Second Chances
Chapter 7 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: Chapter 7

M - Words: 2,234 - Last Updated: Sep 19, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 30, 2012 - Updated: Sep 19, 2012
292 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hello you lovely lot :)

Not much to say here really, other than i really want to go to the Starkid tour right now and that i hope you enjoy this chapter :) and as always, thank you to my Beta for your wonderful work :)


The next morning Kurt woke up, and he instantly opened his eyes to the back of Blaine's head, his almost black curls were brushing his face and were tickling his nose. Blaine was in his arms, like he had been every night since he had moved in with him and Rachel. He sighed quietly in contentment, just laying there with his amazing, brave boyfriend in his arms.

He quickly reminded himself of the events of yesterday, how Blaine had went around to Sebastian's and how Blaine had told him that they had gotten into a fight, which Kurt was not particularly best pleased about. But Blaine was safe now, and that's all that mattered, he was here, so he would be fine.

He also remembered how Blaine had told him that he didn't think Sebastian was going to stop, which in all honesty petrified Kurt.

He had seen how much damage, how much hurt Sebastian could cause and Kurt honestly believed that he would not stop at anything. This sent Kurt's heart racing, he could feel himself getting more and more wound up even by thinking about it. He had hurt Blaine, and god forbid if Kurt even so much as saw Sebastian again, Kurt wasn't sure if he would be able to stop himself from doing anything drastic.

He felt Blaine move in his arms, stirring, which calmed Kurt down and brought him out of his Sebastian fuelled rage. Blaine turned around and faced Kurt and smiled, which took Kurt's breath away as this was the first time Kurt had seen Blaine genuinely smile for a few days; and it settled something inside Kurt to know that he had caused his smile.

'Good morning,' Blaine said, fluttering his eyes open to look at his beautiful boyfriend.

'Morning,' Kurt said, placing a kiss onto Blaine's lips. 'How are you? How are your ribs? Do you need anything?'

Blaine gave a quiet chuckle. 'Kurt… I'm fine… it's nothing I'm not used to.'

'I know… but you shouldn't be used to it.' Hearing Blaine say that broke Kurt's heart.

'I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, but can we just stop talking about… him… I don't want to think about it… I want to focus on us.'

Kurt looked into Blaine's amber eyes, he could see a small glint in them. In the few days Blaine had been back, things had progressed from when Kurt first saw him. His eyes were dull, but now, that sparkle was coming back.

'Yes, of course, I'm sorry.'

'It's fine, honestly… no more worrying, okay?'

'Okay,' Kurt said, realising he was defeated, but the way Blaine was looking at him just meant that Kurt couldn't say no. 'What do you want to do today?'

'I don't know… Whatever you want to do,' Blaine said nuzzling his head into Kurt's chest. He thought it would be funny to blink over and over again, causing his eyelashes to brush lightly against Kurt's neck, causing the older man to laugh; Blaine had found a soft spot.

'B-Blaine! Sstop it! T-that tttickles!' Kurt said trying to hold in as much laughter as possible, but it was no use really.

'I'm sorry, I couldn't help it.'

'Anyway,' Kurt said as Blaine moved his head slightly so he wasn't tickling Kurt anymore, 'I was thinking we could maybe go to the mall today, have lunch, buy some new clothes.'

'Sounds good too me.' Blaine smiled in agreement as he kissed Kurt's neck. 'I'm just going to jump in the shower, I feel like death.'

'Yeah sure, go ahead,' Kurt said getting up. 'Are you hungry?'

'Is the sky blue?' Blaine replied, grinning.

'Funny, you're hilarious… I'll go start on breakfast then.'

'Okie dokie,' Blaine replied in a rather chipper voice, heading off into Kurt's en-suite bathroom.

Kurt headed out to the kitchen to start on breakfast. Rachel was probably at work so it was just him and Blaine in the apartment, so Kurt decided to make what he remembered had been Blaine's favourite… Chocolate chip pancakes.

Blaine had now come out of the shower and had gotten dressed, he was wearing dark denim jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a dark grey cardigan. Kurt had to remember to breathe as he noticed that Blaine's curls were still dripping wet and the way a drop of water was dripping on his fac-

'What cha staring at?' Blaine said, noticing how Kurt had been looking at him.

'Oh… nothing,' Kurt said smiling, shaking his head and continuing with breakfast as Blaine sat down on the coach and turned the television on.

A few minutes later, Kurt was bringing the now cooked pancakes over to Blaine, handing him the plate and placing a glass of apple juice (his favourite) on the coffee table.

