DA Fight Club
Chapter 18 - Commitment Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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DA Fight Club: Chapter 18 - Commitment

E - Words: 5,808 - Last Updated: Aug 12, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 28/28 - Created: Jan 15, 2012 - Updated: Aug 12, 2012
671 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: A/N: So far still no deletions of my stories from FF.net so I guess I'm okay for now. I post here on Scarves and Coffee too under the same name. thanks for your patience on this story. This chapter is a little longer than the prior ones. We are getting close to the end. I know I thought this would be thanksgiving, but more important things had to happen first. I think you'll like this! :)I want to apologize if there are typos.. I tried to proof it tonight, but it was getting really late and I wanted to get the chapter out to you. It's 1:30 AM while I'm typing this.. :)disclaimer: All rights of the characters belong to someone else, but I wish they belonged to me.. lol


Chapter 18 - Commitment

If there was something to dread, it was Thanksgiving.  Kurt didn't feel like giving thanks.  Yes, he was thankful for his dad's health, his new stepmom, the most awesome stepbrother and mostly for Blaine.  Blaine and Finn had become even closer over the days leading to Thanksgiving.  Since Dalton was a private school and many of the students didn't live in state, they had a full week off for Thanksgiving, which meant they only had to be apart for the next week.  They planned for Blaine to stay at their house starting the Friday before Thanksgiving. 

The weekend after the fight, it seemed that Sebastian disappeared from existence.  Samuel said no one had seen or heard from him.  He tried to ask around about him, but his circle of friends didn't seem to know what happened either.  "I don't like it Kurt.  What if he's out and following you around."  Blaine was cautious about the whole thing.  The last time Sebastian was MIA he was stalking Kurt and Blaine.

"Maybe I really hurt him and he's in the hospital."  Kurt was worried.  "Finn, was he still passed out when you dropped him off at his house?"

"Yeah.  Dude.  Don't worry, he's fine.  Trust me.  He took a beating, but he's fine."

"Well then where is he?"

"Maybe he isn't allowed out of the house? On vacation?  Who knows?  Who cares?"

"I just...  I hate him, but I don't want him dead or anything."

"Kurt, you're getting all worked up.  Let's go get something to eat and then we can come back here and hang out and watch some movies."  Blaine took Kurt's hand squeezing it tightly.  Kurt nodded his agreement.  "Finn, are you and Rachel going to be here tonight?"

"No.  We're having dinner with her dads.  Since they won't be around for Thanksgiving, we're going to do a nice dinner tonight."

"Is Rachel coming for Thanksgiving?"  Kurt hoped not.

"Nope.  They're going to visit her grandparents."

"Thank God for small miracles."  Finn gave Kurt a look.  "No, just that we don't need any more people knowing and if Rachel knows the entire school will know."

"That might be kind of cool.  Dave and Azimio were there, so they know how bat shit crazy you can get.  Who knows, you might get a tough guy rep at school and people will be afraid of you."  Finn laughed and he was alone.  No one else thought he was funny.

"Right.  Okay, Kurt.  Let's go.  We'll see you later Finn."  Blaine dragged Kurt out the door. "Hey Babe.  Don't worry.  Everything will be okay."

"Famous last words."

Blaine hugged Kurt before opening his car door for him to get in.  Kurt just smiled because even though he was worried about everything, he was so happy to have found Blaine.  "Where to?"

"Breadstix?"  Kurt shrugged.  Something about Breadstix was comforting.  It was where the family always went out for special occasions and he hoped that Blaine would be part of that for years to come.  Maybe it was silly to think that way, but Kurt knew that he had fallen hard and fast for Blaine Anderson.  Kurt didn't realize that he was looking at Blaine.  Staring was probably the proper word for it.

"Hey."  Blaine took Kurt's hand and slotted his fingers just right with Kurt's.  "Perfect fit."  Kurt just sighed trying to take in all of his feelings for the man sitting with him in the car.  Blaine smiled just right so that the corners of his mouth and the corners of his eyes wrinkled just a tiny bit.  "I love you, Kurt."

