Living a Lie
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Living a Lie: Chapter 2

E - Words: 1,747 - Last Updated: Mar 12, 2013
Story: Closed - Chapters: 21/? - Created: Sep 13, 2012 - Updated: Mar 12, 2013
524 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Poor Blainers. I'm sorry guys. Thought I should warn you vague mention of straight!sex (the horror) - I own nada Italics are flashbacks



The next few weeks went by in a blur.  Rachel and Blaine talked about what happened and moved past the awkwardness.  They were best friends, they weren’t going to let a drunken hook up ruin that.  They just both vowed to never drink again. 

“So, son, are you going to bring your girlfriend to dinner Friday?”  Blaine’s father, Richard, asked while Blaine sat in the kitchen doing his homework.

“Rachel?  Uh, yea, I guess.  I’ll ask her.”  Mr. Anderson just nodded and went back to doing whatever it was that he was doing.  No, Rachel wasn’t his girlfriend but it was just easier to let his father think they were.  Richard Anderson would never accept Blaine for who he was, and Blaine was mostly sure, that is gay. The whole situation with Rachel just confused him.  Before that night he thought that he was gay, but he slept with Rachel.  There had to be something there.  Maybe he was bi?

Blaine slammed his book shut and laid his head down on the table.  He was so overwhelmed with everything going on.  Why couldn’t life just be easy?  He took a deep breath and took out his phone.

To Rachel (6:04 PM): Hey Rach, can I come over?  I need to talk to you.

He sat back in the chair staring at his phone.  He wasn’t really expecting her to answer; the Berries were probably in the encore of dinner theatre.  He packed up his books and threw them in his satchel before running upstairs.

From Rachel (6:25 PM): Of course.  See you soon? xo

To Rachel (6:26 PM): I’m on my way.

Blaine was already in his swear pants and t-shirt, seeing as he wasn’t expecting to go anywhere.  He contemplated changed, but he was just too mentally exhausted to care.  He picked up his keys, wallet, and cell phone and jogged down the stairs.  His father was reading the newspaper in the sitting room.  “Hey dad I’m going over to Rachel for a while.”

“That’s fine Blaine.  Be home by curfew.”  He replied without even looking up from his paper.


When Blaine got to Rachel’s house he let himself in just as he normally did.  He has known the Berries since he was five.  Misters Berry were in the kitchen and after a quick hello Blaine dashed up to Rachel’s room.  He entered her room and slowly closed the door behind him.  Rachel was laying down in bed, looking half dead to the world.

“Hey Rach, are you okay?”  Blaine asked sitting down on the edge of her bed.

“Yea, I’m okay, I’ve just been really tired.  All the rehearsals for sectionals must have me worn out.”  She manages a weak smile and sits up to face Blaine.  “Enough about me, what did you want to talk about?”

Blaine kicked off his shoes and brought his feet up to sit crisscross on the bed.  “I can’t stop thinking about what happened.”  Rachel frowned at him but didn’t say anything.  “All it did was really confusing and I don’t even really remember most of it.”

“Why are you confused?  We made a mistake, it’s not the end of the world.  I bet it’s not even the worst thing we will do this year.”

“Because Rachel, I thought I was gay.”  Surprisingly enough, Rachel didn’t look shocked.  She furrowed her eye brows and leaned in to give him a hug.

“I always knew that honey.  I was just waiting for you to tell me.”  Now Blaine definitely did have a shocked expression on his face.

“What? How did you know?”  Rachel took hold of Blaine’s hands are held the tightly.

“Blainers, I have gay dads.  I have excellent gaydar.  So, now, why are you confused?”

“Because I thought I was gay, like 100% gay, but we had sex.  I mean there had to be something there, some kind of feelings or thoughts for that to happen.”

“Blaine, you were drunk, there doesn’t have to be feelings involved for a drunken hook up.  From what I heard it happens all the time.”

“I don’t know, Rach, I just don’t know.”  Blaine buried his head in his hands and sighed.  He had so many emotions running through his body he just didn’t even know what to say anymore.  Rachel was right, they were drunk, drunk people tend to be like that.  It still didn’t change the fact that he was still ridiculously confused about the whole situation.

“Come here hunny, come lay down with me for a little while.  Just relax, let your mind do the talking for you.”  Blaine managed a halfhearted smile and he laid down next to Rachel, lying his head on her ridiculously pink and frilly pillows.

They laid there in silence for about ten minutes until Blaine heard a light snoring coming from the left of him.  Rachel was out cold.  ‘She must really be worn out, it’s not even eight.’ Blaine thought to himself as he got out of the bed.  He put his shoes on and headed home.  On the drive back to his house he hoped that his father would have already retired for the night by the time he got home.  He was not in the mood to deal with his shit tonight. 



