June 20, 2015, 7 p.m.
June 20, 2015, 7 p.m.
Thanks for the support, guys. :D
When Blaine woke up, the first thing he heard was a couple people whispering. He quickly closed his eyes again because there was a chance he was waking up in the middle of some game talk. Maybe he'd hear some alliances being formed or someone talking shit about the other house guests. But, as the whispering became clearer, Blaine realized what he heard wasn't beneficial to his game it all.
Mike and Tina were whispering sweet nothings as they cuddled underneath the covers.
Blaine tried not to puke as he pushed the covers off of himself. He looked around the room and saw that it was only the three of them. Kitty's bed in the corner of the room was quite a mess—she'd barely unpacked but there were still clothes everywhere. This was only the first night. Mike and Tina were on their bed, and now they were looking at Blaine, trying to see if he'd actually woken up.
“You two are disgusting.”
Mike laughed as he wrapped an arm around Tina. “Sorry, not sorry. Just because I'm stuck in this house with you bozos, it doesn't mean I'm going to do anything different with my wife.”
Tina smiled and kissed his cheek. “We won't be doing everything. I apologize on behalf of the both of us, Blaine.”
He pulled his socks up higher before moving to the end of the bed. “Ok. I respect the both of you and your marriage, but we're sharing a room. I don't want to wake up to any moaning—“
“Oh goodness,” Tina laughed. Mike smirked and pulled her closer.
Blaine looked away from the couple and smiled. He may've been one of the younger people there at only 21 but he could understand the sentiment. Mike talked a lot about his wife on the last season of Big Brother, and now that she was here with him, he probably wanted to take advantage of that. But still…
Wait a minute. Where was Kurt?
Tina smiled at the way Blaine's face changed. “If you're wondering where the other Zigzag twin went, Finn came in here and asked for food so he went to cook, but then everyone ended up wanting food so. Yeah. He's been occupied.”
Blaine nodded to Tina and stood up, sliding his feet into his favorite pair of red slippers. “That's cool. But I wasn't wondering…”
Tina smiled. “Oh? Alright. My bad then.”
Back to these slippers…. They were fuzzy and Santana actually bought them for herself but Blaine wore them to answer the door for the UPS man once and never looked back. “I guess I'll go out there and mingle with everyone.” He reached into his pocket and sighed when he realized that his cell phone wasn't in there. Of course it wasn't. He was on Big Brother. “How long was I out for?”
Mike answered, “About an hour and a half.”
Blaine wondered if he'd be able to take a shower anytime soon as he left the room. Maybe he'd just wait for Santana to get her Head of Household bedroom and use her bathroom. He walked past the Diary Room and saw the occupied light on, wondering if Santana was in there now. Hopefully she was getting her HOH bedroom key. If that was the case, he'd just use her bathroom.
Mike looked at his wife after Blaine had left and gave her a questioning look. “Zigzag twin?”
Tina smiled. “They're cuties. Don't worry about it.”
The backyard hadn't been opened yet so there were a bunch of people hanging out in the living room. Blaine gave a friendly nod to Puck and Sam who sat with Brittany, Marley, and Rachel. The group waved at him in return.
“We were just calling you this season's Zach Rance,” Rachel teased as Blaine scratched through his curly hair. “You're going to sleep all day and party all night, aren't you?”
“Well no one could be Zach,” Blaine said with a smile. While he didn't know these people really well, he was hopeful that this playfulness would continue for a while. The viewers would probably hate a harmonious house without any drama but so far, this was pretty cool. He looked up and saw Kurt in the kitchen with Finn, Schue, Mercedes, and Adam after the five of them laughed, but brought himself back to his own conversation. “I don't plan to sleep that much anyway. Today was a long day with all the twists and what not.”
“Let me ask you a question, bro. You're from LA right?”
Blaine nodded to Sam, taking a seat on the edge of the couch. “I am…”
“Have you ever been to Bare Elegance?” Sam asked. Marley rolled her eyes away and looked down at the carpet, obviously annoyed by the topic.
“The strip club?” Blaine gave them a weird look as he asked it. “Do I want to know what the hell this conversation is about?”
Puck smirked as he looked down at his soda bottle. “Sam here is a perv.”
“I'm just telling everyone what my birthday party was like but no one has been there! It's a great club and the ladies are beautiful. That's all I'm saying.”
Blaine smiled but he hoped it didn't look as uncomfortable as he felt. Part of him had to wonder was this the place Sam was at when he was out cheating on Mercedes who was just a few feet away. “Well I just turned 21 not long ago so, no. I haven't gotten the chance to go there.”
“Wow. You're a baby.”
“I'm 18,” Marley said. “We may be young, but Blaine and I are both adults.”
“I'm not sure I believe you're 18…” Puck stared at her.
Marley smirked. “Don't start. I'm going to be playing a very honest game.”
