Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Aug. 12, 2012, 11:26 a.m.
Sebastian was frustrated with the entire situation. He hoped that the flowers would open some magical door that would let him take Kurt out because that's what he wanted. So he went a little too far once. Everyone did that. Didn't they? He hoped to go out to Kurt's house tonight and catch him alone. Blaine certainly couldn't stay there forever. He knew that Blaine went to Dalton from asking around and that meant his school schedule was pretty rigorous. Maybe a day or two, but any more, he probably would get in a lot of trouble with the school and with his parents who are probably paying a hefty penny for him to go to school there.
Guys like Blaine were a dime a dozen in Sebastian's mind. He was rich and Kurt was, well, not. In the time since meeting Kurt, Sebastian found out that his dad was a State Representative and was gone a lot. Before that, he owned an auto shop. Probably still owned it. Sebastian spent a lot of time the last two days trying to get as much information on Kurt as possible. He was trying to get on his good side. Maybe he should send him a gift or show up with flowers or something. He hoped that the roses went over well.
Your boyfriend misses you
To Blaine:
You just left!
To Kurt:
So I miss you already
To Blaine:
You're needy
To Kurt:
You like that about me
To Blaine:
I do. I like sleeping with you
To Kurt:
I knew it!
To Blaine:
You know what I mean. I haven't slept alone in a bed for days
To Kurt:
So does that mean you miss me?
To Blaine:
To Kurt:
You are so hard to get to admit things
To Blaine:
It's been tough to trust people
To Kurt:
Do you trust me?
To Blaine:
Yes and I guess I do miss you
To Kurt:
I'll see you tomorrow night at the Lima Bean and we need to plan the weekend
To Blaine:
At fight club?
To Kurt:
I wish you would give that up
To Blaine:
I still haven't been able to fight a real fight yet
To Kurt:
To Blaine:
Okay? Really?
To Kurt:
Yes really. That way I can pamper you the rest of the weekend while your wounds heal. It hurts me to think of you hurt and in pain. Maybe if you get your fight, you will give all this fight club stuff up.
To Blaine:
Thank you
To Kurt:
For what
To Blaine:
For treating me like an equal. Not like a doll that might break.
To Kurt:
I've been on the receiving end of your punches before. I know how much they hurt.
To Blaine:
You shouldn't text while you drive. Just call me when you get to Dalton. I want to be sure you're okay.
To Kurt:
That's why I have Siri texting you for me. But okay. I'll call you soon.
When Blaine got back to Dalton, he was cornered by Nick and Jeff. Jeff was definitely the first to be there. "Since you decided to skip school to play with your new toy, we had to change practice to after dinner which is in about 20 minutes, Mr. Anderson." Jeff really wasn't mad because the beauty of living at school was that it was easy to get everyone together last minute.
"I'm sorry Jeff. I should have texted or called, but I was a little preoccupied." Blaine was glowing. He got what he wanted. Kurt was his boyfriend and it made him blush.
"Wait a minute. You look really happy." Jeff smiled at Blaine widely and looked at Nick. "Do you have anything to share with your two best friends?"
Blaine blushed. Nick giggled. "Oh my God. You're in love. Blaine, are you in love?"
"I am, but he won't let me say it."
Nick was so confused at the comment and wanted to know because he really loved Blaine like a brother. "I don't understand. So, are you guys official?"
Blaine could hardly contain his excitement at his situation. "Yes. He is officially my boyfriend."
Jeff nodded knowingly. "You sang to him."
Nick slapped Jeff. "Of course he did. The question is what did you sing?"
"I sang 'What Makes you Beautiful' by One Direction. He loved it. You know, he didn't know that I was the lead singer for The Warblers, but his director remembered me and asked me to sing. It was perfect."
Jeff was disappointed somewhat. "I can't believe we didn't get to sing back up for you. It would have been so much better."
