You Got Me
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You Got Me: Old Kurt

E - Words: 7,498 - Last Updated: Nov 03, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Jun 10, 2012 - Updated: Nov 03, 2012
563 0 0 0 0

Chapter 4


Kurt worked steadily under the hood of a Nissan Altima his father's old friend brought in due to transmission problems. He wore his earphones and hummed along to an old Beatle's song. Usually Kurt would be aggravated when his father asked him to wake up at 7 in the morning and help out at the shop; especially on their busiest day—Saturday, but today, things were different. Working on cars had always been therapeutic to the skank, and there was nothing Kurt needed now more than a little therapy. The teen was more nervous than he'd been in a long time.

It was all over this blind double date thing that Blaine set up. Kurt had never gone on a date with a guy before, never mind three other guys, especially one that he thought was insanely attractive. But that's where he was now. That evening, he'd be meeting some random guy and watching Blaine be all lovey-dovey with his wonderful boyfriend.

But right now as Kurt worked on taking out the vehicle's transmission, nothing else mattered. It was only him and this car, and his music, and contentment. Nothing else matt—


Sam shook Kurt by the arm making the skank turn around. He dropped his tool and wiped greasy hands, pulling one ear bud out.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Sam motioned over to Finn and Burt by reception, "Your dad said we're good for the day so let's get out of here."

"Oh," Kurt pulled out his iPod, turning the music off. "Okay. Cool."

Sam ran off, following Finn to the locker room. Kurt closed the hood of the car and went over to his father, explaining how far he had gotten and what else needed to be done. Burt smiled and thanked him, though the gesture lacked sincerity. The man turned back to what he was doing and Kurt sighed, ruffling his hair before going to change into his street clothes.


Since Burt drove the three teens to the shop that morning, all three ended up having to walk back home. Kurt lagged behind wondering what he could to kill time. There were a few hours before he needed to get ready for that date that he started to stress about again, so until then he hoped to keep himself busy. Bothering Quinn was always fun, but she'd probably just bother him back, and bring in the other skanks to help tease him. Some friend she was.

As the trio crossed a quiet street, Kurt overheard Sam and Finn talking about something going on later that night.

"Puck said he'll handle liquor and Artie said he'll handle music. Brittany's mother isn't due back until Tuesday she said."

Sam adjusted the drawstrings to his hoodie as he nodded. "Sounds great to me. I haven't had a good party since I got back to Ohio. I mean Red Solo Cup was fun and all, but sparkling cider does not get a party popping, know what I mean?"

Kurt eased himself in between the two. "There's a New Direction's Party tonight?"

Finn looked at his stepbrother oddly as he nodded, "Yeah. Brittany is throwing one and Santana is co-hosting."

"Did you guys invite Blaine?"

They both nodded. "Of course. He's a member of the club." Finn responded obviously.

"But," Sam cut in, "he said he has a date or whatever. He's gonna stop by afterwards."

The skank nodded. How cool would it be to see Blaine in a party environment? He probably had ridiculous, nerdy dances and drank soda pop. He was probably everyone's designated driver, but quirky and fun at the same time.

"Are you coming?"

Kurt could only roll his eyes at that question. Honestly? Finn knew that the only reason Kurt even bothered with him and Sam was because they lived in the same house. If it wasn't for that, they would be ignored like the rest of the glee club, because Kurt couldn't associate with any of them. His reputation depended on not having ties with any of them.

"Am I a part of the New Directions, Finn?"

Sam exchanged a glance with the taller brown haired guy before Finn answered. "Well, no you're not, but—"

"Then why would I come to a New Directions party?"

"You know we love you bro," the quarterback continued. "You and Quinn. And I'm sure you both understand you'd be welcome."

Kurt shook his head no. He wasn't going, even though the thought of seeing Blaine at a party was totally making him wish he'd said yes. That'd probably be worth the hashing of his rep.

Finn shrugged, glancing at the blonde on the other side of Kurt. "K dude."


"So what are you wearing to this date?"

Quinn pulled out flaming red lipstick and began to make herself up in the mirror. Kurt lay on the bed watching, in between levels of Angry Birds.

"I dunno."

Quinn smirked, and Kurt could tell he wouldn't like whatever was about to come out of his friend's mouth. "Don't stress over it too much. The less clothing, the better. This mystery guy will probably be spreading those long legs afterwards anyway."

Kurt shook his head as he made it to the next level. Everything was a joke with this chick. He pulled a cigarette after tossing the phone away and responded. "That's why people hate you."

Quinn put the lipstick down and turned to face the grumpy boy on her bed. "No one hates me."

"Keep telling yourself that, blondie." He ignored the middle finger she held up as he took a drag from his cigarette. Quinn was going to hang out with the other skanks while Kurt had his date tonight. The thought still scared the shit out of him, if Kurt could be honest. But he didn't want to be scared. The quicker he got out there, the quicker he'd be over all of this.

