Another Day
prologue Story
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Another Day: prologue

T - Words: 544 - Last Updated: Aug 21, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 1/? - Created: Aug 21, 2012 - Updated: Aug 21, 2012
385 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: I know it's super super short, but I'm still deciding if it's worth continuing...


                Much like yesterday and the day before, and nearly identical to the day before that, Kurt took a deep breath and shut his locker door. He wasn't being brave and he wasn't being strong Kurt was going to his class and he was going to keep walking to it whether a slushy was thrown in his face or he was slammed into a locker on the way. What did it matter really at this point? What did it matter if he shouted or cried or fell through a portal to Narnia? He had stopped wasting his energy on telling teachers, he had stopped putting his father through the helplessness of leaving the bruises visible, he had stopped bothering with everyone really.

                As long as he still wore 5 layers of designer clothing and as long as he still sang notes most of the girls in glee had to reach for, he was still Kurt to everyone. To himself though Kurt wasn't really sure what that meant, he was there, he smiled at his friends, he stayed awake in class, he ate his lunch and he drove himself home to lay in bed for hours trying to figure out exactly why people say that we all have a place and a purpose.

                Maybe Kurt was different but he never for one second mistook himself as special.

                Kurt Hummel was the shell of an extraordinary man, hollowed out by years of nothing less than torture, and as far as he was aware that was all he would ever be.


                "Kurt! You have to! You're the only boy in glee that can pull this off, can you imagine Puck in a private school? He'd be expelled before anyone could explain he wasn't enrolled!"

                "Why don't you do it, you'd fit in perfectly with a bunch of plaid skirt, knee sock, daddy's girls."

                "Have you even been listening to me? It's an all boys school! Trust me if I thought I could pull it off I would, but the last time I wore a wig my head itched for a week; and besides I have to practice my solo tonight."

                Rachel had been nagging Kurt to spy on their regionals competition (or as she put it "just have a look around while technically not specifically letting on that you aren't a student, and if you happen to watch their glee club practice, maybe take a few notes for general purposes...").

                "Fine, alright I'll go after school, but only because my hair looks really good today, now will you leave me alone for ten seconds?" He didn't actually mind Rachel too much most of the time, she was usually too busy seeking the approval of Mr. Shue or Finn to bother him.

                Rachel was appeased and skipped off to do whatever it is fame-crazed teenage girls do in their spare time (things that Kurt was perfectly content not thinking of) and Kurt was left to finish dumping his things in his locker. He had a free period after his lunch and only glee after that which Rachel had already promised to cover for him in, so he walked quickly to his car and sped off to the Dalton Academy.



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