"Here's the thing. Everyone knows that song, so it was easy to get the New Directions guys to back me up. It was so much fun. They have a band that plays back-up for them so I got to sing with the music and everything. You guys would have loved it." Blaine still felt so alive from the whole experience of singing with the band and Kurt agreeing to be his boyfriend. "Plus, when we sing at the concert before Sectionals, I am going to sing to him again. I'm going to say it out loud in a song."
Jeff laughed loudly patting Blaine on the back. "You are starting to make me sick with all this romance and stuff."
"It's nice Jeff. Just because you don't do the whole romance bit and girls drop at your feet just because you have the ridiculous surfer boy image doesn't mean that what Blaine does isn't nice." Nick turned to Blaine. "I think it's a great idea. I'm really glad to see you happy Blaine. I'll be honest, I didn't think you would ever find someone that made you happy until you left this place, but I'm so glad you did."
Blaine nodded. Jeff and Nick were good friends, even if Jeff didn't show it all the time. Jeff just liked to give him a hard time. "I really like him a lot. I hope we can deal with the distance."
"It's not that far. The weekdays will be tough, but you could still meet at the Lima Bean for coffee on those days." Nick was sure that Blaine would do what it took. He was clearly in love and whatever Blaine put his mind to, he accomplished. That was the type of person Blaine was. "I know you. You'll make it work and you'll make him see how important he is to you. I just hope he feels the same way about you. I'll kill the guy myself if he treats you badly."
Blaine smiled at Nick. Nick was always so honest and nice and he saw the best in everyone. "He won't. I know he loves me, he just doesn't know how to trust people yet. That brings me to the next thing. Fight Club."
Jeff perked up. "Are we on for Friday?"
"Yeah. It'll be the last one before Thanksgiving. I kind of got into it with guys from McKinley."
"Great Blaine."
"No, it was actually. Do you remember that big guy that I fought in the spring? The big dopey looking one." Jeff didn't remember but Nick did and nodded. "Wouldn't you know that he goes to McKinley and has been one of the guys making Kurt's life miserable?"
Nick was not surprised. "Well, we should have figured if Puck and Finn were coming that a few other's found out and would have been here before. But, what's the big deal? You kicked his ass."
"Yeah. Well I kind of challenged him. I told him if he didn't leave Kurt alone, I would beat the crap out of him. I think he might show up with his friends if we have a fight club meeting this weekend."
"So, we'll be ready. You'll be ready for him."
"There's another thing. Kurt still wants to fight and he wants me to teach him."
Jeff leaned over to talk softly. "Not really the best idea, but I'm guessing you already committed to it."
"Yeah, I'm an idiot."
"No. You're not." Nick nudged Jeff. "Kurt is tough, just not as tough as you. It'll be fine."
"I'm just worried that if I get beat up by these guys, Kurt will break up with me to protect me. That's how he is."
"Well. You won't lose then." Nick smiled. He knew Blaine was a good fighter. He was worried for no reason. "We'll have to make sure that you are best you can be. Jeff and I will make sure no cheating happens and you'll do what you do best."
"Nick's right. You are the all-time champ at fight club. You are just a good fighter. You're trained. Sucks for the rest of us."
"Okay. Can one of you send out the text for fight club? I need to call Kurt."
Jeff grabbed before Nick even reached out. "Too slow Nick." Jeff went running down the hall.
Nick turned to Blaine one last time. "Meet us for dinner in about 20 minutes, but don't cut Kurt off. We aren't meeting to practice until after the dinner shift is over, so you have time." He took off after Jeff.
Blaine smiled and entered his room. He felt so lonely for the first time in 4 days. He was spoiled having Kurt to sleep with. He frankly, liked the sleep noises Kurt made and he'd become accustomed to being able to wrap himself around that pale smooth body and soak up the warmth that existed there. He laid down on his bed as he typed in Kurt's name and pressed send. Kurt picked up before it rang even once. Blaine smiled because that meant Kurt had been waiting.
"God, Blaine. I was starting to worry about you."
