Falling in Love With Love
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Falling in Love With Love: We Are Family

E - Words: 2,751 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
423 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: Yea, Yea, yea, I know. I had to do it. You will know when you see it ;p And some #TheNewNormal spoilers PS As usual I own nothing*x*x*


“Oh my God.”  Kurt says with a mouth full of Smartfood. “That’s totally us.  Look!  Down to the pajamas and the HAIR, Blaine, the hair!”  Kurt started pointing at the TV in complete shock. 


Blaine starts laughing hysterically.  “It totally is!”  Kurt and Blaine were sitting on Blaine’s couch watching the pilot episode of The New Normal.  It had been a long and emotional day, as it always is on September 11 in New York.  They desperately needed to smile and de-stress and this new show was absolutely perfect for it. 


“SANTANA!  Come here for a second, you have to see this!  It’s fantastic!”  Kurt yells as he rewinds the show on the DVR.


“What do you want Lady Lips, I have depositions to review.”


“Give me 15 minutes, you have to see this show and tell me what you see.”


“Fine, I need a break from this crazy bitch of a case anyway.  What are we watching?”  Santana replies sitting down in the recliner. 


“It’s a new show; it’s called The New Normal.”


They restart the show and within the first 15 minutes Santana sees the same thing Kurt saw.  “Holy sweet hell.  That’s you!  Shit, girl pants and all.  Oh my God, look at his hair.  Both of their hair actually.  Woah!”  She begins to laugh right along with the men.  “I just can’t right now, two of you is enough.  I’m going back to the depositions.”


Kurt and Blaine watched the rest of the show leaving them excited for next week.  “So Blaine, I was thinking lunch in Union Square this weekend.  What say you?”


“Sounds great, where?”


“There’s a great café that I adore on the corner of Broadway and E 17th.  You will love it.  You want to have an early lunch?”


“That sounds amazing babe.”  Blaine said pulling Kurt in for a kiss.  “Of course, any time spent with you is amazing.”


“Oh you.”  Is all Kurt to manage to say between kisses.  “Ugh Blaine, I have to get going. I have so much work to do.”  He groaned as he started to pull away from his boyfriend’s embrace.


“But I don’t want you to go.  I want you to sit here with me forever.  Can you just stay a little while longer.  I don’t know if I am going to be able to see you again until then.  I have a new account at work and it’s huge.  I’m going to be putting in a lot of extra time this week on it.”


“Yea, I guess so, another half an hour wouldn’t hurt.”  Kurt replied lying back onto Blaine’s chest.  “So we really haven’t talked about work.  How is it going?  You’ve been there for a good month now.”


“It’s going really well.  It’s extremely busy but at least I have Krissy to keep me sane.  That girl is absolutely nuts but she is so much fun.”


“Is that the girl who was with you at the café?”


“Yea, it was her idea to go out that night to get my mind off of you.”


“Next time I see her I have to thank you then and properly introduce myself.”  Kurt smirked up at him.  Kurt looked over at the TV because a loud commercial caught his attention.  It was the Free Credit Report Now commercial.  “Oh my goodness.  He has to be the hottest thing ever,”  Kurt starts drooling over the incredibly handsome actor.  He quickly looks at plan whom has an eyebrow lifted at him. “except for you of course.”


“That’s better and eh he’s okay.  Looks kind of like a tool though.”


“Okay?  Okay Blaine?  That man is gorgeous.”  Blaine couldn’t help but just laugh.


“Well, let’s just say he’s not my type.”


“Well then what is your type Mr. Anderson?”  Kurt asked flirtatiously as he sat up to face Blaine.


“You.”  Blaine replied bringing him close for a kiss.  “Guess what I heard, I heard he got a recurring role of one of those NYC crime shows and he starts filming next week.”


“And how would you know those little details?”


“The internet Kurt, it’s all there at the tip of your fingertips.”  Blaine teased as him and Kurt met for their final kiss of the evening.


“Ugh, I really have to go.”  Kurt said as he drug himself up and to the door.  “I’ll see you Saturday Blaine.”


“See you Saturday babe.”  They pecked before Kurt left, Blaine closing the door behind him.  Blaine couldn’t help but to laugh at Kurt.  Boy was he in for a surprise.




Saturday morning Kurt was up earlier than anticipated.  He was excited he was going to spend the day with Blaine.  He was also extremely surprised by how much he missed Blaine.  It had only been a few days and they texted every day. 


Kurt figured since he was up so early and ready he might as well go bother Blaine until it was time to go.  He took one last look in the mirror, grabbed his things, and started to head out.


“Well, well, well where are you heading out to this early on a Saturday morning?”


“Early Rachel?  It’s 9am.”


“Well it’s normal people early.”


