The Wedding Singer
Part 01 Next Chapter Story
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The Wedding Singer: Part 01

T - Words: 3,507 - Last Updated: Aug 11, 2017
Story: Complete - Chapters: 6/? - Created: Aug 11, 2017 - Updated: Aug 11, 2017
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Author's Notes: Hi ho! This is an AU based on the movie The Wedding Singer. I adore this movie and if you haven't seen it, I highly recommend that you do. And if you love the movie, check out the musical, it's great too. Without further ado, I present part one!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the songs: I Do by Colbie Caillat and As Time Goes By by Louis Armstrong.


The music started playing while the wedding singer stood on the stage smiling, "Here we go!" His dark curly hair being held down by gel started to flop around releasing from its hold as he sang.

It's always been about me, myself, and I
I thought relationships were nothing but a waste of time
I never wanted to be anybody's other half
I was happy saying I had a love that wouldn't last
That was the only way I knew 'til I met you

You make me wanna say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I can't live without it, I can't let it go
Ooh what did I get myself into?
You make me wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do.

The wedding singer sang his song while the group of people danced around in front of him. Whether they were couples, friends, kids, all of them were having fun.

Tell me is it only me
Do you feel the same?
You know me well enough to know that I'm not playing games
I promise I won't turn around and I won't let you down
You can trust I've never felt it like I feel it now
Baby there's nothing, there's nothing we can't get through
So can we say
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo

Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let it go
What more can I get myself into?
You make me wanna say

The entire room was now up on there feet dancing as the wedding singer sang his song. Even the wait staff was dancing along a bit.

Me, a family, a house, a family
Ooh, can we be a family?
And when I'm eighty years old I'm sitting next to you

And we'll remember when we said
I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do
Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do do
Cause every time before it's been like
Maybe yes and maybe no
I won't live without it, I won't let us go
Just look at what we got ourselves into
You make me wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do,
Love you

The wedding singer bowed as people applauded him. "Thank you everyone, I'm Blaine, and now we need the best man up here. There he is. Ladies and gentlemen, here is Matt, the groom's brother and best man."

A man wobbled up to the microphone, his unshaven face and glass of alcohol in his hand gave away more about his personality then anyone should right now. "Hello everyone!" he said with his speech slurring, "Look at that happy couple."

"We are here because of Janet and Steve. Steve and Janet," Matt said almost falling over, but one of the band members on stage helped him, "Thanks. Now I just want to say that Dad even though I'm not your favorite son obviously, because he is the one sitting and getting married today." Matt paused, "You know what though your favorite hasn't always been perfect. Hey hey Steve, remember that one time in Rio. Yeah, Rio. We took that bus downtown and hooked up with those girls. They were awesome with there dancing and—"

The bride turned towards her groom with her mouth open. Everyone else in the room was staring between the best man on the stage and the groom.

Blaine stole the microphone away, "Hey, I think that's enough about that."

"Hey, that's mine," Matt said trying to take the microphone back, "They'll be divorced in a year!" he shouted as he walked off the stage.

"How about I take this for now," Blaine smiled, "Alright everyone give a hand to Matt, the best man." There was a small round of applause with on a few people joining in. "Right, thanks. Hello there, my name is Blaine Anderson. And I know personally what it's like to make a few mistakes in your past. I am getting married myself as well in the next few days."

There was a small group of claps, "Thank you that means a lot. But what I wanted to say is that we know everyone makes mistakes, but that's what helps us forgive each other. Now I've seen a lot of couples and you two honestly haven't stopped looking at one another all night. That's what true love is." He reached over and lifted his glass of water, "To the newly wed couple, Janet and Steve."

"To Janet and Steve!" the room chanted.

Blaine set his microphone back on the stand, "We are going to let Wes here take over vocals for a few minutes."

"Awesome wedding singer!"

"Great job dude!"

Blaine walked off the stage and towards his best friend and brother who happened to be the limo driver for the evening, "Man, the choices tonight are just nice."

"Cooper, you think you could go one night without trying to hook up with someone?" Blaine asked him.

"Check out that hot little piece of ass over there," Cooper said elbowing Blaine in the stomach.

Blaine looked up and saw the new server walking around holding a tray high in the air and then realized he wasn't holding it high enough hitting someone in the back of his head. "I thought you said you were straight."

"Told you it doesn't matter to me, two nice looking legs works for me," Cooper laughed.

"You are unbelievable," Blaine rolled his eyes.

