This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 11 Transylvania Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 11 Transylvania

E - Words: 4,379 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
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Author's Notes: This chapter is a bit shorter then they have been but a lot happens... Songs Transylvania by McFly. Takes me back 5ish years lol. I dont own anything.

Sorry but we disagree

The boy is vermin can't you see?

We'll drown your sins in misery

And rip him out of history

Glee practice was over and Kurt stretched out and grabbed his bag. Blaine was going to drop him off at home; they hadn't felt the need to take three cars to the same place, since Finn insisted on taking his truck in, he was convinced it got Rachel hot. It didn't. She just humored him.

Kurt was very well aware of how the whole situation looked. It was very misleading. Two gay boys arriving to school together, one in the past days clothes after spending the night alone. It was so obvious that they had slept together, what else could have happened? Kurt didn't care though, he was more than happy with the actual events of the night before.

He wasn't randomly having sex with Blaine just because they were gay, they were slowly building a relationship. They were friends. They shared cute moments that Kurt thought only happened in fiction and he preferred those stolen moments over sex any day. Well, he assumed. He wouldn't actually know.

Blaine smiled at him and fished out his keys "Ready to go Mr. Hummel?" he asked brightly. Kurt wondered if Blaine would want to stick around for a bit after school. He wouldn't ask, he didn't want to act like some lovesick teenager. Even if that was what he felt like.

He wasn't going to let Blaine consume his life, but he could fantasize about it, about Blaine sitting in his room with him, watching musicals and practicing for Glee. Sure, he did all those things with Rachel, but it was different. He felt a twinge of guilt in his stomach, he needed to remember to not replace Rachel with Blaine. Perhaps he would steal her away from Finn tonight.

"Yeah. I'm ready. Thank you so much for giving me a ride again. I know it's kind of out of your way." He said as he flung the strap over his should.

Blaine shook his head "Never a problem Kurt, easier then you taking in the Navigator or worse having to deal with the dread of Finns truck!" He said in mock horror as they headed towards the door.

Kurt's laugh was cut off as he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders. "Sorry Anderson, I will be escorting my boy Kurt home today. Run along." He said and started to steer Kurt down another hallway without even a backwards glance, leaving Blaine standing confused, watching them leave.

Kurt shook his head "Noah, that was mean. What do you want? You have been investing an odd amount of time in me." He said as he twisted around and shot an apologetic look to Blaine before they turned down another hall.

"Nah. You're my boy, I like hanging around with you. Anyways we need to talk." He said as he led Kurt to his car.

Kurt rolled his eyes as he set himself down in the car and closed the door, he couldn't help but remember how Blaine had opened his doors this morning as well as last night. Somehow his thoughts seemed to usually circle back to Blaine.

"Uh-huh… So what did you want to talk about Noah?" Kurt asked as he did up his seatbelt and turned to face him.

Puck put the keys in the ignition but didn't start the car "What is going on between you and Anderson?" He asked seriously "Because last I heard, you were saying 'nothing', now Finn said Burt caught you guys in bed together!" he said, his voice going into 'Protective Noah' Mode. Yes, there was a specific tone Kurt had realized was dedicated to when Noah felt like he had to protect someone. It was sweet, but he had been hearing that tone too much and from too many people lately.

"What is going on in your head Hummel? This isn't like you. Britt? Santana? Fine. You? No chance in hell. I think I need to kick this guy's ass, but I need you to tell me what is going on first. After the whole Karofsky thing I thought you were going to tell us when something was going down!" Noah ranted, not giving any space for Kurt to interject until he was finished.

Kurt felt like he was about to explode with anger by the time Puck wrapped up his little rant. Sure, it was nice that the New Directions boys finally cared about him and his safety. Took them long enough, but this was ridiculous.

"First off, my dad did not find Blaine and I in bed, we had fallen asleep on the couch. Nothing happened; we were watching movies on his laptop! My 'honor' or what ever the hell it is that you are trying to protect is fine. But you know what? If I was going and having crazy kinky random sex with Blaine it would be none of your business. Less then none actually." Kurt said angrily.

