Somewhere Only We Know
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Somewhere Only We Know: Chapter 4

K - Words: 4,155 - Last Updated: Oct 21, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: May 28, 2012 - Updated: Oct 21, 2012
810 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: Okay so i'm so sorry that i wasn't able to update yesterday, the up loader had decided that it was going to hate me so i wasn't able to update for you all, but fear not, it is working now :)

I just want to say that you to everyone that has read this, added this and added me to their favourites, i honestly can't thank you all enough :)

Oh and because i actually haven't done this yet...


so, yeah, enjoy this chapter :)

Chapter Four

Kurt was mind-blown that Blaine was standing no more than a metre in front of him. He wondered why Blaine is here. Surely he just doesn't come to a forgotten meadow for the fun of it.

And how did he know about it? – It wasn't the easiest place to find, Kurt himself had only came across it after hours of wondering in the forest soon after his mom died.

Kurt was also shocked as Blaine was the one person he wanted to see at that particular moment, and the fact that just a few minutes ago– he had been saying to himself that he needed Blaine just made this a little more surreal.

"W–hat are you doing here?" Kurt asks.

"Um, I was j–just walking and, now I'm here." Kurt noticed how Blaine's eye looked bloodshot and tired– as if he had been crying. Kurt would find out about that only if Blaine told him, he wasn't going to push–well, not totally.

"You don't just come here for fun Blaine, there has to be some reason."

"Fine! Okay, I used to come here when I was younger." Blaine sounded defensive, but Kurt understood.

"I'm sorry– I didn't mean it like that, I just meant that there's a reason you came here, that's all." he said in a much softer voice.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that." Blaine almost mumbled as he walked over to Kurt to sit down next to him in which was followed by a few seconds of silence.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Kurt said noticing that Blaine was fidgeting, as if wanting to get something off his mind; Blaine looked at Kurt before agreeing to tell him.

"Well, you know I was saying about how I used to come here when I was younger."


"Well, it started when I was maybe, six. My mom and dad would argue and argue and I always got scared so, I came here– well obviously I found it first, but all the time when they would argue I just left, ran. Thing's got worse when I was eight, my dad not only shouted at my mom, but he was hitting her," Kurt then noticed how Blaine seemed to be replaying the event's in his head as the now vulnerable boy tensed.

"He didn't– hit you– did he?" Kurt found himself asking.

"No– he never ever hit me, he couldn't, no matter how much I displeased him, he just…couldn't…"


"Yeah– when I was eight, I came home from school one day and I asked him what being gay was– which he just told me it was wrong– that people who said they were gay had a disease."

"Oh, well, that must have been hard for you– I mean I'm guessing that you eventually told your parent's that you are?"

"Yeah– and that's why they're divorced. My Dad flipped and he started yelling at me telling me what I disgrace I was, how I was infected– that I wasn't his son anymore."

"Blaine, I'm so sorry."

"No, don't be. It's not your fault that he's just a narrow minded idiot who chooses to be ignorant. Honestly, I'm passed even caring about what he thinks of me. Yeah sure, it was hard at first, but then one day, I was just like, why do I care? He doesn't care about me, so why do I bother. I'm the bigger person and I'm not going to let him get to me."

"That's beautiful." Kurt blurted out, but didn't regret it, because he really did admire Blaine's outlook on life.

"Thanks, I've just learned a lot in life to be the exact opposite from my dad, it's just me and my mom back home so I've had to man up and just deal with things for her, the divorce and what he did to her really messed her up."

"I'm sorry to hear that, is she– you know–okay?" Kurt actually wanted to face palm himself after asking that "I'm sorry. Stupid question."

"She's fine– don't worry about, Kurt, she's doing great." Blaine said smiling at Kurt and shaking his shoulder reassuringly, he was obviously showing great concern.

"Good. So you said you used to come here? – why are you here now?"

"Well my dad had apparently decided that now would be a good time to get in touch with me." Blaine said with hints of bitterness in his voice. "He somehow got in touch with my mom, we have no idea how he did, he just phoned last night wanting to talk to me."

"And did you? – talk to him?"

"I couldn't, on one hand I think it would kind of be nice to see how he is– I mean he must be willing to forget if he reached out to me, but I just don't know, I don't really car about what he done to me– it's more to do with my mum and what he done to her. That I can't forgive him for."

"You are such a selfless person, Blaine."

