You Got Me
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You Got Me: I think...

E - Words: 7,740 - Last Updated: Nov 03, 2012
Story: Closed - Chapters: 12/? - Created: Jun 10, 2012 - Updated: Nov 03, 2012
569 0 4 0 0

Chapter 10

“You’re still upset.”

“No I’m not.”

“It doesn’t seem that way to me.”

Blaine signaled right before turning the steering wheel. Maybe he was still a little bothered by that impromptu drop-in from his former glee club (and former friends) the Warblers, but after a little time alone with Kurt, he’d be fine. It was just that he knew Greg was probably telling his old friends all types of bold faced lies about what happened, like Sebastian. He and Sebastian were close friends before all of this. Who knows what happened now.

“I’m not upset, honey. I promise.”

Kurt turned slightly in his seat to give Blaine a look as the shorter teen smiled, pulling his car into the driveway. “Stop looking at me like that.”

Kurt undid his seatbelt and went to grab his back pack. “I know you a tad bit better than you think I know you.”

“Is that so?”

Blaine smiled as Kurt gave him a light nod. “It is so. If you weren’t upset you’d be singing and we’d be kissing at every other stop sign like we usually do.” Kurt unlocked his door and pushed it open, turning back to give his boyfriend a pointed look. “That, along with the way your eyebrows furrowed and your nose wrinkled nearly the whole ride lets me know that you weren’t happy.”

Wow. Blaine licked his lips and nodded, admitting defeat. “I may be a little upset.”

Kurt leant back inside, climbing on the passenger seat and kissing Blaine gently on the cheek. He smiled as he pulled away, locking eyes with his boyfriend. “How about you take me inside so we can talk about it?”

Blaine finally pulled his key out the ignition as he nodded, leaning in and touching his lips to Kurt’s. “That sounds like a good idea.”

As Kurt got out the car once again and walked over the lawn to the Anderson residence, Blaine grabbed his bag and followed, pressing the button on his car remote to lock the vehicle. At the door of his home, he and Kurt shared another quick kiss before he unlocked it and let them in.

They both placed their bags down and worked on taking off their coats. Blaine helped Kurt out of his and hung both on the coat rack, smiling when Kurt tried to walk off. He caught him by the hand and pulled him back over, holding him steady by the waist.

“It’s a little warm in here, don’t you think?” Kurt raised an eyebrow as Blaine glanced over his body. “I don’t think you’ll need to wear this sweater.”

Kurt smirked, nodding his agreement. “Help me take it off?”

Without giving proper answer, Blaine began to undo the buttons to Kurt’s tunic sweater, though his actions were probably answer enough. Kurt kept his eyes locked on the boy across from him who focused on unbuttoning the cotton fabric, passing over Kurt’s waist and popping the last one open. He smiled, watching his boyfriend shimmy out of it and hung it up along with their things.

“Much better,” Kurt mused, now left in a black t-shirt and tight skinnys. He purposely opted out of wearing multiple layers today, knowing he’d be alone with Blaine. Hopefully it’d be worth it.

As Kurt walked away, his hips sexily rocked from left to right. Blaine pulled his v-neck sweater over his head and tossed it onto a rest chair by the door, following behind his boyfriend in only his button-up shirt and dark blue jeans. Kurt sat down first, followed by Blaine who grabbed the remote.

“Don’t think you’re getting out of talking to me.”

Blaine smiled, turning the television down low. It was on the news; the weather report showing and revealing the temperatures would resume dropping over the next few days. Winter was slowly but surely approaching.

Blaine tossed the remote away and wrapped his arm around his boyfriend. Kurt curled into his side, waiting expectantly. “Go on. Start talking, mister.”

“I feel like I messed up in a lot of ways.” It was quiet and Kurt was confused by the statement, tensing up because of it, but Blaine quickly kissed him in reassurance. “I mean with the way I handled things. Now, I’ve dragged so many people into this problem with my old friends…”

“What makes you think that this is your fault?” Kurt asked. He gazed up into his boyfriend’s eyes curiously. Blaine only shook his head and shrugged at first. It just was his fault.

“I wanted to leave Greg for a long time. I wanted to leave him before I met you, and before I switched schools altogether… I mean my family wasn’t crazy about him, and while he could be a great guy when he tried he just wasn’t one on instinct. It wasn’t who he genuinely was.” Kurt stroked Blaine’s knee with the pad of his thumb as he listened. “But silly me, after everything I’d been through in the past, I finally had a guy who was interested in me. He said he loved me and I didn’t want to give that up.”

Kurt nodded his understanding, laying his head in the pocket of Blaine’s neck. “I get that, I guess.”

“Yeah,” Blaine continued, “I guess it isn’t so farfetched. But had I ended it, I wouldn’t have brought him and Sebastian into the picture. It’d be the two of us. We wouldn’t have gone through the bull crap we went through, and the New Directions wouldn’t be getting surprise visits from my old friends. When it comes down to it, all of our problems are because of me.”