“Bare Elegance isn't really my scene,” Blaine responded. He watched Brittany start to yawn as she sprawled out beside him on the sofa. “No disrespect to you and what you're in to… I'm sure your party was amazing—”
“Do you not like looking at lady parts?” Brittany asked. “It's not so bad. They're actually quite nice…”
“You can't just ask someone that,” Rachel told her, though she looked at Blaine for an answer. They hadn't been in the Big Brother House for long but there were already questions and rumors surrounding certain people… Blaine being one of them.
“Lady parts are fine,” Blaine answered quickly. “I just don't hang out in strip clubs. I start my senior year soon so I'm all work, no play.”
“Besides surfing,” Marley told him.
Blaine laughed and nodded. “Besides surfing.”
Puck and Sam nodded, though it was clear to see there were things going through their mind. Blaine was grateful for Rachel starting up a new conversation and Kitty walking over being Kitty, because with their help he was able to get up and walk towards the kitchen.
Kurt laughed at something Mercedes said as she argued with Schue. The two of them were having a conversation about who was the greater Big Brother winner, and while Blaine was a fan of them both, he didn't want this to be a reoccurring topic in the house. This was a brand new season and if he had anything to say about it, neither of them would be winning again.
“Good morning,” Finn said sarcastically after swallowing his food (thank God). Blaine chuckled a bit and gave his team captain a high-5, then slapping 5 with Schue.
“Hello everyone.”
Kurt smiled at him as he adjusted the temperature of the stove. “I made tacos!”
“It smells great,” Blaine said, leaning against the counter and watching Adam chime in to Schue and Mercedes' conversation. “I asked you not to leave me though. Now I'm going to tell everyone I want you evicted.”
Kurt rolled his eyes as he grabbed a plate for Blaine and handed it to him. “You're a cute kid but I'd rather not watch you sleep for almost two hours. It's creepy, and I don't want to be remembered as the dude from Big Brother that stared at people as they slept.”
Blaine smiled as he went to get a couple tortillas. Mercedes gave a dramatic sigh at something Schue said and Finn laughed, taking a seat at the kitchen table. It was then that Blaine noticed Adam staring at him and Kurt, and he glared back, wondering if this guy had a problem.
“Chicken or beef?”
Blaine turned to face Kurt and smiled. “Oh. Um, beef I guess.”
Kurt nodded and put a scoop of the beef filling in the middle of each tortilla.
“And I'm not a kid, just so we're clear about that.”
Kurt lifted an eyebrow. “The cheese and salsa and stuff is over there.” Blaine walked over to it as Kurt turned off the stove. “And I didn't mean anything by that, just so we're clear about that.”
Blaine moved over to the counter and prepared his tacos, nodding to Kurt as he reached for the guac. “Alright. We're clear.”
“Good,” Kurt smiled as Sam walked over and looked in the fridge, screaming something to someone in the living room as he did so. “I would hate be caught sleeping with a kid on national television. That's all kinds of fucked up.”
Blaine stopped making his taco to laugh and ended up tossing shredded cheese at Kurt. He dodged it and stuck his tongue out. “Punk.”
“I'm not cleaning that up,” Kurt sang with a smirk. Blaine looked down at his food and took a bite, and that's when Finn glanced over at the two of them together.
“Who wants to see my HOH bedroom?!”
Everyone turned around and there were cheers as Santana stepped out of the Diary Room. She spun the string around her finger that housed the key and did a little shimmy. Quinn ran from out the bathroom and Rachel popped up with Kitty, following Santana over to the staircase. Mercedes smiled as Adam rolled his eyes at all the squealing. “Welcome back, Crawford. I'm going to check out her room so I'll catch you later.”
“I'm coming with you,” Kurt left his plate on the counter and skipped over to the now growing group. Blaine watched him go off before taking a huge bite out of his taco and Adam watched him curiously for a moment. Mike and Tina ran out—fully clothed, thank goodness—and Blaine took another bite as they joined the rest of the crew on their way up to the second floor.
“Aren't you going to see your sister's HOH room?” Adam asked him. “They probably have pictures of the both of you up there.”
Blaine finished his first taco and nodded. Honestly, he really didn't want to be in a conversation with this guy at all. It wasn't that he didn't like Adam because he thought he was cool, but something rubbed him the wrong way. Still, not speaking to him or being standoffish instead of at least amicable could stir the pot early on and he didn't want to be up for eviction if Adam ever got power, all over something petty. “Tana never let me eat in her room back home so I know better than to try here, that's all.”
Adam laughed and nodded as he stood up from the kitchen island. They were the only two not upstairs in the HOH room and Blaine figured that they'd be getting some TV time because of it. He wondered how Production would try and spend their relationship. “Well,” Adam began, “I'm going to go on up. See you there.”
Blaine picked up his second taco and nodded to him. “See you in a bit.”
“This. Is. Amazing.” Kurt said, looking around the HOH bedroom. People were gathered around the framed photos of Santana and her family but right now, he couldn't stop looking at the décor. There was a piano in the corner of the room, burgundy colored rugs, a caramel colored sofa and two love seats, the hugest bed he'd ever seen, and a gorgeous chandelier in the center of the room. That bed was so big though, and Kurt was a bit jealous now that he realized Santana would be sleeping on that and he'd be fighting for space with her younger brother.
