This Song Saved My Life
Chapter 10 Shameless Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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This Song Saved My Life: Chapter 10 Shameless

E - Words: 4,483 - Last Updated: Jul 17, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 22/? - Created: Mar 19, 2012 - Updated: Jul 17, 2012
355 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Its Fluff... thats all... I was gonna but a little bit of confrontation in at the end but i'm tired and that will fit in later. The last scene kind of ran away from me (don't they all these days?) Anyways, enjoy. let me know what you thiiiiiink. Song is Shameless by All Time Low.

Tonight I'm finding a way

To make the things that you say

Just a little less obvious

I confess

Kurt buried felt light burn his eyes from behind his lip and hid his face back into his warm pillow, hugging it to his chest. He inhaled deeply, a new yet familiar smell comforting him back into sleep.

He heard his father clear his throat but refused to open his eyes to the light "Go 'way dad. I'm sleeping" He grumbled and felt his pillow shift under him.

"Uh… Kurt… Please get up now" he heard a nervous voice coming from what should be his pillow.

Faster then he thought possible Kurt found himself on his butt on the floor looking between a very sleepy, and visibly frightened Blaine, and his glaring father.

"You said Blaine had to sleep on the couch… He was on the couch?" Kurt tried as he stood up awkwardly, nibbling at his lip. He did it far too often lately. It had always been a nervous habit of his but he had never found himself being so constantly nervous before, it was becoming an issue.

Burt looked like he was walking a very thin line between amusement and fury, tipping on the edge of anger. "You know damn well this is not what I meant." He said, his arms crossed sternly across his chest.

It was then that Kurt saw Blaine stand up and slowly approach his father. Was he insane? Kurt couldn't even move, scared to take a wrong step.

"I'm very sorry Sir. I know we broke a rule you had asked of us. This isn't exactly how I wanted to meet you to say the least." He said and started to wring his wrists.

Kurt couldn't read the look on his fathers face; the anger seemed to have gone down a level or two, which was surprising and very good. "Yeah, you did kid."

Blaine nodded "I assure you Mr. Hummel, we fell asleep watching movies on my laptop. It was irresponsible of me to let that happen and I apologize."

Kurt sat, his jaw slack as he watched the scene in front of him. His father wasn't looking at Blaine like he wanted him dead, and Blaine was once again playing the perfect gentleman.

"Dad, calm down. It's not a big deal. You know I get clingy when there are storms." Kurt said as he finally got the courage to walk up to his dad and hugged his side. "How about I make us some breakfast?" He asked trying to change the subject.

"Carole is already making it." Burt grumbled and smiled at his son. "But we need to talk about this." He said looking back and forth between the two boys. "Sit. Both of you." He said, even though all anger was gone from his tone there was no arguing with him and Kurt was terrified.

As Blaine sat down next to Kurt on the couch he could see the other boy nervously picking at his pants. He knew if it was any other situation Kurt would be complaining about the wrinkles in his clothes he was still wearing form the day before.

Blaine started rambling, trying to remain calm; this was not how he wanted to meat Burt. He wanted to meet him when he was well put together and mentally prepared to make a good first impression, so that he would trust Kurt with him. It was obvious that was out the window now. "Mr. Hummel, I'm sorry. I know this is a horrible first impression bu-"

Burt started shaking his head and held up his hands to cut off the Blaine, who snapped his mouth shut quickly. "Yeah kid, you did. And I'm really disappointed that you guys did. But it's not like I walked in on you two naked in bed." Burt said cringing at his own words "I understand that Kurt doesn't do well during storms but guys, we need to be honest here. I need you two to admit to me that you're together." Both boys opened their mouths and Blaine felt like his face had gone chalk white as Burt cut them off with his hands again. "I was willing to believe this friends thing until I saw you two this morning. That's not flying anymore you two." He said looking between them.

When Blaine was sure he wasn't going to be cut off again he spoke "Sir, I know how this looked. I can promise you though Kurt and I aren't… well we aren't together at this point in time Mr. Hummel Sir."

Burt seemed to be weighing the information, trying to read the truth in it. "At this current moment in time?" he asked, taking his baseball cap on and bending the visor on it.

It was Kurt who spoke up this time and Blaine watched him. "Dad, I understand you're my dad and you get to be concerned and nosey but can you please not butt into my personal life. Please? I would tell you if anything was happening dad." His voice was pleading and his eyes were blue orbs begging his father to let it go.

Burt nodded and remained silent for a few moments. "What I'm getting from this is that you two are being responsible and taking things slow, but the end result is gonna be you two together isn't it? Just nod."

