Falling in Love With Love
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Falling in Love With Love: Come Inside It's Fun Inside

E - Words: 4,803 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
400 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Here is is - the complete chapter. Sorry it took so long. CHAOS ensures, as per usual. Such is my life. As as usual I own nothing***





It had been well over a week since Rachel wanted to talk to Kurt.  It had also been well over a week since the last time they were in the same room as each other for more than five minutes.  Rachel was constantly working, and when she wasn’t Kurt was either working or already out with Blaine.  Kurt was sitting at his desk at work, trying to think through his creative block.  He had to stop worrying about the collection for five minutes and distract himself.  Since he felt bad about not being about to talk to Rachel yet, he pulled out his phone to text her.


To Rachel (1:03 PM): Hey Rach, sorry we haven’t been able to talk.  When do you have a night off?

From Rachel (1:04 PM): Hey hunny, it’s okay.  I have Monday off.  Finn and I are going to dinner, but can we meet for lunch?

To Rachel (1:04 PM): It’s a date. 

To Rachel (1:05 PM): Is everything okay?  You know I can leave if it’s not.

From Rachel (1:06 PM): Yes Kurt.  Everything is perfect. But I have an early show, g2g. 143

To Rachel (1:07 PM): 143


Kurt sighed at leaned back in his chair.  Something wasn’t right. Something wasn’t quite Rachel.  It’s not that he thinks that she was lying about everything being perfect; in fact, the fact that he believed it was a little concerning.  After continuing to stare at his sketch pad he realized he had to leave.  He was going to get nothing done.  It was Friday anyway; he needed to go shopping so he didn’t have to leave his apartment (Blaine) for anything this weekend. 


He buzzed through his intercom.  “Daisy, I’m heading home early.  I’ll see you Monday.”  He waited for her response before packing up and heading home. 




Blaine sat back at his desk constantly looking up at the clock.  He hated Fridays as much as he loved them.  He loved them because they meant the weekend; he hated them because the time always seemed to drag.  Time was also dragging because Krissy wasn’t there.  He had become so accustomed to seeing her every day.  He got her number from his cell and picked up his office phone.  At least that way boss lady wouldn’t give him the death stare if he sees him talking on the phone, she will think that he is actually working. 


Hello?” A somber sounding Krissy answered.

“Kris?  Is everything okay?”

No, my cousin died last night.”

“Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear that.”

“Thank you.  So what’s up?”

“I was just calling to see if you were okay because you aren’t here.”

“Aw thanks, that’s sweet of you.  I’ll be okay, I’m just really sad I can’t go to the funeral Sunday.”

“May I ask why?”

“Of course, I don’t have anyone to watch Lexi and I don’t want to bring her to a funeral, she’s too young.”

Without even thinking twice Blaine replied “I can watch her.”

“Oh Blaine, thank you, but I couldn’t impose.”

“Don’t be silly, it’s not an imposition.  When would you have to leave?”

“My grandmother is leaving tonight.”

“I’ll leave early and come pick her up.”

“Are you sure Blaine?  She is a handful.”

“Absolutely. What’s your address, and how do I get there?”  She answered his questions and with a gracious thank you she hung up to go pack.  It was at this point that the realization of what he offered to do hit him.  What is the world was he going to do with a 2 year old all weekend?  He called into his boss’ office stating that he had a family emergency and had to leave early.  As soon as he was out of the building he texted Kurt.


To Kurt (2:33 PM): Hey babe, I have something to tell you.

From Kurt (2:33 PM): What’s up with everyone having to talk to me lol?  What’s up?

To Kurt (2:34 PM): We are going to have some company this weekend.  I hope that’s okay.

From Kurt (2:35 PM): Sure, I guess, who?

To Kurt (2:36 PM): A pretty little blonde. You’ll see ;)

From Kurt (2:37 PM): Um, ok? Well I’ll see you later.


