Falling in Love With Love
Clutching My Coffee Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Falling in Love With Love: Clutching My Coffee

E - Words: 3,020 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2012
444 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: As always, I do not own Glee or any of the music that I mention. I also changed the rating on this, because Santana has a potty mouth.


By Sunday afternoon Santana was getting aggravated.  Why hasn’t Blaine come out of his room since he got home Friday?  And why were all these sad and depressing songs playing on repeat all day?  It was like he was PMSing or something.  She walked to his room and stood at his door ready to knock.  She paused when she heard that he was on the phone.  Being nosey by nature she pressed her ear to the door. 


“I don’t know.  It was going to great.”  There was a pause before he started speaking again.  “We had an amazing night, we had a great dinner, held hands and, sang in the middle of Central Park.  When we got home I kissed him.”  Santana silently gasped.  “He kissed me back. It was amazing.  Then he just pulled away and said ‘I can’t’ and ran into his apartment.”


“Oh hell no.”  Santana whispered to herself as she stomped to her bedroom looking for her phone.  She picked up her phone and dialed as quickly as her fingers would allow her.  “Rachel?  Are you home? ….. Good, hallway now.” 


Rachel and Santana opened their doors at the same time.  “Santana what’s wrong its 8am on a Sunday!”


“Shhh, keep it down, we need to talk about the boys.”


“Yes, yes we do.  Kurt hasn’t come out of his room since Friday except to go to the bathroom or get coffee.  He wore sweats all day yesterday.  Sweats!  I was ready to call an ambulance.  Do you know what is wrong with him?”


“I think I have an idea.  I know Blaine asked him out on Friday and Kurt said yes.  Well Friday evening, Britts and I are watching a movie in the living room when Blaine comes in the house slams the door and goes straight to his room.  I didn’t even get a gay sex joke out he was so quick.  So then, this morning, I am tired of all the depression in the atmosphere and the ridiculous playlist coming out of his room so I go to knock on his door and he’s on the phone.”


“Who was he talking to?”


“I don’t have a fucking clue, but I know that they kissed, Kurt reciprocated, and then Kurt pulls away and runs back in the house saying that he can’t.”

Rachel gapes at what Santana just told her.  “No he didn’t!  But wait, if Kurt is the one who ran, why is he acting like his dog died?”


“I don’t know but I’m about to find out.”  Her and Rachel turned and went into Rachel’s apartment.  Santana and Rachel went right to Kurt’s room and Santana threw the door open without even knocking. 


Kurt was lying in his bed, still in the same clothes he had be wearing since yesterday morning, yuck, staring at the ceiling when Santana threw open his door scaring him half to death.


“Oh my God! What the hell Santana?”  Kurt jumped to a stand completely lost.


“You are a fucking idiot Hummel.”


“Wait. What?”  Kurt paused.


“What the hell did you do to Blaine?  He hasn’t left his room since he got home Friday.  Do you want to know what playlist I have had to listen to for the past 36 hours?”  Kurt really didn’t want to know, but he knew he was about to find out.  “First it started out as Katy Perry, okay, I can see that he idolizes her.  Then it went to P!nk, again I can see that.  But then he started with the Panic at the Disco, Maroon 5, Tom Jones.”  Rachel and Kurt both winced.  They didn’t know everything about Blaine, but they knew that had to be bad.  “Then I go to see what the hell is wrong with him and he’s on the phone.  He was telling someone that you two kissed and you pulled away and ran like a little bitch in the house.   Little bitch being my words, not his.”  Kurt stared at her and let his head drop.  Rachel, for once, did not say anything.  “So what the hell do you have to say for yourself?  Why did you run?”


“I don’t know.”  He managed to stutter out.  “I really like him, our date was amazing, but I realized I just wasn’t ready and I panicked.”


“Kurt it has been over a year!  Let it go, why are you going to let your past ruin your future?  He is a good guy.  Give him a chance.”


Kurt sat in silence.  A lone tear fell down his face.


“Listen I’ll give you a few days to figure your shit out, then you need to talk to him, because if I have to listen to any more of that shit, I am going to cut your hair while you sleep.”  Kurt for once was too emotionally drained at this point to even care.  Santana stormed out of the room and went back to her apartment.  Rachel sat down next to Kurt and offered a hug. 


“Please Rachel; I just want to be alone.”


“Okay honey, but do me a favor, take a shower and actually get dressed.  You will feel so much better.”


Rachel got up and walked out of his room closing the door behind her.  Kurt just laid back down and went back to sleep.  Fuck.  What is wrong with me?  I am screwing up with the only person who ever felt right.’  Kurt thought to himself as he drifted back to sleep.  He was going to explain everything to Blaine; he just needed some time to think.