He saw Noah was about to start speaking again but cut him off for his second wind. "And please, do remind me what you said to Finn when he got in Rachel's pants? Or Mike when Tina slept with him? Something along the lines of 'Good going man, how was she?' or something just as casual and repulsive. But no, the gay boy finallyfinds someone who he could possibly have a relationship with and everyone is up in arms about us having sex!"

It was Puck who cut Kurt off this time "Hey! Chill! It has absolutely nothing to do with you both being dudes, what ever gets you going Hummel, what it has to do with is the fact that what we heard, which fine, was wrong, wasn't like you! You have always been the blushing virgin and we don't want some new guy you met at a concert to go and take advantage of you! He might not be Karofsky but he could still be playing the same angle but with a different strategy! Like different plays in football dude! Its always for the same end goal!"

Kurt was fully aware that they were both shouting at this point and that anyone who walked by the car could hear them. "You would know! You've slept with almost every girl in the school! You know perfectly well about that particular end goal Puck! Blaine is nothing like Karofsky, Noah."

"I do know! Fine, what ever. I'll take full credit for that, but that's who I am! It's not who you are! Whenever the guys talk about sex around you, you turn beet red! And now suddenly you're curled up all cozy with a boy who you stayed with all night unsupervised? Damn straight I'm going to get worried! We all are dude!"

Kurt unhooked his seatbelt "Ever thought that the reason I'm the so called 'blushing virgin' is because I've had no one to challenge that? To make me even think of myself in that position? I was sexually assaulted, that was as close as I got! I'm allowed to be nervous about sex but still want it Noah! Fuck you." He said and flung the car door open getting out.

Puck was out the door quickly "Where the hell do you think your going Kurt?" he asked, panic hidden in his voice.

"Home Puck." Kurt grumbled, he was fuming. Why did everyone have to care? Why couldn't this just be like any other Glee club relationship? Be met with rolling eyes and skepticism as it was allowed to run its course. But no, as soon as it was two men everyone had to be involved. He hated Lima Ohio.

"No you're not! You can't walk!" Noah said chasing after him "It's at least an hours walk!" He said catching up and putting a hand on Kurt's shoulder. "Come on, just get back in the car and let me take you home."
Kurt was shaking as he turned to face the guy he felt closest too. Sure, he and Finn had a good relationship and he could talk to any of the Glee boys, but Puck had just been there for him since Karofsky. They had become unlikely friends and he had enjoyed how protective Noah was, but now, now that it was real, it wasn't fun.

"Noah, get your hand off of me before I slap you so hard your head spins. It's broad daylight in residential Lima Ohio! I am walking home. Let me go. Now." Kurt said, his voice deeper then usual and his glare was one that Puck thought would kill him right on the spot.

Quickly Noah removed his hand and stepped back, raising his hands in defeat. "Fine. Text me when you get home. If I don't hear from you in two hours I'm coming looking for you." He said before turning around and walking away.

Kurt walked along the sidewalk kicking stones. His phone felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket. He wanted to text Blaine. He wouldn't though. There wasn't a point, they had talked about this, they had talked about how they couldn't let other people's opinions of them change their relationship.

He thought about texting Rachel, but she would just start ripping into Noah and the boys, causing more issues than it was worth. He could image her having all the New Directions boys sitting in the choir room tomorrow morning in front of her tiny but undeniably daunting figure as she yelled at them about their behavior and how they had no right to make their opinions known. While it was a very tempting and amusing image he knew he shouldn't cause even more drama.

He had been walking for ten minutes by the time his phone started buzzing non-stop.

Merryweather ('Cedes): What the hell Kurt? You're just wondering the streets? I know Pucks a dick by really?

Kurt hadn't had the heart to change the names back fully, only added in real names beside the nicknames. He looked down at the screen and sighed. There was one point, quite a long point as well, where 'Cedes would have kicked Pucks ass and been walking right beside him.