His phone vibrated a few minutes later, and Kurt lazily reached across the bed for it.

Etes-vous excité pour ce soir? –Blaine

Kurt smirked at Blaine's question of was he excited for tonight.

Google Translate? –Kurt

Yes :( –Blaine

Kurt rolled his eyes, though he couldn't help but grin. Because of the grin, Quinn knew exactly who he was speaking to.

"Is that lover boy?"

"Shut up."

She laughed, going to get her things. "I always love when you spend the weekends with me, Kurtie, but I swear if anything is broken when I get back—"

"Get out."

Quinn rolled her eyes and snatched the cigarette from him, taking it with her. "Make sure you lock up when you leave."

"Yes mother." He looked back down to his phone and began to type.

Lol. I'm excited I guess, but a little nervous too. I've never been on a blind date before.-Kurt

Or a seeing date, Kurt thought to himself.

It'll be fine. He's very attractive, and so are you. :) –Blaine

Kurt stared at his phone for about two minutes straight, not really sure how to continue from this point. He could flirt back, but honestly Blaine was probably joking. He did have a boyfriend and all, and he had been a joker since day one, really. But could he just ignore it? Blaine would think he didn't have a sense of humor, and he did—

I probably shouldn't have said that in case you're sitting there creeped out –Blaine

But IDC, it's true. –Blaine

Why am I blushing? Kurt asked himself, trying to ignore how giddy Blaine's words made him feel. Just calm down, Kurt.

Thank you. But I'm not only interested in looks, you know. I'm not that shallow! ;p –Kurt

Lol ok. What are you looking for in a guy? –Blaine

Kurt played with his lip piercing between his teeth as he thought about it. It was the same things he always wanted… things he'd never gotten. Things he saw in Blaine every time they spent time together. Things Greg had. Greg was a lucky fucker, that was for sure.

A guy with brains, you know? Someone who knows their way around grammar and punctuation is a real turn on for me. A guy that can make me laugh. Make me feel wanted… -Kurt

Happiness, I guess. –Kurt

It wasn't long before he got a response, and Kurt lay down on his friend's bed with a smile as he read.

You deserve that, Kurt. –Blaine

We hardly know each other. How can you say I deserve to be happy? I mean I haven't even been all that nice to you. –Kurt

I can say it easily. You're amazing, and I forgave you for that nonsense already. We can be real with each other from now on, right? –Blaine

Kurt wanted to be real with him. The answer was easy.

Right. –Kurt

What are you doing, anyway? –Kurt

Kurt looked at the television to see a Progressive Insurance commercial on. Blaine answered him quickly.

Well I was supposed to be hanging out with my BF but he won't be in Lima until it's time for our date he says. So I'm just thinking about what to wear tonight and talking to you. –Blaine

Bowties, suspenders, no socks. –Kurt

You know me so well. –Blaine

:) –Kurt

Kurt looked at his overnight bag and wondered if he should run home for a different outfit. The one he chose was pretty nice, if he had to say so himself. A little mix between old Kurt's fashion and current Kurt's fashion. Okay, he looked totally sexy in the outfit, but he didn't know if he should go for that or for something a little more conservative. That's why he didn't show Quinn because she'd be wolf whistling and throwing him condoms and all types of shit.

I can't believe we're talking. I thought you hated me once upon a time. –Blaine

I do. –Kurt

Do not. :-p –Blaine

I heard there's a glee party tonight. Will you be introducing Gregory to your New Direction friends? –Kurt

Doubt it. Rachel thinks I'm a spy. I can't bring other Warblers around. –Blaine

So Blaine was a Warbler. Interesting.

Oh… you're probably wondering. The Warblers are this show choir I used to be in at Dalton. –Blaine

I'm familiar. –Kurt

Are you? –Blaine

Kurt smiled. This is where Blaine would flip his lid.

I used to be in the glee club. –Kurt

Really? –Blaine


But honestly, looking at Kurt now, he couldn't blame Blaine for being shocked.

Yeah –Kurt

What changed? –Blaine

I had to leave. I couldn't take it anymore. –Kurt

The ultra-short version.

Do they suck that bad? –Blaine

Kurt laughed as he typed out a reply. He couldn't remember the last time he enjoyed texting someone so much. That time sophomore year had been fun when he and Finn switched numbers for a project, but Finn responded ten minutes afterwards with 'k' or 'yeah dude'. Thank goodness he got over that insane crush.

Lol no, silly. It's a long story though. –Kurt

You should accompany me to the party… -Blaine

I shouldn't, you mean. –Kurt

Yes you should. –Blaine

Kurt shook his head as if his friend could see him.

We'll talk about this after the dinner date. –Kurt

You can't say no to me, Kurt. –Blaine

You have no idea, Kurt thought. He sat up on the bed and stretched, checking the time. A nice shower would be appropriate. He still smelt like cars.

