In an Alternate Galaxy
A New Hope: Part 3 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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June 1, 2012, 2:39 p.m.

In an Alternate Galaxy: A New Hope: Part 3

T - Words: 8,295 - Last Updated: Jun 01, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Nov 25, 2011 - Updated: Jun 01, 2012
891 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Star Wars/Glee crossover part 3Star Wars belongs to George Lucas, Glee and its characters belong to RIB and Fox. The rest of this weirdness belong to my brain. This chapter is the third installment of A New Hope.
Rachel turned to the rest of them. “There’s no other way out.”

“Rore and I can hold them off forever you know!” Kurt yelled back at them while he and ROry continued to fire at the troopers.

Blaine ran a hand through his hair, making more curls spring loose. “Not to be rude, but did you plan an escape route when you decided to rescue me?”

“How polite.” Kurt thought. “Look, Eyebrows, she’s the genius. Ask her.”

Rachel blanched. “I did...but then...everything kind of...well...”

“Oh give me that.” Blaine grabbed for one of Kurt’s guns.

“Hey!” Kurt was obviously angry and gave Blaine one of his bitchiest looks. “Did no one teach you manners, be careful with her!”

Blaine looked over to Rachel. “What?”

“Not Rachel, my gun, you neanderthal.” Kurt still had the trooper gun, but Blaine had taken the one Kurt had hiding in his boot.

“Don’t worry I’ll give it back.” Blaine shot a couple times, hitting troopers then fired at a small grate behind them.

Rachel stared. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t see anyone else coming up with a plan, so down the garbage chute we go.” Blaine holstered the gun in his belt and jumped down the chute.

Rachel ran across the hallway, narrowly escaping blasts before she, too, jumped down the chute. Rory and Kurt were the only two left. “How is it that after all I’ve been through in life I still end up getting thrown in a dumpster?” Kurt asked no one in particular

“Oh my...”Rory gagged. “That smell is revolting.”

Kurt sniffed and gagged along with him. “Ugh...just get in. It’s better to be disgusting than dead.”

Rory jumped in shortly followed by Kurt. They landed on a huge pile of random garbage and sludgy muck. The splash of filthy substance soaked into Kurt’s shoes and he could feel the dirt on his skin. “Never mind.” he shuddered and muttered to Rory.

Kurt turned to Blaine who’s hair was a disheveled mess. His white clothing was now dirty, the muck soaking around his legs and a splash of it on his chest. Kurt ignored all of those rather distracting factors and glared at him. “Great idea, your worshipfulness. Hang out with the garbage. What exactly is your definition of a rescue?”

Blaine looked a bit sheepish and muttered to himself. “I have a name you know...”

Kurt moved towards the hatch, that Rory was currently banging on. “Rore, move for a sec.” Kurt aimed at the door.

“Wait!” Rachel lunged towards him but it was too late. Kurt fired and the laser ricocheted off every metal surface in the room until it hits a pile of garbage. “We already tried that.” She mumbled.

“You know guns don’t solve everything. You should put it away before you get one of us killed.” Blaine said forcefully, but somehow politely, driving Kurt up the wall.

Kurt holstered his trooper gun and advanced towards Blaine. He tilted his head down to meet his gaze. “Look, Eyebrows, you’re the one who led us down here. Why don’t you elaborate us on your great escape plan.”

Blaine held his gaze. “I have a name you know.”

Kurt gasped in fake shock and clutched his chest. “Oh I’m terribly sorry all the near death fighting and shooting has made me completely forget my manners.” Kurt did a strange combination of a bow and curtsy. “Your majesty.” He dragged out the word as long as he could.

“Ugh!” Blaine groaned. “I don’t see how this day could get any worse!”

A deep moan echoed around the room, the all froze. Kurt and Rory had their guns ready on instinct. Blaine grabbed the gun on his belt and Rachel stood with hers ready.

“You just had to go and say that.” Kurt groaned.

Blaine scowled at him and turned away.

Rachel screamed and jumped backward. “Oh my...I think there’s something alive in here.”

“What.” Kurt deadpanned.

“Something slithered over my foot!” Rachel jumped again then screamed as she was pulled under.

“Rachel!” Kurt and Blaine yelled as they searched through the debris. “Rachel!”

With a large splash Rachel surfaced, thrashing about. A gross tentacle was wrapped around her body effectively choking her.

“Rachel!” Blaine extended a pipe towards her. “Grab on.”

Kurt aimed his gun. “Hold still.” Kurt shot the tentacle where it met the water, but instead of letting go, it pulled Rachel under again. “Damn it.”

Another groaned echoed the room, but this time it was more metallic. Rory turned to Kurt “I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”

Rachel surfaced and Kurt ran to grab her. “Are you ok?” He winced a bit at the smell.

Rachel coughed and sputtered, unable to speak she nodded.

“What happened?” Blaine joined them at her other side and put a hand on her shoulder.

Rachel shook her head and cleared her throat. “It just let go all of a sudden.”

The walls suddenly started to close in on them.

“Really?” Kurt shouted at the ceiling. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

“Okay...the walls are moving.” Blaine bit his lip.

Rachel pulled her com link out. “F1NN, are you there? F1NN?! Oh no you don’t think somthing happened to them too?”


Back in the command office F1NN’s com link sat on a deserted console, Rachel’s voice barely audible through it. The door to the room suddenly blasted open and for armed troopers marched in. One of the troopers walked over to a supply cabinet and pushed the button sliding open the door. F1NN and Q slowly walked out.

“We were attacked!” F1NN shouted “They’re headed for the detention block. Hurry!”

Three of the troopers ran off towards the detention blocks while one stayed to stand guard.

F1NN sighed in relief grabbed the com link and walked with Q towards the door, but the guard stopped them.

Q beeped faintly and F1NN repeated her idea. “All of this craziness has overrun the circuit in my poor friend here. I’d like to take her to maintenance.”