Blaine knew that there were a ton of things running through Kurt’s mind at the moment, but he liked having fun with Kurt.  Surprising him made for a lot of funny moments.




Kurt was more confused by Blaine’s text than anything else.  What blonde company was he having?  But ever the host, it was sure to pick up more food than he normally would have.  Blaine was starting to become known for his surprises.  He shoots Blaine a quick text saying that he was at the store and wondering if he needed anything. 


From Blaine (3:15 PM): Oh, could you pick up some apple juice and Goldfish?


Kurt stared at his phone.  Okay, it was official, he was confused.  Why would he need to pick up juice and Goldfish?  He responds with a quick yes and goes back to wondering the aisles.  He checked out and decided to take a cab home.  No part of him wanted to carry those bags on the subway.


When they arrived at the building, Kurt paid the driver and made his way in.  Lately he had made it a habit of stopping by the apartment next to his before going to say his to everyone.  By everyone he meant Blaine.  However it was only 4:00, there was no way anyone was home yet, so he skipped the door and went into his own.  He still had plenty of time to get showered and dressed before Blaine came home.




It was an interesting experience, to say the least, traveling via subways with a toddler, briefcase, diaper bag and a small suitcase.  He instantly in awe of all the parent’s that he sees daily doing this, often with more than one child.  But, by some miracle he made it home with Lexi still in one piece.  He was incredibly proud of himself.  As soon as he got the toddler into the apartment and made sure the door was securely shut, he shot off a text to Krissy letting her know that they made it to his apartment.  It took him two minutes to unpack the food and special milk that Krissy sent with them.  He turned around to take off Lexi’s shoes and she wasn’t there.  He looked out towards the living room and one shoe sat in the middle of the floor.  “Lexi?”  He gently called out.  He heard a faint giggle.  “Oh Lexxxxiiii where are yoooouuuu?”  Another faint giggle sounded from the quiet apartment.  He peaked towards the hallway by his bedroom and saw another little shoe in the middle of the hallway.” Where are you Lex?”  This time, he heard the giggle coming from his room.  Blaine turned into the room and began to look in all of the normal hiding places.  He looked under the bed, in the closet and behind the door.  She wasn’t anywhere in there.  He was getting frustrated he knew he heard her from in here.  “Lexi?  Where are you hiding baby girl?”  Another giggle, this time much clearer.  His eyes shot to his bed side table, which has a cabinet in it as well.  He opened the little door in the night stand and peaked inside.  There sat Lexi, curled up into a ball sitting on top of his Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.  The little girl giggled in delight and Blaine couldn’t help but laugh as well.  This was going to be a long weekend.



At about 6:00 Kurt was dressed and ready to head over to Blaine’s.  Finn and Rachel were both working, so maybe after whomever the company was left they could come back here and have some privacy away from the bionic ears of Santana.  He pulled out his cell phone to check on Blaine.


To Blaine (6:02 PM): Hey babe, just wondering if you were home yet and if you wanted Chinese

From Blaine (6:03 PM): I love it when you call me babe ;D n yes I’d love beef and broccoli with pork fried rice.

To Blaine (6:04 PM): Ok, ordering now.  But are you home?

From Blaine (6:04 PM): Yup, come over whenever, I’ll leave the door unlocked. I’m playing a game with our guest.


Kurt looked quizzically at his phone.  “Playing a game?” He muttered to himself under his breath.  He shook his head and placed their order.  It would be about thirty minutes so Kurt put on his shoes, took one last look in the mirror to make sure his hair was perfect and headed out the door. 


Kurt steps out into the hallway and walks over to Blaine’s door.  He was about to open it when he listened to the music coming from the inside.  The muffled song sounded like a cartoon.  It was not unusual for Blaine to watch something intended for children, it was a guilty pleasure of both of theirs, but this seemed different.  He slowly and quietly opened the door and peaked inside.  He was not expecting the sight that was before his eyes.  Blaine was holding a little girl, practically a baby, over his head singing “Spider pig, spider pig, does whatever a spider pig does” as she ‘ran’ on all fours along the ceiling.  It had to be the cutest thing he has ever seen.  He couldn’t help but let out a loud laugh.


