Trust In Our Love
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Trust In Our Love: Chapter 9

E - Words: 3,551 - Last Updated: Apr 07, 2014
Story: Closed - Chapters: 14/? - Created: Oct 23, 2013 - Updated: Oct 23, 2013
212 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Hope you liked the chapter.. Some things coming up will be super fun and some new angsty stuff soon.. Sorry to those that hate the angst, but thats what makes a good story!

Have a very safe New Years everyone!

Chapter 9

Blaine and Kurt finished doing their walkthrough on the apartment, everything completed. They settled at the kitchen counter to sign off on everything. "Sign here and here and initial on every page Mr. Hummel-Anderson." Jim, the contractor, directed. "And you too Mr. Hummel-Anderson. This will complete that we did a walkthrough on everything and with the exception of the trim around the fireplace and the crown molding in the entry way, you agree that everything meets your approval. Of course, if you find anything, anything at all, just call me and Ill get someone out here."

They each took turns signing off on everything, then stood to walk Jim to the door. "Thank you for everything Jim." Blaine shook his hand and Kurt followed.

"Here are the keys. I took the liberty of changing the locks as well. You cant be too safe, I suppose. Tell your grandfather I said hello."

"I will and thanks for that too." Motioning to the door locks.

"Enjoy it both of you." he walked out the door.

Kurt immediately turned back to the apartment and a huge grin formed on his face. "Its done and its all ours!"

"Now, did you already pick out the furniture?" Blaine asked though he knew what the answer would be..

"You know I did. Weeks ago. All of the furniture is being delivered next week. We have these low seated chairs from Flair that swivel. I got four of them to put in front of the window as a sitting area to relax and talk. Itll be a great place to hang out when we have some friends over. I didnt like much else there because it was way to modern and uncomfortable looking. I know what you like." Kurt wanted to pick something that he knew would be comfortable and match the apartment. Blaine liked comfort and Kurt liked to cuddle, so the furniture would have to be good for that.

"I like you." Blaine responded like a little kid in a candy shop.

Kurt kissed him on the cheek as he pulled him toward the area. "Okay.. so the four chairs will go here and I got a small table from Crate and Barrel. Then here in front of the fireplace, I got a formal sofa, love seat and chair from..." He was so excited.

Blaine cut him off. "Sweetie. I trust you. I hope you had fun."

"I did. Youre going to love it." Kurt was bouncing with exciting.

"I cant wait to see it all. Id love anything you picked because you picked it with care, love and vision."

"You should see the bed. I made sure it was the perfect bed for us." Kurt said slyly. "Its perfect I swear."

Blaine came up behind Kurt, wrapped his arms around him and whispered, "I cant wait to fuck you in it then."

It was like everything hit at once. They signed the papers and the apartment was theirs, but they had no time for anything. The symposium was next week, the furniture was being delivered next week, Kurt was asked to put in a few extra hours next week and school was starting in a matter of weeks.

Blaines group met at the coffee shop again. Lauren and Corinne had decided they liked the less formal setting for brainstorming. They had their topics for discussion lined up and they had to determine how to present them. Justin came back to the table with the same ideas that were shot down yet again by the group. Justin continued to blame it on Blaine and what had happened. "Let it go Blaine. Get over it. Your boyfriend knows what happened."

"MY HUSBAND, you idiot. He has nothing to do with this. I stand by my words from last week. Your idea sucks. We need to provide a new and fresh approach to this. These ideas could shape our future government and our world." The girls nodded their agreement with Blaines words.

Justin laughed. "You really believe this bullshit?" He looked for agreement, but got none. "This is just a way for us to meet people in high places. Theyre not really going to take anything we say seriously."

Blaine sat back in his chair and crossed his arms and ankles. "I disagree. I think your foolish to think that."

Lauren cut in. "Blaines right. This is a chance for us. Maybe you dont care Justin, but Im graduating and this is chance for me to get noticed and possibly start my future."

"So this is all about you."

She turned her head toward Blaine choosing to ignore Justin. "Youre right about him, hes and idiot."

Blaine chuckled. "Heres my idea. We present our case with a Powerpoint and photos of our problems. The photos should move around the screen as we speak in front of each one. Our shadow on the screen behind us will give them a sense of authority on the topic. Ive seen it done and if done right, its really compelling. The issues will come to the surface as we discuss the topics and we look like we are experts. We each get a chance to speak to our research. We need to iron out the key points together so that we are all prepared to speak to any one of the topics. I think everyone else will go with the standard hand out and expect to sit around the table and talk about it. I want to go with drama and be remembered." Blaine smiled as he saw the recognition in the girls eyes.