The two boys looked at each other, their eyes meeting and Blaine felt his stomach lurch as he saw in Kurt eyes that yes, that was where they were heading.

They both turned to Burt and nodded at him. The situation was heavy and awkward. One that all three men wanted out of desperately. One thing Burt had learned though, since Kurt had officially come out to him, was that he had to power through the awkward to be a good parent to his sons.

"Okay, so here is what we are going to do, Blaine, you're more then welcome here when ever you want, Carole and I are used to having a house filled with the Glee kids and you're more then welcome here. Of course, the door stays open, music stays down. Carole and I do not promise to knock or announce ourselves, but I trust you Kurt. When this, what ever it is becomes official or what ever you kids are calling it these days I want to know. The rest of the rules that apply to the other kids apply to you." Burt said, looking directly at Blaine now.

"You have my boy home by 10 on week nights and 12 on weekends, no exceptions. I would also like to inform you that I have a shotgun in the garage and that you better take care of my boy. And for God's sake, the names Burt kid. Drop the Sir." He said shaking his head with a good spirited laugh.

He stood up and headed towards the stairs. "Also, I get to change the rules when ever I damn well feel like it. I want you both upstairs and ready for school in a half hour."

The boys watched him go and collectively sighed and sank back into the couch as soon as he was up the stairs.

After a few seconds Kurt put his head in his hands. "I cannot believe that just happened. I can't believe we fell asleep. How stupid is that? I feel like I'm on some comedy. We are so stupid" he said shaking his head.

Blaine couldn't help but chuckle as he put a hand on Kurt's shoulder, he hoped that was okay, while they had been a whole lot more intimate last night he knew that was mostly due to Kurt's fear, not their relationship progressing.

"Actually, I think it's kind of funny. He seems to not hate me… and he handled it well. He didn't use the shotgun" Blaine said with a shrug.

Kurt looked at him and couldn't help but let out a laugh. "I guess it went well for a clichéd 'Meet my boyfriend' Moment" Kurt said shaking his head.

Blaine froze for a second, raising an eye brow. Boyfriend? He thought they had decided against that… though he wouldn't complain.

Kurt saw his confusion and went beet red, stuttering frantically "I- Not that you're my boyfriend or anything… cause, you aren't… but in this situation it was basically the same thing…"

Blaine just laughed, he wanted to kiss Kurt to stop the rambling, one day he could. He reminded himself. "I get it. We should get ready now."

"What did she want?" Kurt asked curiously as he waited beside Blaine's locker , verbally pouncing on him the second her arrived.

Ms. Tardiff had asked Blaine to stay behind after class and very rudely asked Kurt to leave when he tried to casually linger. The curiosity was driving him mad. He didn't do well not knowing things.

Blaine laughed, shaking his head as he dumped his books in his locker and closed it "Well she started by sitting me down and asking me if everything was okay at home." He said as he started walking slowly towards the cafeteria.

When Kurt raised an eyebrow waiting for him to continue he went on "She thought since I'm wearing my clothes from yesterday that I didn't go home. Which is accurate. I corrected her though, and I assured her everything is fine."

Kurt shook his head "You didn't! Blaine! That's Marnie Tardiff! You told her didn't you? And she now assumes, like everyone else that we are together. I swear sometimes I think we should just be so they are right." Kurt said pushing his hair back and sighing dramatically "Might as well be."

Blaine raised a triangular eyebrow "Kurt, you don't mean that. Take a breath. Who cares what people think. We agreed to not let them mess with us." He reminded the other boy. "But yeah. I tried to tell her nothing was happening but…"

"But it's Marnie. She's probably spent her two other classes doing mental happy dances and bragging to her friends that she's a matchmaker. I swear she's still a high school kid, that's why she decided to teach it." Kurt said as they rounded the corner and walked into the lunchroom.

Blaine laughed and shrugged "Would make sense. But she's actually a good teacher, and a good person." He said as they approached the New Directions and sat down next to each other. Kurt taking the seat at the head of the long table and Blaine on the last seat on the right side of the table.

As soon as they sat down the table went silent. Kurt looked around at everyone and sighed as he pulled out his organic salad from his bag "So, I assume by the silence we were the topic of conversation. Someone want to share? Or shall I just assume? Since I know that's what you were doing," he said glaring at everyone, adding extra edge to it as his eyes met Finns.

Blaine watched everyone silently. While he was getting more and more comfortable with the Glee kids, becoming their friend and finding where he fit into their group dynamic, he still felt it smart to let Kurt do the talking at that moment.

