The Fallen Star
Chapter 9 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Fallen Star: Chapter 9

E - Words: 1,352 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 14, 2012 - Updated: Dec 09, 2012
286 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Sorry i havn't updated in a while guys, i've been really busy packing as i'm moving house on Friday, again. Hope you enjoy this chapter and i'll try and get more up before i move.

Kurt looked terrible, his hair was a mess, his eyes puffed up from crying to much and his clothes were all wrinkled. He stared at Blaine, taking in his state. His hair was also a mess, parts sticking out everywhere where he had run his hands through it, tear stained cheeks and also had the same expression as Kurt.

"A-are you ok?" Blaine asked quietly, shifting his gaze away from Kurt and looking down at his feet.

"Yea, i think i am" Kurt smiled warmly at Blaine and walked a little closer to him. "Are you?"

Blaine looked up and locked gazes with Kurt again. "I don't know, i feel terrible"

"Why's that?" He asked, tilting his head in question.

"Don't you understand? I promised i would protect you Kurt, i said i would always keep you safe, and now look what i've done!" He shouted, but regretted it as soon as Kurt stepped away a little. "I'm sorry, i shouldn't of shouted"

"Blaine, it wasn't your fault ok? It was nobodys fault, exept that stupid jerks" He placed a hand on Blaines shoulder and squeezed it gently.

"I know that but, i shouldn't make you feel so scared, i hate you being scared"

"I'm not scared of you Blaine, i never will be. I know this sounds weird because we only met a few days ago but, i trust you ok? You've made me happy, you took me in when i had nowhere else to go, without you i would still be with that guy right now, letting him do who-knows-what to me" He squeezed Blaines shoulder again, smiling when Blaine looked up at him. "And i know your probably thinking i'm never going to talk to you again, but it's not true, it wasn't your fault so nobody needs to be punished here"

Blaine laughed a little and looked up at Kurt. "When did you get so smart?"

"I try" Kurt shrugged and laughed with Blaine.

"I'm sorry i-"

"I'm not accepting any apoligies here Blaine, you don't need to say sorry"

"But i-"

"Nope, not listening. Besides, i'm the one who should be sorry here, i just left you and i didn't say anything, i just ran up to my room. So i'm sorry for leaving you without no thought of where you stood ok?"

"Ok" Blaine said quietly. "Kurt?" Blaine asked, grinning at Kurt a little and biting his lip.


"Can i hug you?" He started to walk slowly towards Kurt, smiling a little.

Kurts eyes widened, but then he realized what Blaine ment. He had been hugged plenty of times, by friends and family members, would it be different with a human?

"S-sure" Before he knew it, he was wrapped up in Blaines embrace, he wrapped his arms around his neck and closed his eyes, letting the feeling of warmth travel through his body. He felt tingles in his stomach and he felt all happy inside. Am i supposed to feel like this when i hug a human? He thought.

They broke away all too soon for Kurts liking, he wanted to hold onto Blaine forever, but he didn't think he would approve of that.

Something finally came into Kurts mind that he wanted to ask Blaine. "Blaine?" He asked, following him to the couch.

"Yea?" He replied, switching on the TV and skipping through the channels.

"Who was that guy? The one that was here an hour ago?" He kept his eyes focused on Blaine, compleatly egnoring the weird sounds coming from the box he was staring at.

"Oh, that's Wes, he's a friend of mine, he just came round to talk"

"To talk about what?"

Blaine stopped skipping the channels and turned to face Kurt with an unsure look on his face. "I umm- I told him about you.."

Kurts face dropped and he stared at Blaine with wide eyes. "You what?"

Blaine winced at Kurts expression. "I thought it would be ok, i mean i need someone to talk to and Wes is my best friend. He promised me he wouldn't tell anyone, and besides, he was actually pretty cool about it, once he got over the shock" He waited for Kurts reaction, but there was none. "Are you mad at me?"

