Second Chances
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: Chapter 6

M - Words: 2,918 - Last Updated: Sep 19, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 30, 2012 - Updated: Sep 19, 2012
332 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes:


Yes, my exams are pretty much over so it's back to uploading as usual, thank you all for being so patient, i have actually been dying to upload but sadly, haven't had the time, but that's all changed now.

When i was writing this chapter, i'm not sure what was going on in my head, i guess it just fitted in, i'm not sure on this chapter so you're feedback would be amazing, thanks.

Once again, thanks to Azaelia67 for beta-ing :D!

Oh, i have a tumblr, so if you could give that a follow too, that would be brilliant and i will love you forever... www. juliieer .tumblr. com

(remove the spaces)

Here's chapter 6!

Kurt jumped up as he heard Blaine shouting furiously at himself…no, not himself, to someone.


Blaine was having a nightmare, and was tossing and turning as if he were in the middle of a fight.


‘Blaine, c’mon… wake up!’ Kurt shook him. Seeing Blaine in such a state frightened him and he started to imagine how bad things must have been with Sebastian, he just wanted this all to stop.


Kurt kept pleading and pleading for him to wake up until he heard a sharp intake of breath and a fraction of second later, Blaine shot up into a sitting position. His amber eyes were wide and bloodshot, and Kurt could see that they were full of adrenaline, fear, anger and shame, Blaine’s breath worrying fast.


Kurt automatically held Blaine against his chest on the sofa where they had fallen asleep; he felt a sense of relief now that Blaine had woken up and was no longer producing nightmares… for now anyway.


Blaine, still shaking, had started to come to the realisation that Kurt had him and that the horrific visual torture of what had just been playing in his head had stopped, it was a dream. Blaine felt himself relax, knowing Kurt had him, and he knew that so long as he had him, nothing would harm the both of them. He relaxed into his boyfriend's arms and fell back to sleep.


‘Shhh,’ Kurt whispered running his hand through Blaine’s hair. ‘It’s okay…’ he started to kiss Blaine’s head in order to comfort him. ‘I’ve got you… I love you.’


 Blaine woke up the next morning, and the first thing he noticed was the sharp pain that was coming from his chest, this being the thing that pulled him back into reality and he remembered just how much of a mess his life was currently in.


Yes, he had Kurt back.


Yes, he felt better knowing that… so much better for knowing that.


But he was still broken. He felt worthless, like he didn’t matter to anyone, like he was a burden to everyone in his life.


Blaine sat up on the couch and the second thing he noticed that day was that he had been mysteriously covered by a huge, fluffy red blanket that smelt suspiciously of Kurt. He took a deep breath to inhale his boyfriend's intoxicating aroma.


The third thing he noticed was that Kurt was gone. He immediately tensed up and started to panic, frantically trying to see where Kurt was.


‘Relax,’ Rachel said as she started to make her way over to Blaine with a cup of coffee for him. ‘He’s just out working, he shouldn’t be too long, he usually finishes in about an hour, he didn’t want to wake you.’




‘He told me to say sorry for leaving you.’


‘Oh it’s fine, he shouldn’t have to worry about me.’


‘And that’s where you have it completely wrong. Blaine, he worries about you a lot and he has every right to… You gave us both a bit of a scare last night.’


Crap, he had really hoped that he hadn’t, he did remember someone waking him up last night, but he was too zoned out and tired to notice.


‘I-I’m sorry if I woke you up.’


‘Blaine, don’t be silly, we don’t mind okay?’ she said as she sat down next to him on the couch, putting her hand on his arm as a friendly gesture, but doing it light so not to startle Blaine. ‘I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like-’


‘Rachel, stop… please.’


‘I… I’m sorry,’ she said as she removed her hand from his arm. She looked directly at him before shaking her head lightly. ‘When are you going to realise, Blaine?’


‘Realise what?’


‘That you matter… we care about you and we want to help you.’


Blaine felt like he wanted to cry, he really had missed Rachel. Yes, she was annoying sometimes, but it was the times like this one when the real Rachel came out, she really was the sweetest girl ever.


‘Thank you, Rachel.’


‘No problem.’ She smiled at him.


Blaine suddenly had an idea in his head, with this new courage that he had found, not sure if it was that or just because he was a genuinely driven person. He had decided that he was finally going to move on, to start a new life.


‘Hey, Rachel?... Can you tell Kurt that I’ve just popped out? I won’t be long, and tell him to please not worry about me?’


‘Are you sure? I mean… do you… feel okay?’


‘Yes, I won’t be long, promise.’