Cooper shrugged, "You know baby bro you only have a few days left. I thought you would take me up on offer."

Blaine looked at his brother and rolled his eyes, "Not going to happen. I am happy and—" he saw a boy out of the corner of his eye struggling to stand up, "Cooper, what did you do?"

"Nothing," Cooper smiled.

Blaine walked over to the kid who was struggling and they quickly slipped out the back door.

The new server stumbled into the kitchen, "San, how do you do this every night?"

Santana smirked at her friend, "Oh Kurt, you just need to know how to strut your stuff."

"Can I have more steak?" Kurt asked the cook.

"Why do you need more steak?" the cook yelled at him, "Make them eat the fish. See now she can get rid of the fish, more steak coming up." He walked over to make more plates.

Kurt rolled his eyes, "How come he is so nice to you?"

"Last year at the Christmas party I may have shown him my boobs," Santana shrugged.

"San!" Kurt said wide eyed.

"Oh please, it's not as if he is the first guy I've ever shown them too," Santana laughed, "And why do you look so down?"

"It's just all this wedding stuff," Kurt sighed as he looked down at his own left hand, "I mean I don't think Tyler will ever want to set a date."

"Then a set a date and tell him to come," Santana shrugged.

Kurt gave her a look, "That is just dumb, we have been engaged for two years now and I just—"

"Alright, time for a break," Santana said taking his tray, "Why don't you chill in the back and I will come get you in ten minutes."

"Fine fine," Kurt huffed as he walked away. While he was sitting down on the back steps he saw someone bring out a younger boy leading him straight to the dumpster. The younger boy started hurling as soon as they stopped moving.

"Oh, hey sorry," the guy said smiling at him.

Kurt smiled back, "You know him?"

"No," the guy scratched the back of his neck, "Just helping him out. Don't want his family to see him." The boy stood up straight, "You aren't going to drink anymore now?"

The boy shook his head, "No."

"Good, wait until your twenty-one," the guy said as he opened the door leading the kid back inside.

"Even if you didn't know him, that was awfully nice of you," Kurt sighed as he hugged himself.

"Just helping someone out," the guy shrugged.

Kurt looked over and recognized him, "You're the wedding singer."

"I am," he held out his hand, "Blaine Anderson. And I hope I won't have to hold while you barf into the dumpster," he pointed to the cup sitting next to Kurt.

"Kurt Hummel," Kurt shook the hand, "And no, I'm not much a drinker, this is just a Coke. Besides if I was drinking, I would probably be puking more than that kid."

"I doubt that," Blaine grinned, "I think I saw a boot come out of here."

Kurt laughed, "I'm actually working your wedding in a few days."

"Cool," Blaine smiled.

"It's nice to see another gay couple getting married in Ohio," Kurt babbled on as he lifted his hand up to fix the piece of hair that has been bothering him all night.

Blaine nodded and then noticed something as Kurt raised his hand, "Wow that is quite the ring you have on your hand."

Kurt looked down at his own engagement ring, "Yeah, although I don't know how serious he is. I think that sometimes I'm just doomed to be alone for the rest of my life."

"I'm sure your day will come," Blaine smiled again. "Everything happens for a reason, it's the small moments that matter."

Cooper appeared, "Dude, I really think you need to get back in here. Love Wes like a brother, but he is stinking up the place," he said and disappeared.

Blaine nodded, "Sure, well I guess that's my cue."

"Yep, well have fun," Kurt waved to him.

"Yeah, thanks," Blaine waved back.

"Hey, do you think you could promise me that one day you will sing at my wedding?" Kurt asked him.

"Of course, it's a deal," Blaine nodded, "See you later."

"Bye," Kurt said as Blaine ran back in to save the wedding from yet another disaster.

Moonlight and love songs
Never out of date
Hearts filled with passion
Jealousy and hate
Woman loves man
And man must have his mate
That no one can deny
It's still the same old story
A fight for love and glory
A case of do or die
The world will always welcome lovers
As time goes by

Blaine played the last notes on the piano, "Mrs. Hartford your voice is just beautiful."

Mrs. Hartford smiled, "Oh Blaine, you just too sweet for your own good."

"I mean it, you have one of the most beautiful voices I've heard," Blaine grinned, "And I've heard many singers."

"You are just saying that," Mrs. Hartford laughed.

"Never," Blaine said standing up and putting the music in his bag.

"Are you nervous about tomorrow?" Mrs. Hartford asked him.