The trooper shrugged. “Okay.”

F1NN and Q walked casually out the door.


The garbage room was getting smaller, and smaller. Rory continued to bang on the hatch, but it was no use. Rachel continued to call to F1NN on the com.

“Could you help me with this?” Blaine grabbed a metal pole.

Kurt grabbed the other end and together they lifted it. They jammed it between the walls, but it was already starting to bend. “Try and get to higher ground.” Kurt’s tone had changes, but he was too busy holding up the pole to see the confused look on Blaine’s face.

“Careful.” Rory said with a groan as he pushed against the wall. “It almost sounded like you cared.”

Kurt muttered at him to shut up. He gave up on the pole and turned to see Blaine sinking into the garbage as he tried to climb it. “Here.” Without thinking Kurt picked up Blaine and placed him on higher ground. Upon letting him go they both just avoided each other’s gaze and pretended it didn’t happen. “Oh my stars...” Kurt thought, “That prince is a tiny ball of well mannered muscles.”

Blaine turned away to hide a blush, he had felt Kurt’s muscles in his arms as he picked him up, he was stronger than he looked.

“F1NN! Q! Someone!?” Rachel called into the com link. “I don’t want to die here.”


F1NN and Q snuck back to the docking bay and looked around. “They’re not here...What if they were captured, Q? What do we do?”

“Calm down. Let me talk with the computer.” Q plugged into to a nearby port and quickly scanned the data.


The garbage room was now only about a fourth of its original size, the pole had broken apart. Blaine tried to climb higher, but had little luck. The garbage slipped from under his feet and he fell towards Kurt. Kurt heard his small gasp and turned on instinct, catching him. “Slippery isn’t it?” He pushed Blaine back onto his feet.

Q beeped to F1NN, “No record of them being captured, but the alert is still in place.”

“That’s a relief...where do you think they are?”

“Did you try asking them?”

“What?” F1NN tilted his head in confusion.

“The com link, ask them where they are.” Q beeped like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Oh crap! I turned it off.” F1NN clicked the switch. “Rachel? Are you there? Where are you guys?”


The garbage room was now just smaller than the hallways. Blaine was on partially higher ground, Kurt stood behind him and Rory was still trying to bang open the door. Rachel struggled out of the grip of the garbage around her, still clutching the com link. “F1NN? Oh thank the stars. F1NN, Q We need your help!” She groaned in pain as the walls pushed closer. “Shut down all garbage compactors on the detention level.”

No response.

“F1NN! Shut down the garbage compactors on the detention level!”

Kurt braced his back against one wall and pushed his feet against the other. “Well” he said through a strained but collected voice. “it’s been a fun ride. It was nice knowing all of you.”

Blaine turned to him, in a similar position on the wall. “How can you be so calm?”

“Not my first encounter with certain death.” Kurt said casually.


“Q shut them down, shut them all down! Rachel’s gonna die!”

“Shutting them all down versus shutting the detention level down won’t make a difference.” Q beeped and talked with the ships main computer.

Rachel, Kurt, Blaine and Rory their eyes bracing for the impact that would end their lives. Suddenly the compactor stopped.

Rachel was first to open her eyes. She screamed with joy, her voice echoing through the garbage room. Rory and Blaine cheered, while Kurt let out a relieved sigh as he rubbed his hands on his face.


“Cheesus Q! They’re dying! Oh my stars we’ve killed them! It’s all my fault! I shouldn’t have turned the com link off!”

“They’re not dead, F1NN. Stop overreacting.” Q beeped

“F1NN!” Rachel’s voice came from the link. “We’re okay! You guys did it! Thank you F1NN, Thank you Q!”



Blaine’s smiled in relief and grabbed Kurt for a hug. He was caught off guard, but returned it cautiously. Blaine smiled at him when they released and Kurt managed a smile back. Rory reached over and pulled him into a bear hug. “Ugh” Kurt’s voice was muffled, by fur. “Rore, I’m alive, but if you keep this up I won’t be.”

Rory loosened his grip, but didn’t let go. “You okay?”

Kurt nodded a bit to persistenly. This whole ordeal had brought up more memories than Kurt was prepared to deal with. In the background Rachel was giving F1NN and Q their location so she could let them out.


Meanwhile Brad finally made it to one of the power beam generators. The whole room was humming and the shut off switch was on the back of a control station situatedl above a bottomless trench. He snuck past the guards and tiptoed across a narrow path above the trench. �Luckily the control station was large enough for him to hide behind and he easily found the shut off switch. He grabbed the lever and slowly eased it down as quietly as possible. The power meter on the side shifted from green to red.


Our group of Rebels escaped the garbage compactor and hid in the deserted store room it led to. Rory looked through the random weapons lying around the old room while Blaine turned around and stared pointedly at the wall as both Kurt and Rachel changed clothes behind him. Rachel’s hair was still damp from the muck, but she tied it back up with her pink ribbon. Kurt grabbed the Stormtrooper belt and strapped it on top of his belt and holster, also hanging low on his hips.

Rachel had her own utility belt from home and offered her Stormtrooper one to Blaine. “Hey, you want this? Figure you want to be able to protect yourself.” She smiled.

Blaine took it. “Thank you.”

“Speaking of protecting yourself.” Kurt walked over to Blaine, gun in one hand. “Where’s my gun, Eyebrows?” He holstered the on in his hands and held out the other in front of Blaine.



“My name. We never really had a proper introduction.” Blaine stuck out his hand. “Blaine Organa, Prince of the late planet Alderaan.”

Kurt stared at his had like it was the most foreign thing in the world.

“You shake it.” Blaine said, with no hint of condescension or malice.