“Well Berry, you should have known that I am far from normal all those years ago.”


“You still didn’t answer the question.”  Rachel glared over her cup of coffee as she sat at the island. 


“I’m going out with Blaine today. I am going to take him out to Pret and then we are just going to wonder around the Square for a while.”


Rachel smiled.  “I am so happy for you sweetie.  I haven’t seen you like this in such a long time.”


“Is this the part where you say I told you so?”

“Normally yes, but I just want to see you happy.  Now come here and give me a hug before you go.  Also, next time you’re home I need your advice.”

Kurt went over and gave her a hug, holding on a little longer than necessary, just like she liked it.  “Honey, do you want to talk now?  I don’t have to go over yet.”


“No Kurt, it’s okay it could be next month for all I care, it’s not the end of the world.  You go have fun with your man.”


“I love the way that sounds.”  Kurt squealed.


“Me too love, now go!”  Kurt waved goodbye and left the apartment.  He practically skipped to the next apartment and knocked on the door.  Brittany opened the door.


“Oh hi Kurt.  Come in.”  She said opening the door for him.  “Blaine’s in the shower.”


“Thanks Britt, why are you all dressed up?”  Kurt noticed that she had been wearing the custom dance wear he designed for her.  Stylish enough for street clothes, but they had just enough give for dance.


“I have an audition today.  Just a spot in a music video.” 


“Oh that’s great Britt!  Good luck!”


“Thanks, can you come with me to the bedroom to help me pick out my accessories?”


“Of course.”


When he was done helping Britt ready he walked over towards Blaine’s room.  Blaine had gotten out of the shower and went back to his bedroom while Kurt was in the girls’ room.  Blaine had left the door cracked and Kurt could see him singing and dancing around his room with nothing but the towel wrapped around his waist.


“Bow chickie bow wow, that’s what my baby says. Mow, mow, mow and my heart starts bumping. Gitchie Gitchie goo means that I love you.”  Kurt choked back a laugh as he stood in his doorway.


“Phineas and Ferb Blaine?  Really?”  Blaine literally jumped from the startle and in the process of the jump/turn he lost is towel.


“Woah!”  Kurt squeeked, trying to cover his eyes, but he was unable too because the sight of his amazingly beautiful boyfriend was too much. 


Blaine, ever the exhibitionist, didn’t even care.  He just picked up his towel and recovered himself.  “Shit Kurt, you scared the hell out of me.”  He laughed.  “And you know you love Phineas and Ferb; otherwise, how would you even know what I was singing?” 


Kurt, positive he was still as red as a tomato, just nodded his head.  “Yea, you’re right.  I love that show.”


“I know of another show that you loved.”  Blaine said waggling his eyebrow as he walked over to Kurt pulling him into a hug.  Kurt was now absolutely certain that he was more flushed than he had ever been in his life.  But he tried to play cool through it.  However Blaine being that naked and that close to him was not helping.


“Well, it was all right.  I mean, it wasn’t much of a show.  But the ten seconds of it, may have been okay.”  He retorted sarcastically as Blaine went in for a kiss.  ‘Damnit Kurt, did you have to wear pants this tight?  The situation you got yourself into is not comfortable.’  Kurt moaned to himself, trying to think of anything that would make his little problem go down.


Blaine knew exactly what poor Kurt was feeling.  He just laughed at pulled away.  He turned around as Kurt turned away to leave the room.


“I’m leaving!”  Kurt choked out.  ‘Damn’ the thought to himself, ‘he has an amazing ass.’




Two hours later they were walking up to the second level of Pret sandwiches and coffee in hand.  Blaine smirked at the wall of pictures that lined the stairs and the upper level.


“Food art, cute.”


“Isn’t it?”  Kurt replied.  “My personal favorite is the cabbage ghost.”


They sat down towards the front of the second level, any closer back and they would end up sitting way to close to the students despartely trying to get some homework done with the wifi.  The New York Film Academy is a block away, so when school is in session the local cafes are generally packed.


“So,  Rachel wants to ask my advice about something and, quite frankly, I’m terrified.”


“Why are you nervous about that?  She is one of your best friends.”


“Yes, but it’s Rachel, she has her own motives and her own way of thinking.  She doesn’t ask, she just does, so this must be big.”


“Yea, I can see that.  What do you think it could be?”


“Like I said, it’s Rachel.  Only God knows.”


“But you don’t believe in God.”




They continued to chat about the endless possibilities that Rachel could need to talk to Kurt about.  After about 15 minutes they noticed that people were starting to line up waiting for seats so they decided to get up and leave.


When they got down stairs they noticed that quite a crowd was starting to go outside the Starbucks across the street.  Teenage fangirls and grown women alike were fanning themselves and acting giddy like school girls. 


