DA Fight Club
Chapter 21 - Freedom Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 21 - Freedom

E - Words: 3,890 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
464 0 2 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: Has anyone ever gotten to the point of total exhaustion? I think I'm there. Anyway. I think we're almost done. Lots of story and Klaine talks, Klaine and Burt, Klaine and Carole, Kurt and Carole, OH YEAH A nice heart to heart with Kurt and Burt! Hope you like it..Sorry for typos! I was just too tired to proof it and wanted to get this to you since I started it weeks ago. Life is just so busy right now. Wish I had more time to write. I've had a few ideas for one shots and a new futurefic, but just no time to really make it to the computer.No smut this chapter, but guess what starts out next one.. yep you guessed it. Sorry to make you wait..Disclaimer: I don't own the characters, but the story is all mine. LOL


Chapter 21 - Freedom


"I feel like we're being watched."  Kurt whispered as they worked on schoolwork at the kitchen table of the Hummel residence.

Blaine giggled, "That's because we are being watched."  Blaine nodded his head toward the door to the backyard.  "I wonder how that guy over there feels watching two teenage boys?"

Kurt looked at the guy and giggled.  "I feel like Whitney Houston in the bodyguard."

"Just so you don't go have an affair with the good looking security guard.  I think I've earned your heart, don't you?"

"You are really cute, but you're not a man like that guy."  He motioned with his head.

"Kurt, that guy is like 40 years old."

"Okay, so maybe he's a little too old, but he might be cute under those sunglasses and that overcoat."

"He could also have crows feet and a beer belly for all we know."

Kurt eyed Blaine, "are you jealous?"

"Why would I be?"

"You are jealous!"  Kurt pointed at Blaine. 

Blaine ducked his head and shrugged.  "I guess a little.  Just the fact that you're thinking about another guy and his face and body makes me think that maybe you deserve better than this head of curls and this little body."

Kurt smiled and stood up making his way around to Blaine's side of the table.  Blaine couldn't take his eyes off of Kurt.  The way Kurt moved was graceful and regal.  How did he manage to get this guy to fall for him?  Blaine thought he looked somewhat of a troll when his hair got long and out of control.  Kurt snapped him from his thoughts.  "You're perfect Blaine."  Kurt cupped his face in his hands and held him steady so that he was staring directly into his eyes.  "Don't ever thing you're anything less than perfect, because I can't help but think there's no one as perfect as you.  I feel lucky that someone like you picked me.  You're strong, gorgeous and smart."

"I'm not perfect.  I'm afraid you'll figure that out and I'll lose you."  Blaine was being honest.  When he looked in the mirror, he thought he was ordinary or worse.

"The first time I saw you, across the barn, I was mesmerized by you.  I knew you were gay and when you finally looked at me, I was hooked.  It was like finding you made everything seem perfect in the world.  I feel like I got lucky.  You are truly amazing Kurt."

Blaine leaned in kissing Kurt gently, but not deeply.  There were too many people around and even though he knew they were paid well to not judge, there was a little discomfort with the security there.  "I'd like to think we're both lucky."  Kurt smiled after their lips parted.  "Maybe I can tell my dad to have the back off a little.  Is Sebastian really that dangerous?  I mean, look at them.  These guys are big and they have guns."

"I'm just not sure Kurt.  When you're as off balance as he is, I think you're capable of doing a lot of things.  It hard to say.  If my dad and your dad think we're in danger, then we need to trust them."

Kurt knew he was right. 




Burt came home from the shop to find Kurt in the kitchen alone.  Blaine was no where to be seen.

"How are things at the shop Dad?  Finn and I have been checking.  I think the last time, things were going well still."

"Still stable doing well."  Burt put down his things.  It was strange to see his dad in his garage clothes.  He never worked at the garage these days.  Even when he wasn't in Washington, he rarely did the work.  "I think some of my regulars miss me.  It was nice to do some of the actual work today.  The staff is doing great, but I guess there are some people that like me to do the work.  It's about trust.  Same reason people voted for me.  They trusted me to do good things."