“Holy shit. Can I have a Fruit Roll-Up?”
Of course Finn was in her gift basket.
“Go ahead,” Santana answered, smiling as she read through her letter. “They did such a good job with this, I love it.”
“These flowers are beautiful,” said Quinn, wandering around the room pretty much like Kurt was doing on the other end. Schue folded his arms and sat down on the sofa with Sam.
“The HOH room during my season wasn't this grand. They spoil you young kids.”
Adam couldn't help but agree with his friend.
“I'm sorry they don't have a Big Brother – Senior Citizen Edition, but don't come and rain on our parade,” Quinn told him.
As the group laughed and people cooed over Santana's baby photos, Kurt picked up a framed photo of little Santana and Blaine on their scooters and smiled. Blaine was crying for some reason, and by the grin on his sister's face it wasn't hard to assume that she'd done something to him before the picture was taken.
“She made me drop my ice cream,” he whispered, reaching over Kurt's shoulder and pointing to the melting scoop on the cement behind them. Kurt was startled a bit by the closeness of his proximity, but smiled as he turned to face him.
“You both were very adorable.”
“Were?” Santana asked, walking over and shaking her head at the picture. “We're still gorgeous.”
Blaine took some Pringles from his sister's basket. “You tell him, girl.”
“Don't eat all my food, enano.”
“Cállate,” Blaine responded, opening the top and removing some chips. Kurt smiled at the both of them before looking back down at the photo.
Rachel and Marley both looked like they were going to break from smiling so widely. Brittany and Kitty walked into the other room behind Adam and Schue—both of whom were walking and complaining about how over the top all of this was. Kurt placed the photo down and walked in with Finn.
Over the top seemed about right. Kurt had half a mind to never leave this room. Suddenly, the idea of sharing that shower downstairs with 15 people didn't seem so appealing now that he got to look at this bathtub and the Jacuzzi in the corner of the room.
“Let's name the fish.” Brittany said.
“Read your letter,” Puck told Santana.
“It's really short,” Santana held the paper up and Blaine walked in behind the group, looking over her shoulder. “It's from abuela. She said Santana, Congratulations on your HOH win. Even though I don't know what HOH stands for, your parents say it's a good thing and I'm proud of you. Continue to do well and watch over el príncipe, Blaine. I don't want to see either of you being bad on television and I mean it. Te amo, la nieta. That's it.”
“Awww,” was the general consensus. Kurt smiled. Even though Santana seemed like a bit of a bad ass, she appeared to have a soft spot for her family. Chatter continued on, but eventually people started to wind down.
“We're going back to bed. Congrats again, Santana.”
She nodded to Mike and Tina and gave a short wave. “Thanks. See you in the morning.”
“Your bed is like fifty feet long and I think I should sleep in here tonight.”
Santana rolled her eyes at Blaine and walked back into the main bedroom, not even giving him a response. Kurt laughed, taking one of the sour cream & onion Pringles. “That's what you get for trying to leave me alone on that cot downstairs.”
“I would've brought you with me. Team Zigzag forever…”
Kurt laughed and walked off behind Santana. Sam walked out of the bedroom with Quinn, Brittany, and Kitty, and Santana seemed happy that people were leaving. Kurt wrapped his sweater around himself and smiled as he looked around the room.
“You know this is all mine next week.”
Adam smirked as he moved over to his side. “That's where you're wrong, young man.”
“You should be supporting me. I'm on your team and I'd been keeping you safe if I won HOH… Besides, you know you and the other veterans already have a target on your backs.”
“True.” Adam smiled as he looked him up and down. “Are you cold, mate?”
Kurt made a face and shook his head no. “I'm good.”
Santana plopped down on her huge bed and watched the two of them before looking around the room. This shit wasn't about to happen. There was a congregation of people giggling in the bathroom and having a grand ol' time in her HOH room. Honestly, she wanted these people to get to stepping. But as she moved her eyes away from dopey Finn making Rachel laugh by more than likely saying something stupid, her eyes found her younger brother. She loved Blaine just like they were blood related, and they were if you left it to her to tell it, and that meant that she knew him very well. She knew this face really well.
Somebody was jealous.
This was going to be fun.
Blaine put the top on his Pringles as he looked over at Kurt and Adam talking. Marley walked by and distracted him for a moment and he snapped back into it, looking away and walking over to his sister. She was smiling at him and that made him change his mind, but it was too late.
“Ven aquí, enano.”
Blaine rolled his eyes and walked over, sitting down on the bed. Santana smiled at him when she saw the slippers he was wearing and rubbed her brother's arm. “Chill out for a bit, I need to talk to you,” she said that part at a normal level but raised her voice for the rest, “AFTER EVERYONE LEAVES…”
Kurt turned around from his conversation with Adam as the man laughed. Finn quickly went over to the basket and took another pack of candy before saying goodnight and leaving the room. Adam let the girls walk by first before smiling at Santana and Blaine.
“Is it okay if I talk with you in the morning?” he asked. Santana looked at him and nodded.
