Somewhere Only We Know
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Somewhere Only We Know: Chapter 7

K - Words: 4,713 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: May 28, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
771 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hello you lovely bunch of amazing people.

I am so sorry this is late, i literally had the most god awful time finding a song for Kurt to sing to the New Directions, like, my head just couldn't think. But however, that problem has been solved. I had an epiphany :)

Apologies again in advanced. I will not be updating again until around the 11th of June (please don't kill me, it's only two weeks.) I have a taster week at University and i will not have time to update this story as i have not got it written, but i will be updating 'Second Chances' as i have some sort of back log on that.

Oh, and i have a question, or more a proposition. I would absolutely love for someone to maybe do some fan art for this. If you are kind enough to want to do this, PM me and we can talk more there. I would cry with happiness if someone done that :)

Anyway's, enough of my rambling, enjoy! :)




Chapter Seven.

For the past hour, Kurt had been sitting in Principle Figgins' office with his Dad, Karofsky and his father Tim.

After telling his father about what Karofsky had been doing, Burt had made no hesitation in calling the school and arranging not only a meeting with Karofsky and his dad, but to also clarify the final few thing's about Kurt's transfer to Dalton Academy.

To Tim's credit, he had in a way been on Kurt's sit and had shown great disappointment in his son when Burt had explained what had been going on, but, obviously Tim was on his son's side.

Karofsky had been unnaturally quiet. He just say next to his father only nodding or shaking his head when questions where thrown to him. Every so often he would look up and meet Kurt's eyes but then they would quickly look back down at the ground.

Kurt saw nothing but pure anger in them. Kurt was beginning to regret his decision to do this.

"Well Mr Hummel, It was good to meet you and I am sorry for all that my son has put your's through and I'm sure he will apologise." Tim said getting up out of his seat holding his hand out for Burt to take, which he refused.

"I'd keep a more watchful eye on your son, you're lucky Kurt isn't a violent person, otherwise I'm sure he would have been in trouble."

"Dad." Kurt hissed, he really didn't need this. He looked at Karofsky, who was still staring at whatever was so interesting on his shoe. "Can I talk to David…alone please?"

"Kurt, are you sure?" Burt asked nervous about leaving his son alone in the room alone.


"I don't want too." Karofsky said abruptly.

"David, I am sick of you being like this. You are going to sit in here and talk with Kurt– you hear?" Tim said sternly at his son.

"Fine." Karofsky said eyeing his dad as he, Burt and Figgins left the room and stood outside.

"David, look, I don't want an apology okay, I just want to clear thing's up."

"What is there to talk about homo?"

"Well that's rich coming from you." Kurt fought back wittily. "That's what I want to talk about… you… you k-issed me."

"You're hallucinating."

"I know what happened, David. I'm not stupid."

"I didn't kiss you. I am not like you."

"I think that's were you're wrong, I think we're too alike and you can't deal with the fact that you're gay." Kurt snapped.

"I am nothing like you." Karofsky said stepping forward until he was a few centimetres away from Kurt's face and locked eyes with him, it was more of a look of confliction rather than anger or disgust, which was what Kurt had been used too.

Karofsky left the room followed by Burt and Figgins as they sorted through a couple of sheet's of paperwork to finalise Kurt's transfer.

Kurt was having mixed feeling about what he had to do next. He had to say goodbye to the New Directions.

He walked out of Figgins' office for the last time and turned to his dad.

"I'll be waiting in the car okay?"

"Alright, Dad." Kurt said looking around the empty halls.

"Kurt, they'll understand alright. It's just going to take time for them to adjust."

"I know… I know." He said giving his father a hug and walking slowly to Glee club.

"Hey Kurt!" Mercedes said as he walks in to the choir room and sits down next to her. Kurt felt like the worst friend in the world, he hadn't yet told Mercedes about his move, Mr Schue choose that moment to walk into the room.

"Alright guy's, so we've seen some pretty impressive performances this week and I truly feel that we are sort of realising what we all came here for. Who would like to do their performance now?"

"I would, Mr Schue." Kurt said standing up and heading to the centre of the room.

"Take it away Kurt."

Somewhere over the rainbow,
Way up high.
There's a land that I heard of,
Once in a lullaby.

