The Fallen Star
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The Fallen Star: Chapter 1

E - Words: 1,382 - Last Updated: Dec 09, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Oct 14, 2012 - Updated: Dec 09, 2012
618 0 3 0 0

Author's Notes: Please review and enjoy! I also have no beta so please forgive me if i make any spelling/punctuation mistakes!Much love! :)

The music was blaring, the bright neon lights were bouncing off the walls, flashing his vision, he coverd his hand over his eyes a little and started to make his way through the over-exited crowd. He reached the bathroom and pushed the door open, staggering through. He needed to get away from the loud thuds of the music before his head exploded.

He uncoverd his eyes and found himself standing infront of a mirror, the stalls were all closed, the doors rattling on the hinges with unmistaken pleasurable whines escaping the mouths of couples in them. He shook his head and egnored them, he ran the water and splashed some onto his face, hoping that it could help his headache at least a little bit.

He stood there, staring at himself in the mirror, what was he doing? He told himself that he wasn't going to do this anymore, it was no good for him. The only reason he had agreed to come out was because it was karaoke night and Wes and David promised him that they could sing together, but he had lost them hours ago. He had to get out of there or he was sure he was going to have a panic attack soon.

What happened to him? What happened to his life? He rememberd the days where he would sit in Lima Bean, coffee in his hand, and music sheets spread around the table, making adjustments here and there to make the pitch perfect and the melody just right. His dream was Broadway and he was certain he would fulfill that dream when he graduated from Dalton, but here he was, 21 and still stuck in Lima.

It was only when he heard the moans and the grunts from the stalls behind him getting louder that he realized he was standing in a club bathroom, gawping in a mirror, talking to himself.

He walked to the bathroom door, hearing the ongoing music thud through the building, he took a deep breath and walked out. As soon as he shut the door behind him he was swarmed with bodies, dancing and swaying to the music, he pushed his way through and gasped as some cold liquid made contact with his stomach, leaving a stain on his shirt. The woman apolized repeatedly and offerd to go get him a drink, he just waved her off and started to walk towards the main doors, doging the druken bodies and bad breath hitting him in every direction.

As soon as he burst through the doors and ran a few feet away from the building, he finally took a deep breath and relaxed. He closed his eyes and evened out his breathing, taking in all the clear alcoholic-free air his lungs would hold. His damp shirt sticking to his stomach where the liquid was begining to dry. He grimaced and started to rub at it with his hand.

Suddenly two voices were shouting his name, he spun around and was faced with Wes and David running towards him.

"Blaine! Blaine what the hell, we were worried sick, where were you!?" Wes demanded coming to a hault and holding his hand out to Blaine, signaling him to hold on and let him catch his breath.

"Yea, we saw you run out of the bathroom, did someone try and pull you into a stall again?" David cought up and was now standing next to Wes, patting him on the back and searching Blaines eyes for an answer.

"Sorry guys, it was all to much. I had to get out, my head was throbbing and-" Blaine was caught of by Wes's dissaproved grunt.

"Dude this always happens, every time we try and take you out, you always either turn us down, or come and then leave 10 minutes later. Which is now why we are standing here"

"I'm sorry, it just isnt my thing you know? The loud music, the over-crowded dance floors. You can't even sit anywhere because people are either making out or dry humping on all of the seats!" Blaine was annoyed, he crossed his arms over his chest to stop the chilling wind hitting his bare arms and dropped his head down.

"But you never go anywhere Blaine! And its just..not like you. We used to go everywhere together man. Remember in our Dalton years? When we used to slip out of our dorms at night and head to Scandals? You loved that, whats changed now?" David asked, keeping the softeness to his voice so he didn't upset Blaine, but he could tell he just wanted to be left alone.

"I grew up.." Blaine replied, the anger was edging into his voice, he really didn't want to fight with his friends, he just wanted to go home, why couldn't they let him go home?

Wes and David's face fell, what had happened to Blaine? He used to be so happy, and fun to hang with. But ever since his parents died, he was never really the same person, it was like he was just a shell, and the real Blaine was buried deep down inside.

Blaine had knew he upset his friends, he could see the hurt looks on their faces, the way their eyes were almost..pitfull. He let his head fall and his arms around himself tighten, when did he get so hurtful?

"I should go, ill call you guys later" He mumbled and spun on his heel, walking in the direction of his house,he didn't even look back, he needed to clear his head, so he took the long path and begun his journey.

As he walked, his mind flooded with thoughts and the looks on his friends faces, he didn't mean for it to come out that way, he didn't know what else to say, but it was the truth, he had grown up. When did things get so complicated? When his parents died, he thought things would become easier, there would be nobody who would bring him down, or dissaprove of him because of his sexuality. He actually thought he could get through it.

A few weeks after his parents death, things began to change, and not in a good way, which suprised him. He would stay in bed on weekends, stay in after school when he would normally go out with his friends, he missed alot of Warbler practice, he didn't know what was going on. His friends noticed it and called him out on it, he just said that he was grieving, and he would be alright in a few short weeks, they shrugged it off and left him to it.

But those few short weeks were the worst, he began closing off his friends and other relatives, miss days off school and stay in the house all day, the only time he would leave was when he would take a walk through the forest a few blocks away to clear his mind.

This was not grieving, this was something worse. He was lonley, he had nobody. Even though his parents were not really parents to him, they were still there. He would come home from school to a  nice warm home and his dinner on the table, he could talk to him mum about anything, even though she wasn't happy about his 'choice of lifestyle' she was still someone he could open up to and talk to her about anything, (apart from the fact he liked boys instead of girls).

And even though his dad was never there for him, supported him, or even cared for him, he was still just another person to talk to, and ever since they died, he was left all by himself, in the same house and living off their past.

He finally found out what it was, it was just lonliness.

His thoughts finally came all rushing back to him and he found himself still walking along the long winding path that led to the forest he used to visit, he didn't even though he was heading that way, he just let his feet guid him. He stopped infront of it, squinting his eyes a little so he could see past the beggings of the tall treese. He spent so much time in there when he was a kid, would it all look the same? Would anything change? He stepped closer, held his breath, and began to walk through.

End Notes: Hope you like the first chapter guys! :) Please review and tell me what you think! :)Love you lots my little lemon drops. <3


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This was a good first chapter and it makes me curious as to what will happen next. It was sad to realize how lonely Blaine had been and how he didn't really have any he felt he could talk to. I look forward to seeing what happens once he enters the forest and to see how the rest of Blaine's journey goes.

I loved this chapter it was so cute please keep writing the idea of the story is really good :)

I think this is a really good story, if I can just get past the spelling errors.