Now they had drifted apart and it broke Kurt's heart. He knew they had just drifted apart, it happened. He grew closer to Rachel and started to claw harder for his chance at getting out of Lima, Rachel had the same goals, the same drive. He didn't really know what 'Cedes plan was for her future, but he knew she wasn't as driven as he was. And that was what had pushed them apart, she didn't get the need that lived in his heart, the need to get away.

King Triton (Dad): Kurt, Puck just called. Take your time but get home in one piece. –dad

Kurt smiled, leave it to his dad to understand, either that or Noah had let him know, exactly how angry he had been. Even his father knew when to leave him alone. He also always got a smile out of how parents always found the need to sign their texts, as if their children didn't have their numbers saved.

Flounder (Rach): I will have you know I have been lecturing Finn since Puck called. I don't think the boys will be butting in again any time soon. Are you okay honey?

Prince Eric: Want me to come get you? I'll take you out for some ice-cream and some unrelated discussion? If you need to just be alone that's fine too. Just an offer. Stay safe.

Kurt read all the texts and sighed, he should have known. This was The New Directions he was talking about, they would always know within 5 minutes of anything happening.

He only replied to two messages.

Kurt: thanks dad, I'll be home in a bit.

Kurt: It's fine Blaine. Don't worry about me, I just got frustrated. I feel like I need to get better at dealing with them and their theories. It's only going to get worse. Thanks for the offer though, rain check?

Prince Eric: We will figure it out. It's just new and shiny too them, two gay guys doing what ever it is we are doing, its bound to get a reaction. It will blow over. And of course, anytime you feel like it :D

Kurt new he just needed sometime away from people. Just to walk down the sidewalk, listening to the crunching of leaves beneath his feet as he walked. He still had about a half hour left of his walk and he was going to push everything everyone else was saying and just focus on the fact that Blaine was real. That Blaine wasn't a disappointment compared to his fantasy and that he didn't seem to be disappointing Blaine.

He had to push all the drama aside and just let it sink in that he had Blaine. He was getting to be flirty and normal. He got to hold hands with a guy he liked and could see them slow dancing at their prom, just like he had confessed to wanting to his father almost exactly a year ago when Sam transferred.

He may not have had the best track record, and he knew that it could all blow up in his face like every other crush he had had, but he couldn't think about it. He wouldn't let himself scare him out of it. At least not yet. All he paid attention to was the butterflies he got when every the hazel eyes popped into his mind.

Blaine hurried down the stairs as he heard the doorbell ringing none stop. Who would be throwing such a fit at the door? He hated that his parents where never home, an angry person at his front door while he was home alone wasn't exactly a comforting thought. He grabbed his cell and pulled up the number pad just incase.

When he got to the door he peered through the peephole and his face went white. He took a couple deep breaths as the ringing continued. This was not going to be fun.

Finally he pulled the door open and raised an eyebrow at the figure in front of him. "Hello Noah. What can I help you with?" He asked politely, even though it took every ounce of self-control. He knew this wasn't a friendly visit; in fact Puck had never done anything anyone would consider as 'friendly' towards him

Blaine knew that the New Direction boys were protective of Kurt, ever since the Karofsky incident, which he still didn't know the details about. He knew they meant well, but from what he had gathered Puck had been one of Kurt's bullies for years. Then all of a sudden half way through last year he, and the rest of the Glee guys, suddenly think they can play big brother? What was worse was that Blaine knew Puck's opinion matter to Kurt, Puck's disapproval was a big thing to Kurt.

"Only Kurt, Quinn, Rachel and my mom can call me Noah. Its Puck" he said angrily, his arms crossed against his chest. "And we need to talk midget."

Blaine nodded, his anger starting to slightly get the better of him "Yes, Puck, We do. How about we talk about how much your assumptions and unfounded disapproval is hurting Kurt" he said leaning against the doorframe.

Puck seemed taken aback by Blaine's tone. He hadn't seen this side of the new kid before. "Excuse me? I'm allowed to be worried about Kurt, I've known him for years, I've seen what he's been through. You can't just waltz up and suddenly take over his life. He is way too into you. I don't like it. I don't like you. I don't like your stupid 'good guy' act. I don't know what you're telling him but this isn't who he is."