I need a shower. I'll see you tonight. Remember I'm staying by Quinn's.–Kurt

See you tonight. We'll pick you up. –Blaine


There was literally a block and a half's distance from Blaine's house to Quinn's, and Sebastian had found a way to annoy the hell out of his old friend the entire way there. Blaine smiled, rolling his eyes at all the questions, even though a few made him uncomfortable. For some reason, he wasn't too fond of the idea of Sebastian being all flirty with Kurt, even though he had set up the date, sure. That much was indeed true, but he didn't want to think about Kurt with other guys. If you're asking why, it was simple in Blaine's eyes. Kurt was his friend, and underneath all of the metaphorical layers, the façade, the huge wall he had built up, Blaine knew Kurt was a good guy. He deserved to get out and enjoy himself. The question was, would Sebastian know his worth like Blaine did?

"Seriously, Blainers, he better be hot. Like smoking hot. And he better know how to use his tongue—"

"Bas," Blaine breathed out, already annoyed despite being in the car for only seconds, "please have some respect for him. This is a date. You aren't picking him up on some random street corner for a quickie."

Sebastian laughed and Greg shook his head, grinning at the both of them. Though the senior couldn't deny he wanted to know the answer. Every time Greg seemed to call or text as of late, Blaine was doing something related to that project—either with this Kurt guy or without him. And now he's finding out that the guy is gay. It was a bit much to fathom with your boyfriend and first love hours away.

"Well… Is he hot, babe?"

Blaine stared out the window ignoring his boyfriend. "Greg, don't start." He warned.

Greg smiled, pulling to a stop where his boyfriend indicated for him to. "Just asking, Blaine."

Blaine really liked Gregory. They had been together for about nine months, deciding to be a couple halfway through their junior year. The boy had short well-kept dark hair and dull gray eyes, thin lips and high cheek bones. He was built like a soccer player because he was one; his body lean, and the teen was a couple inches taller than Blaine. He had the looks and he had the charming smile that made males and females swoon, but he was faithful to one person. Gregory told Blaine on their five month anniversary that he loved him, but the shorter teen couldn't return the sentiment. It hurt, but it didn't matter to him. He'd stick around until Blaine felt the same.

But for whatever reason, Blaine wasn't feeling it. He thought Greg was a great guy; he was sweet at times and could say the perfect thing to make him feel better at others. Then he could be insecure and a jealous jerk at others. Often times, Blaine felt like he was in a relationship alone. And then there were times where his boyfriend didn't want to be apart from him. Now, with the distance, it only got harder.

Blaine opened the door to Greg's SUV. "Be right back."

He slammed the door behind him and ran up to Quinn's door. Sebastian slouched down in the second rows seat, looking expectantly.

"He couldn't just text him and tell the guy we're here?" Greg asked, stroking at his beard. His friend smirked.

"Calm down. Your green monster is showing."

"I'm not jealous."

Sebastian rolled his eyes. "Okay, Greg. Okay."

Blaine rang the doorbell and took a deep breath. He stepped back and took a moment to admire the Fabrays' landscaping before he hear Kurt's voice shout 'It's open!'.

Sweaty hands turned the doorknob and Blaine looked down at his palms wondering why he was so nervous. It wasn't like this was his first date with Kurt or anything. He was going out with Greg. Kurt was going out with Sebastian. That's all it was.

But yet his heart was pounding against his rib cage as he took a step inside the home.

Kurt was over at a mirror hanging in the lounge fixing his tie when Blaine first lay eyes on him. The curly haired teen dropped his mouth after taking in his outfit.


Kurt heard his friend's slip up from behind him and turned to look at Blaine.

But fuck, that didn't… damn… that was Blaine.

Kurt mirrored Blaine's reaction when he saw the man standing across the room. He had no glasses on and his hair was… free… and curly. That fucking shirt he wore didn't look like it'd survive if Blaine flexed his muscles because it was so wonderfully tight, and the matching bowtie and suspenders was the perfect shade of green to highlight the color in his eyes.

Don't get Kurt started on the way Blaine's pants hugged his thighs.

He glanced back up to Blaine's face and saw his friend had yet to close his mouth, which brought him back to reality. Blaine had cursed for some reason. Kurt cleared his throat and pulled at his tie.

"What's wrong?"

Blaine's eyes had been trailing down his friend's body from the moment he entered the house. The skank wore tight black jeans that Blaine found himself wanting to rip off of him, and god the things he would do. He wore a short sleeved pink button up that matched the highlights of his hair with a black vest over it, and a black skinny tie completed the look. The bicycle chain on Kurt's hips was the perfect accessory, adding a little hint of skank to the overall classiness, and the shoes Kurt wore clicked against the wooden floor as he took a few steps forward.


Blaine closed his mouth and gulped a few times. "Yeah?"

"Are you okay?" Kurt asked, smiling a little. "You said 'shit' when you walked in and sort of froze…?"

How fucking embarrassing. Why not just get a raging erection to add to it? No! No! Go away!