"Aww, Babe. " Blaine didn't know it, but that term of endearment made Kurt's heart pound out of his chest. "I got stuck talking to Jeff and Nick in the hall. They had to switch Warbler practice around for me since I was with you."
"I knew you shouldn't have come here last night."
"No… No.. You are so worth it, Kurt. Any time with you is worth it. Trust me. They weren't mad, but they did switch practice to after dinner tonight." Blaine paused as he looked up to the ceiling in is too quiet room. "I'm lonely. I have no idea how I'm going to sleep tonight."
Kurt laughed. "You're being silly. I'll see you tomorrow at the Lima Bean. It's not like we haven't been apart our whole lives."
"I know. I just like wrapping you up and sleeping with you while you make those sleep noises."
"Sleep noises?"
"Yeah, you make really nice soothing sleep noises. Not snoring, just little sighs and stuff like that. Anyway, I just like having someone to hold while I sleep. You're warm and soft."
"So are teddy bears."
"Yeah, but I can't do to a teddy bear what we did this morning or this afternoon."
Blaine cut Kurt off. "Stop! That's gross. Plus I would never want to cheat on you, even if it's an inanimate object."
"That's good information and for the record, I like when you cuddle up behind me. It makes me feel loved."
"Well, I do…"
Kurt cut Blaine off. "I thought I said we weren't going to say that."
"I didn't say anything. I said, I do. I was just agreeing with you Babe. Plus I like being behind you in so many ways, but my favorite is physically sleeping with you wrapped in my arms." Kurt didn't respond. He had a feeling that Blaine was falling in love with him, but he wasn't ready to hear those words. Not yet. He wanted Blaine to love him, but there was the fear of when it ended. "Oh yeah. I forgot to tell you about that Karofsky guy."
"What about him? I remember you scaring him off, but wasn't sure what that was all about. I'm guessing he's been to fight club?"
"Yeah, and I beat the crap out of him."
"How? He's huge."
"I'm a trained boxer, Kurt. I used to box at a local place and even fought a little there. I can beat him because he's big and stupid." Blaine continued. "That's how I know I can always beat Sebastian. He's an idiot and he thinks he's so good. I can use it to put him at a disadvantage. Speaking of Sebastian, have you seen him?"
"No. I'm a little nervous that he'll show up, but Finn's here and Puck was going to hang out here tonight. I'll be honest. I would rather have you here." Kurt dared to get more attached. "I kind of miss you too."
That made Blaine's heart grow. "I am falling in love with you Kurt. I know it and I can feel it. I promised you I wouldn't say it, but I want you to know that I won't be able to hold it in for much longer. I just need you. I keep looking around this room and what I really want to is look at you." Blaine felt so wimpy admitting his feelings like it was a school girl crush."
"Oh hey! I just got a fight club text. Are you texting fight club while talking to me?"
"Of course not. Jeff has the phone. I asked him to text it out." Blaine decided he would use this time to ask Kurt to stay with him. "Can you stay with me on Thursday or Friday?"
"I would really like that." Kurt changed the subject after that admission. "When are you going to teach me to box?"
"Maybe I'll come and stay with you on Thursday instead. I can teach you some things." Blaine thought that it might be easier.
"Boxing things, though I wouldn't mind teaching you other things." Blaine smiled up at his painfully white ceiling. He wanted to be with Kurt. He couldn't believe how early in their relationship he was becoming attached to Kurt. There was really no explanation for why, he just felt whole around Kurt.
"I suppose boxing things would be okay." Kurt giggled a little because the flirting was doing nothing but making him hard at the thought of Blaine staying the night. "I like other things too. I'm not sure I need a lesson in other things, but you can always refresh my memory."
"Are you flirting with me Kurt Hummel?"
"Is it working?"
"Um.. Yes. I would say my tight pants say its working."
"Then yes, I am flirting with you."
"I want to keep talking to you, but I have to eat dinner or I might starve to death before Thursday. I also have to go to Warbler practice." Blaine groaned in frustration. "I wish we were together right now."