Blaine looked over at her, "Not really. I'm pretty used to weddings now. I just hope we are together as long as you and Mr. Hartford."

"Fifty years is an awfully long time," Mrs. Hartford said touching Blaine's arm, "I'm sure you and Sebastian will be happy. And are your parents coming?"

Blaine shrugged, "I sent them an invitation, one can only hope."

"They will come," Mrs. Hartford said squeezing his bicep, "I know it."

"Thanks Mrs. Hartford," Blaine touched her arm, "I need to get going though, a few last minute preparations to make."

"Of course dear," Mrs. Hartford said walking him to the door, "Oh wait, you need your payment."

"That's alright," Blaine said as he made his way towards the door.

"Nonsense," Mrs. Hartford said, "You are such a sweet boy being paid with meatballs."

Blaine watched as she ran from the kitchen holding a pot, "It's fine, I can get it next time."

"You are probably the only one who agrees to be paid in meatballs," Mrs. Hartford said holding her pot. "Oh my, I just realized I don't have any clean Tupperware."

"When I come next time then," Blaine said inching himself towards the door.

"Oh you," Mrs. Hartford said thinking, "Hold out your hands." Blaine looked at her reluctantly and held out his hands. "There you are," she said as she placed a meatball in each hand. "Now take a bite, it's my favorite part."

Blaine grinned as he looked down at his hands, "Okay, I'll go with the right one because it looks so good," he said lifting the meatball to eat it, "Yum."

"Thank you," Mrs. Hartford said, "Now get along."

"Sure, I'll see you tomorrow," Blaine said as he exited the house with two meatballs in his hands.

Burt pulled up to the building and stopped the car for Kurt to get out. "Wow, look at that two guys getting hitched."

"Dad," Kurt groaned.

"What, I'm just saying," Burt shrugged, "I get that we live in Ohio, but that shouldn't stop you from marrying who you want."

"It's not keeping me from marrying who I want," Kurt said looking over at his dad, "I mean I just don't think Tyler is ready for that yet."

"Well he should be," Burt said, "He is the one who asked you isn't he?"

"I'm done talking about this," Kurt opened his door, "Thanks for lunch Dad, it's been lovely."

"All I'm saying kid is if this guy is serious about you as you are with him," Burt sighed, "To bad you aren't a girl, can't pull the whole pregnant card."

"Dad!" Kurt squeaked, "Can you please never say those words again."

"Hey, your mother was pregnant with you when we got married," Burt smiled at the memory, "Not that you are the reason we got married. We were happy. And I just want you to be happy."

"I am happy," Kurt reached over to squeeze his dad's hand, "Now enough about this wedding business I'm just happy Santana got me a job."

"You and me both," Burt laughed, "Got you out of my house."

Kurt rolled his eyes, "Goodbye Dad," he opened the car door.

"Bye kiddo," Burt said as Kurt left walking into the building getting ready for the wedding reception.

Waiting in the small room before his big entrance, Blaine was fixing his bowtie. He knew Sebastian didn't understand his love for bowties, but it was alright. Sebastian chose a normal tie, but he figured that is what made them work. He heard everyone waiting outside. Some of his family showed up, he wondered if his parents were out there.

Then he heard the music start and stood up. He looked in the mirror one more time to make sure his hair was prefect. Not a single hair out of place, he smiled to himself.

There was a knock on his door. He knew it would be his brother, since him and Sebastian promised not to see each other until the actual wedding. He opened the door and found Cooper standing there with a look on his face.

Blaine's face fell, "Cooper, what's wrong?" He could tell he had been pulling on his tie because it was loosened. "Cooper, tell me right now. What is going on?"

"Um, here's the thing," Cooper said lifting a hand, "Now you know how I said Sebastian wasn't here yet and he was getting a ride from his best man."

"Yeah," Blaine nodded slowly.

"He didn't show up."

"Who didn't show up?" Blaine asked with anger, "The best man or my fianc�?"

"Your fianc�," Cooper shrugged, "So I called his house and George was there freaking out because Sebastian wasn't there. Apparently he left a note and it said something like he wasn't coming today."

"Did he say why?" Blaine asked. He wasn't exactly sure of his feelings right now. He wasn't sure if he was angry or sad or hurt. He just wanted answers.

Cooper shook his head, "No, I'm sorry Blaine."

"It's perfectly fine," Blaine said trying to keep his head up.

"Do you want me to say something?" Cooper asked him.

