This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 9 I Could Get Used To This Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 9 I Could Get Used To This

E - Words: 6,208 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
378 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Hi everyone! SO this chapter (once again) Got totally out of hand and ended at just over 6300 words... so, yeah. I think i need to stop even pretending i know what i'm doing going into each chapter. They never turn out how i think they will. But i think they turn out better. I really like this chapter... cliche? perhaps. i don't care. The songs I Could Get Used To This by The Veronicas. enjoy~

When I freak you understand

There is not a thing you miss

And I could get used to this

I'm feeling it comin' over me

With you it all comes naturally

I've lost the reflex to resist

And I could get used to this

By the time Monday morning rolled around Kurt felt like he had gotten no relaxation from the weekend. With the meltdown on Saturday and Cheerios practice for 10 hours on Sunday he possibly felt even more drained then he had on Friday.

It didn't help at all that he had been forced to ride to school with Finn in his old rusty truck he insisted he was fixing, while really he just talked about fixing. Of course his father had to pick a Monday morning to keep his Navigator home for a tune up.

The smell of grease and old truck had given him a headache before they were even half way to the school. As he held his head in his hand, leaning against the window, relishing in the cold glass against his forehead, Kurt realized it was going to be a very, very long day. And his patience was already long gone.

He felt like lead as he grabbed his books for English out of his locker and headed towards Ms. Tardiffs room.

It was early and no one was around, Finn had demanded they left early so he could spend some time with Rachel before school. God forbid they didn't see each other until lunch, Kurt thought bitterly.

Not knowing where else to go Kurt sank into his seat in English. He had started taking his seat next to Blaine near the center of the room. Even though they hadn't really talked in the class since he switch he knew it made Blaine feel better to have a friendly face next to him, and Kurt would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the new arrangement as well.

He clattered into the desk and dropped his head into his arms with a huff. "Morning Ms. T" he mumbled from the cave he had made around his head. He usually wouldn't let anyone see him slouched over and exhausted but it was Marnie Tardiff, and no one else was around.

"Rough morning Kurt?" He heard her say from in front of him. How hadn't he heard her get up and walk over to his desk?

He looked up at her and nodded "Yup. Long weekend too. Sue is going to be the death of me…" He groaned as he leaned back against his chair, his back cracking quietly "I had Blaine over on Saturday. He accidently brought up David." He said quietly for another explanation for his mood and started spinning his pen on the desk, not making eye contact.

"Well he didn't know any better Kurt… But that's good that you two are getting along! I knew you would!" She said, her smile almost bringing one to Kurt's face. Almost.

He shrugged his shoulders "Yeah. Blaine's a good guy. He needed a friend." He wasn't going to add fuel to the theories that he knew full well she had been making up in her mind, by telling her that he had known Blaine prior to her setting up the meeting.

She turned around and wiggled her finely plucked brows at him. "Friend. Right." She said with a wink.

"Marnie we just met! And just because we are the only two out boys at McKinely does not by any means imply that we have to get together." Kurt, much like with Noah, had started addressing Ms. Tardiff as two separate people. There was his teacher Ms. Tardiff and his friend and mentor Marnie. While they were alone gossiping and chatting like this he often called her by her first name and she had never asked him not to. "Please stop trying to play matchmaker!"

Sometimes he felt odd that one of his closest friends was a teacher, but then he would see Finn's relationship with Shue, and realize that teachers were people and could be friends just like anyone else. Even if most of the high school population would rather shoot themselves.

She shook her head at him and rolled her eyes "You did not just accuse me of setting you up with someone just because they are gay! Really Kurt? You are in a bad mood today." She said with a sigh. "Look, he's adorable, he was sweet and he had been through a lot like you have. He's a strong kid, you both are but in different ways. As soon as I read his file I thought of you guys being friends, after I met him I thought you two would hit it off. Because you are toe people whose personalities mesh." She said as she found herself leaning on Kurt's desk in front of him.

"Kurt, I think I hit a nerve. I see it in your eyes. Let yourself have some fun. And better yet trust me Kurt."

The door was pushed farther open and Marnie stepped back into her teacher role and welcomed the new arrival.

Kurt sat back in his chair and wanted to go for a walk but didn't have time before the bell. Why did everyone have to have the same bloody opinion? Why couldn't one person indulge him in his cynical world?