Kurt shook his head no, but Blaine only continued. “It’s true, baby. Think about it; you only ever met Sebastian because I introduced you to him. I introduced you to him so that we could go on a double date where I’d introduce you to Greg. If I wasn’t with Greg, I wouldn’t have tried to set you up with Bas. I would’ve pursued you myself… and not because you’re a virgin and I said I’d… help… but because even back then I liked you. A lot, Kurt. I mean what we have is so much more than I had with my ex.”

Kurt sat up completely and repositioned himself, climbing on top of Blaine’s lap. He tried not to laugh as the dark haired teen’s eyes went up in shock. Instead, he moved his hand to both of Blaine’s tense shoulders and began to rub tentatively, focusing on the tightness and rubbing out the kinks. “It would have been nice to have everything go a different way, but it didn’t, Blaine. We had to go through a little struggle to get where we are now. But I’m happy where we are now. Aren’t you?”

Blaine tried not to moan as his boyfriend’s hands worked at relieving the tension in his neck. His eyes trailed from beautiful lips dressed in strawberry flavored Chap Stick, to a chest hidden by a tight, dark undershirt, and finally settled on curvy hips on his lap. He nodded his head slowly, enjoying the massage and hoping his growing erection wouldn’t fight its way through the jeans he wore. “I’m very happy where we are now, baby.” He glanced back up until he found a pair of blue eyes staring back at him. “Especially where you are right now.”

Kurt smiled, blushing softly. Daringly he shook his ass a little and Blaine cursed underneath his breath, dragging his hands from where they lay on the sofa to either side of Kurt’s waist. “You’re too sexy, Hummel.”

Kurt leant in and whispered in Blaine’s ear; his fingers digging a little deeper into the broad shoulders of his boyfriend. “That’s my middle name, sweetie.” The hot air ghosted over Blaine’s skin and he licked his lips, tightening his grasp on Kurt’s hips.

Time passed and Blaine had relaxed tremendously since Kurt started to massage his neck and shoulders. He felt loose, and those other guys (whatever their names were) had been a concern of the past. Now, he had a new problem on his mind… one that he believed they’d enjoy solving. “You’re getting me very, very excited right now.” he whispered. Kurt giggled in Blaine’s ear but the younger teen ignored him, running his hands over the curves of his boyfriend’s ass. “This isn’t a laughing matter.”

“No offense, babe,” Kurt kissed him on the jaw and pulled away, not speaking again until Blaine’s eyes left his lean midriff and met his eyes, “but you get excited extremely easily.”

Blaine scoffed, rolling his eyes away. He rested his head against the couch as Kurt’s hands moved a little lower, rubbing away the tension.

“You know it’s true. What happened in second period today? Mr. Klein’s class…”

Blaine smirked at the memory and Kurt had to laugh at him, steadily massaging the boy over his dress shirt. “That’s not fair, Kurt. You were like sucking on your pen and rubbing it over your lips… that was not fair at all.”

“Nobody told you to watch me.” Kurt responded with a flirty smile. He began to undo Blaine’s buttons and bit his lip when the teen’s fingers caressed him in his tight jeans. “I think it’ll be easier to handle this with your shirt undone, don’t you think?” His boyfriend nodded his agreement, smiling when Kurt succeeded in undoing the last button and his long fingers skirted over the tight tank top he wore.

Kurt could clearly see the muscles of Blaine’s abdomen underneath the shirt. His hands raked over every inch and pressed down on his boyfriend’s chest, rubbing him firmly. “Are you feeling any better?”

Blaine had been reveling in the touching, but opened his eyes and nodded. “I’m getting there, baby. Just keep doing what you’re doing.” He stroked slow circles over Kurt’s ass as he closed his eyes again and relaxed.

Kurt blushed at the words, rubbing his fingers over Blaine’s ribs. Luckily Blaine’s eyes were closed and couldn’t see just how much everything he did affected the coiffed boy. After running his fingers up and down Blaine’s torso, he settled once more on the broad shoulders.

“Why can’t you be ticklish? You have to have a ticklish spot somewhere.” He unsuccessfully tried running his fingers to Blaine’s neck and back down his body, but the boy didn’t even flinch. Blaine wore a sated grin but Kurt only scowled. He moved his legs to the coffee table, watching Kurt bounce on top of him because of the movements. He bounced very suggestively, even if he didn’t realize it. Just when Blaine thought he couldn’t get any harder…

“I’ll tell you what,” he rested his hand on Kurt’s thighs and smiled, glancing into blue-green pools, “if you give me a kiss, I’ll let you know just where to touch me. It gets me every time.”

Kurt looked skeptical but eventually agreed. “You’re definitely ticklish in this spot, right?”

Blaine smiled in a way that was somewhat mischievous, but luckily for him, Kurt missed it. He puckered his lips like he did in French class earlier and waited expectantly. “Kiss me.”

It wasn’t like Kurt could really argue. He wasn’t fond of his lips being away from Blaine’s for too long a time.  Being in class and having his boyfriend whispering things that should only be whispered in private often made Kurt feel this way even more. And Blaine’s lips felt magnificent.

