This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 20 Sailor Moon Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 20 Sailor Moon

E - Words: 5,259 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
300 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Okay, so i'm horrible. I admit it. But to be honest a friend of mine was recently in an accident and i've been spending a lot of my time in the hospital with her. Writing hasn't really been on the top of my list of priorities since she was hurt. But i got it done, really late but its done. I'm just not gonna promise about updates anymore. (as i say that i suddenly have time to update every day -_-')

anyways here you go.

Fighting evil by moonlight
Winning love by daylight
Never running from a real fight

"Promise me, no matter what Cooper shows or tells you, it won't make you run away from me." Blaine said, fiddling with his hands as he looked out of the car window towards his house.

"Blaine, honey, everyone has embarrassing childhood trauma. It won't make me run away. If you stayed with me after finding out about Karofsky, I promise I can handle some stories of you dancing on a piano. This was your idea anyways, do you want to just forget it? We can go back to my place." Kurt said, getting fidgety in his seat. He could see shadows moving around the living room and was pretty sure Cooper knew they were sitting out there.

Blaine sighed heavily. "No, no. We have to go in. Cooper's going through some stuff, and I know meeting you will cheer him up. He's been asking about you since he found out." Blaine said chuckling and rubbing the back of his neck lightly. "I just know he's going to be crazy. Cooper is really… intense." He explained and slowly unclicked his seatbelt.

Kurt couldn't help but smile and laugh at the boy in front of him. Blaine usually wasn't the nervous type. Sure, Kurt had seen him act nervous on the rare occasion since they met, but usually Blaine put on a calm front. When it cracked Kurt found it adorable. "It will be fine, Blaine. Come on. No more sitting in the car." He said and opened the car door, stepping out onto the driveway.

Soon Blaine was beside him taking his hand. "As long as you're sure. You know, I'm actually more nervous about you meeting Coop than I am about you meeting my parents eventually." Blaine admitted as they walked to the front door.

Kurt nodded. It made sense. Sure, Blaine had parents that loved him, but his real parent, in a lot of ways, was Cooper. Kurt could tell by the way he talked about his parents and Cooper that if Blaine's parents for some reason hated Kurt; Blaine wouldn't really care. Wouldn't bat an eyelash.

But if Cooper didn't approve of Kurt, he didn't know what Blaine would do. It was frightening. Kurt had to wonder if this was how Blaine felt the first time he met his father. The feeling of dread, the "what if he doesn't like me" feeling.

Apparently Blaine noticed Kurt's change in mindset right before they got to the front door. "He'll love you, you know?" He said, squeezing Kurt's hand supportively.
"He's never going to want you to leave. He takes to people really easily. Well, good people. He can smell a bad person a mile away. But he'll love you. I promise."

Kurt took a deep breath and nodded. He tried to believe what Blaine was saying. If anyone knew Cooper it was Blaine, but still, there was that feeling of impending judgment that made him feel sick.

Blaine extended his hand lightly. "Trust me." And with that Blaine stretched up to close the small distance between their lips, and kissed Kurt reassuringly.

Kurt could feel the tension falling away, not all of it, but most of it. The way Blaine kissed him, maybe he was reading too much into it, but it felt like Blaine was saying that he wasn't going anywhere. Kurt had to laugh at that thought inside his head. Sometimes he was far too sappy for his own good. Too many Broadway plays and romantic movies; he could turn anything into an epic romance.

He sunk into the kiss, relishing the feeling of comfort he got from being close to Blaine. He let his hands slide up and around Blaine's neck. He could feel Blaine's arms around his waist and their chests pressed up against each other in a kiss that was getting more and more heated by the moment.

They were both falling into each other and it was a slippery slope. Neither one wanted to pull away, they couldn't. They found intoxication in each other and it was exciting.

Kurt felt a soft moan fall from his lips as Blaine massaged his hip and nibbled his bottom lip. The kiss was getting dangerously hot for a public setting, but the environment had melted away.

"You must be Kurt, It's great to meet you. I'm Cooper. Blaine, let the boy go. He's mine now." A voice said from the doorway, startling both boys.

Kurt was almost a hundred percent sure he had a heart attack as he pulled his face away quickly, his eyes going wide and his face red with embarrassment. "Uh… Yes. Sorry, yes I'm Kurt. Very nice to meet you, Cooper." Kurt said, trying to recover himself. He held out his hand with a warm smile to Cooper.