Everyday since Blaine had transferred into Kurt's life he felt his resistance chipping away, more like crumbling rapidly actually.

This was made even clearer when the door opened again and Blaine walked in, a smile on his face as his eyes searched for Kurt. The second they landed on him, they got bigger and the smile grew ten times.

That moment their eyes locked Kurt's exhaustion and frustration disappeared as he smiled back at Blaine. He knew full well that all his resistance was gone. But he wasn't about to go and make this easy for Blaine either. Where would the fun in that be?

Finally the bell rang and Kurt took a deep breath, classes were over and now he could go, sing away the rest of the day and go home. His mind wondered thinking about what musical he would watch when he got home, in the couple hours before his dad got off work, since Carole was working late, when his phone buzzed from his pocket.

Rachel: Shue isn't here today. Glee is canceled. Against my better judgment mind you. I will see you all tomorrow in Rehearsal. No exceptions.

Kurt smiled to himself, two musicals it was then! He grabbed his bag and headed towards Finn's locker as his phone buzzed again.

Finn: Dude since Glee is canceled and Rachs dads wont be home till late Im heading over there find another way home k? tell Burt that Im studying or something! Thanks man!

Kurt stopped dead in his tracks and rolled his eyes. Finn had to be kidding him. What was he supposed to do now? The only people he could think of would be Quinn or Santana. The rest of the Glee club had probably fled as fast as they could. But the Cheerios had practice.

He had been very excited that he didn't have to go to the practice since they weren't working on his number, Quinn and San had been able to get out of the first half for Glee, but there was no way Sue wouldn't drag their butts to practice now.

Kurt: Ugh! Finn! As if Dad would believe you were studying! Though I do hope Rachel lectures you on your horrid grammar! Learn to punctuate Finn!

With that Kurt turned on his heels and wondered what he was going to do with his time, his fingers mashing against his screen texting Quinn.

Blaine realized as he walked to the locked Choir room that he must not have made the mass-text list that had obviously informed all the other members of New Directions Glee was canceled. He even double-checked his phone to make sure he just didn't miss the text.

Of course he didn't. No one had even bothered to text him. He felt his heart sink a little. He understood that he was new, that it wasn't anything against him. But it hurt to be the one kid who was left not knowing. Kurt hadn't even texted him to make sure he knew.

He turned back around and headed for the nearest door, he knew his car was parked at the other end of the school but it was a nice day in early fall and he always enjoyed this time of year.

With a stretch he stepped out into the slightly chilly air and inhaled. He could just start to smell the leaves, a few scattered on the concrete of the lunch courtyard. His eyes traveled through the empty area as he walked, until he realized it wasn't empty.

Kurt was sitting, his back against a ledge, on the stairs with a book propped up on his knees and ear buds in. He looked adorable, caught up in his own little world.

What was he even still doing there, class had let out almost a half hour ago? Blaine's lips twisted into a smirk as he rounded back to come up behind the other boy. He knew full well that scaring Kurt might not be the best idea, but he was already sitting down, what was the worst that could happen?

He knelt down on the ledge that was level with Kurt's shoulders and yanked one of the headphones out of his ear gently. "Boo!" he said with a chuckle.

To his surprise Kurt barely even Jumped and only whipped around to face him, his face breaking out into a smile when he saw who it was. "You are horrible I hope you know!" he said shaking his head and lightly smacking Blaine flirtatiously on the arm.

Blaine shrugged and sat down on the ledge, his feet dangling down next to Kurt who looked up at him. Kurt's smile always made Blaine want to dance around and do silly things like sneak up on him. It was one of the little things that made the world a happy place in Blaine's head.

"What are you even still doing here Blaine?" Kurt asked, confusion evident in his voice. "Didn't you get Rachel's mass text?"

Blaine shook his head with a shrug, trying not to let him show that the fact bugged him. "Guess I haven't made it into the New Directions group in her phone yet."

Kurt frowned slightly. "I'll make sure she gets you next time… actually I'll text you when ever anything happens… of course I'll still get her to make sure you're on the text list but you know, just in case." Kurt said and looked away, blushing slightly.