Kurt hadn't even realized at that moment that he was thinking the same thing.  A broad smiled graced his lips and he returned the same words.  "I love you too, Blaine."

"It'll be okay Kurt.  Finn and I will be there.  We'll tell your dad together.  We let it go too far and we have to deal with the consequences."

"What if he doesn't let me see you anymore?  How are we going to explain the fight club?  I don't want you to get in trouble."

"I knew it couldn't last forever.  Anyway, you don't want me to fight anymore.  I don't want you to fight anymore.  Maybe it's just the right time."  They finally made it to Breadstix.  Blaine could barely keep his eyes off of Kurt as they walked toward the restaurant door.  There was something about Kurt in the scared and vulnerable state that intrigued him.  Kurt had been strong for the most part always accepting what happened and taking blame when he was at fault.  Kurt was really worried about telling his dad.  "Kurt.  You tell me that you have a great relationship with your dad.  I think he'll understand that you wanted to be strong and deal with your own problems."

"Even if dealing with this one was the completely wrong thing to do?"

"Yeah.  We're teenagers.  We think we can solve everything."

"I hope you're right."

"From what I know of him, he is a great guy.  He does great things every day.  He'll understand.  I'm not saying he won't be mad, but I think in the end he'll understand."  Blaine turned to the hostess and she led them to a booth.  "And us?  He can't keep us apart.  I show him how much you mean to me.  How could he ever think about keeping us apart after he sees us together for a while?"

Kurt finally smiled.  "I can't believe you'd be willing to give up fight club and prove yourself to my dad just for me?"

Blaine realized that Kurt had been leaning on him and trusting him.  That's what created this vulnerability.  "You mean a lot to me Kurt.  Even if you don't believe it, I think we're going to be together a long time."

"I just feel like you might want to cut your losses now.  I'm too much trouble."

Blaine leaned in to Kurt so that he could see into his eyes.  Blaine wanted to Kurt to see the truth in his heart.  "Kurt, you're worth fighting for.  I'll even fight you if I have to show you how worth it you really are."

Kurt had tears in his eyes.  "You have no idea how much you mean to me Blaine.  How much you've done for me."

"If it's anything like what you've done for me, than I do know.  Trust me Kurt.  Trust me to be with you forever."  Their eyes were glued to each other and for the first time, Kurt just let go of everything.  He decided that he could let down his guard completely with Blaine.  He had to let his guard down completely if he wanted to move into the next phase with Blaine.  A few tears ran down his face and Blaine reached gently over to wipe them away.  "Don't cry Kurt.  It's okay."

"I really love you Blaine.  I never thought it would be possible to feel like this, but my chest absolutely aches when I look at you.  I keep my guard up because I'm so afraid to get hurt."  Kurt sniffled as he continued to let just a few tears out.  "I'm scared Blaine.  I'm scared that you don't feel as strongly about me as I do about you."  Kurt took a deep breath and held it for a second.  He waited to hear what he thought Blaine was going to say.  He waited for Blaine to say that this is just high school and it's not supposed to be serious.  He waited for Blaine to say it's only been a few weeks and he didn't feel the same as Kurt.  He waited to feel the heartbreak that was sure to happen.

"Kurt, you need to listen and listen closely."  Kurt's breath stuttered with anticipation for what Blaine's next words would be.  "I'm in love with you.  I'm completely positive that I love you.  I'm so in love with you that I secretly applied to colleges in California in case you went to California instead of New York.  I feel like I'm being crazy wanting to follow you around but Kurt, you're amazing.  You took my heart that first night together.  I don't know if it was some voo doo spell or if it was just you being you, but whatever it was, I knew I was hooked.  Kurt let the tears roll down his face freely swiping with the back of his hand from time to time.  He was in love with the man looking at him and, for the first time, the man looking at him was in love with him too.