Cooper took his hand but didn't shake it. Instead, he yanked Kurt out of Blaine's arms, causing Kurt to stumble with little grace into the entry way of the house. "So, you are the man that got my little bro in a tizzy. Well, Kurt, the first thing you've got to know is I really love my Brother."

Kurt looked back nervously at Blaine who was closing the door behind them, shrugging apologetically. "Coop…" he said in an exhausted warning tone. Kurt could read that tone. He knew exactly what it meant. It meant that Blaine was going to be warning Cooper all night long, but he knew full well it would go ignored.

Kurt looked back at Cooper smiling, though he was once again just as nervous as he had been before Blaine had started kissing him. "I know. And I promise I don't intend on hurting your brother. I really care about Blaine and-" Kurt started, sure he was about to get the older brother lecture. The one that ended in a thinly veiled threat of death upon him if he ever hurt Blaine. Kurt knew movies backwards and forwards, and he could relate to almost every moment in life to a movie, book or play. They were pretty much how he led his life, as if he was reading from a script compiled of every fictional world he had ever taken part in.

But Cooper laughed. Not a mean condescending laugh, but an honestly amused chuckle. "Oh Kurt, calm down. I'm not that kind of brother. Blainers here can take care of himself. However, I do think you need to go into this relationship fully informed of what you're getting into. Come, have a seat." Cooper said motioning to the sofa.

Nodding awkwardly, Kurt sat down stiffly. He had been on this couch before, but it seemed so different with Cooper. The house itself felt different with another person inhabiting it.

Cooper flopped down lazily next to him and started pulling a coffee table towards them, a coffee table filled with photo albums, hand written sheets of paper and Kurt could even spot some diagrams half hidden in the mess.

"Oh Blainers, why don't you go grab Kurt and I a couple sodas? Maybe dump some chips into a bowl. We are gonna be here a while." Cooper smirked over the back of the couch at Blaine who rolled his eyes but wordlessly walked into the kitchen.

Kurt watched Blaine leave before turning back to the mountain of papers. "So, this is Blaine, uh?" Kurt said as he reached forward to pick up an old photo of a 5 year old Blaine sitting on a deep blue rug in what looked like a child's room. Paintings of ducks scattered the walls and in the corner by the window sat an 11 year old Cooper, just watching Blaine play in the floor. "You guys were really cute."

Cooper laughed, looking at the picture over Kurt's shoulder. "Hey, I'd like to say I am still pretty cute, and Blaine looks basically the exact same. He's barely grown." Cooper teased.

"But yes. This is Blaine. And not the censored stuff; this is everything. Well, I kept the home videos locked away, but those are for another night. Here we have every single piece of paper evidence of everything Blaine doesn't want you to know." Cooper said as he started digging through the pile.

Kurt felt his shoulders relax as he gave into Coopers happy and calm energy. Cooper reminded him a lot of Marnie. They had the same feeling to them.

Cooper dug around the pile for a moment, papers sliding to floor before he made a triumphant sound and held up a messily drawn diagram, color-coded in crayon.

"This is the spy plot Blaine came up with when he was seven. Dad had found his Barbie doll. He had gotten it from a girl at school. She was a pretty badass Barbie, her name was Fiona and she was a police woman, if I remember correctly." Cooper smiled, falling back into the memory. "Anyways, Dad had come into Blaine's room to get him ready for bed and saw Blaine playing with Fiona and one of his action figures. They were having a tea party I think. Dad took Fiona away from Blaine and told him boys don't play with dolls." Cooper sighed heavily.

Kurt nodded silently. He had dolls growing up. Dolls and action figures and stuffed animals and toy jets. He had whatever toy he wanted and neither of his parents even batted an eyelash when he asked for a baby doll he saw on TV when he was four. Though his dad had taken away his car when he found his tiara collection. Kurt thought that probably had more to do with the cost of each piece and how Kurt would still ask for gas money than the tiaras themselves.

Cooper shook his head and continued. "Anyways, Blaine was crushed. He said G.I Joe was lonely now. Even when Blaine was a kid he was really determined to get what he wanted. So, he sat down at his little tiny coloring desk, pulled out his crayons, and devised a plan to get Fiona back."

Kurt laughed fondly, imagining a seven year old Blaine devising a rescue mission for a Barbie. "Did he succeed?"

Cooper nodded. "Kinda, he got caught by mom while trying to reach the doll from on top of their chest of drawers. She asked him why his doll was up there in the first place and when he said daddy had taken her away mom handed Fiona back to Blaine and told him to go play." He said fondly.