"Blaine… we can… call it off if you're not feeling well—"

"I'm fine!" Blaine said with a wide smile. "I just remembered something is all. Hey!"

Kurt gave him an odd look before responding. "Hey."

Blaine switched feet, both teens standing there awkwardly. "You um, you look fantastic…"

"Thank you," Kurt answered. He felt his cheeks coloring and hoped Blaine wouldn't notice, but the adorable smile on the other boy's face hinted that he might've noticed. "You do too. It's different."

"My boyfriend prefers my contacts." Blaine said with a trace of sadness, but he quickly covered it up with a smile. "So, are you ready?"

Kurt nodded, straightening out his vest. "I am. D-Do you still hug your friends? I c-could um… I could use one. I'm a little nervous still."

Blaine knew this was a bad idea because he had a hard time letting go after their first hug. He was a big boy, though. He'd be able to control himself. "C'mere, silly."

He pulled the taller boy closer and Kurt stumbled into him before Blaine steadied the boy in his arms. They caught eyes for a moment and Kurt smiled softly, wrapping his arms around Blaine's shoulders. Blaine sighed, linking his own around Kurt's waist and holding him as close as Kurt would probably deem comfortable. He felt Kurt exhale and tighten his grip, and he did the same, both flush against each other.

Kurt hummed, feeling his body relax a little. When he felt his fingers carding through the hair at the nape of Blaine's neck, his eyes snapped open. Blaine's hand was running along the small of his back and it felt really nice, so Kurt had no choice but to pull away. He had other choices but they probably wouldn't lead to them going to dinner.

Blaine frowned when he felt Kurt pull away, but quickly recomposed.

"Erm, thanks." Kurt smiled, grabbing his keys from the table next to them. He looked at Blaine and found the dark haired teen still staring at him in ways that was sure to drive him crazy.

"No problem," Blaine responded in a breathy, low register. His eyes remained glued on Kurt, and the skank—who was supposed to be in charge—gulped and looked away. How the hell could the guy that he met on Monday (that almost knocked him down in the hallway) be the sexy man standing in front of him right now?


"Yeah," Blaine turned back towards the door and pulled it open, "let's go."

Sebastian noticed the door opening out the corner of his eye and saw Blaine walk out, followed by his stunning, tall, pierced and tatted, delicious looking date. Sebastian always wanted to know what it would be like to bed a bad boy. He imagined they were the hugest of freaks in the sheets.

"I could definitely work with that." Sebastian told his friend. "Shit."

Greg turned to look and saw the guy who had to be Kurt following behind his boyfriend. Blaine had some unreadable expression—one he was sure he'd never seen him wear before. And this Kurt guy… they never hang out with guys like this before. He had about four visible piercings; lord knows how many ones were hidden underneathhis clothes. And he was fucking attractive. On top of the bad ass image, he had a certain innocent air about him. He was hot but he looked like he sold drugs, or his body. He also looked like he volunteered at nursing homes just for the hell of it. But he was sure his first thoughts were more likely, and Greg didn't think he liked Blaine around the likes of someone like that.

Sebastian hopped out the vehicle and ran around to the passenger side. Kurt took a quick moment to observe him. He was definitely attractive. Blaine wasn't over exaggerating when he said it. Green eyes, brown hair, a nice pinstriped dress shirt over navy slacks. He was tall, and wow that smile… he looked nice.

Blaine stopped between them to introduce the two, not missing the way either were looking at each other. "Sebastian, this is the wonderful guy I told you about, Kurt Hummel. Kurt," he smiled, and Kurt looked away from Sebastian to give Blaine his attention, "this is my friend from Dalton, Sebastian Smythe."

Sebastian quickly extended his hand. "Kurt, it is a pleasure to meet you. Blaine has said so many amazing things about you."

Greg listened from inside the car, biting on his lip in the process.

"The pleasure is mine," Kurt smiled, taking his hand. They shook for a while before Blaine cleared his throat and went to get inside. Sebastian smiled, holding the door open for the pink and brown haired teen.

"After you, Kurt."

"Thank you."


The ride was tense for Blaine. It was spent with listening to Sebastian and Kurt share small conversation about school and interests, and Blaine frowned when he realized a lot of the things Kurt told Sebastian he didn't know himself. It was mainly because Kurt spent most of his time disliking the nerd, while he and this pretty boy were getting along just fine.

The other part of the ride was spent with Blaine receiving interesting glances from his boyfriend. He knew he'd hear about this later on. Why didn't you tell me this guy was gorgeous? Why didn't you tell me he was gay? He has a tattoo of a skull and roses, Blaine! He has fucking face piercings! Are your parents aware that you're around a guy like this?

Blaine sighed. Conversations with his boyfriend were the best.

What was also the best was Greg and Kurt's introduction to one another. He totally blew Kurt off when the skank said hello and reached out a hand, rolling his gray eyes and giving some halfhearted greeting in return.