“I know how to shake hands.” Kurt muttered and took his hand. It was rougher than he expected of a Prince and his grip was firm and warm compared to Kurt’s cooler skin. Blaine thought the opposite, Kurt’s hand was smooth and soft, not at all what he imagined. “Kurt. Solo.” He managed. “a nobody pilot of nowheresville.” He shook Blaine’s hand and quickly let go. “My fur wearing friend over there is Rory, now can I have my gun back?”

Blaine reached to his belt and hand Kurt back his smaller gun. “Thank you.” Blaine smiled.

Kurt looked at his face then the gun and took it from his hands.“Uh.. your welcome.” He bent down and holstered it in the side of his boot.

Blaine did not even remotely notice how snug his boots were or how his pants looked like they were painted on. Not at all. Rachel, now Rachel was pretty he decided to stare at her. She was running her fingers through her wet hair, wringing it out. Kurt followed Blaine’s gaze to her, he had to admit she was pretty, way better for a prince than someone like him. He shook his head, what was he thinking, he didn’t like the prince.

He grabbed another gun and handed it to Blaine. “This one, is all yours. Eyebrows.” Blaine was startled out of this thoughts and he took the gun, without a comment on the use of “Eyebrows”. Rachel grabbed her blaster as well.

“Now if we can just avoid any more of you royal advice. We might make it out without another near death experience.” Kurt smirked at Blaine who just rolled his eyes.

“Come on, then to the ship!” Rachel bounced up and walked towards the door.

Rory had selected an array of guns along with his laser crossbow and had them all in his hands or hanging on straps from his shoulders. A sudden growl from the garbage pit behind him, put him on edge and he ran across the room.

“Rore, where are you going?” Kurt watched him run to the door and stand by Rachel. The tentacled creature reached through the door towards them and on instinct Kurt aimed his gun.

“Wait!” Blaine said, but Kurt fired, scaring the creature back into it’s pit. “They’ll...hear you.” Blaine mumbled.

“Rore, come here. It’s gone okay?” Kurt put an arm around Rory.

“Did you really have to hurt it?” Rachel asked.

“Really?” Kurt turned to her. “It tried to kill you.”

“It’s probably just a poor misunderstood creature, that’s lonely and living in a bunch of garbage. How would you feel if that was you life?” Rachel crossed her arms.

Rory put his arm around Kurt and waited for him to explode, but he simply stayed silent.

Blaine stood and walked to the center of the room. “Look there is no reason to fight amongst ourselves. Let’s just move on and get out of here.”

Kurt snapped back to attention. “I don’t take orders from anyone, but me. Eyebrows. Royalty or not, you have no control over me.”

“Kurt, stop it. He’s not them.” Rory whispered. “Let it go.”

“Alright, alright, I’m sorry. Long day. Let’s go.”

The four of Rebels ran down the deserted corridor.


Brad finished shutting off the entire power beam generator, just as a new unit of troopers approached. He moved to a position where the small station covered him from view.

St. James ordered the unit. “You two, make sure this area is secure and be sure to give regular reports, until the alert is over. Understood?”

The troopers nodded once and St. James took the rest of the troopers down the corridor.

“Do you know what the alert is for?” Trooper1 asked the other.

“No idea. Maybe it’s another practice drill.” Trooper2 shrugged.

Brad peeked out from behind the power beam generator and waved his hand towards the troopers. The suddenly turned their attention down the corridor. Brad swiftly slipped out the other door into the main hallway.


The deserted hallway leads them to a window over looking the docking bay. “There he is.” Kurt said with more affection the Blaine expected to come from him. He looked out the window and say the Millennium Warblers.

“He, huh?” Blaine turned to Kurt.

“What? My ship’s a he.” Kurt crossed his arms defensively.

“What’s his name?” Blaine leaned on the edge of the window.

Kurt didn’t expect that. “Pavarotti, Pav for short.”

“F1NN, do you copy?” Rachel spoke into the com link

“Umm I copy?” F1NN replied.

“Where are you guys?”

F1NN looked around “Uh...Right across from the ship.”

“Ok we’re on the level above you, we’ll be there soon.” Rachel put the com link away.

“He looks a bit worn.” Blaine mused.

“Hey.” Kurt snapped.

“No I mean it as a compliment.” Blaine looked up at Kurt through his long lashes. Kurt hadn’t noticed them before. “I like a ship with mileage, gives it more character, don’t you think?”

“Come on guys.” Rachel signaled and the boys followed after her.

Rory ran alongside Kurt and before he could even suggest anything Kurt cut him off. “Shut up. Don’t say it, keep running.” Rory laughed and kept silent.

The four of them skidded to a halt as they turned a corner to find half �a dozen troopers marching towards them.

Instinct took over and Kurt and Rory shot down half the troopers before Blaine and Rachel could even take their guns out of their holsters. Kurt and Rory ran after the small group of troopers many guns blazing.

“Wait, Kurt!” Blaine called.

“Where are you going?” Rachel called.

“Just get back to the ship!” Kurt yelled. “We’ll meet you there.”

Blaine stared after the smoke left in their wake. “Well, he certainly has courage.”

“Courage does no good, if he gets himself killed.” Rachel added. “Let’s go.”

Several alarms went off as they two of them ran down the corridors.


Kurt and Rory chased down the trooper, yelling like madmen. Eventually the yell turned into a scream as they troopers they were following led them to even more. “Back! Go back” He called to Rory and they shoot several times, before they become the ones who are being chased. “Ready?” Kurt asked and Rory nodded lifting Kurt up over his shoulder. Rory continued to run forward shooting while Kurt faced backward and shot at the troopers behind them.


Rachel and Blaine followed the hallway away from the troopers. Facing backwards Blaine and Rachel both shoot at the troopers. “Ugh. I feel terrible. I mean I know they are evil, but killing...” Rachel sighed.

Blaine took a few shots then turned to her. “If if makes you feel any better, they are all just clones of one guy. Not to sound brutal, but they are sort of made for this. I mean it’s why the empire has them. They are like souless automatons.”