It was Lauren who spoke after a few seconds of thinking about it. "Dr. Stein was right, you are special, Blaine Anderson. I like the idea. Even if it flops, well be remembered."

"You want to be remembered as a flop?"

"No, Justin, I dont, but I like this idea. Itll be different and it will make us stand out. I think we should do it." Lauren looked around the table. "Who agrees?" Three hands went up. "Its three against one. Now lets start working on the speaking points for each topic. Then we probably need to figure out how we open the discussion on it. We may have to hit the internet for the right pictures for the presentation."

The group worked the entire day on this new plan, Justin voicing his displeasure every step of the way.

"Kurt, we have a bunch of models coming in today. We dont usually fit to the model, but were working on something a little different today. The models will be walking around the guests so there are going to be a few that well fit to the outfit." Mitch explained. The hustle in the room was far busier than normal. "I want you and Ava to fit them, okay?"

Kurt nodded his understanding. "When will they be here and what are we fitting to them?"

Mitch turned toward the door and there were four models standing there looking around. "Theyre here. Kurt you need to take the two guys and Ava you need to fit the two girls." He motioned them toward him. They made their way to them and Mitch quickly said, "This is Kurt. Hell be fitting Dane and Caleb. Ava will fit Mia and Tawny." He turned to the tables and pointed to the drawings and then the dress forms. "Those." Each had two outfits each.

"Okay. Mia and Tawny, come with me." Ava directed them.

"Wait! Ava, where do I take them?" Kurt felt so confused. He wasnt given any direction and had never done this before.

"Oh, you guys go to the back room. It serves as a kind of mens fitting room."

"Okay." Kurt was left alone with two models just staring at him. One seemed extremely disinterested, but the other was looking him up and down. It made Kurt feel dirty. "So, let me grab some things and we can start." Kurt was nervous as he gathered a pin cushion, tape measure, scissors and the outfits. He struggled with it until help found him.

"Ill get that one sexy." Caleb said.

"Um. Thank you." Kurt tried to keep his cool. He could just get through this and hopefully not have to see this guy again. Kurt led the way as Caleb followed far too closely behind him.

"So, sexy, what are you doing later?" Kurt didnt respond, he just kept walking forward. "Aw, come on long legs. How about wrapping them around me tonight?"

Kurt couldnt ignore that one. "Excuse me?" He was offended by this guy. "Thats about the most offensive thing anyone has ever said to me."

"What, sexy?" Kurt eyed him. Caleb laughed. "Okay, okay. You are sexy though. So, you seeing anyone?"

"Thats none of your business. Now, lets get started." Kurt set his things down. "Who wants to go first?" Kurt immediately regretted it because he knew Caleb would go last to be alone with him after all of those comments.

"Dane will go. He has a photo shoot after this anyway." Caleb leaned against a beam as Kurt started to work. Dane changed behind a screen and returned to the room.

"Ill work on your pants first." Dane still said nothing. Kurt finally turned to Caleb. "Does he speak?"

"Not really, hes German and only knows a little bit of English." He turned to Dane. "Dane. Hes going to do the pants." Dane nodded and stood straighter with his legs spread apart a little. Kurt got down on his knees to start measuring and pinning. "I was hoping to see you down on your knees."

"I was hoping that I could call the cops and file a sexual harassment claim." Kurt looked at Caleb with a smile and then turned back to Dane and went to work. Within an hour Dane was finished and out the door with a wave. That left Kurt and Caleb alone. "Your turn."

"I think I might need help getting changed." Caleb said in fake innocence. "Could you help me Kurt?"

"I swear to God I will pin too close to your friends if you dont stop with the comments." Kurt crossed his arms and Caleb noticed that he really did mean business.

"Agree to go out with me and Ill stop."

"I cant Im married."

"No shit?" Caleb gave him a look.

"No shit. Ive been married for two months."

"How old are you. You look like youre eighteen."

"I am. Im eighteen and married."

"So, did you get knocked up?" Caleb laughed again, his own sense of humor cracking him up, as he went behind the screen to change.

"Funny. Ive never heard that one before." Kurt was bored with this guy and just wanted to get finished. "No, but weve been together for two years. I just knew he was the one."

"Have you even ever been with anyone else?" Caleb returned from behind the screen.

"No, not really. Thats doesnt matter. Blaine is the only one I need."

