Dec. 28, 2012, 3:46 p.m.
Dec. 28, 2012, 3:46 p.m.
“I still can’t believe you didn’t tell me about your brother.” Kurt stated as he was tossing the salad for dinner.
“I know babe, I’m sorry, I wanted to surprise you; especially after I found out of your fanboy crush on him.”
“I can assure you that the crush of which you speak is no more.”
“Well that’s a good thing,” Blaine said as he stood behind Kurt, wrapping his arms around his waist. “because I couldn’t handle being second best.” He planted a line of kisses down the side of Kurt’s neck, causing Kurt to gasp and rest his head back on Blaine’s.
“Blaine stop, your brother and the girls are going to be here any minute.”
“Mmm, we will have to continue this later.”
“If you play your cards right Blaine Anderson. Now come on, set the table before you start something you can’t finish.” Blaine pouted and did as he was told. “How can you be sexy one minute and as cute as a puppy the next? It’s inhuman.” Kurt laughed.
“What can I say; I am just perfect that way.” Blaine smirked back at Kurt causing Kurt to throw the pot holder at him. “Hey! You might need that!”
At that moment came a knock at the door. “Cooper must be here. Are the Anderson men always so punctual?”
Blaine laughs so hard he almost choked. “Cooper? Absolutely not, unless it’s for work. That man runs on his own schedule. It must have been more convenient for him to get here early.” Kurt started to walk to the door to let him in. “Speaking of which Kurt, did you tell the girls that he was coming?”
“HIM? No. Your brother, yes. I thought I would surprise them too.”
“Oh this is going to be a fun night.” Blaine rolled his eyes as Kurt opened the door to let Cooper in.
“Blainers! Wow you’ve got a nice place here. You’re in a nice apartment in the West Village, your building is better than mine!” Cooper walked right in and made himself at home. He walked around the room, inspecting all of the pictures on the bookshelves and entertainment center. Blaine just rolled his eyes at his brother.
“You got an apartment out here? How long are you staying for?”
“Well I am contracted for ten episodes, but they are sporadic, and there is a possibility of an extension. I’m going to be here for at least a few months.” He picked up a picture of Brittany and Santana from their vacation to Puerto Rico last summer. “Wow, who are these beautiful ladies?”
“Cooper, stop touching before you break something, and those are my roommates Santana and Brittany.” Kurt stood in the kitchenette silently laughing at his boyfriend interact with his brother. He could tell they constantly bicker, typical brother relationship. He turned his head as he heard the door lock click.
The girls walked into the house, Santana’s mouth already going a mile a minute. “Dude seriously, what the fuck is going on at our building? There are paps everywhere, and we had to show our ID’s to even get into our own building. It took 15 minutes just to fight through that fucking swarm of cameras out there. No me gusta. They got me over here ready to go all Lima Heights on someone.” Santana rambled on, not even noticing the guest they had standing in the middle of the room.
“Well hello beautiful, your pictures do you no justice.” Cooper took Santana’s hand and brought it to his lips. Santana was stunned into silence, for about 10 seconds. Kurt thought it was a new record.
“Holy sweet hell. Blaine? Kurt? What the fuck is Cooper Anderson doing in my apart- oooooohhhh” Santana was much quicker than Kurt on the uptake. “This is your brother Blaine? Shit he’s fine. Even my lady loins feel something.”
Kurt and Blaine just looked at each other and shook their heads. They knew how the rest of the night was going to work. Cooper was going to hit on them all night while Santana and Brittany humored and teased him. Which, of course, continued for the next 10-15 minutes or so.
“Dolphin! Can you take a picture of us?” Brittany squealed throwing her phone Blaine’s way. Kurt took out his own phone and the two took pictures of the three of them giggling and fooling around.
After the pictures were taken they all sat around the table to eat. The dinner went pretty much as same as earlier and how they predicted. Cooper hit on the girls all night long and Santana replied to it by being a cock tease. Cooper told embarrassing stories of their childhood. One of those stories being their multiple performance of Hungry Like the Wolf for the neighbors. Or that time when a six year old Blaine “married” their six year old neighbor and when it was time to kiss the bride he ran away screaming in front of the whole neighborhood. By the time dinner was over Kurt was sure his abdominals would be sore from laughing so hard.