‘Where are you going?’ Rachel’s voice was thick with worry.


Blaine didn’t want to tell her where he was going because he knew as soon as he did, she would stop him, but at the same time, he didn’t want to lie to her. Blaine had never been a liar.


‘Sebastian’s,’ he said before running out the door and heading to go and set things straight, to tell Sebastian that it was over, setting himself free… he hoped.




As Blaine was walking down the streets of New York, he took his time to really take in all of his surroundings, he had never really done this before. The skyline was beautiful, even during the day, it still took your breath away, the tall buildings, the clear skies and even the quaint little coffee shops, it was all just…amazing. Blaine wasn’t sure why he was particularly paying so much attention to his surroundings…maybe it was the fact that he actually could… or maybe it was the daunting fact that he was going to confront Sebastian, and for all Blaine knew, this could full well be his last chance to… After the things that Sebastian had put Blaine through over the years, he had learned not to put anything past Sebastian Smythe.


So why was he even doing this? Possibly risking his life?


Blaine could answer that question for you in a heartbeat.




He would do anything for the possibility to have a normal, happy relationship with him, because that’s what was happening now, wasn’t it? He was in a relationship with Kurt again, and Blaine didn’t want anything to ruin that, he wasn’t going to lose Kurt again.


It was over with Sebastian.


As Blaine turned the corner that lead to his apartment, he took in a deep breath, to try and compose himself. Try as he might, he may had looked calm and collected, but inside, just about every single feeling you could imagine was surging through Blaine’s body and he hadn’t felt anything like this since… since… Kurt. Since he first kissed Kurt after finally admitting how madly in love with him he was. The irony being, that being the best day of his life, and right now, could possibly be his worst.


He was now walking up the stairs to his apartment and just before he reached the door, he took a few moments to try and be as relaxed as possible. He was going to confuse the heck out of Sebastian…well, at least try.


He knocked on the door with a very shaky hand, unsure of what he would face by going back. He heard someone move from inside and Blaine felt his heart beating so fast, he feared it would burst out of his chest at any given moment.


Blaine kept his eyes locked on the door, he felt the adrenaline pumping through his system, he saw the door crack open and not to his surprise, Sebastian was stood there, leaning on the door frame with that stupid smug grin on his face.


‘Well, well, well… Look who came running back.’


‘I just came to get my things and go,’ he said, making sure there was no room for Sebastian to misinterpret what he was saying.


‘Well buy all means, come in.’ So that’s what Blaine did. He walked into the apartment and headed straight to his room… that horrible torture chamber... He grabbed a holdall and started to put his things in it.


‘Did you kiss and make up with Hummel then?’


‘Sebastian, that has nothing to do with you.’


‘Oh, well look who all of a sudden is standing up for himself.’ Blaine chose to ignore this; this is just him trying to get under your skin he told himself.


He heard Sebastian start to laugh, which was rather confusing. But there was noting that Blaine hated more than that laugh, it was evil, sarcastic… dangerous.


‘Y’know what, Blaine? You're even more delusional than I thought.’




‘Sebastian, the only thing that’s delusional, is your head.’


‘No, you see, you’re delusional if you think you're getting out of this so easily.’


Blaine knew things were too good to be true.


‘Well I’m afraid to tell you that I’ve had enough of you, the way you have treated me like shit for years, made me feel worthless, and I’m here to end things. It’s over.’ And there was that laugh again, then it stopped.


‘You really should be careful with what you're saying, Anderson.’


‘And why’s that?’


‘You’re mine.’


Blaine was really sick of this by now. Sebastian could think what he wanted, Blaine just knew he had to get out of there, so he continued to stuff everything he wanted in his holdall. Once he was done (as there really wasn’t a lot of stuff he wanted to keep), he walked straight past Sebastian, and headed to the door…


‘No… You’re not going anywhere,’ the taller man said as he took grip of Blaine’s neck as he walked passed, things suddenly getting very dangerous.


‘Give it up, Sebastian,’ Blaine chocked out, trying to find his breath.


‘I don’t think so,’ Sebastian said as he punched Blaine in the stomach, making him collapse on the floor and scream out in pain. He felt more blows to his face, and he felt Sebastian’s foot against his already broken ribs. He felt so close to passing out, giving up by now. He would just give up and it would all be over.




He couldn’t.


He could hear Kurt’s voice in his head, and the angelic tone only said one word, but it was enough…




He repeated it to himself until he had enough strength to finally give Sebastian a piece of his medicine.