Blaine jumped.  “Oh hey baby!”  Blaine put Lexi on the floor and she ran off to do whatever two year olds do while Blaine sprinted over to give Kurt a kiss and a hug.  “I… missed… you…” Blaine said in between pecks.


Kurt reciprocated the kisses and pulled away.  “So this is your blonde haired guest?”  Kurt smiled at the little girl who was busy dancing across the living room.  Her dancing was more like random hops, butt shakes and arms being flung, but it was the cutest thing Kurt had ever seen.


“Yea, this is Lexi, she is Krissy’s daughter.  They had a death in the family and I offered to watch her so they can head up to Connecticut for the funeral Sunday.” 


Kurt pulled him in closer.  “Well isn’t that nice of you.”


“You know me, ever the gentleman.”  They kissed again and broke their embrace so they could join the little girl, who was now trying to do flips on the couch, and wait for their food.  Unconsciously Blaine started singing along to the show.  “It’s the Mickey Mouse Club House, come inside its fun inside.” 


Kurt looked over and Blaine and snorted out a laugh.  “Really Blaine?  You know the theme song?”


“What?”  Blaine stated more than asked whilst making his sad puppy dog face. “Mickey Mouse is the shit.”


“Shhh-it shhh-it”  Lexi started chanting and Blaine immediately had a look of pure horror on his face which caused Kurt to laugh even harder.


“Watch your mouth there Blainers.”  Kurt chuckled.  It took maybe thirty seconds for Lexi’s attention to stray away from the fowl word and back to Mickey Mouse.  As soon as the little girl stops swearing Blaine started to laugh as well.  This was really going to be a long weekend. 


When the food came Kurt watched curiously as Blaine got a cup of milk for Lexi and made her a plate from his meal.  Blaine carefully cut the chicken and broccoli into small bites and he blew on it to help cool it down.  Kurt couldn’t help but smile.  From what he saw, he was so good with her.  He couldn’t wait to see more.  Nick never wanted kids, with him at least.  Hell he doesn’t even think he had ever seen him even look at a child, much less want to be around a child.  How had he been so blind?  He felt a similar ping of pain in his chest so he shook the thought out of his head. Nick was history and Blaine was his present and hopefully his future. 


Blaine sat Lexi down on a throw pillow in front of the coffee table to act as a seat.  As soon as she was settled and eating her dinner he put on Tangled for their dinner entertainment.  Kurt smiled at Blaine.  “You have Tangled too?”


“Kurt, I own every movie to come from Disney and Pixar.  Even the ridiculous made for TV ones.  I love all things Disney, I can’t help it.”


Kurt leaned in for a quick kiss in between bites.  “It’s one of the many things that I love about you.”


Blaine’s heart went into his throat and he couldn’t help but smile.  Kurt said the words love and you in the same sentence.  Logically he knew that it didn’t mean that he was in love with him; however, his inner hopeless romantic prayed it did.  He had a smile affixed on his face that lasted all night.


Lexi fell asleep while draped across their laps about ¾ of the way through the movie.  At the end Blaine picks her up and brings her to his bedroom.  Kurt follows behind him and leans in the door frame watching Blaine get the little sleeping girl in bed.  Blain carefully took off her play clothes, changed her diaper and put her pajamas on.  He tucked her into bed and kissed her forehead before brushing her blonde hair out of her eyes.  Blaine clicked off the bedside lamp and went out to join Kurt.  He closed the door, leaving it open just a crack so that the light of the bathroom would illuminate by the door should she need him.  Kurt and Blaine cuddled on the couch to watch another movie.  This time they settled for Bridesmaids.  It was a crude comedy, but absolutely hilarious.


