This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 5 Enchanted Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 5 Enchanted

E - Words: 3,508 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
411 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes:

I love you all you know this right? just thought i would remind you. SO this chapter kinda really got away from me and its quite a bit longer then all the other chapters thus far, but it does have something a lot of you have been excited for! sjkfakds Honestly, i had no idea how this was going to turn out, but here it is.

if you want random ramblings while i write this or wanna come be my friend i'm on tumblr at justxlosersxlikexme

The playful conversation starts

Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy
And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you

The next day Kurt slipped into Ms. Tardiff's English class mere seconds before the bell rang and took his seat right by the door once again. He didn't let his gaze stray anywhere other than the front of the room. Though he could feel eyes on him, and he didn't know whether he wanted them to be Blaine's or not.

No matter how much he avoided Blaine, the effort he put into never coming face to face with him, Kurt felt this pull in the pit of his stomach to Blaine. That boy had become his everything without being anything. Just a thought, a dream, a night he could hardly believe happened. He had been in love with the idea of Blaine. But the idea of Blaine was suddenly horrifying.

His mind was spinning as he chewed his lip. He had a choice to make and it was tearing his stomach apart. There were only two possible options and neither one left Kurt thrilled.

On one hand, Kurt could subtly duck out of the arranged meeting with Blaine and Ms. Tardiff; he could plant a seed in Rachel's mind that they needed a lunchtime practice. It could work, once Rachel got her mindset on something everyone had to comply or face her wrath, and on a Tuesday no one had the energy to argue with her.

On the other hand Kurt could suck it up and go. He could meet with Blaine and hope to the fates that he wasn't recognized. Even if he was he could play dumb and no one would be the wiser. If he stayed adamant enough Blaine would give up and move on wouldn't he? Then all Kurt had to do was be nice for a couple days, steer him on a path away from his life and let Blaine find his own place, preferably far away from his, in McKinley.

He knew the latter was probably the best idea, but he couldn't wrap his mind around actually talking to Blaine again. There was so much that could go wrong, he could make a total fool of himself, or it could go perfectly fine. In the end though, no matter which way Kurt looked at it, his Blaine fantasy was coming to an end. The thought made Kurt sick.

Why couldn't he just have this one thing? The one night where everything fit and leave it at that? He was perfectly content to get through high school single, waiting for the better things that awaited him in New York, as long as he had his fantasy to play around with late at night when everything felt hopeless.

Then the object of his fantasy was there in front of him, real, beautiful, solid. If Kurt wanted he could get up and touch Blaine. If he wanted he could feel the warm body beneath his hand, see those eyes looking into his, inhale the scent that he wished he could bottle. Perhaps he had made all those details up in his mind, the smell of Blaine, the complexity of his hazel eyes. While he had sat with Blaine at the concert none of those things registered. But in his day dreaming they had felt all too real. Though he knew they had to be figments of his imagination. No one could be that perfect

He wanted to scream at the top of his lungs and run away. Why was reality teasing him like this? Why must the fates pull cruel jokes on him? He was taking deep breathes in his little corner as his glazed over eyes were unfocused at the front of the room.

A vibration ripped through his pocket making him jump, earning him looks of curiosity from the rest of his class. He put on his best bitch-face smile and fished his cell phone out of his pants. It was an email.

He opened it under his desk and his eyes gleamed with confusion.

Marnie Tardiff

Kurt, you have been distracted all class. I really hope you are doing okay. You cut our meeting really short last night. It's obvious that something is bugging you, and I'm starting to have a feeling it has something to do with the new kid, Blaine. I saw you when you walked in yesterday Kurt. Creepy for a teacher? Perhaps. Just know that you are not under any circumstances getting out of this meeting. I don't care if you get Rachel to come talk to me, you will be here or I am giving you a week's detention. I do not know what is going on, but I have worked in a high school for 6 years, known you for just over 3, I know there is more to this than I understand. Now put your phone away and I'll see you at lunch. Do not be late.


Kurt couldn't help but chuckle and roll his eyes as soon as he finished the email, Shuester and Tardiff, they some how managed to be totally inappropriate with students and cross every line a teacher shouldn't. Yet they were the ones who got the most response from their students.