Blaine stood up, and immediately raised his knee to Sebastian’s groin and hitting it with as much force as he could, causing Sebastian to squeal and drop to the floor. Before Blaine could stop himself he was also throwing punches as Sebastian was also retaliating, the two of them in a fist fight. Blaine was punching Sebastian anywhere he could, feeling a slight hint of satisfaction as he did so.


Blaine was never a violent person, he never condoned it. He attended Dalton’s Fight Club years ago, and this was where he would let off steam, never taking it outside of the gym. But today, Blaine Anderson couldn’t care less.


He actually wanted to hurt Sebastian, and he was. The satisfaction he was getting was never going to be enough, but it was something.


Blaine finally stood up, as he felt Sebastian go limp from under him, he had given up.


Blaine quickly got up and grabbed his things, heading to the door.


He felt Sebastian’s grip on his wrist.


‘This isn’t over,’ he said in a dark voice that would make even the bravest of people tremble. Blaine felt truly petrified, there was something about his voice that meant business, and if Blaine thought this was dangerous before, well, now was another story.


He looked at how the blood was trickling from Sebastian’s eyebrow and lip. Yeah, Blaine had done good, he could tell Sebastian was in a lot more pain than he was letting on. It felt good.


Blaine snapped his wrist and locked eyes with Sebastian. ‘Goodbye,’ was all he said before running out the door, down the stairs and back to Kurt’s apartment.




Kurt was seriously worried.


When he had finished work and checked his phone, he had 5 text, 20 missed calls and 2 voicemails, all from Rachel. Therefore he practically ran home, and when he did, he was informed that his boyfriend had gone around to Sebastian’s; and that could only lead to trouble.


Kurt had tried calling Blaine to find out if he was okay, but he had no response. Thus, causing his mind to go wild, he was pacing his apartment really not sure of what to do. He could either


·Go to Sebastian’s and knock the assshole out.




·Be the bigger person and wait for Blaine to come back. For all he knew, Blaine could be perfectly fine.


Kurt had always hated violence so he didn’t have an option, but then again, there was nothing he wanted to do more that to see that…thing be put in his place.


His thoughts were suddenly cut off when he heard the door open and then slam shut. He ran out of his room to the hallway to find Blaine standing there, taking deep breaths.


He was bleeding, that fucker had hurt him again, of hell he was going to pay.


But not right now, Blaine needed to be okay first.


So Kurt ran over to Blaine and immediately wrapped his arms around him, as he looked like he was going to pass out at any moment.


‘I was so worried about you… where did you go?… What happened?’


Suddenly he felt Blaine laugh against his chest, and what? He had been hurt, why was he laughing?


‘Why are you laughing?’


‘Because, Kurt… I got him back… I hit him back!’ Blaine was practically grinning.


‘Y-y what? OH MY GOD, Blaine!’ Kurt couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing, he was so proud of Blaine. He wrapped his arms around him and peppered his face with kisses.




‘Oh god, I am so sorry, I totally forgot,’ Kurt said realising he was probably making Blaine’s injuries worst.


‘He looks a whole lot worse, trust me.’


They sat down in the kitchenette and Kurt got out the first aid kit, and began to clean Blaine’s cuts.


‘Are you sure you’re okay?’


‘I’m feeling so much right now, like, I am scared shitless, he said something like this wasn’t over, but at the same time, I feel so good. Kurt, when I hit him, it felt good.’


‘And so you should, I am so proud of you by the way baby, you’re very brave.’


‘Thank you,’ Blaine said twisting the left side of his mouth into a smile.


‘Do you think he’ll stop?’ Kurt said, suddenly nervous at the information Blaine had told him before.


Blaine couldn’t answer that, he knew Sebastian wouldn't, but he didn’t want Kurt to know that he was 100% positive that this was only the beginning. But he couldn’t lie, not to Kurt.


‘No, he won’t,’ Blaine said quietly, and there was that petrifying fear again. The realisation that this was far from over really sank in.

End Notes:

Please Review :D

Oh, and if you would prefer to read this on Livejournal, feel free www. juliee -r. livejournal. com

the formatting on here makes me want to cry :(


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Welcome back ... Loved the chapter can't believe he stood up for himself .. I still have a bad feeling sebastion not gonna go away . Hope he does .. Still can't believe Blaine was with him for years.. The only thing I Eva complain about is third person bad guys wat they do in fics other then I'm a happy reader well also a crying one too lol.. Keep it up look forward to next one

Aha, thanks for reviewing! I hope Sebastian goes away too! ;L


You're review made me laugh! ahah! thanks! And me might...he might not...he may just appear randomly, who knows (i do! lol) :D And i will update soon, don't worry! :)