"Blaine? What kind of name is Blaine?" Caleb made fun of everything.

"Oh, I dont know CALEB."

"Caleb is biblical. Im a model. You couldnt possibly do better than me. I make really good money and can take you out and treat you the way you deserve to be treated."

"Ill bet." Kurt started the measuring and pinning.

"Blaine couldnt possibly give you as much as I could. I plan on being one of the top models next year. Im on my way up. My star is totally rising." Caleb was rather full of himself.

Kurt was done with this guys attitude and was starting to let it get to him. "Blaine Anderson is son of JR Anderson of Anderson and Lawson Law Firm and grandson of Jack Anderson, the owner of the New England Patriots and Partner of in the international law firm of Anderson, Keane and Jackson. Hes a special person that I love a lot. Weve been through a lot together and we own and apartment on Park Avenue, so Ill bet you cant do better than that."

"So his claim to fame is his family." Caleb snorted in annoyance.

"Blaines smart all on his own. He got a full ride to Columbia and hes going to be amazing because hes an amazing and beautiful person, unlike you. You may be beautiful on the outside, but inside youre rotten." Kurt was smug and confident.

"I can be charming."

"Caleb, acting charming and actually being charming are two different things." Kurt worked as quickly as he could to get this guy out of here. "Listen, I appreciate your interest, but Im not interested and probably wouldnt have been interested even if I were single. Youre just not my type. So, could you just back off please. I have a feeling well be running into each other a lot over the next few months."

"Yeah, sure. Okay." Caleb had thoughts in his mind and he needed to be on Kurts good side. "So youre in school too?"

"Yeah, full ride to Parsons."

"Oooo, full ride? Arent you guys the match made in heaven. Both full rides." Caleb snickered and Kurt sensed another stupid joke coming. "If you both ride, whos on top?" Caleb continued to laugh, amused with his own comments.

"Youre a clever guy, Caleb. So, what do you do besides model?" Kurt hoped to get the topic off of sex. His sex life was none of Calebs business.

"I sometimes work as a waiter, but not too much anymore. I get enough modeling jobs to not have to do that anymore. So Parsons?"

Kurt liked the way this conversation was moving, away from his relationship and him and more toward school and work stuff. "Yep. Im there for design."

"You should model. You could do it. Youve got a look."

"Yeah. Im not tall enough."

"I still think you could. You could do ass modeling or hand modeling or leg modeling." He winked.

Kurt rolled his eyes at the ridiculous suggestion. "And thats why youre a model and not a model representative." Kurt finished the first outfit. "Change." He waited for Caleb and more smart comments. The comments came, but Kurt had an easier time dealing with them as he worked quickly. "Like I told Dane. Come back in two days and well do a final." Kurt started packing his stuff up while Caleb changed. He was just about done when he felt a hand on his butt. He slapped it away. "No touching. Im serious Caleb. Ill end your career if you ever do something like that again." Kurt was livid. "You dont even want to meet my husband, trust me."

Caleb giggled and backed away palms up in surrender. He yelled as he walked away. "See ya in two days blue eyes!"

"He was vile, Blaine. Just a plain pig." Kurt grumbled into the pillow on the bed. "He didnt seem to worry about the threats or me calling the police. He acted like he owned the world. I looked him up and hes relatively new, but he was picked as an up and comer in the modeling world. His look is raw and dirty and everyone likes that right now. I dont want to piss him off because you want people like him to like you so they ask to wear your stuff, but he makes my skin crawl." He realized he was rambling.

"Well, one thing I know for sure is hes completely right about you. You are gorgeous and could be a model and Im never letting you out of my sight because you might leave me for someone tall and handsome like him someday." Blaine caressed Kurts face with his fingertips, then pulled Kurt to him.

"I would never leave you. Youre too rich to leave." Kurt reminded him sarcastically.

"I knew it. Youre just in it for the money." Blaine loved Kurt so much and even though it was said jokingly, Blaine still worried a little bit. Why else would someone as gorgeous as Kurt want a hobbit looking guy like him. "Ill be lying in my apartment heart-broken someday wondering where my love went."

"Never. Were never breaking up unless one of us dies. I mean it Blaine. Dont scare me. Til death do us part, remember?" Kurt knew that Blaine thought he was the best thing on earth, but Kurt knew otherwise.

"I know, baby." They lay in bed for a little while, just relaxing from the busy day. "I think we should start thinking about what were going to make for dinner." Blaine propped himself up on an elbow. "Chicken breast and some pasta?"