Kurt had started to sing a Capella, but on the second verse, Puck decided to play along with his guitar. Kurt smiled at him thankfully.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Skies are blue.
And the dreams that you dare to dream,
Really do come true.

Someday I'll wish upon a star,
And wake up where the clouds are far,
Behind me.

By this point, the rest of the new directions had joined in with soft harmonies, Kurt smiled at them all and he felt tears start to form in the corner of his eyes. However, the show must go on

Where troubles melt like lemon drops,
Away above the chimney tops.
That's where you'll find me.

Somewhere over the rainbow
Bluebirds fly.
Birds fly over the rainbow.
Why then, oh why can't I?

If happy little bluebirds fly,
Beyond the rainbow.
Why, oh why can't I?

Everyone started to clap. Even Ms Berry herself had a grin on her face as if she had just met the one and only Barbra Streisand.

"Kurt…what's going on?" Rachel said as he finished the song.

The rest of the new directions were looking at Kurt, they knew something was about to happen. Kurt had tears forming at the back of his eyes, these guy's where his friends, and he was about to say goodbye to them.

"Mr Schue, you told us to explain what Glee club meant to me. Well, being a part of this group has helped me in accepting who I am, when I first cam here, I was too scared to even admit to myself that I was gay, but you guy's." He said looking around the group. "You helped me in admitting that, and coming to terms with it and for teaching me that it's okay to be different, it's okay to be gay. I didn't have to prove anything to you guy's."

"Glee club," he continued, "was and still is the best part of my day. The whole situation with Karofsky really got me down and I looked forward to coming here everyday just to get away from it. I feel safe here, with you guy's. But…" He swallowed the lump in his throat.

"…I only feel safe when I'm here in the choir room, and I can't take much more of being scared, paranoid, being abused. I am not safe at this school–"

"Kurt you know I will kick his ass if you ask."

"I know you would Finn, but I don't believe in violence. By me not being safe here has helped me make my decision…I'm transferring to Dalton Academy… immediately."

"What?" Mercedes snapped from the back of the room. "Kurt why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Because I knew it would make it more difficult to say goodbye to you all."

"Woah, Kurt…how about you talk to me first?" Finn said more as a statement than a question.

"Finn, please."

"I'm your brother Kurt, maybe not in blood…but we are."

"Finn I'm sorry, I'm sorry to all of you, but it's already been finalised… I start there tomorrow."

There was a silence that wasn't uncomfortable; it was just everyone coming to terms that one of their group, their friend, was leaving.

"Well Kurt, if you're only sure about this, then I think I speak for us all in saying that we wish you all the best." Mr Schue said breaking the moment.

They all stood up and gathered into a group hug, this was really happening.

"I love you guy's." Kurt said not being able to stop the tears from falling.

"We love you too, Kurt." Tina said quietly, in which the rest of them agreed.

"I'm gunna miss you dude." Puck said speaking up.

"I'll miss you too Noah, I'll miss every single one of you, but remember, this isn't farewell, I plan on staying in touch with you all."

"Well you didn't expect us to just forget you now, did you?" Sam gave a small smile.

"Not a chance." Kurt smiled at them all.

Kurt fastened one of his many pin's to his Dalton blazer. He was, as of today, officially a student at Dalton Academy.

Hey, how are you feeling this morning? –Blaine xxx

Kurt smiled at the text, he and Blaine's relationship (because that's what it was now) had been going fantastically Kurt thought. Blaine had been helping Kurt prepare for today, Kurt had been nervous and really needed Blaine to be there for him. And Blaine had been… Blaine had been perfect.

The truth? I'm nervous as hell, I couldn't even get my hair the way I wanted it. –Kurt xxx

I'm sure you look just as perfect as ever. Try not to worry about it, It will be fine. –Blaine xxx

That's easy for you to say, everyone loves you. What if everyone hates me? –Kurt xxx

Kurt knew this wasn't true; he had already met some of the student's there, Blaine's friends and they all seemed nice enough.