"Stop it." The shorter boy laughed.

"No really– you seem to put everyone before yourself, that's an amazing quality to have." Blaine looked as if he was going to protest some more, so Kurt interrupted him "You are. End of. Just take the compliment."

"Oh, so you're complimenting me, are you?" Blaine said wiggling his eyebrows. Kurt hit his arm playfully "Sorry, thank you…You're brave, Kurt."


"I mean like, with the bullying. It never seems to get you down."

Kurt sighed, he knew it did, it put him down a lot, It was just Blaine never noticed because Kurt honestly forgot about it all when he was with Blaine.

"I haven't been brave, I never have."

"Kurt, look, yes you have–"

"No, Blaine, you don't get it, I close myself off to everyone. I literally don't talk to anyone, I can't. I mean I have Glee club and I have my best friend Mercedes, which is lovely, and all but they don't really understand– They don't understand what it's like for gay teenager in high school–"

"I do," Blaine said quietly "and I told you, you're not alone anymore, okay? If you ever need someone to talk to, or any help with anything, you have my number, remember."

"I forget things– the bullying– when I'm around you y'know, I mean when we're not talking about it."

"Good– because I want to help you, Kurt." Blaine said looking into Kurt's eyes "I know I only met you the other day, but I already feel like I've known you my whole life, which I now realise how creepy I must sound."

"You don't– I feel the same." They both smile at each other warmly.

"I never asked," Blaine said out of the comfortable silence "Why are you here?"

"I had an argument with my soon to be step-brother, he, just like the rest of the population of McKinley, decide to ignore me, or when they do acknowledge my existence, decide to put me down, he tried to apologize and then everything just flipped and was horrible like Lady Gaga's meat dress."

Blaine just gave Kurt an understanding smile, no words needing to be said, just little gestures between the two of them that said so much more than words could ever say.

None of the boys were sure how long they had lay in the meadow together inches apart laughing and joking and really creating a special relationship between the two of them.

"It's getting late– I should probably go before my dad get's worried."

"Wouldn't he have gotten worried anyway? I mean you just kind of ran out."

"Well yes, but he also knows that I like to have time by myself so he chooses to not acknowledge it until a few hours, then he chooses to worry."

"I wish my dad was like yours, he sounds amazing."

"He is, I couldn't have asked for a better father." Kurt noticed that Blaine looked down at his shoe at this "Hey, you know if you ever need to talk to someone about your dad, I'm here too right? And I'm sure my dad would quite happily be there for you too."

"Thank you, Kurt. C'mon, I'll take you home."

"Okay." Kurt said as the two boys headed to Kurt's house.

"I had a really nice time tonight." Kurt said as they approached his door.

"Yeah." Blaine smiled whole heartedly at Kurt, his eyes bursting with something that Kurt just couldn't put his finger on it, but that look made Kurt go almost week at the knee's "Me too."

They exchanged goodbye's and hugged before Kurt re entered his house, telling his dad and Carole that he was sorry for just running out and not telling them, which they forgave him for and then Kurt went to bed as he was very tired.

As he was getting his school stuff ready for the next day at school Kurt heard a tapping at the door

"Come In."

"Hey." Finn said walking into Kurt room looking at the floor "Look, about earlier, I'm sorry dude, I really am, I shouldn't be such a douche bag and shoot you down, you deserve better than that."

"I'm sorry too Finn, I shouldn't have had a go at you. It's not as if you do it on purpose now, is it?"

"So…are we cool?"

"Yeah, Finn– we're cool." Kurt said smiling at the taller boy.


"Night, Finn."

Kurt saw his phone vibrate

Goodnight, Kurt– B x

He normally find anyone who freaked out at a stupid 'x' on the end of a text, but this was different, for some reason he got stupid butterflies in his stomach and his heart swelled.

Kurt couldn't be crushing on Blaine, could he?

Goodnight, Blaine –K x

Just as he did every night, Kurt pulled out his journal and one again, wrote down the day's event's.

Dear Journal,

Today had been…interesting. I think I finally sorted thing's out with Mercedes which is good, she's my girl.

Also, I got to know Blaine a lot better today, I worked out that he and I share a lot of things in common, and that we are both are/were in a similar situation with bullies and that Blaine's dad (forgive me for saying this) is a homophobic idiot.

Oh, and he put an 'x' on the end of his text tonight. And that look he gave me when he said goodbye, just…wow.

