Second Chances
Chapter 11 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Second Chances: Chapter 11

M - Words: 2,383 - Last Updated: Sep 19, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 30, 2012 - Updated: Sep 19, 2012
265 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

A/N: I'm sorry! My updating has been dreadful. I have no excuses, i'm rubbish.

Anyway, i do have another chapter, so i hope it is enjoyed :)

I own nothing... *sighs*


It had been a week since Blaine's encounter with Sebastian, he had felt numb since. He thought he was over him, but he had never expected that from Sebastian…those two words still circling around in Blaine's mind 'I'm sorry.'

Had Sebastian been serious? Probably not. It was probably just one of his sick ways of once again, getting into Blaine's head…he seemed to be good at that.

Blaine had tried so much to not let it get to him, he really did, but it had really turned everything upside down, knocked the confident person he had become sideways completely and with out even realising he was doing it, he was shutting everyone off. Blaine still couldn't decide what he felt…okay yeah, he was scared, angry, confused, but everything was just so messed up.

Luckily Blaine had a meeting with Dr Lynch today and he knew that he would probably help him to be able to open himself up again. He would open up to Kurt, but that would mean making him upset, and Blaine did not want to do that…ever.

He got up really early and made his way to the bathroom to have a shower. As the water was rushing all over him, it made him feel slightly better. He had been tense all night and could hardly sleep. The only time he did was when Kurt had rolled over and held him to allow Blaine to get some sleep, which even though it was only a small gesture; it was a big thing for Blaine.

'Morning.' Kurt muffled into the pillow, sleep obviously still having control of him.

'Hey' Blaine sighed, he didn't mean too…god this was really affecting him more that he had though

They sat there for a few more minutes just not knowing what to say to each other. Blaine wanted to just tell Kurt everything, how scared he was, how he was confused by Sebastian and that he thought maybe he actually was sorry, but then he would have to tell Kurt that no, this didn't mean that he would forgive him, he never would, but he knew what Kurt could get like. What's more is he didn't want to worry Kurt at all by telling him that seeing Sebastian had knocked him back, yes, he had cried about it and Kurt probably already knew that, but Blaine really didn't want to admit it. He didn't want to admit that Sebastian had gotten the better of him, that he was still managing to get under his skin.

'Do you need me to come to counselling today?' Kurt hinted that he wanted to go, but not sounding too forceful.

Of course Blaine wanted Kurt with him. He needed Kurt, even Dr Lynch had told him that, but he really needed to get this off his chest. It wasn't that Kurt was going to stop him, Blaine knew that it was just deep down he knew that if he went with him today, Blaine would hold back on certain details about how he felt and more about his relationship with his ex, and that would defiantly upset Kurt, not that he hadn't been amazing either, Kurt was being fantastic, Blaine couldn't think of a greater person to help him, it was just…not today.

'I-um, I actually want to go by…myself. Don't take it the wrong way, it's just…I think that that's would be best…just for today?' Blaine stuttered unsure of how Kurt would react.

'Blaine, that's fine…I get it, completely, okay?' Kurt smiled at Blaine.

'You're not mad, are you?'

'No, not at all…I want what's best for you, Blaine, and if going to your session alone today will help, then by all means do that, but I am always here if you need me to be, okay?'

'Thank you. Have I told you that you're amazing?' Blaine beamed at his boyfriend.

'I believe you have in the past, yes,' Kurt teased. 'but not today, no.'

'Well I'll tell you again…You're amazing.'

'Thank you, you're pretty amazing yourself y'know…more that you'll ever know.' Kurt commented as to which, Blaine just scoffed and got out of bed, going to get ready for his appointment.

'Now promise if you need anything or change your mind about me not coming, call me okay.' Kurt fussed over Blaine as he was about to leave, Blaine found this adorable to see that Kurt cared so much for him, heck, that someone would actually bother to fuss over him.

'I will,' Kurt raised his eyebrows as a warning. 'I promise.'

'You better.' Kurt joked.

'I love you.'

'I love you too' Kurt replied giving Blaine a kiss that probably lasted a little too long and deepened ever so slightly, but hey, no one was complaining.

