The Fallen Star
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The Fallen Star: Chapter 7

E - Words: 2,144 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 14, 2012 - Updated: Dec 09, 2012
335 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Happy Saturday guys! Here is chapter 7 and i hope you enjoy! :)While you were waiting i posted a little short fic that was an idea of a friends on Twitter, it's called Love In A Danger Zone and i would be really grateful if you guys checked that out! :)Anyway, enough of me blabbering, enjoy this chapter! :)

A few minutes past and soon they were huddled up in Blaines car driving to the mall. Nobody spoke, the silence was dragging on untill Blaine switched the radio on and Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' was soon playing through the speakers. 

Kurt smiled over at Blaine warmly as the music played through the car and without himself realizing it, he began to hum softly to the melody. Blaines eyes widened in shock as he glanced over at Kurt and heard him. His voice was beautiful

"You know this song?" Blaine asked, eyes still on the road but his head was tilted towards Kurt.

"Not really, we have music in Upwood, but it's nothing compared to this. Ours doesn't even have words to it" Kurt replied, giggling a little.

"Upwood?" Blaine furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh, Upwood is the village that i come from, up there"

"Really? You have villages and stuff? Awesome" He chuckled a bit and glanced at Kurt, but then ducked his head and blushed when Kurt caught him.

"Why are you so suprised? I should be the one suprised here, i don't even know what i'm sitting in right now, what is this?" He motioned to the things that were around him.

Blaine chuckled. "It's called a car, i'm not really suprised you don't have these up there. How do you get around when your there anyway? Do you have like, flying carpets?" Blaine asked.

"I wish" Kurt replied, rolling his eyes. "It's really nearly the same, but without all the electronic stuff, our houses are built out of treese and shrubs. But don't ask why, i dont really know how treese grow up there either" Kurt just shrugged his shoulders and began looking out of the window to watch all the scenery passing by in a blur.

Blaine just laughed again and soon he was pulling up into the car park infront of the mall, he parked the car and got out, he waited for Kurt on the other side, but no one came. He walked around the other side, opened the passenger side door and peered inside.

"Kurt?, are you coming?" He asked, Kurt was glued to the seat, eyes wide and staring at the building infront of them.

"Blaine, that place is huge! I can't go in there" He finally broke his gaze away from the 4 story building and locked eyes with Blaine.

"Sure you can" Blaine smiled encouragingly at Kurt and held out his hand for him to take. "Come on, nothing will happen to you, i promise"

Kurt hesitently grabbed Blaines hand and let him lead the way into the mall.

As they walked throught the double doors hand in hand, Kurts jaw dropped. He gaped up at the many shops that were occupying the many floors, his eyes wonderd over all of the people that were walking around, hands full of bags and chatting away on their cell phones.

Blaine grinned as he watched Kurts expression change into fear, wonder, then into exitment. He began to jump up and down and clap his hands.

"This is going to be amazing!" He squeeled and Blaine laughed at how cute Kurt looked at that moment.

"So, i take it you like to shop?" Blaine asked, raising one of his triangular shaped eyebrows.

"Like to shop. Is an understatement, i don't think im good at anything else" He said, biting his lip to stop from squeeling again.

"I'm sure you good at plenty of things"

Kurt blushed and shuffled his feet, Blaine noticed his expression and grabbed his hand again.

"Come on, lets take you shopping" And soon they were walking towards one of the many shops Kurt told Blaine he wanted to visit.

For the next two hours, Kurt was dragging Blaine to every single shop he could find, he knew he should calm down a little, but nobody had ever taken him to a place like this and told him to 'Go wild' before.

He would pick up different shirts and ties and ask Blaine if they would go, he was very picky about what he wore and everything had to be perfect. He helped Blaine pick out a few items of clothing too. He especially liked Blaine in bowties, but Blaine just shook his head and said they looked 'too obvious'. But he ended up buying some anyway.

Blaine noticed that Kurt's faviurite thing to wear was skinny jeans, and good god did Blaine like them on him. He would walk out of the changing rooms in a different pair each time and Blaine swore his mouth went dry every single time.

Every store they went to, Blaine would walk out with at least two more bags in his hand, Kurt had offered to hold some but he just shook his head and told him to go have fun, this shopping trip was for Kurt anyway.

Soon they were sitting outside a small cafe with all of their bags laying around them, enjoying the atmosphere around them. The waitress came with their drinks, Kurt had lemonade and Blaine went with a diet coke.

As soon as Kurt took a sip of his drink he splutterd and started coughing.

"Are you okay?" Blaine asked as he rushed to his side and started rubbing his back.

"Yea, sorry. You said it was going to be fizzy, but i didn't expect that. Why does it hurt my tongue?" He asked when he regained his breath and wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Sorry, i should have warned you, and i don't really know. I havn't thought about it" Blaine shrugged and sat back down, grinning at Kurt over his glass.

"So, tell me something about you" Kurt asked, resting his head on his hand. "I've been telling you an awful lot about my life lately, i want to know about yours"

Blaine smiled at Kurt, he was finally opening up and having the courage to make conversations by himself now, that was a start right? But Kurt was right, he didn't even know anything about Blaine yet.

"Well" Blaine said, clearing his throat. "My name is Blaine Anderson, i'm 21 and i like to write music" He said simply, grinning back t Kurt.

"You like to write music? That sounds awesome!" Kurt smiled brightly and gestured his hand to Blaine, signaling for him to carry on.

Blaine laughed and shook his head. "I graduated from Dalton-" Blaine was cut off by Kurt.

"Dalton?, whats that?" He asked, tilting his head in question and fiddling with his straw in his drink. God why did he have to look so adorable?