Kurt Elisabeth Hummel, you know that's not true. How can anyone hate you? It's impossible. Besides, you've already met Wes, David, Nick and Jeff and they adore you so you have nothing to worry about. –Blaine xxx

It's still scary… –Kurt xxx

Well maybe… but then I'll just have to be there to steal kisses from you to make sure you're okay now, won't I? –Blaine xxx

Kurt groaned in frustration, now he could not wait to get to school to see Blaine, especially with promises like that. He had already been informed by Mr Walker that he would be sharing a dorm room with Blaine. Which was… interesting. On one hand he would be sharing a dorm with his boyfriend, which when Burt found out about, took a lot of persuasion, but in the end he agreed it would be a good idea for Kurt to be sharing with someone he knew. And on the other hand, Kurt was new to having a boyfriend and this was pretty scary, but he knew Blaine would make him feel comfortable and Kurt was fine with that.

You are a terrible person Blaine Anderson. –Kurt xxx

You love it. –Blaine xxx

Kurt had been given the day to settle in to Dalton and get thing's unpacked in his dorm, which meant no lessons today, he would be starting them tomorrow.

Burt, Carole and Finn (who had taken the morning off) helped Kurt take his stuff to his dorm room and made sure he was going to be alright. Carole had shed a few tears, and Burt looked as if he was going to cry himself, his son was not going to living with him anymore. Yes, Kurt would come home on weekends, but it wasn't the same.

Blaine had also helped Kurt sort his things out in their room; he had no lessons that morning but had to attend Physics and Maths later on.

Blaine was helping him to put up a few pictures of him and his family and the new directions on his wall and then disappeared off to his lessons. Kurt had started on his clothes, he hadn't actually taken much, he didn't need to now he had his uniform.

A few hours later, after putting little thing's around the room and getting his school stuff organised, Kurt sat on his bed and looked around, sure, this room wasn't like his perfectly decorated room at home, but it was a good compromise.

He lay back on his bed and pulled out his book to stat reading. He was interrupted about an hour later by Blaine coming back into their dorm.

"Hey." Blaine said walking over and sitting on the end of Kurt's bed.


"I'm surprised you're finished actually, with all the stuff you had." Blaine joked.

"I actually finished about an hour ago, and I did not have that much stuff…"

Blaine raised his eyebrows.

"You're eyebrows look like triangles."

"I am choosing to take that as a compliment." Blaine said moving unconsciously closer to Kurt.

"You should." Kurt flicked the side of his mouth up to form a smirk, before giving Blaine a kiss.


"ARRGH!" Kurt screamed.

Blaine turned around to see Justin and Jamie standing in the door way of their room.

"Well Blaine–"

"–Aren't you going to introduce us to your boyfriend?"

"Yes tweedles… this is Kurt, and Kurt… this is Justin and Jamie– they will be the death of me."

"I see what you mean. Where did you guys even come from?"

"Oh, we do that, just pop out of nowhere."

"Blaine say's there is no other explanation apart from either magic or invisibility cloak."

Kurt gave Blaine a questioning look. Sometimes is boyfriend really was a dork, but Kurt didn't want him any other way.

"WHAT? It's true. When you give me a logical explanation as to how they do it, then you can give me questioning looks, until then, I'd appreciate it if you didn't."

Kurt laughed. "Do you not just thinking that you're always in the middle of doing something when they appear?"

"…No…" Blaine said looking around the room innocently.

"Anyway, we just came to find you to 'cause the Warblers want to be introduced to Kurt." Justin informed them.

"We'll see you in the common room." His twin added.

"Okay, we'll be down in a minute." Blaine smiled at them before turning his attention back to Kurt. "I'm sorry about them."

"It's perfectly fine, they seem decent enough."

"They are." Blaine smiled.

"So are we gunna go and see the Warblers or what?"

"Yes." Blaine said placing a small kiss to Kurt's lips. "Let's go." Blaine said and Kurt took his hand as Blaine led them to the common room.

As the walked down the corridor Blaine could tell that Kurt was a little nervous, he hadn't met all of The Warblers yet and he could just tell by Kurt's body language that he was anxious, and he had every right too be, he had just moved to a new school, being anxious was only human. He squeezed his hand and smiled warmly at him to which he felt Kurt relax instantly to his touch.

"Wow, somehow the common room looks even bigger to how I remember it when you guy's sang teenage dream."

"Nope. Still the same."

They walked into the common room to find all of the Warblers casually sitting around on the sofas, the floor's… pretty much anywhere.

"Won't you guy's get told off for sitting on those desks? Aren't they mahogany?" Kurt said just as Wes was walking over to them.

