Sept. 19, 2012, 12:27 p.m.
Sept. 19, 2012, 12:27 p.m.
Okay, so this is possibly the most angst-y thing i have ever written.
I really would appreciate you feedback on this to let me know if i should keep it going or not :)Anyway, enjoy, and please don't hate me, i promise thing's get better.p.s i actually love Sebastian, it's just i was just feeling angsty today :)
November 2011
‘Blaine, we need to talk’ Sebastian spat at Blaine as he walked straight past him.
For the past 2 months, Sebastian had been trying to come between Blaine and Kurt, and the shorter boy was just sick and fed up with it. He had told that horse mouthed idiot that he wanted nothing to do with him like that, but he just didn’t take the hint.
‘Not now’ he was really pissed of that Sebastian was still trying, he and Kurt were made for each other
‘Just listen, I’m telling you. Kurt is not good for you; you could do so much better than him’
‘And I suppose that by ‘better’ you mean you?’
‘Kind of, maybe’
‘Look, Sebastian, I love Kurt with everything I have, you almost ruined everything for me, so why won’t you just give up. I’m not interested in you that way. Why are you even here? Don’t you have warbler practise?’
‘Okay, Blaine, you listen to me and listen real closely’ Sebastian said stepping into Blaine’s personal space and for the first time, Blaine was scared by the taller boy.
It brought back bad memories of the Sadie Hawkins dance Blaine went to and got beat up and was left severely injured after, and this unnerved Blaine ‘I’m sick of trying to be nice about this, so I’m not playing nice anymore, you break up with that pretty little boyfriend of yours and be with me’
Blaine was about to say something but Sebastian grabbed his wrist and pulled his arm behind his back, his hand was digging into Blaine’s wrist ‘If you don’t’ Sebastian laughed ‘well let’s just say his face may not be so pretty next time you see him, if you see him again…you get what I’m trying to say?’
Blaine did not now what to do, he wasn’t sure if Sebastian was capable of something like that, he hoped he wasn’t because he was not breaking up with Kurt, he couldn’t. He was in love with him.
‘I’m not breaking up with him’ Blaine finally spoke up ‘You wouldn’t do that to him’ he almost regretted it after he said it, he was testing the waters, but he was sure Sebastian was not capable of harming anyone, even though he kind of did just have Blaine in an arm lock, but, apart from that.
‘Oh really? Wouldn’t i?’ Sebastian said through gritted teeth, tightening his grip on Blaine.
‘No, because I don’t think you have it in you, and even If you did, you still wouldn’t because at the end of the day, you know it will upset me and if you supposedly like me that much, then you wouldn’t’
‘Oh I never said I liked you that much, I’m just in it for the short run, I personally, don’t care what happens, so long as I get you’
Sebastian looked around the corridor to make sure it was empty and dragged Blaine into an empty room and pushed him against a wall with his arms holding Blaine by the neck and Blaine struggles to catch his breath
‘If you don’t dump him, I will kill him’
And that phrase really shook Blaine; there was something completely different and petrifying about Sebastian. The look in his eye was meaningful, but empty and Blaine could only see pure hatred in them.
‘Cause that will make me want to be with you, nice going asshole’ Blaine said hoping he would come across as confident but really inside he was just pure paralyzed with fear wanting to cry, but he didn’t.
‘You have no idea what your messing with, do you?’ Blaine just shakes his head, his wide eyes staring at the younger boy.
A few seconds later Sebastian had now attached his lips to Blaine’s in a powerful way, that if Blaine had not been held against the wall, he would have fell over. The kiss was full of hunger and it made Blaine sick to his stomach the fact that Sebastian was kissing him, so he did the only natural thing he could do and shove the taller boy off him.
‘What the fuck’ Blaine breathed out as he tried to catch his breath
‘Just letting you know who you belong too’ this made Blaine feel even sicker than he did before, Sebastian sounded menacing, dangerous even.
‘I do not belong to you’
‘Ok Anderson, that’s it’ Sebastian said as he grabbed Blaine by his collar and punched him in the ribs so hard that it caused all of the air in his lungs to come out, and Blaine was sure he had a broken rib, he felt a knee in between his legs which caused him to scream out in pain, but was muffled almost instantly with Sebastian’s hand.
Blaine’s head was spinning; this was too similar to that Sadie Hawkins dance incident and this was the most terrified he had been in his life, not only feeling scared for himself this time, but also for Kurt, he wanted noting to happen to Kurt, he loved the boy too much for that.
This sort of thing carried on for a couple of weeks, but Blaine kept quiet, he knew that if he said anything to Kurt, Sebastian would only come after them both and he didn’t want that so he tried to avoid close contact with his boyfriend in case he found out, Sebastian kept asking Blaine if he had broken up with Kurt yet but Blaine could only shake his head, which would cause Sebastian to lash out at Blaine, he had lost count on the amount of times he had hit him and bruised him now. He was scared of Sebastian, and not like, scared of a spider scared, he would cry himself to sleep at nice terrified for Kurt’s and his own life.
He was drained. He hardly slept.
January 2012
Blaine was sitting in his class, English to be exact and he was trying to focus on what his teacher was saying, but he kept zoning out. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket so he pulled it out and read the message freezing instantly at what it read…
If you don’t end it today, he’s dead. I’m tired of waiting Anderson.