Blaine laughed and smiled down at the other boy "I'd like that. But what are you doing here? I assume this isn't your secret favorite reading place."

Kurt sighed heavily and the sound amused Blaine, it was so over dramatic and just so Kurt. It was a sigh that Blaine had heard many times, only a few directed at him, many a times at lunch or in practice thrown towards Finn or the other boys, occasionally Rachel.

He rolled his eyes shaking his head "Finn can't keep it in his pants. Ever since Rachel finally gave it up he grabs every second of alone time with her he can. At all costs. Including leaving me stranded at the school to find my own way home so he can get lucky before her dads get home."

Blaine's eyebrows shot up at the mention of Rachel's two dads. He hadn't known she had two dads… two gay dads he would assume. He didn't pry for those details though; it wasn't his place or the time. "Ouch… wait so he just left you here? How were you going to get home?"

Kurt shrugged "He didn't care how I got home. Quinn is going to give me a ride with her when she takes Britt and San to San's house. But alas, they have Cheerios practice till 7. I'd get Dad to come get me but he works till then anyways. So here I am. 3 hours. Yaaay." He said sarcastically making jazz hands to exclamate his fake enthusiasm.

"No you aren't come on, I'll give you a ride." Blaine said and hopped off of the ledge and held out his hand to help Kurt up. "Come on, you're not going to just sit here for three hours."

He watched as Kurt debated his offer, biting his lip like he always did when he was thinking.

He nodded and took Blaine's hand.

Kurt sat in the passenger seat of Blaine's shinny black car that sat outside of his house and made a snap decision as he was reaching for his seatbelt "You know, Finn's at Rachel's, Dad and Carol are at work… It gets kinda lonely not having them around. I used to be more then happy to be alone but I've gotten used to there always being people, do you think you'd want to come in? I was planning on watching a couple Musicals… but we don't have to if you don't want to" Kurt said as he fidgeted slightly, he was actually more then okay being alone, but he wanted to spend time with Blaine, He glanced up from the hem of his shirt to a smiling Blaine and returned the smile weakly.

Blaine nodded and Kurt felt like a weight was lifted "I would like that. I love musicals!" he said and bounced out of the car at a record speed. Kurt shook his head, undid his seatbelt and was surprised to see the door already open for him, Blaine standing holding it for him.

Kurt couldn't help the blush that covered his face as he shook his head "Blaine Anderson how are you even real?" He asked as he got out and watched Blaine close his door behind him.

"I'm just being a gentleman Kurt." he said and seemed to bounce on the balls of his feet as he followed Kurt up the driveway and into the house.

As soon as Kurt unlocked the door he started to panic. He hadn't thought this through at all, the house wasn't a disaster but it wasn't his version of ready for company either. He knew pillows and blankets were scattered around the living room and there were dishes in the sink in the kitchen. He mentally swore at himself as he realized the only presentable room in the house was his basement, since he always kept it immaculate.

"Um, the musicals and stuff are in my room if that's okay? I have a couch and stuff down there… It's kinda what Finn and I use as an entertainment room away from the living room…" he said as he slowly inched his way towards the door leading downstairs.

Blaine nodded "Okay, cool. I get to see Kurt Hummel's bedroom. I'll refrain from making all the jokes that just came to mind." He teased as he followed Kurt down the stairs.

Kurt laughed, his cheeks heating up as he tried not to think about the exact jokes Blaine had even thought of.

When they made it down stairs Kurt stepped to the side and let Blaine pass "Well, um, it's nothing special…" he said as he watched Blaine walk around the large open room. Kurt always felt his basement was more like a loft then anything else. He had a little sitting area in front of a large TV and a wall of movies, his desk and workspace shoved into a corner, his bed and vanity on the opposite wall. He was always thankful for his own bathroom in the basement and the fact that there was a floor between him and everyone else.

He watched nervously as Blaine looked at everything, in silence. He looked at the pictures on his desk and nightstand, the different bottles on his vanity and all the little touches of personality neatly incorporated into the modern room. "It's very you." Blaine said and smiled at him, which was when Kurt let out a breath he didn't realize he had been holding.

Kurt relaxed and finally perched on the edge of his bed where he could see his whole room and everything Blaine was doing. "Is that a good thing?" He asked with a joking edge, but also an underlying tone of genuine curiosity.