Blaine felt himself feeling overjoyed, Kurt had remembered his favourite things ever, and this made Blaine grow a huge grin on his face.

'Thank you,' he said as he started to dig into his pancakes.

'No problem,' Kurt said joining him, 'I knew they were your favourite, so…'

The shared a smile between the two of them continuing to eat in a comfortable silence, watching TV.

After finishing eating Kurt decided to go and quickly get ready, and styling his hair perfectly. Kurt and Blaine proceeded to the mall, Kurt driving them there.

-page break-

'Blaine, I promise… just one more shop.'

It had been a very long day. Kurt had officially dragged Blaine around every shop humanly possible, not that Blaine minded at all; he had bought himself 3 new shirts, 2 polo shirts, 5 casual v-necks, some Khaki's and 3 new bow ties (yes he still wore bowties.)

'Okay' was Blaine's reply. He felt weird, if he was honest; he couldn't tell exactly what he was feeling right now, yes he was elated from being back with Kurt, but what Sebastian had said to him yesterday, 'this isn't over', had really had him shaken up, and being out in public today had made him even more scared, Sebastian could be anywhere.

'Blaine… baby, what's wrong?' Kurt said as he stood next to him and wrapped his arm around his waist. 'You look like you going to pass out.'

Blaine didn't say a word, he just froze. He was shaking and tense, and suddenly he just didn't feel safe at all. He did feel like he was going to pass out, and that he would probably projectile vomit at any moment. He could feel himself sweat with anticipation, his jaw trembled and tears started to prick at the back of his eyes.

Blaine was panicking right in the middle of the shopping centre.

Kurt seeing that Blaine was about to shatter into a million pieces, tightened his grip around Blaine's waist and pulled him so that they were now exiting the mall.

'C'mon, let's get you home,' Kurt said feeling as if he was also going to burst into tears. Seeing Blaine like this was just horrific, but he had to get Blaine home so that he could calm him down.

And that was exactly what they did. They headed to Kurt's car and he drove them back to his apartment.

Kurt opened the door to his apartment and immediately took a shaken up Blaine to go and sit down on the couch. Blaine hadn't gotten any better, he had turned a very pale shade and was breathing violently, Kurt still crying because he had no idea what to do.

'Oh my god! Is he okay… Kurt what happened?' Rachel said seeing the two of them come in the apartment.

'I don't know, he's been off all day, and then he was fine, and then… now he's like that… Rach, I have no idea what to do.' Blaine seemed to be in his own little bubble fighting his own internal battle.

'Well just try and get him to calm down, I'll go and make him a coffee, he probably needs it.'

'Thanks Rach,' Kurt said going to join Blaine on the couch and pulled him into a tight hug, keeping him close.

He kept pressing comforting kisses to Blaine's hair as the tears were coming from his eyes. He was gently rocking the two of them and this felt like deja vu for Kurt, when he had to comfort Blaine after the nightmare he had had.

'Blaine, I love you… It's okay, I've got you,' he chanted, doing everything he could in that moment. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist pulling the older boy closer to him, needing the re-assurance.

'I've got you, Blaine, I'm here,' Kurt chocked out feeling Blaine pull him closer.

'I can't, Kurt,' Blaine said breathlessly, 'he's just always there… I can't cope with it anymore.'

'Blaine, don't say that! I'm going to help you, I love you,' he said pressing small kisses to Blaine's lips. He could taste his salty tears on them, so he started to wipe his tears away with his thumb.

'I'm s-scared… He said this wasn't over…'

'It is over, he can't touch you, Blaine, I won't let him.'

'No, Kurt, you don't know what he's capable of… he… if he hurts you, I won't be able to… to-'

'Blaine, please… calm down… he's not going to touch me, he is going nowhere near us… okay… Shhh.'

'But what if he does?' Blaine was officiallybreaking down now, pouring his heart out. 'I won't be able to live with myself knowing he hurt you.'

'Blaine, you need to listen to me,' Kurt said, taking Blaine at arms' length. 'He won't, you know Sebastian will do anything to get under your skin… to come between us, and the worst thing we can do is let him.'

Blaine looked at Kurt and was biting his lip in anticipation and in deep thought. Kurt had a point, Sebastian would do anything to disempower Blaine, so he would say things like this to Blaine to make him vulnerable; but there was something different now… Blaine wasn't alone anymore, he had Kurt.

