This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 14 Chemicals Collide Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 14 Chemicals Collide

E - Words: 4,632 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
358 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Here's the new deal. Until April with school lifes gonna be chaos for me. So, i'll post as often as i can but i make no promises. But its just for this month. Come april everyday will be back i promise! Anyways. I love this chapter.

Shut your eyes
And feel the chemicals collide
You and I tonight
You're the sugar in my high
Shut your eyes
I feel the chemicals collide
Stars and satellites
Spinnin' round and round
On the night you saved my life

The sun was just setting as the boys pulled into the drive in movie lot. It was old and run down, barely anyone went to it and as far as Blaine knew. Tt didn't even show movies more the once a week. He loved it though. It was always his favorite way to spend a Saturday night. Even on weekends when he was alone, he would drive in and watch an old movie on the big screen. It was very relaxing, almost surreal experience.

It was such a different feeling then sitting in a movie theater. While sitting in a crowd of people in their cars you could still be in your own little bubble, you could watch the stars as well as the movie, and he did love pretending he was back in the 50s. Instead of brushing elbows with the stranger in the next seat or hearing the conversation from down two rows.

It was basically empty as they pulled into a spot, close enough so they could see but not too close. Blaine hated the feeling he got when he had to look up at the screen the whole movie, like he couldn't move his neck anymore.

He parked and turned off the ignition, flipping to the right radio signal, wondering what he should do next, should he say something?

Before he got the chance Kurt spoke up "I've never been to one of these before. What are we seeing?" he asked enthusiastically as he looked up at the big screen through the windshield.

Blaine felt his heart swell when he heard Kurt had never been to one of these before; he loved showing him new things. The look of childlike excitement and wonder in Kurt's eyes was priceless. "Niagara, I haven't seen it before, but I heard Marilyn Monroe is in it for a little." Blaine said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "I'm so excited for you to see something here! It's one of my favorite places!" Blaine said excitedly as he turned in his seat to face Kurt who was also undoing his seatbelt and turning to face him.

"So am I! I've always wanted to go to one of these! I had no idea there was one in Lima! Why have I never heard of his before?" Kurt said, almost bouncing in his seat as his eyes traveled all around them, looking at the few scattered cars around the lot and the 50s style snack bar in the corner.

Blaine chuckled softly as he watched Kurt's amazement at everything "Well it's not really well known… and I don't think it ill be around much longer. They only really do shows in Saturdays, and it's not even busy. People don't feel the need to do this anymore. Theaters are comfier and more convenient I guess.

Kurt frowned "That sucks. I really hope it stays open! I'd like to come back I think." He said as he looked at the time. "It starts in a half hour right?" Kurt asked curiously.

Blaine nodded "Well, ish. As soon as it gets dark enough. Its scheduled to start at 7:30 and it looks like it's going to be dark by then." He said and started to think. He wanted this to be perfect for Kurt. For them. He had planned everything out, to be cute but not too cliché, for it to be comfortable for Kurt. But he had no idea if his plans were going to turn out how he had actually planned them. He just hoped Kurt went along with him.

After a few moments Blaine cleared his throat. "Uh, I brought a blanket, you know, if you wanted to sit outside on the hood of the car… I know that's completely corny… right? Never mind. Forget I mentioned it" Blaine realized as he started speaking how cliché it was. It hadn't seemed that sappy in his head.

He heard Kurt laugh "Blaine, clam down" he said and grabbed his hand. "I think that would be perfect." Kurt said and squeezed his hand once before opening his door and getting out of the car.

Blaine blinked a couple times as he watched Kurt get out. Had that really just worked out for him? He wondered if the fates were really on their side. It was seeming so. With a quick thank you to whatever good karma had worked in his favor he took a breath.

Of course then Kurt was looking at him through the window like he was insane and Blaine shook his head. He shouldn't be surprised that his plan was working. Yet, he was.

He got out of the car and opened the backdoor, grabbing out the thick blanket he had brought along, just in case. He was excited he was getting to use it.

Taking an excited breath he rounded back to the front of the car and hopped up onto the hood, feeling it bend slightly under his weight.

He watched Kurt, seeing the slight nerves in the twinkle of his eyes, he noticed Kurt chewing lightly on his bottom lip for a moment before he moved to get onto the hood of the car.