"Yeah, and then they yelled all night long about how mother was "encouraging" my behavior." Blaine said as he leaned over the back of the couch, causing Kurt to jump slightly.

He handed Kurt his soda and left Coopers on the coffee table as he sat down, his back to the couch by Kurt's legs, his head lulling slightly onto Kurt's knee.

Kurt smiled down at him and ran a hand through his hair lightly, thankful the gel was starting to wear off, before resting it on Blaine's shoulder as he leaned forward and looked at the diagram in Coopers hands. "It was quite the elaborate plot though Blaine. Too bad you got walked in on. It would have gone down in seven year old history." Kurt teased lightly.

Blaine chuckled and nodded, "It was a damn good plan. Just a couple of inches and it would have been fine."

"Oh! Oh! Look at this one Kurt!" Cooper yelled and thrust a picture into his hands. It was a tiny Blaine, maybe two or three, standing on top of a piano looking proud of himself.

Kurt couldn't help himself as he laughed out loud. "That is so adorable!" He said and leaned down, placing a kiss on the top of Blaine's head. "I think I'll have to get a copy of that one." He said smiling brightly at the picture. "You were so cute!"

He couldn't help but laugh some more as Blaine buried his face in his knee, mumbling something about liking pianos.

"This was his first time climbing on the furniture. He's never stopped. I'm sure you've seen it." Cooper said as he pulled out a whole photo album of Blaine at different ages climbing on assorted pieces of furniture.

Kurt chuckled as he flipped through the different glossy pages. "Actually I haven't. Wait, he got us to sit on the hood of his car. Does that count?" Kurt joked, smiling as he found a picture of Blaine, what couldn't have been more than a year ago, dancing on a chair.

Cooper laughed and shook his head "Nah, just you wait. You'll know when it counts. He's not one for subtle" Cooper poked fun at Blaine who rolled his eyes as he rested against Kurt's leg quietly.

Though he was quiet and somewhat hiding, Kurt could see the smile playing on Blaine's features and could feel the vibration of him laughing silently at some of the stories Cooper pulled out of the mountain of Blaine memorabilia.

"No, wait! This one is the best" Cooper said as he shoved a photo into Kurt's hands.

Kurt couldn't help it, he burst out laughing, he could barely breathe as he looked at the photo. His side stitched as he tried to breathe evenly, turning red from his outburst. "Okay, this is the most adorable thing ever. You never told me you had a thing for Tuxedo Mask!"

The picture was without a doubt the cutest thing Kurt had ever seen. Blaine sitting in front of a TV set, right up close, his five year old and resting on the screen, eyes large with enthrallment at Tuxedo Mask on the screen.

Blaine stuttered as he looked at the picture "I thought I hid that one!" Blaine whined, hiding his face once again in Kurt's caf.

Kurt laughed and kissed the top of Blaine's head, "It's okay honey. I used to pretend to be Sailor Moon when I was little. Even as kids we fit." He teased, nudging his boyfriend lightly.

Cooper laughed from beside them. "I took that photo, mom and dad were out at some gala. That was the moment I knew Blaine was gay. Of course he didn't come out till much later, but that's the moment I knew."

Blaine clicked the door shut behind them as he followed Kurt into his room. "So that was Cooper…" he said slowly as he watched Kurt stroll around his room.

Kurt chuckled and nodded the laughter lighting up his face "Yes, it was. And this is your room." Kurt said as he walked around Blaine's room. Blaine shifted on his feet as he watched Kurt mull around.

He stood leaning against the door as Kurt made the circle around, touching everything he passed just as Blaine had in Kurt's room. He stopped at Blaine's cork board, looking over the photos pinned into it. "These were the Warblers?" He asked quietly.

Blaine nodded "Yeah, well, about half of them. Those were my friends. Jeff's the smiley blonde, Nick is his boyfriend as you can probably tell. Trent is the one behind me, and then that's Wes and David in the other side. They graduated last year." Blaine said walking up behind Kurt.

"So, you were all gay?" Kurt asked as Blaine slid his arms around his middle, resting his head on his shoulder.

Blaine laughed and shook his head. "Not quite. Not everyone at Dalton was gay, just a lot of us." he chuckled as the faces of his old classmates passed in his mind. "Wes and David are really good friends, but totally straight. I doubted them quite often, but their constant string of girlfriends kind of made it hard to deny that fact." He laughed.