He shortened the distance, breathing in before connecting their lips chastely. His intentions were for it to be chaste, but Blaine wasted no time slipping his tongue from between his lips and running them against Kurt’s teeth, humming when Kurt agreed to part them. He reveled in the strawberry taste, and taste of Kurt himself, groaning in discontent when the boy pulled away, eyes slightly out of focus.

“You got your kiss. Now where is it?” Kurt darted his fingers underneath Blaine’s arms and smiled, then frowned when Blaine shook his head no and didn’t seem tickled in the slightest. He went for the neck again and Blaine mocked boredom. Kurt started getting frustrated, his tickling turning into full fledge poking to the point that Blaine yelped.


“Where is this spot?”

“Lower,” Blaine said, linking his hands with Kurt’s and placing them on his chest. He then moved his back to Kurt’s ass and rested them there. Kurt watched with a quirked brow as Blaine closed his eyes and relaxed, looking way too satisfied once again.

“Here?” he tickled him, or at least tried to, but Blaine shook his head no.

“Close, though. A little lower, baby.”

Kurt trailed his fingers a bit further south and Blaine bit his lip, slouching down a little further on the couch and spreading his legs wider. Kurt let his fingers tease beneath his ribs and across his abdomen, over the thin fabric of his tank top. He couldn’t deny that straddling Blaine’s lap and touching him like this—being touched like Blaine was touching him right now… it all made him feel very good, despite the tightness in his boxer briefs at the moment. He circled a spot above Blaine’s belly button continuously. “Here?”

Blaine clenched his eyes a little tighter, shaking his head no. Kurt’s fingers were like magic floating over his body the way they were right now. “Lower.”

Kurt bit his lip, getting suspicious but smiling anyway. “It better be your navel or you’re forfeiting your right to kisses for the rest of the evening.” He moved his fingers lower to Blaine’s navel and the teen smirked, opening his eyes and shaking his head no. “Almost there, though.”  After flexing his eyebrows, he frowned when Kurt slapped him on the arm and stood up, plopping down heavily on the sofa beside him.

“What’s wrong with you?” Blaine asked, rubbing his shoulder gingerly and eyeing his boyfriend. Kurt reached for the remote and turned to old episodes of Ambush Makeover that happened to be on. He turned the television’s volume up and tuned in, pretending to ignore Blaine’s lips meeting his neck. “I gave you a kiss and you lied to me.”

“I didn’t lie.” Blaine whispered against his skin, “The spot was lower! My feet are extremely ticklish, Kurt. I kicked my older brother square in the jaw when he tried to tickle me there a couple months back.”

“I don’t want to touch your stinky feet. And you were going to make me touch your cock.” Kurt poked him in the side when Blaine started sucking above his tattoo. “Stop that.”

Blaine knew how much Kurt liked it when he did that, but he gave the boy a break and settled back into his seat. “What if I told you my cock was second most ticklish?”

“I’d probably hit you harder.”

Blaine smirked and looked at the television. “Fine. I’m sorry.”

They both watched the television show quietly. Kurt snorted when they found a particularly scary woman wearing dingy overalls, hair rollers, and Chinese slippers. She didn’t think she needed to be made over in the slightest. Blaine eventually eased his arm around Kurt once he deemed it safe and relaxed, watching them inform the lady that she’d go from having one eyebrow to two after they were done with her. A commercial came on and Blaine licked his lips, glancing at Kurt out the corner of his eyes.

“I hope you don’t think I forgot about that dare earlier.”

Kurt let out a breath and shook his head. How could he? They were all he could think about in his eighth hour class. “I didn’t. I… it’s up to you. Whenever you want me to… do it.”

Blaine nodded, turning focus from Kurt to the television again. A Beggin’ Strips commercial was on and he eased a little closer to Kurt, now sitting directly in front of the family’s 50” screen. He took Kurt’s hand and leant in to whisper in the boy’s ear. “Come sit between my legs.”

Kurt gulped hard, lips now suddenly dry. He nodded though to let Blaine know he was still competent. When they were in the theater and Blaine held him tightly like that; his back flush with Blaine’s chest… that was a feeling Kurt couldn’t shake, even when he was mad at him. Blaine’s lips had been all over his neck and jaw line, but he didn’t mind one bit. It made him go crazy… he’d never been so hot and so content before that moment.

Blaine placed both feet on the floor and put his glasses on the coffee table in front of them. He helped Kurt slide between his legs, pulling him as close as he could. Kurt gasped a little when he felt Blaine’s hard on pressed into his back, but relaxed shortly after. His boyfriend’s hands were rubbing up and down his thigh in a way that did nothing to help the tent in his jeans, and Kurt had to sigh when Blaine got closer and closer to it.