"You'll live. Plus, I think my parents are coming home tomorrow morning for a few days."
"Really? I wanted to meet them."
"Maybe this weekend. I'll let you know if they come home and how long they'll be here. Talk to you later or see your tomorrow?"
"Definitely talk to you later. I will need to resolve some issues with a bit of phone sex."
"How could I possibly resist you?" The sarcasm was thick as Kurt laughed.
"I'm irresistible. Just give up trying to resist me."
"Okay.. Go eat before you wither away to nothing. I'll talk to you later."
"Bye Babe."
"Bye Blaine."
Warbler practice was going well. "Okay Warblers, I think we have our harmonies down. Do you think we need to work on the beat boxing?" Blaine questioned the council. He got head shakes. "Then I think that's enough for tonight. We are going to be great shape for Sectionals. We have several weeks to just perfect everything and add a few dance moves to the songs."
Jeff eyes Blaine suspiciously. "In a hurry Blaine?"
"You know I am." Blaine was shoving all his music into a bag. "I told Kurt I'd call as soon as I was out of practice. His dad is actually coming home tomorrow and I was hoping to be able to meet him. Maybe you guys want to come with?"
Jeff pounced on that invitation. "I want to. Do you think Kurt will mind?"
"I don't think so. He is so proud of everything his dad has done and someone that is a supporter would be something Kurt would want his dad to see. I'll ask him tonight just to be sure."
"Thanks Blaine. Snack later?"
"Yeah. What time?"
"10:00. We'll come get you."
It was only 9:00 and Blaine was happy that he would have time to talk to Kurt. One whole hour.
"Hi Blaine. How was practice?"
"Went well. You guys will have your hands full."
"You're so cute. You know that?"
"You think I'm cute?"
"You know you're cute. I'm just stating fact."
"I don't know that, but I'm glad you think I am. So, what are you doing?"
"Nothing. I finished my homework a while ago. I was just waiting for you to call."
"Any sign of Sebastian being there?" Blaine was worried. "I'm just nervous with you being a sitting duck there."
"No sign of him. I don't think he'll try anything tonight."
"Kurt, don't underestimate him. He's capable of anything. He tried to rape you. That's not just stupid. That's someone that's really unstable."
"We have an alarm system that we usually don't use, but I'll turn it on if you'll feel better about it. I'm just worried Finn is going to accidentally set it off. He's goofy like that sometimes."
"It would make me feel better."
"Please don't worry Blaine."
"My boyfriend is being stalked by some crazy guy and you want me to not worry?"
"Your boyfriend is a stubborn person and I promise, I'll be fine."
"I just want you here with me. That way I know you're safe."
"Is that the only reason you would want me there?"
Blaine sensed that Kurt thought he only wanted him around because he felt like a protector. "Of course not Kurt. I want you here so that I can look at you and hold you all night and treat you the way you deserve to be treated. I know you don't want to hear it, but I'm really falling in love with you. You make me feel.. I don't know how to explain it, but the only way to describe it is whole. I want to talk to you all night until I fall asleep with your body pressed to mine. I want to see your smiling face and those blue eyes in the morning when I wake up. I already have hopes and dreams that we end up in the same city after we leave Ohio. I want all that Kurt and I'm willing to wait. So, please don't ever think that that you don't mean anything to me."
"You really think about that? The future?"
"Yeah." Blaine was almost embarrassed to admit it. "I kind of like you a lot."
"I like you a lot too." It was Kurt's turn to admit something about their relationship. "I've liked you since that first night. Since I first laid eyes on you, really. I couldn't believe you were Blaine, the guy that ran the fight club. I just figured Blaine to be.. well.. something else. The first thought that came into my head when I saw you was how hot you were. Then you turned out to be gay and I was lost in you."
"So, now I wish you were here even more. Maybe I'll drive to you house and just get up early. It would be worth it." Blaine was already thinking about what time he'd have to get up to make it to class in time.