“I've got no problem with that. Night.”
He smiled some more. Kurt noticed that Adam smiled a lot. “Goodnight Blaine.”
Blaine was fixing his zigzag socks but politely replied goodnight. Kurt told him he'd be out in a minute before turning to Santana.
“Well, I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your HOH room with us and I apologize for my brother and his appetite. I swear I raised him better than this.”
Santana laughed as she laid back on the bed. “Finn is cool. Don't worry about it.”
Kurt looked at Blaine who seemed a bit quieter than usual, but he honestly didn't know him so that probably didn't mean much. “If Blaine tries to convince you to put me up for eviction, don't listen to him.”
Blaine started laughing and Kurt smiled at him before turning to leave. Before he could get out the door, Santana spoke again.
“I'd probably evict Blaine before I would you. I hear you can cook.”
Kurt winked at her, laughing when Blaine tried to kick his sister off the huge ass bed. “Have a goodnight guys.”
“I'll be down in a bit,” Blaine said before lying back on the bed. Kurt eventually left but not after sending a smile Blaine's way that made Santana roll her eyes. These two were obvious. “Goodnight Kurt.”
Both siblings were quiet for quite some time. Santana and Blaine weren't the types to have to fill every moment with words. His sister reached for the remote and looked at the monitor, focusing the cameras on the living room. She observed who was with whom and took mental notes.
Mercedes was gathered around Schue and Puck. She seemed to usually be around people that weren't Sam. But who could blame her? Sam didn't even cheat on Santana but she still didn't want to be around him. He seemed like a huge douche bag—good looks or not. The TV viewers would probably go crazy for him and whichever one of these girls he ended up lying in bed with but Santana honestly didn't give a crap. Santana did however like Mercedes, and she was very happy to be on her team for the time being. She switched cameras again. Kurt was on the sofa with Finn, Kitty, Adam, and Rachel. They looked to be talking, probably getting to know one another better. Mike and Tina were in the bedrooms so they were missing, and the few others must've been somewhere else not on camera.
Santana wondered if it was too early for people to be talking game. Did she have to worry? This was $500,000 on the line. She had the most power in the first week and there was no way she wanted to waste it.
“What do you think happens tomorrow?” Blaine questioned, looking up at the monitor too.
Santana sighed. “Ugh. Probably the Have Have-Not competition. Your ass better not be a Have-Not because I don't want to hear any complaining, enano.”
Blaine smiled. “Well may I ask do you know who you're nominating for eviction yet, diabla?”
Santana shrugged. “I need to talk about it with Mercedes and the rest of the team first. Maybe get Finn's opinion as well.”
“Hm,” Blaine looked away from the TV screen and over at his sister. “Well to be honest with you I think we should get rid of the veterans as soon as we can. They know this game well.”
“Adam, you mean?”
Blaine rolled over. “Adam first. If not him, Mike. But Adam is a good player and I don't—”
“You don't like the way he looks at Kurt?”
Blaine rolled his eyes. “Ugh. Estás loca.”
“Just thought I'd mention it because you two seem to be pretty close. Sleeping together and all that.”
Blaine smiled as he stared up at the ceiling. “I have to keep him close. Not only are we sharing a room and a freaking bed, but you're forming some sort of alliance with his brother. It'd be good for our game.” He turned and looked at her, but Santana still watched the monitor. “Besides, a lot can happen over the course of the summer.”
Santana smiled and closed her eyes. “Uh huh. All I know is I sure hope they open the backyard up after the competition. I need to work out and swim in the pool and be in bikinis—”
“You're changing the conversation.” Blaine stared at her. “I'm serious about everything I said. Kurt's cool and Adam's cool but I'm just trying to play smart.”
“Does anyone know?”
“Know what?”
Santana looked up at the cameras and then didn't answer. Blaine sat up and reached for one of his sister's stuffed animals that the DR gave her. He knew she wouldn't ‘out' him before he could say anything about it, and as soon as this left his lips it'd be on TV and all over the internet—at least when it aired—but that didn't matter right now. As long as no one in the house knew… it could potentially hurt his social game with the girls and especially with the guys. “I told him my ex-girlfriend gave me these socks.”
Santana looked over at her little brother and laughed. “You? Ex-girlfriend? He believed that?”
Blaine folded his arms. “Well it isn't like I'm a flaming homosexual.”
“Just,” Santana sighed and shook her head. “Just be careful. Don't fall for someone at the same time you're going to lie to him to try and earn some money. As a matter of fact, don't fall for anyone in here anyway.”
Blaine was quiet.
“You do know that Kurt and Adam are on the same team. He could be using your little crush to play you like a fiddle.”
He listened to what his sister said and nodded, rubbing his face. “Yeah… you're right. I'm just hanging out and getting to know everyone now anyway. It's nothing serious.”
There was another sigh but Santana shrugged and wiped her hands of the situation. Blaine wanted to tell her to relax but he knew there was no use. She wouldn't let this go. “Alright, baby bro. You can get out my room and on your way, do a favor for me? Send Kitty up. I need to see where she ”
Blaine wasn't a fan of being kicked out, but he wanted more tacos anyway. “Fine. You can totally keep her by the way.”