"Can we get carryout instead?"  Kurt's eyes still full of tears.  "I just- I just need to be alone with you so we can talk and just be us."

"Whatever you want."  Blaine motioned for the server.  "We've decided to order carryout.  Can you take our order and we'll just sit here until it's ready."  She said it would be okay and they ordered just holding hands and really taking in the moment.

By the time they got back to the house, Kurt wanted to sit in the middle of the floor on a blanket and eat while they listened to music.  They decided that his room in the basement would be the best place since his speaker dock was there.  Blaine laid out a blanket and grabbed some pillows from the bed so that they could lounge on the floor.  Kurt knew it had to be love because there is no way he would even tolerate someone taking his pillows and putting them on the floor.  Blaine doing it was romantic.

Blaine patted the floor next to him as he propped the pillows behind their backs.  They both leaned against the sofa and ate their dinner in a comfortable silence.  Their eyes would meet occasionally and Kurt would blush while Blaine would smile.  "I like it when you blush."

"I wish I didn't."

"But then how would I know that I made you feel good?"

Kurt smirked.  "There are other ways, you know."  Salads were put aside almost as the words left Kurt's mouth because at that moment Kurt needed Blaine more than he needed food or air or anything else.  The earth shifted because Kurt was now giving himself fully.  Blaine could feel it too as their lips met in a sweet, slow, wet kiss.  "I'm sorry that I didn't trust you enough before."

"Doesn't matter."  Blaine kissed Kurt's cheek.  "All that matters is that you're mine now."  Blaine took a second to take both salads and put them on the table.  The gesture alone made Kurt fall even further in love.  Blaine knew how much it would bother him to have the food on the floor while they did whatever it was they were going to do.  He hoped they were going to make love.  It would be new because this time, Blaine really did belong to Kurt and Kurt really did belong to Blaine.

Blaine gently urged Kurt to lie down on the pillows as he walked to the nightstand retrieving a condom and lube.  Kurt's eyes followed Blaine the whole way, the ache in his chest bursting with the need to be touched by Blaine.  Blaine threw them both down on the floor with them.  Kurt rose to his knees to meet Blaine's lips in a heated kiss.  Their teeth clashed together and they couldn't get close enough.  Kurt was whining at the contact as Blaine's hands slipped under his shirt grazing the bare skin just above his waistline.  Kurt just pulled at Blaine's shirt lifting it quickly over his head while kissing Blaine's chest and licking at his nipples causing Blaine to shout out.  Kurt could feel Blaine's heart pounding under his palm that rested gently on his chest while he kissed Blaine's stomach.  "God Blaine.  I love you so much.  I want you so much."

At that, Blaine pushed Kurt back down on his back as he frantically worked to get Kurt's shirt off and then immediately went to his pants peeling them off as quickly as humanly possible.  Blaine needed to taste Kurt and he did, quickly wrapping his full pink lips around him sucking on his head and licking his entire length before finally taking him fully in his mouth.  Blaine worked at taking his entire length relaxing his throat until Kurt moaned loudly as his cock hit the back of Blaine's throat and he could feel it.  Blaine gagged for a second but regained control as he continued.  Kurt hands were fisted in his hair and he tugged gently for Blaine to keep going.  Blaine let him go and kissed back up to his mouth.

Kurt pulled Blaine down to him as he rolled them over so that he was on top.  He reached down to palm Blaine over his jeans.  Blaine was painfully hard and his jeans were too tight at this moment.  Kurt took pity.  "Let me get these off of you Sweetie." 

"Please."  Blaine felt a pull in his chest.  He whined at the need for release though he knew it wouldn't come soon.  He wanted to be inside Kurt when he got his release.

Kurt pulled them off with a smile.  As he pulled his jeans off, he kissed, nipped and licked his way down to Blaine's feet. Blaine moaned at how sensitive he was in this moment.  Every touch felt like fire on his skin.  He was sure he would never feel anything so loving and personal as what Kurt was doing right now.  "Do you like that?"  Kurt laughed a little as he heard Blaine whining underneath him.  "I'll take care of you Blaine.  Be patient."  There was no argument from him.

