This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 13 On Top Of The World Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 13 On Top Of The World

E - Words: 5,291 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
364 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I love this chapter. I'd just like to thank itsnotteaitsdrugs from tumblr for pointing out that Ariel only had three days so i may as well speed things up a little...OH! last thing! The songs are On Top Of The World by Boys Like Girls and Supermassive Black Hole by Muse.

Look out, across the water
Faces of lonely daughters and mothers who care
But just can't be there
Swear that I will see you someday
I have to find a way to show you I care
Even if you're not there

It was Friday afternoon and Blaine was a bundle of nerves as he fiddled around his locker. He was about to head to Glee and he had no idea what was going to happen. He knew what he wanted to happen. He knew what he had planned, what he had been planning since Wednesday in the parking lot.

He knew that Kurt was nervous and scared, but he also knew that Kurt did having feelings for him. Not platonic feelings. He had heard it straight from Kurt's lips, his beautiful lips. But he knew that he had to do something big to get Kurt to trust him. He could see the resistance Kurt was fighting. There was those dark corners, stories Blaine didn't know that were telling him to be afraid of Blaine. And Blaine had to prove those stories wrong.

Kurt had issues, as did Blaine, but Blaine's personality had let him have enough courage to fight through it and still trust. Kurt hadn't been able to open up again. It was sad, and Blaine wanted to make sure that Kurt could let him in, once and for all.

Blaine knew that the best way into Kurt's heart was through music. He also realized he couldn't scare Kurt away with an over the top love song. No matter how tempting the thought was.

It had take him hours of flipping through his iTunes until he had found a song that said everything he wanted to in a way that was at a place their relationship was. He was shocked at the lack of songs in his library that were relatable to this situation.

The draw and chemistry between them was intense, neither of them could deny that, but their relationship was still new. It felt so right, but Blaine had to constantly remind himself that he had only been in Kurt's life for just under two weeks.

When he thought of it that way though, he laughed to himself.

Ariel only had three days. He reminded himself.

With that he steeled his resolved and shut his locker door. He was ready. This was going to work out. It had to. Everything would be perfect and soon enough Kurt would be in his arms. Just like he had been Monday night, except this time he would be able to steal kisses and lose himself in the sent of Kurt's hair.

Blaine shook his head, snapping out of his daydream. This was no time for his mind to run away to dangerous places.

As he walked into the Choir room he realized he was late, Shuester already lecturing about the power of music, did he say the same thing every class? At least he knew he wasn't missing anything as he sat down next to Kurt and zoned out.

He went through practice on autopilot until he saw that he had ten minutes of class left, he waited for a break in Shuester's lecture before he stood up. Now or never. "Uh, Mr. Shue… I was wondering if, I, uh, if I could sing something before we leave." He said, his stomach knotting. What if Shue said no? He hadn't considered that possibility.

Thankfully, Shuester nodded his approval before Blaine could freak himself out too much. He sighed a breath of relief and walked to the front of the room.

He looked out on curious faces and his eyes landed on Kurt, who was mouthing a question to him, his gaze searching and curious.

This will work. He reminded himself.

"Well, I know I've only been part of Glee for two weeks now. But I like to think that I've fit in quite well here, and I have you all to thank for that." He said looking at everyone, their smiles feeding his confidence.

He continued looking at Puck and Finn. "Most of you have realized, not always kindly, that I'm not only here because I love music, but also because of Kurt." he said, getting some knowing smiles, some nods and a very red Kurt.

He chuckled "And you guys were right. We aren't together, as we keep informing you all. But I want to change that. So, uh, here I go." He said and nodded to Brad to pressed play on the stereo.

Music filled the room and he got some laughs at the familiar tune. He looked at Kurt and smirked.

Kurt could not believe what was happening. Was he really doing this? Serenading him in front of the Glee club? This was so cliché. Yet, it melted Kurt's heart into a puddle on the floor as he laughed lightly at the choice of songs.

Ooh baby don't you know I suffer

Oh baby can you hear me moan

You caught me under false pretenses

How long until you let me go?

Kurt blushed as Blaine sang directly to him, he moved around the room, dancing with the mic stand. It was no doubt what he was getting at and where he was going.