Kurt couldn't lie; Blaine's boyfriend was pretty gorgeous. But he was also an ass wipe, and Kurt felt Blaine deserved more than that. When they got to the restaurant—somewhere way too fucking pricey and refined –Greg held the door open for everyone, giving Kurt a distasteful look in the process. He rolled his eyes and stepped inside, waiting for Blaine or Sebastian to lead the way. But Greg grabbed Blaine by the arm, and Blaine must've known what that meant because he waited while Sebastian walked in front of him.

"I guess they want to talk," the taller said, motioning with a head nod towards the hostess. Kurt followed behind him, glancing back at the two outside that seemed to be having a heated discussion. He couldn't help but feel like this was his fault. If he wasn't a virgin, Blaine wouldn't have invited him here, and he wouldn't be having relationship problems.

It was farfetched, but probably accurate.

"We have a reservation for four under Anderson," Sebastian told the hostess. She smiled, grabbing a few menus when she noticed the other couple walking up behind.

"Welcome to Eolo. Please follow me."

Sebastian stepped aside to let Kurt follow the hostess first. "After you," he winked. Kurt nodded, walking past. He could feel Sebastian's eyes on his ass all the way to their corner table near the window, causing him to try and control the sway of his hips. No need for this guy to think he was giving him hints or anything.

Blaine pulled a seat out for Greg once they reached their destination, and his boyfriend smiled in an unfriendly way, if at all possible, before taking a seat. Blaine went to do the same for Kurt who sat on the other side of him, but remembered that Greg would probably have a heart attack. Sebastian seemed to have that covered anyway, ignoring Kurt's 'I totally could've done that myself.'

They sat and went over the menus. Kurt glanced up at Blaine every once in a while, whenever Greg's eyes weren't watching him suspiciously. Blaine seemed a little out of it—his usual smile gone, and the happy go lucky mentality he always sported wasn't on show. Kurt wanted to ask if he was okay but that would probably only make matters worse.

"Have you decided?" Sebastian whispered to him. Kurt looked over and smiled.

"I think I'm going to go simple and have some eggplant parmigiana with ricotta."

His date looked down and found it on the menu. "Good choice. I had it once and it was delicious."

Blaine looked between the both of them before glancing back down to his menu. He didn't intend for any of this. He hoped inviting Kurt out with them would turn out to be just some sort of friendly hangout thing. Sure he kept promising that Sebastian was hot, but it didn't actually click that they'd click. What Blaine wanted out of this was an excuse for him to see Kurt. But maybe inviting someone else would've gone a lot better. Like someone who didn't bed guys for the hell of it.

Yeah, maybe.

"So, Kurt, right?" Greg asked cheekily, placing his menu down.

Kurt did the same and looked directly across the square table to Blaine's boyfriend. "Kurt. Yes."

Blaine followed their actions and stared down at his hands. This would be a long fucking night.

"I see you're into piercings. How many do you have?"

Kurt bit his lip before responding. "Three each in my ears, my two eyebrow piercings, and the lip ring."

Greg smirked. "Nowhere else?"

Sebastian smiled at his friend before rolling his eyes. "Ignore him, Kurt. The man has a kinky side."

Blaine took a sip of his water, already annoyed with this night.

"It's fine," Kurt said. "What did you decide on?"

He and Sebastian had a side conversation for a while, and the curly haired teen watched them laugh and giggle with one another while he and his boyfriend just sort of glared at one another. He had never been as disappointed in Gregory as he was right now. Behaving like a child was so beneath him.

The waiter came and took their orders. Blaine watched the polite man take their menus away before looking over to Kurt. The boy gave him a soft smile and automatically he felt better. The fact that all it took was a smile from Kurt to cheer him up scared him, but he decided not to dwell on that for too long.

"I missed you so much, Blaine. I was thinking maybe Monday I could drive out since school's closed for us Tuesday… some sort of staff development. So…" he crept his hand along the table and placed it on top of Blaine's, "what do you say? We could spend some much needed time catching up."

Kurt listened closely, picking up his glass of water. He tried not to listen, but for once Sebastian wasn't flirting with him and was only waggling his eyebrows up and down at Blaine.

Blaine shook his head though. "My parent's will be home. I can't let you spend the night. We can hang out but—"

"Your parents love me babe—"

"You're not spending the night."

The table got quiet at once and Sebastian and Kurt looked at one another, both trying to start up a conversation at the same time and failing. Greg nodded, changing the topic.

"Okay. I know you have to be at public school in the morning. Sorry, I didn't consider that. How is public school treating you anyway? I hope it's different than before—"

Blaine slammed both hands on the table as he got up and walked towards the bathroom. All three watched him go, as well as others in the restaurant, and Kurt decided he'd be the one to go and check on him since his boyfriend wasn't making any effort to.

"I'll be back."

"Okay," Sebastian said, looking towards his friend. Greg steadily watched Kurt walk away with hatred in his eyes.