Kurt, for whatever reason that morning had woken up with a sickly feeling at the bottom of his stomach.

He was slowly becoming aware that he hadn't encountered Karofsky in a few days which worried Kurt as this left him thinking that something big was about to happen.

As he was heading out of English and on his way to Glee club, he quickly scanned the corridor for any sign of the jock. Kurt felt his phone vibrate and he almost jumped 12 feet in the air…okay he was getting way to paranoid about this, he pulled out his phone and smiled at the text in front of him.

Courage. –B x

Silly little things like this shouldn't make Kurt stomach do summersaults, but it did and the expression on his face said it all, a huge childish grin plastered onto his fac–


Kurt froze as he was pushed against the lockers by non other than David Karofsky himself, the school idiot.

He stared at Kurt as he walked away leaving Kurt paralysed as he was sitting on the floor with his legs tucked in by his arms. Kurt's expression had gone from one extreme to another, from huge grin, to a frown.

Kurt saw his phone out of the corner of his eye; he must have dropped it when he was pushed, but that word was stalking him in that moment.


Such a simple word but such a big thing to come about. He looked at it again.

Courage, Kurt.

Finding it in him somehow, he got back up onto his feet and ran after Karofsky.

"Hey!" he shouted as he was nearing the obnoxious jock that was choosing to ignore him. "HEY!" he repeated.

"What?" Karofsky snarled at him.

"What is your problem?" Kurt said narrowing his eyes at him.

"My problem? With you? I thought that might have been obvious."

"Really, because c'mon David, we live in the twenty-first century."

"Stupid fags like you are disgusting, the way you always choose to prance about in your stupid faggy clothes with your stupid faggy hair––"

"Okay I'm going to stop you right there–– you think that I chose to be gay? That I want to be called every single name under the sun? That I want to be shoved into lockers? That I want to be beaten up because of the person I love?"

Karofsky just stood in silence, his head hanging low.

"That's what I thought–"Kurt said looking at him with disgust "–not to arrogant now, are you?"

"Don't push me Hummel."

"Or what? Huh, what are you going to do, because to be perfectly honest David, there isn't a lot that you haven't done to me already"

"I SAID DON'T PUSH ME." Karofsky shouted suddenly stepping into Kurt's personal space, the slender boy just started at him wide-eyed.

"Or what? What are you going to do?"

Kurt suddenly felt a pair of rough hands on his face and pulled his face close to Karofsky so that Karofsky kissed him, it was very short and when Karofsky moved away, Kurt felt himself tremble inside.

What was that?

Kurt just continued to stare at the taller boy in terror.

Karofsky went to kiss him again but Kurt pushed him away and went to run out of the locker room, but Karofsky pulled him back by the wrist gripping it tightly.

"If you tell anyone about this," Karofsky snarled "I will kill you."

And if the kiss hadn't frightened Kurt enough then that most certainly had.

Kurt felt the back of his eyes prick and soon enough tears had silently started to fall down them, Kurt did what he instantly thought to do, he got in his car and drove to his quiet sanctuary, the meadow.

Once arriving at his sanctuary, emerged from the tree's and fell to the ground lying on his side, tears still falling from his eyes.

He was gripping onto the grass with his hands and tearing it out in frustration, what the hell had just happened, the person who made his life a living hell had just kissed him.

Kurt was having trouble processing what the hell that was all about? What did it mean? Who the hell did Karofsky think he was?

Kurt thought back to what Karofsky had said though, and how if he so much as breathed a word to anyone, he would be dead.

Kurt's heart was beating 100 miles per hour, not in the good way, in the most terrifying way possible.

After about 10 minutes of lying down and honestly thinking about all of the different possibilities in which Karofsky could kill him, he turned to lie on his back, staring up at the sky, watching the clouds float across the blue screen.

Kurt could hear a voice in the back of his head.

'Remember, you're not alone any more, okay?'

It was Blaine's voice; Kurt smiled faintly at this, and wondered if Blaine really did mean what he had said.

Kurt was in trouble and needed to tell someone, he couldn't exactly tell anyone in the school as Karofsky would probably find out about it.

Blaine however, went to a different school, and he knew that he could trust Blaine.

Before thinking of any consequences that might become from this, he quickly dialled the number of the person who he knew would understand

"H–ello" Kurt said as the receiver picked up, his voice still broken from crying.