Blaine shot a few more times behind his back as Rachel led them forward, eventually they came to a dead end, literally. The floor stopped and nothing but abyss was before them. Rachel stopped, but Blaine was running forward and looking backwards and Rachel had to grab him and pull him back before he flew off the edge.

“Holy....” He turned to Rachel. “Thanks.” The troopers were catching up. Without thinking, Blaine shot the control panel. The door behind them closed, leaving a small space for them to stand.

“There’s more over there!” Rachel pointed. In the distance another hatch opened and troopers opened fire on them.

Blaine retaliated, but there were too many.

“I’ve got an idea, cover me.” Rachel fiddled with her belt as Blaine stood in front of her.

The hatch behind them started to open. “Hurry, Rachel, they’re coming.”

Rachel threw the grappling hook towards the pipes above them and tugged on it to make sure it would hold. Blaine and Rachel grab hold of each other and push off from their ledge and swing across the abyss. Rachel quickly released the hook from her belt and they ran away as fast as they could.


More Units of troopers rushed about the hallways. Brad waited for an opened and quietly slipped past them. He took his lightsaber from his belt and continued foward

Meanwhile the Kurt and Rory shooting combo were still running from the storm troopers. One of them spoke into a com link. “Close the blast doors!”

The door before them begin to close. “Hold on tight.” Rory warned and Kurt held on to him with one and and shot with the other. Rory jumped through the space left by the doors and they closed short after.


Brad continued along the hallways until he reached one bordering the docking bay. The hum of her lightsaber and its red glow, catch Brad’s attention. Slowly, Darth Corcoran walked out from the shadows. Brad released his, adding a purple glow to the room.

“I’ve been waiting for you Obi-Wan. Been a long time.” Lady Corcoran purred.

“I didn’t keep you wait too long did I?” Brad countered as they took their stances.

“When I got the sense enough to leave you, I was but a student. Now I am the teacher!” Corcoran boasted.

“A teacher of evil.” Brad corrected.

They slowly circled each other, neither willing to attack first. Eventually Brad lunged forward, but Corcoran was quick and she stopped him. Then it was her turn to strike, but she was blocked by the master Jedi. A dance of purple and red lights filled the room as Corcoran and Brad fought. She finally managed to push Brad backwards. He stumbled, but did not fall.

“You, my friend, are our of practice.”

“You can’t win. Corcoran. Even in death I can become more powerful than you could even dream to be.” Brad said calmy.

Corcoran struck again and their battle continued. She stayed on the offensive while Brad slowly inched closer to defeat.


Rory had since put Kurt down and together they ran towards the docking bay, no longer followed by troopers. Unfortunately there were about a dozen or two surround their ship.

“This day is never going to end is it?” Kurt groaned.

“Looks that way, doesn’t it.” Rory agreed.

Rachel and Blaine ran up and joined them, a little out of breath.

“Ah there you are!” Kurt turned to them. “Run a marathon?”

“Very funny.” Rachel swatted his arm.

“Pav, ok?” Blaine nodded to the ship.

“He seems fine, we just need to, you know get to it in one piece.” Kurt answered.


Corcoran was forcing Brad to back up with each blow. The hallway and now the edge of the docking bay was filling with he sparks of their clashing lightsabers. The troopers guarding the ship moved to go aid Corcoran. To the four Rebels and their two droids, it left an opening for them to get to the ship.

Q waited for all of them to leave and grabbed F1NN as a precaution. “I’d rather not drag you, but let’s go.”

At the same time Kurt, Rory, Rachel and Blaine ran out from their hiding spot towards the ship as well. Rachel stopped in her tracks when she saw Brad fighting with Lady Corcoran.

“Brad?” She whispered.

Brad turned and meets her gaze. The feeling of goodbye from before returned to her. Brad turned back towards Corcoran and put away his lightsaber with a smile. He closed his eyes and Corcoran slashed at him with her lightsaber. Brad’s empty cloack and saber fell to the ground as his body disappeared.

“NO!” Rachel screamed, gaining the attention of all the troopers.

F1NN and Q were safely on board the ship, but Blaine and Kurt turned when she called out.

The troopers started firing at her and she no longer cared that it was killing. She shot at them killing several with precision. Kurt and Blaine joined in from where they stood by the ship.

“Rachel, come on!” Blaine shouted.

“It’s too late, there’s nothing you can do! Blast the door.”

Rachel pushed the tears away and shot a control panel closing the door to the room where Corcoran was advancing towards them.

Rachel contiued to shoot, her feet glued to the spot until she hear Brad’s voice. “Run, Rachel! Run!” She snapped out of her trance and ran towards the ship.


Rory and Kurt settle in the cockpit preparing the ship for take off. “I hope he deactivated that tractor beam or this was all for nothing.” Kurt flipped some switches. “Hit it.”

Rory flipped switches of his own and Pav flew away from the Death Star disappearing into space.

Rachel collapsed in the holding area, her head on the table as she shook with sobs. Blaine sets a blanket on her and pats her hand. Rachel lifted her head and stared at Blaine. He offered a small smile and she lunged into him clutching him as she sobbed. “Oh..” Blaine quietly muttered before he settled her hand to stroker her back. Q and F1NN sat near her too nervous and wanting to help.

The computer in the cockpit signaled that they had ship coming after them. “We just can’t catch a break!” Kurt pushed a few buttons and stood up. “Power to the shield, hold them off as long as you can. I gotta set up the guns.” Rory took over the controls as Kurt left the cockpit.

Kurt walked into the holding area and froze with a small twinge of jealousy. Rachel was wrapped around Blaine and he seemed to be affectionately rubbing her back.

“He’s gone...just like my parents, and my uncles. It’s all my fault” Rachel sobbed.