"What is wrong with you? Are you out of your mind?"

Greg slouched down in his seat. "That guy is bad fucking news."


Kurt ran into the bathroom and Blaine was there at the sink, splashing water on his face. He slowly walked over and leant against it, looking at his friend carefully.

"You okay, dweeb?"

Blaine smiled, grabbing napkins and drying his face. "Just peachy, Kurt. You didn't have to follow me."

"We're friends right?" Kurt said with a smile, casually brushing a few curls out of Blaine's face as if he'd been doing it forever. Blaine leant into his hand before acknowledging that he was probably doing too much.

"We are friends. But you're enjoying yourself out there. Go finish your date."

"I'm not leaving this bathroom without you, Blaine."

Blaine nodded. "Just give me another minute. I need to take a few more breaths before I say something I regret, you know? What happened to me when I was younger is not a joke to throw around, and for him to bring that up… I just… just give me a minute, please."

Kurt nodded. He was guessing that maybe his past and Blaine's didn't have that much of a contrast. "I understand, Blaine. Take your time."

Blaine stared in the mirror a while longer before shaking his head and looking back down. Kurt smiled at him, placing his hand over the other boy's.

"I miss you in your glasses."

He saw a slow smile creep across his friend's tanned face. "Me too, actually. I meant what I said earlier too, Kurt." Blaine paused, looking over the taller teen's outfit once more. "You really do look fantastic."

Kurt tinted pink again and nodded. "Thank you, Blaine. So do you."

"You don't have to say that."

"You're right, but I'm saying it anyway because it's ridiculously true."

Blaine smiled, running his hands through curly locks. "Let's get this over with."


"So I hear you've joined the enemy, Blaine."

Sebastian took a bite of his ravioli, looking at his old friend suspiciously. "How do we know you aren't giving McKinley all of our secrets at Dalton?"

Blaine rolled his eyes after taking a sip of his drink. "I don't think the New Directions need any of your secrets. They're a very talented bunch."

Greg rolled his eyes as he ate. He didn't even know his boyfriend anymore. Between the company he kept and the way he just joined this public school's glee club, a club that would be performing against a group of Warblers that Gregory now led, he really didn't understand what was going on with his boyfriend nowadays.

"Sure they are. Are you in McKinley's glee club?" Sebastian asked his date with a flirty smile. Kurt smiled but shook his head.

"Once upon a time I was, but now my time is limited. I have other obligations, you know?"

He nodded. "I hope you'll be able to find time for me amongst those obligations." Sebastian told him with a grin. "I think I can make you forget about everything and everyone else."

Blaine watched Kurt blush and look back to his plate. He had had enough of this. No seriously, this fucking sucked.

"We'll see about that, I guess." Kurt said with a flirty grin of his own.

Blaine ended up asking for the check before he had finished half of his food. The teen's appetite was gone anyway. Between his boyfriend behaving like a dick, and Sebastian drooling all over his Kurt, Blaine was finished with this evening. It wasn't anybody's fault but his own, but that didn't mean Blaine couldn't feel bad for himself.

Greg walked out of the restaurant first. Blaine followed shortly behind, wondering if he should call him out on his horrible behavior, but not wanting to argue in the middle of a parking lot. He used to wonder why he didn't love Greg; why he could never say those words back, but then they'd have nights like these where his boyfriend would show off his 'holier than thou' attitude and remind Blaine of how sour his personality could be.

When Blaine went to hop in the passenger side, he saw the other two exchanging numbers by the entrance. The disappointment that coursed through Blaine made his skin heat up, but what could he do? He was the reason for all of this.


Sebastian ended up walking Kurt up to Quinn's doorway. Blaine watched them like a hawk to see if they'd kiss, or if Sebastian would try to creep his way inside. That'd kill him. But he knew Kurt wasn't that type of guy, no matter what he wanted people to think.

Eventually, they shook hands again after talking for a while. Blaine watched Sebastian walk back to the vehicle with a wide grin and quickly hop inside. Greg had been looking away the entire time, not interested in anything going around him. He just wanted to talk things out with the boy he loved.

They drove the short distance to Blaine's place and Greg parked directly in front of his boyfriend's car. Blaine said goodnight to both before getting out and walking to his door.

"Damn," Sebastian said, shaking his head. "No goodnight kiss… someone is mad at you."

Greg undid his seatbelt and got out of the car with a huff.

"Blaine! Blaine wait…"

Blaine already had his key in the lock when he turned around. "Make it quick."

"What's wrong with you? How do you expect me not to be upset?"

Blaine sighed, "I just don't understand what gives you the right to be so judgmental. You know nothing about him—"

"What do you know about him? You've been at your new school a full five days, Blaine!"

"And how dare you bring up what happened at my old school? Do you know what that fucking did to me?"

Blaine turned away, almost punching the door at how angry he felt. He took a few deep breaths before unlocking it. Greg stood there scratching at his beard.