Blaine scoffed and rolled his eyes "I am aware that you know what Kurt's been through, you know a hell of a lot more then I do, but I do believe that's because you caused half of it. Throwing him in dumpsters? Kurt hasn't told me about it yet, but I heard Tina talking to Mercedes about it at lunch the other day."

He shook his head and tried to keep his breathing regular. He really shouldn't be getting this angry and defensive about Kurt and himself so soon in their… relationship. But he couldn't help his blood boiling "You wanna know what I've been saying to Kurt? I've said that I like him, that I enjoy spending time with him; I've expressed feelings towards him. Which from what I understand no one has done, at least not respectfully, before. You say this isn't who he is? Well Puck maybe if you got your head out of you ass for a moment you'd realize that's only because he's never been in this situation. Stop putting him on some pedestal. He's a person. He has complexities. I get that you used to be some homophobic prick, and that you changed your opinions to except Kurt, but that means you need to except him as he changes and grows!" Blaine couldn't believe he was talking to fast and so steadily, he knew he had anger issues he needed to deal with, that he had been dealing with. This situation was testing every bit of progress he had been making.

Puck looked very shocked, as if he had expected to come, threaten Blaine and leave feeling like a big matcho man. He didn't seem to expect the "midget" to fight back.

"You don't know what you're talking about Anderson. You don't know Kurt. You just want in his pants. I've made mistakes; I'm just trying to make up for them by keeping my boy safe. And I don't think you're safe." Puck shook his head, and Blaine noticed him squeezing his fists trying not to use them. Blaine hoped this didn't get physical, if only for the impact it would have on him with Kurt. "You have known Kurt a month, three weeks of that you didn't even know his name. You can't just come in and think you're all that. You think you know everything? You think you know him?"

"Puck, all I'm trying to do is to get to know Kurt. That's all I want. As for 'getting in his pants'" Blaine said making a face and using air quotes "I like to think this is about more then sex for me, I'm just a bit of a gentleman thank you very much." He shook his head; he couldn't believe Puck was accusing him of using Kurt. He couldn't possibly come off that way. "And as for me not being safe. You're right Puck. I am dangerous for Kurt. Kurt could end up hurt. But guess what, so could I. emotions and relationships are a risk. They aren't safe. Especially for gay men in Ohio. But guess what, that's life."

Puck stood there speechless, trying to find a way to turn this back on Blaine who was much more skilled at verbal debate. "Also Puck, I think you're so worried for Kurt because the risk of commitment and emotions scared the shit out of you. That's why you've never had a stable relationship. So before you start judging Kurt and his relations, you might want to worry about yourself. Now get off my lawn." Blaine said and slammed the door in the other boys face.

He leaned against the door, his head thudding against it lightly. That had gone better then he thought it would. He managed to stay fairly calm, had said everything he needed too.

He knew he had told Kurt that it would all blow over, that the guys would get used to it and move on, that they would lose their interest and be treated like all the other Glee couples, but he was starting to doubt that. Finn and Puck were the leaders of New Directions, they were charismatic and knew how to work with people, if they didn't like him, none of the guys would.

Of course then he realized that he probably just landed himself as the enemy of pretty much all the New Directions guys. He hit his head harder against the solid wood door and groaned deeply.

He bit his lip and looked at his cell phone he had left on the table by the door.

Kurt sat on his bed after brushing off his fathers concern and telling him to ask Finn about why he was so upset. He also promptly flipped off Finn when he tried to apologize. He knew that Puck and Finn meant well but he really couldn't give a damn about their intentions. He did however, unfortunately, care about their opinions.

On his walk home he had tried to figure out what bugged him so much, what made him so angry and yet made him want to break down crying. He had figured it out about ten minutes from home. He realized he had been pushing the reason back farther and farther as if it would disappear and become a non-issue.