“Just send her up and try not to pop a boner around your new friend Porcelain.”
Blaine smirked as he left the room.
The time had finally come. It was day four and they were two competitions in—the Have Have-Not competitions had ended a couple days prior and Mike, Brittany, Mercedes, and Marley were the four unlucky folks who had to go the week without any hot water, sleeping in the Have-Not bedroom—a room that didn't even have beds but instead lawn chairs—and had to eat slop. Kurt felt bad for them… he didn't know how he was going to survive that week if it ever came for him. He hoped it wouldn't. But it was better them than him.
Anyway, the time had finally come. The backyard was open to them. They could go outside and frolic, play pool, work out on the aerobics and cardio machines, and swim in the pool. Kurt stepped out, adjusting his swim trunks and putting on his shades. His body may not have been anything like Mike or Sam's, but it wasn't bad at all. He got a couple looks from the girls—Santana winked at him as she tanned on the side of the house with Brittany, and Adam bit his lip and smiled as per usual when Kurt entered. Puck smirked at him and gave a head nod.
“Come play pool, Kurt.”
Kurt looked away from Schue chatting with Finn and Kitty before nodding and walking over. “I may be a little rusty, it's been a while.”
Puck nodded, drinking a bit from his water. “It's cool. Even if you weren't you wouldn't be on my level.”
Kurt chuckled, picking up a cue stick. He grabbed the triangle and handed it to Puck.
Blaine. Mercedes. Stop singing.
Kurt smiled at Big Brother's warning as he looked out around the yard. Tina was dancing in the corner with Marley and Mike watching, all of them cackling. Sam was running on the treadmill. Santana was smiling at something Brittany was saying to her. Everyone seemed to be happy. It was good.
“You can break if you'd like, Mr. New York.”
“Gladly,” Kurt placed the cue ball down on the table and bit his lip as he hit it. When a couple striped balls went in, he smiled. “I guess I'm striped.”
Puck swallowed his water, about to speak when Big Brother cut in.
Blaine. Stop singing.
After the second shot, Kurt smiled even though he didn't sink a ball in. He turned to look back in the house through the sliding glass doors and could see Blaine looking dejected and shook his head. “So do you mind if I asked why you decided to do Big Brother?” Kurt asked. “Did Quinn apply for the show first and then you signed on or have you always wanted to do it?”
Puck took his shot and watched as a solid ball went into the corner pocket. He walked around the side of the table and shrugged. “You know, honestly I watched the show here and there. I've never been a diehard like yourself or your brother…Finn seems like he breathes this game.”
Kurt didn't know whether or not he should comment on that. Finn would always be a threat to these people—he was big and athletic and a lovable guy. He wanted to keep the both of them safe for as long as he could.
Was he singing a different tune now that he'd actually entered the Big Brother house and gotten to spend some time with these people? Yes. Maybe. But now this all felt real. He wasn't afraid anymore. Kurt felt like he could actually win this.
Blaine. Stop that.
“Oh my god, Santana get your brother to shut up or I'm killing him,” Kitty shouted from across the yard. Santana sat up on the beach chair and glanced back at her. She opened her mouth to retort, looked at Brittany, and then closed her mouth. Everyone was waiting for some snappy comeback, but nothing happened. Kurt was honestly shocked.
“I'll go get him,” Kurt said to Puck. “Be right back.”
Puck nodded. “I'll just be here cheating until you get back.”
Kurt chuckled as he opened the doors and went inside. Mercedes was cracking up laughing and Blaine was in his fuzzy slippers, navy blue jeans, and a white pullover hoodie—a white pullover hoodie that Kurt was sure belonged to him. Rachel sat on the sofa, watching him perform with a smile, and Quinn laid her head in Mercedes' lap; her eyes glowing as Blaine entertained the girls.
“It was probably the greatest concert of all time and I'm not even lying to you.”
Kurt crossed his arms as he snuck up behind him. “You have a mob of angry HouseGuests in the backyard wanting me to return with your head if Big Brother has to ask you to shut up again.”
Blaine turned around and smirked when he saw Kurt standing there.
“And that's definitely my sweater you're wearing.”
Mercedes smiled at the two of them. “You guys are adorable.”
“I am adorable,” Blaine said, looking back at her. “Him, not so much.”
Kurt pinched him in the back before walking off. “That's not what you were saying last night…”
Rachel and Quinn clapped as Mercedes wolf whistled. Blaine felt himself blush before he excused himself, walking off to follow after Kurt. “I need to handle this, ladies.”
“Handle that,” Quinn shouted after him, laughing to herself when Rachel said louder than she may have intended to that Kurt and Blaine were totally gonna do it this summer.
Blaine walked outside and slid the doors closed behind him. He put his hood up and walked over to the pool table, slapping five with Puck. Adam looked over at them as Kitty went to sit beside her leader.
“I guess it's fine that Santana didn't go get her puppet. I mean, his boyfriend went running after him.”