"Listen, babe. I love you…"

"Call me when you get in." Blaine pushed his front door open and closed it calmly behind him. His boyfriend remained on the other side, considering knocking on the door, but he knew better than anyone that Blaine probably needed a breather for a while. He headed back to the car where Sebastian was getting into the front seat before driving off.

Blaine heard the car pull off as he undid his bowtie. Reaching for his phone, he went to his messaging app and sent one to Kurt.

I'll pick you up for that party in 10 minutes. –Blaine


Kurt didn't bother switching clothes, so when Blaine showed up he simply headed downstairs and out the door. Blaine wore a cardigan now with a Henley underneath, nice denim jeans, and dark loafers. Kurt smiled when he saw his glasses on.

"There's my Blaine."

Blaine grabbed his hand and closed Quinn's door behind them, trying not to grin like an absolute idiot. The skank looked down at his fingers laced with his French partner's as they walked off.

Blaine unlocked his car and held the door open for his friend.

"Why is everyone assuming I can't open my own door tonight?"

Blaine smiled. "Get inside, will ya?"


They arrived at the party not long after. A drunken Finn opened the door, smiling at the both of them.

"Dude! You made it!"

Blaine nodded. "That I did. Can we come in?"

"You brought Kurt!" Finn smiled, running inside. "Kurt's here guys!" he shouted over the music. Blaine quickly dragged his friend inside and over into a dark corner where the teens had pushed the love seat so that they could create a makeshift dance floor. When everyone looked to see where Kurt was, they were left with the door standing wide open but absolutely no people.

"No one is there you alcoholic." Santana rolled her eyes and went back to watching everyone dancing like idiots. She was organizing a game for all of them to play.

Finn shrugged and went to close the door.

"My step-brother isn't the brightest bulb in the box."

Blaine smiled, moving closer to Kurt on the sofa. "You want a drink or something?"

Kurt shook his head. "I'm good. Thanks, though."

Blaine nodded, telling him it was no problem. They both got quiet and looked over the party. Brittany was wearing a unicorn horn and trying to take her shirt off, but it wasn't working too well for her. Kurt felt Blaine inching closer and closer and he played with his lip piercing, inching over a little himself.

"So did you um, did you enjoy yourself?"

Kurt nodded. "He seems nice. Forward at times, but nice."

Blaine licked his chap lips as he nodded too. "Sebastian is cool. I mean, he's a player and all, but he seems to like you."

Kurt wondered if Blaine was saying that Sebastian was a player now because Blaine was into him (let's be honest, they both had to know they liked each other by now) or because he was genuinely concerned. Either way, Kurt was smarter than to fall for anything.

"Why did you get a player to take me on a date?" Kurt asked accusatorily, turning his body to face Blaine's and crossing one leg over the other. "Do you think I'm that hard for sex?"

"No!" Blaine exclaimed, "No—I just—"

"I'm only kidding, Blaine." Kurt smiled, the dim lighting from the wall lamp further into the room barely shining over his face. "Relax."

Blaine felt a lot more at ease after hearing that. He laughed and adjusted his glasses. "Were you thinking about h-having sex with h-him?"

Kurt sighed. "I don't know him well enough for all of that. I know… I may come off like that type of guy—"

"You don't," Blaine corrected, placing and arm along the top of the couch; his hand landing near Kurt's head. "You're beautiful, really."

Kurt looked down at his lap. "Greg doesn't like me too much."

Blaine scoffed and looked out over his glee members partying. "Don't even think about him. I'm not."

His friend looked up. "You're not?"

"Nope." Blaine shrugged. "He gets jealous over everything and everyone. It kills me. I could understand if I gave him reason to do that before but I haven't. I've been faithful and I've tried. But now…" he trailed off for a moment, wondering if he should say this aloud, "when he acts like this, it make me want to see how it would be with someone else, you know?"

Kurt looked at him for a while and nodded. "Is he the first guy you've ever been with?"

"Yeah," Blaine leant back and glanced at Kurt, finding the slightest shine in those blue eyes. "And vice-versa. Sometimes I think I deserve better, but I know he loves me."

"If he loves you then I think he'll respect the fact that you do deserve better and work hard to give you that."

Blaine nodded. "You're right."

They were quiet again. A new song came on and Artie held his 40 up in the air as he swayed to the music.

"So when are you going out with Sebastian again?"

Kurt smirked. He could smell the jealousy on Blaine. "He said he'd call and we'll take it from there."

His friend nodded. "Okay."


"So do you want to dance?"

Kurt laughed. "Umm no, I don't."

Blaine stood up and held his hand out. "C'mon. Dance with me."

Why did he and his stupid glasses and stupid smile have to be so attractive?

Kurt accepted his hand and Blaine walked them to the spot next to the couch so that they were still somewhat isolated. He began to cabbage patch and Kurt rolled his eyes, laughing the entire time.