Kurt pulled his jeans off all the way and kissed Blaine toes.  Normally, Kurt would think this was gross, but Blaine's feet were adorable.  Blaine giggled above him as Kurt experimented with licking and sucking on his toes.  Blaine made a noise he never heard him make before.  It was a cross between a whine and a cry.  It turned Kurt on so much that he continued to suck on Blaine's big toe.  "Fuck Kurt.  Where did you learn that?"

"Just experimenting."  Kurt made his way back up to Blaine.  "Did you like that?"

"God you just turn me on so much."

"That was hot.  Normally, I wouldn't think it would be hot, but you're feet are so fucking cute."

Blaine laughed.  "Okay.  I'll take cute.  You Kurt are gorgeous."  Blaine flipped Kurt back onto his back.  He made Kurt blush yet again.  "Your skin is soft and smells so good all the time."  Blaine was breathing on Kurt's chest licking at his nipples and biting gently.  "Your toned body is perfect."  Blaine settled on his knees between Kurt's legs pulling them buy his knees lifting them up.  "Your legs are so long and lean and strong."  He held Kurt's feet together in front of his face and kissed Kurt's toes just like Kurt had done for him.  He copied what Kurt had done for him, licking and sucking on each one.  Blaine had to admit, it was hot!  Especially when Kurt cried out his pleasure.  Blaine decided that whatever noise that was, he was going to figure out how to make Kurt make that noise all the time.  Blaine kissed down his ankle and his calf before licking behind his knees pushing Kurt's knees to his chest.  "God, you ass is beautiful."  In the angle he had Kurt, he could easily bend down and lick his hole.  Blaine was nervous.  He had never even thought about doing that until this very moment.  People do that right?  He read about it and had seen it in porn clips, but that wasn't real life was it?  Kurt's puckered hole was so cute and he definitely cleaned himself well, so Kurt experimented, why can't he?  He kissed down Kurt's thighs and crouched down lower.  Kurt's eyes were closed just enjoying everything.  Blaine licked at his perineum and the base of his cock.

"Oh God Blaine.  That feels...  Ohhhh!"  Blaine did it again before pushing his legs up enough to expose his puckered entrance again.  Without thinking about it again he poked his tongue out and licked across Kurt's hole.  Kurt's eyes shot open and he gripped the blanket under them.  "Oh my God. Oh my God."  Blaine could hear Kurt alternate between panting and breathing in as he poked his tongue out again licking across stopping his tongue to press against the tight muscle ring guarding his entrance.  Blaine figured all of Kurt's reactions meant that it felt good so he continued to work on the muscle ring as he felt it continue to loosen up under the assault of his tongue.  He was so turned on by this and when he finally looked up Kurt's cock was bluish purplish and he was so rock hard.  Kurt was breathing heavy. 

"Did you like that?"  Blaine knew that he unraveled Kurt so easily.

"Unnghh."  Kurt couldn't form words.  How the hell could Blaine ask him a question like that?  "MMmmmmmnnnhhh." 

Blaine had grabbed the lube and covered his fingers slipping two fingers in his already loosened hole.  Blaine still had to stretch and prepare Kurt, not wanting to hurt him.  "You're beautiful Kurt."

Kurt found his voice.  "Fuck you Blaine Anderson.  Quit teasing and get inside me now."  Kurt needed to be filled up.  He needed Blaine to fill him up, he needed Blaine to make him scream, and he needed Blaine to touch that spot inside him that drove him crazy. 

Blaine laughed, but took pity on him as he slid the condom on and covered his cock generously with lube.  He leaned down to kiss Kurt and sat up pressing his cock gently inside.  Kurt moaned at the immediate fullness.  "Can I move?"