The show came back on after a minute and Kurt didn’t mind that he couldn’t focus. He had his boyfriend’s teeth running along his neck, over light marks he had made the day before and kissing them softly. He had Blaine’s hands slipping underneath his t-shirt and tracing patterns along his midriff. The TV wasn’t so important right now, no matter how bad he wanted to see the miracles the makeup artists would work on this woman’s behalf.

“Are you hard, baby?” Blaine whispered, kissing Kurt’s ear softly.

Kurt forgot to breathe for a moment, but when he remembered, he sighed hard and nodded just as fervently. “Y-Yes.”

Blaine hummed, spreading his legs a little wider, and then spreading Kurt’s open further. “Let me see.”

Kurt nodded once more, closing his eyes and blindly reaching for his belt buckle. He heard his boyfriend’s breathing speed up slightly and his own breath caught as the buckle nosily clanked, his fingers then moving to unfasten the buttons on his jeans. Blaine resumed kissing his neck, but his eyes remained locked on Kurt’s smooth fingers as they worked.

It wasn’t too long until the zipper was done and Kurt had a little relief, despite his earlier fumbling. Blaine sucked on the boy’s earlobe as he watched; his tongue coming out to lick over the shell of his ear.

Kurt arched his back a little to pull his jeans down. He nervously shimmied out of them as best he could, being that they were practically stuck to his thighs with how tight they were. Blaine moved his arms to the top of the couch and watched, feeling himself get even harder after Kurt’s creamy skin was revealed. He saw a damp spot in the boy’s black boxer briefs and licked his lips, almost thrusting up when Kurt settled back into his lap momentarily to push them past his knees. Fortunately, he was able to control himself. Kurt slid back down to the spot between Blaine’s legs as his boyfriend’s breathing became a little more labored. He could imagine where the hazel eyed teen’s eyes were right now; over the expanse of pale, untouched skin on his legs, or the increasingly hard dick objecting to the underwear that covered it. Kurt decided to put on a show, throwing his head back onto Blaine’s shoulder and placing his hand over the dark boxer briefs. His hips thrust up into his hand and he felt a moan of pleasure growing deep in his throat.

“Show me,” Blaine’s eyes were locked on Kurt’s hand caressing his clothed cock, and fuck if it wasn’t hot, but he needed to see it. “C’mon. Take them off for me.”

Kurt groaned at the deep voice in his ear. He moved his hand from where it curled around his cock, reaching both into his waistband where they slowly teased them over his hips. Blaine was clutching the fabric of the couch as he waited; his own dick painfully hard. Slowly but surely, Kurt pushed them down his thighs and past his knees, where they pooled around his ankles with the dark denim he wore. He sat back to reveal a hard, leaking cock, pink and swollen, long and thick. Blaine let out a long, exaggerated breath he didn’t know he had held on to. He licked his lips as he stared, one of his hands returning back to Kurt’s thigh and spreading it as wide apart from the other as he could. “Step out of your jeans, baby.”

Kurt nodded and did as was told, bashfulness gone in hopes that Blaine would make him cum. He really needed to cum. However, his boyfriend only spread his legs a little further and returned his lips to Kurt’s ear.

“You wanna touch yourself for me?”

Kurt’s moan escaped this time as Blaine’s question and the breath against his ear made him shiver. Blaine caressed his inner thigh as he continued. “Your dick is so pretty, baby. I bet you look beautiful when you touch it.”


“Let me see you touch it. Nice and slow for me, baby.”

Kurt sighed, precome leaking more. He attached his hand to his length and gently stroked, his body keening from the contact. Finally. He needed something… anything.

Blaine moved his hand back to the top of the couch as he watched. He knew he could reach his climax just by watching Kurt stroke his dick like this. The boy whimpered next to him, and his hips moved along with his hand as he touched himself. Kurt scrunched his eyes up as his hand slowly pulled at his cock; starting all the way at the base and travelling over the veins above, all the way up to the smooth head that was slick by now. He played in it for a moment, gasping at how good it felt before continuing with slow, even strokes.

Blaine had been observing the whole while, kissing Kurt softly and sending him encouraging words. He saw his boyfriend’s leg tremble when he went to help, moving his hand to Kurt’s neatly trimmed balls and rolling them in his hands. Kurt involuntarily thrust up as his stomach tightened, and the boy proceeded to mumble something incoherent.

“You’re so beautiful,” Blaine whispered, handling Kurt’s nuts as the teen focused on keeping his steady pace. Blaine thrust forward, desperate for friction as a bead of sweat rolled down his face. Kurt had been sweating too, pleasure taking over his senses as he listened to Blaine behind him.

“Want me to take over now?”

“Y-Yes! Please, Blaine… I’m c-close,” Kurt’s hips snapped forward again, falling right back against Blaine’s hard dick. The elder moaned , but almost screamed when his boyfriend’s hand took over; palming his balls with one hand; his pinky lowering down to his perineum and massaging slowly, and stroking his cock with the other. He’d never felt so amazing ever in his life. Now, with his body tensing, shaking and trembling, he knew Blaine would take perfect care of him.