Kurt stopped what he was doing and looked over at Kitty. She smiled and chuckled a bit as everyone turned to her—Santana sitting up again. “Oh guys, it's just a joke. Relax.”
Adam shook his head.
“If you have a problem with me then you can come to me about it. There's no need to drag my sister or Kurt into this,” Blaine spoke clearly so that everyone could hear him. “And that goes for all of you.”
“Personally I think that none of this is your business, Kitty,” Kurt told her. Puck shook his head, not wanting there to be any drama this early on. “Honestly, you're just looking to create a problem where there isn't one—”
“I'm just pointing out the fact that you spend more time with Blaine as opposed to the members of your team, Kurt. We've been here for a while now and it's clear to see where your loyalties lie.”
Santana stood up, rolling her eyes as she grabbed her towel. “Well now that my afternoon has been ruined, I'm heading inside. Bye people.”
“I'm almost 100% certain that you're working with Finn and Kurt anyway, Santana. You can run from the truth all you want but this much is obvious.”
“Oh my god,” Blaine lowered the hood and started to walk over to where Adam and Kitty were. Finn approached also, hoping that this wasn't going to blow up.
“Do you think this is a good idea running your mouth like this a day before nominations?” Finn asked her. Adam put his arm on her shoulder.
“Calm down a bit…”
“I'm just saying,” Kitty shrugged. “I may as well lay it all out there for those of you who are going to let them coast into the final four… Santana and Finn started making deals on day one since the HOH competition for crying out loud.”
“The HOH competition that you couldn't last 5 minutes in,” Santana said, sounding bored. “I'm not about to stand here and let you talk shit just because you're bored—”
“I love your swimsuit,” Brittany said in awe, looking at Santana's bikini. They all turned their attention to her for a moment before Schue shook his head and looked away.
“Basically, I'm cutting this conversation short because I feel like there are more important things to worry about than you,” Santana continued. “So, is there anyone else out here who would like to nominate themselves to be on the block? Come on. Make my job easier.”
Sam stepped off of the treadmill and turned around to face everyone else. “Good idea. Put up the one person who isn't afraid to stand up to you...”
Santana smiled at Sam. “Thank you both for giving me very little to think about. I'll be in my room. Goodbye.”
Blaine smiled at Kitty and Adam before taking a few steps back. Kurt watched the siblings go inside and the sound of Puck hitting the 8-ball knocked him out of his reverie.
“She can put me up, but I'm not going home. There's still the Power of Veto competition,” Kitty said to anyone who would listen. “And I'm not afraid to gun for any of them.”
Mike shook his head and walked into the house. “Anyone want anything to drink?”
Puck crushed his empty water bottle. “Kurt, we'll finish this game when there's no one out here to kill everyone's vibe. I'm going into the rooms.”
Kurt nodded as Finn walked over, gesturing inside.
“That's right,” Kitty said, watching them retreat. “Go ahead, Kurt. Once again, neglect your actual teammates.” She turned to look at Adam and smiled. “There. I said exactly what you were afraid to say. Well, maybe not everything.”
Brittany glanced around and then looked at her friend. “So… what're you guys talking about?”
Kitty rolled her eyes.
Finn led the way up the steps to the HOH bedroom, Kurt following behind him. He knew this wouldn't look great after Kitty just announced that all of them were in an alliance together—him and Finn heading up to talk alone with Blaine and Santana, but right now he didn't care. Right now, they needed to figure out what they were going to do.
Finn rang the doorbell on the HOH room and it was quickly opened. Blaine smiled at them and then went over to the sofa. Finn gave a shy smile as he entered and joined Blaine on the couch, looking up at the TV to see what was going on downstairs. He wanted to know if people were whispering and saying things yet—it'd be happening soon, he knew, and there'd be an alliance of people against them.
“I'm sorry about all of that,” Kurt said, sitting down on Santana's bed with her. “I didn't … expect any of that. Not in the first week.”
Santana kicked back on her bed and crossed her legs. “That girl's an ass. If I didn't want to bang her best friend I'd put them both up tomorrow.”
Finn licked his lips, because that mental image was a wee bit hot. Kurt glared at him until he began to focus again.
“And I know you two are just friends,” Santana continued. “But honestly, we can't let your friendship mess up all of our games.”
Blaine stared across the room to one of the pictures the DR gave his sister. “So what… everyone else can be friends…? Quinn and Mercedes, hell, Sam and Rachel, but when I hang out with Kurt it's an issue?”
Kurt shook his head. All of this was childish. It was the first fucking week. Finn was stiff for a moment but eventually spoke up. “What do you mean Sam and Rachel?”
Blaine made a hand gesture as if it was the most obvious thing. “They're always talking in the Jazz room… I mean it isn't any different from how I act with Kurt but—”
Santana scoffed and Kurt stared at her.
“What?” he asked.