Everyone looked back and forth between the two boys and Blaine shifted uncomfortably in his chair, very aware that he was obviously in slept in, wrinkled clothes. His bow tie was bent out of shape slightly from the wrinkling of having Kurt's head on it most of the night.

Eyes shifted between everyone, he could see the silent argument as to who would speak up first and risk Kurt's wrath. He could tell no one wanted the job, and he didn't blame them.

It was Brittany who opened her mouth, though she seemed fairly oblivious to the tense situation. "Blaine, you are a dolphin aren't you?" She asked a bright and innocent smile on her face, he heard muffled laughter from around the table.

"Uh, I'm afraid I don't know what you mean Brittany, I thought I was your pet hobbit." He had already learned to humor Brittany, he found her quite amusing.

Brittany nodded slowly "Well yeah, of course you are. But you are also a dolphin aren't you? Like Kurt!"

He was very confused; he felt a hand on his and turned to look at the hand's owner, blue eyes smiling back at him. "She calls gay guys Dolphins, she's asking if you're gay." He said quietly, almost a whisper.

"Oh! Okay, yes Britt, I'm a dolphin just like Kurt!" he said smiling at her, he thought that had been made fairly clear by the confrontation with Finn the first lunch he had had with them.

Brittany's face lit up and she started to hop up and down in her seat, clapping her hands like a small child. "Yay!" She said turning to her girlfriend, "San isn't that great! Now Kurt has someone to play with!" She said before looking back at the two boys.

Santana nodded and looked at the two boys up and down in turn. "Yeah Britts I think they are definitely having some fun with each other" She said with her finally plucked eyebrows raised.

"Good! He would never play with me when we were going out…" She said frowning, before she shrugged and went back to her food.

Kurt looked mortified at both the girls implications and was beet red. "Both of you shut up! No!" he said folding his arms across his chest defensively.

"Wait, back up, when you and Kurt were going out" Blaine asked looking between the two. "When did that happen?" he asked slowly.

Kurt was about twenty shades of read as he sunk down into his seat, a horrified look covering his face as he tried to hide behind his hand.

"I taught Kurt how to kiss! He tasted really good…" Brittany said simply as she ate. "He got really good at it by the end." She added as she took a bite of her pizza pop.

Blaine looked back onto Kurt "Oh, did he really? Was Britt a good teacher Kurt?" he asked, trying to stay as serious as he could but really could barely speak as he tried not to laugh. This was just too good. First he was a cheerleader, then a football player, and now he had dated a lesbian. Kurt had some very interesting stories to say the least.

Kurt groaned and sat up straight in his chair, appearing to have decided to handle it differently "Everyone is allowed to have a sexuality crisis" he defended with a shrug and stuffed lettuce into his mouth.

Tina's laugh escaped as her hand flew to her mouth. "Sorry Kurt, but most people have that before they come out of the closet…" she pointed out.

Blaine was getting an awful lot amount of amusement from the conversation. "Okay can I please get the story? Pretty please? With a cheery on top?" he begged looking at Kurt, who avoided his eyes and shook his head.

"Come on, pleeeease Kurt! it can't be that bad!" he said and started shaking Kurt's arm until he caught the blue eyes with his hazel.

Kurt huffed loudly and dropped his fork "ugh! Fine. But those eyes are not fair and shouldn't be allowed in arguments." Kurt grumbled and rolled his eyes at Blaine.

Blaine filed that under important information, Kurt broke very quickly under his puppy eyes.

"In Sophomore year Finn and my dad were starting to bond and watch football and all that stuff together, and I got jealous. I decided I would be straight so my dad would love me more then Finn. I dated Brittany and yes, she did teach me how to kiss. That's it. It was a week of my life. Dad called me on it and told me not to change myself. End of story." Kurt said with a grumpy shrug.

Rachel was the one to laugh this time "He wore baggy jeans, plaid, didn't style his hair and wore baseball caps. He was like a spitting image of his father!" She said laughing shaking her head.

Mercedes chipped in next "Oh, and we can't forget when he performed that Mellon Camp song… and spent the whole week making his voice stay down at least two octaves!" She said and stuck her tongue out at Kurt.

"Can we stop with the story time now? Please. It was a very dark, and terribly hideous week of my life." He said, but a small smile was making its way onto his face as he walked down memory lane.

Blaine loved seeing this side of New Directions, the one that had been a team for over two years. That had been through so much together and grown so much. He could see Rory and Sugar, much like him, just soaking up the stories that they had missed out on before their stay with the Glee club.

