This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 15 At The Beginning Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 15 At The Beginning

E - Words: 5,753 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
381 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I like this chapter, nothing really at all happens in it, but i think it was necessary to sort out emotions and what not. I also have the next 2 chapters sketched out.OH songs At The Beginning from the movie Anastasia. i forget who sings it to be honest...And, now my friends on S&C this is all i have... I won't update until probably wednesday. like i said before March is a crazy month for me... April guys! Just look forward to April ( i know i am...)

No one told me
I was going to find you
What you did to my heart
When I lost hope
You were there to remind me
This is the start

Blaine sat in front of his computer at 12 the next morning, twisting and turning waiting for the Warblers to answer their end of the Skype call. He couldn't wait to gush about every single detail of his date to his boys. He felt like he could explode if they didn't pick up soon. He hadn't spoken to anyone since he left Kurt at his front door and the pressure was killing him.

If he had still been at Dalton they wouldn't have let him go to bed until he had spilled his guts, as it was, he had waited until he knew even Nick would be up before he hit the call button.

It was only a matter of around 30 seconds before Nick, Jeff and Trent appeared on his screen. "Hello Blaine." Trent said, excitedly waving from the background.

Blaine smiled happily, while he always looked forward to seeing the whole group of Warblers he had to admit he was a little thankful it was his three best friends that appeared by themselves on his screen. "Hey guys! Where's everyone else?" He asked even though he could bet on the answer. It was only polite after all. Though the niceties were taking too long as it was and Blaine was buzzing to start his ramblings.

Nick chuckled and shook his head "We sent them down to brunch." He said as he leaned back in his chair,

Jeff nodded "They were all hungry and we knew you couldn't wait. And neither can I! Spill Blainers!" Jeff said, his excitement almost matching Blaine's.

"It went amazing guys! I still can't believe every little cliché thing I planned worked out! I think his dad likes me, which is a huge weight off my shoulders, and Kurt loved Rosie's, and the drive in! Oh! And we went for a walk in the park! And someone was setting off fireworks! It was beautiful, but Kurt was way more beautiful then the fireworks. And let me tell you, he is a very good kisser, which honestly I didn't expect." Blaine rambled, if he hadn't known the boys in front of him for so long he might have been worried they wouldn't be able to keep up with how fast his words were tumbling out, but he saw them smiling and nodding as they listened.

"It was just perfect guys! We sat on the hood of the car during the movie and he curled into me! I have never felt happier in my entire life! To have Kurt's head on my shoulder, my arms around him smelling the shampoo and vanilla he always smells like. It was the best feeling ever." He said taking a breath, but quickly shaking his head "No! I take that back. Kissing him is the best feeling ever. Holding him is a definite second, but did I mention that he's a great kisser?" Blaine said finally pausing so that the boys on the other end could speak.

Blaine watched as Jeff and Nick held hands and exchanged a happy glance before looking back at him, "We are so happy for you Blaine! You deserve this. I have to admit, I thought your date plan was a little over the top but hey, it worked out." He said with a light chuckle that was cut off by a light slap in the arm from the blond beside him.

"I thought it was cute and romantic! I knew this boy would fall head of heels. And he did! Sometimes I think you give me a cavity with your sweetness Blaine. That is adorable."

It was then that Trent decided to cut in "Wait a second, can we back up here, Kurt is a great kisser? How can anyone be a great kisser if they have never kissed before?" Trent said raising an eyebrow "Don't tell me we can add that to the list of ways this Kurt person is perfect, because he already seems suspiciously too perfect" Trent said his arms crossed over his chest.

Blaine laughed. Of course they thought Kurt was perfect, and he was, to Blaine at least. But he also knew Kurt had a lot of imperfections; ones that Blaine knew weren't his place to expose. "Well, Kurt is perfect." Blaine said honestly "But, he um, he went through a phase a couple years back… Um, he tried to impress his dad and started dating this friend of his, Brittany, she taught him out to kiss. You should see him when it's brought up. He goes such a bright red and gets all adorably defensive." Blaine said with a light chuckle at the memory of that day at the lunch table.

