Sept. 19, 2012, 12:27 p.m.
Sept. 19, 2012, 12:27 p.m.
Bonjour! Hello :)
I don't really much to say other than the usual. Thank you for sticking with this story and so on and so forth.
I thought this little chapter would be nice for you all, at least, I hope it is, this and next chapter :)
Anyway, enjoy! I love you all, and yes, I really do mean that!
It was now a few months later, four to be exact and Kurt and Blaine had decided on a house very quickly after viewing it as they quite simply fell in love with the place as soon as they walked through the door.
They had decided on a large apartment just outside the centre of the city. It had everything that they needed so they did not hesitate in purchasing it and today was the day where they had finally moved in.
That is of course after spending a huge amount of time decorating it…much to Kurt's, and Blaine's joy.
"Did you eventually decide on a colour for the bedroom?" Kurt asked Blaine as they bring in the groceries to theirs and Rachel's apartment.
"I like blue." Blaine said. Kurt had asked him last week and he had given it some thought.
Kurt sniggered. "Sorry! For a moment there I thought you said you wanted blue!"
"I did!" Blaine said playfully hitting him. "Okay, okay… so you don't want it blue. What colour do you want?"
"I don't know. I was thinking maybe red or something, but we'll see, wont we." Kurt smirks.
Blaine narrows his eyes. "Yes, yes we will, Hummel." He retorts.
"Oh no you don't, Anderson." Kurt laughs.
"All I did was simply answering your question." Blaine laughs putting the groceries away.
"Well…yeah, you just answered it wrong." He quirks his lips into a playful smile and walks behind Blaine hugging him. "Oh, and I forgot to tell you, I told Rachel that you're cooking tonight." He grinned and kissed Blaine on the cheek.
Kurt and Blaine, after they had just finished putting the last finishing touches around the apartment, insisted by Kurt, flop down on their new couch. Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms.
"You know, I don't know if it's weird to say this but… it really feels like home, doesn't it?" Kurt sighed.
"Yeah, yeah it does, and wanna know the best part about it? It's our home." Blaine smiled placing a kiss to the back of Kurt's head. They stay silent for a while just taking everything in and wanting to save the moment. "Do you know what?"
"What?" Kurt asks quietly.
"We need champagne." He laughs and gets up off the couch.
"I like your thinking." Kurt gets up and follows him into the kitchen.
Blaine goes to the cupboard and gets out two glasses, puts them on the island in the middle of the kitchen and get's the champagne from the fridge, pouring it into the glasses and handing one to Kurt.
"Why thank you kind sir." Kurt laughs taking the glass.
Blaine grins. "No problem." He says and holds his glass up. "…To new beginnings." He says looking at Kurt.
"To new beginnings." Kurt echoes quietly and taps his glass against Blaine's and takes a sip of champagne. "How was therapy today? I forgot to ask."
Blaine took a sip and put his glass back down and sat on one of the stools. "Yeah… it went good. Dr. Lynch reckons I might only need a few more appointments."
"That's great!" Kurt said hugging him. "Told you we'd do this." He said kissing his temple.
"You did." Blaine said quietly grinning. "I love you, you know that right?"
"I know, and I love you too." Kurt was about to lean in to kiss Blaine deeply but was stopped by there door buzzer going off. Kurt gave Blaine a puzzled look and Blaine just shrugged and got off the stool to answer it.
"Hello? …HI! …Yes, of course, just come right up!" Blaine pressed the button to let them in.
"Who is it?" Kurt asked walking into the living room.
"You'll see!" Blaine laughed and heard the knock at the door and gestured for Kurt to go and get it.
Kurt walked to the door and answered it. "DAD, CAROLE! HEY!" He said as he saw them and opened the door.
"Hey kiddo! How are ya?" Burt said hugging his son tightly.
"I'm great Dad! You? And Carole, you look amazing!" Kurt smiled seeing his step mom.
"Yes Kurt… my heart is fine." Burt laughed and reassured him. He knew Kurt still worried about it.
"Thank you sweetie." Carole smiled.
"Come in… do you two want a drink or anything? We just opened the champagne."
"Go on then, and I love what you've done with the place honey, it looks fantastic!" Carole admires the room as Kurt disappears into the kitchen.
