Second Chances
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Second Chances: Chapter 9

M - Words: 2,321 - Last Updated: Sep 19, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Apr 30, 2012 - Updated: Sep 19, 2012
330 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Okay, so i'm sorry it's been a while since i updated, but due to the technical fault i have not been able to update, but here it is :D Chapter 9Quite a fluffy chapter, so yeah, i liked writing it :D

About 2 weeks after Blaine's initial meeting with his psychiatrist, thing's had been getting better, a lot better.

Blaine had stopped having nightmares. He hadn't had a panic attack since the one he had at the mall, and he still had Kurt, which was just the icing on top of the cake.

Blaine was singing again, yeah okay, maybe it was only in showers, but the fact was that he was finding his passion again, doing what he vividly remembered that he enjoyed as being part of The Warblers. He was finding himself again, slowly but surely.

It was a Saturday which meant that Kurt and Rachel both had work until four; Kurt was currently in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the three of them.

'Are you sure you don't want to come? It'll be fun.' Kurt asked Blaine again for the 20th time that morning.

'I'm sure…I'll probably just get in the way.'

'For the thousandth time, Blaine, you wont' Kurt had to think of a new strategy, he didn't want blaine to be in the house by himself for hours 'Pleasee' he said flattering his eyelashes at Blaine and wrapped his arms around his neck.

'Oh for god sake,' Blaine laughed 'how can I say no to that? Rach…have you seen him?'

'And we used to call you the puppy.'

'You what?'

'Yeah, Kurt used to call you his cute little ador-'

'Rachel!' Kurt snapped a scarlet red blush rising from his neck to his face 'Shall we not.'

'Sorry.' she said laughing turning her attention back to the TV.

'Okay, so you're coming?'

Taking a few seconds to pause for dramatic effect Blaine rolled his eyes before saying 'Yes! Fine' he smiled.

'Great! It'll be fun, I promise' Kurt grinned.

'Please smile like that all the time' Blaine said dreamily.

'Well…with you around, I have been smiling a lot more.' The two of them shared a quick kiss before being interrupted by Ms Berry.

'While I think this is all lovely and rather romantic, I believe we have work to be attending.' Causing both men to groan and pull apart.

They had decided to walk to the theatre as it was now mid-spring and the weather was very beautiful, not too hot not too cold, just perfect, the breeze gently caressing Blaine's face and it filled him with contentment, spring was definitely his favourite season.

As the walked, Kurt and Blaine had their finger intertwined, kurt subconsciously rubbing circles to Blaine's hand, this had become a natural thing for them now, it was Kurt's little was of always comforting Blaine, and Blaine appreciated the loving gesture.

Now, inside the theatre, Blaine was blown away, yes, it was small compared to the rest, but it was still breath taking, he had always wanted to perform in one, maybe one day he could. Blaine had to fix himself of his previous life before thinking of things like that.

Kurt introduced Blaine to some of the other people that worked there, Blaine being a bit hesitant at first, but once they started to paint yetmore backdrops, he soon became himself, laughing and joking around with everyone.

Blaine was currently painting a part of some tower that was going to be used for a school production of Snow white.

He looked up and saw Kurt not too far away, so he smiled at him, in which, he got in return, he decided to go and talk to Kurt, he had an idea…

'Hey Kurt!' Blaine said as he walked over too him, his paint brush hidden behind his back, he waited till Kurt had turned around and flicked his paint brush so that a few spot's of black paint had landed on Kurt's face, which just mad him look adorable.

'BLAINE ANDERSON! YOU'RE LUCKY I AM NOT WEARING MARK JACOBS!' Kurt said his mouth hung open in shock, but he wasn't mad, he was happy Blaine was having fun, it reminded him of the old Blaine he used to know, the furniture climbing, selfless, puppy that he was.

Kurt responded by flicking his paint brush at Blaine causing sprinkles of neon pink paint to land on Blaine's face

'Pink suite's you, Blaine.' And before you knew it, they were chasing each other around the room flicking paint at each other, until they looked like rainbow covered cheetahs.

On their way home (after washing the majority of the pain off their faces) kurt's phone srated to go off.

'Hello?...Hey Amelia!, get you…no…yes!, that's not a problem…yes I'm sure…okay…about 7? Yeah that's good for me…okay, bye.' He said hanging up, Blaine thought it sounded funny having only heard one side of the conversation.

'That was my neighbour, Amelia…she's going out on a date tonight so she wants me to look after her son, Tyler…that okay with you?'

'Yes! Of course…I love kids'

'Great, oh and don't worry, he's one of the good ones, so it will be fine.'