Monday morning brought Blaine back to reality.  He was sitting in his office, leaning back in his chair whilst staring out of his window at the vast city below.  He fiddles with his phone, hoping to see a message from Kurt, the whole time fighting the urge to call him.  He was brought out of his trance by a knock on his door.  “Come in.”  He said as he spun his chair back around to see who was at his door.


“So Anderson, spill, how was it?”  Krissy said happily as she walked in the office with his files for the day.  Her smile quickly faded when she saw the look on Blaine’s face.  He looked like a kicked puppy.  She shut the door behind him and at in one of the chairs in front of his desk.  “Okay, really spill.  What’s wrong?”


Blaine nervously played with the pen in his hand as he took a deep breath.  “We went out Friday night.  We had a great time, hell, an amazing time.  I would go as far as to say it was perfect.”  He paused and looked over at Krissy.  She sat there looking at him with caring eyes waiting for him to continue.  “When we got back to our apartment building we kissed.  I kissed him and he kissed me back.  It was amazing, high fly ball, fireworks and all that jazz.  Then he, he pulled away and ran into his apartment saying that he was sorry and the he can’t.  He hasn’t called or texted me all this weekend.  I just don’t get it.  I was really started to fall hard for him, maybe even starting to love him.  He has always been the one.  The one I have been looking for my entire life and it was like my world came crashing down.”


“I’m sorry hun.  Maybe he will come around.”  She stood up and handed him the files.  “Listen honey, I have to go back to work before Boss Lady goes crazy, but here are your files for the day.  At 5pm you and I are going to this coffee shop that isn’t too far away from your neighborhood.  Every Monday they go an open-mic night type thing and I am going to call a sitter for the minion and we are going to go.  We are going to talk and have a good time to get your mind off of this okay?”


“Ok, thanks Kris.”  She blew him a kiss as she walked out of the office.  ‘That guy must be crazy to do that to Blaine.’  She thought to herself as she walked back to her desk.




Kurt was having an equally hard day at work.  Everything that could possibly be going wrong was, he had the higher ups breathing down his neck every five seconds, accounts payable was making mistakes and of course the whole thing with Blaine had him in a tizzy.  By noon he was already ready for a drink.  He slunk into his office chair desperately hoping for a few minutes of peace and quiet.  This, of course, was interrupted by a knock on his door.




“Kurt, I brought your coffee.”  Daisy said as she came into the room.


“Uh, thanks Daisy.”  She handed him his coffee and put her hand on his shoulder.


“Listen Kurt, I don’t know what’s going on, but I know you well enough to know when something is bothering you, something more than this chaos.”  She stated waving her hand towards the rest of the offices.  “You don’t have to tell me what’s wrong; it’s none of my business but I know you need a pick me up.” 


Kurt palms his face and sighs.  “I know, I’m sorry, I just have a lot of things going on at home.  You’re right I do need a pick me up.”  He manages to fake a smile.  “Did you have anything in mind?”


“Actually yes, I know you don’t sing much anymore, but I also know it makes you happy.  Annnnnnddd that café in your neighborhood does open mic nights on Mondays.  You should go and sing it out.  Let whatever is bothering you out.”


“Thanks Daisy.  You are awesome.  I will definitely think about it.  Do I have any late appointments today?” 


“No, actually, you don’t have any appointments.  You are on your own schedule today.”


“Thanks hun.  Can you do me a favor and check out that who purchasing disaster from Friday for me please?”


“Absolutely.  Feel better.”  Daisy said as she left the room.  Kurt leaned back into his chair and sipped on his coffee.  Maybe he would go sing tonight.  He knew just the song he could sing.  He just wished Blaine would be there to hear it.  He had to sit him down and talk to him tonight.  He can’t keep procrastinating, it’s wasn’t fair to Blaine.  If only Kurt knew exactly how much that action hurt Blaine.




“Oka, are you ready to go?  I got my grandmother to watch Lexi.”


“Yeah, let’s go. I could really use a coffee right now.”


“I am going to get a smile out of you yet Anderson.  I hate to see you so down.  I know we’ve only known each other for a few weeks, but you’re a really good person.  I hate to see anyone, especially you, down like this.”


“Yea, thanks, you too.  You are really awesome for doing this and caring about me.  But I am tired of being depressed, let’s change the subject.  Tell me about Lexi.”


“Lexi is my one and only, she is two and a half.  She’s a sassy, chubby, little thing with long blonde hair.  She’s a mini-me.”  Krissy laughed.  Krissy continued to tell heartwarming and funny stories about her a Lexi’s ‘adventures’.  He also learned that she was a single mom and the only family Krissy had here was Lexi and her grandmother.  By the time they got to the coffee shop Blaine was almost tearing from laughing so hard at the stories Kris told about her pride and joy. 