“Hey.” Blaine moved so she was no longer clutching him, and looked in her eyes. “It’s not your fault. There’s nothing you could have done. If it makes you feel any better...I lost my parents to.”

Rachel stared up at him and Kurt listened closer. “But the said your father...”

Blaine shook his head. “I was adopted. I never knew my true parents. My adopted mother died when I was young and my father...well I guess he died with the rest of Alderaan.”

He felt like he was intruding on something private, but they were under attack. “Hate to interrupt, this little love fest, but we’ve got some Imperials on our tail. I need another gunman.”

Blaine passed Rachel into the arms and arm of F1NN and Q and she continued to sob.

“She’s in no state to fight, I’ll do it.”

Kurt let compassion seep into his voice. “You sure? I mean you just lost your whole planet out there.”

Blaine met his gaze. “I’ll be fine, let’s go.”

Kurt led him to a ladder that led to two separate guns. “Top or bottom?” Kurt pulled on some black leather fingerless gloves.

Blaine blushed and stuttered. “Wh-what?”

Kurt raised an eyebrow, suppressing a smirk and pointed to the ladder. “Two guns, highness. Top or bottom?”

“Oh I umm...”

“Just climb down the ladder and put on the headset.” Kurt went first and climbed up the ladder and Blaine followed, climbing down.

He looked up to talk to Kurt and caught a glimpse of his slender legs, lead up to his-- Blaine shook his head and continued down the ladder.

After they both had their headsets on and ready Kurt spoke to Blaine. “Strap in, Eyebrows, this could get a little rough.”

Blaine strapped on the safe belt and called back to Kurt, “Just point and shoot?” He asked.

“Just point and shoot” Kurt repeated.


Back in the cockpit Rory had his own headset on and spoke in his rushed tongue to Kurt. “Kurt! Incoming!”

From their guns Blaine and Kurt aim and follow the Imperial fighters firing their laser guns. The ship shakes from the impact of Imperial lasers. Lucky for F1NN he was sitting down and didn’t fall over, but all of the shaking made Rachel look up from her cuddled position between Q and F1NN.

“What’s going on?” Her eyes were red and puffy from crying. “Where is everyone?”

“Imperial fighters.” Q beeped. “Blaine and Kurt are at the guns.”

“I’ve got to help them.” Rachel struggled to stand up on the racking ship. She tripped when another blasted hit the ship, turning the power off momentarily.

“Ow...” F1NN groaned.

“Oh my!” Rachel quickly got to her feet and off of poor F1NN who was collapsed on the floor. “I’m sorry F1NN are you ok?”

Q laughed to herself behind them.

“Yeah” F1NN managed. “I think I’ll just stay here til this is over.”

Rachel gave him a sympathetic look and rushed to the cockpit.

Several fighters sped past Blaine’s line of sight, escaping his lasers.

“They’re coming to fast!” Blaine called to Kurt.

Kurt laughed, clearly having fun. “Just relax and stay focused.”

The two of them continue to fight off the incoming fighters. Another blast rocked the ship violently and F1NN slid around the floor. Q took off to hover around the ship.

“Hey! Don’t leave me here! Where are you going?”

“To see if i can help with any damage. You just try not to damage yourself.” Q beeped and flew off.

Back in the cockpit, Rory motioned for Rachel to keep an eye on the computer. Another blast and the computer beeped at her. She grabbed the headset near her and spoke to Kurt. “We’ve lost lateral controls!”

Kurt brushed it off. “Don’t worry, he’ll hold together.” Another blast shook the ship and a control panel in the hallway began to spark.

“Come on, Pav, baby. Don’t fail me now.” Kurt whispered to his ship.

Q quickly found the sparking panel and shot it with her personal fire extinguisher. Once the fire was out she began to repair the wires.

Kurt and Blaine (mostly Kurt) had significantly lowered the amount of enemy fighters, but the scanner still showd several dancing around the ship. Kurt caught a glimpse of one on the edge of his window. “Blaine, one’s coming your way!.”

Blaine relaxed, focused and blasted it with his first shot. Blaine cheered and laughed and Kurt couldn’t help but laugh too. “I got him on the first shot!” Blaine was surprised at himself.

“See? All you had to do was relax.” Blaine could hear Kurt’s smirk through the headset.

“It’s not over yet, there’s still two left!” Rachel called through the headset.

Kurt and Blaine each followed a fighter waiting for the perfect moment to strike. The fighters circled the ship several times, avoiding Kurt and Blaine’s target areas.

“Next time he’s in your view use the lasers to send him my way and I’ll do the same to mine, got it?” Kurt told Blaine. Blaine understood the plan. “Yeah.”

In almost perfect harmony Kurt and Blaine scared their respective fighters towards the other and they blasted them each to bits at the same time.

The headsets erupted with cheers and Kurt pulled it off. He sighed and rubbed his face, glad it was over.

Rachel hugged Rory. “They’re gone! We made it!”

Blaine faded the ladder looking towards Kurt and smiled brightly. “We did it!” Kurt found himself smiling back.

Q hovered back towards the holding area when a muffled cry from a pile of wires got her attention. “F1NN?”

Somehow F1NN had slid out of the holding area, into a hallway, and managed to get a control panel to explode onto him. “Q. I think I’m dying. It was nice working with you.”

Q reached out with her retractable arm and began to untangle him from the wires. “You know sometimes I think you’d be better off as one of those drama droids.”


Ryerson stared out the window waiting for the fighters to bring news of the Rebel ship.

Corcoran entered the control room calmy. “They just jumped into hyperpace.” She didn’t sound the least bit upset.

“Tracking device in place?” Ryerson mocked.

Corcoran nodded.

“I wanted them destroyed, you know.” Ryerson turned to her. “Don’t you think it’s a huge risk allowing them to escape?”

Corcoran whispered to him. “My plans never fail, Governor, don’t you worry one bit.”