"Yessss."  Kurt held the ‘s' for a few seconds as Blaine had already started to pump slowly in and out.  Blaine was already so painfully hard and Kurt was obviously painfully hard as well.  The purpling head evidence of his need for release and soon.  Blaine laid down with Kurt's legs propped up on his shoulders.  It was nice this way.  His face hovered inches away from Kurt's

"I love you, Kurt."  Kurt opened his eyes to see Blaine's honey eyes on him.  He was full of lust and excitement but most of all love.  Kurt stretched his head up to kiss Blaine.  Blaine sped up feeling the pooling in his muscles.  He was so close.  Just a little more. 

Kurt crossed his ankles around Blaine neck pulling his ass up just a little more and changing the angle in the slightest.  "Ohh.  Blaine right there.  Please right there.  Keep going."

Blaine sped up.  Kurt's cock was pinned between their stomachs and Blaine hoped that there was enough friction for Kurt to come.  Suddenly, Kurt was trying to move his ass to meet his thrusts.  Kurt was crying out with every pounding thrust.  Blaine's hips began to stutter a bit.  "I'm going to come Kurt!"  He came pressing hard into Kurt, barely conscious of anything going on around him.  He himself up and into Kurt as deep as he could, squeezing out every bit of come left in him.  He hadn't even notice Kurt stroke himself twice, but notice when Kurt was closing tightly around his cock.   When Blaine came back to reality, Kurt was coming screaming his name.

Blaine caressed Kurt's arms as Kurt's breathing slowed to normal.  He pulled out gently and tore the condom off as he walked to the bathroom to get a towel.  He came out wiped both of them off and settled next to Kurt, pulling him in to him.  Blaine almost cradled Kurt into his arms.  It was sweet and loving.

"That was incredible."  Kurt finally said.

"It was."  Blaine smiled and agreed.

"No.  What you did Blaine.  That was unbelievable."

"Oh That."  Blaine smiled.  "It was nice for me too."

"It was?"

"Yeah.  You were so hot.  I liked it.  You taste..."

Kurt cut him off.  "OH. I don't.."

"Sh.  You taste divine.  All over."  Kurt blushed.  Blaine knew they were perfect for each other and now Kurt knew it too.

"So.  Can I try it next time maybe?"

"If you want to."  Blaine ducked his head a little in embarrassment.  "I'm a bit hairier.  Like all over. But, I'll make sure to you know, clean up for you.  Crap.  That's not what I meant.  I clean up all the time, but I meant."

"You don't have to shave your butt hair Blaine."  Kurt laughed.  "I love you just the way you are.  I know you clean yourself.  We're gay men.  It's what we do."  They both laughed. 

"Well, you don't have to if you don't want to.  There are going to be things that we both like and things we don't.  We can learn together."  Kurt smiled because this was full acceptance and it felt good.





"Dude are you coming to school with us?"  Finn asked over breakfast on Saturday morning.  He and Blaine were at the table shoveling down chocolate chip pancakes compliments of Chef Kurt.


"Ewww.  Why would you do that?  You are on break and don't have to go to school but you're still going to come to school?"  Finn stopped to shovel more food in his mouth.  "Kurt, your boyfriends broken."

Kurt walked in with another plate of pancakes.  "He is not."  Blaine smiled at him.  Things were so normal like this.

"He's going to school with you when he doesn't even have school."

"So, maybe he just wants to be with me."  Kurt winked at Blaine.

Blaine winked back.  "Who wouldn't?"

"Ewww.  You guys are flirting in front of me."  Kurt hit him with a spatula.  "Oowww."

"Serves you right.  Anyway, it's your fault we're together."

"Ughh.  Me and my bright ideas."  Finn slapped his forehead.

Blaine patted him on the shoulder.  "It's okay Finn.  You're a good brother.  And....  I'm in love with him."  Blaine looked at Kurt.  "So, you did the right thing helping me."

"Well, except that you run that fight club and crazy people are after me."  Kurt said jokingly.

Blaine corrected him.  "Correction.  One crazy person."