Kurt would have been lying if he said he hadn't fantasized about this exact situation, Blaine singing to him in front of everyone. The eye contact that sent lightning down his spine and the feeling of warmth and giggles erupting from his stomach. He had imaged it all, more times then he cared to admit.

This however was not at all like any of the situations he had toyed around with. Somehow this was better. This was just so Blaine. It wasn't crazy or overly romantic, it was cute and meaningful and fun. And sexy. Kurt really couldn't get passed the way Blaine was dancing with the mic stand.

Ooh, you set my soul alive

Ooh, you set my soul alive

Glaciers melting in the dead of night

And the super star sucked into the supermassive

Kurt's jaw fell open as Blaine danced with the mic stand between his legs. He couldn't breathe, his eyes grew into saucers "Oh dear god, please yes" he muttered breathily to himself, not noticing Rachel's laughing at his reaction.

He was very embarrassed as he shifted in his chair, bright red as he started to get more then a little uncomfortable as he watched the boy in front of him. He swallowed, his lip pulled in at the corner of his mouth.

He was vaguely aware of the entire Glee club looking back and forth between him and Blaine. He couldn't bring himself to care about his reactions though, all that mattered was Blaine.

Blaine stopped being sexual with the mic stand, much to Kurt's disappointment and relief.

I thought I was a fool for no one

But ooh baby I'm a fool for you

You're the queen of the superficial

And how long before you tell the truth?

Blaine made his point very clearly, these were the lyrics that he chose the song for, while it was a fun way to impress Kurt, it did have a meaning, and that was it. He was begging Kurt to say yes to him. To stop denying what they had.

As Kurt watched him he smiled and nodded, more to himself then to Blaine. Yes, he was done. He was sold. Blaine was officially perfect. Kurt pushed back all the fear at everything falling apart and just embraced the fact that right then, all he wanted was Blaine.

The song finished and Blaine stood in front of the room, slightly out of breath. Kurt could see the adrenaline of the performance was coursing through his veins. "Kurt, I'm such a fool for you, how about we tell the truth? Let me take you out tomorrow." He said smiling nervously. "On a date. Definitely a date." He clarified, laughing lightly.

Kurt bit his lip; he tried to come up with some witty answer. He couldn't though. This wasn't the time.

Kurt pushed himself out of his chair and walked across the room and threw himself into Blaine, wrapping his arms around his neck. "Of course I will you goof" he laughed and kissed Blaine's cheek chastely.

He felt Blaine's arms wrap around him, heard him chuckle lightly against his ear.

The room erupted in cheers and the boys finally came back to reality. Shuester looked very happy with himself, Finn and Puck looked like they were biting their tongues and the rest of the room was just happy. There was a chorus of "finally" mixing with laughter as the boys half separated.

Blaine kept his arm around Kurt's waist as he rested his head on Blaine's shoulder, a laugh still on his lips.

Shuester stood up, a huge smile on his face "Well, I don't think any of us can say we are surprised at that. But that's a great note to leave off on guys. Thank you for that performance Blaine. I'll see you all Monday, have a good weekend." He said as he gathered his papers and headed into his office.

The New Directions all filed out slowly, giving congratulations to the boys as they past. Kurt felt it was a little over the top. Everyone had seen this coming, and he had just agreed to a date. There was no title, no commitment, no guarantee that it would even get a second date, let alone anything else.

While it was ridiculous, it was also flattering and Kurt let himself bask in the attention from the girls. Finally it was him. Finally he wasn't the one telling the girls how happy he was for them. For once he got to be happy for himself.

Rachel was the last one to leave the room and approached the two boys with a smile on her face that rivaled both of the boy's.

She hugged Kurt and got up on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear "Thank you for trusting yourself." She said and kissed his cheek before turning to Blaine. "Blaine, that performance was wonderful. While I think your interaction with the stand was more than a little inappropriate, I think you really do command your audience's attention. Have a good weekend you two." She said and headed towards the door, as she was about to leave she turned around quickly "And Kurt I expect full details by noon on Sunday." With a nod she was gone. Leaving the two boys standing alone.

