Dec. 9, 2012, 8:06 a.m.
Dec. 9, 2012, 8:06 a.m.
Blaine awoke the next morning from hearing faint shuffling around in his guest room, he opened his eyes and slowly sat up, streching to awake every part of his body. He sat there for a few minutes and listened closely to the sound. There was definitely someone in the room. He was just about to climb out of bed when he heard a faint whimper. Kurt
All his thoughts came flooding to him. He rememberd now, the night before. He rememberd running out of the club trying to get away from all the commotion. The way David and Wes chased after him and begged him to stay with them and have fun, but he didn't. He rememberd walking home and taking the short cut through the forests, then seeing a bright light. The bright light that was Kurt.
The same Kurt that had fallen from the sky last night, the one who's skin glowed and shone against the light. The one who he brought home and was now sleeping in his house! What was Blaine thinking? Bringing someone home that just happened to fall out of the sky right infront of his eyes and have no explination for it, he could have been anyone. But then he rememberd the look in Kurts eyes, the way he looked so confused and scared, begging for help.
Blaine snapped out of his thoughts. He climbed out of bed, pulled on some sweats and an old t-shirt and headed for the guest room. Kurt must have been awake for Blaine to hear him shuffling around. He stood awkwardly outside his door, took a deep breath and knocked twice. He waited for Kurts answer but there was none, he knocked again a little louder and open the door a little, just enough to peek his head through.
"Kurt?" No answer.
"Kurt are you alright?" Blaine opened the door a little wider and looked over to where Kurt was still sleeping. He stepped in and walked slowly over to him, he stared down at the bundle of sheets wrapped round a pure white body. He smiled warmly down at him and sat on the edge of the bed, careful not to sit on any part of him.
His fists were scrunched up and they gripped tightly on the sheets, his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were jutting underneath his eyelids. His lips were dry and his hair was sticking out in all different directions, but he still looked like the most beautiful creature on earth. Stop it Blaine, you can't be thinking about things like this again. He shook his head and glanced at Kurt again, before he knew what he was doing, Blaine reached out a hand and brushed back the strands of hair that fell across Kurts forehead.
He flinched a little in his sleep but soon relaxed into the touch and sighed. But soon his body started to shake a little and he was thrashing under the covers, little crys of protests escaping his lips. Blaine didn't know what to do so he reched both arms and placed them on Kurt shoulders, whispering soothing gestures to him to try and calm him down. Soon Kurt was lying still with his knees up to his chest and a tear falling from his eye. Blaine wiped the tear from his cheek with his thumb. He was still asleep, Blaine was worried, why was Kurt having nightmares? Was there something that did happen? Was that why he was sent down from wherever he came from? Wow, he sure did ask himself a lot of questions he didn't know the answer to.
Blaine decided to leave him to get some more sleep, so he walked out and closed the door quietly behind him. He made his way to the kitchen where he poured himself some coffee, he hesitated on making Kurt some, but he didn't know if he would drink it so he figured he could just ask him when he awoke.
As he was sitting at the table, coffee in hand and reading the newspaper, he heard footstepts coming from the hallway, he looked up and smiled brightly.
"Morning Kurt" He said and walked over to him.
"Morning.." His voice was thick from sleep, but he smiled back at Blaine.
"Would you like some coffee or something to eat?" He led him over to the table and gestured Kurt to sit down, still smiling warmly at him as he sat on the chair across from him.
"Umm, no thanks" Kurt just ducked his head and played with the table cloth, marveling in the feel and texture of it.
Blaine laughed a little, not believing what Kurt had just said. He would die if he didn't have his daily coffee, but then again, Kurt was different. "Are you sure? I could make some right now, its not a bother"
"No, really its fine. I don't eat, or drink" He looked up and glanced at Blaine, smiled and then turned his attention back to the table cloth that he was twisting in his hands.
"What? Really? How is that possible?" Blaines eyes were wide with shock, how could someone not eat or drink? Wouldn't they die or something?
Kurt just shrugged and kept his head down, eyes focused on what he was doing. Blaine decided not to push the subject, he still needed to ask Kurt about the nightmares, but he didn't want to sound too pushy and scare him. Blaine shuffled in his seat a little, thinking of something to keep the converstion alive. Screw it he thought, and he began asking the questions that he had been thinking about all morning.
"So, are you going to tell me what exactly is going on here?" He didn't want to sound offensive, so he kept his voice low and calm, keeping his eyes on Kurt waiting for an answer.
"What do you mean?" Kurt looked up and gave Blaine a confused look.
"Well, for a start, you randomly just fell out of the sky last night and i brought you in, i don't know anything about you but your name and its getting kind of awkward because i don't know what you are or what kind of person you are, and it would really help me right now if you filled me in"
Kurt sighed and shook his head. "There's nothing to tell"
"Kurt please, i'm trying to help you here and your not letting me in. What are you so scared of?" He tilted his head in question, eyebrow raised.
"It's not that i'm scared. It's just, i never thought this was going to happen to me, so i didn't really have a whole speach planned out for this kind of thing" Kurt laughed a little and was now looking right at Blaine. He was pretty shocked, that was the most Kurt had said to him yet.
"Thought what wasn't going to happen to you?" Blaine asked, curiosity thick in his voice. He needed to know everything.
"It's a long story"
"I've got time Kurt" Blaines head was spinning, did he really want to know what Kurt was about to tell him? Was he even ready? Because the way Kurt was looking at him right now told him that this was something compleatly different from any other stories people might have told him. He sat there as he let Kurt gather his thoughts and smiled reasuringly at him. This was something he wanted to know, this was Kurt finally opening up to him.