His breath hitched as Kurt sat close to him on the hood. Blaine took the blanket and threw it over the both of their laps. It was already starting to get chilly, not too bad but he could feel the slight nip in the late September air.

"If you get too cold we can go back into the car. Just let me know." Of course, Blaine would have much rather gathered Kurt up in his arms and kept him warm that way. But he didn't know how Kurt would react to that.

Blaine had to laugh at himself silently. He had been so confident and even slightly cocky when he was trying to get Kurt to go out with him. Yet, now that he had Kurt under a blanket with him, on an actual date, he was extremely nervous and afraid to scare the other boy away.

It was because he had nothing to lose when he was trying to get Kurt to just say yes. All he could do was continue to say no, Blaine wasn't losing anything.

Now, there he was, he was solid and he could smell him close to him. If he made one wrong move Kurt could go running. Never to be seen again. Now that he was right there, he wasn't prepared to let it go.

"I think we will be fine" he heard Kurt said and admired his smile as he shuffled a little closer.

Kurt could feel the chill in the air as he climbed under the blanket, but the chill in his spine was more so from Blaine then the nipping air. As he settled in he could also feel Blaine's body heat, along with his, warming the blanket. "I think we will be fine" Kurt answered and allowed himself to move closer to Blaine's warmth. At least that was his excuse for moving closer to the other boy.

No matter how easy it was to be around Blaine, no matter that he knew Blaine, this was a date. A typical, lets snuggle under a blanket date. And Kurt had no idea what the hell he was doing.

Think back to all those movies, do what they do. Kurt told himself. He spent enough of his time locked in his basement watching TV shows and movies. Especially before he had joined Glee, when he had no one. He had always had stories. Books and movies and musicals. They all revolved around situations just like this.

All Kurt had to do was follow instructions. That's what he kept telling himself at least.

The previews on the movie started and he could hear the sounds coming from the car radio through the open window.

The screen crackled as old black and white previews played, old adds and commercials flitting across the screen. Kurt paid attention to the adds, smiling at the vintage ways of life. In the scheme of things, the 50s weren't that far behind them and yet it felt like he was in a different world as he sat there. As if he really was in the 50s.

As he watched the movie start Kurt felt Blaine's hand run up and down his arm lightly, he kept his eyes on the screen, not knowing how to react to the soft touches.

After a few moments of Blaine's hand rubbing his arm his hand made its way into Kurt's, intertwining their fingers together.

That was when Kurt finally allowed himself to look over at Blaine, who he caught smiling down at their hands. Kurt couldn't help but giggle slightly at the sight, pulling Blaine out of his thoughts and causing him to blush as he looked at Kurt.

Kurt smiled and squeezed his hand lightly before turning back to the screen, butterflies in his stomach making it nearly impossible to focus on the activities on the screen.

The movie went on for a while, seeming to draw on as Kurt started to feel Blaine's thumb moving across the back of his hand. Kurt felt like he could hardly breathe.

The movie moved slowly, and yet before he knew it, the movie was half way through, judging by the time on his phone. The wind had cooled further and Kurt pulled the blanket up a bit more against the cold breeze.

He felt a shiver run up his spin and he shook slightly. It was getting cold in the evenings and Kurt hated it. He disliked the winter. Sure, it was beautiful and everything but he hated the snow, he definitely did not do well on ice. He knew that the nip in the air was soon to become snow.

"Oh! You're cold, lets go back into the car and crank the heat okay?" He heard Blaine observe and start to slide off the hood.

Kurt's heart stopped, no. He didn't want to go into the car. He clasped his hand tighter in Blaine's and used his other one to grab the other boy's arm, shaking his head. "No! I mean, it's nice out here. I'm fine." Kurt said biting his lip again.

Blaine slid back up with a smirk on his face and a nod of his head. "Okay Kurt, but I don't want you getting too cold just because you want to stay out here." He said, his smile making it into his eyes with a glint.

Kurt nodded made a split second decision. He took his hand out of Blaine's, ignoring the small sound of disapproval from the boy and moved himself so he was pressed against Blaine and wrapped his arms around his waist, resting his head on his shoulder. "We will stay warm like this." He said and smiled up at Blaine.

Blaine felt like his heart was either going to stop or explode as Kurt wrapped himself around him. He really hadn't expected this. Of course he had wished it would happen, and in his mind when he pictured this part of the date, this was how he had pictured it. But he hadn't let himself even think it was a possibility. Sure, they had cuddled up together before, when Kurt was terrified and shaking like a leaf, but this was different. This wasn't just out of comfort or safety, this was just because Kurt wanted to be near him.