Kurt and Blaine must have fallen asleep during the movie because the next thing they know is that they were woken up by a loud shriek.   “HOLY SWEET HELL BLAINE!  What the actual fuck?”  The boys shot straight up on the couch and looked over to where the voice was coming.  The first thing they saw was the horrified look that Santana had on her face.  They continued to look down and just saw white.  White was everywhere, in everything.  In the middle of it laid is sleeping, completely naked, two year old little blonde girl.  Blaine jumped up to see what had made the mess to make sure that it was nothing that would hurt her.  Two feel away from her he found a ripped up, empty bag of flour.  No wonder the there was nothing but white everywhere.  It looked like Frosty exploded in their living room.


Kurt looked at Blaine’s face of horror and started laughing hysterically.  His laughter quickly over powered Santana’s swearing from the kitchen.  He quickly grabbed his cell phone and started taking pictures of the carnage.  When Kurt wasn’t paying attention to Blaine, Blaine secretly picked up a handful of the flour and hid it behind his back.  Blaine slowly walked over to Kurt.  “Oh,” Blaine started playfully “you think this is funny?”


“I do actually.”  Kurt was actually clutching his sides from the cramps that were developing from him laughing so hard.  Before Kurt could respond Blaine threw the handful of flour at Kurt, landing smack in his face and falling down his shirt. 


Kurt stood there mouth gapped starting at Blaine speechless.  Now it was Santana that was clutching her sides from laughing so hard.  It took about 30 full seconds for Kurt to actually snap back to reality.  He slowly walked around Lexi’s still sleeping body on the floor picking up two handfuls of flour.


“You wouldn’t!  Kurt it would never come out of these curls!”  Kurt just looked at him with squinted eyes and a smirk.  Before Blaine could turn, Kurt attacked.  While the two men had a snow ball, er, flour fight in the living room Santana made sure she got pictures.  This was too good to miss. 


“Uh hey boys, don’t forget you have to clean this shit up.  And the baby is waking up.”  Kurt and Blaine come crashing back to reality when they look at the room.


“This is going to suck.”  Kurt stated matter-of-factly.


“Oh yea, but we might as well start and the baby needs a bath.”


“Yea she does.  You want to give her one while I start vacuuming?”


“I don’t know how to give a baby girl a bath, do you?”


“Does it look like I know?  I have never bathed a child before Blaine.”  They simultaneously look over at Santana.


“Hey Auntie Tana, can you give Lexi a bath?”


“Why the hell should I?”


“Because you know what you’re doing.” 


“Ugh fine.”  Santana said rolling her eyes and she went to pick up Lexi and run her bath.  “Go lay out her clothes and a diaper on the bed.  I hope like hell she didn’t pee on this carpet.”


It surprisingly only took Kurt and Blaine thirty minutes to have the room cleaned.  The flour came out surprisingly easy. 


“I’m going to run home to shower Blaine, I’ll be back in a little while.  Coffee when I come back?”


“Yea, we’ll take her to the café with us.”  They lean in for a peck and Kurt heads out to his apartment. 


Kurt walks through his door, almost colliding with a rushing Rachel.  “Oh my God Kurt what happened to you?”  She choked out between sobs of laughter. 

“So Blaine is babysitting his friends two year old.  She woke up before us and got into the flour and got it everywhere.  Santana wakes us up screaming because there is a naked child sleeping in the middle of the flour covered in flour.  Blaine started the flour war though.”  Kurt couldn’t help but smile ear to ear, this was one of his current favorite moments with Blaine.  He pulls out his phone and shows him the picture of the baby asleep on the floor and the picture of them two throwing around flour that Santana posted on Twitter during the fight.


“Kurt, this is absolutely precious.”  Rachel looked at the picture of the baby with a twinkle in her eyes.  Kurt looked at her quizzically.  This was not the Rachel Berry that he knew.  She was different.  It wasn’t a bad different, just odd.  She smiled at the picture in a way that he hasn’t seen her smile in a while.