The silence was slightly awkward as they both shifted on their feet. The silence was broken by Kurt giggling lightly and kicking the ground. "For what it's worth I really liked your dancing with the mic" He said, looking at Blaine, a light smile on his lips.

Blaine laughed along with him, relaxing and blushing slightly "I hoped you would… but I got kind of carried away in the middle there…" he said as he flung his bag over his shoulder.

"I noticed. But I can't say I didn't like it…" Kurt said, beet red. He felt calm though, a lot calmer then he had in a long time. "So, tomorrow? What do you have in mind?"

The flush on Blaine's cheeks deepened as he looked down and nodded, Kurt couldn't help but flail on the inside at how adorable his Blaine was.

No, not his Blaine. Where had that come from? The fact that he had even thought that was concerning to him. He wouldn't dwell on it though. He wouldn't scare himself.

Blaine shook his head and smirked "Now Kurt, where would be the fun be if I told you my master plan? Just have some faith and enjoy the ride." He said and started backing towards the door, his face mischievous.

Kurt laughed and rolled his eyes. "Oh you are so cruel" he said and followed Blaine shaking his head lightly. He bumped his hip into Blaine's when he made it to him 'But I suppose I can trust you. For now." He joked as they headed out of the school.

The next day had Kurt standing in front of his closet, looking through clothes and laying outfits out across the room. "I don't know what to wear" he whined to Rachel who was lying on her stomach on his bed.

She shook her head and laughed at him "Kurt, calm down. He has seen you before. He has seen you as you and as a punk. I'm really sure that he will think you look great no matter what." She said calmly as she flipped through that months edition of Vogue.

Kurt shook his head as he walked around his room, looking at every outfit with harsh judgment. Holding the fabrics up to different lights before sighing and moving on to the next.

"I don't want him to think I look great. I want to actually look great." He said running his hand along the sleeve of a top, he tossed it over to Rachel "What do you think of that fabric? Too soft?"

He watched as Rachel felt the fabric "It's fine. It's nice. Cuddly. Why do you care about the fabric Kurt?" she asked confused as she folded the top.

Kurt bit his lip and fiddled with another top, concentrating on it instead of looking at Rachel. "Well what if he touches my arm? Puts his arm around me? It should be soft shouldn't it?" He said, feeling silly at how much thought he was putting into such minor details. He really was an honorary girl sometimes. Though, he had been very reassured of his masculinity watching Blaine dance the day before. Honorary girl or not, he still had the ergs of a teenage boy.

Rachel smiled and rolled her eyes affectionately. "Kurt, he hugged you yesterday, and had his arm around you. I really don't think he'll care what fabric you're wearing. Just that it's you he's holding. Just stay away from anything scratchy and you're fine. You're over analyzing" She said and went to go look at the different choices herself up close. "And that's coming from me. So take a breath. When Rachel Berry says you're being dramatic you know its time to take a step back" She joked.

Rachel had gotten a lot better since the first year of Glee. She was still a drama queen and too driven, but she was aware of it now. She tried to not be as bad as she once was.

Kurt nodded with a light laugh "Perhaps you're right." He agreed as he watched her.

She held up a pair of red skinny jeans and a grey button up. "Here." She said and also grabbed a pair of simple black shoes "This is the outfit. The top is very flattering to your body and skin tone. Also Blaine won't be able to keep his eyes off of your backside in those jeans." She said before turning to the closet. She grabbed out a simple black dress jacket and added it to the pile. "There. Now stop stressing." She laughed and sat down on the bed again, pulling him down with her.

Kurt examined the outfit, feeling the fabric and imagining it all put together. "I do look good in those jeans. Why, Ms. Rachel Berry, I think I taught you well. If I do say so myself" he said and pulled her into a one armed hug. "I think its perfect."

"I am an amazing pupil." She joked and stood up. "Looks like you have an hour till he gets here, go get dressed and we can work on your hair!" She said excitedly.

Kurt nodded and grabbed the bundle of clothes. "Thanks Rach…" he said turning back around when he got to the door to his bathroom.

She smiled as she started putting away the rejects "What for?" she said as she worked at re-hanging a top.