“You two look at each other like… like I don't know.” She sat up and glanced to the monitor. “And I'm telling you this because if I notice it, then everyone else definitely has. And I'm sure they're talking about it now. I know you're just friends, don't get me wrong,” she added for the sake of not outing her brother, even though it seemed like he was showing his true colors. “But to everyone else, they're looking for a reason to want you both out. You're giving it to them.”
Kurt turned to look at his brother who was nodding. Blaine simply shook his head. “It only matters because Kitty wants to kiss Adam's ass. I'm not having it.” He stood up and put his hands in the pockets of Kurt's hoodie he wore. “Let me use your shower please.”
“Yeah, whatever. Just don't jerk off in there.” Santana rolled over in the bed and grabbed the CD player. “Would anyone like to join me in listening to Taylor Swift's new album?”
Blaine walked off into the HOH bathroom. Finn scrunched his face up and shook his head no. “I'll pass. But before we do that…”
Kurt crawled into the bed and took the other earbud. He wasn't too cute for some T-Swift.
“What's up?” Santana asked.
Finn sat back and folded his arms. “Who do you think you're going to nominate for eviction? I think that Kitty would be a great choice, of course, but next to her?”
Santana looked at Kurt. She had an idea about who to put up, but she didn't know if it was a good idea. “What do you think?”
Kurt bit his lip in thought. “I think Kitty needs to go up. There's a 95% chance that she won't win the Veto. And next to her… Sam seems like he'll be a pain in the ass, and Mercedes definitely doesn't seem to want her around.”
Santana hummed. “I was thinking either Sam or Mike. They're on the same team and they're both strong.”
Finn shook his head no. “Mike is cool right now.”
“Because he doesn't want to be nominated,” Santana told him. “Of course he's cool. But next week, if he does get that power, I'm pretty sure he's coming for my head.”
Kurt adjusted the earbud as he nodded. She did have a point. “I think that what we do is go for Sam. He doesn't seem to have any heavy alliance right now. I don't think that Mike is that loyal to him.”
Blaine started singing from the bathroom and Santana shouted for him to shut up. Kurt smiled. He sounded nice… “Well we will see. I don't know just yet.”
Finn nodded. “Yeah. So, do you have any candy left?”
Kurt rolled his eyes.
The one thing that was hard to adjust to was this whole sleeping in the pitch black darkness thing. Kurt was used to having some background noise and light on when he was going to sleep—the news, BET, any freaking thing would do. All that the quiet did was make his mind wander and he didn't want to think about Big Brother and game strategy 24/7.
The light came on and in walked Blaine. He was tippy-toeing around the beds, trying to stay quiet. Kitty was asleep, as was Mike—alone since his wife was in the Have-Not room. It had to be 2 am at this point, Kurt thought to himself, and Blaine had been out hanging with the others. He'd been spending a lot of time with Marley now, and Marley hadn't been complaining about missing her boyfriend as much since Blaine started spending time with her. Kurt didn't know if it was a game move or not—hell, maybe Blaine hanging out with him was a game move, but he didn't think about it too much. It wasn't that serious. He was safe this week, as was Finn, and that was what was most important.
“Why are you still up?” Blaine asked as he looked around the messy room for his pajama pants. Kurt's stuff was the only neatly packed area. Blaine had let the messy bug get to him. Usually, Kurt would straighten up the room for his roommates, mostly for his own sanity, but he hadn't felt up to it tonight. “Did you miss me or nah?”
Kurt smiled and shook his head. “Of course not. I couldn't sleep, that's all.”
“Because you missed me.” Blaine stepped out of his floral shorts and looked at Kurt, smiling as he did so. “You're wearing my shirt to sleep in, aren't you?”
The shirt was green with a huge pink ‘B' on it. Kurt thought it was corny, but it was also very comfortable. Comfort was important when trying to sleep with Blaine. He tended to be all over the place at times. “Well you were wearing my hoodie yesterday.”
Kurt smiled. “This relationship is a two-way street.”
Blaine stepped into his pajama pants and took another few seconds to look at his friend. The sight really made him want to smile and he almost did before going to turn off the light. Once it was pitch black again, Kurt sighed and closed his eyes.
Kurt smirked, knowing Blaine stumped his toe. He did that at least once a day. “You're going to be black and blue, young man.”
The bed sunk due to Blaine's weight and he smiled as he moved in close behind Kurt. “I only do it to make you laugh. I know my pain is funny to you.”
“Mhm,” he scratched his chin and ruffled his curly hair. “So today wasn't too bad, huh?”
Kurt chuckled. “Well if you think Kitty cursing your sister out at the nomination ceremony was fun then, I guess so. I thought it was tasteless.”
Blaine shook his head. “I really hope I get to play in the Veto comp.”
“You and me both.”
“Yeah,” Blaine opened his eyes, but with the total darkness he saw absolutely nothing. “So. Are you sleeping?”
Kurt smiled. “Not quite…”
“Oh.” When Blaine heard laughing, he smiled himself. “What's so amusing?”
Kurt shook his head, not even flinching when he felt an arm drape across his hip. Blaine tended to do this sometime in his sleep, so he'd grown accustomed to it. “Nothing. I just get the idea I won't be getting much sleep.”