"Oh please tell me someone has pictures! Or better yet a video of that song!" he asked, his hand moving to rest on Kurt's without even noticing as he teased the other boy.

"Not that you will ever see. Mercedes promised me all evidence would stay buried forever." He said shooting his old friend a look.

She laughed and shook her head "hey no white boy, I do believe I said until your wedding or the 10 year anniversary of The New Directions!" she clarified. "Don't worry Blaine, I have them safe and sound and in a little under 8 years you can see them." She teased.

The rest of lunch passed in a similar playful banter that Kurt was extremely thankful had switched off of him, though it stayed in a walk down memory lane, exploring who had dated whom and broken up with whom.

By the time the bell rang Blaine could almost pretend he had been there the whole time. He was actually extremely surprised to hear some of the more hard hitting events, like Quinn's pregnancy and he finally got the full Jesse story.

He realized as he watched everyone share stories, good and bad, that they were a family. Sure, every group of friends said they were a family, but he didn't think they got what it really meant. But New Directions did, they understood it was the good and the bad, the happy the sad, it was everything. No matter what had happened they had all made it to where they sat today, embarking on the last year of their journey together. They were so tight knit, yet they welcomed Rory, Sugar and himself in with open arms, bringing them right into the family as if they had been there from the beginning.

If Blaine was being honest with himself he would have had to admit, it almost brought tears to his eyes to be part of something so strong.

Kurt's class had let out early and somehow he found himself in the empty choir room, his feet resting on the chair in front of him, his phone in his hand, he hadn't bothered to pull it out all day. He was thankful he had left it in his charger for when the power came back on.

He brought the screen to life and tried to figure out who to text. As he pulled up his contacts list his face went white.


Kurt sent, sitting in shock to Blaine.

Prince Eric: What ever do you mean? I did no such thing… maybe it was scuttle!

Kurt didn't know whether to be angry or just laugh.

Kurt: Why? Why would you do this?

Prince Eric: Well, I was bored, and I wanted to grab everyone's cell numbers, I swear I didn't go through texts or anything! And I saw that you had me as Prince Eric, I was flattered by the way, and decided I should make it all match.

Kurt: You aren't going to tell me who any one is will you?

Prince Eric: I'll give you honest yes or no answers ;)

Kurt huffed loudly, he wanted to be angry with Blaine but he really couldn't. His phone buzzed again before he could respond

Prince Eric: And I put an awful lot of thought into these! Some of them are tricky~ You have to defend why you think who's who before I'll answer~

Kurt rolled his eyes and started to think.

Kurt: Okay, lets start with the obvious; Flounder is Rachel. because Flounder is Ariel's best friend.

Prince Eric: Very good! But that was the easiest one.

Kurt: King Triton is obviously my dad

Prince Eric: Obviously, come on you're being so boring.

Kurt: Coach Sue is the Sea witch; we have discussed that one, as well as Scuttle is .

Kurt tried not to pay attention to the amount of teachers he had in his phone, it probably wasn't very legal, students and teachers being on such terms, but he didn't really care. They were well needed and used numbers.

Prince Blaine: Again, obvious choices. But I think you're out of the obvious one's now.

Kurt scrolled through the contacts, he cursed himself for not caring to remember any numbers by heart other then his own and the one to the garage. He noticed a lot of the names were from other Disney movies.

Kurt: These are not all from The Little Mermaid Blaine!

Prince Eric: Well, there aren't enough characters in The Little Mermaid! And not all of them fit! I couldn't leave names the same, that would be too easy, at least I only changed ND and your family!

Kurt sat and went over all of the names on his list and what movie they were from before he started guessing.

Kurt: I'm going to assume that Quinn is Aurora, because she's the beautiful blonde. Brittany is beautiful too, but I can't see you having her as Aurora

Prince Eric: Correct! Very good. That was on the easier end though :P

Kurt: Oh shush… Carole is Mrs. Potts isn't she?

Prince Eric: Well there isn't exactly any nice step mothers in Disney movies so I thought she fit the best.

Kurt: Wait, I don't recognize the name Vitani. What's that from…

Prince Eric: Tsk! Shame on you Kurt. It is an obscure name though. It's Kovu's sister in The Lion King 2.

Kurt thought back to the movie as he looked around the empty room, replaying the movie in his head.

Kurt: San?

Prince Eric: Explain

Kurt: Well, she's really hard on the outside, really bitchy, but in the end does what's right, kind of like she does when ever Brittany is concerned.

Prince Eric: I'm surprised you got that one actually. Yay! First decently hard one!

Kurt went back to thinking about the remaining names in front of him. He had drawn them out on a piece of paper in two rows and was connecting them by lines as he figured them out.