He knew that Blaine showed him that he liked who he was practically daily, but he still felt like he needed Blaine's vocal reassurance to prove to him that it was okay to not pick up the pieces of his wall the other boy had destroyed.

Blaine picked up a picture of all the New Directions in what appeared to be New York, he assumed from their trip for Nationals and smiled nodding "Very good. I like that I could have walked in here and known it was your room right from the second I saw it. I didn't know what to expect out of your room. But this is definitely you." He said and walked over to Kurt.

"Not to mention the color goes very well with your skin," He said with a flirtatious wink then turned towards the movie shelves. Kurt took a few short moments to pull himself together and retort.

"I thought I was going to have to repaint when Finn and Carol moved in! This color didn't suit him at all. Thankfully Dad insisted on being very quick about building an addition upstairs for him." Kurt said as he walked over to Blaine. "Any idea what you want to watch?" Kurt said as he leaned on the arm of his couch.

Blaine made an array of faces as he looked at all the titles on the shelf. Every face left Kurt trying not to laugh at how adorable it was, he was captivated by all the extremes he saw over something as simple as a movie collection.

He was snapped out of his appraisal as his cell phone started singing at him. He noticed Blaine look at him as he grabbed the phone. "It's my dad, one sec," he said as he answered "Hey dad."

"Hey kiddo" His dad replied "You and Finn home from Glee? Just wanted to call and say that I've got the Navigator all cleaned up and in tip top shape for ya"

"Actually Glee was canceled, Finn said he was going to Rachel's to study" he said relaying Finn's lame excuse.

As he expected Burt snorted "Studying, I'm sure. Wait, how did you get home?" Burt asked sounding worried "You aren't still at the school are you? I swear if he left you stranded at the school just so he could mess around with Rachel I wil-"

"No! Dad, it's fine. I'm at home. Blaine gave me a lift, actually we are just sitting down to watch a movie." Kurt said, even though he didn't like that Finn had bailed on him, he wasn't about to get him in trouble. "I told him he could go. Not to worry about me. I was going to get a ride with Quinn when she was done with Cheerios but Blaine offered"

He heard his dad sigh heavily into the phone. "Kurt I don't know if I like you being alone in the house with some boy…"

Kurt squeaked and blushed at his father's implication "Dad! No! What do you think I'm going to do? Way to trust me. And might I just add that I am 17, I am not a child I can be alone with a guy. I've never given you any reason to assume that would be happening so can you not" he said defensively and refused to look at Blaine who he heard trying not to laugh in the background.

Burt was silent for a few moments "Okay, okay. Fine. I trust you. I'm just not used to this whole boy thing yet… Okay. Well Carole is gonna be late. And I assume Finn won't leave until late. Especially if the Berry's invite him for dinner… I have a couple more hours here. It looks like it's gonna storm so make sure all the windows upstairs are closed and I will see you later."

Kurt nodded to himself; thankful his father had let it go "Okay, will do. I'll see you later. Bye dad. Love you." With that he hang up and sagged against the couch again.

He pushed himself up and over so he was actually sitting on the couch and shook his head as he replayed the conversation with his dad.

"So your dad thought that we were going to sleep together? At least that's what I got from the way you turned as red as a rose and squeaked" Blaine teased poking him lightly in the shoulder.

Kurt laughed and swatted away his hand "Apparently. Because it's impossible for two gay guys to hang out and not end up in bed." He said rolling his eyes.

Blaine laughed and nodded "Well of course! Haven't you seen those damned gays in the media? Queer as Folk shows us that all gay men are whores" Blaine said sarcastically.

"Hey! I happen to like Queer as Folk… even if it doesn't give the gay community a stellar image. It's a least a somewhat real image." He said with a shrug.

"Okay! No dissing Queer as Folk then." He teased and leaned back in the couch, leaning more on the armrest so he was facing Kurt. "So, does your dad think we are together or something?" Blaine questioned lifting an eyebrow.

Kurt shrugged "No idea. Maybe? I told him you just needed a friend, and that that's what we are, but you're the first gay boy I've ever really met. I think he just assumes." He really didn't even know why everyone just had to assume things. It made Kurt feel angry that he was falling into their stereotype by falling for Blaine. It made it look like convenience not attraction, which wasn't true. Kurt would never be with someone just out of convenience. He was worth more then that.