“Okay Blainers, Kurt, Ladies, it’s been a wonderful night but I have to head out. I have to be on set by 6am.” Cooper said stepping away from the table. “So ladies, maybe we should do this again sometime, without the 4th and 5th wheel.”
“In your dreams playboy.”
“Well, can’t blame a guy for trying.”
Cooper called Mark and told him that he was leaving. He hugged everyone goodbye and ran out the door. “Have fun cleaning boys, Britts and I are going to bed early.”
“Of course.” Blaine and Kurt sighed out in unison. They quickly cleaned and washed the dishes. It was only 9pm but Cooper was exhausting. They took turns showering and climbed into Blaine’s bed to cuddle and watch a movie.
With Bad Boys 2 (Blaine’s pick) playing in the background Kurt pushes himself as far into the crook of Blaine’s neck as he could. “I just don’t know how you did it; growing up with him. I spent a total of two and a half hours with him and I am beat.”
Blaine chuckled. “It’s easy when he is eight years older than you. He left the house right after high school for LA, so after the age of ten I have really only had to put up with him during holidays. Don’t get me wrong, I love my brother, but I can only handle so much of his crazy. It’s like I don’t know how you deal with Rachel.”
“I don’t know how I deal with her either, believe me. It became survival mode with her. When we first moved here we had big plans of getting an apartment on the Upper East Side, going to Broadway right out of school, et cetera. Then, reality struck. There was no way we could afford an apartment there, and of course I didn’t get into NYADA. So we ended up getting a tiny studio apartment in Brooklyn. I had to share a bed with Rachel for 2 years. TWO YEARS Blaine.” Kurt could feel Blaine shutter jokingly. “By junior year we finally had enough money saved up to get a one bedroom apartment. I happily gave her the bedroom; it made it a lot less awkward when Finn visited from New Haven. Do you know how awkward it is to ask to sleep on someone’s couch so your brother could have sex with your roommate, most likely in your bed?” Blaine was laughing so hard he was almost in tears at this point.
“I’m so glad I had a dorm. It’s funny to hear about, but I wouldn’t have wanted to live it.”
“Well, it’s the only reason I can live in the situation that I live in now. Even though it’s only for a matter of time.”
“What do you mean a matter of time?”
“Well they are married now, there is only so long they are going to want to live with their brother. Besides we are all financially stable now, it’s more a convenience to save.”
“I understand.” Blaine pulls himself out Kurt’s embrace to rest his head on his chest. “But enough about that. As entertaining as your first few years in New York are, there are other things that I’d rather do tonight.”
“Oh yeah,” Kurt playfully smirked. “and what’s that?” And with this Blaine gently and passionately kissed Kurt. He cupped his cheek with his free hand and pulled him closer with the other. The kiss quickly became heated with a hunger that yearned for more. Kurt had his arm caressing Blaine’s back and with a moan dragged his nails down the small of Blaine’s back.
Blaine gasped and pulled back. “Mmm, as much as I love this Kurt, we need to cool down before we get carried away.”
Kurt let out a whimper. “Yea, we should cool down. One day Blaine Warbler, I’m going to rock your world. But tonight is not that night, not with Santana and Brittany home. You have NO idea what would happen if they heard. Let’s go to sleep.”
Blaine just smiled and pulled Kurt into be little spoon. He really wanted Kurt and as close as they were at that moment, he knew Kurt knew as well. Kurt purposely scooted back so that his butt was rubbing right against Blaine’s groin, causing him to quietly moan. ‘Kurt is going to be the death of me.’ Blaine thought as he closed his eyes. It wasn't that he didn't want to go farther with Kurt, and God knows he doesn't care what Santana and Brittany think, he wants to respect Kurt. He knows about his reservations and what had hurt him more in regards to his past relationship. He never wants Kurt to feel like he's just there for the sex. He wants to make love to Kurt. He's waiting for the three words to escape Kurt's mouth. He knows he's in love with Kurt. Actually he's more than in love. He is completely head over heels for Kurt. When the time is right he will tell him. But for now he will settle for tonight. Exactly what they are doing now is perfect for him. All that matters to him is that he has Kurt. He listened as Kurt’s breaths became shallow and spaced out. He wasn’t that far behind.