Dec. 28, 2012, 3:46 p.m.
Dec. 28, 2012, 3:46 p.m.
CALL 212-555-9843
Blaine quickly wrote the number down and went to go order his coffee. Blaine Anderson was new to New York and currently staying in a hotel until he could find an apartment. He was offered an amazing job opportunity and couldn't pass it up, so he packed up his life in Columbus and left to start a new life in the city.
He settled into the corner seat of the quaint coffee shop in the middle of bustling Manhattan. It was hard to find a homey coffee shop in the middle of this concrete jungle but he was happy he found one. Yea, he liked Starbucks, but there was nothing better than a family run coffee shop. Their coffee is always amazing. He took out his phone and dailed the number about the apartment.
"Hello?" A powerful and somewhat intimidating female voice answered.
"Hi, my name is Blaine Anderson and I responding to your ad for a roommate."
"Oh, good. I'm Santana Lopez. You can meet us at our building at 7:00pm tonight." Wow, she seems pretty trusting, or she's some serial killer. Oh well. He needed a place to live, he would take his chances. Santana gave him the information for the building and hung up. Blaine settled into his seat and sipped his coffee. He actually had a good feeling tonight.
Blaine left work at 6:00 on the dot and hopped on the first subway to the village. He was still constantly getting lost in New York and needed some extra time for wondering. He also had to figure out how to get back to his hotel tonight. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt. It was disgustingly hot in NYC this year.
He found the building rather quickly. He saw two beautiful women sitting in the lobby. One was a fierce looking Latina in a power suit and the other a bubbly blonde in sweats. "Hi. Santana?"
"Yea, that's me. Blaine?"
"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said reaching out his hand to shake theirs.
Santana gives him a quick, but powerful, shake and Brittany runs and hugs him. "Oh I like the dolphin." Brittany exclaims, leaving Darren completely confused but trying his best not to give any funny looks.
"Ok, before we go upstairs, I just want to ask a few questions and get a feel for you. You know, we just can have a strange man walking around our place can we?"
"Of course not, that is quite okay. I wouldn't have it any other way." They make their way over to a bench lining the far wall.
"Okay Blaine Anderson," Santana began "what do you do for a living?"
"I am a financial consultant for a big firm in Manhattan. I actually just started there on Monday. I just moved from Columbus."
"Columbus, Ohio?" Santana asked with a smile creeping across her lips.
"Oh! We are from Lima. What a small world."
"It is." Blaine said laughing. "So what do you two do?"
"I am a lawyer. I actually just started at the firm about a month ago. And Britt is a model and dancer."
"Wow! A lawyer, already? You don't look like you could be older than 22."
"Well played Blaine, well played. I am actually 25 and I went to school through the summers so I could graduate as soon as possible. Okay, now for the important questions. You don't gots any baby momma drama do you? Because there is no way I can deal with that. I would have to go all Lima Heights on someone."
Blaine laughed so hard he thought he was going to cry. "No, absolutely not. No children for me. No crazy ex's either."
"Good. Remember I ain't afraid to cut a bitch, I keep razor blades in my hair, all up in this." Santana got suddenly serious. "You wouldn't have a problem with me and Britt? She's my girlfriend. Not just a friend who's a girl, but my girlfriend girlfriend."
"No! No, no. I have no problem with that. - I'm, gay." He saw a sly mischievous grin come across Santana's face when he said that. He could not make heads or tails of this woman. And to be quite frank, he was a little scared of her.
"Oh Tana, I told you he was a dolphin! You know Blaine, Dolphins are just gay sharks." Blaine opened his mouth to say something, he wasn't sure what, but quickly closed it when he was Santana shoot him a look as to say, you'll get used to it.
"So Britt, come on let's show Blaine the apartment." Blaine picked up his satchel and followed them to the elevator. The apartment was on the 5th floor, and at the end of the hall. The building was nice, it wasn't ritzy, but nice, comfortable. Even better, it didn't smell like curry. Some of the other buildings he went to smelled like a food cart. Not something he wanted to live with.
"Well Blaine, it's not a palace, but it's home." It was quite beautiful. The interior decoration had to have been done by a professional. He walked into a beautiful living room with an open kitchen, fully updated. Not that he could cook, but it sure looked nice. Blaine the second bedroom is down the hallway here, our room is down here on the right. You're welcome to go take a look at it, there is a bathroom in the bedroom. He walked down the hall to the bedroom that could be his. It was empty, but a nice size. He couldn't easily fit a queen size bed and furniture. This was a huge bedroom for an apartment in this area. The attached bathroom was nice as well. It had bathtub, he was so happy to see that rather than just a stand-alone shower. He was ready to sign on the 'x'.
So Blaine, here is what your portion of the rent and utilities would be. Santana slid him a paper, well a contract. If you interested, rent and utilities in due on the first of the month, you would also have to put in for groceries. Read it over a sign."
Five minutes later papers were signed and he was sharing a cocktail with the girls. "Okay, now that we are roomies, Blaine, are you dating anyone?"
Not really all that surprised by how up front Santana was he quickly answered. "No. I haven't really dated since college and well, you know Ohio." Santana shot him that same mischievous grin.
"Good. I- I mean, oh okay. So when did you want to move in?"
"Well since I still have to order furniture, this weekend? The quicker I can get out of the hotel the better."