It felt so different when Blaine touched him; fantastic actually. His hand wasn’t as smooth, and the drag made Kurt’s toes curl. His pace was quicker and Kurt had been switching between jumping forward into Blaine’s movements and rubbing his ass into the hard dick his boyfriend had been grinding against him for the past minute. They both were breathing erratically on the couch; both sweating, both panting, both close.

Blaine removed his hand off Kurt’s dick for a second and the boy voiced his displeasure with a breathy whine. “Please, Blaineee… Please!” Blaine licked his palm and returned it to Kurt’s cock, smiling as he whispered into his ear.

“Y-You like it slow like this? W-What i-if I were to speed up?” His hand started flying up and down over Kurt’s cock and he bit his lip as Kurt eased his ass into his lap, thrashing about in pleasure. Blaine felt his body heat up and his stomach tighten when Kurt cried out how much he liked it. “So y-you like it rough, then?” He sped up and squeezed the tip on every stroke, snapping his hips up into Kurt’s ass. It elicited a great reaction and Blaine bit his lip as his boyfriend tensed up above him.  

“Oh goddd,” Kurt threw his hands back into Blaine’s hair and pulled as he came with a shout. Blaine watched the boy’s mouth dropped open and he sang a note that sounded absolutely spectacular. He stroked Kurt until he pumped every last ounce, catching warm ropes of cum with the hand he took off his boyfriend’s balls.

It was a while, but Kurt finally came down from his high. Blaine had since then reached for the box of tissues that stayed beside the sofa and cleaned his hands, tossing the napkins somewhere he’d have to remember to clean up before he took his boyfriend home. That would not be fun to explain to the good ol’ parents.

“I need a cigarette.”

Blaine smirked, kissing Kurt on the cheek. “You’ll need a new habit because that one isn’t going to work out anymore.”

Kurt hummed, moving a little in Blaine’s lap. “I’ve never felt that way before.” When he heard Blaine’s breathing hitch, Kurt licked his lips and rolled his hips again. Blaine’s eyes rolled back in his head.

“Shit, baby. L-Let’s go upstairs…. To my room.”

Kurt nodded. He was perfectly fine with that idea. Bending over in Blaine’s lap to gather his clothing, he shook his ass a little and gave a sated grin at the “Fuck,” that was mumbled deep in his boyfriend’s throat. Blaine stared at the round ass on top of his cock and almost came, clutching the sides of the sofa for support. He looked away, taking a few breaths, finally relaxing when Kurt stood up to put his clothes on. After he stepped his way into the boxer briefs, Blaine grabbed his jeans and shook his head.

“You won’t need these for a while.”

Kurt smirked but nodded, then prancing over to the stairs. “Don’t make me wait.” He headed up on his own, smiling back at Blaine who watched him go. Blaine shook his head. How could one person be so absolutely sexy?

Removing his shirt and throwing it over his shoulder along with Kurt’s jeans, he headed over to the steps, but not before turning off the TV and properly disposing of those napkins.

Upstairs, Kurt had found Hairspray amongst his movies and begun to pop it into the Blu-Ray player. He smiled when he saw him in nothing but a black t-shirt and black underwear, bending over to pop the disc in.

“So what are we going to do about that?”

Blaine put their clothes down by his computer desk and turned around curiously. “What do you mean?”

As the movie started, Kurt walked over to the bed and crawled on to it. He literally crawled onto the bed. Blaine sighed, watching his boyfriend lie down on his belly and eye him way too innocently. The things this man did to him.

“I think I should get to see yours now,” Kurt said barely above a whisper, blushing softly as the movie’s previews came on.

Seriously, the innocence mixed with Kurt’s bashfulness was so hot. Blaine ran his fingers through his curly hair; most of it now escaping the hair gel he faithfully used. He moved his eyes until they were focused on Kurt’s.

“You really want to see it?” Blaine leant against his desk, licking his lips as he popped open the snap to his jeans. Kurt watched the boy’s arms flex as he moved them. “Because you do remember our agreement, right? If I show you, you have to touch it…”

Kurt nodded, watching Blaine’s fingers unzip his jeans. “I remember.”

Blaine pulled his jeans down slowly, revealing pinstriped boxers that hung on his waist. “I’m not going to last long,” he admitted honestly with a smile, pausing only to remove his tank top and toss it away. Kurt caught himself salivating at Blaine’s body; all tanned with defined muscles, those hazel eyes that were staring at him… moving closer and closer…

Before he even knew it, Blaine had moved to the bed clad in only boxers. He lay on the pillow and settled one hand behind his head, the other over his abdomen. “C’mere.”

Kurt lay at the base of the bed, licking his lips and nodding. He could see just how big Blaine was from the tent in his underwear, and couldn’t help but imagine all the places he’d have that cock. Sure, before Blaine his thoughts never proceeded past romance, but now… after having the boy on top of him in his bedroom, grinding their bodies together the previous day… Kurt had a few unholy thoughts from time to time.

