Sept. 19, 2012, 12:27 p.m.
Sept. 19, 2012, 12:27 p.m.
HELLO, okay so i know i said i would be a little slow on updates, but in the mean time, i have a little time to write, so i hopefully should be able to update a little more frequently :)
Last Chapter was a bit rubbish, and i may re-write it, but i will keep you posted on that :)
Oh, and just to say, I actually don't hate Sebastian, this is purely for story purposes, so yeah :)
Right, so on with the story :)
February 2016
Kurt rolled over in his bed, stretching his arm out to stop his alarm; he blinked a few times as a few rays of sun shone on his face through the curtains. He got up out of his bed and made his way to the window, pulling them open, and studied the weather outside.
He had moved to New York once he had gotten his place at NYU (the University of his dreams) and until two years ago, had stayed in the dorms there. His dad, Finn, and Carole had come out to New York to help move him in to his apartment that he and Rachael eventually saved up for (in which he had gotten himself a job at the coffee shop around the corner to help pay for it). It was small, but it was all they needed, and since he was Kurt Hummel after all, he made it their home. He and Rachel had become best friends since they both took the same classes, following their dreams.
Now, at 22 years old, Kurt was in his final year of University. After his senior year at college, he had gotten a place at NYU in which he had gotten himself an apprenticeship at one of the smaller theatre's on Broadway, Kurt loved the time he spent working there, he got to work with his best friend and he was doing what he loved.
Kurt was following his dreams, his life was great.
So why did he still feel so empty?
Of course that was a question in which Kurt knew the answer too, he had just never brought himself to say that name out loud.
Kurt walked out of his room and was greeted by Rachel handing him a hot cup of coffee.
'Thank you' he said as she handed it to him.
'No problem' The smell that was coming from the coffee was nothing short of amazing, this smell was something that comforted Kurt, it reminded him of home and the Lima bean and… 'No…don't' Kurt warned himself.
'So, what is one Rachel Berry doing today? Anything interesting' He asked the brunette girl as he sipped at his coffee
'Oh no, I have to be down at the theatre, they need help with painting backdrops and getting costumes put together, we could use a hand, if you have nothing else to do' she suggested. He and Rachel were on different working hours so they weren't there together all the time, but they would help each other out frequently.
'I have to go down to the coffee shop, apparently Jess called in sick so, I have to go and cover her, but I should be able to come and help after, I should probably finish at lunchtime'
'That would be great, Kurt Hummel, life saver' Rachel exclaimed as he placed a small kiss of his cheek 'I have to go get ready' she disappeared into her room.
Once he finished his coffee, Kurt agreed to himself that It was time to get ready too, so he walked into his room, and pulled out his 'Coffee uniform' as he called it, and put it on. He styled his hair too its usual shape.
Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed the white envelope that he had pinned to his notice board in his room. The cursive writing on it made his heart twinge, like it did every single time he looked at it, like it did every SINGLE day. He knew that in a month he would get to open it.
He wasn't sure how he felt, not completely. Blaine was one day telling Kurt he loved him, and the next, he was gone, out of his life. Since the day they broke up, Kurt had not seen Blaine, not heard a word from him. Kurt had no idea if he was still in Lima, in the same country…Alive. It had been almost 4 years since it happened, and it still hurt. It hurt because Kurt knew that there was a reason for Blaine leaving, but he didn't know why. But like he said to himself all those years ago, he would wait, and he would open that letter.
Kurt walked out of his room again, heading to Rachel's room, telling her that he was heading to work and with that, he made his way to the coffee shop.
Kurt was having once of those antagonising slow days at the coffee shop. In the two hours he had been there, one of the customers had complained that he had gave her the wrong order, which Kurt knew for a fact he hadn't, but he replaced it nevertheless . Another customer was just being loud in the corner, which was disturbing everyone else, so Kurt kindly asked the man to leave in which he had every abusive name thrown at him, which was nothing new to Kurt, so he just ignored it, and another customer's baby had thrown up all over one of the tables, so he had to clean that up.
The truth was, Kurt was nervous, nervous about opening that letter that looked at him every time he was in his room. It was getting closer to the date that it had written on it. He didn't know what to think or what to expect from it, all he knew was he could finally find out what had happened and finally move on with his life.
It baffled him that he had actually waited all of this time, Kurt was not one for waiting around for people, something had told him that he had to wait for this, he knew he had too.
It was finally lunchtime and Kurt could finally leave the coffee shop. It's not that he hated having to work there, it was just he was cranky today, but he was looking forward to going to help Rachel down at the theatre, it soothed him being there, even if it wasn't what he aspired to do, it was a start, and hey, even Barbra herself had started somewhere right? Right.
Kurt quickly went home to get out of his uniform and put on an old pair of jeans and a hoodie, he didn't want paint ruining his Mark Jacobs clothes, so this was acceptable. And with that, he headed down to go and help Rachel.