It was silent for about 2 seconds on the other end before all four of the boys burst out into loud laughter, Jeff practically doubled over into Nick and Trent holding his stomach. "That is priceless!" Jeff shouted as he started regain his ability to breathe.

Nick nodded as he laughed; though the smile on his face quickly straightened out, "Wait. He did it to impress his dad? Don't tell me we have another set of homophobic parents involved. Yours are bad enough…" Nick said sadly.

The boys on the screen knew very well about Blaine's home life. About every passive aggressive thing his father said, every attempt at getting him to see girls every weekend, his mother letting it happen.

Blaine shook his head quickly "No! God, no! Burt is amazing. I already said he liked me! No, Burt is incredibly supportive. Just Kurt's dad remarried last year, and his new wife has a son in Kurt's grade, Finn. He's in the Glee Club with us, but he's also the quarter back on the football team. Kurt's never really been into that stuff so when Finn came around Burt started spending a lot of time with Finn, Kurt got jealous, so he attempted to be straight. Then his dad got mad at him for trying to be something he's not." Blaine shrugged and made sure to leave out the fact that during that phase Kurt had also spent some time as a football player.

That and Kurt in the cheerios uniform were images that he preferred to keep to himself.

Nick nodded, the smile returning back to his face. Nick had it the worst out of the four of them. His dad was physically abusive before they shipped him across the country to Dalton where his parents wouldn't have to deal with him. Which suited Nick fine, though Blaine always knew it nagged at him some days.

Jeff's and Trent had completely supportive parents who lived in Ohio and sent their boys to Dalton out of love and protection.

They all had different backgrounds and different levels of support from their families, but they all knew the same struggles that growing up gay had. It was nice to talk to the boys who he knew not only understood how head over heels Blaine was, but also didn't find it odd that he was head over heels for a boy.

Jeff smiled moving on "So, Blainers, is Kurt your boyfriend now then?" he asked, leaning his head on Nicks shoulder, his boyfriends arm weaving around his waist.

Blaine smiled and nodded "Yes!" But as soon as the word was out he started to second-guess. "Well, like I think so at least…" he said looking around the room before finally at the screen at the boys looking at him with raised eyebrows.

"You think?" Trent questioned looking slightly confused.

Jeff sighed "Oh Blainers." He said shaking his head.

Blaine sat up straight in his chair and glared at the screen "We kissed, and I called him sweetheart a couple times! And he called me dear! I'd say that means we are boyfriends…"

Jeff took a deep breath and looked at Blaine with a shake of his head. "No Blaine. It means that you two are ridiculously adorable. It means that you guys skipped a step, a little kissing and terms of endearment do not mean you're together okay babe?" Jeff said as he leaned back in his chair "See, I called you babe and we are very much not together."

Nick sighed heavily and shifted awkwardly in his seat. "Yeah Blaine, doesn't count if you don't ask! Though of course he will say yes!" Nick said encouragingly, seeing the way Blaine's face had fallen.

Jeff scoffed at his boyfriend. "Oh come on! You have absolutely no right to comment on this situation!" he said trying not to laugh.

Nick looked at his boyfriend and let out a frustrated sigh and rested his head in his hands. "I thought we were together! I didn't know I had to ask. We were going out on dates every other night, and not to mention those visits to the janitors closet between classes-" Nick was cut off but Jeff hitting him in the arm.

Jeff rolled his eyes. "Yes, while I was completely and totally in love with you, just going along, worried out of my skull that it was just a game for you. Not that you're that type, but still." He said shaking his head at the feeling of insecurity he got whenever the topic came up. He turned back to Blaine. "It sucks not knowing Blaine. Kurt's probably sitting there wondering what this means, cause you two obviously have this connection. You obviously like each other, and it should go without saying. But it doesn't and insecurity sucks." Jeff said sadly as he subconsciously clung to Nick's arm, who placed a small kiss on the blonds head.