"Hey Kurt! What's up?"

"I need you to come and meet me."

"Kurt, what's going on? Is everything alright–– have you been crying?"

"I'll explain if you come and see me."

"Yes, of course, where are you?"

"The meadow."

"I'll be 10 minutes."

Kurt lay frozen in the meadow, the grass that surrounded him was hiding him from everything, it was overgrown and this was perfect for Kurt, hiding from everything and everyone.

"Kurt!–– where are you?" Okay, maybe he didn't want to hide from everyone.

Kurt sat up so that Blaine could see him, and instantly upon seeing the scared, slender boy, ran towards him and sitting down next to him. Kurt, at that moment started to cry again, and he did the only thing that he thought to do. He nuzzled his head into the crook of Blaine's neck and wrapped his arms around the curly haired boy, who responded by wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist and just held him, running his finger through Kurt's hair gingerly as a comfort.

"Kurt––what happened?" Blaine said after a few minutes after noticing that Kurt had calmed down a little.

"It was Karofsky–– I was at my locker putting my books away and then all of a sudden, he just shoved me. I got up and went after him and sort of confronted him about it and then he got more and more wound up–– he k-kissed me, Blaine."

"Oh, Kurt." Blaine pulled him closer into his chest–– they weren't sure how, but at some point they were laying down, Blaine on his back and Kurt lying on his chest.

"That's not the worse of it–– he said if I told anyone about it––h-he was going to k-ill me."

"He said what?" Blaine was not sitting up looking at Kurt in shock. "He can't just treat you like that."

"Promise not to tell anyone."

"Kurt–– you can't just expect me to sit here, when that lunatic had threatened to kill you–– you have to report it or…something."

"Blaine–– please." Kurt said looking directly into Blaine's eyes.

Blaine looked back and saw the desperation in Kurt's eyes, he really was scared of this guy, maybe even more scared than he had been letting on to everyone.

"Okay–– fine," Blaine said surrendering "––But I swear, if he lay's another finger on you, Kurt, tell me, because this needs to be stopped."


"Kurt, I'm serious, promise me."

"I promise."




"Thank you."

"No problem."

"No, I mean it–– for everything, for just listening to me, I've never really had anyone to do that or anyone that would just drop everything to be there for me–– it mean's a lot."

"Kurt you deserve at least that, with the amount of crap you've had to put up with, the least I can do is at least listen."

"Thank you."

"You deserve so much more than the crap you get–– and one day, when you're a big star on Broadway– they'll laugh because of how stupid they where for treating you badly in high school–– you, Kurt, are a very beautiful person."

Had Kurt heard that properly, did Blaine just call him beautiful?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I mean it's not that you aren't you kind of are but yeah I didn't mean it like that and oh god I'm rambling now, Kurt please make me shut up––"

Kurt quickly placed his hand over Blaine's mouth to do as he had asked, Kurt of course could think of plenty of other way's in which to make Blaine Shut up, but no–– that would be wrong.

"Thanks" Blaine said laughing as Kurt removed his hand.

"So you like to ramble then?" Kurt asked.

"Mm, how did you ever guess?" Blaine voice dripping with sarcasm at which Kurt just laughed at.

"So, um–– how are things with your dad?" Kurt said after a while "Have you decided what you want to do?"

"Well he said he wants to see me–– but I mean I don't know. He wants to see my mom to, but she doesn't want to see him, which I completely understand–– it's just he's my dad and I can't forgive him for what he's done, but–– I just don't know."

"Well you have all the time in the world to think about it, right? He's your dad, and he'll wait until you're ready."

"You're right, thank you." Blaine say's bringing Kurt in for a hug; this had very quickly become a normal thing for them, to hug at random moments.

"Urgh, I have to go–– stupid curfews." Blaine muttered as he sees the time on his phone–– he really didn't think it had gotten that late.

"Gosh, it's late, yeah…I better be going too–– Night."

"Goodnight, Kurt." Blaine said as they hugged and as they pulled out Blaine kept Kurt at arms length and looked at him, he was finding it so hard not to just kiss Kurt right then and there.

Blaine let out a breath and moved his arms from Kurt, and headed back to Dalton Academy.

Kurt stood and smiled for a couple of seconds before also leaving and heading back home still smiling.