7pm came around a lot sooner than expected, not that anyone minded, Rachel had gone out for the night with some friends, so once again leaving just Kurt and Blaine in the apartment, but of course they would be joined by Tyler at any moment.

*Knock Knock*

'I'll get it!' Kurt called out, and headed to the door, Blaine following.

'KURT!' a little boy who had blonde hair launched himself at Kurt flinging his small arms around Kurt as he picked him up. So that was Tyler…adorable. Blaine smiled seeing how naturally Kurt was holding the young boy.

'Blaine this is Amelia.' Kurt said gesturing towards the petite woman who was around the same age as Kurt and Blaine, maybe a little older 'Amelia…Blaine.'

'Hey.' Blaine said standing awkwardly not really knowing what to do-

'Hey!' Amelia said sounding very cheery, pulling Blaine straight into a hug 'Nice to finally put a face to the name…sorry, I don't do awkward meetings so a hug is usually the best option.'

Face to name? What?

'Kurt's told me all about you…don't worry, good things.'

'I'm sure he has.' Blaine said smiling at her, he decided that Amelia was a nice person, she seemed friendly.

'Well, I better be going, hot date and all.' she laughed 'I will see you later little monster.' Amelia said kissing her son goodbye 'Be good for Uncle Kurt, okay?'

'Yes momma.' Tyler replied, obviously embarrassed by his mom.

'I'll be back at around half 10, see you later, Kurt…Blaine.'

'By Amelia.' Kurt called as she had now left. 'Soooo Tyler, what would you like too eat?'

'PIZZA! Your pizza is the best Kurt!'

'Okay, I'll go and make it, why don't you go and talk to Blaine?'

'Okay.' the little boy made his way over to Blaine, he really wasn't a shy kid, but not obnoxious 'Hi Blaine, Kurt told me to come and talk to you.' Tyler said reaching Blaine.

'Okay…what do you want to talk about? I hope you like Star Wars.'

'You bet! Kurt keeps some of my Star Wars toy here, do you want to go and play with them?'

'Sure!' Blaine said and Tyler lead them to the stash of toys.

'So Tyler,' Blaine said as he was currently playing with a Luke Skywalker figure. 'How old are you?'

'I'll be seven soon!'

'Oh wow, that's big right?'


Blaine really liked this kid, for one, he was just adorable, two, he also had dark curly hair, meaning impending awesomeness and third, THE KID LOVED STAR WARS!

'KURTIE!' Tyler yelled dropping his Yoda figurine to the floor and running to go and give Kurt yet another hug.

'Hey Tyler! I just came to tell you two kids that Pizza is ready'

Tyler started to giggle 'Kurt called Blaine a kid…he's to big to be a kid.'

'See I don't know Tyler, I mean look, he's pretty short...' Kurt joked.

'Hey!' Blaine said lightly hitting Kurt's arm.

'I'm sorry.' Kurt winked and walked back off to the Kitchen, with Tyler and Blaine following, they sat down on the couch, and ticked in to their Pizza.

'Oh my gosh! Kurt, this is amazing' Blaine said taking a bit of the delicious pizza.

'Oh it's nothing...'

'Kurt says he's going to teach me how to make it when I'm biggerer' Blaine had to laugh at Tyler's vocabulary, a true six year old.

'Much bigger.' Kurt clarified, laughing

After they had eaten their Pizza, Blaine took their plates and cups to the kitchen to wash them. He filled up the sink with hot water and added some washing up liquid, secretly loving the bubbles, Blaine love bubbles; suddenly Blaine felt a pair of hand's cover up his eyes.

'What th-'

'Guess who?' Kurt said even though he knew that Blaine knew it was him, so he turned Blaine around to face him.

'What do you want?' Blaine said jokingly.

'To do this.' Kurt said before placing his lips onto Blaine's for a chaste kiss, that startled Blaine Kurt pulled out, still with his hand on Blaine's face, as they both gave each other a smouldering? Oh, yep, that was a smouldering look Blaine was giving Kurt, which he happily returned.

Tyler, ruining the moment, had began to giggled again 'KURT KISSED BLAINE, KURT KISSED BLAINE, KURT KISSED BLAINE!' he chanted skipping around the living room.

'Oh yeah?' Kurt said deciding to play along with Tyler for a bit.

'Yeah! You can get cootie's from kissing, Kurt!'

'Is that so?' Kurt said so that Blaine would be able to pick up what Kurt was planning. 'Did you know that, Blaine, you can get cootie's from kissing?' moving his eyes to tell Blaine to walk closer to Tyler.

