The Fallen Star
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The Fallen Star: Chapter 6

E - Words: 1,724 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 14, 2012 - Updated: Dec 09, 2012
357 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Hope you enjoy this chapter! :) I was watching The Glee Project while writing it and i had to stop for a while because i was crying at one of the preformances they did, yes i'm a very over-emotional fangirl. :P

'I'm a star'. The words kept replaying over in his head, like a broken record. At first he just thought that his whole thing was a joke and the camaras would jump out at him in any second, the host telling him that he had just been pranked. But nothing came. After Kurt had told him everything, they just sat there still at the table in silence, Blaine going over all the information Kurt had told him and getting more confused by the second.

It was Kurt who finally broke the silence.

"Blaine?.." He asked hesitently. "Blaine i'm sorry if i've scared you, i'll go if you want, you don't need to look after me i-" Kurt was suddenly cut off.

"No!" He shouted, Kurt jumped a little at the sound, he didn't mean to shout, he just needed to get his attention. "Sorry, i just, i don't want you to go, i want to look after you. You havn't scared me, don't worry" He chuckled a bit. "I was just suprised that's all, it's a lot to take in"

Blaine smiled warmly at him, reaching for his hand across the table they were still sat at, surley they were starting to get uncomfortable by now. Kurt took it with a little hesitation, but smiled back at Blaine as they joined hands.

" don't think i'm a freak?" Kurt asked, tilting his head to the side and waiting for Blaines answer.

"What? Kurt, God no! Don't ever think of yourself like that" He shook his head, eyes wide at what Kurt had just asked.

Kurt just smiled and buried his head.

"So i guess i'm staying with you huh? Untill i find a way back up?"

"Yes, of course you are"

 The next day, Blaine woke up to find Kurt sitting on the kitchen sides, swinging his feet and looking out of the window with focused eyes. He slowly walked up to stand beside him.

"Enjoying the view?" Kurt jumped a little at Blaines sudden voice beside him.

"Jeeze, don't do that!" He replied, hand holding his chest, trying to regain his breath.

"Sorry" Blaine chuckled. "So i guess your liking it here then? You didn't have a nightmare last night which is a start, and your already up and dressed without me" He motioned at Kurts hair which was styled to perfection and the clothes that he wore yesterday.

"Oh, yea sorry about that, i saw this tin in your bathroom and it said 'Hairspray' i guessed you put it on your hair, so i tried it out. Look how good my hair looks!" He pointed to his hair and started shaking his head a little, showing Blaine that it didn't move no matter how hard he shook his head. "And i didn't know what else to do, i heard noises outside so i came to have a look"

"Hey, don't apoligize it's fine. Like i said, it's a start" He said, waving a hand dismissively.

"Wait.." Kurt said, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Blaine looked at him with a worried look. "You said that i didn't have a nightmare lastnight, i told you i was having nightmares, but i didn't say i had one while i was here. How did you know about that?" Kurt asked, eyebrows now raised in question.

" woke up yesterday morning to noises coming from your room, so i went to see what it was. When i saw that you were making the noises, clutching on tightly to the sheets, thrashing around, i knew that those must have been the nightmares that you were talking about. I didn't want to wake you so i left you, but then you started crying and thrashing around even more and i-" Kurt saw the terrified expression on Blaines face and stopped him.

"Hey, hey it's ok. Don't get so worked up about this ok? I don't want you hurting yourself, they are nothing serious. Sorry if i scared you, but i'm ok now, you said so yourself that i didn't have one last night, so thats a good thing right?"

Blaine saw how calming Kurt was, his voice was so reasuring. He let out a deep breath and faced him.

"Your right, i'm sorry, i was just worried that you would think i was some kind of weirdo that liked watching you sleep or something, i didn't want to scare you away"

They smiled warmly at eachother and that was when Blaine realized that he was still standing next to Kurt in the kitchen, in his pajamas. He chuckled slightly and made a move to the fridge to take a look inside.

"Are you hungry? Do you-" Blaine cut off suddenly as he rememberd what Kurt had told him the other day. 'I don't eat or drink'. He turned around to face him and smiled at him apologetically. "Sorry, i forgot"

"It's fine" He replied, still sitting on the kitchen side. "You'll get used to it"

"Have you ever tried to eat or drink?" Blaine asked, moving to the cubards and retrieving some bread to make toast.

"Not really.."

"Well, do you want to try?" Blaine asked again, this time with a cheeky grin.