Kurt and Blaine entered the cockpit as Rory left to check on damages. Kurt sat in one of the pilot chairs and took off his gloves. Blaine found himself staring at his hands. When Kurt turned to look at him in the seat behind him, Blaine shifted his stare towards Rachel.

“Not a bad rescue after all eh, Eyebrows.” Kurt crossed his legs.

Blaine turned back to look at him and composed himself. “It was too easy. I think” Blaine took a breath. “I think they might be tracking us, and my name is Blaine.”

Kurt rolled his eyes. “Okay, Blllaaaiiiinnnne.” Kurt let his name just roll off his tongue.

Blaine swallowed audibly and shook his head. “Anyways. I’m just glad Q is intact with the data I gave her.”

“What is so important about the droids?” Kurt glanced at Rachel for a response as well. “What kind of data is worth dying for?”

“Q has data of ever inch of that space station. I hope to find a weakness once it gets analyzed. This war is no where near over.” Blaine sighed.

“It is for me.” Kurt turned towards the window. “I’ve got my own battles to fight, I don’t have time to fight anyone else’s.”

“Then why did you even come out here?” Blaine wondered aloud.

“Ask her.” Kurt pointed to Rachel still not looking back at Blaine. “I’ve got to drive.”

Rachel looked from Kurt to Blaine, tension obvious in the air. “Well...I...we paid him to take us to Alderaan but we ended up rescuing you instead?” Rachel wasn’t sure what Kurt wanted her to say. “Oh that reminds me! We never got a chance to pay you the rest!” Rachel bit her lip. “I don’t exactly have any money...”

“Don’t worry.” Blaine stood up. “I’ll make sure he’s fully paid.” Blaine glanced at the back of Kurt’s chair. “He doesn’t seem to care about anything...or anyone.” Blaine left in a huff.

The words shot through Kurt like an arrow to the heart. He let out a stuttered breath.

“I care!” Rachel called after him, but Blaine was gone.

“Thanks Rachel.” Kurt mumbled angrily.


“Oh nothing, you just made it seem like I’m some money hungry mercenary that only cares about himself.” Kurt crossed his arms.

“This might be forward, but...Do you like him, Kurt.” Rachel said meekly.

Kurt wouldn’t let the surprise show on his face. “No.” He said quickly and angrily.

Rachel looked back towards the door. “Oh,” She smiled. “Good.”

“Besides, someone like me and a prince like that?” Kurt shook his head.

“No, yeah your right. It would never work.”

Kurt pursed his lips and glared at her out of the corner of his eyes. Kurt just wanted this day to be over with. Drop off the passengers, get his money, pay back Jabba, and go back to how things were before. Unfortunately, it was about a day’s worth of flying before they would arrive at the coordinates Blaine gave them for the Rebel base.


The air around the ship was awkward for a bit, but at least they finally had a chance to relax.

Once Q untangled F1NN he decided to power down. Kurt showed Blaine and Rachel the crew’s quarters in case they wanted to rest or clean up. Since the garbage ordeal they all had been a bit gross, so showers were definitely a yes. After everything she’d been through in the last couple days Rachel went straight to sleep after cleaning up.

Blaine sat in the holding area double checking the data on Q. Kurt walked into the room, hair still wet, thankful to get the stench of the garbage off. He was dressed in a similar get up as before. While he used to hate being caught in the same clothes twice, he had not had the luxury to do so in years. “Do you need to borrow clothes?” Kurt rubbed his head with his towel.

Blaine looked up started. “What?”

“Well normally, one changes into clean clothes after taking a shower.” Kurt ran his hands through his hair and Blaine refused to stare. “Rachel brought clothes with her, but I figured you didn’t have any since you were kidnapped.” Kurt shrugged and walked towards the table. Blaine still didn’t respond. “I’m not some money hungry mercenary you know.”

Blaine looked up. Kurt’s expression was soft and honest. “I shouldn’t have...” Blaine started.

“It’s fine.” Kurt waved his hand. “It’s not like I give people much reason to believe otherwise. People judge first and ask questions later.” Blaine tried to meet his eyes, but Kurt looked away. “You really should shower. I’m no senator, but I’m sure a smelly prince, is not royally appropriate.” Kurt walked to the door. “There’s clothes in the drawers there. Help yourself.” There was hurt in his voice but he left before Blaine could find something to say.

Blaine sighed and Q gave him a look. “What?”

She shrugged.

“I messed that up didn’t I?”

Q didn’t respond and settled on the edge of the room to power down.

Blaine took Kurt’s advice and went off to shower, he really did stink.


Kurt trudged int the room.

“Look who’s nice and clean.” Rory turned back to the controls. “Feeling better?”

““Ugh Rory. Are we there yet?” Kurt slouched in his chair.

“I’ll take that as a no.” Rory flipped a switch and turned to Kurt. “Hitting too close to home?”

Kurt groaned. “I don’t want a trip down memory lane, Rore. This was just supposed to be a simple trip. Collect our money and be on our way.” Kurt rubbed his temples.

“Kurt, you can’t avoid the topic forever.” Rory whispered.

Kurt covered his ears, tears in his eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it.” He left the cockpit in a blind rush and ended up in the room Blaine was changing in.

Blaine was pulling on of Kurt’s white V-neck shirts and Kurt saw the torture scars on his arms. He wore the lightest and shortest pair of Kurt’s pants, but they still went past his feet. Kurt hated to admit it to himself, but dripping wet, curly haired Blaine dressed in his clothes was really hot.

“Kurt?” Blaine faintly blushed, but his darker skin tone made it less apparent.

“Sorry, sorry.” Kurt repeated and Blaine grabbed his arm before he could run off. “I should have knocked.”

“It’s ok.” Blaine laughed. “I’m decent.”

Unable to help himself, Kurt glanced to Blaine’s arm, his sleeves rolled up just enough to see the marks. Blaine followed his gaze and flinched to cover them up. He looked uncomfortable and backed away.