Blaine soaked in the whole conversation in front of him without comment. Was that really how Kurt was feeling? He hoped not but he could see where Jeff was coming from. They hadn't said anything official.

Blaine swallowed and directed his attention back to the screen "You guys don't think it's like, too soon to be making it official or anything… Cause I know a bunch of the New Directions guys don't like me because this is happening so fast…" Blaine said biting his lip as he started to over think the situation.

Jeff shook his head "Blaine, if tomorrow you got to school and Kurt was walking down the halls holding hands with Puck would you be okay with that?" he asked, obviously well aware of the answer.

"No, of course not! Why would you even say that Jeff?" Blaine said, his eyes wide as he couldn't help but picture it, and got a sick feeling in his stomach.

Jeff nodded "Exactly, I believe that in this situation it doesn't matter how long you've known each other. If the thought of Kurt with anyone else bugs you then ask him to be your boyfriend. Because whether he has a whole lot of options or not, it is still fully in his rights to go out and date whom ever he wants if you two aren't together." He said with a shrug.

Blaine knew he was right. "Great, now I need to come up with a way to ask him out" Blaine said as he pulled up his iTunes along side the Skype window.

"No!" he heard all three boys shout at him.

"Blaine, minimize the iTunes window that we just know you have up." Trent said steadily.

"Take a step back from the world of cliché's and dramatic declarations" Nick continued slowly.

"And just ask him like a normal person. This doesn't have to be a big deal. Sometimes something small and sweet is better." Jeff finished.

Blaine sat there in shock. "I'm not that bad am I?" he asked scrunching up his eyebrows.

He saw all three boys nod. "Yes, yes you are. Need we remind you of the Gap Attack last year…" Nick said slowly.

Blaine shook his head and cringed at the reminder. "That was different… I didn't really like Jeremiah, he was just cute and didn't run away…" Blaine sighed.

Jeff tried not to laugh "Oh he ran away alright…"

Blaine laughed and rolled his eyes "Oh shut up"

At exactly 12:00pm Rachel descended the stairs into Kurt's basement room with two mugs off coffee and a large smile on her face.

Kurt was just finishing his morning skin care regime as she set the mugs down on the coffee table in front of the couch. "So tell me everything" Rachel said as she got comfortable on the couch, pulling a pillow to her chest as she practically bounced trying to wait for Kurt to give her the details.

Kurt laughed at his overly excited friend and crashed down on the couch next to her. If he was being honest he was even more excited then she was. Being more excited about anything than Rachel Berry should have caused him to take a step back, but to be honest he was getting used to matching her crazy enthusiasm when it came to anything related to Blaine.

"Well, he took me to this fabulous little diner that him and his brother always go to. It was so adorable, then we went to a drive in movie and sat on the hood of his car cuddling, though don't even ask what we saw cause I can't remember." He laughed feeling high on the memory of being wrapped in his arms. "It was so perfect Rachel, it's not even like we kissed at the movie, he just held me because it was cold and it was perfect. I couldn't concentrate on the screen at all. His smell. He smells like boy!" Kurt rambled excitedly.

Rachel laughed and shook her head "Well I should hope he smells like boy." She laughed, smiling as she watched her best friend, who she had never seen this excited before.

"I don't smell like a boy." Kurt pointed out. "I smell like fruit and vanilla. Blaine smells like cinnamon and pine." Kurt said as he tried to hang on to that scent that floated through his brain.

He realized he needed to steal a sweater from Blaine because he was craving the scent.

Rachel laughed and hit him lightly with her pillow "You smell like a boy, just a clean and pretty boy." She said as she leaned and smelt Kurt's shoulder. "Definitely have boy smell in there. Not all boy smell is bad. Its just boy." She laughed and leaned back.