Blaine, who had been standing behind Kurt, stuck his hand out for Burt to take. "H-hey Mr. Hummel." This was the first time since high school that Blaine had seen Burt and Carole, so you could say that he was nervous about actually seeing them. He had spoken to them on the phone as when Kurt called them, they both insist on talking to Blaine as well, but the phone was different then real life.
"Blaine, I distinctly remember having this conversation when you where in high school… it's Burt." He laughed but shaking Blaine hand anyway.
"Right… Burt, sorry."
"No problem, it's great to see you again honey!" Carole said giving him a warm hug.
"You too, thanks for coming."
"And miss my boy moving in with his boyfriend? Don't think so Blaine." Burt laughed.
"Here you go." Kurt said walking back up to them and handing Carole and Burt a glass of champagne each. "So, it's great to see you guys! I miss you."
"We miss you Kurt, but we couldn't miss out on this now could we." Carole smiles
"I didn't think I'd see you guys till my birthday." Kurt says
"Yeah well… I think this counts as another huge occasion." Burt laughs.
"I know… huge thing right? You know, even though we lived together with Rachel, it feels so different." Kurt said turning to Blaine.
"Yeah, it does. No offence to Rach but it's kind of better."
"It is, I know what you mean." Kurt smiled at Blaine, the smile lighting up his eyes.
Carole nudged Burt who had been taking a drink and gestured for him to look at Kurt and Blaine.
Burt looked at them in admiration. He had a flashback to when they were in high school. They were at his house and they were all sitting about watching The Notebook (it was Kurt's turn to choose) and Kurt just so happened to glance over at them as they looked at each other and from that moment on, Burt knew that they were in love, not high school crushes, but true and pure love.
"Are you guys hungry? We don't have much in but we can order Chinese or something?" Blaine asked.
"Sounds great, Blaine." Burt smiled at him.
"Dad, your heart…you're supposed to eating healthy things."
"Kiddo, relax. That was years ago. I don't think one take-away is going to kill me."
Kurt sighed. "You're right it won't"
Blaine smiled politely and goes to the Kitchen to order some food.
"So… how has everything been?" Burt asks Kurt as Carole nips to the ladies room.
"Everything's great dad, and I mean it. Works great, new house is awesome and the boyfriend is perfect. I can't ask for much else."
"Sounds like you're doing great out here. I told you Kurt, I told you you'd find yourself out here and not come back to Lima." Burt laughed feeling nostalgic. "How's Blaine doing?"
"He's doing a lot better lately, I really think moving is going to help him a lot."
"I think he's done amazing."
"Me too, dad." Kurt said as Blaine walked back in, putting the phone back and sitting next to Kurt.
They all chatted away about how general things like work, how Finn was, if Carole had any interesting stories from the hospital (she would often tell them about the, lets say…unusual people that she meets there) and eat their food when it came and quickly made their way through their second bottle of champagne.
Kurt and Blaine had decided to go out onto their balcony while Carole insisted she and Burt would clean up.
Blaine stood leaning against the wall that overlooked the smaller town they had moved to but still had an amazing view of the cities centre. Kurt walked up behind Blaine and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" He asked quietly.
"Yeah." Blaine smiled. "It is. And I didn't know it was possible, but New York really looks so much more beautiful from here, you get the chance to sit back and really admire it."
Kurt hummed in agreement and kissed the back of Blaine's neck gently before leaning his chin on his shoulder.
"Kurt, where do you see us in five years time?" Blaine asked randomly still looking at the view.
"I dunno… here? Same as it is now but better because we'll have a son or daughter, we'll be married. Hopefully I'll be on a Broadway stage and you'll be teaching… teaching music that is… or who knows… maybe Blaine Hummel-Anderson will be the next big singer/songwriter."
Blaine turns his head slightly to look at Kurt. "You really want all of that?" He smiles.
"Yeah… I want us to both have our dreams Blaine, but at the end of the day, so long as I'm with you, then I'm happy."
Blaine smiles. "I want all of that too." He says turning around to face Kurt, the taller boy's arms a still wrapped around his waist. "And I think Blaine Hummel-Anderson sounds absolutely perfect."
"It does have a good ring to it, doesn't it?"
"Yes, like I said, it sounds perfect."
Kurt smiled and kisses Blaine's cheek. "I'm gunna go back inside, you coming?"
"Yeah, I'll be in, in a minute." Blaine smiles wanting to stay outside a little longer. Kurt kisses his hair and walks back inside.