Kurt sat down.  "So how are we going to tell Dad the whole thing over Thanksgiving dinner?  We really need to plan this so he doesn't have a heart attack, or want to kill both of us, or kick Blaine out."

"He wouldn't do that Kurt.  You know your dad."  Finn was trying to calm Kurt down.  "I think we should just start with talking about your new boyfriend and how you met him.  Then we lead into everything that happened."

Kurt sighed.  "So you think I should say my new boyfriend got me into all this?  That's stupid Finn."

Blaine reasoned with him.  "How about we start with how you got there in the first place."

"Use Puck?"

Finn smiled and nodded.  "Yeah.  Good idea.  Dad already knows Puck is a bad ass and he accepts Puck.  That's perfect.  We go with that."  Finn stood up to leave.  "I'm going to see Puck and warn him about it."

"Finn, your plate.  I'm not your servant."  Finn groaned but picked it up and took it to the kitchen.

Kurt looked unconvinced.  Blaine took his hand.  "It'll be okay, Kurt."

"My dad might kill you and you're saying it'll be okay."

"Let me worry about that."  Blaine smiled at him.





Thanksgiving arrived far too quickly for Kurt.  It was Wednesday and Blaine had fit into Kurt and Finn's daily routine fantastically.  Kurt didn't even mind sharing his bathroom because it meant that he got to smell Blaine every day and see him naked every day.  Kurt decided that he would never get tired of seeing Blaine naked.  "Ready to see them?"

"How are they getting here?"  Blaine wondered as he pulled his pants on.  Last time Kurt picked them up.

"They're flying into the local airport this time and they got a car to take them home instead.  Some company is flying him home while meeting with him on some things.  He didn't have to meet with anyone in Columbus.  They're texting us when they land."

Just then Finn yelled down.  "Kurt! Blaine!  They just landed!"

Blaine was just buttoning up his shirt.  They were all dressed nice for Burt and Carole.  They were going to go out for dinner shortly after getting home.  Blaine wanted to make a really good impression on Kurt before Thanksgiving dinner.  He wanted to make sure that he liked him a lot, plus he wanted to talk to Burt privately about his intentions with his son.  "You look nervous.  Don't worry.  He really liked you that last time."

"That was a few hours with me."

"Well, with more time, I'm sure he'll love you."  Kurt smiled and stood behind him as Blaine took a last look in the mirror.  "You look very handsome."

"You look fantastic as always."  Blaine turned around and pulled Kurt to him by his waist. 

"Only to you."

"Everyone should notice how hot you are.  You really are."  Kurt smiled at Blaine in his arms.  Blaine nudged up and kissed him on the cheek before Kurt caught his lips.  "Mmmmm."

"You look perfect.  Let's get upstairs and meet them at the door."  Kurt was excited.





The family was sitting at Breadstix at a table set back.  "So Blaine, I talked to your parents when I was in Los Angeles a week ago.  I thought since our sons were dating, that I should at least introduce myself."

Kurt almost choked on his salad.  "You did what?"

"I talked to my people and they talked to their people and set up a time for us to meet.   We had lunch.  You guys seem like you're pretty serious and I thought it would be a good idea to meet them."

"Um."  Blaine looked a little nervous.  "So, how are they?"

"They're good.  They miss you.  They're almost done as I understand it."

"That's what they told me.  That's why they've been away more recently.  They're not usually gone for weeks in a row.  Just when they are close to the end it happens."  Blaine shrugged.  "I'm away at school anyway, so I don't usually see them.  It's just tough around the holidays if they aren't around."

"They're doing a good thing Blaine.  The people they are after aren't good people."

"I know."  Blaine nodded and smiled in response to a hand on his shoulder.  It was Kurt's hand.  It was warm and how could he not smile at Kurt.  Strong and gorgeous Kurt.

"We're glad to have you for Thanksgiving."

"Thank you for inviting me Mr. Hummel."