'So Blaine, I just wanted to ask you, how have thing's been since last week? Any better? Any worse?' Dr Lynch queried. He had given Blaine a funny look today, and Blaine knew it wasn't because he had forgotten to put pants on this morning or anything; it was because he was alone, Kurt wasn't there.

Ok, that was a tough question for 10:30am, especially since Blaine had to rush a coffee from Starbucks on his way here and the caffeine hadn't kicked in yet.

'I, okay,' Blaine begun. 'so, like you already know, things had been going amazing. I was starting to handle things, like deal with them better.' Dr Lynch gave him a puzzled look 'What?' Blaine said suddenly beginning to feel paranoid.

'It's just I couldn't help but notice you're using past terms again, like 'Had been.' and such…do you want to talk about it?'

'I ran into him…I was at the store just picking up some stuff for mine and Kurt's breakfast, and then he was just there…'

'Okay, did Mr Smyth say anything to you?' Blaine winced hearing the name; it panicked him for some reason.

'Yeah, he did.' Blaine coughed nervously to clear his throat, mainly to stop him self from breaking down, if Blaine had learnt anything from Kurt and these sessions, then it was that he could do this, he trusted Dr Lynch (and of course, Kurt) and he would do this, he could do it.

'He um, apologized actually,' Blaine scoffed. 'he said that he pretty much hated himself for what he done, and that he wanted to make it up to me.' he looked up at Dr Lynch who had urged him to continue 'Wanna know the worst part of it?…I believed him, yeah, it was just for a second, but I did, and then I then I realised that it was all just some huge mind fuck and I broke down.'

'Did you talk to Kurt about it?'

'Of course, I felt awful though, it was just that I actually believed him, I felt like I was letting Kurt down, but he was totally understanding about it, so turned out I didn't need to be scared by that.' Blaine bit his lip, suddenly remembering that Sebastian had told him it wasn't over.

'You okay there Blaine?' Blaine snapped himself out of his thought's and turned pale.


'Blaine, you know that I am never going to force you to talk about stuff you don't want too, it's not how I deal with my patient's, but it really does help…'

'…He told me that it wasn't over, this vendetta he has. I'm petrified, I try and act like I'm okay, y'know for Kurt's sake, but it's hard, I mean don't get me wrong, I tell him everything that goes on, it's just, I only let myself go so far with details and things because I don't want him to worry so much.'

'He'll just be concerned; he cares about you Blaine, but really, I do recommend telling him exactly how you feel...I know it's hard for you to listen to this but you have to accept that people care for you. Kurt may not like what you tell him, but at least your telling him, and then you can work on it together, right?'

'I know,' Blaine said signing and shaking his head. 'I'm just used to bottling it all up…Kurt is the best thing that ever happened to me.'

'And now I feel like a couple's therapist.' Dr Lynch and Blaine laughed at this, releasing some of Blaine tension.

The rest of the session Dr Lynch had given Blaine some more advice about how to help deal with the stress, which turned out to be really simple. They had talked about Blaine's passions, which lead onto music, then singing, therefore coming up with singing to help get through this, it was completely foreign to Blaine, he hadn't sung properly in years, but he was going to try everything he could, not only for himself but for Kurt too, Kurt didn't think Blaine could see it, but he knew that it was affecting Kurt just as much as it was him.

Blaine walked through the door of the apartment he was calling home, he had a good day of counselling and was keen to tell Kurt exactly how it went, Kurt automatically getting up to go and give him a kiss at the door as they walked into the living room.

'Oh hey, Rachel!' Blaine said cheerily upon seeing that she was actually in. She had been really busy with work and they didn't get to see each other a lot, which sucked because she was, at the minute, the only person, apart from Kurt, who knew about everything and Blaine felt comfortable talking to her about…stuff.

'Hey Blaine.' She said as the two love birds sat on the sofa. 'How was counselling today then?'

'It was good, Dr Lynch is really nice, it feels as though he's more like a friend, y'know.'

'What did you talk about with him today?' Kurt questioned curious to find out.

'I…okay…' Blaine said becoming serious.