Kurt smiled lovingly at his dad.  "It's nice to have you home for awhile.  You know, dad, I'm really proud of everything you're doing.  I know so much of it has to do with me."

"So, where's Blaine?"

"He's taking a nap."

"Have a seat son."

Kurt knew this would be a serious talk.  Just to tone of Burt's voice was very serious.  "What's up?"

"So can we talk a little about you and Blaine and this fight club business?"

Kurt sighed.   He knew his dad would want more, but hoped he wouldn't ask.  "I've never lied to you dad, so I promise to answer any question you ask me about it."

"I appreciate it son."

"So, go ahead.  Ask me anything."

"Fight Club.  Why would you get involved in something like that?"

"I was feeling very lonely.  Finn has Rachel and Puck is always with someone.  Honestly, everyone in glee club has someone at one time or another."  Kurt took a long pause.  "Except me.  I never have anyone.  I get made fun of at school, I get slushied and I get pushed around but I never fight back because I just can't do it at school.  I decided when I heard Puck mention going, that it would be a good place for me to blow off some steam where no one would know me and where it would be okay to just hit and get hit.  Part of me wanted to feel something, even if it was bad.  When all that stuff happens at school, it feels like a precursor to worse that I keep worrying about."

"I get it son, but why didn't you just tell me?"

"This is my battle to fight.  You have your own battles dad.  This one is mine and mine alone."

"While I disagree, I understand."  Burt smiled, but shook his head.  It was wrong, but he was proud of how Kurt fought his battles and tried to do things the way he thought they should be done.  "But, fight club."

Kurt laughed a bit at his dad.  "I know.  I didn't say that everything I do makes sense dad, but at that time it did.  I never thought about how much it would hurt to get hit or hit someone.  It hurts."

Burt was curious.  "But you did it and you lived through it."

"And I beat the crap out of a really bad guy."

"Speaking of said, ‘bad guy'.  What's the complete story behind him?"

"It's not too different than what we said.  Blaine and I met at fight club.  Well, he was the first person I fought, but that's really a different story that I'm sure you're going to ask me about.  Sebastian showed up the second time I went to fight club.  He came on really strong and basically said he wanted me and he said he was going to take me."  Kurt's heart started to pound faster as he recalled the way he felt that night.  "Blaine was fighting someone at the time.  You know I've never fought except the first time at fight club.  I just didn't know how to defend myself against him and somehow he got me pinned and was starting to grab me and I couldn't do anything."  Kurt's head was clearly in the story and his eyes were burning with the tears that were begging to fall.  He was trying to hold it together.  "I thought...  I thought he was going to take advantage of me.  It was so loud in there and no one could hear me.  I screamed and nothing happened.  I felt his hands on me burning my skin and then suddenly he wasn't touching me anymore and he was on the ground.  Blaine was there.  He was defending me and protecting me.  He got hit hard by Sebastian a few times and he was injured, but he took care of Sebastian that night.  I had a really powerful connection with Blaine that I tried to resist until then and we really connected that night when I took care of him, cleaning his wounds and caring for him in a different way that he cared for me."  Kurt let the tears fall, wiping them away with the back of his hand.  He cried out of embarrassment that he wasn't strong enough to fend off Sebastian.  He cried over the happiness that Blaine brought him.  He cried because Sebastian had touched him and it was unwelcome.  He cried because he touched and was touched by Blaine in the most perfect way.  "I'm sorry dad.  It was stupid, but fighting was also a little invigorating.  It was free and I hurt and hurt someone, but it was this release that I needed.  I don't regret it.  I found Blaine in all of this craziness."

"Let's talk about Blaine.  Are you two, uh-, are you two like really together?"  Burt was clearly trying to find out about sex, but the seriousness also.  He already saw the writing on the wall, especially after the knight in shining armor story.  He could see the qualities that Kurt fell in love with.  Blaine was a good kid from a good family and treated Kurt like he was special. 

"I said I wouldn't lie to you dad.  Blaine and I are in love.  I love him dad.  I love him with all of my heart."

"Kurt, you're still so young.  You couldn't know."