Kurt smiled. "I'll have to meet them one day." He said, and Blaine smiled brightly. He wasn't sure if he was ready to let his two lives collide, but the thought wasn't as scary as he imagined it was going to be. He actually quite liked the idea of them all hanging out somewhere, his arms wrapped around Kurt as he joked with the Warblers, Nick's arms wrapped around Jeff and Trent rolling his eyes at them as Wes and David acted like they were a couple, whispering in each others ears.

Blaine nodded and kissed Kurt's neck softly. "Yes, you will. They are dying to meet you. Jeff was practically begging for me to send him a picture last night over Skype, but then I realized I didn't have any pictures of you." Blaine said and gently led them towards the bed.

"We will have to fix that…" Kurt muttered quietly, he turned around in Blaine's arms. "Mr. Anderson! Whatever are you doing? The door is closed and you're leading me towards the bed! How scandalous!" Kurt teased, a smirk on his face.

Blaine felt the bed behind his knees and sat down, pulling Kurt between his legs. "Whatever are you talking about? I am a good, charming, wholesome Disney prince. I will protect your virtue!" He teased back as he looked up into Kurt's eyes.

Kurt laughed loudly, a smile spreading across his face. "But where is the fun in that, my Prince?" Kurt joked along.

Blaine looked up at him, searching Kurt's eyes. "That's true. Maybe I'll just defile you and be done with it. Switch sides. I'll go from the charming prince to the sexy villain." Blaine said with a devilish smirk.

Kurt raised an eyebrow at Blaine. "I quite like the sound of that." He said with a playful glint in his eyes.

Without any further thought, Blaine managed to flip Kurt onto the bed on his back. Kurt was taller, and had strong lean muscle running along his body, but Blaine was stronger, with his boxing and solid build. He got a thrill in being able to flip Kurt over so easily, to climb on top of him and smirk down, and to see the way Kurt's cheeks were slightly flushed and his eyes were becoming lust blown.

"I can do that." He said before leaning down and kissing Kurt hard on the mouth. It was more force then he had used before, but he couldn't help it. Every time they did this, every time their lips collided, the tension built more and more. They didn't start kissing slowly anymore. It was now all the intensity and fire burning between them.

Blaine understood passion, want, need, lust. He had given into those things at Dalton, let himself be swept away in heated kisses and messy hand jobs in back rooms. But this was different. This was more.

He didn't have to think hard to realize what the difference was. With the boys at Dalton it was all about getting off, finding what you liked, learning. With Kurt it wasn't just hormones and experimentation, of course that was part of it now. But there was more with the boy under him. He cared about Kurt. It wasn't about getting off, it was about feeling the man under him breathing, feeling his arms wrap around his shoulders and the need to make Kurt feel good.

Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's hair. It was soft; he couldn't even feel the hairspray that he knew Kurt used by the bucket. It was so much freer than his. He let his fingers tangle in the sandy hair and nibbled Kurt's lip deepening the kiss.

Time seemed to stand still there in his room with Kurt under him. He supported his body on his left arm leaning half on the bed, not wanting to make Kurt uncomfortable by the growing hardness in his pants, but not being able to find the will to stop and take a breather.

Kurt tugged Blaine's bottom lip with his teeth, causing Blaine to let out a deep growl and tighten his grip on Kurt's soft hair. Before Blaine could even think about apologizing for the involuntary yank, he heard Kurt moan against his lips and felt his hips thrust into his leg, eliciting an even louder and deeper sound from Kurt.

Blaine's body quaked with need as he felt Kurt against him, his breathing, already labored from the kissing, sped up again as he nibbled Kurt's lips and felt his own hips moving on their own.

He tore his lips off of Kurt's and kissed up and down his neck, setting on the place where the mark was fading and went to work bringing it back to life. After a few moments of working on that Blaine hovered by Kurt's ear. "You have no idea how hot you looked in that uniform today Kurt." He whispered huskily.

Kurt's hips arched once again against Blaine's thigh and he let out a breathy version of Blaine's name.

For some reason, that was what snapped Blaine back into reality. His name was almost like a bucket of water. "Kurt, we need to stop." Even if it was the last possible thing Blaine wanted to do, he knew they had to.

Kurt shook his head lazily. "No, feels good." He said, moving his mouth to kiss up and down the column of Blaine's throat, bucking his hips for emphasis.