“Blaine stop.”

He looked up to Kurt and he rolled up his left sleeve, similar marks on his arm. Blaine subconsciously reached out to trace Kurt’s scars. Kurt held his breath.

“Yours are older...” Blaine muttered.

“But I remember what it’s like.” Kurt bit his lip. “If you want to talk...I mean I kind of understand what you going through.”

Blaine nodded, “Thank you.” His stomach rumbled.

“Hungry?” Kurt smiled.

Blaine blushed and looked away.

“When’s the last time you had any food?”


“Come on.” Kurt patted his arm and led him to an area with a small kitchen and a table. “Sit.”

Blaine sat at the table and looked around the humble kitchen. Kurt hit an intercom button. “Rore, Rachel, Dinner in 30.” Kurt bent down to pull some ingredients out of a cabinet, giving Blaine a rather nice view, not that he’d admit it.

“Wait. You’re going to cook?”

“You don’t think I can?” Kurt raised an eyebrow.

“No, no... I just never thought people cooked in space. With all that instant space food and stuff.”

Kurt laughed. “When you’ve lived off that instant crap for years, you learned how to mix and max ingredients into something better.”


Soon the kitchen was filled with a delight aroma and Blaine couldn’t help but walk over to Kurt. “Can I help any?”

“Sorry, Eyebr-Blaine. I cook alone.” Kurt smirked at him and pushed him back towards the table.

Blaine smiled at the name correction and sat down. Rory and Rachel found their way to the kitchen.

“Oh my stars, Kurt that smells delicious.” Rachel sat next to Blaine and scooted her chair a closer to him, Blaine didn’t notice.

Kurt served the food and they ate in contented silence.

“Kurt this is...this is amazing.” Blaine ate with royal manners.

“It’s just a bunch of instant space food mixed together, you should taste my cooking when I actually have the real ingredients.”


They finally arrived at the Rebel base, on the planet Yavin. A small speeder took them from the landing bay to the main part of the Rebel base. Still wearing Kurt’s clothes under his white cloak Blaine practically jumped off the speeder, the pants rolled and cuffed so he wouldn’t trip. A short red haired haired commander walked forward to meet them from an excited crowd of Rebels.

“Prince Blaine!” She hugged him. “Thank the stars!”

“Commander Pillsbury!” He hugged back.

“We heard about Alderaan, we thought you had been killed.” She held his shoulders.

“I’m afraid there’s no time for sorrows. I’m fairly certain the Imperials tracked our ship here.” She motioned to Kurt, Rachel and Rory who were following behind them. “This Loo-C unit has the data we’ve been waiting for.”

Q quickly hovered to Blaine’s side.

“We need to hurry, Corcoran and the Imperials could be here at any moment.”


Speak of the devil, the Death Star approached. St. James entered the control room interrupting Lady Corcoran and Ryerson’s conversation.

“Sorry to interrupt, but we are approaching the planet Yavin, we are preparing to orbit.”

“Very good. Keep me posted.” Ryerson nodded to him and he left.


Q hooked up the the main computer in the briefing room and relayed her data. It was quikcly analyzed and luck for the Rebels, a weakness was found.

A large group of starpilots, Rachel, Blaine, and a handful of commanders filled the room Kurt and Rory stood near the exit leaning against the wall. Commander Pillsbury and a tall, thin, blonde haired woman stood beside the screen. She wore a long red robe and red pants with white stripes down the side.

Pillsbury finished her speech and introduced, the woman next to her. “General Sylvester.” the commander moved away and Sylvester took the floor a short blonde girl with a digital clipbaord stood at her side.

“Ok, listen up Cheerios” The girls whispered to the General. “Thank you, Becky...and the rest of you. We’ve got a heavily guarded station equipped more firepower than anything you could ever imagine. They only thing that could cause more damage than the Death Star is Schuester the Slut’s ugly mug.” Faint laughter, mostly from the Cheerio pilots echo in the room. “Ok, shut up!” Instant silence. “Because of their flawed defenses, single fighters should be able to slip past their radar.”

A larger, strong, woman stood and spoke. “Not to be rude, but how are single fighters gonna bring down a space station?”

“Beiste, you underestimate the small.” Sylvester barked. “The Empire is not going to see them as much of a threat, and they are the perfect size to carry out our plans.”

Becky signaled Q and she changed the screen to show the Death Star and illustrated as Sylvester talked. “All you need to do is fly down this narrow trench, skim the surface, until you reach...there.” Q highlighted the weakness. “This here, is a small exhaust port that leads directly to the reactor system. If one of you talentless hacks is good enough to hit it a chain reaction will start resulting in the destruction of the entire station.”

Murmurs broke out among the crowd.

“Oh and to top it off the only weapons that’ll work are proton torpedoes.”

An audible groan spread throughout the pilots. Kurt turned to Rory and shook his �head.

A young dark haired pilot near Rachel stood and spoke. “A computer can’t even make that shot.”

“You think THAT shot is hard? Try escaping from Imperial troops with three broken limbs, that’s hard.”

They still talked amongst themselves. Kurt turned to Rory and rolled his eyes.

“Now get out and get to your ships! May the Force be with you!” Sylvester turned, Becky shu toff the computer screen and they walked away. The pilots stood up and prepared to leave.


The Death Star moved into position Ryerson and Corcoran looked to their computer screen. Yavin and the rebel base were just beyond their reach.

St. James bounced into the room then quickly took on a stoic face. “The Rebel base will be in range in thirty minutes.”

“You know you could just use the com system.” Ryerson gave him a look.

“Oh...Sorry, sir.” St. James bowed his head.

“It’s fine.” Lady Corcoran waved. “You may go.”

St. James smiled and left.

Corcoran turned to Ryerson. “This day will go down in Empire History as the end of the rebellion.”