"No. Maybe I'll drive to you. Are you allowed to have visitors?"
"No, but they don't say anything unless it is a problem or a student starts to have problems. I want you here, but I don't want you to drive. It's dark outside and you'll get here late."
"Okay. How do I get to your room?" Kurt was kind of missing Blaine too. It was his first boyfriend and Kurt would have just wandered around looking for him, but he didn't want to seem like he was needy. Kurt needed to hear Blaine say it. He needed to hear Blaine say that he wanted him there. He got that and now he was getting out of his car in the Dalton parking lot. He had been sitting there for 45 minutes trying to decide what to do. Should he turn around and go home or try to find Blaine.
"Kurt, please don't drive here this late. It'll be almost 11:00 when you get here." Blaine grabbed some clothes and a bag and was running out the door. He figured he would text Jeff and Nick as soon as he hung up with Kurt. "I'll come to you."
"Blaine. You're being silly. I'm almost 18 and can certainly drive at night." Kurt laughed because Blaine was so protective of him.
Just as he said that he saw Blaine heading right toward him. He knew Blaine hadn't seen him because he was fumbling to shove things in his bag and he could hear him breathing heavily on the phone. Then he heard Blaine in his phone and in the distance saying. "Stay there. I'm on my way."
Kurt looked up and Blaine was within 15 feet of him. "It would be too bad if you were there and I was here." Just then Blaine looked up from his phone and bag and saw Kurt.
He continued to talk into the phone which Kurt laughed at. "What are you doing here?" Blaine sported the biggest smile that Kurt had ever seen him wear. He made the right choice. He was sure of it.
"I wanted to see you." Kurt was standing in front of Blaine with a smile on his face. "I think we can hang up now." Kurt hung up first and then Blaine followed suit and pocketed his phone.
"You're here."
"So are you." Kurt was excited and happy to see Blaine. "Are you going to show me how to get to your room?"
"Absolutely, but first I need to do this." Blaine closed the distance to Kurt and his mouth was on Kurt's. Blaine felt his lips mold to Kurt's like they were two puzzle pieces meant to fit together. Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulders moving closer and kissing back with the same enthusiasm as Blaine. They kissed for a few minutes until Blaine took his hand and led him toward the building that Kurt saw him leave.
The touch of Blaine's fingers was electric and Kurt's body started to tingle. They were at Blaine room in no time. Blaine opened the door. "Home sweet home."
Kurt looked in wonder. He'd expected something like a college dorm room, grey and drab. What he found was a cozy room not unlike a room in a really nice house. Not like his own. Nicer. "This room is so nice."
Blaine turned taking Kurt's bag and placing it on a chair in his room. "I like it. Do you want to go get something to eat? The cafeteria is open until 11:00 for snacks and drinks."
"No. I think I have everything I need right here." Kurt took Blaine's hand as he led Blaine to his own bed. "I just want you right now." Blaine moaned into the kiss that Kurt started.
"Kurt, you're so hot Babe. "
"Just for you."
Blaine didn't want Kurt to think that all he wanted was sex, but it was such a good feeling being inside Kurt, feeling him tight around him. "Everyone is still awake and I need to text Jeff and Nick. They should be here any minute. They were going to pick me up to grab some snacks." Just as Blaine picked up his phone to text, there was a knock at the door. He looked at Kurt. "Sorry."
"Are you kidding Blaine? I don't mind. We have all night." Kurt looked a little disheveled.
Blaine opened the door with an apologetic look in his eyes. He turned as he opened the door. "Hey guys. Look who came to visit."
Nick perked up with a sly smiled on his face. He seemed genuinely happy for Blaine. He was first to say hi to Kurt. "Hey Kurt. Nice to see you again. At least Blaine isn't keeping you hidden away."
"Hi. I decided to visit him since I was skipping school tomorrow. My dad is coming to visit and school is generally lenient when he is visiting since he's usually so busy. Anyway, I thought I would come here and then meet my dad at the airport. He flies into the Columbus Airport anyway. He usually needs to stop and see some of the State representatives that are here before heading home."