Blaine let out a moan of his own, his head fogging over again. "Fuck, yes, Kurt, it does feel fucking fantastic but we need to stop." Blaine never thought he'd be one to stop a heated make out session. There he was though, getting off of the most gorgeous boy he had ever seen.

How badly he wanted to rip Kurt's clothing off and do unspeakable things to him, but he knew he couldn't.

He sat on the edge of his bed and took a couple deep breaths, trying to ignore the tightness in his pants.

He could both hear and feel Kurt taking equally deep breathes beside him. After a few moments, he heard Kurt shift and sit up, wrapping his arms around his knees. "You were right. I don't know what got into me…" Kurt said, shaking his head and turning fuchsia, burying his face momentarily in his legs.

Blaine turned back to Kurt and smiled at him. "You weren't the only one getting carried away, Ariel." He teased, trying to lighten the mood. "You know, Eric and Ariel were both kind of reckless in that movie."

Kurt laughed as he leaned back against the headboard with a long, deep breath. "But I should have been the one to stop it. I'm the innocent one. I don't know exactly what your past entails, Blaine, but I can tell pretty easily that it's a lot more then I've done." Kurt's eyes were glued to the bedspread that was now wrinkled from their activities. "I should have gotten freaked out by how far it was going. But I just, I don't know, I couldn't. It was exciting and I didn't feel scared." He admitted, still not meeting Blaine's eyes.

Blaine sighed and nodded. He reached over to Kurt, first rubbing his shoulder gently then cupped his chin and tilted Kurt's head so that he was forced to look at him. "I'm never gonna lie to you, Kurt. You're right. I do have quite a bit of experience, but that's why I had to be the one to stop it. This is all new to you and it's easy to get caught up in how good it feels. I remember. God, you make me feel so amazing. But I also know how to know when to stop. I'm the one showing you this stuff Kurt; I'm the one who's guiding you, in a way. It's not your job to know when to say its enough, its mine." Blaine said and kissed Kurt softly, refusing the urge to deepen the kiss once again.

"I'm really glad you don't feel scared, Kurt. You have no idea how amazing that makes me feel. With everything that's happened to you, you have every right to be scared senseless at all of this. The fact that you feel safe enough with me to trust me is mind-boggling. And I won't lose or abuse that trust. Got it?" Blaine said, looking into Kurt's eyes that were a pale blue at this point.

He watched as Kurt's eyes scanned his face and nodded, biting his lip lightly. "Okay. I guess that makes sense. I can trust you. I don't know exactly what I'm doing. I feel like an awkward baby penguin actually, when it comes to all this sexy stuff." Kurt confessed, his eyes once again dropping.

Blaine chuckled and pulled Kurt into his arms in a tight hug. "You are really the opposite of a baby penguin. You don't know it, but you are incredibly sexy." Blaine said into his ear.

"No, I'm not." Kurt argued, softly.

Rolling his eyes Blaine shook his head "Well, lucky for us, you don't have to think you're sexy, only I do. You just have to know that I do mean it when I say you're sexy and beautiful and you need to think I'm sexy. That's all we need for this aspect of our relationship to work just fine."

Kurt laughed. "I really don't think we have a problem with me thinking you're sexy, Blaine Anderson."

"Good, then we don't have any problems at all."

"Kurt! Blaine! Get your asses down here, I'm hungry. Let's go to Rosy's." Cooper called from the bottom of the stairs.

"Well, if it isn't the Andersons." A man, who appeared to be in his mid-forties, said with a bright and welcoming smile as they walked into the diner a half hour later.

"Hey, Jack." Cooper greeted, motioning for Blaine and Kurt to find a table. "How's it going here lately?"

Blaine led Kurt to a booth by the window. Kurt smiled and scooted into the booth, followed quickly by Blaine, whose hand instantly found Kurt's under the table.

Kurt watched in fascination as Cooper walked behind the counter and grabbed three menus from the holder.

"It's great. Business is up." The man, who Kurt could now place as Jack, said as he followed Cooper back to the table. "So, Blaine, this must be the boy Stacy was telling us all about." He teased, nudging Blaine lightly.

Blaine rolled his eyes, but smiled fondly at the man, Kurt could easily tell that they had known each other for a very long time. "Yes, this is my boyfriend, Kurt. Kurt, this is Jack. I've known him almost as long as I knew Rosy." He said smiling between everyone around him.

Kurt's heart swelled to see Blaine so comfortable. Jack was like family to Blaine, it was clear to see. He held out his free hand to Jack and shook it lightly. "Very nice to meet you, Jack."