When Blaine began doing disco moves, Kurt had had enough.

"Let me show you how it's done, Anderson."

Blaine's jaw dropped when Kurt started to shake his hips to the beat. He grabbed the skank by the tie and pulled him closer, doing a few moves of his own.

"Yeah, you like that? I call it the Blaine-Bling."

Kurt laughed, pushing him away. "You're so corny, Blaine."

"I like seeing you smile."

He grabbed Kurt close by the waist and smiled into his cheek. "I'm better at slow dancing anyway."

Kurt laced his hands around Blaine's neck, despite the retort he had coming. "This is a fast song, dweeb."

"Pretend it isn't."

So they did. Blain held Kurt close and they moved together to some imaginary song playing in their heads. He smiled when Kurt placed his head on his shoulder, and colorful strands of hair tickled Blaine's jaw. The skank's long fingers gripped into Blaine's cardigan as they moved back and forth smoothly and rhythmically. Nothing had ever felt so right for either young man.

It felt so right that Blaine found himself turning his face so that his lips could meet Kurt's, and Kurt found himself moving closer. They both looked up and caught one another's eyes, questioning if this was what they wanted. Both wanted it, as wrong as it was. Blaine felt Kurt's breath fan across his lips as he went to close the distance, but Finn was back.

"Are you guys really here or… or like… are you like in my imagination again?"

Kurt jumped away at the voice, and once he noticed who was there he almost choked the shit out of him. Blaine dropped his head. He was so close to doing what he wanted to do all freaking night. His lips were so close to touching Kurt's he could almost taste him.

He was so close to messing up nine months' worth of a relationship.

"We're in your imagination, Finn. Get the fuck away from us." Kurt hissed.

Finn nodded. "My imagination Kurt is much so like my… my real life Kurt."

He walked away and Kurt looked at Blaine to see him staring at the ground. Great. Now this wouldn't be awkward to work with on Monday after school.

"I'm going to head back to Quinn's place. She's probably home by now and…"

"I'll walk you home," Blaine said quickly.

"It's fine, you don't have to…"

"I really want to." Blaine grabbed his hand (again) and went to the door. They each left the house and Blaine abandoned his car so that they could walk together.

He wasn't sure why exactly. The walk was really quiet and stroppy. Kurt wouldn't look at him, and Blaine couldn't really bring himself to look at him. It felt odd. They were still holding hands, and that felt incredible, but prior to this they'd gotten to this comfortable place where awkward wasn't invited and now…

After a few blocks, the pair ended up on Quinn's. Blaine counted the houses to hers, wishing he was brave enough to say something, to recommend that they talk about it, but nothing came out. He was just as scared as always.

"Well," Kurt finally spoke, sounding a little scratchy from being quiet for so long, Blaine assumed. "This is me." He smiled softly, pointing back to his friend's house.

"Yeah," Blaine smiled as well, reluctantly letting go of Kurt's hand and ruffling his curly hair. "So goodnight. Sleep well."

"Thank you," Kurt answered, smiling in return. "Um, you can text me if you go back to the party. I probably won't be asleep anytime soon."

"Sounds good," Blaine answered. He stared between Kurt's eyes and his lips before looking away to where a car was passing by. Kurt did the same, clearing his throat.

"So goodnight." He turned around and headed towards the front door, pulling out a key in the process.

"I didn't get my hug," Blaine called out. Kurt paused before reaching the front step, and a blissful smile spread across his face.

He turned around and Blaine was meeting him half way, walking slowly. He took a few steps himself and smiled as the shorter teen wrapped his arms around him.

Kurt couldn't understand it. He felt so safe in Blaine's arms, and all of this was wrong, because Blaine was with someone, and hooking him up with dudes, but it felt so fucking right. The way his hands trailed to hold him on the waist—no one touched him like that before, and the way his stubble felt against Kurt's clean shaven jaw—it felt amazing. The way he could wrap his arms around Blaine's broad shoulders and have them feel like they belonged there. It was all wrong, but god if it didn't feel right.

Before Blaine could pull away, Kurt placed a soft kiss to his friend's cheek. He could feel the skin heating up underneath his lips as he slowly went to move away.

"Goodnight, Blaine." he whispered, taking a few steps back. Blaine dropped his hands to his side and smiled, watching Kurt's retreating figure climb up the stairs.

"I'm going to text you so don't go to sleep." Blaine called out, licking his lips at the view of Kurt in those jeans.

"I won't." Kurt responded, turning around and smiling at his nerdy, sexy, friend. Blaine waved and he returned it, closing the door behind him.

It was crazy how Blaine brought out the old Kurt in him.


Kurt turned around at the sound of his best friend's voice. Quinn sat on the arm of her couch with a spoon and tub of strawberry ice cream in hand.

He had been caught.

"Get into something comfortable. You have some explaining to do."

End Notes: I always forget to update on scarves and coffee ahhh... Okay i'll do better. Hope you liked!


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