He slipped his phone back into his pocket and let out a long breath as he slouched against the back of his chair. He was going to go. He had no choice. He had to go and be a good boy and face his fear.

He felt sick to his stomach again as he realized he was completely and utterly screwed. Everything he had built up for 3 weeks was about to come crashing down on him.

Blaine was frustrated. His temper was flaring and the last thing he wanted to do was have a little get together with this guy Ms. Tardiff wanted him to meet. He had more important things on his mind. All day yesterday, and so far today he had tried, fruitlessly, to talk to Ariel. His eyes were constantly pealed for the tall, beautiful boy. He did see him, quite a bit. But only glimpses before the other boy was fleeing away and it was infuriating.

All he wanted to do was spend his lunch our looking for Ariel. He didn't know why the other boy was avoiding him but he wasn't going to let it stop him. Blaine couldn't think of a logical reason the other boy was avoiding him like death, but he was going to find out. He had to find out. And then fix it. He had this tugging in his belly, shouting at him that he needed to fix this. He needed to be close to Ariel.

He took a deep breath outside the door to Ms. Tardiffs room and put on his best smile he could muster, pushing the frustration out of his mind and opened the door. "Good afternoon Ms. Tardiff" He said politely as he walked into the center of the room and leaned against one of the desks, letting his brown leather bag fall to the floor with a dull thud.

Ms. Tardiff looked up and smiled brightly, her smile was contagious and Blaine felt himself loosening up. "Glad you're here! Now if only Kurt would hurry his behind up. For someone who is so punctual he has been late a lot lately" She mumbled as she stood in front of the chalk board and started erasing the notes from her last class.

Blaine nodded, if the boy didn't hurry up he wondered if he could make an excuse and go look for Ariel instead. He had marked a couple rooms off on his map that he wanted to check.

The search for Ariel was becoming an obsession of Blaine's, he was shocked at how after only one day his search for the allusive boy had become all consuming. It was the feeling in his stomach; it drove him towards finding the boy at all costs. Maybe he was going insane. Maybe he should have stayed at Dalton… but no, of course not. This was life, and in life you had to fight for what you wanted. Blaine wanted Ariel, so Blaine would do what ever he could.

He could almost hear the clock ticking away, it had only been a couple minutes since he had walked in, but it felt like an hour as time wasted away. He knew he would have to wait at least 8 more minutes before he could make an excuse and sneak away.

Ms. Tardiff looked at her watched and sighed heavily "That boy. If he doesn't show up… I'll… I'll send Sue after him." She said rolling her eyes. "She would just adore to have her Porcelain back on the cheerios" she said mostly to herself as she started to gather her things.

Blaine wasn't really listening though, he knew it was rude but he was ticking down the minutes, 6 more. "I'm afraid as soon as he gets here, which better be soon, I have to run and go make some copies for my next class." She said and bit her lip as she looked at the clock. "Actually I have to go now. I have a million things on my list; just promise me to stay till ten after okay Blaine? Five more minutes?" She said throwing her bag over her shoulder. "Then you can leave. Make sure to email me if he doesn't show. I feel terrible leaving you guys alone like that but…"

He sighed but nodding, plastering a smile on his face "Of course, go. Get your stuff done. I'll wait here for a few more minutes and then I have some other stuff I could be doing anyways. I'll see you in class tomorrow" he promised as he watched her inch towards the door.

A few seconds later he was alone and he let out an angry groan. Stupid boy, stupid late kid. He probably was one of those gay kids who thought the world revolved around them, that they were better then anyone else… not that he had actually ever met a gay boy like that. He had seen them on TV though.

He sighed and looked out the window, trying to ignore the ticking. He couldn't just disobey Ms. Tardiff after she put in so much effort to make him feel welcome, even if it had backfired.

The door clicked, Blaine sighed heavily. There was the boy. That meant he wouldn't be able to go out hunting. He didn't even bother turning around as he heard the door open and shut. "You do realize you're ten minutes late right?" Blaine snapped, not able to control his temper. This guy was ruining everything for him. He knew logically there was always tomorrow to go looking for Ariel but he wanted to find him now. Sometimes Blaine had the patience of a five year old.