Jeff chimed in. "That is so cool. I want to meet you dad."
"Well you're in luck. He'll be here until Friday, so you can come to dinner with us. Blaine will probably appreciate having some moral support when he meets my dad." Kurt moved to stand next to Blaine and took his hand. "It's a little unnerving to meet the boyfriend's parents the first time. Especially when said boyfriend has not yet told his House of Representative Dad about a boyfriend." He squeezed Blaine's hand tight. Blaine looked at Kurt with panic and Jeff and Nick laughed.
"That would be great. Just let us know. It's not every day you get to meet a representative in Congress." Jeff turned to Blaine. "I take it you don't need snacks?" Blaine shook his head no. "Water?"
"All set on water." He motioned to his mini fridge.
"Well, we'll see you later then. See ya Kurt." Jeff winked at Blaine as he left the room.
Kurt smiled and said good-bye. "Now for boyfriend time. Kurt latched his lips to Blaine's as soon as the door shut." He pulled Blaine back to the bed and pulled him on top of him. "God Blaine. I want you right now. I want you inside me, taking me. I just want you."
Blaine realized where this was going fast. "Hang on." Blaine went to the door locking it and then to the nightstand pulling out condoms and lube. "I don't want to hurt you Babe." Blaine rested back on Kurt's body as his hard cock met the front of Kurt's pants and an equally hard cock as he rocked his hips into Kurt's. "Crap, one more thing." Blaine got up and lit some candles he had in the room and turned off the harsh overhead light. "You are gorgeous in any light, but Kurt, you glow in the candlelight. Your skin is perfect and soft."
Blaine immediately started working on the buttons of Kurt's shirt slowly unbuttoning one after the other. Kurt's heart was pounding with need and excitement. Kurt reached up catching his fingers on the hem of Blaine's tee shirt pulling it swiftly off so that he could touch Blaine nipples. This was his boyfriend and it was out in the open now. Kurt felt a release to want and be wanted. The fear he had was slowly dissipating as Blaine rocked his hips repeatedly into Kurt's. This was right for however long it would last. Kurt decided that it was okay to want to let go and give of oneself. "I'm ready to let go and trust you with my heart Blaine. Just please be gentle with it."
Blaine could see how much Kurt struggled with saying it. Now would be the time if any that the words could be said. Now as Blaine removed Kurt's shirt to reveal his bare pale chest glistening in the candlelight. Kurt lifted Blaine's shirt over his head to revel in the beauty of his boyfriend. Blaine's tan skin was spattered with light hair and his lightly defined chest aching to be touched. Bare chest to bare chest, Blaine sucked on Kurt's neck marking him at his pulse point. Kurt's hands made their way in the back of Blaine's pants while Blaine moved to Kurt ear sucking and licking. His hands slipped around the swells of Blaine's ass and he gently squeezed. Blaine couldn't hold it in any longer. His body was on fire from Kurt's touch. He wanted to belong to Kurt. He wanted Kurt to belong to him, so he did it. He broke his promise to not say the words as they left his lips a whisper into Kurt's ear. "I love you, Kurt. I want you to know how much I love you."
Kurt couldn't respond. He didn't know how to respond. Blaine didn't expect a response back. He was okay with it until Kurt could say it. "Blaine… God. I love how you make me feel." Blaine moved on his side a little to reach down and unbutton Kurt's jeans. He tried to push them down but had little success. Kurt on the other hand was able to get Blaine's pants down to his shins where Blaine could kick them off. "Fuck Blaine. Let me get my pants. They are so tight. Sorry." He said with a chuckle.