"No, the teachers here…well, let's just say they are never around to see it happen."

"Besides, nobody could stop Blaine from jumping all over the furnisher." Wes grinned.

"That was one time."

"If you say so…"

"Hey Blaine!" Sebastian said coming behind them with Ryan. "I'm presuming this is the famous Kurt." He said stopping beside them.

"Yes, yes it is, Kurt, this is Sebastian and Ryan."

"Oh, nice to meet you." Kurt said holding his hand out which Sebastian and Ryan took.

"It's great to meet you too, but we're sorry we can't stay." Ryan said apologetically. "Seb is taking me to the flicks, so we better be going."

"Don't worry about it."

"I'll catch you later guys." Sebastian said as they left.

"So…" Blaine said rocking back gently on his feet. "…You wanted to see us Wesley?"

"Oh yeah… Kurt… as the newest member of Dalton, and from what Blaine has told me, I presume you'll be auditioning for The Warblers." Kurt nodded, he most certainly was going to audition, he already knew what song he would sing and had everything planned. "… We would like to give you Pavarotti. Normally we would wait until you are an official member, but, as I said, from what Blaine has told us, we're all pretty sure that you'll get in."

"I'm sorry, Pavarotti?" Wes went over to where Nick and Jeff where sitting and took a cage from beside Jeff who had been the birds previous owner.

"Kurt, for our newest 'soon to be' Warbler… an actual Warbler."

Kurt looked at the small canary yellow bird in the cage and he instantly just loved it. It's cute little adorable face and it was singing the most perfect song Kurt had ever heard a bird sing.

"Try not to kill it like Blaine almost did."

"I told you, he was just pretending to be dead. I never touched him."

"Blaine, is Wes telling me you almost killed a bird?"

"He is trying to tell you that but no, I did not try to kill him…he just knows how to play dead."

"That's what dog's do."

"And Pavarotti."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes…scouts honour."

"Anyway, it's tradition for you took look after Pavarotti and to make sure he is fed and watered… so long as you do that, I'm sure he'll be fine."

"Thanks Wes."

"Okay, so wanna meet some of the other guy's?" Blaine asked as Wes left them.

"Yeah, of course."

Blaine introduced Kurt to the rest of The Warblers, Thad, Trent, Mark, Lucas, Cory, James and Joey.

The Twins, of course, had practically been running riot's around the common room which caused Wes to snap at them.

"Do you two ever run out of energy?"



"Urgh, how Seb and Ryan have to put up with you two in the dorm next to them is beyond me."

"But you love us–"

"–You would never have us any other way."

"That's the horrible thing, I wouldn't." Wes scowled before disappearing.

"So Kurt, how was you're first day?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah, it's been good, I haven't really done much, I just unpacked my stuff in my dorm and then met everyone here. I'm sure tomorrow with classes it will be better."

"Yeah, Mrs Fletcher was saying that you're in my English class." Blaine smiled at his boyfriend.

"Oh good, at least I'll have somebody."

"Oh and you're in our Chem class." Justin added. "See you there tomorrow Hummel."

"See, they can be normal." Blaine said as the twin's left.

"I'm pretty sure they are normal, just misunderstood."

"You clearly haven't seen them in Chemistry. They almost blew the whole school up once, Mrs Edwards was not impressed, they've only recently been allowed back in to class."

"And you're letting me go to class with them tomorrow?"

"Hey, I'll save you if I need to." Blaine winked and kissed Kurt on the forehead.


"In all seriousness though, I would and anyway, I'm pretty sure Seb and Ryan are in that class to, so you'll be all backed up."

"If you say so." Kurt said as they decided to go back to their dorm, Blaine had homework and Kurt had a couple of thing's to catch up with.

As the end of the day drew closer and closer Kurt was feeling a lot better about everything. He was finally in a safe environment away from David. Whatever nerves and anxiety he was having about Dalton had now gone, The Warblers had definitely made him feel very welcome and he was sure he was going to get on with them all.

It was quite late and Kurt heard his boyfriend yawn rather loudly as he shut his text book from some homework.

"I swear algebra secretes sleep potion."

"Blaine… you're dork is showing."

"It's true! It's a perfectly logical explanation." He yawned again.