Blaine bit his lip, smirking. “Oh? So what did you have in mind that we could do instead?”
“You're a pig.”
Blaine laughed before rolling over onto his back. After spending hours out there with Marley, listening her talk about all the drama in her senior year and about how her boyfriend didn't want her to do this show, he was ready for … this. He was starting to like this a lot. Like, a lot a lot. “I was talking about how we could play a game or something… you know. Truth or Dare.”
Kurt shook his head no. “You're lying.”
Kurt. Please move your microphone higher.
“Shit,” Kurt lifted it a bit. “Now everyone will know I'm talking to someone, and I'm sure they'll guess it's you. Just what we need.”
Blaine undid Kurt's mic and put it in between them. “Everyone's asleep. There. That'll do.”
Kurt smiled. “You're a genius. Thanks. Closing my eyes now.”
They fell quiet for several minutes and Blaine spoke before Kurt could actually start to fall asleep. “I lied to you before, you know.”
“Hm?” Kurt asked—the sleep heavy in his hum. “What do you mean?”
Blaine cleared his throat before speaking silently. “I mean… I told you my ex-girlfriend gave me my zigzag socks but I don't have an ex-girlfriend. I'll never have an ex-girlfriend.”
Kurt's eyes opened as the words hit him. They kind of hit him like a freight train. People had been asking him for a while if Blaine was into guys and he'd been saying no… he was just someone who was very comfortable with himself. But now… “So…”
“My ex-boyfriend gave me them. I'm gay. I just… I don't know why I didn't want people to know but I thought for game purposes it'd be best if I kept that to myself.”
Kurt stayed quiet.
“I know it's really low of me not to be open with everyone but—”
“No,” Kurt said quickly. “You don't owe us anything. I mean, it would've been nice to know earlier but it's your life and your decision, you know? I'd never want you to be out if you didn't want to be out. I've been there.”
Blaine licked his lips. “Yeah.”
Kurt hoped that everyone in the room wouldn't wake up due to how hard his heart was beating. Relax, he thought, the guy is gay. That doesn't mean anything. We're on this show playing for a shit load of money. He might be using this as a tactic, after all. But he wouldn't…
“Are you asleep?”
Kurt laughed again, shaking his head of his thoughts. “I'm not asleep, Blaine. Who can sleep with you yapping your gums?”
Blaine nodded. That much was true. “Fine. I'll shut up. But I'm good at cuddling if you want. It'll help us sleep…”
Kurt turned onto his back too and smiled. “I'm fine.”
“I just don't want people getting ideas. That's all.”
“Yeah I guess. Did you know that you snore?”
“I do not,” Kurt shoved Blaine and smirked when the boy said owie. “Bum.”
Blaine slid closer to him and turned onto his side, resting his arm over Kurt's waist again.
“Will you get me some water?”
Blaine nodded and got up. “Yeah. Hold on.”
Kurt watched his figure move in the darkness. “Thank you.”
Blaine was gone for about two minutes, and it was the longest two minutes of Kurt's life. This was starting to feel an awful lot like the start of a showmance and he did NOT come here for a showmance. Showmances ruined people's game. Showmances could actually crush relationships that had the potential to be great friendships. Kurt didn't want that at all. And there was the ‘what if' –what if Blaine was stringing him along? What if this was a joke and he was really aligned with Marley or some of the others? Could Santana have put him up to it?
Fuck, now Kurt was paranoid. The paranoid players were the most annoying.
Blaine walked back into the room with a glass of water, turning the lights on dim. He smiled at Kurt and sat on the edge of the bed. “Here you go.”
“Nice and cold,” Kurt said before drinking the better half of it. Blaine waited until he was done to put it on the dresser and then hurried to turn the lights off completely. Kurt moved aside to make space for him.
“Ok seriously. Go to sleep now. I give you permission.”
Kurt smiled and didn't even fight Blaine when he felt an arm going over him. “You have to wake up before anyone can see … this. You know that?”
“See what?” Blaine asked.
Kurt smiled. “You're kind of pulling me into your body right now, Blaine.”
“Am I?”
“Yes,” Kurt told him. “It's not that I don't like it… but you know how people feel about our friendship.”
Blaine nodded, dragging his arm back to himself. “You know what, you're absolutely right. So, I've been thinking, and I think I want a zigzag cuff too.”
“Go to sleep.”
Blaine laughed. “Fine. And thank you.”
Kurt opened his eyes. “For?”
“Not being mad at me for lying,” Blaine said. “I just… I like… I could've screwed this up but I'm glad I didn't.”
Kurt stayed quiet, but he did take Blaine's hand in his for a moment. “Team Zigzag, right?”
Blaine smiled and closed his eyes. “Team Zigzag.” He waited for a moment before whispering to the camera. “Hey… to everyone awake and watching right now…. Go on Twitter and hashtag Team Zigzag for me and my boy Kurt.”
Kurt laughed and shook his head. “Goodnight, Twitter. Goodnight, Blaine.”
Blaine squeezed his hand. “Goodnight.”