'Blaine, if you don't want to…'

'No! I do…that's actually what I was talking about him about today.' He glanced over to Rachel who seemed to get that he just wanted to speak to Kurt, so she was now pre occupied with whatever was on the TV. 'I've been holding back, what I'm feeling…about all of this, yeah, y'know I'm upset by seeing him again…b-but, there's something I have to tell you, Kurt'

Kurt just half smiled, it wasn't a smile that showed he was worried that what Blaine told him would hurt; it was to show Blaine that he would wait for him to tell him…until he was comfortable; he knew this was a big thing for Blaine.

'He, um…told me that this wasn't over…I don't even know what that mean's, Kurt, but it scared me to hell, you should have seen the look on his face, he's dangerous, Kurt, I don't know what he's going to do.' and with that Blaine broke down again, hiding his face in Kurt's neck as the tears fell.

'Hey, baby…it's okay…I'm here, he's not going to touch you, remember?'

Blaine sniffed and demanded himself to stop crying, he was so done with this.

'I know, but I'm just so mad with myself. How I let him get under my skin. Kurt, I hate myself for it, I hate that even though I'm not with him any more, he's still coming between us.'

None of them were sure when it had happened, but apparently Rachel had got up to go to the kitchen, bring in a large tub of ice cream, Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough, and had brought in three spoon's for them, and was now sitting on the floor in front of the couch handing them the spoons.

'Disney movie night?' she offered knowing that her two favourite boys (after Finn, of course) wouldn't refuse.

The movie night had cheered Blaine up, well, while they were watching Hercules and The Little Mermaid it had took his mind off it, but now that he was lying in bed trying to sleep, he couldn't take his mind of it, he still felt like shit.

'Blaine, Shhh, its okay.' Kurt said turning over and wrapping Blaine up in his arms. Blaine hadn't been crying, but he had been tossing and turning all night.

'Thanks, Kurt…you have no idea how much you've helped me.' Blaine said getting comfy against Kurt.

'Blaine, you've done this all by yourself…take credit for your own work sometimes…you're so brave.' Blaine scoffed at this.

'Nah I'm not.'

'Blaine Anderson yes you are, you are the bravest person I know, and I'm not letting you tell me other wise' Blaine just smiled at Kurt and pulled the duvet up around them more, making it more cosy and comfortable.

'He told me that maybe If were to start singing again, it would help…Dr Lynch that is.'

'Why didn't we think of that before? That's an amazing idea Blaine!'

'I don't know though, I mean I love singing, but …it's been so long…'

'Wanna know something that the most amazing person ever told me once?' Blaine nodded 'never give up hope, ever…I would hate for your voice to be silenced, Blaine.'

'Oh, Kurt' Blaine was speechless; he remembered telling Kurt that at McKinley years ago. 'I'm nervous though.'

'Well of course you are…but it's one of your passion's right? So why not.'

'I-I can't…not yet.'

'Okay.' Kurt said stroking the pads of his tubs across Blaine's cheek smiling softly



'Would you sing for me?'

'Right now?'


'Alright…um, sure'

Kurt began to sing a song that he felt was appropriate, knowing instantly the song that suited his and Blaine's situation very well

Some people fight, some people fall,

Other's pretend…they don't care at all.

Kurt could see that Blaine smiling at him and he looked like he was going to cry, he tightened his grip around his boyfriend and continued to sing softly into his ear.

If you wanna fight, I'll stand right beside you.

The day that you fall, I'll be right behind you.

To pick up the pieces

If you don't believe me

Then just look into my eyes

'Cause the heart never lies

Blaine had never heard Kurt's voice so sincere and raw before, he was used to Kurt singing show tunes, which he loved, but this was just amazing, showing how talented his boyfriend was and showing of his countertenor voice.

'That was beautiful' Blaine said happy tears sliding down his face.

'Anything for you, Blaine…Goodnight, I love you.'

'I love you too Kurt.'

Blaine said making a mental note of the song Kurt had just sung, before the two of them finally closed there eyes and fell asleep.

Something that night had changed for the both of them, it felt like things were definitely going to get better for them; it had been a pivotal night.


End Notes:

Song used: 'Heart never lies' By Mcfly. It is an absolutely amazing song. It makes me cry everytime i hear it, especially live. It seemed like the perfect song for this, so yeah... i'm using it, although i don't own that either :/

Please review! :)


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