"You're tired."

"M–not… I swear."

"C'mon, sleep time. We don't want you to be sleeping in for class now, would we?"

"I have Mrs Brown for History, I think sleeping in sounds more appealing."


"Fine, I'll go to bed." He said getting up and walking over to Kurt who had gotten out of his seat.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's neck and Kurt wrapped his around Kurt's waist.


"Goodnight Blaine." He said placing a kiss to Blaine's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

They both went to their respective bed's and turned their night light's out.

"Sweet dreams."

"You too." Kurt said before the tiredness took over and he fell asleep.

The next day, Blaine's history lesson had dragged and dragged. Just like it always did. He was sure that Mrs Brown made his classes extra boring just to annoy Blaine.

One the bell went; he picked up his school bag, put his books in and swiftly made his way out of the door.

Blaine first had the horrible feeling that day as soon as he kissed Kurt before parting him to go to his lesson. He had no idea why, but the feeling in the bottom of his stomach was getting worse as the day went on.

He was going to the common room for his break, where the warblers would be putting ideas for sectionals into some more of a definite.

He saw Kurt come out of Chemistry, so he walked a little faster in order to catch up with him.

"Hey you, how was Chemistry?"

"Well I'm alive if that's what you mean. The Justin and Jamie weren't aloud to go near the chemicals so we all survived this lesson at least."

"How did you find it? I know the teachers here can be a little more, hard working than at McKinley."

"Yeah, the content was a little harder, but I'm sure if I just do some catch up work I'll be fine."

"I'm sure you will be. Hey, what song are you going to do for your Warbler audition?"

"I actually have a couple of idea… but will you help me pick tonight. I thought I had the perfect song, but I don't know."

"Of course I will." Blaine said taking his hand as they reached the rest of the Warblers.

The Warblers spent the next half hour talking about what song's they were defiantly going to do, which again, meant nothing, it will more that likely change as they get nearer the time, and now Kurt was going to be apart of them, the dynamics would more that likely change.

As Blaine was heading to his new lesson, that feeling he had that morning was in his stomach again.

As he was walking down the empty corridor, Blaine heard a voice shout his name.


He automatically froze, it wasn't Kurt, Wes or any of the Warblers. In fact, it wasn't even a student.

Blaine turned around only to come face to face with the person he would least like to, and least expcted.

"Hi Dad." He said bitterly.

"C'mon now son, don't be like that."

Blaine let out a strangled laugh. Yep, his Dad was really doing this.

"What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you, seen as I did ask for you to ring me but you refused to."

"I wonder why that is." Blaine said feeling as if his dad was the most oblivious person in the world. He pushed past his dad trying to get away, but he stopped him.

"Blaine, please, can we just talk? That's all I want."

Blaine assessed his dad to try and see if there was any pragmatic meaning to his dad's query. He could either be lying and there is something even more drastic than what had already happened to the Anderson family would happen, or, thing's might actually just be like he is saying. Maybe he just wants to talk.

Blaine would kind of want to get to know his father again, he could see that his mom was unhappy and maybe if he just decided to be the bigger person…

"Fine, you have ten minutes."

"Thank you son, is there somewhere we can go where we won't get interrupted?

'Mine and Kurt's meadow.' Blaine thought to himself.

"There'll be a free classroom somewhere." Blaine said, there was no way he was taking his dad there.

"Okay." Mr Anderson said as Blaine led them to on of the free classrooms at the end of the corridor.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?"

"I just want to get to know you again Blaine. Last time I saw you , you were just a kid. You're a man now."

"Why now? Like you said…it's been years."

"Is there ever a time for a father to try and make it up to his son?" Michael said looking solemn.

Blaine looked at his dad and for once for as long as he can remember, had seen the god's honest truth in his eyes. Michaels pale green eyes were looking at Blaine with forgiveness.

"Okay… but you have to realise," Blaine cleared his throat. "It's going to take time."

"I know that, I'm not even expecting for you to forgive me, but what I do want is for you to understand why I did the things I did."

"Can we not have that conversation now…"

"Of course… How is school going for you? I always remember you being a smart kid."

"Yeah, it's going well. I've really found myself since being here. It's taught me a lot, not only academically, but about life."

"That's good to hear. You seem like your really sure in yourself."