He smiled down at the boy leaning on his shoulder and fought the overwhelming urge to close the gap and kiss him. He wanted to, so badly. But it was one step at a time for now. So, Blaine settled for wrapping his arm around Kurt's shoulder and rested his cheek against Kurt's hair as they snuggled under the blanket as the movie played in front of them.

Blaine wondered if Kurt had been paying attention to the film. He knew he hadn't. If asked about what had happened in the movie he wouldn't be able to tell anyone.

Thought he could tell anyone who asked that Kurt smelled like strawberries and vanilla. He could make out that the fruit sent was from his shampoo and the vanilla from one or two of the creams he had seen on Kurt's vanity the night of the storm.

He could feel Kurt nestling into him closer and closer as the movie drew to a close. Blaine felt sad as the end credits started to roll and he could hear cars starting and people shuffling around them.

He didn't want to move, to let this boy out of his arms. It was so peaceful and nice, just to two of them sitting there under the stars as the music through the credits rolled. Neither making a move to get up.

As the last car pulled out of the lot and the lights at the snack shack turned off Blaine sighed heavily. It was already 9:30. "I think we have to go now sweetheart" Blaine murmured against Kurt's hair.

He felt Kurt move against him and look up into his eyes. "Sweetheart?" He asked, his cheeks stained red and a smile playing on his lips.

Blaine hadn't even realized he had said it. He didn't know what to do. Was he out of line? No, the look on Kurt's face was happy, not frightened. He nodded and let himself push a strand of hair out of Kurt's face. "Yup. It just felt right. You are a sweetheart. If that's okay?" Blaine said, he felt like he was a magnet, pulling towards Kurt's lips. He wanted to close the small distance so badly. He would have too if Kurt hadn't spoken again, his eyes falling away from Blaine's.

"I like it." Kurt said and straightened up. Adjusting his outfit in his adorable Kurt way. "Though I think this means I'll have to find the right name for you." He said and slid off of the hood. Blaine watched as Kurt took the blanket and started folding it.

Blaine chuckled and nodded as he slid off as well "Oh, I look forward to it." He said and slid into the car to warm it up.

Soon Kurt was sitting back in his seat, doing up the seat belt and stretching lightly.

Blaine watched him, looking to see how tired the boy was. "You ready to go home? If you're up for it I was thinking we could go for a walk in the park first." He said wondering how Kurt would respond. At that point though, Blaine would have been happy either way. The day had gone better then he had planned.

Kurt smiled and nodded "I'd like that a lot."

Kurt really didn't know how to process where he was. Two months ago he was recovering from Karofsky, spending all his time either alone or with Rachel. He was fully resigned to the only romance in his life being fictional and the only thing he had to look forward to was Glee starting back up and New York the year after. His life had just been a waiting game. Counting down the days till he was in New York and NYADA.

Now, he was walking through a park, his fingers intertwined with a gorgeous boy, looking up at the stars as they walked together, shoulders brushing as they inhaled the cool night air. This was the end to Kurt's first date.

His whole world had flipped on its side when Blaine had entered his life. He had fought to stay ahead, to stay standing. Yet there he was.

Kurt had taken to thinking about his situation a lot in the past few days. The night before had been filled to the brim in the late night with thoughts of what was happening.

He had found the best analogy he could find was relating the situation to Alice in Wonderland. Alice went about her daily life, fantasizing about something better. Then one day, she fell down the rabbit hole, landing her in a world she could only have dreamed up. This was Kurt's wonderland.

Though he also took it a step further. He felt like Alice if she had tried to climb her way back out of the hole, as if he had fallen down the black hole and managed to grab a root half way down, he tried to get out, scared of what lay at the bottom. Was it Wonderland or was it just a dirt floor?

The fear of the unknown had Kurt clawing his way back up, he didn't make it though. After trying and not getting anywhere he had just let go. He hoped for the best and tried to pretend the worst wasn't a possibility.

It amazed him that he had landed on his feet in Wonderland. He still found it hard to wrap his mind around.

Of course, The Little Mermaid was the symbol of this relationship and always would be. While Kurt didn't relate to every part of the story he loved the little things he found buried around. He loved the fun and whimsical air it gave his relationship with Blaine.