Blaine was silent for a few moments "Yeah, that's annoying. But I guess we can't let them dictate what's going to happen between us can we? I mean if we are just friends then we are fully allowed to have a platonic relationship" He said with a shrug.

Kurt nodded "Exactly." He said. It was really nice to have Blaine. Regardless of how his feelings were a mess about it, it was a relief to have someone who knew what he was going through.

Blaine cleared his throat and continued "But, you know, if we aren't strictly platonic, there's nothing wrong with that either." He said as he looked at the blank TV.

Kurt watched him "Blaine Anderson, are you blushing?" Kurt pointed out his heart running faster then he ever thought possible. He didn't know how this conversation was going but it was exhilarating and terrifying.

Blaine's face looked like he had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar "I... uh… Maybe?" He said and finally faced Kurt, by this point both of them had a faint flush across their cheeks.

"Mr. Anderson, what ever would you be implying?" Kurt asked and a smirk. It hit Kurt then, it hadn't been Puck's drink, it hadn't been adrenaline, it had just been Blaine that had brought out this confidence in him. And he loved it.

Blaine turned fully so he was looking at Kurt, and Kurt could feel his eyes studying him. He didn't know what to do with his face as Blaine just watched him.

"I'm implying that I think we both know this isn't platonic. That it's never been platonic." Blaine said quietly, continuing to study Kurt's face as it heated up.

It was Kurt's turn this time to study Blaine's face, searching his eyes for what the right thing to say was. "I think…" he said as he tried to gather his thoughts. "You could very well be correct in that theory… but that we shouldn't jump into anything."

Was this really happening? Sitting in his basement all alone, no one to walk in on them and ruin the moment? Kurt never thought he would be in this situation.

The smile that always made Kurt light up covered Blaine's face and he nodded, trying to keep a poker face on, trying to remain serious. Which made Kurt just want to cuddle him like a teddy bear. "I think you are right. No jumping into anything. As long as we are in agreement moving forward though."

Kurt nodded biting his lip, trying to surprises his own smile "I think we are in perfect agreement. Platonic is not a word we would use to describe our… relationship"

Blaine laughed at that point, loud and beautiful. It filled the basement with warmth and happiness, spreading heat through Kurt's body. "So now that that is out of the way, I think we should go do something. Did I hear your dad say something about making sure the windows are closed? Cause I think I hear it starting to rain" Blaine said and Kurt watched him push himself off of the couch.

Kurt nodded and took a deep breath. Thankful for the change of pace and subject, the electricity in that conversation had left him wanting to jump across the couch and into Blaine's arms. "Yeah, he did. We should go check those"

Instead of jumping into his arms he took Blaine's outstretched hand and allowed him to help him up off of the couch, their hands staying linked as they climbed the stairs.

They weren't together, and Kurt was happy with that. It was just a step. At least they both knew that this was something for both of them. And for now that was enough for the both of them.

A half hour later Blaine and Kurt were making their way back down the stairs into Kurt's basement, laughing about something Blaine said. As they made their way towards the couch once again, a loud clap of thunder filled the room, causing Kurt to jump in the air with a shriek.

Blaine himself jumped as well but only as a result of the shrieking boy next to him. "Kurt are you okay…?" He asked taking a step towards the boy who was now actually shaking as another crash of thunder sounded.

"Fine. Absolutely fine. Lets watch a movie now." Kurt said, his voice a few octaves higher then usual. "How does Sweeny Todd sound? It's loud. I like that musical, I always wanted to be Mrs. Lovette! And Johnny Depp is amazing in everything he does." Blaine watched Kurt ramble as he fluttered around the room getting the movie set up.

He sat down on the couch and watch as Kurt dropped the DVD case with the next clap of thunder. "I really don't think you are fine Kurt," He said trying not to laugh. Not that Kurt's fear was funny, it wasn't, but Kurt was just so adorable all nervous and scared. It made Blaine want to go up behind him and wrap his arms around him and whisper in his ear to calm him down.

Of course that was out of the question. While they had agreed that their relationship wasn't one of purely friendship, they had also agreed to not jump into anything. Even if Blaine wanted to jump off the diving board headfirst.