Kurt laughed and shook his head "Fine, what ever. Either way. After the movie we went for a walk in the park, we ended up at the docks, and someone was setting off fireworks. It was perfect Rachel, and he kissed me! And called me sweetheart! It was just unbelievable, I'm still waiting for someone to wake me up and tell me it's the beginning of school and that Blaine never happened, that he doesn't exist." He confessed as he smothered the pillow to his chest.

Rachel smiled brightly and rested a hand on his forearm for a second before harshly pinching the skin, when Kurt screamed loudly at the sudden shock of pain she nodded "See, you're not dreaming. So get used to it. So was he a good kisser?" she asked readjusting in her seat.

Kurt blushed and nodded as he hid his heated face in the pillow. "Yes," he mumbled before giving up on discretion and moving slightly closer to Rachel. "He was amazing, it was so different the Britts. Like, sure, it wasn't horrible kissing her, she's good at it and all, but it never did anything for me. They were just lips. But with Blaine, my god, it was like chemicals were being pumped through my veins, I felt on fire, like the fire works were in my stomach not the sky." He confessed and swooned slightly against the back of the couch.

Rachel laughed and smiled. "I'm so happy for you! I love those fireworks. I get them all the time with Finn." She said with a dreamy sigh. "They never go away, I think when they do it means you've fallen out of love." Rachel admitted quietly.

Kurt nodded, though he doubted it was true. There was no way the rush he had gotten the night before could happen again and again, he would surely die if it did.

Rachel sat up straighter. "So I assume this means you two are together now. Which is great! This is going to be great for the school! Of course the Glee club is going to have to keep an eye on you but having an openly gay couple walking down the halls may just snap some people out of it. I hope. If not we have your backs. Remember that. Don't let them intimidate you! Feel free to walk down the halls with your boyfriend Kurt! My dads will not let it stand if you and Blaine feel like you cannot express your love like Finn and I can." Rachel ranted quickly.

Kurt was taken aback by the rant, thrown off his mindset as he spluttered. "Rachel! Calm down, we haven't even talked about any of that yet. We aren't boyfriends or anything, it was just a date… I mean, sure I want him to be my boyfriend, but we only had one date. Don't you think you're getting ahead of yourself again?" Kurt said, trying to wrap his mind around it all.

Through the night and the morning Kurt had decided that Blaine would bring it up when he was ready. Kurt had no doubt in his mind that he and Blaine would end up being together, they were definitely very close to that already, but he didn't feel a need to rush into labels or public displays of affection.

Rachel looked at him quizzically "Of course you two are together! You look at each other like you're the most amazing thing ever, he calls you sweet heart and you guys were kissing last night. I don't think this is getting ahead of myself. I've been saying from the very beginning that this was meant to be. Why fight it. Who cares about time!" She said shaking her head, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and Kurt was sure to her it was.

It still grinded him the wrong way though. There was no reason to push this. He definitely wasn't going to be the one to ask Blaine to be his boyfriend, and he didn't see the point in pressuring Blaine to do it either.

"Coming from the girls who's 17 and engaged to her high school sweetheart. You are such an expert in not rushing things Rach." He said bitingly.

As soon as he said it and saw her face he deflated and felt horrible for letting his temper get a hold of him.

She straightened up in her seat and tossed the pillow to another chair. She didn't get up and storm out though, which was a very good sign. "What is with you and Quinn? Just so against this engagement! Really, yesterday that's all she would talk about when we were doing vocal runs, How I can't marry Finn, how I'm too young to know what I want, how I don't even look around to see any other possibilities. And now there's you, and I know you try and be supportive but you don't agree with it! Do you know how much it hurts Kurt? To have the two people who's opinions I care about most not support me in something I know I want!" Rachel ranted, getting red in the face and her eyes starting to turn slightly red and threaten tears.