Though the two were walking in silence it was perfect. They didn't need to say anything. Kurt had always read in books about those comfortable silences, the ones where no words would fit. But he never understood it. Silence was never something Kurt enjoyed. Music, speech, language. Kurt loved those things. He always felt the need to fill silences. Yet, there he was. Perfectly fine to be walking down an abandoned path by a river in a park.

Of course, day dreaming and enjoying the company was distracting and Kurt failed to realize the hitch in the ground, his foot caught and he tumbled onto the dusty path with a shrill scream and a thunk.

As he realized what had happened he noticed his hand still clutched in Blaine's, as Blaine's features looked panicked as he stumbled over words asking of Kurt was alright.

Laughter erupted from Kurt's throat, laughing at himself and the fact that through it all, Blaine's hand had stayed firmly in his. "Blaine, I'm fine." He said as he tried to steady his breath, his stomach starting to ache with the force of the laughter.

Blaine let out a low chuckle as he shook his head and helped Kurt stand once again. "You sure? You didn't hurt your ankle did you?" he asked looking down at Kurt's feet.

Kurt shook his head "My ankles a little sore but its fine. Nothing's broken, though I hope I can get the dirty out of these pants." Kurt said as he rubbed at a mud stain on his thigh with his free hand.

Blaine laughed and rolled his eyes "Of course you're worried about the pants. There's some benches on that dock, lets sit down for a second okay?" Blaine asked with a light tug of his hand. With a nod Kurt followed him onto the dock, looking out over the small lake in the middle of the park.

In the night it was shadowy and mysterious but gorgeous, Kurt felt the slight edge in the feeling of what could be lerking in the shadows. Not quite frightened but not at ease either.

The feeling of being ill at ease were strongly countered as they sat down on one of the benches and he felt Blaine's arm wrap around him. Kurt smiled and sighed contently as he let himself lean against Blaine. "You know, this is been a pretty perfect first date Mr. Anderson" he said softly as he watched the stars twinkle in the night.

He could hear Blaine half chuckle and could picture the light smirk that he knew would be on his features if he tilted his head to look, but for now he was quite content resting his head against his shoulder, feeling Blaine's cheek against the crown of his head.

"Does that mean I get to start planning a second date?" He inquired softly.

Kurt laughed and nodded his head lightly. "Yeah. I think you do." He said and stretched softly, perfectly content with where he was. This moment was one he was fighting to engrain into his memory. Something that he'd be able to recall for the rest of his life. He was one of the lucky few who got a perfect first date.

He had to admit to himself though that he had deserved this. After Karofsky and all the bullying, he deserved someone like Blaine. Though history would dictate that he wouldn't be allowed to keep Blaine, since nothing ever worked out as it should. Still, he deserved the happiness Blaine was giving him and he was fighting himself to enjoy it while it lasted.

He felt Blaine's arms hold him tighter against his body for a moment before going back to their relaxed position.

A few minutes past, the only sound in the air was their breath, the sound of crickets and frogs, and the sound of Blaine's hand moving against Kurt's shoulder, rubbing gently.

Then it was all interrupted by a loud crack, causing both boys to jump apart and look around, searching for the source of the sound. Then they found it, Fireworks exploding in the sky over the lake.

Kurt let out a relieved laugh as he rolled his eyes. "Fireworks. I jumped out of my skin for fireworks." He said shaking his head.

Blaine laughed, his head also shaking as his eyes watched the colours of the fireworks explode sending colour shooting across Kurt's pale skin.

"Yeah. Well I guess we are both kind of skittish at loud noises" Blaine shrugged and put his arm lazily around Kurt's shoulders, it wasn't the intimate embrace they had been in moments earlier but Kurt still relaxed at the touch.

The fireworks went on for a long time and Kurt wondered if it as even legal to be setting off fireworks in the middle of the park for apparently no other reason then personal use. Of course though he was thankful for the people breaking the rules. If felt like the perfect end to a perfect night.

"This really has been perfect Blaine." He said and turned away from the fire works to look at Blaine.

After a few seconds Blaine turned to him as well, their eyes locked and Kurt marveled at the look of pure adoration seeping from Blaine's eyes. He never thought anyone would look at him that way. It scared him, but it also made him melt.

"I'm so glad to hear you say that. You have no idea." Blaine said and Kurt watched as he brought a hand up to his cheek. Kurt nuzzled lightly against the other boys slightly calloused hand.