"I am fine. Really Blaine, it's just some thunder. It's not going to kill me. I'm not some child or damsel in distress you need to sav-" Just as Kurt was about to finish his sentence the room went pitch black, Blaine looked around aimlessly. He literally could not see a thing.

But he did hear quite loudly the scream from Kurt. "Blaine! Blaine where are you! Blaine!" He heard Kurt knock into something and stood up.

"I'm right here Kurt, don't move, I'll find you." He said, realizing for the first time that there were no windows in Kurt's basement. That had to be a fire hazard as well as inconvenient.

Blaine took a few tentative steps, trying to remember where he had last seen Kurt, his hands outstretched before his hands landed on Kurt's shoulders. He could hear the shuttering sigh of relief as he got a-hold of Kurt.

Blaine rubbed Kurt's arm gently "You okay Kurt?" he asked, barely able to make out an outline of the boy in front of him.

Before he knew what was happening he felt Kurt hurl himself into his arms and burry his face in Blaine's shoulder. After a few seconds of shock at their new position Blaine brought his hand up and started rubbing circles in Kurt's back "You really don't do well with storms do you?" Blaine asked with a slight chuckle.

Kurt huffed and hit him in the shoulder "Shut up! I just hate storms." Kurt said as he nuzzled his face into Blaine's chest.

Kurt hadn't even realized what he was doing until he was in Blaine's arms, breathing in his sent and warmth, the safe feeling of being in his arms. He knew it was blurring the "not jumping into anything" Lines but at that moment he just needed to feel safe.

"What's so bad about storms? I kind of like them. Power outages too! It's like you're camping!" Kurt took in Blaine's voice and shook his head, taking deep breathes as he paid attention to the motion of Blaine's hand on his upper back.

"When I was little, there was a storm, it was really, really bad, at least to a five year old. I snuck downstairs to see my dad, My mom was out at her sisters for the weekend, and my dad was watching that Twister movie. I was so horrified but I couldn't look away. It took me about a half hour to run to my dad and cry on his shoulder. I have never been calm in a storm since" Kurt said in a long breath as he jumped a little at another loud clap.

He could feel Blaine nodding against his shoulder "Oh. That makes sense. Hey, I know what I'm going to do…" Blaine said and slowly started to back them up until he felt the couch hit his knees.

Kurt felt Blaine turn him around so that he could sit on the couch, he couldn't see Blaine but he could feel him kneel down in front of him, his hands on Kurt's knees. "You're going to tell me where I can find candles and a lighter or match, and I'm going to get some light going in here, then I'm going to grab my laptop out of my backpack and we are going to watch a movie. I don't have a huge choice selection on there but I'm pretty sure I have West Side Story."

Kurt heard his voice and nodded, then realized Blaine couldn't see him either. "O-okay. Well. There should be candles and matches in the cupboard in my bathroom. But I don't know how you are going to get there without killing yourself on something." Kurt said worrying his lip.

He felt Blaine moving around and then a light came from his hand "Why didn't I think of this earlier? See, I'll use my cell, and you can take yours out too and use that. Then you can see around you and you can see where I am."

Kurt nodded and pulled out his own cell. "Okay, this works." He felt ridiculous but to be honest, he was a lot calmer then he usually was in storms. Even at 17 he would cower in his dads arms and make him blare Broadway during a storm. He felt like it wasn't that big of a deal with Blaine walking him through it. When he wondered why that was his stomach started to twist and he stopped the train of thought.

He watched as Blaine slowly made his way towards his bathroom and let out a shaky breath when the light disappeared into the adjacent room.

His phone started singing again and he was thankful to see it was his dad. "Daddy?" he asked in a shaky but intelligible voice.

"Hey kiddo. How are you holding up?" Burt asked, and Kurt could hear the worry in his voice. He was the only one who was fully aware for Kurt's fear. Finn and Carole hadn't witnessed it yet.

"I-I'm fine… The powers out here dad." He said as he watched the door waiting for the light to reemerge as he heard drawers and cupboard opening.

"Here too kid… That Blaine guy is still with you right? You don't sound too shaken."