He shrugged "Just for being my friend. For letting me rant to you and for you dealing with my crazy. It means a lot that you're here. All the time, but right now especially. I think I would have gone crazy doing this on my own." He said quietly as he shifted his weight around.

She nodded and tried to suppress the huge smile on her lips. "Blaine would have come to pick you up only to find you in a ball in the corner surrounded by your whole wardrobe." She teased "But, you are welcome Kurt. I'm really glad I'm the one you asked to be here."

Kurt nodded once more before walking into the bathroom and closing the door behind him.

"Kurt! It looks fine!" Rachel laughed and slapped his hand away from his hair. "It's been fine for the last ten minutes!"

He nodded and took a deep breathe, "I know… but he should be here in ten minutes. I'm nervous." He admitted and played with the bottles on his vanity.

She smiled at him through the mirror "You know Blaine. This isn't a blind date. Calm down." She said and rubbed his shoulder blades lightly

Kurt heard a knock at the door and his eyes went wide "He's early. Why is he early?" He panicked as he shot up out of his seat and ran across the room to get his jacket.

Rachel rolled her eyes as she watched him buzz around the room. "Less time for you to drive yourself crazy." She said and pushed him towards the door lightly "Go. See the boy. I'll stay down here until I hear you leave" She said and sat down on the couch, grabbing a book off the table.

He nodded "Yes. Yes, that's smart." He said and stepped up the first step, then he turned back around and ran back, giving Rachel a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you! I'll text you when I get home! And I'll see you tomorrow morning right?" He asked as she backed towards the stairs.

She nodded "Yes, Kurt. Bright and early. And honey, be home by 11" She said as she picked up her book.

Kurt shook his head, straightened his back, and headed upstairs.

Blaine took a deep breath before he brought his knuckles to Kurt's front door. He knew he was early, and he hoped that Kurt was busy still getting ready and wouldn't notice. He doubted it, but he could hope. He wanted to talk to Burt. As terrifying as the idea was.

He didn't know whether he was happy or not when Burt answered the door. "Hello Mr. Hummel. I'm here to pick up Kurt…" he said smiling, trying his best to look charming and respectable.

"What did I tell ya about calling Mr. Hummel. Come on in kid" Burt said opening the door further and motioning Blaine in. "I think he's still down there with Rach doing his hair or somethin'" Burt said as he led Blaine into the living room.

Blaine had to smile; of course Kurt had Rachel down there. He wondered what they had been talking about all morning. Of course he knew the topic would be himself, though that thought alone was unsettling. He wondered exactly what had been said though. He thought that Rachel approved, he was 99% sure she did. But there was always going to be a nagging in his stomach that the New Directions didn't think he was good enough for Kurt. He just wanted to prove that he was.

"So, Um, Burt" Blaine looked towards the door to the basement and made sure Kurt wasn't coming up just yet. "I'm planning on taking Kurt to a late lunch at this diner downtown, unless of course he's already eaten or something… then I'll figure that out. But uh, then I have tickets to this drive in movie this evening, and if it's okay, and if everything goes well, um I was hoping we could go for a walk in the park before we come back. If that's all okay with you si-Burt." Blaine rambled. He knew that he didn't have to tell Burt everywhere they were going, he hadn't asked. But he wanted Burt to trust him.

After the way they had met the last thing he wanted was for Burt to expect that all he wanted was to get into his sons pants. That wasn't what this was about.

Blaine hoped, that if at the beginning he was honest and trustworthy with Burt he would give them more freedom later. It made logical sense to Blaine, but he wasn't used to dealing with fathers. Or boys. He really just wasn't used to any of this.

Burt looked Blaine up and down silently, as if assessing the threat Blaine held. Blaine felt like he couldn't breathe under Burt's gaze. He didn't think he was a threat, or a risk, but he didn't know what Burt was thinking.

From everything he had been told about Kurt's father he knew he was a good man. Kind and caring. Papa Bear Hummel, he had heard him called. Fiercely protective but also extremely understanding. From the stories Kurt had told him about his coming out, Burt was the perfect father. He wished his was like that. He hoped that he wouldn't disappoint the man in front of him.