Blaine pulled him close when he was within reach and connected their lips, slowly running his fingers through Kurt’s hair as they kissed one another. He hummed softly, smiling against his lips. “You always taste so good.”

Kurt kissed him again and lay down next to him. His hand trailed across Blaine’s chest, down to his six-pack and rubbing softly. Blaine watched him for a while before deciding he needed more friction or he’d probably collapse. He pulled the boxers down a little to reveal a patch of hair, and licked his lips slowly when he found Kurt’s eyes glued to his movements. Without wanting to prolong this any longer, he lifted his waist and pulled the underwear down further, sighing when his cock was freed and stood straight up.

Kurt groaned at the sight. It was beautiful. Blaine’s cock wasn’t quite as long as his but god was it thick, and so hard, too. Kurt closed his eyes for a moment before opening them once more; trying to make sure this wasn’t a dream. This was the first time he’d ever done anything like this, and if it was a dream he would hate waking up.

Blaine felt a little self-conscious when Kurt’s eyes stared at his dick. He wasn’t sure what he was thinking, but hopefully it wasn’t anything bad. He knew his cock wasn’t porn star worthy but he did know it was a nice size… almost hitting seven and a quarter inches the last time he measured. He was 16 then. By now… “Oh fuck, fuck Kurt!”

Kurt had wrapped his hand around Blaine’s length, stroking once experimentally. He smiled, biting his lip when his boyfriend’s hips snapped up off the bed.  “Does that feel good?”

Blaine never gave proper answer, only panting and thrusting up into Kurt’s tight grasp. His vision was getting a little dark at this point, but he felt like he was going to die of sheer bliss when Kurt started to move his hand quickly; his hesitance and the way his hand stuttered somehow made this hotter. “I-I…I… yesss…”

Kurt bit his lips, leaning down and taking one of the Blaine’s hard nipples into his mouth. His boyfriend’s breathing was erratic as he started to let out a string of fucks, telling Kurt how perfect his hand and mouth were.

“D-Don’t stop… so close,” his hips rocked a few more times before the coiling in his gut got to be too much, “gonna cum-m,” he moaned but it was caught by Kurt’s lips on his as his body shook, thrashing against the mattress while he reached his orgasm. His cum shot over the sheets and Kurt’s accepting hand. The boy helped him through it, kissing a lazy Blaine as his hand continued to work and stroke him as he came down.

“Wow.” Kurt pulled away and looked at Blaine spread out on the bed. “I’m hard again.”

Blaine laughed, looking around the room. “And you talk about me. You’re just as bad, Hummel.”

Kurt reached over his boyfriend for a few napkins Blaine brought up with him and started to clean up a bit. “It’s not my fault you’re so hot.”

“I don’t think I’m ever touching myself again,” Blaine thought aloud, staring at the ceiling. “You feel so much better.”

Kurt blushed and reached for the remote. He could live with that. “Put your dick away. We’re gonna watch Hairspray and I’m going to lust after Zac Efron while you hand me my jeans. The last thing I need is for your parents to walk in on us underdressed.”

Blaine smirked, sitting up a bit and looking down at his body; a ridiculously satisfied look on his face. “I locked the door and we have two hours until my mom or dad comes home. My dick is fine where it’s at.”

Kurt rolled his eyes, but did settle into Blaine’s outstretched arms. Blaine hummed and smirked as his boyfriend leant into him. “You weren’t joking about being hard, huh?”

Kurt smiled, shushing him. “Movie’s starting, sweetie.”

“I bet I can make you cum harder than last time.”

Blaine sucked his teeth when Kurt reached down and pulled the boy’s underwear up. “I can’t see the TV with your dick waving in my face, babe.”

Blaine laughed, lifting his hips and fixing them properly. “Should I apologize for being so blessed?”

“Shut up, dweeb.” Kurt snuggled closer and didn’t fight Blaine when he put the covers over them. They were actually quiet for a while, listening to the dialogue on the movie with closed eyes.

Words couldn’t really express how amazing this was for Blaine. He’d spent time with another guy before, trying to imitate what it would feel like to be truly happy like what he had with Kurt, but he couldn’t. Now, there was no need for imitation. Everything came natural. Kurt could make him laugh and laughed at his corny jokes, still blushed when they kissed, and when they stayed on the phone until obscene hours of the night, they never ran out of things to talk about. This was all Blaine ever wanted and finally he had it.

He smiled softly when Kurt looked up at him through his lashes. The boy was too beautiful, especially here in his arms like this.

“What are you thinking about?”

Blaine leant down to kiss him on his forehead. He held him tighter in his arms as he responded, smiling when Kurt placed his chin on Blaine’s chest expectantly. “I was just thinking about how blessed I really am.”

Kurt smiled, laying his face on his boyfriend’s chest. “Me too.”

“I adore you, Kurt.” Blaine told him seriously. Kurt smiled at the sentiment, moving to kiss him on the lips. They stayed close for a moment afterwards, smiling at each other and sharing small but meaningful pecks.

“I feel the exact same way.”