Kurt took a deep breath and pulled her to him and hugged her tight. "I'm sorry Rach. I didn't mean it. I just snapped, if you want to marry Finn then I am supportive. I would love to have you as a sister in law. I just think a promise ring would have been fine, an engagement is a lot to take in. But I'm here with you 100% I promise." He said rubbing her back lightly "Quinn just needs to sort out herself right now. Give her time." Kurt mumbled against Rachel's hair.

Of course Kurt knew full well why Quinn was so adamant about Rachel not marrying Finn, and it had nothing to do with her throwing away her future. Though it wasn't his place to step in the middle. He did feel bad for Quinn though, he wished he could help her but he never quite knew how. He hoped she could sort herself out and move on.

Rachel nodded and regained her ability to speak again. "Oh god! I'm so sorry Kurt! This was supposed to be about you, not me! I made this about me! I always do that! Back to Blaine okay? Do what ever you think is right! I just know how much you like him!" she said and pushed some of her hair back as she got comfortable on the couch once again.

Kurt nodded and settled back into the comfortable position he had been in and handed Rachel another pillow to smother.

She laughed and held the new pillow against her chest. "So, I know the basic outline of the date, now I want a step by step detailed account of the movie and the walk. How did you end up in his arms?" She asked excitedly.

And so, the rest of the afternoon and well into the evening was spent on that same couch, gossiping about every detail he could think to share. He had never been more content to waste an afternoon on the couch before.

After the Skype conversation had finally ended, hours later, Blaine stood up, listening to his back crack as he did so.

The house was silent and Blaine, as usual, felt slightly alone in the empty home. Though he was used to it by now. It had been years of him being alone, it still felt odd though, so much space for a 17 year old boy.

He walked out of his room and padded down the stairs and into the kitchen. Opening the fridge he sighed, wondering what he was going to make himself for lunch. He settled on a sandwich and started pulling everything out for the meal. Right as he was about to start cutting up a tomato he heard keys scratching in the front door and his face lit up. Cooper!

He made his way to the front entry and leaned against the railing of the stairs waiting for Coop to make his way into the house, when he did he stumbled in carrying two bags with the insignia from Rosie's Diner on it.

Cooper looked up at him, his hands full as he kicked the door shut "Didn't even help me with the door. You are a mean person Blaine. Maybe I should just take my food and leave." Cooper joked as he walked into the kitchen and started digging out plates for them.

Blaine laughed and put the things for his sandwich away. "What brings you around Coop?" He asked as he closed the fridge door and grabbed his plate heading towards the table where Cooper was already seated, taking a bite of out his burger.

Cooper pretended to look offended "Oh! So I can't just come and visit my brother? For no reason what so ever other then I missed you dearly and knew you were alone?" He said, shaking his head. "Do I not love you enough? Maybe I should hug you more…" he joked and took a sip of his coke.

Blaine rolled his eyes "uh-huh, you hug me more then enough, thanks Coop, I was just wondering, don't you have a test or something to study for? You always seem to."

Blaine loved Cooper with every part of him; he wouldn't trade his brother for anything. But Cooper was busy; he was working to be a doctor. Trauma doctor to be specific. It was a lot of work and Blaine knew that, while he wished he could see Cooper all the time he hadn't been around much because of his studies.

His brother shrugged "Its still beginning of term, nothings really due yet, and you know me, procrastination is my best friend. Also, I may have gotten a call from Mom last night…"

Blaine sighed heavily "And what did our dear mother have to say?" he asked before taking a bite of his own burger.

Cooper shrugged "Not too much, business as usual out their way. Though, she did have a very interesting piece of information I was previously unaware of." He said casually.

Blaine looked at him curiously. "Oh? And what was that?"

Cooper but down his burger and dusted off his hands before folding them in front of himself and leaning on the table. "She informed me that last night you were out on a date." He said raising an eyebrow. "I do not recall being informed of any potential love interests for my baby bro. Who is he? How'd it go? Were you safe?" Cooper added the last one on for a laugh, the rest however Blaine knew he was serious about.