'You're right,' Blaine said finally starting to calm down. At this point Rachel had came back over with a coffee for Blaine, to settle his nerves.

'Thank you,' he said as she handed it to him. He took a few sips before placing it back down on the coffee table.

'I'm sorry, Kurt… and Rachel; I didn't mean to freak out.'

Rachel just gave him a sympathetic smile and gave him a light hug.

'I'm going to let you two talk, I'll be in my room if you need me.'

'Thanks,' Kurt said as she did exactly that.

Kurt and Blaine sat on the couch cuddled up with each other for a few minutes in silence, not needing to say anything to one another, just being there was enough, and it seemed to calm Blaine down.

'Blaine… what exactly… happened?' Kurt scrunched up his face, unsure of what reaction he was going to get from his boyfriend… he had seen both sides of the spectrum today, so it could be anything.

A few more moments of silence passed between them before Blaine opened his mouth. He knew Kurt was talking about the horrible visions and dreams he had.

'He… um… he had taken us both, a-and he w-was t-torturing you, a-nd I couldn't d-do anyt-thing K-Kurt!' Blaine started to break down again.

'Hey, it's okay, you don't have to tell me if you can't… I understand.' Kurt automatically tightened his grip on Blaine.

'I'm sorry,' Blaine said muffled against Kurt's chest.

'No, don't be… you have nothing to be sorry for… you've had a rough time Blaine, it's understandable.'

'I love you,' Blaine said, his voice thick with emotion.

'I love you too, Blaine.'

'Thank you… for today, I mean, at the mall, before… yeah, I had a nice time… it was fun,' Blaine said, trying to taking his mind off of things.

'Yeah, I had a great time too, it was nice.' Blaine sighed in agreement and let out a yawn. 'Go to sleep, I'm here, it's going to be okay.' Kurt could sense that Blaine was exhausted, but afraid to fall asleep. So Kurt decided to re-assure him and once again, a few seconds later, Kurt heard quiet snores coming from Blaine, and he finally relaxed.

Kurt heard Rachel's bedroom door open, followed by Rachel coming out of it a few seconds later.

'Is he okay, Kurt, what happened?'

'He keeps having these… visions… I mean… he was having dreams, and I guess…this sounds awful, but I expected that.'

'I know what you mean.'

'No Rachel, it's not just dreams he's having now though, I mean today at the mall, it just happened, and I didn't know what to do, I freaked out…'

'Kurt! Stop,' Rachel said in a calm, yet firm voice as Kurt was ranting on. 'There was nothing you could do. You did amazing, you managed to help him get sleep, didn't you?' As to which Kurt nodded.

'I think I need help looking after him… I don't think I can help him by myself… I think he needs to go to a psychiatrist or something…'

Rachel, after seeing the state Blaine had been in today, agreed. '…I think so too,' she said hesitantly, knowing that this was not the easiest thing Kurt had to do, but it had to be done. Blaine was almost broken beyond repair, almost.

'He is going to hate me.'

'Kurt, he loves you… he could never hate you.' She was right; he was doing the right thing. He needed to get Blaine help.

Kurt suddenly felt a wash of anger fall over him, Sebastian had done this, he was making Blaine suffer and Kurt honestly could not have wanted to see someone just… not exist more than Sebastian.

Determined, Kurt gently manoeuvred himself so that he could get up off the couch without waking Blaine up to go over to his laptop, to look for numbers of psychiatrists.

Blaine was going to get better.

End Notes: please review :)Up Next: Will Blaine agree to be helped ?


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The whole way through this chapter, I was sitting here like "ohmigod, Sebastian's going to attack them. Ohmigod they're going to the mall, he's gonna be there. OHMIGOD HE'S THERE! Oh, he isn't there. OHMYWIZARD GOD SEBASTIAN IS GOING TO BREAK IN AND KIDNAP KURT."It's too much to ask for Sebastian to just die, isn't it?

hahahaha! aww, your reviews are the best, im telling ya! I had you fooled didn't i? hahah, and no, in this story i think he should just die ;) like, i have cried writing thing and been like 'WHY AM I MAKING HIM HURT BLAINE' but i do love Sebastian :3 i feel he's just very misunderstood :L x

Oh my poor Blaine his so broken scared , I realy hope he gets the help he needs .. Hope they will be ok . Sebastion just Needs to disappear without a trace ...

Blaine just needs lot's and lot's of cuddles :3 and if i hadnt already wrote the rest of this, i totally would have done a chapter where Kurt can arrange that and go all ninja worh sai swords... :L