Kurt: I don't even know why or where this is coming from but I want to say Mushu for Sam. I can't even explain it!

Prince Eric: :O I can not believe you got that! I don't know why either! He just gives off a Mushu vibe…

Kurt: He does! It makes no sense… Maybe its Sams lips remind us of Mushu's tongue… I don't even know… ignore that theory.

Prince Eric: lol Who knows, that could be it. Moving on… next guess?

Kurt: This is easier than I thought it would be~ Is Finn Lumier?

Price Eric: Do you really think Finn is suave? Sure Lumier could be a bit of an air head but he was suave! No! Finn is not Lumier! First FAIL!

Kurt: Ouch, you're mean when I guess wrong :P

Prince Eric: Tough love baby.

Kurt blushed at Blaine calling him baby but shook his head, it was just a saying. He knew it wasn't but that was how he was going to get out of over thinking it while he had other things to figure out.

Prince Eric: oh… I may have also added numbers of my Dalton Friends with what I think their Disney names would be in there… just to mess with your mind a little… :P

Kurt actually gasped and glared at the screen.

Kurt: You little Sneak! That's really really not fair!

Prince Blaine: Life's not fair highness~

Kurt: That's not a Disney movie.

Prince Eric: I can quote what ever I want to thank you very much. Now stop stalling!

It took Kurt a few minutes but he eventually thought he had them all figured out, he hoped. With the extra names thrown in it was making things tricky.

Kurt: Shush for the next few texts, I think I've got them all.

Kurt started rattling off texts person by person

Kurt: This is going to sound bad but Artie is Phil, not because they both have leg-things, but because they always help everyone else, but barely get noticed for it. Until the end, Artie is starting to get a little bit of notice for his directing!

Prince Eric: I didn't think deeper then the legs… but shhh I know that's horrible. Don't repeat that

Kurt: lol I told you to shush. But my lips are sealed

Prince Eric: I hope not ;p

Kurt blushed and rolled his eyes before moving on quickly, he knew he didn't have too much more time before classes let out and the choir room would be filled with the rest of New Directions.

Kurt: Sugar is Babette, cause she is the feather duster in Beauty and The Beast right? Kind of ditzy but a lot of fun!

Kurt: Flora is Tina (basically by process of elimination, honestly) Mercedes has always reminded me of Merryweather, and I can really see Brittany as Fauna because she loves animals so much. She actually won the Braniacs their competition last year with all her cat knowledge!

Kurt: Even though you talked about your Dalton boys when I mentioned Lumier I think he is Puck, the flame as the hair? Have you seen the monster on that boys head? And he is a total ladies man.

Prince Eric: Damn! I tried to trick you with my wit! Alas you win. Lumier is Puck.

Kurt: Ha! I knew it! I think Shuester is Zazu. Because he's the teacher.

Kurt: Finn is Gurgy! From the Black Cauldron!

Kurt: Mike is Carpet, because he barely ever talks (I know the carpet CANT talk) but he uses his motions to portray how he feels.

Kurt: And last but not least, though definitely the trickiest, Rory is Genie because he has the luck of the Irish, which can grant wishes just like a Genie.

Prince Eric: Wow. I'm impressed. You got everyone right. Except for Finn. He is STILL wrong. Your own brother too. Tsk,

Kurt: No! It can't be wrong! Who is it! Tell me!

Prince Eric: I'll give you a hint, the most important people are from the Little Mermaid~

Kurt went back through the list and raised an eyebrow, it couldn't be. There was only one name left from that movie.

Kurt: There is no way Finn is Sebastian! It doesn't work at all.

Prince Eric: I think it does. He always goes running to your dad, especially about me, a stalker? Really? But I think in the end he'd do what was right for you regardless of what your dad said. I have faith in that oaf.

Kurt: I guess… that makes sense. I hope you're right about it though

"Trust me, I'm always right" Kurt jumped in his chair at Blaine's voice as he walked into the choir room. When had the last bell gone? Had he been that distracted?

He shook his head as he watched Blaine drop his bag and sit next to him. "Is that so?"

Blaine nodded with a smirk "I guess you'll just have to wait and find out on your own Ariel."

End Notes: Yes, yes i did just have a 1500 word scene that was 95% texts. I thought it was cute. It was supposed to be just a little scene before a confrontation but that didn't happen. But i do promise some drama (not major)yup, so as usual this is where i try and lure in followers (I'm up to 92, and i love them all, i just want 8 more...) Come pay attention to my ramblings at justxlosersxlikexme on tumblr.


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