"Mmmm. Sounds perfect. Lets go." Kurt dragged Blaine down the hall as they pulled out the thawed chicken breast. "You were thinking ahead werent you?"

"I knew wed both want to eat in tonight. I just had this feeling that I would get busier and the closer to fashion week it gets, you would too." They went to work on the food, Kurt seasoning the chicken and Blaine started on a light cream sauce for the pasta. They both learned that they didnt care for cooking alone, but together they rather enjoyed it. They enjoyed the playfulness surrounding cooking, the smiles and light brushes against each other as they shared a smaller space.

Kurt laughed out loud with no warning. "Its just funny. I used to do most of the cooking and we ate a lot of pizza just a few months ago. All of sudden, weve both become so domesticated."

"I like domesticated." Blaine tilted his head up for kiss and Kurt couldnt resist. Just as Blaine went to deepen the kiss, the intercom went off.

"Ill get it." Kurt pressed the button into the speaker. "Yes?"

"Mister Kurt? We have a delivery person here for you. I said I would take it, but they said it needed to be delivered to you." The doorman muttered.

"Who is the package from?"

"Its from Versace. Thats what the man says."

"Okay, send him up."

In a few minutes the elevator door opened to show a tall model looking man with a box. Blaine gave the guy a twenty and sent him on his way. He turned to see Kurt reading the card that was attached to the box. "What is it Kurt?"

Kurt screamed and was dancing around. "We have an invitation to the pre-fashion week gala at Versace! Oh my GOD! In the box is a shirt from Versace."

"Kurt Hummel has arrived." Blaine repeated the words hed heard Kurt say years ago in Lima.

Kurt pulled Blaine into his body hugging him tight. "Kurt Hummel-Anderson. Get the name right."

"I love you so much." Blaine kissed Kurt deepening it quickly. Dinner was forgotton for the moment as Blaine backed Kurt to the sofa stripping Kurts clothes off as he kissed him, pressing his hand on Kurt quickly hardening erection. The back of Kurts knees hit the sofa and he fell backwards. Blaine made quick work of Kurts pants stripping them off harshly. Kurt gasped at Blaines aggressiveness. It was a good gasp. He loved being controlled like this. Blaine licked his erection from base to tip before taking him in his mouth and deep throating him immediately. Kurts back arched off of the sofa and his knees lifted up as the sensation of his cock hitting back of Blaines throat sent electrical shocks to all of his extremities. Kurts hands curled into Blaines hair as he held tight while Blaines head bobbed up and down the suction strong. Clearly Blaine planned on this being quick and he didnt have to wait. Kurt curled in on himself and his hands clutched the curls tightly as he moaned and came hard down Blaines throat. Kurt was wrecked as he collapsed back on to the couch. He was barely conscious when he heard Blaine pulling out his own cock and stroking himself till a small whine came out of Blaine mouth signifying his finish.

Kurts breathing was still heavy, his chest rising and falling with deep breaths. He managed to speak out, "Im sorry I couldnt help you Blaine, but God, that was so hot."

"I couldnt help it baby. You said Kurt Hummel-Anderson and I just couldnt stand it. I wanted you." Blaine grabbed Kurts briefs and started to help him into them and then his pants. "So, now dinner."

They were both put back together and back in the kitchen cooking like nothing happened. Kurt leaned over Blaine as he stirred his sauce. "I love you. You were so hot, baby." He kissed Blaines neck.

"Only for you." He stirred a little. "Taste." He held the spoon up to Kurt. "Well?"

"Delicious." Kurt smiled and kissed Blaine sharing the tasty sauce. "Good?"

"Mmmm." Blaine sucked on Kurts tongue. He loved times like these. Alone, playful and carefree. "Were going to be so busy soon. We better enjoy this night."

"I know its going to be hard, but once we actually get moved in, were going to be so happy. Itll truly be ours and we can finally settle in and get started on our future." Kurt kissed Blaine again. "Our future is so bright Blaine. Were going to be so happy."

Blaine checked the noodles. "Is the chicken done? Pasta is done."

Kurt left his back and Blaine felt suddenly cold. He couldnt wait to have the warmth back. "Its done." Kurt pulled it out, put them on the plate and brought them to Blaine for the pasta.

They initially started for the table, but Blaine took his hand. "Lets sit on the floor and cuddle while we eat."

"My favorite thing to do with my husband." Kurt was as happy as he thought could be. In his mind he thought it couldnt get any better than this.


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