Blaine blushed a deep red as he picked up the now empty plates as an excuse for something to do. "His name is Kurt. I met him at a concert in the summer and he happens to go to my new School. It went very well. The details of which you will not be getting. And I'm not even going to acknowledge that last statement" he said as he loaded the dishes into the washer.

Cooper chuckled and leaned back in his chair, the front legs coming up off of the floor as if he was a 10 year old trying to annoy his mother. "Kurt uh? Is he your boyfriend?" Coop asked in a singsong voice, a smile large on his face.

Blaine reminded himself that he loved his brother, and that his brother was so supportive, but it did get annoying. "Not officially no. Though I plan to make it official in the very near future." He said as he turned back to his brother.

Cooper sprang out of his chair and pulled his smaller brother into a bear hug "Oh look at you! Little Blainers is all grown up and getting a boyfriend!" he said proudly.

Blaine wheezed in his brothers grasp, while he was used to his overly affectionate brother, the seldom bear hugs always left him without the ability to breathe. "Coop, I can't breathe" he managed to get out, but was ignored.

"I have to meet this boy! Do you have a picture? Is he cute? How tall is he? What color are his eyes? Is he a good kisser?" Cooper said raising his eyebrows suggestively even though Blaine couldn't see and finally released his brother.

Blaine staggered out of his brother's arms and rolled his eyes. Though he knew resistance was futile. He just had to make this situation as painless as possible. "You will meet him when you meet him, hopefully not for a while, he'll run screaming in the other direction…" Blaine joked.

Cooper laughed and feigned pain, clutching his chest "Me? Scare Blainers little friend away? Never! I'm not scary. And anyways, if he can't deal with me then how is he ever gonna be my brother in law? Gotta weed out the weaklings!"

Blaine shook his head, his eyes almost hurting from rolling so much. "Okay, we are going to pretend you didn't just bring up marriage when I've been out for one date. I swear, you and Rachel Berry would be best friends." He said as he made his way into the living room, knowing Cooper was right behind him.

He flopped down on the couch and shook his head "Don't ask who that is, she's a girl from Glee. Kurt's best friend. You share a lot of similar tendencies…" he sighed.

Cooper laughed and shook his head. "If only she wasn't jail bait I'd ask for an introduction." He said wiggling his eyebrows once again.

Blaine chuckled "And if she wasn't engaged to Kurt's step brother." He commented.

Coop raised his eye brows "Wow, that new school of yours sure has a lot of plot to follow doesn't it?"

Blaine nodded "You have no idea… anyways, Kurt. He's a couple inches taller then me, really leanly build, gorgeous, has skin like porcelain. And his eyes are this amazing blue, I've never seen anything like them before. His voice is amazing; my nickname for him is Ariel because he sings so well. He loves to sing and loves Fashion. He's applied to some performing arts schools and fashion schools in New York for next year, but he really wants to get into NYADA." Blaine said shrugging, trying to appear calm and not gush about the boy.

His brother listened and smiled brightly "Sounds like a good kid. Well, not really since that's barely any information for me to make a judgment on, but you seem like a love sick puppy so I assume he's a good kid." Cooper said nodding, he was just so proud of his little brother, so happy he was finally getting something he deserved.

"Though, I hope you know you have a month to voluntarily introduce me or I'll be randomly showing up when I know he's over." Cooper saw the skepticism on his brother's face. "Don't doubt me. I have my ways of knowing. And I'll make sure to walk in when you guys are making out, hopefully fully clothes. And be really embarrassing." He half joked.

Blaine shook his head "Fine Coop, a month. I'll figure it out."

Cooper nodded "Oh, you'd better. Time is ticking little grasshopper"

Later that evening Kurt and his dad had the house to themselves, Carole at work and Finn over at the Berry's for the evening. It was quiet as Burt sat in the living room watching some sporting event or another as Kurt cooked a simple meal in the kitchen.