Blaine sits down on the seats they have outside. A few minutes later, he hears footsteps come out on the the balcony again and looks up to see Burt.
"It alright if I sit?" Burt says pointing to the chair across from Blaine.
"Yeah, of course it is." Blaine laughed.
"I um… actually wanted to talk to you about something." Burt said sitting down.
"I… i…um, okay." Blaine asked feeling nervous.
Burt laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not gunna bite your head off." Blaine just smiled and laughed nervously. "…How are you?"
Blaine furrowed his eyebrows together. "…I'm fine." He shrugs.
"Really though, Blaine, how is everything going? With the…therapy and stuff." Burt knew everything that had happened and was genuinely concerned about Blaine.
Blaine inhaled and exhaled. "…I… yeah, it's been going good, you know I've been doing brilliant lately, I used to um… have like, these spell things were memories would just pop into my head but they don't happen any more and I find it a lot easier to talk about."
Burt nodded. "So… you don't see that…Sebastian guy no more?"
Blaine shook his head. "No." He closed his eyes and opens them again looking at Burt. "…Look, Burt. I am so sorry about what happened. I never meant to hurt your son, ever."
Burt put his hand on Blaine's shoulder. "Blaine… that's in the past okay? I know that, Carole and Finn do and so does Kurt. You're a good guy Blaine."
"Burt… I broke his heart… how does that make me good?"
"Yes, you broke his heart, and it broke mine too but you did what you thought was right, you were only a kid, you didn't know what was going on, not really." Burt had never blamed Blaine for what happened.
"Burt, I promise you that I will never, ever hurt him again."
"I know you won't, Blaine. And I don't think Kurt's gunna let you go so easily this time."
"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, I don't want to."
Burt just smiled and they sat in a comfortable silence.
"Blaine, I know this sounds weird, y'know, the whole boyfriend's dad type thing, but, I know that you and Kurt both make each other happy, I noticed it back when you two where in high school and I've never seen anybody look at their partner the way you and Kurt look at each other."
"He's the love of my life, Burt."
"I know he is, kid and that's why I want you to know that if and when it happens, I'm more than happy for you and my son to get married." Burt says smiling.
Blaine's eyes lit up. "Really? Y-you are?"
"Really, really." He laughs.
"Burt… thank you, you have no idea how much that means."
"You make each other happy, that's all that matters to me, Blaine." Burt laughs and stands up Blaine following. Burt holds his arms out for Blaine to hug him. "C'mere kid… it's been five years… enough of that handshake crap, we're way past that." Burt laughs.
Blaine laughs too and hugs Burt. Until now he had forgotten just how much he missed Burt. During the more difficult time with his father, Burt was always there for him when he needed him, and Blaine could never thank him enough.
"C'mon… we better get inside before Kurt thinks I've shot you or something."
"Yeah…. That's probably a good idea." Blaine laughs as they walk back in.
"Are you sure you guys have to go? You can stay in one of the spare rooms if you wanted." Kurt said as Burt and Carole where leaving.
"Oh no, sweetie. You two enjoy yourselves." Carole said kissing Kurt and Blaine on the cheek.
"Yeah, don't worry we're staying at a hotel, we'll come and see you before we head back okay?"
"Okay dad. I love you."
"I love you too kid." Burt smiled and took Carole's hand as they headed out to their taxi. Kurt closing the door after them.
"I love your family." Blaine said as he and Kurt sat on the couch again.
Kurt laughed. "Exactly how much champagne did you have?"
"Hey! I'm being serious… Carole is the sweetest lady ever and your dad is just the best… after you that is."
Kurt smiled affectionately at him. "Well they love you too." He says kissing Blaine lightly on the lips.
Blaine puts his hand on Kurt's thigh. "Hey… you what we should totally do?" He asks smirking.
Kurt raises his eyebrows at Blaine and how his eyes have gone a shade darker. "What?"
Blaine bites his lip and stands up pulling Kurt up with him, wrapping his arms around Kurt's neck and kissing him, pushing them both towards the bedroom, kicking the door open.
Kurt smiles against Blaine's lips. "I like the way you're thinking, Anderson."
Blaine just laughs and pushed Kurt to the bed causing Kurt to giggle. "I love you, Kurt."
"I love you too." Kurt replied pulling Blaine down on top of him and kissing his deeply.