"I don't know, i mean, i don't even know how or even if i physically can. Or what will happen to the food if i do, i mean will it disappear or something?" He shrugged.

"Well you never know unless you try" Blaine popped two pieces of bread in the toaster and set the time, then turned to Kurt. "So what do you want to do today?"

"Your asking me what i want to do?" He started at Blaine with a shocked expression.

"Umm, yea?" After a moment Kurt didn't answer, he was still staring at Blaine in disbelief. "What? It's not like your my slave or anything, what were you expecting? Me to put you on a leash and make you follow me round wherever we go?" The thought of Kurt on a leash seemed very appealing to Blaine and suddenly he felt blood rush South. No, i can't think of Kurt like that! Were friends, not even that yet i suppose.

"Sorry" Kurt replied, shaking his head to clear his mind a little. "I just, didn't expect that"

"What do you mean?" Blaine asked, taking the now toasted bread out of the toaster when it popped and started to butter it.

"Well, where i come from, up there" Kurt motioned up to the ceiling, clearly meaning the sky. "Humans are looked at as, not very nice should i say"

Blaine stopped buttering and turned his head to Kurt. "What?"

"It's nothing, really. I shouldn't of brought it up, i'm sorry" He tried to change the subject and act normal but Blaine wasn't having it.

"No, please. Tell me" He said simply, looking at Kurt with pleading eyes.

He sighed a little. "Fine" He took a deep breath and began to talk. "The people that live up there, they don't beleive that humans are real, they don't beleive that you live down here. When the Gaurdian announces that he will be sending someone down, everyone just thinks that they get sent some place else, far away. But i heard once that someone got sent down here, and they made it back up, but the things they said about you were awful"

He stopped, not knowing wether to carry on, but when Blaine gave him a gentle nod, he continued.

"He said that he got treated as a slave, that they beat him and that he was forced to do all these bad things. When he escaped and found a way back up, he told everyone about it and they all believed him. They thought he was this big hero that survived to tell the tale and now they all worship him. Now everyone thinks all humans are some kind of monsters" He dropped his head down and started fiddling with his fingers, not knowing what to do.

When Blaine heard everything Kurt had said, he felt terrible, did they really think of him this way? Did Kurt think of him this way?

"Do you believe that?"

Kurts head shot up at Blaine question, he bit his lip a little and shook his head. "I did, thats why i was so scared the first time i saw you, i thought you were going to hurt me. But when i saw the way you took care of me, and the way you were so nice and understanding, i knew that he had to be wrong" He locked eyes with Blaines "Thats why i was so shocked when you asked me what i wanted to do, that was the moment i realized you were different and that you wouldn't use me or hurt me"

"I would never hurt you Kurt, i want you to remember that. If your not comfortable with anything, you just tell me ok? I want to make sure your always going to be safe" He tried to and persuade Kurt that he was telling the truth, he knew he would hesitate on believing him, he wanted Kurt to trust him.

"I will" He replied, smiling warmly at Blaine.

When Blaine had finished buttering the toast that was now a little cold, he offerd Kurt a piece, and with a little boost of encouragement from Blaine, he ate it. Kurt was shocked that he'd actually eaten something for the first time. He was suprised that a little bread could taste so good, and it didn't affect him in any way.

"So, that question still stands" Blaine said. They had now moved to the sofa in the small living room Blaine had and they were sitting on either side of it with their legs crossed, facing eachother.

"What question?"

"The one where i asked you what you wanted to do today, i mean it's on 12:30, we have all day to do something, if you'd like"

"No way am i going outside anywere in this" He gestured wildly with his hands to his clothes, Blaine reminded himself that they still had to go shopping to get Kurt some clothes, well why not go now?

"We could go shopping? To buy you new clothes i mean"

Kurts face lit up with exitement and his mouth dropped open. "Shopping? Really?!"

Blaine nodded and smiled brightly back at Kurt, now this was a good decision. "Come on, lets go"

And off they went, Blaine had to lend Kurt a coat and scarf because it was quite chilly out, and with Kurts moans about them clashing with what he was wearing, they headed out the door.

End Notes: This took a little longer than i expected so, please be nice with me! :P Next it Kurts shopping trip! How do you think he'll react? Do you think they'll survive? :PHaha, well enjoy and please review! :)Love- J.


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awh this is such a beautiful fic! I want more!

Thank you! :) And don't worry, there will be more soon! :)