“Rach, are we still on for Monday?”  Rachel seemed to snap back from a daze when she heard Kurt ask her the question.


“Of course Hunny, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.  But listen, I gotta go, I’m going to be late.”  She did another look over of Kurt and smiled. “Don’t take offence if I don’t hug you today.”


“None taken and I love you too Rachel Berry.”  Rachel rushes out the door leaving Kurt alone.  Kurt smiles ear to ear as he shuffles along to his bathroom.  When he looked in the mirror, he was shocked at what he saw.  He was covered head to toe in flour.  It was in his hair, ground into his skin, and looking at the trail of footprints in the hallway, it was all over his feet as well.  For the first time in as long as he could remember; however, being this messy didn’t bother him.  In this moment he didn’t care about his hair, his clothes, or the vigorous skin routine he was going to have to do to get all the flour off.  In this moment he would be happy saying messy forever if it meant he could have more memories with Blaine like he did today.  Today was the first time he remembered being this happy.  Nick didn’t even make him this happy during their honeymoon phase of their relationship.  This is something new, something better, something he was not going to let anyone take. 


Kurt slipped into the shower. He faced the wall and leaned his head backwards to let to hot water shower on his face and down his back.  It was in that moment, that very second that he had an epiphany.  It is only Blaine.  It has always been only Blaine.  He couldn’t believe these emotions were actually going through him right now.  He met Blaine barely a month ago; even though with Blaine it felt like forever.  He had developed so many walls and defenses that Blaine had managed to tear down with just a single kiss.  How is this even happening to Kurt right now?  He didn’t believe in love anymore.  He left that dream behind just like he had to leave his Broadway dreams behind.  Some things were just not meant to be and Kurt had accepted that.  But yet, there he stood, in love again.  He was finally starting to trust again, finally starting to smile again.  It felt amazing,


Kurt started to smile and did what he does best when he is happy.  He sang. “I just called to say I love you.  I just called to say how much I care.” 




After Santana gave Lexi a quick bath she left Blaine to get her dressed.  She had a lunch date with Brittany and babysitting was not her idea of a good time.  Blaine had absolutely no idea what to do with her and he only had five minutes to quickly change into a pair of pajamas that were not covered in floor.  He dressed her in a simple pair of jeans and the light sweater Krissy packed for her.  He then took a deep breath a she looked at her golden blonde hair that went all the way to the small of her back.  What was he supposed to do with this? 


Kurt let himself into the apartment with his hands full of hair care products.  He knew Blaine would have his hands full, and quite frankly, he was ready for his coffee.  The sight he saw sitting on the bed was too adorable for words.  Lexi sat between Blaine’s legs playing with a baby doll while Blaine sat attempted to comb her hair up into a pony tail.  Blaine had his head leaning slightly to the right, a studied expression on his face, and tongue slightly stuck out of the side of his mouth.  Kurt quickly grabbed his phone to take a picture before Blaine realized he was there.


Blaine jumped up startled at the sound of the camera's shutter.  “Oh hey babe.  You’re back so soon.” 

“Yea, I figured Santana would go back to her room and I thought you might want a shower, so I decided to finish my hair here.” 

“Hey babe?”




“Do you know how to do this?”  Poor Blaine looked so clueless about styling her hair.


“No.”  Kurt laughed.  “What else did Krissy put in this bag?”  He grabbed the ziplock bag that had various hair things in it.  In it was a headband.  “Hey forget the ponytail, let’s just use her headband.”  Of course, he HAD, to sing the last word with the melody of My headband.  No, Kurt was never going to let Rachel live that song down.




The day was spent wondering the city with little Miss Lexi.  It was an absolutely marvelous day.  They took her to play at the neighborhood park, to get Italian ice at the local Italian bakery, and of course Kurt took her shopping.  Neither of them could remember a day that felt as perfect and as right as that day did. 