"Kurt, do me a favor?" He heard Blaine ask in a whisper as they stared at each other, wrapped up in each others arms.

"Mhm?" Kurt hummed, not bothering to put together full sentences or words, too lost in Blaine.

"Don't run away this time." Blaine said as he leaned in, closing the gap between their lips for the first time.

As their lips met Kurt realized that there was more then one set of fireworks going on. It was like an explosion of emotion. Slowly, Kurt kissed Blaine back, tentatively, not sure what to do.

After a few moments they separated and both took a deep breath. Neither one knew what to say, but as Blaine caught the glint on his watch he checked the time. Nearly 11:15.

Kurt felt Blaine lean his forehead against his with a sad sigh. "I'm afraid I have to get you home." He said sadly.

Kurt let out a long disappointed breath "Do we have to?" The last thing he wanted to do was end this moment. He wanted to cling onto it forever.

" 'fraid so sweetheart." Blaine said and Kurt felt him press his lips to the tip of his nose. "But we will have many more nights. Come on." Blaine said and pulled away, standing and holding his hand out to Kurt.

Kurt watched the hand with a frown in his face. He nodded and took the hand in his "Yes dear." He said as he stood and they started back towards the car.

Blaine chuckled as they walked "We really did take to terms of endearment very quickly didn't we? Don't most people wait to assign such nick names" he asked as he swung their hands gently back and forth as they headed back to the car.

Kurt laughed musically and nodded "Yes, they do. But you started it." He teased and poked Blaine's side lightly. "Who says we need to do what everyone else does? You just seem like a dear to me." He laughed at himself.

Perhaps they were foolish to seem so involved so fast. What where they even? What was what they were doing? Where they together? He assumed so but nothing was official. They weren't boyfriends. While these questions floated around his head Kurt refused to ask them. He was just going to let tonight be perfect and leave the details for another day.

He heard Blaine laugh and saw him nod as they got to the car. "And you are a sweetheart. So I don't see a problem with this." He said as he pulled Kurt's door open for him. "We'd better hurry. Twenty minute drive to get you home, and I'd like you have you in the door 5 minutes early" He laughed.

Kurt smiled and agreed as the door closed and he did up his seatbelt with a click.

Twenty-three minutes and a sweet goodbye kiss on the front porch later Kurt walked into his house with a giddy smile and an excited giggle. He leaned against the front door in a typical cliché teen moment as he smiled to himself. Feeling the urge to do a happy dance right there in the entrance.

"Kurt? Is that you?" he heard his father yell from the living room.

Kurt rook in a deep breath to calm himself "Yes dad, I'm home." Kurt said as he slid off his shoes and walked into the living room finding his father and Carole curled up watching TV.

He sank down into the couch, with a content sigh.

Carole sat up and looked at him, "Someone had a good time." She pointed out in a sing song voice.

Burt looked at his son and grumbled, he was happy for his son, he loved the smile that was on Kurt's face but this was still his little boy. His little boy who had a bad track record of getting hurt. "He treat you right?" Burt asked, earning himself a light smack in the chest from his wife.

Kurt laughed and rolled his eyes "Yes Carole I had a wonderful time! It was perfect!" He said and hugged a pillow to his chest as he crossed his legs under him. "He took me to this little diner him and his brother always go to, and a drive in movie! Which was so cool! The screen was so huge and being outside during it was just amazing!" Kurt gushed to his step mother, who he valued as a friend as much as a motherly figure in his life "And then we went for a walk in the park! And someone was setting off fireworks! Carole I couldn't have asked for anything better!" He said excitedly as he fell against the back of the couch. Of course then he turned his attention to his father with an off handed "Of course he was a perfect gentleman dad."

With that Kurt stood up, stretched, and bid both his parents good night before descending the stairs to his room.

After quickly changing into a pair of pajamas Kurt flopped onto his bed, the giggly feeling still bubbling in his stomach even though he was exhausted and it was nearly one in the morning. He put on his iPod and grabbed his cellphone.

Kurt: Oh Rach! It was so perfect! I can't wait to tell you about it! See you at noon tomorrow okay? Bye.

End Notes:

Okay, so THEY KISSED HOLY SHIT CUE THE CONFETTI AND MAKE A GIF! sorry had to... There it is!

come love me on tumblr justxlosersxlikexme


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