"No, I got it," Blaine said as he stormed past Cooper and into the room walking straight up the aisle. He turned around to face everyone, "No wedding today," he laughed to himself as he took his bowtie off, "Apparently my fianc� had other plans."

Kurt was standing off to the side and put his hand over his mouth, "Oh no."

"Well enjoy your day," Blaine gave a nod as he angrily threw his bowtie onto the ground and walked towards his room he was in before. He looked at himself in the mirror. And then he felt it in the pit of his stomach. He lifted the mirror and threw it halfway across the room.

The next day, the television was on blaring some love song that Blaine just wanted to hurl a chair at the device, "Can someone turn that crap off!" he groaned from his spot on the couch.

"That's right dude let it out," David said.

Blaine looked over at him, "Let what out?"

"Your feelings dude," David explained, "It's the only way to get over it."

Cooper nodded, "Yep after everything that douchebag did to you."

"Don't call him that," Blaine said as he threw his arm over his eyes, "Because when we get back together there will be more weirdness between you and him, so watch it."

Cooper looked over at David and Wes and rolled his eyes.

David's little girl, Tanya, ran over holding a picture, "Uncle Blaine I have something for you?"

Blaine lifted his arm, "And what's that munchkin?" he asked as she handed him a picture of him and Sebastian, but Sebastian's face was colored on to make him look like a meerkat with a mustache.

"That's not very nice," Blaine said as he looked at the picture, "Very creative though. Why don't you make another picture for us to hang on our fridge?"

"Okay," Tanya said and ran out of the room.

Blaine stood up, "I just don't understand where he could have gone," he scratched his head, "I need some air." And he left the others to go sit out on the steps.

"He is taking this hard," Wes said as soon as Blaine left, "He is acting like a robot. It's been awhile since he acted this badly and Sebastian was the only one to bring him out of his funk then."

Cooper shrugged, "Blaine was obsessed with weddings when he was little. He has wanted to get married since he was five."

"Isn't that when your parents split for the first time?" David asked.

"Yeah," Cooper nodded, "I think he always wanted a family of his own since then."

They all nodded and Wes looked over at the wedding cake, "Someone stole the other groom off. It looks kind of sad with just the one now."

Blaine was sitting on the stairs outside which led to his and Cooper's apartment. They had been living together for a few years now. He sighed as he was holding the other groomsmen from the cake when he heard the footsteps.

Looking up Blaine saw him, "Hey, you're late."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Sebastian said as he shoved his hands in his pockets, "I just couldn't do it."

"You know if you need some more time I can wait," Blaine said looking over at him.

Sebastian shook his head, "Nah, I don't need anymore time. I don't think I ever want to marry you."

Blaine stared at him wide eyed, "You realize that information would have been a bit more helpful yesterday. When you left me…at our wedding…with all of our friends and family there."

"Look Blaine, I've been thinking a lot and talking to some of my friends the past couple of days," Sebastian started to say.

"Great," Blaine said as he put his head in his hands.

"I think I know what was bothering me. There was this feeling I had inside and you just aren't the same guy you were back in high school. I'm not in love with you now, I love the guy you were six years ago."

Blaine looked up confused, "What?"

"You know," Sebastian said throwing his arms in the air, "You were the star of the Warblers you had it all. And you were amazing, I mean you sort of are great now, but it's not the same."

"You want me to get my uniform?" Blaine asked, "I can put it on right now."

"No, see the point is I woke up that morning and realized I'm about to marry a wedding singer," Sebastian said as he tossed his hands from side to side, "I won't ever leave Ohio."

"What's wrong with Ohio?" Blaine said trying hard to not breakdown in front of Sebastian. "We both grew up here and everyone we know is here. It would be perfect place to raise a family."

"Well isn't that just great," Sebastian rolled his eyes, "You living with your brother and work every weekend doing a wedding for less then a hundred bucks a gig."

Blaine's face was a mixture of emotions now, "You realize if you told me this, we could have�talked about."

"It doesn't matter," Sebastian said, "You know that we both grew apart a long time ago."

"No," Blaine shook his head.

"Yes," Sebastian nodded, "See you just wanted to get married so badly it didn't matter to whom."

"That isn't true," Blaine said, "I love you, I really do. I want to spend the rest of my life with you," he pleaded.

Sebastian looked at Blaine, "I can't do this. I have to go. I'm sorry," and then he turned around leaving him sitting there all alone.

Blaine sat on the stairs and looked back down at the little groomsmen in his hands. He threw it over the railing not caring where it landed.


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