"I do know dad.  I could feel some connection with Blaine almost immediately.  I tried to fight it convincing myself that I was meant to be alone and miserable.  I'm so glad that Blaine already knew and accepted the feelings between us.  I said before they were powerful.  I feel like we were meant to meet like this.  We were meant to be with each other.  Finn helped me along to see it too.  You know that Blaine was in my group for NYU auditions?  He actually snuck into my audition because he heard about me.  He just never saw my face and didn't know it was me. He's special dad.  He's really special.  We complement each other.  He's different but the same as me.  We love some of the same things, but we also have so much room to grow and learn about each other."

"Okay, Kurt.  I get where you're coming from and I know that Blaine is crazy about you.  As I recall, he said almost the same things you're saying to me.  It didn't seem rehearsed."

Kurt grinned. "He did?"

"He did.  He said he loved you."

"I love him so much dad and to answer you honestly, because we've always been honest with each other, yes, we have been intimate."  Kurt patiently waited for Burt to completely lose it.

Burt thought he would lose it the first time his son ever told him he was having sex, but something about Blaine didn't make him angry.  "I'm not surprised, you know.  You two are very close for only being together a month."

"It's not even that, dad.  It isn't the sex that made us close, it's so much more than that.  He understands me and we talk about everything.  He likes to hear what I have to say and vice versa.  We have so many interests that are the same, but we also like different things.  Blaine likes to watch sports, I like fashion.  Blaine plays video games, I watch reality TV.  We're happy together.  I give and take, he gives and takes.  We've been spending a lot of time together since crazy Sebastian has been after me.  Blaine has been trying to keep me safe."

"The sex helps with those connections, Kurt."

"I know it does, but it's not sex to me or him.  I know it isn't.  It's love dad.  It's always been about what was right for each of us.  It was never pressured or wanted, it just happened and I'm so glad it was him.  I admit it was a rush at first, but me caring for him after fighting and him caring for me after Sebastian.  I know it's more."

Kurt had so much passion when he talked about Blaine.  It was the same passion that Blaine had for Kurt when he talked to Burt the other night.  They were in love and Burt had to admit that even though they were young, they seemed to be going about this relationship with maturity.  He wanted to give his blessing for them.  He never saw the brightness like this before.  Kurt was bright, smiling and as excited as Burt's ever seen him.  "I want you to be happy Kurt.  He is a very good boy and I permit you to continue to see him.  I don't want to know what you've been doing, but I hope you've been respectful in my house."

"He's been very respectful dad."


"I've been trying to make him bad, but he resists."

Oh God!  Burt didn't want to even have a picture of that in his head.  Kurt seducing another guy was just something that a dad shouldn't know about.  "Kurt.  That's far too much information, but I appreciate that you've been honest.  So, are you guys feeling cooped up."

"Yeah, a little.  It can get a little boring with schoolwork and not being able to go out.  Could we maybe go to the Lima Bean with some security?"  Kurt was hopeful.  It was a place they liked to meet.

"I think that could be arranged."  Just as he saw Kurt grinning from ear to ear, the door to basement opened. 

Blaine lit up as soon as he made eye contact with Kurt.  Burt had noticed it before, but now after the confession from Kurt, it was so much more evident how much they meant to each other.  His own son was a mirror of Blaine happiness and excitement.  "Hi Blaine.  Good nap?"

Blaine made a beeline straight to Kurt.  "Yes Burt, thanks."  He turned immediately to Kurt kissing him chastely on the lips.  "You left me alone."

Kurt happily wrapped his arms around Blaine neck nuzzling noses.  "Sorry, I thought I would be right back, but then my dad came home."

"I was lonely when you were gone."

"You were asleep silly.  You didn't even know I was gone."

"I was lonely in my sleep."

"Never again Blaine."  Kurt promised.  Inside they both knew how much they wanted them to work.

Burt's heart felt so full with the vision of his son in love and seemingly someone loving his son back the way Kurt deserved.  "I'll go get cleaned up and then I'll talk to the security guys about taking you over to the Lima Bean."