It had fallen quiet for a while, all until Kurt felt Blaine’s fingers tickling him and jerked away, laughter flooding the room. He tried to roll out of his boyfriend’s grasp but couldn’t escape—Blaine rolled on top of him and pinned both his hands to the mattress.

“I’ll never get tired of doing that.”

“You won’t say that when I get access to your feet, Blaine.”

Blaine smiled, leaning in and kissing him. “So where are we going to college?”

Kurt looked at him and smiled. “We?”

“Yeah,” Blaine said nonchalantly. “I’d rather be with you. Near you at least. But if I’m doing too much too soon let me know and I’ll back off—“

“No,” Kurt let Blaine lay on top of him as he wrapped both arms around the boy, “I definitely don’t want to be away from you either.”

Blaine smiled, resting on Kurt’s chest. “Okay. So where is it that you applied?”

“A few places in New York. I know you probably applied at Ivy Leagues and what not, right?.”

Blaine hummed when Kurt started stroking his hair. “I applied to NYU and St. Johns for biomedical engineering. The other schools I applied to were in Connecticut and Massachusetts.”

Kurt’s heart sped up at the news, but he had to ask. “I… bio what?”

“Geeky stuff. Medicine and what not.” Blaine told him with a grin.

“I can’t unsee you in a lab coat now. Super turned on, Blaine.”

Blaine laughed and snuggled closer into Kurt’s body. “Note to self: Hummel’s into role playing…”

Kurt grinned and ignored him. “I applied to FIT, NYADA, and Hofstra. All different focuses, but hopefully one will want me.”

“I bet they all will, Kurt. So in the meantime I’ll look into apartments for us, ‘k?”

“You’re crazy. I’m sure you’ll get tired of me before we graduate high school.”

“And I’m sure you’re retarded.” He smiled when Kurt pinched him, kissing the boy quickly on the lips. “I’ll let you get back to lusting after Zac Efron. We have tons of time to plan the future.”

Kurt curled into Blaine and nodded his agreement. “You’re absolutely right.”


The movie and Zac Efron had been forgotten for quite some time as both Blaine and Kurt fought for dominance through the kisses they shared. Kurt had climbed on top of his boyfriend as his tongue massaged the roof of Blaine’s mouth, whimpering when Blaine started to suck on it hard. His hands were glued to Kurt’s waist, holding him still as they each struggled for control, both groaning into each other’s mouth. One of Kurt’s hands wandered its way to Blaine’s hair, remembering how Blaine said he liked to have it pulled. As soon as he thrust his fingers into a few locks and yanked, his boyfriend thrust forwards and relinquished all control, letting Kurt have his way with the kissing and the touching. As long as he didn’t stop doing that.

Kurt smiled, feeling victorious. He slowly swiped his tongue to the left side of Blaine’s mouth and thrust it in and out, rolling his hips slowly with the movements. It wasn’t long before his boyfriend was practically whining into his mouth, squeezing his grasp a little tighter, and hard as a rock.

Kurt pulled away slightly and began to suck on his boyfriend’s lower lip. They were so soft and tasted like mocha, and Kurt groaned when Blaine rolled his hips up, rubbing his hardening cock against Kurt’s.

“Blaine…” he whispered, rolling his hips forward and matching his boyfriend’s smooth pace. Blaine’s fingers dug into Kurt’s back holding them flush against one another. After burying his head in Kurt’s shoulder and lifting his hips once more, Blaine sighed and rubbed himself against him. It felt so good but he needed more. He needed to give Kurt more.

Kurt moaned when Blaine flipped them over, the covers tangling up with their legs. He gasped when Blaine yanked his boxers briefs down, followed by his own underwear. He reached over into one of his drawers and returned with a clear bottle of lube, quickly pouring some into his palm and proceeding to warm it up.

Kurt bit his lip to fight off the noise threatening to break out. Blaine started stroking the both of their cocks at the same time; his dark brown gaze locked on Kurt’s dull grey one, all until he wiped his hands in the sheets he clutched and lined himself up his boyfriend. The both moaned now, chanting each other’s names as their hard dicks slid against one another with ease.

Blaine paused only to readjust the covers over them. He threw the blue comforter over his shoulder, bracing himself up with one hand. Kurt linked both hands around his neck and pulled him closer, legs automatically wrapping around Blaine’s waist. They fit together perfectly as Blaine rested on top of him, slowly moving his hips and reveling in the friction he got from Kurt’s wet hardness against his.

“Ahh, fuck…” Kurt tightened his legs as Blaine’s fingers laced the bars of his headboard for leverage. He moved back and pulled himself forward again; legs shaking as a spark of heat flew up his body. Kurt was scratching at his back as their bodies moved beneath the covers. One hand eventually found its way to the nape of Blaine’s neck where he began to play in the hair there.

“So  good,” Blaine panted into his shoulder, grinding his hips forward. The slickness of their cocks meeting between him had his eyes rolling back, and the way Kurt started pulling at his hair, thrusting up and down on the mattress…. It was too hot.