"Oh, sorry I have a life outside meeting Tardiff's other little pets"

The voice was biting and laced with sarcasm, but Blaine knew that voice from the first syllable. Ariel.

He turned around slowly, his heart beating rapidly, afraid his senses had misled him. But as he faced the door his heart stopped.

"A-Ariel?" He asked taking a step closer.

"I can do this… I can do this… he's just a boy" Kurt chanted to himself as he passed by the door wringing his hands, his lip between his teeth. He really needed to stop doing that or he was going to give himself a bloody lip.

12:09, if he didn't go into the class right then, then he wouldn't go in at all. It was a tempting thought; he had seen Ms. Tardiff walking in the opposite direction a few minutes ago. But she would know, and track him down, and kill him. He put his hand on the knob, reminded himself once more that Blaine was just a boy and walked into the room.

"You do realize you're ten minutes late right?" Blaine snapped and Kurt's heart broke, or melted, he couldn't tell which. It was the first time he had heard that voice since the concert. It made his heart melt into a puddle on the floor, just as sweet as he remembered it. But it was laced with anger and frustration and Kurt couldn't help but hate himself for making Blaine angry. Though it was best that way, Kurt reminded himself. If Blaine hated him maybe this would be easier.

He desperately tried to find a way to keep his fantasy in tact, not knowing what he would do when it was actually gone.

Yes, he would make Blaine hate him. He could do that; he would pretend to not be the same boy. He would make Blaine avoid him, at least then he would hate Kurt for something that he wasn't not for who he was. That would break Kurt's heart more then he could handle.

"Oh, sorry I have a life outside meeting Tardiff's other little pets" Kurt snapped right back, bitch was a default setting to Kurt, he just needed to resist the erg to drop his shields.

He saw Blaine's posture tighten up and almost wanted to cry, assuming that the boy was hurt by his comments.

Though that assumption was shattered as he turned around. It was in his eyes. He knew.

"A-Ariel?" He asked taking a step closer, causing Kurt to panic. He hoped it didn't show on his face, he tried to take a deep breath as subtly as he could and raised an eyebrow at the other boy.

"Excuse me? I'm Kurt, not some Disney Princess." He said and forced himself to roll his eyes. That nick name made him want to run to Blaine. To hug him forever and never let him go. Never let him out of his sight again. But he couldn't, he wouldn't put himself at risk like that.

Blaine shook his head frantically and took another two steps forward, lifting his hand a inch then dropped it back down. "No! Of course you aren't. But you are my Ariel. I can't believe you go here! Actually I don't know what shocks me more! That you go here or that you aren't some badass punk! I guess you were just trying to blend in! Eyeliner and a fake eyebrow ring can go pretty far I guess. I was hoping we would meet up again after that night! I had no idea it would be this soon though! Why have you been avoiding me? Did I do something? I thought we really hit it off? Or was that all just in my head?" Blaine rambled for a good couple minutes, barely taking a breath, fearful that Kurt would interrupt him.

Kurt didn't know how to process the information being spewed at him. Was he saying what he thought he was? That he had liked Kurt as much as Kurt had liked him? No, that wasn't possible. And even if he had, even if he had felt a draw to Kurt. He wasn't the same person he had met that night. That was a fake, slightly tipsy version of Kurt. He wouldn't let Blaine be disappointed in who he really was. He couldn't.

"I really don't know what you're talking about." He said calmly. "I've never met you before. What concert are you talking about?" Kurt said with a heavy sigh and leaned on Marnie's desk.

A smirk covered Blaine's face and Kurt looked at him skeptically "What are you smirking at?" He said getting a bubbly feeling in his stomach, why did his stomach constantly feel like something was going on in it? Bubbling, pulling, flying. It was never just still anymore.

Blaine took another step towards him, so he was only a few feet away. "I didn't say anything about a concert Ariel." He said with a devilish smile lighting his face up like Christmas lights. "Why are you lying?" he asked, his head tilted to the side.

Kurt's face fell at his stupidity. Shit. How could he have been so careless. "I-I… It was an assumption. Blending in while in punk wear? That pretty much screams concert. Don't read into things. And my name is Kurt." he said though he secretly wished Blaine would never stop calling him Ariel.