"Yeah, I am Dad."

"So… you're still…um…"



"Yes Dad, I'm still gay, because believe it or not, I didn't choose that and nothing is going to change it."

"Okay… it was just a question…"

"How's Cooper?" Blaine asked quickly changing the subject. He really wanted to try and make the effort.

When Michael and Isabelle got divorced, Blaine hardly saw Cooper anymore. He was always busy with work and when he wasn't working, he was with his dad, so Blaine hadn't seen his brother in years.

"Yeah, he's good. He's doing well for himself actually."

"Hm, I bet."

"He asks about you… all the time, but I can only go off of what you're mother occasionally tells me."

"I miss him."

"He misses you too, as do I." There was an awkward silence between them. "So, I hear you're in a glee club? The Warblers, is it?"


"Do you enjoy singing? I bet you do, you used to run around singing all the time."

"Yeah actually, I love singing and performing. We're going to the show choir competitions this year."

"Son that's amazing. I hope you do well, I read into show choirs and stuff y'know."

"Really?" Blaine asked puzzled by his father's interest.

"Yeah, I'm guessing it's the sectional's stage, right?"

"Yeah, we're still trying to figure out our set list though."

"Ah, I see. I'm sure you guy's will make good choices."

"Yeah, I'm sure Wes will keep us on the right road."

"Wesley Montgomery? How is he?"

"He's fine Dad."

"I remember when you two where little and he used to come over all the time and you two would just go nut's in the garden. Pretending you were Star Wars character's I think."

"Yeah, he would be Han Solo and I would always be–"

"Luke Skywalker."

"Yeah." Blaine, for the first time, smiled at his dad.

"How is the guitar playing going? I heard you're getting pretty good at it now."

"I'm alright. Still, I can always do better."

"Always the perfectionist."

Blaine formed a straight line with his mouth. If anything, it was because of his dad that he was a perfectionist. Blaine felt like he always had to do better with his dad. He never could be at his best; it was always 'can be better'

"I got a new job." Michael said seeing Blaine's body language change. "I'm currently working at a high school teaching math."

"But what about you're law firm? I thought you were happy there? Why did you leave it?"

"Because it wasn't what I loved. I found out that I really do love teaching and apparently my forte is number so…"

"Good for you Dad."

"What are you planning for the future Blaine?"

Blaine now had two options. He could A– Tell his dad the truth. Tell him that he absolutely wanted to be teaching music and that he had a boyfriend that he would quite happily marry one day and was completely head over heels. Or, B– he could try and impress his dad and make up some lie about working in some respected job.

Blaine chose option B.

"Maybe become a Lawyer or an Attorney or something." Blaine tried his best to convince his dad.

"Blaine… you may be good at acting, but if there is anything I know, it's when my son is lying to me. What do you really want to do?" He looked at Blaine with an encouraging expression.

"I… I maybe want to teach children music. I know it's not what you maybe want me to get into, but, it's what I want."

"Why would I not approve?"

"I dunno–"

"I'm a teacher myself now, remember."


"So if that's what you want to do, then I will support you, okay?"

That has all Blaine has ever wanted to hear, well, apart from Kurt saying yes to being his boyfriend, but this was a really big deal. His father was finally accepting him. Blaine felt it was best to maybe not mention the boyrfriend thing today, but he would eventually tell him.

"Thank you Dad." Blaine said putting his arms around his dad for a hig which his father gladly returned.

"I missed you, Dad."

"I missed you too, Son."

The bell for next class went interrupting the two of them.

"I haven't been keeping you from lessons now have I?"

"Maybe a little." Blaine admitted. "But it was only Chemistry, I can catch up easily."

"Well, I'll not keep you any longer. I'll talk to you soon, alright?"

"Yeah, talk soon."

"Bye, Blaine."

"Bye Dad." Blaine said as he left his dad and heading to his next lesson, English which he had with Kurt. Blaine couldn't wait to him what had just happened.


End Notes:

So, Kurt is finally at McKinley. And has a bird :D You just gotta love Pavarotti. And Blaine's dad has appeared :) DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNN :D

Please review! :)

Song Used: Somewhere over the rainbow- The Wizard of Oz.

No synopsis of the next chapter this week because like i said, i won't be updating for a while, so, yeah :)


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