They continued to go slowly. Blaine held himself up; both hands beside them as he breathed heavily. His eyes had been locked on Kurt’s face for the past minute, watching the faces he made. His lips were parted and his tongue darted out to wet them every few seconds. His eyes would close every time he moaned out in pleasure, trying to thrust up despite Blaine’s weight burying him completely. Eventually, he let his legs spread open as his hands rested in his boyfriend’s hair, crying at how good it felt to have Blaine between his legs.

Blaine grunted, feeling himself get closer. As soon as Kurt’s legs spread open he knew he was a goner—Kurt had started grinding his ass against him as Blaine slid their bodies together. It was too much and not nearly enough at the same time.


Kurt nodded feverishly. “M-Me too.”

Blaine growled and placed his forehead against Kurt’s, speeding up his movements. It was hot beneath the comforters, but not as hot as Kurt felt in his stomach right now. Feeling Blaine grinding against him; their cocks slick and hard between them… all of it made him dig his nails into the boy’s back. His toes began to curl in the sheets when he heard Blaine mumbling against his lips.

“K-Kiss me, Kurt,” he requested, rolling his hips quicker. His balls tightened up and he knew he’d come soon, falling over the edge when his boyfriend’s lips met his again. He cried out into Kurt’s mouth as he fell over the edge, and after feeling Kurt digging in his back he knew the teen had fallen over too.

“Blaine, god,” their lips were glued together as they rode out their orgasms, both shaking on their way down. “Shit.”

Blaine made no effort to move off of Kurt. He lay there catching his breath and trying his best to ignore the sticky mess between them. Today was probably the best day of his life.

“That… that…” Kurt shook his head and gave up. He couldn’t find the words. Apparently Blaine knew just what he was trying to say because the boy nodded his head; his dark curls tickling Kurt’s face.

“Yupp.” he agreed.

A musical number came on a few minutes later, and Blaine decided he needed to clean them up before he fell asleep. Kurt would never forgive him for that. He sat up between the teen’s legs and looked at both of their sweat slick, cum covered bodies.

“I really love truth or dare.”

Kurt laughed tiredly, nodding his head in agreement. “It is a nice game.” He moved his legs as Blaine rolled over, heading out the room butt naked. Kurt licked his lips as he watched him go, smirking at the way he frolicked. He took the minute he was gone to look over his own naked body and grin. Best. Day. Ever.

Blaine returned clean with a damp rag and locked his bedroom door behind him. “How’re you feeling, beautiful?”

Kurt nodded, stretching slightly. “Amazing. Starved,” he laughed. “What about you?”

Blaine smiled, wiping Kurt’s chest down. “The same actually. What do you say we go to Breadsticks for takeout before I drop you home?”

Kurt smiled, leaning up to kiss his boyfriend. They hummed into it, deepening the kiss languidly. “I’d love that, dweeb.”


My parents are way too excited for dinner Friday night. Prepare to hear some awful embarrassing stories concerning your boyfriend. –Blaine

Kurt laughed as he read the message. His father was on the recliner adjacent to where he sat, staring at him again.

I can’t wait. –Kurt

Have I told you I missed you? Because I miss you. –Kurt

Burt turned the TV up, holding a cold beer to his lips. Kurt glanced over at him and saw the man eyeing him again.

“What is it, dad?”

I miss you more. Take me out this weekend. –Blaine


Kurt rolled his eyes at the man before typing out a response.

Are you asking me or telling me? –Kurt

Telling you. –Blaine

“I just think it’s nice that you seem so happy.” Burt said clearly, still focusing on the television. Kurt smiled, turning back to his phone.

Well where is it that you would like to go, honey bun? –Kurt

The science museum. I haven’t been since I moved back from Westerville. –Blaine

You are soooo nerdy, babe. –Kurt

You love it. So will you take me? Pleaseee –Blaine

Anything for you. –Kurt

“You are happy right, Kurt?”

Don’t get scared or anything, but I think I’m in love with you, gumdrop. –Blaine

“Yeah.” Kurt nodded with a smile, switching focus from his text messages to his father. “I’m happy, dad.” 

I think I love you too, dweeb. –Kurt



End Notes: please like it. Lol. Thanks for reading as usual! Sorry for errors.


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Your writing style and expression really came through in this chapter, no pun intended. You stayed so so so true to your charecters I'm amazed. You kept Kurt's shyness and brought forth Blaine experience with sex. Most authors would have forgone this to make a hotter sex scene but your was still very intense but wonderfully believable! I'm just amazed with this tory, I keep thinking I'll start hating it and I fall in love with it more and more each time I read it. :) Keep up the good work!

crying with too many feels rihgt now

I think i'm in love with you, gumdrop excuse me while i kickey-feet. god that was so adorable. and I loved how cute and shy Kurt was during the sex and how confident Blaine was. ugh I'm gonna fangirl but i love this fic. i squeal everytime it updates. :). stay golden, dear and i am very much looking forward to your next update :D