The Fallen Star
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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The Fallen Star: Chapter 12

E - Words: 1,403 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 14, 2012 - Updated: Dec 09, 2012
282 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: Hello again! Sorry i haven't been updating much, i've had alot of exams this week and i havn't had chance to come online much. I hope this makes up for it! :)

The two boys walked into the house, hung their belongings up and threw their exausted bodies on the couch, both sighing in releif.

"What a long day" Blaine said while trying to bury himself deeper into the couch.

"As much as you've made me love shopping, i'm never doing that again" Replied Kurt, slowly getting up and heading to the kitchen for a drink.

"You had fun though right?" The darker haird boy asked and turned his head around so he could see Kurt.

The taller boy smiled and sipped his water, heading back over to the living room. "Of course i did"

They both stayed there for at least half an hour, too content in the peaceful moment and too tired to move.

Blaine smiled lovingly over at Kurt, drinking in all of his fetures. His perfectly coiffed hair and the way the blonde streaks stood out. His bright blue, entrancing eyes that could drain all the life out of him with just one look. And his pink plump lips that he just wanted to kiss and bite and call his own.

The taller boy must have caught him staring because when Blaine finally came out of his daydreams about how beautiful he looked, Kurt was staring back with an eyebrow raised in question.

"Do i have something on my face?" He asked, a smile tugging on the sides of his lips.

Blaine blushed and cleared his throat. "N-no, there's nothing on face" He got up and headed to his bedroom.

"Where are you going?" The blue eyed boy asked, face falling a little.

"You have a suprise, remember?" He replied over his shoulder and carried on walking to his room.

Kurts mind finally caught up and he had remembered what Blaine had said on the way home. What could it be? He thought, furrowing his eyebrows. I don't remember doing anything special, why would he have a suprise for me? Should i be worried? No, no Blaines not like that. He wouldn't hurt me, never.

Soon he was dragged out of his thoughts by hearing footsteps retreating from the bedroom, he saw Blaine heading back in with his guitar in his hand.

"Wait, wait. Are you doing what i think your doing?" Kurt asked, smile widening as Blaine sat infront of him with the instrument placed on his lap.

"Yup, your finally hearing me play. Besides i just wrote this song and i want you to tell me what you think" The shorter boy said, locking eyes with him as he started to strum quietly.

"I'd love to hear it" Kurt smiled as he changed his position on the couch they were sharing.

"Just, listen to the words ok? Really, really listen"

The taller boy eyed him for a moment, before agreeing. "I-i will"

Blaine took a deep breath and began to sing as he stummed the notes quietly in the background.

My gift is my song... and this one's for you
And you can tell everybody that this is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind, I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words...
How wonderful life is, now you're in the world

A sudden rush of emotion hit Kurt as he listened to the first words, he brought his hand up to his mouth and gasped quietly, eyes wide.

Sat on the roof
And I kicked off the moss.
Well some of these verses
Well they, they got me quite cross.
But the sun's been kind while I wrote this song.
It's for people like you that keep it turned on.

Blaine kept his eyes locked on Kurts while he sang, he wanted to make him realize that this was true, that he ment every word and that he was special.

So excuse me forgetting,
But these things I do.
You see I've forgotten if they're green or they're blue.
Anyway the thing is, what I really mean,
Yours are the sweetest eyes
I've ever seen

Kurt felt a single tear fall from his eye, how could Blaine make him go from a blushing, fumbling mess into an emotional wreck? Did he really mean all this? Was Blaine finally returing all the feelings that Kurt has had towards him ever since that first night?

And you can tell everybody
That this is your song.
It may be quite simple,but
Now that it's done.

Blaines breath caught in his throat when he saw Kurt crying, didn't he like the song? Was he pushing him into all this? Oh god what if he didn't love him back? He still carried on with the song and hoped that Kurts tear was a sign of happiness, not sadness.

I hope you don't mind,I hope you don't mind
That I put down in words
How wonderful life is now you're in the world

The song came to an end and Blaine placed his quitar down at the side of the couch, took a deep breath and looked back at Kurt with hopefull eyes.

"Y-you wrote that?" Kurt asked, wiping a tear from his eye.

Blaine nodded. "I wrote that for you"

The blue eyed boy blushed and grinned deeply. "Did you really mean it? Everything you just said, did you mean it?"

The shorter boy cautiously took Kurts hands and stared deep into his eyes, shuffling his body so he was closer. "Of course i did. I meant every word. Kurt, there is a moment when you say to yourself 'Oh. There you are. I've been looking for you forever' My life wasn't even worth living when you wern't here, and now you are, i could never imagine it any other way"

Kurt ducked his head and blushed, but his breath hitched as he felt Blaines warm, soft fingers touch his chin and tilt his head upwards. "Kurt, you are beautiful. Your the most breath taking person i have ever seen or had the chance to find, and i want you to know that. I know that this was not what you were expecting at all, but i've loved you since the first time i saw you and when i found you in the forest i knew that you were special to me...I love you Kurt."

Kurt just stared back at Blaine speechless, he searched the other boys eyes for anything that wasn't the truth, but there was none. Blaine loved him, Blaine Anderson loved him!

"I-i don't know what to say.."

"Please say you love me back, please" Blaine practically begged, squeezing his hands.

"I d-do. I have ever since you found me. Blaine i can't tell you how long i've wanted to hear that from you, you don't know how much it kills me knowing that your sleeping just on the other side of that wall and i can't come in and lay with you like i've always wanted to. You've helped me through everything, you've given me a home, you've been there when i've been at my worst and most of all, you've given me my life back. Blaine i can't see my life being as perfect as it is now without you in it" Kurt had only just realized now that he had started to cry again, Blaine slowly reached over and wiped the tear away with his thumb, smiling brightly at Kurts words.

"So, you love me?" Was all he could say.

"Yes Blaine, i love you. I always have, and i always will"

Without hesitation, Blaine slowly leaned in closer to Kurts, their faces inches apart. Both boys could feel eachothers breath ghosting over their lips. "Say it again" Blaine whispered.

"I love you" Kurt whispered back and then their lips touched, so gentle it wasn't even counted as a kiss. Kurt had never been kissed before, but now that he had been, he never wanted to stop. He leaned forward a little more to deepen the kiss and Blaine gasped into his mouth, leaning back into the couch so Kurt was straddling him.

Their lips slowly danced, Blaine caressing Kurts face with his soft, warming hands and Kurts hands winding around the shorter boys neck. Blaine hesitently ran his tongue along the taller boys bottom lip and Kurts mouth opened obediently.

Both moaned as their tongues touched and started to make their own dance, Kurt ran his fingers through Blaines soft, lustrous curles and pulled himself closer to him, wanting to compleatly lose himself in the others body. Blaine moved his hands down to Kurts skinny waste and wrapped his arms around him securely, scared of losing him and losing this moment.

They stayed like that for a while, kissing softly and exchanging whispered 'I love you's'. Both boys were too wrapped up in eachother and too overwhelmed in their emotions to realize that Kurt had started to glow.

End Notes: They kissed! :DThe song in this chapter was 'Your Song' but it was the Moulin Rouge version if any of you were wondering. I'll be posting another chapter tomorrow because i haven't done alot this week, sorry it's so short btw, my writing sucks.Well i hope you enjoyed it and yes i know, i slipped a little of 'Original Song' in there but i couldn't resist. :P Please R&R, it would mean alot!Love- J.


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This chapter was so good. I am so happy that they finally kissed and that they expressed their love for one another. I look forward to finding out why Kurt started to shine and to see how that may effect them.