"You can call me Burt."  Burt had already noticed how close his son was to Blaine.  They moved together like they'd been together a long time.  Burt missed how they got together, but there was time for that another day.  "You guys seem happy."  Burt smiled at his son and then at Blaine.

"We are, Burt.  I love Kurt."  His grin got bigger and Blaine blushed to his ears.  Carole sighed.

"I'm happy to hear that.  I can already see how much Kurt likes you."

"I love him too, Dad."  Kurt smiled and met Blaine's tear filled eyes.  "I love you."  Kurt leaned in and kissed him.  It wasn't a deep kiss but their lips moved expertly together for a few moments until Blaine parted and looked down bashfully because he just made out with his boyfriend in front of his boyfriends parents. 

"Sorry Burt."

"It's okay.  I guess I have to get used to it."

Blaine laughed and Kurt blushed.  "I plan on kissing Blaine a lot, Dad."

Burt just laughed and Carole kind of took over after that.  "Boys, how is school?"

They all answered that everything was great.  They told them about competing against each other at Sectionals and how Blaine was the lead for the Warblers.  They talked about college applications and how Blaine and Kurt applied to pretty much the same schools.  "We would like to end up in the same city."  Blaine admitted.        

"We would very much like that."  Kurt agreed.

Burt and Carole realized how serious they were in that moment.  Unsure how to react, Burt decided to give it a chance since both of them seems so smitten.  "It would be nice that you know someone too."  He smiled and Kurt responded to his Dad with a smile.  He knew it was tough for his dad dealing with this.  Kurt had never had a boyfriend and now he has one and he's serious about him.

"Burt, can we talk for a few minutes when we get back to the house?"

"Sure Blaine.  Are you staying the night?"

"Ummm..."  Blaine looked at Kurt.

"Yes.  In fact, he's been spending the night since Friday Dad."  Kurt tried to say it in a very mature way.  "We've been dating for three weeks dad."  Technically, it had only been about 2 weeks, but sex the first night should count since they were together now. 

"And where has Blaine been sleeping?"

Kurt decided now was as good a time as any.  "In my room.  With me."

Burt looked at Finn.  "And where were you?"

"I have my own room.  Don't you remember?"  Finn didn't get what Burt was asking about. 

Kurt laughed.  "Dad, I promise you we weren't doing anything bad.  We sleep.  Well, we kiss and sleep."

"Right.  And I know what teenage boys think about Kurt.  Blaine's sleeping on the couch."

"But dad, he's already been sleeping in my bed with me."  Kurt pouted.

"Kurt.  It's okay.  I'll sleep on the couch."  Blaine turned to Burt.  "I'll sleep on the couch if you want me to and I promise we won't sneak around.  I respect your wishes Burt." 

Burt smiled.  "Yes, he liked this Blaine Anderson kid a lot."

Kurt pouted the rest of dinner.  When they got home, Burt asked Kurt to get some bedding for Blaine to set up the couch.  As Kurt left the room, Blaine asked if there was somewhere they could talk in private.  "Sure kid."  Burt led Blaine to the garage and turned on the light and heater.

Blaine's jaw dropped at the car in the middle of the garage.  "That's a Mustang Convertible, Burt."

Burt laughed.  "Yeah.  It's a 1965.  Everything is done except the body work.  Not too much left.  I really haven't had much time to work on it since going to Washington."

"I'd like to help.  This is beautiful."  Blaine took his hand and ran it along the side of the car.  Burt smiled.  He liked Blaine even more.

"Maybe we can work on it sometime.  I wouldn't mind the company and the help."

"I'd really like that Burt."  Blaine smiled.

"So what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Kurt.  I want to talk to you about Kurt... and me."

"If this is about the sleeping arrangements..."

"No sir.  I want to talk to you about my relationship with your son.  You see, Burt, Kurt is the most perfect person I have ever met.  He's tough and hates to let his guard down and stubborn to no end."  Burt laughed.  For the short time they'd been together, Blaine really knew Kurt.  "Kurt and I have a connection.  I was barely living when I met Kurt.  He makes me want to be a better person.  He makes me want to do better in everything.  I had no idea I could feel like this, but Kurt made me fight for him.  He didn't let me in right away.  I had to prove myself to him and it was worth every bit of effort that I gave."