Blaine picked Rachel up for school on Wednesday; same as he did every morning, but as soon as she stepped into the car he knew something was not right.  As soon as he saw her he felt is stomach do a complete 360.  Rachel looked exhausted and pale.  Something was not right. 

Rachel got into the car and slumped back as far as she possibly could.  Blaine could tell she was miserable.  “Hey Rachel, are you okay?  Are you getting sick?”

“Blaine, can we not go to school today?  We need to talk.”  That was it.  Blaine was going to be sick.  Only bad things happen when people say those four deadly words; we – need – to – talk.

“Uh – yea, do you want to go to my house?  My parents should be gone by now.”

“Yea. Okay.”  Rachel turned her head to look out of the window and Blaine reversed out of her driveway.  The drive back to the house was accompanied by a long awkward silence; their minds both reeling with thoughts, fears, and possibilities.

Once back at Blaine’s house they head up to his room and sit on his bed.  Much the same as they did just days prior at Rachel’s house.

“So Rachel, talk to me, what’s wrong.”

Rachel looked down at her hands and she fidgeted with her fingers.  “I don’t know how to tell you this.”  Blaine watches a single tear flow down her cheek. 

“Rachel. What’s wrong?  Just tell me. You are freaking me out!  You’re not dying or anything are you?”

Poor oblivious Blaine.  “No, I’m not dying.” Rachel manages to chuckle.  “I – I’m late Blaine.”

“Yea, we are both late, school started 20 minutes ago.  So, what’s wrong?”  He replied forcefully.

Rachel looked up and made sure to make eye contact with Blaine.  “Not like that. I’m late late.”

Blaine’s eyes flew open as his mind put two and two together.  “Oh my God.”  He chokes out.  “I think I’m going to be sick.”  Blaine jumped off the bed and ran as fast as he could to the bathroom.  Nausea overcame him and he kneeled on the floor dry heaving into the toilet.   Now those were two words he honestly never expected to hear in that context in his life.  The scene replayed over and over in his mind. He couldn’t get the words out of his head.  ‘I’m late. I’m late. I’m late.’ was repeating through his head like a broken record. 

After about five minutes of heaving he felt slightly less nauseated.  He picked himself up to his feet and splashed his face with cold water.  Deep breaths Blaine.  Just breathe.  You can’t leave Rachel in there.  Breathe.  YOU FUCKING IDIOT!  Blaine’s thoughts were pretty much attacking each other for dominance he was so screwed up emotionally at that point.  He takes a deep breath and goes back into the bedroom.

“I’m sorry Rachel.  I just panicked there for a second.”  He said sitting back down, closer to her this time.

“It’s okay, I did the same thing.”

“So do you know for sure if you’re = you know?”  He couldn’t bring himself to say the word.

“No, I brought a test.  I wanted you to take it with me.  I just want you to know Blaine, if I am, it’s yours.  I’ve only ever been with you.”

“I know Rach.  Let’s go take the test.  Hopefully we are freaking ourselves out over nothing.”

“Ok.”  Rachel took the box out of her bag and went into the bathroom.

While she was gone Blaine threw himself back on his bed, fists in his face.  How could he be so stupid?  How did this happen?

Rachel broke their passionate, albeit, sloppy kiss. “Do you have pro-pro- um a condom?”  She was too drunk to even get the word protection out right.  Blaine looked down at her.  “Nope, don’t worry though Rach. Nuh-thin is gon’ happen.”  He managed to slur out.  Rachel kissed him and wrapped her legs around his waist.

The memory came back to him and hit him like a freight train. “SHIT! How could I be so fucking stupid?”  He scolded himself.  ‘What are we going to do?’ He sat up and stared at the door waiting for Rachel to come out.  His heart was in his throat and was racing at a speed that could not be considered healthy. 

Rachel stepped out of the bathroom. “Now we wait.”  She said in a voice just over a whisper.  Blaine stood up and opened his arms, inviting her to come over.  He wrapped his arms around his best friend and they stood silent in each other’s embrace for the next few minutes. 

Blaine felt Rachel pull away and sigh deeply.  “Will you come with me?  I can’t do this by myself.”

“Of course.”  The two friends locked their hands together and walked into the bathroom.  The thirty second walk felt like an eternity.  Simultaneously the both closed their eyes as they stood in front of the sink.  They both took a long; deep breathe before opening their eyes and looking down at the counter.


End Notes: That was still so awkward to write haha. Kurt will be introduced probably in chapter 5, I am going to be skipping forward in time between chapters. This is the Kurt and Blaine show, not the Blaine and Rachel show.


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This is so good, I feel really sorry for the two of them!

Thank you! I am just about to add the third chapter

this is very interesting, but ugh blatne and rachel ugh!!!!