"Thanks Dad." 

Blaine looked excited about that entire exchange.  "We get some freedom?"

"Don't get too excited.  It's not without chaperones."

"But coffee at the Lima Bean.  Blaine was dancing with excitement."

Kurt just laughed at how little could make Blaine happy.  He would have to remember that for the future.  His boyfriend loved even the little things that he did for him. 




"One medium drip and a grande nonfat mocha."  Blaine was happy to order for them.

Kurt was a little skittish even with 2 security guards with them and who knows how many in the wings.  "I'm amazed my dad let us drive on our own.  I would have thought we'd be transported in an armored car."

Blaine took the coffees and nudged Kurt toward their booth by the window.  "He's trying to keep us safe.  We could be a little thankful that someone actually cares, couldn't we?"

"What can even happen with all of these people.  It's so obvious."  Kurt motioned to one security guard sitting at a table by the front door and one near the rear door and bathroom.

"Not really."  Blaine shook his head, but even he wasn't convinced. 

"Sure, in Lima we always have guys in dark suits and overcoats with sunglasses and earpieces talking into their wrists."  Kurt actually belly laughed because it sounded so funny when he said it and then Blaine really looked at the two security guards and they did stick out like a sore thumb.  It really was ridiculous.  Kurt was right.

"I'm guessing we can go play laser tag."

"I think that would pushing it.  As it is, we're being guarded like some mass killer is after us.  It's a kid."  Kurt's frustration was spewing out of his mouth.

"I know that, but kids kill other kids.  It's no different than an adult Kurt.  School shootings and all.  He's pretty crazy at people go."  Blaine didn't want to spend their entire freedom from the house complaining.  He loved talking to Kurt.  He even learned things about Kurt in the past 24 hours. 

"So, if you could go anywhere, where would you go?"

"For what?  Vacation or to live?"


"Right now, I think I'd like to go to Italy or maybe The Philippines.  I was watching National Geographic and the biggest crocodile in the world was caught in the Philippines."

Kurt shook his head.  "What am I going to do with you.  National Georgraphic, crocodiles.  Italy would be nice though."

"Italy with you would be perfect.  I'll take you there Kurt."  You could see the honesty in Blaine's eyes.

"I hope so."

"I think it'll work out."

"I should be hearing from NYU soon.  I applied early decision."  Kurt's heart wrenched a little.  He hadn't even thought about how much Blaine was a part of his life now.  It wasn't normal to think about tomorrow or the next month without thinking about Blaine.

"Crossing my fingers."  They had been there an hour and nothing bad happened.  They decided to head home.  It was late afternoon and Kurt wanted to help Carole with dinner and Blaine had a little more work to do, since Dalton was ten times more difficult than McKinley.

"I have a little more schoolwork to do.  Maybe we can see a movie tomorrow?  It's not like we can sit inside and do schoolwork non-stop."

"That's a good idea.  I'll ask my dad."  Kurt stood grabbing Blaine's hand pulling him up.  As they walked toward the door the men in overcoats followed close behind.

"People are going to think we're really important, the way they're following us around."  Blaine kind of liked it.

"You're important to me."  Kurt just blurted it out.  He wasn't even sure where it came from.

Blaine stopped walking and Kurt turned to him, not sure what to expect.  Blaine smiled at Kurt, pulled him in and kissed him for all he was worth.  When they parted both boys were breathless.  "I hope that tells you how I feel about you."




"Carole, how do I know if I'm really in love?"  Kurt asked innocently.  He knew he had very strong feelings for Blaine.  It was almost ridiculous the way he tried to ignore them from the first meeting.

"I don't think there's one way to know.  I think it a bunch of different things.  I know I love Burt because I feel complete with him.  Your dad brought a smile to my face after being lonely and sad for so long.  He made me laugh and the next thing I knew, I didn't want to go a day without seeing him."  Carole looked lovingly at Kurt.  "Do you think you might be in love."

"I feel like I can't breathe when I think about next year and Blaine not being with me.  I enjoy talking to him so much.  He gets me.  I never feel judged and I'm so happy with him.  So happy."  Kurt's mind was wandering to the bedroom as he smiled.