Kurt stood and Blaine watched Kurt peel his pants off releasing his hardened cock. Kurt blushed because Blaine just lay there looking up at him. "Come here." Blaine crooked his finger stopping Kurt at the edge of the bed as he fisted his cock, stroking firmly. Kurt closed his eyes at the touch and Blaine took the opportunity to lick his head softly swirling his tongue around the tip lapping at the pre-come dripping lightly there. Kurt gasped and his knees were starting to give out. Blaine held his hips as he stretched his mouth around Kurt's arousal. The noises seeping from his mouth were incredible. Blaine worked harder sucking him in as far as he could and fisting the base that he couldn't fit. He hummed while sucking him in and out.
"B-b-blaine. Stop."
"Did I hurt you?"
"No, I just didn't want things to end too quickly." Kurt smiled while he climbed onto the bed. Taking Blaine in his hand and stroking him gently.
Blaine pushed Kurt's back to the bed and straddled him. They continued to stroke each other their arms tangling at times and Blaine threw his head back as Kurt sped up his pace. He stopped and stilled Kurt's hand. "I want to try something Babe. Trust me?"
"Yes, of course."
Blaine smiled. "Relax." Blaine pushed Kurt's legs to his chest laying down off the bed and spread Kurt's ass cheeks apart to reveal his pink puckered opening.
"Oh God." Kurt knew what was going happen next and he wasn't sure he would be able to control himself. "Blaine. I-I might not be able to.."
"I'll stop if you want me to." Blaine stroked his finger over Kurt's hole and Kurt shuddered.
"No.. Don't stop.. Please.. Don't." Blaine licked his finger and inserted his finger past the tight muscle ring. He could see Kurt tighten around him and felt it. It was amazing. He pulled out and rubbed his finger over his hole again before dipping his face toward his hole and licking over it. Kurt gasped and moaned in ecstasy. Blaine thought he made beautiful noises before, but these were even more incredible. Kurt was holding his thighs up and trying to relax. Blaine continued to lick and push his tongue in alternately trying to breech the ever protective muscle ring. He had marginal success and Kurt cock was dripping pre come on his stomach. Kurt eyes were clenched closed just holding on as he could and groaned at the loss of Blaine breath. "Fuck. You. That was.. Oh my God."
Blaine grabbed the lube and a condom ripping the wrapper quickly and sheathing himself coating it generously with lube. "Shhhh. Ready?" Kurt just nodded. He wasn't sure anything coherent would come of out his mouth. Blaine pushed slowly in noticing how much more relaxed Kurt was. More than normal. He continued to push until he felt his balls his Kurt's ass. He sighed at finally being completely surrounded by Kurt. Kurt caressed Blaine's thigh indicating that he was already prepared for him to move. Blaine moved his skin already tingling his body already ripe for the finish line. Kurt moaned time and again as Blaine pushed in and out setting the pace and pushing Kurt more and more to that edge that he already teetered on. "I'll find your prostate Babe. I know what you want."
"Blaine.. I want you. God please. I want you."
Blaine angled himself just a bit higher and thrust deep and strong finally finding what Kurt needed. He clenched down tight around Blaine's cock and Blaine began thrusting slowly becoming more erratic in his thrusts. Blaine was close. Kurt was close. "Kurt. So close, Babe."
"M-me too." Kurt rocked with Blaine trying to help his rhythm and he reached down to stroke himself as he stomach tensed and his toes curled. He came shooting pearly threads of come all over his chest. "Oh Blaine.. I love you." He clenched tight and intermittent on Blaine's cock pushing Blaine over the edge seconds later. Blaine thrust spastically groaning and coming fully sheathed in Kurt's warm tight heat.
"I love you Kurt."
Blaine collapsed into Kurt. His breathing hard and deep. He could smell Kurt. The sweet smell of vanilla, some type of flower and sweat. He slid to the side not caring that he was covered in come. He reached down taking the condom of and haphazardly tossing it toward the trash can. Kurt turned to Blaine and met his hazel eyes. No words spoken. Blaine's honey brown eyes found the sea of blue that he loved and knew he fell hard. What he hadn't expected was for Kurt to admit it now.
Kurt spoke first catching his breath. "You're eyes. They're beautiful."
Blaine merely responded with. "I knew you loved me."