'Oh yeah, and I heard they aren't very nice to have...' Blaine said moving to the left side of Tyler, and Kurt to the right.

When they got close enough they both crouched down and placed the most ridiculous kiss on each of Tyler's cheeks, really exaggerating the noise causing the younger boy to swat at them making them move.


As to which all three of them laughed it off until Tyler let out a huge yawn.

'Tired little man?' Blaine asked and Tyler nodded, he did look exhausted 'Do you want to go for a nap before you mom get's home?'

'Yeah' he replied so Blaine picked the boy up and carried him through to their room and placed him on the bed 'Blainey?'

'Yeah, Tyler?'

'Tell me a story.'

Now Blaine could not refuse, he enjoyed English at school, and had gotten good marks for his creative writing, so telling stories he could do.

'Okay so once upon a time, there were two princes…One called…'


'Okay, one called Blaine, and the other one called…'

'Kurt' excellet Blaine though to himself, he was trying to avoid using their names, but since Tyler had came up with them himself, who was Blaine to deny that.

'Okay…so once up a time, there were two Princes, One called Blaine, and the other one called Kurt, now, they were best friends, so one day, they went out into the forrest to…play…'

'Where they playing hide and seek?' Tyler asked interested by the story.

'Yeah...sure, Hide and seek…so they played hide and seek and then Blaine was hiding from Kurt not too far away, but he was well hidden, and then all of a sudden…Blaine felt someone tap him on his shoulder so he turned around...'

Tyler gasped, really interested in the story.

'Is it a baddy, Blaine? This is usually where the baddy comes in.'

Blaine couldn't believe the irony of the moment, but he continued the story anyway

'So Prince Blaine turned around and came face to face with an evil bad guy, who snatched Blaine away and took him to a tower.'

'B…But what about Prince Kurt?'

'Well by now, Prince Kurt had been searching for Prince Blaine for hours but hadn't found him, so Kurt became very, very upset, that he couldn't find his best friend, as did prince Blaine who had been locked in the tower and the bad man who took him away wasn't nice to Blaine at all.'

'Does Kurt save him?'

'Hold on, hold on…I'm getting to that part,' Blaine laughed. 'So one day, Prince Kurt was out in the Forrest, he was still sad that he couldn't find Blaine, until one day, kurt found a note that was tied to one of the tree's'

'Was it Blaine?'

'It was, so Kurt opened the note and read it 'Im in the big tower, save me.' That was all it read, so Kurt jumped on his horse and sped off the the tallest tower in the Forrest, when he got there, he ran up the stairs of the tower and came across the evil wizard, so Kurt fought him.'


'Yes! Kurt beat the wizard, so he ran to the door of the tower room and knocked it down, finding Blaine, who had been crying because he had missed Kurt so, so much.'

'Does Kurt save him?'

'Yeah, Kurt ran into the tower room and rescued Blaine from the evil wizard.'


'And they all lived happily ever after.' Blaine said finishing off and saw that Tyler had yawned again 'G'night buddy'

'Night, Blainey' Tyler said settling down to Sleep, Blaine turned around to find Kurt in the doorway.

'Nice story.' Kurt admired as Blaine spotted him.

'Thanks.' Blaine said with a half smile.

'You're so good with kids…you're going to make an amazing father one day.'

'Thanks, You're going to be so much better than me though.'

'Are you kidding? I suck…your amazing, especially your stories, they are amazing…especially that one…' Kurt said squeezing Blaine shoulder as they walked out of the room and sat on the couch cuddled up, sharing small kisses and whispering sweet nothing's to each other.

Ten-Thirty came around before they knew it, Amelia was back from her date to pick Tyler up.

'So how did it go?' Kurt asked her as Blaine went to go and fetch a sleeping Tyler.

'Oh yeah, It was great! He's amazing; I had an awesome night…How was Tyler? Was he a good boy?'

'Of course he was.' Blaine said coming out of the room with Tyler lying in his arms. 'He fell asleep about an hour ago.'

'Oh good.' She said taking her son from Blaine 'Well thanks for babysitting…'

'Not a problem' Kurt said.

'Goodnight boys.'

'Night Amelia' they said in unison and closed the door before deciding that they were exhausted them selves and going to bed and falling asleep wrapped up in each other

End Notes: Please review! :)


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Everyone loves fluff :D!!!

Glad Blaine doing well hope he continues to .. Loved the princes story cute .. They will make great daddies...sweet chapter. Keep it up . Look forward to next update.

Heehee, i felt they deserved some fluff :)