Burt chuckled and shook his head "You can take a breath son. Thank you for letting me know. You didn't have to but thanks. Just have him home by midnight and everything's good. Have a seat. I think he will be up soon. "

Blaine let out a breathy laugh as he tried to relax. He walked towards the couch and dug out a piece of paper out of his pocket. "Uh, here's my cell number. I know Kurt has one and everything. But you know, just in case." He said and then sat down, trying not to let the awkward get to him.

Where was Finn? He wondered. Would Finn make this situation more or less awkward? He debated this in his head for a few seconds before he heard the door to the basement open.

Blaine slid into the booth opposite Kurt and slid one of the menus from the holder towards him. "When I was little, when ever my parents went away and left Cooper and I alone, starting when he was like 14 and I was 8, we would come here for practically every meal. Dad would leave us his credit card for food and we would just always end up taking a cab here." He said as he leaned back and looked around the familiar diner.

He watched as Kurt smiled at him, his hands folded on top of the table, looking so captivated by the story. "That's adorable. So your parents left you guys alone a lot?" he asked as the waitress poured them waters and walked away.

Blaine shrugged, he had brought it up, he was fine with talking about his home life, it just wasn't his favorite topics. He knew he had to talk about it sometime though; he didn't want to hide anything from the boy before him.

"I guess? Not so much when we were really young. They always worked a lot, but when we were kids, they tried to spend a lot of time with us. Then when Coop was old enough to watch me on his own they started leaving more, still not a whole lot. But enough. We learned to function on our own. It's why I'm so close to Coop even though he's six years older then me." Blaine said as he sipped his water "Then, when I was 14, they decided that I could stay home alone, and Coop was already an adult, so they started leaving more. They aren't home a lot anymore. Almost never at the same time." He said with a shrug. It was just his life now. He didn't think much of it.

Of course he noticed Kurt frowning at him. "So, Cooper doesn't live at home then?" he questioned.

Blaine shook his head "No. Well, not actually. He has an apartment near the hospital and university. He's in medical school. But when ever he has time he stays at the house with me."

He watched as Kurt nodded thoughtfully. "I like it though. Honestly, I think its better that they aren't there. Ever since I came out it's been hard." He said but quickly moved on. "And for the past two years I'd been at Dalton. Boarding so it wasn't an issue. Now that I'm home it's a bit lonely without all the Warblers being loud, but its nice."

Kurt was quiet for a moment and Blaine could see him debating whether or not to ask the next question. "So, you're parents aren't supportive of you being gay?" he finally decided to ask.

Blaine also hated that question. It was important, that was something Kurt was actively involved in. One day Kurt would meet his parents and meet Cooper. Kurt had every right to know. It was just a challenging question to answer.

"That's tricky. I don't really know. My mom really tries. She loves me so much, and she shows it when she's home. She just doesn't get it. She can't wrap her mind around it. But she tries to be supportive. She asks about if I've met any nice boys, she was excited to hear about you" he said with a shy smile. He loved the way Kurt blushed just a slight pink. "But you can always tell that she's trying" he said with another shrug. Blaine found that whenever he was talking about his home life, aside from Cooper, he always shrugged a lot. To give the illusion it wasn't a big deal. Even though it kind of was. It was second nature to him now.

Blaine could see Kurt's mind turning. He knew he was wondering about his father, he could just tell. There was something about how he chewed on the inside of his cheek. "My dad's different. He doesn't try. That's not to say he doesn't love me. He does, I like to think at least." He said with a sigh. He really didn't know if that was the truth or not. "He took it really hard. He really doesn't get it. And he really wants to pretend it's a phase. He's not hateful. He didn't kick me out or disown me or threaten me. When I got attacked he made sure I was transferred somewhere safe no matter the cost. He just likes to pretend my sexuality doesn't exist."

Kurt nodded quietly. "Thank you for telling me that Blaine. I could tell it was hard." Kurt said and placed his hand over top of Blaine's on the table.

Blaine smiled and forced a laugh shaking his head "Heavy conversation for a first date. Have you decided what you want?" Blaine asked as he quickly squeezed Kurt's hand before grabbing his own menu, though he already knew what he wanted.