Back at Dalton

Blaine headed back to his dorm. As he walked the corridors his mind was back to Kurt, not that there was ever a moment that he wasn't, it was just damn it he really wanted to kiss Kurt tonight, but he knew he couldn't because of everything that had gone on with Karofsky.

Blaine really hated that guy–– sure, most people might dislike him because he is a complete ass wipe, but Blaine hated that guy, how could he even imagine of hurting such an amazing, beautiful, selfless, warm hearted person like Kurt.


It was safe to say that Blaine, when thinking of this guy, was In a rage. But, Blaine knew better than to spend time on this and think of nicer, happier images, such as kissing Kurt… there was a thought.

Speaking of kissing…

"Hey Seb, Ryan," Blaine shouted upon seeing the two Warblers making out in the corridor "––get a room!" Blaine joked laughing at the two of them.

"Sorry Blaine." Sebastian says taking his boyfriends hand and walking presumably to Ryan's dorm.

Blaine just laughed at how loved up they where and continued to his dorm. He opened his door––which was unlocked, he noticed, and stepped inside seeing Nick, Jeff and Wes sitting his room.

"Uh, guys, I'm pretty sure you get arrested for break in's." Blaine said joining the three of them on the floor.

"Well we knew you'd be back soon so we thought we'd just hang out in here, watch a movie or something." Jeff said as he was lying curled up next to his boyfriend Nick, who was rubbing small circles to Jeff's hand.

"Cool, what movie?" Blaine said taking his shoe's off and heading to the cupboard where he kept his movies.

"Um, well we all know you'll cry if we don't watch The Little Mermaid, so…" Wes said.

"Well yeah–– but I'll cry if we watch it too." Blaine pointed out, receiving quizzical looks from all three boys.

"You cannot be serious." Nick said laughing because deep inside, he knew it was true, Blaine would cry.

"Oh c'mon, it is sad when Ariel looses her voice and then had to chose between having a voice or being with someone she loves, you can't tell me that's not sad."

"If you say so, Blaine."

"Anyway, where were you tonight?" Wes asked as Blaine put the DVD on.

"Oh I was just out wi––"

"He was out with that Hummel kid again." Justin and Jamie said

"Woah–– if you guy's have access to and invisibility cloak, I need it." Blaine said laughing at how they just popped out of nowhere, as usual. "Hang on, how do you two know?"

"Blaine haven't you learnt anything from us?" Justin replied

"––You just don't ask questions, its better not to." His twin finished.

"Why are we friends with them again?" Blaine asked Wes still looking at the twins.

"Because they put up with our crazy too?"

"Touché Wesley."

"You know I hate being called that."

"All the more reason to call you it." Blaine grinned.

"If you weren't so puppy like I would kick you."

"Cute, Wes…you're real cute."

"Are you guy's gunna stop bro-flirting and watch this or?" Jeff said laughing at the two boys.

"Hey where'd the twins go?" Blaine asked.

"They left –– something about going to try and see if a chip packet will explode in a microwave or something."

"Oh god."

"Sooo, anyway–– Blaine, spending a lot of time with this Hummel kid aren't we."

"He's just going through a tough time Wes."

"Uh-huh, so the fact that you've just gone bright red doesn't mean anything?"

"No. definitely not." Blaine eyed his best friend to whom eyed him right back "Fine, I think he's amazing okay, he is the most compassionate person I know."

"Wow, okay I was joking, but you are seriously crushing on this guy, aren't you?"


"Aww, that's sweet." Nick and Jeff called out from their own little bubble.

"Wow, this is new, Blaine practically falling for someone."

"I have not 'fallen for him' as you put it."

"Well it seems as good as to me."


"I knew it." Wes laughed as they now decided to turn their attention back to the movie.

Back at Kurt's house.

Dear Journal,

Today was like a hurricane of emotions that I just don't know what to feel.

Firstly, I went to school feeling extra skittish about well just everything and I can't even begin to say why. But thing's got worse when I was there, Karofsky kissed me and then he threatened to kill me. I hate letting him get the better of me but what else can I do? I don't feel safe at Mckinley anymore.

I feel like just crying–– well I kind of already did, I went to my meadow and asked Blaine to come so I could talk to him–– I can trust Blaine, he understands me, which is good.

I guess the main reason that I'm so upset about all of this was because before today, I had never been kissed.

End Notes: Please Review :)Up next: More about Blaine's family, and Kurt stays over at Blaine's and leaves his journal behind.


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