“Hey Kurt, let’s see who’s over there.  It has to be someone hot.”


“Okay.” Kurt replied as he was being drug by his hand out of the door by Blaine.  They ran across the tiny one way street, only glancing for cars as they passed.  The paparazzi had gotten there and all you could hear were screams, squeals, and the yelling of the photographers “COOPER!  COOPER! OVER HERE!”  They could hear them.  “Cooper?  As in Cooper Anderson?”


Blaine stood there half in shock.  He, of course, knew that he was in town, but he hadn’t told Kurt.  Cooper was a surprise.  He quickly shook off the inital shock.  “Let’s go see.”  Blaine tightened his grip on Kurts hand and started pulling him through the edge of the crowd where he saw Mark, Cooper’s body guard.  While Kurt was distracted fiddling with his cell phone trying to get a picture, Blaine made eye contact with Mark, Mark returning the gaze with a nod. 


Blaine started pulling on Kurt again.  Kurt was thoroughly confused at this point.  “Blaine where are we going, we can’t get closer, muscles over there will break me in half.”


“No he won’t come on.  Don’t you want a closer look?”




“Well let’s go.”  Kurt pushed through the rapidly growing crowd, holding on tight to Blaine’s hand.


“For someone who thinks he looks like a tool you’re pretty anxious to get up close and personal.”


“I have my reasons.”  He said smirking.  They were in the front of the crowd and Blaine dropped his hand.  Kurt was startled by the sudden loss of contact.  He was still trying to wrap his head around the chaos that was going on around him when he heard Blaine yell “COOPER!” and take off running at him.  Kurt was wincing waiting for the impact of muscles taking Blaine out before he could reach Cooper. 


But the impact didn’t come.  He stood there in shock as Cooper yelled back at him while quickly taking him into a hug.  “Blainers!”  A million a one questions raced through his mind.  It was almost a slow motion blur as security was getting people to disperse and Blaine was gesturing at Kurt to come on and they walked towards a Town car parked at the corner. 


Kurt wasn’t sure exactly when he started to, but he soon realized his feet were moving and he was walking a long with Blaine and the incredibly, amazing, beautiful Cooper Anderson.  He started putting two and two together. ‘HOLY SHIT.  Anderson.  His last name is Anderson.  Blaine’s last name is Anderson.”


“Earth to Kurt.”  Kurt snapped out of the whirlwind going on inside of his internally fanboying mind and came back to reality.  “Kurt, this is my brother Cooper.  Cooper, this is my boyfriend Kurt.”


Kurt held his hand out to shake Coopers, but instead Kurt wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tight.  “Kurt.  It is so nice to meet the perfectly-beautiful- amazing-perfect-spectacular-Kurt with the nice ass.”  Both Kurt and Blaine’s faces flushed. 


“Cooper!”  Blaine yelled at him.  “You have such a big mouth.”

“So Blainers, you really think I have a great ass.”


“Of course.”


“Well as cute as you too are, we need to get in the car before they come back.  Mark is going to have a fit if we don’t get out of the public.”  Cameras flashed as the three men squeezed into the backseat of the Lincoln. 


“So Blaine Anderson, when were you planning on telling me about your brother?”


“Yea Blainers?  You talk endless about him, but you don’t talk to him about me?  I’m hurt.”  They both look at Blaine with puppy eyes.


“Well I actually happen to like Kurt.”  Cooper slapped his arm.


“Ever the comedian.”

“Who said I was joking?  And I’m sorry Kurt, I wanted to surprise you.  Surprise?”


“We knew each other for 48 hours and you knew about my best friend but I had to wait all this time to learn about your brother?”  Kurt feigned being hurt.


“I told you he’s kind of a tool and he’s crazy.  So he gets talked about when he is brought up.”  Blaine laughed.  Soon the other two joined in with him.  “So Cooper, you start filming tomorrow?”


“Yes sir.  It’s going to be a hectic week.  I am off Friday night.  How about dinner with my adorable little brother and his love toy?”


“Love toy?  Really Cooper?”  Kurt replied, already comfortable with Cooper.  “Well I am cooking dinner Friday night.  You should come over. It will be Blaine and I and probably his roomates Santana and Brittany.  My roommates work.” 


“Oh Kurtie that sounds awesome.  So are Brittany and Santana hot?”  Cooper said as he playfully elbowed Kurt.


“Oh absolutely, but honey they don’t play for your team.”  Cooper said nothing.  He just smiled.


“See what I meant about him being a tool?”

End Notes: no songs, but im sure you could guess what the title is from. and yes, i just had to. i ship Bravid as hard as I do Klaine. ANDDDDD omg the Ryan Spoilers from today. MARRIED AT 21?!?!?!?!?!?!


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