'Tough day?' she asked as Kurt was painting a tree. She could tell that his shift at the coffee shop hadn't been the kindest to him.
'A customer verbally assaulted me, a got accused of giving out a wrong order and had to wipe up baby puke, I would say just an average day at the office' the slender boy remarked as he laughed with his best friend
'Wow, I'm envious'
They carried on painting and helping the cast members with their costumes for the show that was set to open in just over 2 months.
I know what your thinking, why aren't Kurt and Rachel already big stars? Why are they painting the backdrop? It's because nothing was going to stop them, so they wanted to do this right. They were at the first legs of their journey. They were doing everything right, there was no way they were messing this up.
'I'm so glad were finally here, Kurt. In New York, I mean'
'Me too Rachel' he said smiling at her
'And I'm glad I'm here with you, that were both doing this together'
'Rachel? What's brought this on?' he asked as he felt a sudden change in atmosphere, from Rachel's previous chipper self
'It's just…you're the only person who understands, who is willing to do anything for this. And you're my best friend, Kurt, even when we didn't get on, I knew that I never truly hated you, and you were always there for me, and always listened, and you are such a strong person'
'Are you crying?' she nodded at this so he got up and hugged her 'You're my best friend too, I couldn't have done this without you Rachel'
'I'm sorry' she said and normally Kurt would have took this as she was sorry for crying on him, she did that a lot, but there was a change in her tone of voice.
'What for?'
'For not being there for you, when y'know… it happened' Kurt didn't need to ask what she was talking about. Blaine. He tensed up.
'Look, I have told you so many times Ms Berry, you were there, and it's in the past now, you don't need to apologize'
'I do…I was too busy with Finn, my NYU audition, and as usual, myself'
'Rachel, listen to me. That was not your problem, and I didn't expect you to be there, it doesn't matter to me that you weren't there, you're here now and that's what matters'
'You're such a strong person, Kurt'
'Rachel, please, can we just no tal-'
'I should have been there, and I should have kicked his ass when he hurt you'
'Okay, as much as I appreciate you saying this…why now? It's been 4 years…' Kurt felt his jaw tensing as if he was about to cry, be he wouldn't.
'It's just, just…nothing, I don't know why, I'm sorry, Kurt' the taller boy narrowed his eyes at her; she was hiding something from him.
'I promise, it's nothing…Just me being all emotional and excited that we are finally starting this journey'
'Okay' he said his eyes still narrowed, but eventually he just left it.
'So' Rachel said an hour later 'what do you want to do tonight? We could watch a movie, go out for a few drinks, go for a walk…'
Kurt thought about it for a few moments 'I think we are due to go out for a couple of drinks, don't you?'
'I like the way you think, Hummel…c'mon, let's go; I think the paint fumes are going to my head'
'I agree' Kurt said as they both finished up what they were doing and heading back to their apartment to get ready for a well deserved night out.
'I was not that drunk' Rachel said as they stumbled back into their apartment
'Ok, so your heel isn't broken?'
'I will get back to you on that one' she said as she took her shoes off 'why yes; it seems it is' she held the back shoe in her hand and sure enough, the heel was dangling from the sole of it.
'Well, night Rach, I'm going to bed' he walked towards her and gave her a hug 'Mwah' he said as he attempted to kiss her cheek but failed as Kurt Hummel was slightly intoxicated.
When Kurt crawled into his room and into his warm, he fell pretty much asleep straight away.
It was raining, poring down. The ice cold droplets were hitting Kurt sending shocks up and down his body.
'Y-you're w-what?' Kurt breathed out, looking at Blaine with his eyes wide, they were stinging.
'I'm leaving' Blaine said bluntly 'I don't love you anymore Kurt, so I'm letting you go'
'Blaine, p-please…don't'
'Did you not hear me? I don't love you, Kurt'
'So, this was all just a lie?' Kurt asked in disbelief
'Yes, I've moved on.'
'MOVED ON? You mean CHEATED on, Blaine! How could you?' his voice raising
'I love Sebastian, get over it'
'Don't you get it Kurt? He's more of a man than you'll ever be. Goodbye'
'KURT!' he jumped when he heard someone shout his name, he felt a soft hand on his shoulder
He sat up and saw it was Rachel. She just gave him a look and he instantly burst into tears. It had been a while since he had a dream like that; it was about a year ago since he last had it. It was that same recurring dream.
'It was that dream again' he said as he nuzzled into a hug from Rachel, she already knew this of course, she had enough experience in comforting him every night for about 2 and a half years.
'You were screaming, I had to wake you' she said in a small voice 'Kurt, things will turn out for the best, I promise you' as she tightened her grip
'What if they don't Rach? Cause it seems to me that things are getting worse again' he said, not annoyed at her, more annoyed with himself.
'Good things always happen to good people, Kurt' she said stroking his hair, as she helped him to slowly drift back to sleep.
He just hoped she was right.