The hanger was lined with Rebel spacefighters, flight crews running around prepping everyone for take off. Kurt and Rory stood �away from the commotion loading a small speeder.

“Everyone to their stations! Everyone to your stations!” Becky’s voiced echoed through the intercom.

Kurt kept his back to the fighters, trying hard to ignore everyone. Rachel watched them and ran over, now in a pilot uniform. Kurt looked at the atrocious orange jumpsuit with the red and white Cheerio logo. “Cheerio, huh?”

Rachel smiled. “Yep they let me use one of their uniforms!” She did a little twirl. Kurt’s eyes widened in disgust. He shuddered and turned back to his work. Rachel’s smile faded. “So you really are leaving...”

“Yep.” Kurt went back to packing.

“Hey.” Rachel stood in front of the next package. “Why don’t you stay and help?”

“Look, Rachel. I’ve things to do, people to pay. Staying here really doesn’t fit in my schedule.” Kurt crossed his arms.

“You know how powerful the Death Star can be and you’re just gonna leave? Turn your back on us.”

“This suicide mission is not my idea of courage. It’s nothing personal, but I’ve really got to go.”

Rachel sighed. “Fine. Take care of yourself, Kurt. I’ll miss you.” Rachel walked off.

“Hey wait.” Kurt called after her.

Rachel turned around hoping, but not expecting Kurt to change his mind.

“May the Force be with you...”

Rachel managed a small smile and waved goodbye.

“You’d stay if it wasn’t for Jabba wouldn’t you?” Rory asked.

“Don’t ask me questions you already know the answers to.” Kurt went back to packing.

Blaine ran out from around the corner and walked towards them.

“Don’t bother trying to convince me to stay. Rachel already tried.” Kurt said with his back to Blaine.

“Oh I wasn’t going to. I’m quite aware of how stubborn you can be.” Blaine stood awkwardly. “I’ve just come to say thank you and goodbye. Oh and I hope that money was enough.”

Kurt turned around sadly. “Yeah the money’s fine.” he muttered. Their eyes met, Blaine’s pleaded for Kurt to stay and Kurt’s pleaded for Blaine to just let him go. Kurt suddenly stuck out his hand and Blaine just stared at it.

“You shake it.” Kurt said with a small smile. “Remember?”

“I know now to shake hands.” Blaine recited. and took Kurt’s hand. Warm met cool, rough met smooth, firm met soft. “Thank you and goodbye I guess.” They let go and Blaine walked away without a look back.

“See ya around Eyebrows.” Kurt whispered.

“Sure you don’t wanna stay?” Rory cleared his throat.

“Hey, the bounty’s on you too, Furball. Let’s go.”


Blaine caught to Rachel, Q and F1NN at her fighter. She eyed her helmet solemnly. “Hey, you alright?”

“I guess...I just thought Kurt would stay a-and help us.” Rachel put the helmet down and fixed her pony tail so it would fit better.

“Kurt’s his own man, he makes his own choices. We can’t make them for him.”

Rachel sighed. “I wish Brad was here...”

“Prince Blaine!” Becky ran down the hanger. “General Sylvester wants you in the war room.”

Blaine gives Rachel’s shoulder a tight squeeze. “Gotta go, good luck.”

“You too.” Rachel grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his cheek.

Blaine was startled but didn’t have time to deal with it. He ran off to follow Becky to the war room.

Rachel turned to Q. “Q, I know it’s a bit short notice, but would you do me the honor of being my Loo-C unit on this voyage?”

Q beeped happily and hovered to her socket on the back of the fighter.

“Be careful Q.” F1NN called. “You too Rachel. Come back safely.”

Rachel gave F1NN a hug. “You can go and watch over us from the war room. Don’t worry we’ll come back.”

Rachel donned her helmet and climbed into her fighter along with the rest of the Cheerios and the other pilots.

“The Force will be with you.” Brad voice echoed through the hanger. Rachel put her hand to the ear of the helmet. She shook her head.

“Pilots, prepare for take off!” Becky’s voice rang through the hanger.

The Rebel fleet took off from their base flying through into space.

Blaine, Sylvester, Becky, Pillsbury and F1NN watched the large screen in the center of the room.

Becky read the screen through a com and it echoed through the hanger. “Death Star in range in fifteen minutes.”


The Rebel pilots checked in with their leaders as they flew in attack formation towards the Death Star.

The Cheerios leader, led the squad. “Everyone brace yourselves we are passing through the magnetic field.” She flipped some switches on her panel. “Accelerate to attack speed. This is it guys.” The fighters made their way to the trench just like Sylvester described.


Alarms blared through the Death Star as guns emerged from around the trenches opening fire on the Rebel fleet.

“Watch out for those lasers.” Rachel said to the headsets. Their formation broke as they tried to avoid getting hit. Several Rebel pilots were shot and exploded.

Blaine watched anxiously at the screen. “Ugh I should be out there helping.”

Sylvester nudged him. “No use getting your royal neck killed, Blaine. Your duty is here.”

“Just watching?” Blaine stared at the screen, hoping that the war would change in their favor.”

Back in the Death Star, Corcoran gathered a fighters. “To your ships, men! We’ve got to destroy those Rebels pilots one by one.”

The Empire sent a squad of fighters after them and they showed up on the screen.

“Guys! You’ve got Imperials on your six.” Blaine voice came through the headsets.

A massive fight broke out in space. Green lasers from the Imperials clashed with the red from the Rebels. Blaine and F1NN watched the screen anxiously, silently willing their friends to come back alive.

End Notes: I hope you enjoyed reading. Reviews are much appreciated. :) If you have any questions or anything feel free to drop an ask in my tumblr. I'm k8y411 there too. Hopefully I can wrap up A New Hope in one more part. Oh and if Jesse seems to just teleport everywhere, that's because I make him whatever officer necessary. I'm just weird like that...


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