Five pm found them on the subway heading back to Blaine’s apartment.  Lexi was fast asleep on Kurt’s shoulder and Blaine couldn’t help but to look and just smile.  “She’s beautiful.”  An older woman mentioned to Blaine.


To avoid any awkward questions that may arise, he answered with a simple “Thank you.”


She smiled and patted him on the arm.  “You two take care of her.”  She continued walking down the car to find the next available seat.  He looked at Kurt holding Lexi and stroking her golden blonde hair as he watched her out of the corner of his eyes.  Before his eyes the scene seemed to change.  This time he saw Kurt, slightly older, but just as fabulous sitting on their couch.  He was holding a beautiful baby girl with brown curly hair.  A handsome little boy with amazingly blue eyes sat against him reading a book.  He knew in that moment exactly what is future was.  He was in utter shock with how deeply he has fallen in the past month.  With Kurt it wasn’t like any other relationship. 


“BLAINE!” Kurt practically shouted at him.  Blaine shook out of his daze.  “Are you okay? I called your name like five times.  Our stop is coming up.” 


“Oh sorry babe, I just lost in my thoughts.”


“Oh really what we you thinking about?”


“You. Us. Everything.”  Kurt smiled back at Blaine as they exited the subway car and headed up the closest stairway to the street.  “Come on babe.  Let’s get us some dinner and watch a movie.”


“Sounds good.  So, are you going to tell me what you were thinking about exactly?”


“When we get home, come on these bags are heavy.”


“The bags are heavy?  I’m the one carrying a 37 pound two year old!”  The two quickly walked back to their building.  They were all exhausted from being out and about all day.  Chasing a two year old was serious business.




As the credits rolled at the end of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Blaine got up and put a sleeping Lexi to bed.  After he tucked her in, he made a quick go around the kitchen to make sure everything that she could make a mess with, was out of her reach.  He poured him and Kurt each a glass on Sangria and went back to the couch. 


“Mmm, thank you.  This is very much welcomed tonight.”  He said she he got comfortable leaning into Blaine’s open arm.  “Today was absolutely wonderful.  I don’t think it could have been any better.”


“Me neither.  As tired as I am, I had a blast.  I don’t know how Krissy does it.”


“She’s used to it.  So, Blaine, what were you thinking about on the subway?  You looked so happy, I almost didn’t want to bring you back to reality.”


Blaine sat up and shifted so that he could look Kurt in the face.  In response Kurt shifted as well, adjusting himself so that he could sit facing Blaine completely.  He finished his drink before Blaine started.


Blaine took a deep breath.  “Kurt, there is a moment, when you say to yourself: Oh there you are.  I’ve been looking for you my whole life.  Today watching you hold Lexi and watching the way you stroked her hair and smiled at her was that moment.  Suddenly we weren’t on the subway we were at our home and you were sitting on our couch.  You were holding a beautiful baby girl with dark curly hair and you had a handsome little boy with the most striking blue eyes I have ever seen sitting at your side.  I saw my future, what I hope to be our future.  With you there is something that I can’t describe.  I feel like I have known you my entire life.  I feel like we were meant to be.  There is one thing that I am sure of and I am more sure of it than anything I have ever felt in my life.  I love you Kurt.”


He finally allowed himself to actually look into Kurt’s eyes.  His blue eyes were welling with tears and he had an enormous smile on his face.  Kurt flung his arms around Blaine and kissed him chastely.  “I love you too.”  He said resting his forehead on Blaine’s ever so gently.  “It’s always been you.”  He whispered before kissing Blaine passionately.



End Notes: Sorry it took so long for the entire chapter to be up. The best two week have been chaotic and wonderful. I can tell you all that this summer I met both of our boys and I just... #dead But anyway, there will be several more chapters and an epiloge to come. R&R please <3PS All schinangans which Lexi cause have actually happened in real life to me. yes. I have seen the flour. We still remember it all these years later


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