"I think you may have found someone worth keeping around Kurt.  If you ask me, I've never seen you happy like this before."  Carole paused clearly in thought.  "Just promise me you'll always be true to yourself.  If how you feel about him ever changes, don't keep going on because you think you have to."

"I know.  I promise I won't do that.  Somehow, I don't think that will happy.  I just have a feeling."

"Are you okay?"  Blaine walked in. 

Kurt looked at Carole wondering when he showed up.  "I'm fine.  I didn't know you were upstairs."

"Just got up here and smelled something really good coming from the kitchen and had to see what it was."

"We're having lasagna and salads for dinner.  Kurt made brownies, so we'll have brownies with ice cream and caramel topping for dinner."

"I'm moving in here with you, Kurt."  Kurt was busy tossing the salad while Blaine came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him kissing his neck.  It was so natural and you would have thought they had been together a while.  Carole smiled at the two of them as Kurt turned his head to capture Blaine lips in a quick sweet kiss.  They smiled happily at each other.  They were a couple.

"It's almost like you're living with me now." 

"I know.  I love it.  I love you."  Blaine really felt it.  Kurt's eyes were bright and happy and Blaine mirrored his look.  It was like all else didn't exist in that moment. 

Kurt whispered on Blaine's lips, "I love you too." 

Their foreheads pressed together, they only saw each other.  Carole interrupted though she didn't want to.  "Why don't you take the plates and salads out to the table boys.  We'll just sit at this table, nothing fancy tonight." 

Burt bounded down the steps to see Kurt and Blaine setting the kitchen table and flirting with each other.  It was a nice sight to see.  His son, Kurt, in love.  "Boys?"

They both looked up at the same time.  It was Blaine that spoke first.  "Burt, thank you so much for letting us go out for coffee.  I thought I might die from being inside all day long."

"It's no problem Blaine.  We should probably make arrangements to do something every day.  I would imagine you guys might go crazy in here."

"Thanks Dad.  That would be nice.  If we could, we'd like to go to a movie tomorrow."

"I'll let security know." 

Blaine and Kurt were happy.  They liked to spend time alone and talk, but they also needed outside stimulus to live.  Dinner was nice.  It was just the four of them.  Finn had gone to Rachel's to do homework and eat with the Berry's.  "Burt, is there any news on Sebastian?"

"Nothing yet Blaine.  No one has seen him or his father.  We do expect him to turn up here."

"Maybe he's given up on Kurt?"  Blaine looked hopeful.

"I hope so, but it's not likely when we're talking about someone like Sebastian and his condition.  He's an addict and he's not safe."

Blaine and Kurt understood the concern, but couldn't help that it was just a kid.  After dinner was cleaned up, they both stood from the family room chair and floor where they had watched TV with Carole and Burt.  Kurt grabbed Blaine's hand leading him toward his room.  "We're going to turn in dad.  It's been a long day and we could use the rest."

"Okay.  Good night boys.  If you know what you want to see at the movies tomorrow, make sure you get the times to me.  They won't move unless my order is given."

"We'll let you know Dad.  Good night.  Good night Carole."

"Good night boys."




"I really do like being here with you.  I'd like it better if you didn't try to seduce me every night."  Blaine loved it, but was still managing to keep his touching to a minimum.

"I'd like it better if you would touch me."  Kurt was tired of trying to seduce Blaine.  He decided direct was better.  It's not like Blaine would give in anyway.

"I love touching you," Kurt gasped as he felt, for the first time in a few days, Blaine's hands on his bare skin.


End Notes: Please Review... as you can probably guess.. smut coming up..Sorry for any typos.. I am truly exhausted, but you guys deserved the update that I started typing weeks ago. Hope it wasn't too bad.This story is almost done.. No sequel is planned for this as of right now. maybe a futurefic, but nothing yet.


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The title so mislead me. But I predict something going down at the movies. Excited for what's to come! :)

I must be overly predictable! lol Thanks for reading.. xoxo