"Glad to see Blaine's found a nice boy. We've been watching these two grow up for years. It's nice to see them happy. Anyway, what can I get you boys?" He asked, pulling out a pad of paper from his light wash blue jeans and a pen from behind his ear.

They ordered quickly and Jack walked away to place the order. "I really like it here." Kurt mused as he looked around at the different pictures. While he had noticed them on their date, he hadn't taken too much time to actually see them. He had been too nervous about the boy across from him to care too much. The boy who was now beside him holding his hand.

Kurt now took the time to look at each picture in turn as the Anderson brothers joked around, he could hear them walking down memory lane and part of him wanted to listen, to hear the stories they were sharing, but he was too caught up in the stories on the walls.

The women in the pictures were always the same, different ages and different places, but always the same woman. Kurt knew it was Rosy and was really enjoying making up little stories for every photo he saw.

He was on his fifth picture when Blaine squeezed his hand lightly. "You're zoning out a bit, sweetheart."

Kurt flushed slightly at being called out but shrugged. "I was just looking at the pictures. I like how they kept everything up from Rosy." Kurt smiled as his eyes wandered away from Blaine's and back to the pictures.

Blaine smiled and nodded "Yeah, Jack runs the place now. He's kept it in really good shape." He said and smiled as Jack started placing down their food.

He chuckled and shook his head "I don't make any of the decisions around here. That's all up to these boys. I just run the place." Jack said as he wiped his hands on his apron. "I'm pretty sure if I even tried to move one of the pictures I'd be fired." He said and turned away.

Kurt raised an eyebrow as he looked between the two boys. Blaine sighed heavily and rested his head in his hand. Kurt's gaze turned to Cooper, who was looking at Blaine and rolling his eyes.

"You didn't tell him? You brought him here for your first date and didn't feel the need to tell him that you own the place?" Cooper said laughing quietly.

Blaine huffed loudly "It's not like we have much involvement." He said and turned to Kurt. "I told you Rosy left us some stuff in her will."

Kurt nodded, his mind starting to piece everything together. "You said she left you some things you joked about" He clarified trying to remember the conversation clearly but really only getting bits and pieces, the gaps filled with Blaine's eyes and nerves.

Blaine nodded "Well, when we would come here we would help Rosy a lot. Help her pick photos to put on the walls and pick new paint colors or go shopping for new stools. She always said we might as well run the place with her and that one day we would." Blaine said looking at Cooper who was nodding along, Kurt could tell he was flashing back just as Blaine had during their date. "We didn't really take it seriously. Then after she died we got a phone call. She didn't have any family so she left it to us. She stated that she wanted Jack to run it, but that we owned it. We don't have a lot of involvement." Blaine confessed with a shrug.

Cooper nodded his agreement "Yeah, well, I have more than Blaine does. When I'm not in school. It's nice having the Diner though; it's a good thing for my sanity. And it pays for my schooling, so I don't have to reply on the parents." Cooper said before taking a mouthful of French fries.

Blaine nodded "Exactly. I personally think she should have just left it to Jack, but she wanted us to have it. I think she wanted it to stay in the family, and as far as she was concerned we were her children." Blaine said with a smile. "It doesn't take too much work, it's already established and has its rhythm worked out."

Kurt smiled at Blaine. He suddenly understood the nice car and the way Blaine just always seemed to be well dressed, the first editions on his shelf in his room and the shiny computer on his desk. Blaine didn't seem like the spoiled type of child, not one to ask mommy and daddy for a new car or computer. It made sense with Blaine's personality. Kurt knew very well that Blaine's family was old money, he could tell the second he walked into Blaine's house and the way Blaine talked about his parents.

"That's really nice that you guys kept it. It's a nice investment to have, and it means so much to you." Kurt observed, looking at the place from a slightly new angle. Everything in the diner had been decided upon by Blaine and Cooper, and he wondered what, if anything had changed since Rosy passed away.

Cooper laughed "And we get to eat for free. It all works out." He teased taking a bite for emphasis.

End Notes:

Um I don't really have a lot to say to end this... um reviews are always stellar. Like i've said i dance a special little dance for each review. sometimes i cry. Anywyas its late-ish and i have work tomorrow.

just a warning i think some shit is gonna go down soon. just saying. its been calm for a while... too calm...

Theres a special place in my heart for people who come visit me on Tumblr, under the same handle. bye bye everyone


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