He didn’t even need to think about who it was from, he just knew. Things had been the same; Blaine would take the beatings from Sebastian, as long as nothing had happened to Kurt. He felt that if Sebastian was hurting him, then he wasn’t hurting Kurt.
He was surprised that Kurt hadn’t noticed the bruises, the broken ribs, but he had managed to keep them hidden.
He started to shake in his seat.
‘Hey, you okay, Blaine?’ Rory asked him in the seat next to his.
‘I have to go’ Blaine said getting up out of his seat and running to the nearest toilets he could and was sick, throwing his guts up as some would say.
He had to do it. He had to end things with Kurt; he loved him, and didn’t want to hurt him, so it made sense. Didn’t it?
He would break up with Kurt and then his love would be safe.
This was ridiculous.
Blaine had decided to excuse himself from school for the rest of the day, saying that he felt ill (well he had been sick after all)
When he got home, nobody was in so he ran up to his room, ran too his bed and cried, cried until he was numb.
Once all of the tears were gone for now, he thought he had to think of something. He thought over a plan until it seemed to fit and decided to take in into action.
He had decided to pull out a pen and start writing down what was happening and everything that had happened the past few months before placing it in an envelope and addressed it ‘My love, Kurt, to be opened on 15th of March, 2016’ slipping it into his bag and heading to his boyfriends house about to do what was unthinkable to Blaine, but it had to be done, his Kurt had to be safe.
He knocked on the door of the Hummel-Hudson household and waited.
‘Hey Blaine’ Carol said answering the door ‘are you okay? Kurt said about you being sick’
‘I’m fine, is he home?’
‘Yes honey, he’s in his room, go right up’ Carol sensing something was wrong.
Blaine wasn’t going to just miss Kurt, but everything about him, even his family, Carol, Burt and even Finn had been so kind to him since he and Kurt started dating.
Blaine walked upstairs and headed to Kurt’s room and tapped on the door
‘Finn, I swear to god this better be important’ Blaine opened the door and walked in ‘Oh Blaine! Sorry, thought you were Finn, he’s been pestering me about his Chemistry homework. Blaine what’s wrong?’ Kurt said sensing that his boyfriend was being off about something, he had noticed that Blaine had started to cry ‘Baby, you can tell me’ he wrapped his arms around Blaine and kissed his lips gently for re assurance.
‘K, Kurt, I c-can’t’ Blaine let out a breath that he hadn’t even realised he was holding.
‘Can’t do what, Blaine?’ the tall, slender boy asked plainly
‘We have to break up’ Blaine said after a few minutes of silence
And both boys froze, Kurt because of the shock of what was happening, and Blaine the same reason, well, more to the fact he had actually said it, this was happening.
‘But Kurt, I want you to know, that I love you, so very much, but I can’t do this, I can’t…I can’t tell you right now, but, this will explain everything’ he said pulling out the letter he had written to Kurt and handing it to him with his hands trembling.
‘B, but, I...I. don’t understand, why? Blaine, please, don’t do this’ Kurt said pleading, tears now falling from his eyes.
‘Please, don’t make this any harder, I swear one day, I will explain everything’ Blaine said kissing Kurt one last time ‘I have to go’
‘Blaine please, don’t’ the blue eyed boy grabbed Blaine’s wrist trying to stop him, but it was no use
‘I love you, Kurt; this isn’t goodbye, not forever at least.’ Blaine said as he started to leave Kurt’s room, leaving Kurt motionless, heading downstairs, out the door, and into his car driving away.
Once he got home, Blaine talked to his mom and dad about transferring schools, he made up some lie that he really didn’t feel that Mckinley was right for him, and he really wanted to focus on his education and that he wanted to transfer back to Dalton academy as soon as he could, as too which his parent’s did as asked and sorted his transfer out for him and he would be transferred right away.
Kurt, still motionless in his room, had slowly sat himself down on his bed and let the waterfall of tears run down his face.
‘Kurt, are you okay?’ Carol said knocking on his door, hearing no reply, she walked in to find him In a ball ‘Oh honey, what happened?’ she said wrapping her arms around the broken boy in front of her.
‘H…he’s gone. Blaine’s gone; he broke up with me and left’
Kurt and Carol talked about it for hours and the fact that Kurt didn’t see why, he done it, but they eventually came to the conclusion that there had to be something forcing Blaine to do this, he wouldn’t do this on his own accord, something, or someone, had done this.
Deciding to do as he was told, he decided to not move on in love, but move on with his life. He looked at the letter Blaine had given him, and deciding that on the 15th of March, 2016, he would open that letter, so he placed it on his notice board and left it there.
That date would be their 5th anniversary.
Blaine was in bed feeling numb and empty that night, but he knew what he had planned was the right thing to do.
He pulled out his phone and text the number he was so scared of.
I broke up with him. Can you leave him alone now?
A few seconds later he had a reply, he gulped before reading it. He dreaded what it would say…
That was part of the deal, that’s all I wanted. For you to be mine x
This was not Sebastian being nice, he was being devious and manipulative and Blaine knew it, he just did want to get Sebastian angry with the possibility of Kurt being hurt.
‘I will never truly be yours’ Blaine said out loud before going too sleep, hoping that one day, what he was about to put himself through would all be worth it in the end.