The laugh that escaped Blaine's mouth was pure music to Kurt. "Uh-huh… What ever you say Kurt" Blaine said and couldn't whip the smile off of his face. He had found Kurt, he had found his Ariel, nothing could be wrong. It would work out. Blaine would make sure of it. "I don't understand why you're lying. Curiouser and Curiouser…"

Kurt was clearly flustered but tried to hide it as well as he could. "I really don't know what you're talking about. I guess someone just looks like me. Good to know I have a punk doppelganger running around the city"

Blaine shook his head "No one looks like you, and your voice is very recognizable. Also, that necklace. You had it on at the concert." He said eyeing the glass pendent hanging around Kurt's neck. He took a bold step forward and took it in his fingers.

Kurt's breath was caught in his throat, the smell, he hadn't been making it up in his head, and it was just like he remembered only better. A hundred times better. It calmed him and stirred his nerves at the same time, though he couldn't figure out how that was possible.

"I think I like that I make you flustered" Blaine said with a small laugh, looking up into Kurt's blue eyes before he leaned towards the piece of jewelry "Fate" Blaine read from the tiny grain of rice in the pendant. Blaine took a step back and looked at Kurt in the eyes. His hazel eyes seemed to be begging Kurt. Silently trying to figure out what was stopping Kurt from just letting him in. He had done a fine enough job of it at the concert. What made now so different?

Suddenly, before Kurt even realized what he was doing he was across the room "I have to go." He said not even bothering to defend himself any farther. Was there even any point? He was so screwed.

Just as Kurt was walking out the door he heard Blaine's voice from the classroom. "Maybe you should just accept fate, Ariel." it was quiet but meant to be heard. Damn Blaine, always having to have the last word. It seemed that his last words would always melt Kurt's heart.

Music blared in Kurt's room later that night. His mind was all over the place and he didn't know where to start picking through it. He knew. He didn't think, he knew. Blaine knew it was him, and Kurt couldn't deny it. There was no way he could get around it now.

Everything was in a pile of rubble in his mind and he didn't know which piece to pick up first. What did this mean? What did he do next? Did he avoid Blaine? Obviously that hadn't worked out so far, and he doubted it would start now. Especially now that he knew how determined Blaine was.

He couldn't even start to imagine what it would be like if he let Blaine in. But those eyes. Those hazel eyes, and the tugging in his stomach. He was completely captivated and enchanted by Blaine.

With a deep sigh he realized he had no choice in the matter, he couldn't stay away from Blaine any longer. Being close to him would kill him, but hiding was worse then death.

Taylor Swift's Enchanted started to play on his shuffle and he groaned loudly, burying his head in his pillow, trying to hide from the song. It brought tears to his eyes. It was enchanting to meet Blaine.

Blaine sat on the edge of his bed, fiddling with his Three Days Grace concert ticket in his fingers. His face hurt from smiling so much. It was Ariel. Kurt. It was the same boy. He had known it since the first moment he had laid eyes on him in the halls of McKinely but now he knew.

He still didn't understand the walls that Kurt was hiding behind. What was he scared of? It was obvious to Blaine from the meeting today that Kurt was terrified. He hid behind a bitch face and sarcasm but he was a shaking, nervous wreck.

Blaine didn't know why but he was going to find out. More over though he was going to fix it. He was going to show Kurt there was nothing to be afraid of. It was his project, his new mission. He was going to find Kurt's voice and give it back to him. Kurt had also been hiding behind a fake face at the concert, but underneath it had been the real Kurt, a whole lot more real then what Blaine had seen today. He was going to bring that Kurt back to him.

He walked over to his computer and messaged Jeff.

Blaine: It was him!I knew it!

Jeff: No way! I thought you were crazy… that's kinda creepy man… But you gotta make this work. You haven't shut up since that night. It's gotten annoying. We love you but we are sick of you watching The Little Mermaid on repeat.


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I thoroughly enjoy you! Thank you for your reviews. they actually mean the world to me <3 :')

I love the Little Mermaid..... :D

OOO!!!!! New reader!!!! dskjfakdlsajfasd I'm glad you're liking it! I'm VERY curious to heasr your opinions when you get to the latest chapter! xoxoFallon