"Sounds like a plan. See you Friday night? I will be home early that day; I will meet you here with your key."
"Thanks ladies, see you Friday."
Blaine left the apartment quite happy. He was surprised how quickly his new life was coming together. He stopped to pull out his iPod when he heard something out of the next door apartment. It sounded like a TV. He heard a familiar tune which was quickly voiced over by two absolutely stunning voices singing along with the TV. He couldn't help but stand there and listen for a minute. There was something about one of the voices that took his breath away and he couldn't put his finger on what it was. There was something so comforting and so familiar about it. When the singing stopped and laughter took over he couldn't help but smile and hoped that he would be able to hear it soon. He found himself humming into the night as he walked to the subway. He couldn't wait to get back to his room and start shopping for future. He couldn't wait to be home.
Kurt was pretty happy with his life. He and his best friend, one Rachel Berry, and his stepbrother (married to one Rachel Berry) have been living in New York City for 7 years now. This had always been their dream and he was so happy to see it come true; even if it wasn't exactly how they planned it to be. They had originally planned to come to New York and attend NYADA in order to be the next Broadway sensations. For Rachel it ended up working that way. It always worked that way for Rachel. Finn ended up going to school in Connecticut, he went to the University of New Haven to study Criminal Justice. Now he is a patrol officer for the NYPD.
Kurt didn't get into NYADA so he decided to go to FIT for Fashion instead. He has his own line featured in Bloomingdale's. It's not Vogue, but he is getting there. He also does many private jobs for Rachel's shows and public events. Almost everything in her closet was a Kurt Hummel original. Kurt was mostly grateful that those hideous sweater and socks were left out of her wardrobe starting a few years ago.
He, Rachel, and Finn were all roommates in their apartment in the West Village. Two friends from high school, Santana and Brittany, lived in the next apartment over. He loved having most of the people he loved so close. Only two things could make it better: his family and love.
On a hot Tuesday night early in August Rachel and Kurt were watching old home movies of their high school performances while Finn worked second shift. They were watching their senior year Nationals competition when they sand Paradise by the Dashboard Lights. They couldn't help but to break into song. Reliving that moment made them laugh hysterically - which was brought to an abrupt end by a phone call from one Santana Lopez.
"Hey lady lips guess whaaaat?" Santana said singing into the phone.
"What's up Satan?"
"Britts and I gots a new roommate."
"Oh good for you, it's about time."
"And guess what? He's perfect for you."
Kurt couldn't help but to roll his eyes. Sighing he said, "Santana last time you said that it ended horribly. I think I will pass."
"That's your choice lady lips. But he's moving in Friday, you should come over Saturday for dinner. And when I say ‘for dinner’ I mean for you to cook dinner."
"Ugh, fine if it will get you off of my case."
"See you then Hummel."
When he hung up Rachel asked, "What was that about?"
"The girls got a new roommate. And they want to hook me up with him. But no, after last time, I think I am going to be single for the rest of my life; by choice. I don't want to go through that again."
"Oh honey stop it. You will be happy again. I know it." Kurt just rolled his eyes and turned back to the television.
“Okay so what embarrassing video should we watch next? I’m thinking Nationals – Junior Year.”
“You are never going to let me live that down are you?” Rachel laughed.
“Never. You know the YouTube hits are past 100,000.” Rachel hit him with one of the throw pillows as they broke into a fit of laughter.
Before long he could hear Rachel snoring on his shoulder. He couldn’t help but to get lost in thought. He was lonely, it had been over a year since he and Nick had broken up. But the thing about Kurt was that when he loves, he loves hard. So of course, when his heart breaks, it breaks hard. It also wasn’t that Kurt wasn’t looking for anyone else, he just really didn’t want someone that Santana would choose for him. As much as he loved the girl, she didn’t have the highest of standards when it came to men. Kurt closed his eyes and started to drift off to sleep with Rachel still sound asleep on his chest.
The weekend came quickly for Blaine. He couldn’t take Friday off because he just started the job so he had to schedule his furniture delivery for Saturday morning. Blaine got back to his hotel room by 5:30 and took a final look around to make sure he had everything. He picked up his bags and smiled as he walked out the door. He had a really good feeling about moving in with Santana and Brittany. When he got outside he turned on his iPod and hailed a cab. He was on his way to start his new life.
He was trying to get all of his things through the building door when he heard a voice. “Hi, do you need some help?” Blaine stood up and saw possibly the most handsome man he had ever seen in his life. He swallowed hard and tried not to stare.
“Just holding the door would be great, thanks.” Blaine replied as he tried not to get lost into the magnificent blue eyes that stared back at him.
“Sure anytime. See you around.” The blue eyed boy said as he put on his sunglasses and headed out the door. Blaine really hoped he would see him around. Blaine couldn’t put his finger on it, but there was something about him and the sound of his voice. It was almost like he heard it before. He shrugged it off and headed towards the elevator. Just then for some strange reason ‘Paradise By The Dashboard Lights’ popped into his head. Oh great, he thought, now this song is going to be stuck in my head for days.
in the begging by accident u called blaine darren so be carful with that and update real soon i really like the story!
That's what happens when you tweet at the same time. Fixing right now
Great two chapters...worth the wait..looking forward to more!! Thank you!