you so much! I am almost done with casting all three movies and I probably laughed too hard when I cast him as such but I couldn't resist.