Dec. 7, 2012, 11:47 a.m.
Dec. 7, 2012, 11:47 a.m.
The rest of the week went by quickly and things went back to normal just as fast, all instance of Cooper or Blaine's father or the outside world at all were put away, and it was nothing but Kurt and Blaine once more. Only now they could text during the day, which they both thoroughly enjoyed.
It was the Sunday that marked the half way point in their month together when Kurt woke up in bed alone, the sun was peeking through the window but it still felt like early morning. Kurt stretched and made his way to the bathroom first, then set to find his house mate. Half way to the kitchen he was confused by the sound of sizzling and the repetitive soft thumps that resounded from it.
He turned the corner to see Blaine at the stove with several pans on, flipping what appeared to be bacon in one, he was wearing nothing but his low riding sweat pants and had earbuds from his iPhone running to his ears as he dance around the kitchen, oblivious to the world.
Kurt watched for a moment with an adoring smile on his face, Blaine flipped the bacon again and Kurt held back a snicker as grease popped and crackled and bounced up onto his bare chest, Blaine hissed and jumped back but never quit smiling.
"And that is why don't, cook without a shirt on!" Blaine sang to the beat of the song that Kurt couldn't hear.
Kurt finally made his way all the way into the kitchen and Blaine's face lit up "I'm cooking breakfast!" he said a little to loudly, over compensating for the music in his head "I see that" Kurt said with a smile and moved for the coffee but Blaine grabbed his hand and started to try and dance with him.
"Blaine!" Kurt laughed and let himself be pulled along "I can't hear music" he grinned "Oh right!" Blaine popped an ear bud out and put in Kurt's ear and Kurt couldn't quit laughing as they twirled around the tiny kitchen connected by the thin wire.
"Your breakfast is going to burn" Kurt sated in a sing-song voice "Naw, it's fine!" Blaine grinned and pulled him closer "Really? Cuz my nose tells me other wise" Kurt tried to hold back his laugh as the look of panic spread across Blaine's face when the smell of nearly burning bacon hit him, he darted back to the stove and they both yelped when the sudden movement ripped the earbuds out of their ears.
Blaine fished the bacon out of the skillet, adding it to a small pile of already finished slices and flipped the pancakes before looking up at Kurt sheepishly "Good Morning" he smiled, a blush creeping across his cheeks and Kurt grinned sleepily "Good morning" his voice was low and gravely and relaxed and it made Blaine want to moan.
Kurt set down his mug of coffee and slipped his arms up behind Blaine's head where he started toying with his out of control locks "Mmm, what brought all this on?" he asked at a low register so as not to disturb the peaceful serenity of the kitchen "I, just wanted to prove that I can do more than just order food!" Blaine answered decreasing the space between them even more as his arms slid around Kurt's waist.
"Ah, well I do love a good breakfast" Kurt was just about whispering now "It's the most important meal of the day" Blaine added, his lips so close they nearly grazed across Kurt's "I bet you're an amazing cook" he complemented tightening his fingers down in Blaine's curls "I'm amazing at a lot of things" and then his lips were on Kurt's, in a slow memorizing Sunday morning kiss, lips soft and warm, and warm bodies pressed together, just enough tongue to make it intimate but not enough to make it sloppy, and lazy hands caressing as they pleased.
Kurt sighed into the kiss and Blaine held him tighter, really this thing they had going on was pretty good. Blaine pulled back only when he absolutely had to, to save the pancakes, and slid them onto a plate by the stove, Kurt refilled his coffee and made a mug for Blaine before walking to the already set table and settling in.
"Bacon, aaaand, banana pancakes!" Blaine said proudly placing the dishes on the table and taking his seat "Banana pancakes?" Kurt asked quirking an eyebrow "Like the song?" he asked and Blaine nodded vigorously "Ya! But they're actually really good!" he said with a ridiculously large grin "You're to adorable for your own good" Kurt laughed lightly over his coffee cup, and Blaine smiled warmly back.
It had taken Blaine a little while to get used to Kurt's off handed compliments, but now that he was, he would be lying if he said he didn't like them. They ate their breakfast and shared generic bubbly conversation, then came an Aubrey Hepburn marathon, and more lazy kisses, and far more cuddling than could ever be healthy for anyone, there was lunch on the sofa and dinner by candle light, and by midnight they where in their favorite spot in front of the fire, tangled together and bare skin everywhere.
"Well," Kurt sighed into Blaine's chest, absentminded pushing into Blaine's touch as his fingers drifted through his hair "If today was any indication of the rest of the week, I think we're in for a good one" the smile in his voice obvious "Hm, don't you always have a good time at 'chè Blaine'?" he asked hotly and Kurt snickered "I think you mean shag Blaine" he corrected and felt Blaine's whole chest heave up and down as he laughed.
"Well, what can I say, we aim to please"
Ok so that was the shortest chapter of the set, come back tomorrow for a NEW one!