"He is tough.  He's had to learn to have a thick skin because, well, you know he's gay."

"Yeah."  Blaine chuckled.  "I have so much respect for Kurt and when I said I loved him earlier, I meant it.  Burt, I love you son and I applied to school everywhere he did.  I want to be wherever he is.  He's changed the way I look at me.  The things we go through and deal with are all reasons I love him."  Blaine stood tall the entire time and looked Burt in the eye.  Kurt deserved him to not stutter over this.  Kurt deserved a man that would stand up and shout his love for him.

"It makes me feel good that Kurt has found someone that cares about him.  Blaine, you and Kurt are so young.  You need to chase your dreams just like Kurt."

"Funny thing is, I thought I knew what my dreams were before I met Kurt.  I realized I didn't know shit.  Sorry.  Since I met him, there isn't one dream of mine that doesn't include him.  I want to be with him.  I want it to be forever and I want to marry Kurt someday. "  Burt didn't know what to say.  He never thought it was this serious between them though dinner was a telltale sign.  The boys knew so much about each other and they didn't notice it, but they touched with gentleness and they were so polite to each other.  There were so many sweet signs that should have screamed to Burt that this was what he missed while he was gone.  It was Kurt catching Blaine's napkin before hitting the floor and placing it back on his lap.  It was Blaine fixing a stray piece of hair when it fell in Kurt's face.  It was Kurt taking Blaine's hand gently and running his fingers down them.  It was the kiss.  He should have known.

"I see Blaine.  And Kurt?"

"I think Kurt feels the same.  We've talked about being together in a different way, but I'm sure he wants me.  See, Burt?  I had no idea that a soul mate could really exist, but now I do.  I think Kurt and I were meant to meet and fall in love and be together.  We fit.  We work together and we balance each other out.  I love him with my entire being and I promise I will never, ever hurt him"

"Okay.  Okay Blaine.  Go on inside.  I'm sure Kurt's waiting for you to go to bed.  Please respect me though."

Blaine looked up at Burt and smiled.  "You mean?"

"Yeah.  You can SLEEP in Kurt's bed.  At least I don't have to worry about you two getting pregnant."

Blaine launched himself at Burt and gave him a huge hug.  "Thank you Burt!  You won't be disappointed."  Blaine turned and made his way to the basement bedroom.  He didn't say a word, just started to strip to his boxers and crawled into bed.  Kurt was in the bathroom finishing up his moisturizing.  When he walked out, Blaine was waiting.  "Blaine, what are you doing?"

"Your Dad and I had a very nice talk and he agreed to me sleeping here with you.  I promised him we would sleep.  I won't betray his trust Kurt."

Kurt jumped into bed kissing Blaine face everywhere.  "I love you so much.  You're perfect."  Kurt settled down into Blaine and they wrapped their arms around each other taking in the familiar soothing scent of one another.  Sleep wound them quickly.  They fell asleep facing each other just like that.





"Yes, I would like to make arrangements for a call with Claire and Jonathan Anderson again.  Yes.  As soon as possible."  Burt paused.  "You can connect me in 5?  Yes please.  It's urgent.  Yes, they have security clearance.  I'll wait for the call."


End Notes: Reviews? I know a bit of a cliffhanger, but I promise you that Thanksgiving and the confession is definitely coming in the next chapter.


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Is Burt going to bring Blaine's parents home for the holidays? I have a feeling that he is. But I absolutely loved this chapter! Everyone has amazing communication, especially Blaine&Kurt and Blaine&Burt. Can't wait for the next one!

I wish I could tell you, but I really can't give it all away!! :) Thanks so much for always being there to read my story!

I can't tell you! That would giving everything away! lol

i love blaine for declaring his love for kurt to burt. i hope this phone call goes well...