"Yeah. Blaine is here. He's been really good since the storm started. He's getting candles right now." He said with a smile, Blaine had really been good. He was amazing really.

"Good. Kurt, I need you to stay calm for me okay?" Burt asked and Kurt got a huge knot in his stomach. This couldn't be good.

"Dad, what's wrong? Dad, tell me what's wrong." He said starting to panic.

Blaine must have heard his voice cracking because he quickly came out of the bathroom with an armload of candles, a pack of matches and his phone. He quickly made his way back to the couch and put his hand back on Kurt's knee before starting to light the dozen or so candles he had brought out.

Kurt could almost hear his father shaking his head at him, "Kurt I said to stay calm, is Blaine there? Is he beside you?"

"Yes dad. You are scarring me," He said as he shifted closer to Blaine who was half way through the candles, but stopped and put an arm around him, rubbing circles once again in his shoulders.

"Look, I'm assuming you're downstairs, and that's good. So I know you haven't looked outside, but it's pretty bad Kurt. It's started to hail and they have started advising people to stay off the roads until it clears. But they say it doesn't look like it will till really late tonight."

Kurt didn't like where he knew this was going "What are you trying to say dad?" he asked trying to take deep breathes.

"It's fine Kurt, everything is fine. Just I won't be able to get home until this clears up. John, he lives just down the road so I'm going there to wait out the storm. I already called Finn and the Berry's have set the couch up for him. Carole says that she has had a bunch of accidents down at the hospital since it's started."

Kurt kept trying to breathe and not launch into another panic attack, hadn't Blaine seen enough of that on Saturday? Why did the fates hate him so much? "But what am I going to do when Blaine needs to go home?" Kurt said, the panic starting to settle in. He was fine with Blaine right there. But when Blaine left and he was all-alone? That was a different story.

He heard his father let out a slightly frustrated noise "Kurt, you weren't listening to a word I just said were you? The roads are horrible. Blaine isn't going anywhere. You better both be inside that house asleep by the time I get home. And I mean asleep with him on the couch." Burt said sternly

Kurt let out a relieved breath and closed his eyes for a moment, then looked at Blaine who had pulled out his phone and was texting on it. When he looked up he smiled and nodded. "Parents already texted me telling me to stay put" Blaine whispered to Kurt.

"Okay dad. Blaine's parents said pretty much the same thing." Kurt said as he watched Blaine stand and start placing the candles around the room, lighting everything in a shadowy glow.

"You going to be okay kid? Gotta say, that Blaine guy has my props, if you're coherent right now he must be doing somethin' right. I'll see you in the morning Kurt. I mean it. Couch Kurt."

Kurt actually laughed and rolled his eyes, as if he'd be able to think about sex during a storm. "Yes dad. I got it. Bye."

A half hour later Blaine was setting up West Side Story on his laptop and sat back down on the couch, the screen sitting on the table in front of them.

He felt Kurt jump again at another clap of thunder and frowned. It wasn't fun seeing Kurt all shaken, adorable as it might be. He much preferred when he left Kurt nervous, not a storm.

Kurt looked at him, and he looked light he was debating something quite avidly in his mind before he spoke "Okay, I know what we said earlier today, and I still stand by that conversation, but I'm going to just do this…" Kurt said and grabbed a blanket from his bed and came back, sitting pressed up against Blaine, snuggling into him, wrapping his arms around the other boys waist "And nothing changes."

Blaine felt Kurt get comfortable against his chest and he let his arm fall around the other boy. He could smell Kurt's shampoo and he took a leap and pressed his face gently against the top of his head. "Or, we can do this, and we just take it for what it is, another step away from the platonic. I don't think I can ignore having you cuddled into my side like this. Just pretend it's not the best feeling in the world." He mumbled quietly against Kurt's hair.

Kurt was silent for a few moments, Blaine worried that he had over stepped, feared that Kurt was going to pull away and leave him cold and lonely.

But Kurt did the opposite, he nuzzled farther into his side and sighed contently "I guess I could live with that."

End Notes:

So there it is! they aren't together but they are't not either... its just the cute flirty nervous stage and i really really love this phase! dasjfjsad its always my favorite.

and if you want to laugh at my ramblings while i write and watch how these twist and turns leave me follow me on tumblr at justxlosersxlikexme


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