He had the same thing every time he came. He wanted to sit and hold Kurt's hand forever, but he had to change the topic and the atmosphere. This wasn't what he had wanted the first date to be like. He wanted it to be fun and upbeat. He needed to bring that make. Baggage wasn't something they needed to lay out right now.

Kurt smiled and looked down at the menu. He knew that had been hard for Blaine. Parents were always such a touchy topic. While Kurt had an amazing father, one he wouldn't trade for the world, he did have his own set of parental issues. His mothers' death, his fathers remarrying. He wanted to lay those out, to make Blaine feel like he wasn't the only one who had to battle with home life issues. But this wasn't the time. Slowly those things would come out. He was just glad that Blaine felt like he could share those things with him.

"The Turkey sandwich sounds really good." He said indulging gratefully into the change of topic.

Soon their orders were taken and they were alone again, sitting in their corner booth away from the other customers scattered around the middle of the diner. "I really like it here. Its cute." Kurt said as he looked around at the rustic styled diner. It was done in light pastels and vintage furniture. He could pick out designs from the Victorian Era as well as the 1950-60s but some how it managed to all fit together perfectly. It was adorable and comfortable.

Blaine nodded as he looked around nostalgically. "I remember the day Coop and I found this place." He said and Kurt could see his mind wondering down memory lane, the glint in his eyes. Kurt could almost image an 8 year old Blaine walking in beside a 14 year old boy who's face was a blur since he had yet to meet Cooper.

"We were just wondering around, hungry, looking for a place to eat. We saw this old lady through the window at the counter and she just looked so nice. So we decided to try coming in." He laughed a little, looking off towards the counter "She was amazing. Her name was Rosie. She owned the place. She waited on us hand and foot after we told her that our parents had left us alone. When we kept coming back she would always make sure we had everything we needed. She looked after us like a grandma. I remember, after about 2 years of coming here, our visits getting more and more regular slowly, we started calling her Grandmother Rosie."

Blaine licked his lips, his eyes still on the counter for a moment before meeting Kurt's once again "She was the first adult I came out to. I told Coop first. The day I admitted it to myself I told him. He was great. He said he knew."

Kurt smiled brightly and nodded "That's what my dad said when I came out too. Apparently all I wanted for my birthday was a sensible pair of heels" Kurt laughed with a huge smile on his face, enjoying the similar one on Blaine's lips.

Blaine nodded "Cooper said when I was really little, 4 or 5, he was reading me a bedtime story because mom was working late and I asked if a Prince could marry a Prince." He shook his head and laughed at himself "And then it took me 9 years to figure out I wanted to" he said happily. Kurt much preferred these happy memories to the previous discussion.

"When I told her she smiled so brightly and told me that she had better be the first one I introduce my first boyfriend to and our first date better be here or there would be hell to pay" He said, his eyes glazing over slightly. "She died last year. November 17th" He said, as he looked down. "She was 87 years old. She lived a really great life. Most of the photo's around this place she took when she traveled. It was sudden. A shock. But quick. She didn't suffer which made me happy." Blaine smiled at the memory of the women he was talking about.

"She left us in her will. Just silly things, things we had talked about." He said with a sigh, he shook his head. Snapping out of the daze he had gone into. "But here we are, I know we aren't anything official. But this is our first date. My first date. It was important that I brought you here." He said with a huge smile.

Kurt saw the look of pride Blaine was showing. Of doing what he had promised. It made Kurt want to cry that he was the person Blaine brought there. That Blaine would share not only this place, but the story behind it with him. Once again Kurt took Blaine's hand in his and squeezed it.

"Thank you for bringing me here Blaine. Its beautiful. It was a beautiful story. And from the pictures on the walls and the things you've just said, she was a beautiful woman, inside and out"

Blaine smiled and squeezed Kurt's hand back. Kurt could see the glint of tears in Blaine's eyes but he wasn't going to point it out.

Their food arrived with a light click of plates on the table.

End Notes:

Jamie (likechildreninafairytale/ CrissColferL0ve) made me laugh, when i told her i was cutting the date in half she was all "RUUUUUUDDDEEE".

feel free to nag me on tumblr... it probably would help XP i'm a horrid procrastinator...


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