They walked into the coffee shop and went straight to the register.  They ordered their coffees and sandwiches and got two chairs in the back of the room.  Apparently this open-mic night was very popular.  The first few people Blaine really enjoyed.  There were some amazing poets, a great guitarist, and a beautiful young woman with a talented voice that could rival one Rachel Berry.  He was finally starting to relax and have a good evening when the host announced the next act. 


“Ladies and Gentlemen, next up is a first timer to our stage, but his talent is one in a million; Kurt Hummel.”  Blaine froze in his seat with his eyes wide. 


Krissy felt Blaine tense in the seat next to him.  She looked up and saw the singer put his iPod on the deck and walk over to the microphone.  “Blaine,” she whispered “what’s wrong?”


Blaine didn’t even look her way.  He just replied back “It’s him.”  He had never been more grateful to be in the back of the dark room.  He wanted to get up and run away, just like Kurt did to him the few days prior.  Krissy could sense that so she just grabbed his hand and held it tight.  She knew he needed a friend.


“Hello, I’m Kurt Hummel and I am going to sing one of my favorite songs for you all.  I hope you enjoy.”  The music started in the background and Blaine watched Kurt close his eyes and start singing.


“Have you ever fed a lover with just your hands?
Closed your eyes and trusted, just trusted?
Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air?
Have you ever looked fear in the face and said, "I just don't care"?

It's only half past the point of no return
The tip of the iceberg
The sun before the burn
The thunder before the lightning
The breath before the phrase
Have you ever felt this way?”


Krissy looked over at Blaine who had tears welling up in his eyes.  She grabbed his hand tighter and he gave a good squeeze back.

“Have you ever hated yourself for staring at the phone?
You're whole life waiting on the ring to prove you're not alone
Have you ever been touched so gently you had to cry?
Have you ever invited a stranger to come inside?

It's only half past the point of oblivion
The hourglass on the table
The walk before the run
The breath before the kiss
And the fear before the flames
Have you ever felt this way?

La La La La La La La La

There you are, sitting in the garden
Clutching my coffee,
Calling me sugar
You called me sugar

Have you ever wished for an endless night?
Lassoed the moon and the stars and pulled that rope tight?
Have you ever held your breath and asked yourself will it ever get better than tonight?


When he sang the final note he opened his eyes and saw the entire room applauding, except for one person in the back.  It was Blaine.  He could see the heartbreak in his eyes and he knew that it was now or never.  He had to make this right and he had to do it now.  “Thank you so much, but I just saw someone very special in the room and I was wondering if it were okay with everyone if I did one last song.”  The room burst into an approving applause as he changed the song on his iPod. 


As soon as play heard the music playing, he knew what song it was and his heart skipped a beat.  Kurt began to sing.


“Oh yeah, I'll tell you something
I think you'll understand
When I'll say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

Oh please, say to me
You'll let me be your man
And please, say to me
You'll let me hold your hand
I'll let me hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah, you've got that something
I think you'll understand
When I'll say that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand

And when I touch you I feel happy
It's such a feeling that my love
I can't hide
I can't hide
I can't hide

Yeah, you've got that something
I think you'll understand
When I'll feel that something
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand
I wanna hold your hand”



By the end of the song Blaine was struggling not to smile.  He was a mess of emotions.  He didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry.  Kurt said his thank you, grabbed his iPod and left the stage heading right back to the seats where he saw Blaine sitting.  He had to get back there before he left. 



Blaine and Krissy stood to head towards the door.  Kurt was almost at a run to catch him.  “Blaine wait!”  Kurt cried as Blaine and Krissy walked out the front door.  Kurt followed them through and, to his surprise; they were standing outside waiting for him.   “I’m so glad you didn’t leave.”



“I’m going to go now, you need some privacy, I’ll see you tomorrow.”  Krissy leaned over and kissed Blaine on the cheek before heading to the closest subway.



“Oh Kurt, I wasn’t going to actually leave, I didn’t want to be rude and talk to you while other people were on stage.”


Kurt smiled on the inside at the reply.  “We need to talk.”


“Yes, we do.”  Blaine responded as they began to walk back to their building.

End Notes: It may seem random that I bring up Krissy having a daughter, but just go with it, she's part of my plan of shinanigans in coming chapters. The songs are Pink's Glitter In The Air (the most Klaine-est song ever at the moment) and, of course, The Beatles I Wanna Hold Your Hand. Enjoy and please review :)


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