"It's a school, i moved there when i was a kid becuase i had some trouble at my old school" Blaine shiverd at the memories. "But it was a pretty good school, i was in the Glee Club there and i had some pretty good friends"

"That sounds nice" Kurt replied, smiling warmly at Blaine, eyes focused on him and taking in all of what Blaine was saying. "You'll have to play me some of your songs one day"

Blaine nodded brightly and took another sip of his drink. "Excuse me, i need to use the bathroom" Kurt nodded as Blaine headed inside the cafe.

It was a few short minutes later that Kurt was approached by someone other than Blaine. 

"Excuse me?" Asked the stranger, staring down at Kurt. There was something in his eyes that Kurt couldn't quite place, but whatever it was, he didn't like it.

"Um, yes?" Kurt replied, not making eye contact with him.

"Can you take a picture of me and my family for me?, we are on a day out and we would like a picture of all of us together, and your the first person i saw" The glint was still in his eyes and now he was smirking. Kurt didn't like it at all, but his parents told him to always be polite, so thats what he would do.

"Of course" He replied, getting out of his chair and following the man, he began taking Kurt past a few shops and down a small alley, where was his family?

"Great" Replied the stranger. "They're just down here"

Kurt kept following him, he knew that this was a bad idea, what would Blaine think when he saw him gone? 

Suddenly he was being pushed up a wall fiecely and cold rough hands were pinning his wrists against it. His eyes widened in shock.

"W-what are you doing? Get off me!" He shouted, struggling against the man, but it was no use, he was bigger than him and Kurt had to hold his breath because he was so close to his face and his breath stunk. Great he thought. I try and be polite to people and this is the thanks i get? Getting asulted? What if that guy was true? What if these people are monters?

"Your so pretty, you now that?" The man growled and Kurt shiverd and tried to back away, but the wall behind him was stopping him.

"What do you want? I have no money, please let me go" Kurt whimpered as the guy got even closer and was soon pinning him against the wall with his whole body.

When Blaine walked out of the cafe with a small smile on his face, it quickly vanished as he saw that Kurt was not at the table. His heart began to race as he quickly grabbed all the bags and started to look around for Kurt.

"Kurt?" He shouted, not even caring if he got weird looks from passersby, he needed to find him.

There was no responce, he could feel his heart beating out of is chest and he felt like he was going to be sick.

"Kurt?!" He shouted again, a little louder. Suddenly he heard a muffled scream coming from behind one of the stores on his left. He ran towards the sound and stumbled back at what he saw, his body went limp and he dropped he bags.

"Your so fuckable, do you know that? I bet you can't wait to get your mouth around my dick, you'd like that won't you?" The man spat. Kurt had his eyes closed and he was trying to get away from the touch of the man, he whimpered and thats all it took for Blaine to catch on.

"What the fuck do you think your doing?!" He shouted, he coudn't contain his anger, he was furious.

Both Kurt and the stranger spun their heads round and stared at Blaine, Kurt let out a sigh of relief. "Blaine" He whispered, his voice thick with fear.

"Who are you?" The man shouted back. "Are you his little fuck buddy are you? Your obviously not giving him what he needs if he's as frigid as a fucking virgin"

"Get your hands off him" Blaine growled, slowly walking closer with his hands balled up in fists by his side.

"Or what?"

Blaine chuckled. Why was Blaine laughing? Kurt thought.

"You don't even want to imagine what i'm going to do to you if you don't take your hands off him right now" There was something in Blaines eyes that Kurt had never seen before, he shivered in fear. Even he was scared of Blaine in that moment.

The man quickly released his grip on Kurt and held his hands up in the air, "He's not worth it anyway, stupid little virgin" then he turned around and fled.

Blaine quickly ran over to Kurt and hugged him tight, he didn't care if he found it awkward, he just wanted to make sure Kurt was ok. Then he released him but kept his arms on his shoulders, looking him over.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Blaine asked, his voice smooth and calm. How could he be so calm over what just happened?

"I- i'm fine, just a little shaken that's all" Kurt replied and smiled at Blaine, but Blaine knew that Kurts smile was forced, so he grabbed his hand and walked back to where he dropped the bags, suprised that they were actually still there.

They walked silently back to the car, and as soon they were in, Kurts tears began to fall. He coverd his face in his hands and sobbed. Blaine reached over to comfort him but Kurt flinched away at the touch. He frowned a little and started the car.

"I'm sorry Kurt, i'm so sorry" He said, biting his lip to stop himself from crying. "I told you everything was going to be ok, i told you i would protect you, but i didn't"

Kurt didn't reply, he just sobbed even harder and faced away from Blaine, turning his whole body towards the window.

The drive home was silent, Kurt had stopped crying now and he was fast asleep in the car, and Blaine prayed to himself that Kurt wouldn't shut himself off again, that was the last thing he would need right now, but he was also beating himself up, if he hadn't of left Kurt alone, none of this would of happened. 

"I'm sorry Kurt, please forgive me" He whsipered into the silence, and even though Kurt couldn't hear him, he still prayed that everthing would be ok when he woke up.

End Notes: Awww, poor Kurt! But whats a fanfiction without a little drama hey? Please forgive me!Wow, i didn't realize this chapter was going to be that long! Anyway, i hoped you enjoy it and the next one will be up sometime next week! :) Thanks for reading and don't forget to drop a review! :)Love- J.


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It was sad to see Kurt have to go through that but it was nice to see Blaine come to his rescue. Although Kurt is probably having doubts about humans at least he saw that Blaine wanted to save him from being harmed. I really enjoy seeing protective Blaine.