Kurt blinked a couple of times and looked back at Blaine. "No, no of course not. I'm just shocked that's all"

"Shocked about what?"

"That he was fine with me being a star, i thought he would run out of this place of something, or tell everyone" Kurt leaned back on the couch a little and sighed.

"Wes would never do that, there are actually some pretty good people in the world Kurt, you just need to get to know them"

Kurt just hummed and closed his eyes, smiling a little.

"Are you tired?" Blaine asked, grinning at him.

"A little" He mumbled. His head snapped up and he looked at Blaine with questioning eyes "Could i have a wash? I feel really dirty, and my skin feels terrible"

"Sure, i think i need one too. Bath or shower?" He got up and stretched, looking down at Kurt who was still lounging on the couch.

"What?" He asked, confused.

"Oh right, let me guess, you never heard of any of those before?"

"No, not really. We just go into the lake if we need to wash, i take it you don't have a lake hidden in here somewhere?"

"I wish" He laughed a little and gestured to Kurt to follow him into one of the bathrooms he had.

Kurt followed him upstairs and leaned against the door, nodding in understanding when Blaine explained to him the differences between a bath and a shower.

"I think i'll take the shower" Kurt said, Blaine told him how to work it and what to do, while Kurt nodded and listened carefully. "So you just stand underneath the water and it cleans you?"

Blaine laughed a little. "Pretty much, do you want to go into the living room and get some clothes out of the shopping bags? So you can get changed into your pajamas when your finished"

Kurt nodded and headed downstairs, after a few minutes he came back up with a change of clothes in his hand. "Will these do?"

Blaine looked at what was in his hands and nodded brightly, then gestured towards the shower that was now on. "The showers ready, when your done just press that little button at the top and the water will stop. I've put some face creams in your bedroom for you, for your skin i mean"

Kurt nodded and smiled warmly at Blaine. "Thank you"

"No problem, i'll be in the other bathroom if you need anything" With one last smile, Blaine walked out and left Kurt alone.

Two hours later, Blaine was in his bedroom reading when he got a knock on the door. "Come in" He shouted.

The door opened and Kurt peeked his head through, he smiled and walked in. "Hey"

"H-hey" Blaine stutterd as he sat up to look at Kurt fully. Wow he thought. He looks beautiful. His hair was a little damp, which made a few loose bits fall across his forehead, his skin was pale and creamy and was also glowing a little and his body fit the clothes in all the right places. Blaines mouth went dry at the sight.

"Are you ok?" Kurt asked, blushing a little when he felt Blaines eyes all over him.

Blaine coughed a little and snapped his eyes away. "Y-yea, i'm fine"

A few minutes of silence.

"So did you like the shower?" Blaine asked. Smooth he thought. Real smooth.

Kurt laughed a little and Blaine smiled brightly, his laugh was so smooth and calming. Stop it! You can't have these thoughts again.

"Yea, it was refreshing, thank you" He smiled again. "I was actually just coming in to say goodnight, i'm going to get some sleep"

"Yea, no problem and sure. Goodnight Kurt, i hope you sleep well"

Kurt headed back to the door and looked over his shoulder, he blushed as he caught Blaine staring at his ass. He chuckled and walked out, closing the door behind him and heading to his own room across the hall.

When he fell asleep that night, he didn't dream of that mans hands all over him, he dreamt about Blaines hands.

End Notes: Finally, Kurt and Blaine have made up! Sorry it's so short..But anyway, like i said before i'll be moving house soon so i'm trying to get as many chapters done before the internet goes off.Please review! :)Love- J.


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I was so happy to see Blaine and Kurt talk and to see Kurt reassure him that it wasn't his fault. I love how they both find each other attractive but they are too shy to say anything. I can't wait to see what happens next and to see if Kurt and Blaine come closer to being Klaine.

Wow, thank you for all your reviews! Just reading them all warms my heart, the next chapter will be up soon :) I'm glad you like the story - J.