He wanted their approval. Badly. He wanted Blaine to fit in with them, he wanted to see Blaine sitting with them at the TV playing videogames while he sat with Rachel and Tina, shaking their heads and laughing at their boyfriends. He wanted Puck to not think of him as a threat and he wanted Finn to want to watch football with him. The image of the scene was so crystal clear, he could put himself there, he had sat with Tina and Rachel as they watched the boys before, but he had always admired the way they wistfully watched the boys in their life, laughing at their ridiculous motions and their yelling over the game. It was so amusing and sweet to them, just because it was their boys. While the whole group of boys just annoyed Kurt with their yelling and swearing and spilling things everywhere like five year olds. He didn't see it the same way they did.

It wasn't happening though. He wanted a perfect reality, which was why he had such a hard time accepting Blaine as a reality into his life. It made the fact that reality wasn't perfect really vivid. What he was getting was reality, with moments that made him forget it was so.

It was hard, the sharp contrast. He could go from such a perfect night with an amazing boy, to the harsh words and looks of the people around him, judging eyes and skeptical whispers. Warm and fuzzy Blaine, thrown into the cold water of disapproval.

He sat with his eyes closed, his back resting against the headboard. He had put on his playlist of Disney instrumentals and kept taking deep breaths, calming himself down.

He had known this was going to happen, that was why he hadn't wanted Blaine to be real. As his walls had broken down he had accepted all the hard parts too. It had seemed like it would be easy with Blaine next to him. It wasn't though.

He wouldn't let it get in the way of his relationship with Blaine, he wouldn't let himself run away from the hard parts, but it was going to take time for him to get over the fact that he was disappointing the rest of his friends.

He was breaking out of the box they had put him in, and half of them were frowning disapprovingly. He felt like he was some experiment that had gone wrong, as everyone just watched as it spiraled out of control.

He liked this spiral though, it was exhilarating. It made him smile and feel alive for the first time ever. It was addictive, and when he remembered all those moments wrapped up in Blaine's eyes, or better yet his arms, he felt like maybe he could get through it.
He heard his phone buzz and he groaned, being pulled out of his memories, but a smile spread across his face as his phone started singing Kiss the Girl. It was a text from Blaine.

Prince Eric: I have to tell you something but I need you to not be mad. At anyone.

Kurt felt his heart sink with panic. What was going on, what had happened? Something had to of happened. What had Blaine done? He didn't want to jump to conclusions but he couldn't help it. Why would Blaine word it like that if he hadn't done something.

Kurt: Blaine, if you want me to stay calm, asking me to stay calm is not the way to do it.

Prince Eric: Fair enough… Puck showed up at my house…

Kurt's heart stopped and he sat up straight and threw his legs over the side of his bed.

Kurt: Oh God! Are you okay? He didn't hit you did he? I'm going to kill him. He is a dead man. I'm going to set Rachel on him and then I'm going to kill him.

Kurt stood up and walked over to his closet and grabbed a sweater, he pulled it on over his casual evening clothes he had changed into and started heading to the stairs.

Prince Eric: Kurt! Calm down. No one got hurt. No punches were thrown. Just some sharp words. I think I may have made myself an enemy. I just couldn't stand how he was making you feel and how he was butting in.

Kurt took a deep breath and sat on his couch. No one was hurt. That was good. He slid out of his sweater and leaned back against the couch.

Kurt: Okay… so you fought about the fact that he doesn't like you. And no one got hurt… well then… That's good. I can't believe he showed up at your house… how did he even know where you lived?

As soon as he sent the text he rolled his eyes at himself, Puck had probably threatened Jacob Ben Israel until he had given him the address. Sometimes Kurt felt bad about all the crap Jacob got, and then he would remember how horrid Jacob actually was and kind of wished he could slushy him sometimes.

Prince Eric: I promise no one got hurt. I actually think I might have made him think. But who knows. I don't think he will confront you anymore. But I think I made an enemy. Its worth it though, if he leaves you alone. As for the address, not a clue.

Kurt: Blaine, you are unbelievable. In a good way. Thank you, for not getting into a physical fight and for trying to get through to him. I doubt it worked, it is Noah after all. But we will deal with it tomorrow. Together.


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