Kurt often wondered how he had managed before Carole and Finn, he did enjoy the quiet time, just him and his dad, but it did seem so odd now, not having Finn yelling over a video game or over hearing Carole and his dad just chatting in the living room.

As he finished cooking the chicken breast and vegetables Kurt shouted to his father that dinner was ready. He plated the food and set it down at the small kitchen table, too lazy to move them to the dining room and not wanting to eat on the sofa.

Burt stumbled his way in. "Smells good Kurt." he said as he sat down and looked at the plate. Kurt knew his father would much rather prefer the chicken had been deep fried and that the vegetables were French fries, but he appreciated that his dad at least tried to enjoy the meals he made.

It was only silent for the first moment as they took the first few bites. "So, uh, your date went well then?" Burt asked, not knowing how to approach the discussion he knew he had to have.

Kurt knew where this was going as well, he could just tell by how is father was acting. "Yes dad, it went great. Blaine is a great guy. A real gentleman. He's very sweet." Kurt said, trying to build up Blaine as much as he could, he really wasn't in the mood for his father to bring up him getting hurt. He was too happy for that today.

Burt nodded "So, you two are what? Together now?" he asked as he took a bite "Cause, I know you two were saying you weren't… but that you might…" Burt looked like he was thinking very hard for a moment "To be honest I have no idea what you two are up to…"

Kurt put his fork down quietly and looked at his father, he really wasn't in the mood for this, then again, he doubted he would ever be. "Dad, Blaine is amazing. We aren't officially together but for all intents and purposes I suppose you can assume we are. For future reference or what ever, that assumption works for me. He has never had a boyfriend either, though I'm lead to believe he has a bit more… experience than I do. He kissed me last night, nothing more and I am not planning on doing anything more for a very long time. Can we not do this please?" Kurt asked, slumped in his chair.

Burt was silent for a moment, taken aback by Kurt's forwardness and honesty. He nodded and got up though, walking back into the living room for a brief moment before returning.

Kurt was curious as to what was going on, he watched as his father returned and handed up a stack of papers. Of Pamphlets. On gay sex.

Kurt's jaw dropped visibly and his eyes went wide. He dropped the papers on to the table his cheeks burning red. "Dad!" He shouted looking at the papers as if they were deadly snakes. "No! I do not need…" he stuttered, trying to get his brain to work, to look away from the covers "I don't need those." He managed to get out.

Burt sat back down and pushed the papers back towards Kurt, who looked at them skeptically. Where had his dad even gotten these? He didn't even want to think about it.

"Kurt, I think sex is a great present to give yourself on your 30th birthday. But I know that aint gonna happen." He said and started bending the visor of his baseball cap in his hands resting on the coffee table. "I want you to get to experience everything everyone else does. I just want you to be prepared for it. I don't wanna hear about it and I'm gonna pretend that the 30th birthday idea is what's happening. But when you're ready you gotta know about it."

Kurt nodded, completely mortified about the situation in front of him. This could not be happening.

"I know how it is, being a 17 year old boy Kurt, but usually, you have the girls slapping you away. Just remember, that just because you are two 17 year olds with urges doesn't mean that you have to go act on it. I know you're smarter then that but I just gotta say it. You matter Kurt. Never forget that! Don't go throwing yourself around, got it?" Burt said seriously.

Kurt just nodded, unable to really do anything else.

"Okay, why don't you just go down to your room and look those over? Uh, if you have any questions I'm here okay?"

Kurt nodded again, reluctantly scooping up the pamphlets and scurried down to his room. As soon as he was alone he shoved them into a back drawer and grabbed his cell phone.

Kurt: You will never believe what just happened.

Prince Eric: lol I was just about to text you.

End Notes: Reviews make me the happiest person alive. But the thing that makes me happiest of all is when people come visit me on tumblr!



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