Jan. 29, 2015, 6 p.m.
Jan. 29, 2015, 6 p.m.
Thank you x 10000 for reading this and for leaving your comments.
Chapter 12 - Happy Thanksgiving
It was weird going to the airport with all of his friends to see them off while Kurt himself stayed alone in New York. It was Thanksgiving Day, at that. It probably seemed a little bit pathetic, but Kurt knew hed survive it. It was only one day of loneliness. Hed be at work tomorrow and with all the chaos that would be going on, he wouldnt even notice how alone he felt. Santana would be back before he knew it, as would Rachel and Blaine.
He pulled Santanas luggage alongside him as the group walked through the Jet Blue terminal at JFK. Rachel and Santana were in a deep conversation about whatever lesbians discussed with tacky females a few feet ahead. To Kurts left was Blaine, also stuck dragging luggage that didnt belong to him. They were quiet but walked closely to one another. Kurt wondered if Blaine was mad at him for not going but Kurt couldnt see himself intruding on what was supposed to be family time—even if they invited him. Blaine and Rachel hadnt seen their parents in quite some time, and only saw Cooper recently because it was work related. When he said they were going to take things slow, he actually meant that. Sex and labels werent the only things they could pace.
"So you made out with a chick," Santana said to Rachel. They approached the baggage check-in and she gestured over to Kurt for him to hurry up with her shit. "Ive made out with guys before. It doesnt exactly make gaga for penis."
Rachel watched as Santana gave her boarding information and ID to the Jet Blue employee. She gave her comments serious thought, but it wasnt that simple. Everything was simple for Santana, but Rachel had a tendency to overthink things. This was one of those things. "I wouldnt exactly call it making out, but… what if I liked it? I dont know if I did but I dont think I didnt…"
Kurt put the huge suitcase on the podium and leant onto the counter to catch his breath.
"Werent you a bit wasted? That probably had something to do with it. And Ive seen that chick youre talking about at my job." Santana accepted her things back before turning to face Rachel, Blaine trying his best to ignore their conversation. "She looks like she could totally work her tongue muscle. Theres nothing to be ashamed of, Anderberry."
After Santana was handed the last of her things, she started to walk over to the metal detectors. The line wasnt all that long and she was grateful. Rachel fixed the Michael Kors bag over her shoulder—shed bought it because she didnt want her mother to think of her as an embarrassment—following behind the Latina. "I had one drink, I was hardly wasted. Im not Blaine."
"I can hear you…" he said.
"Well Im not sure what you want me to say." Santana started to unbuckle her belt so that she could walk through the scanners without TSA getting on her last nerve. "If you liked it… maybe you might like chicks. Theres not a better time to experiment than now. Do you want me to kiss you?"
Kurt looked away. "If you two get to kiss and be roommates then there shouldnt be any disputes when I do it with Blaine."
"Thank you," Blaine replied, agreeing wholeheartedly.
Rachel blushed but ignored them. "I dont want you to kiss me Santana. I just wanted some sound advice."
"My advice would be try again. Maybe youll like it or maybe you wont. I promise it wont be the end of the world."
Kurt looked over at Blaine who was staring down at his cell phone. As Rachel stood there watching Santana prepare to go through security, he cleared his throat and spoke up.
"We should probably get you guys to your flight, too…"
Rachel nodded. "Youre right…" she checked the time on her phone and then glanced back at her brother. "We better get to our terminal, Blaine. We miss this flight and well never hear the end of it…"
Blaine nodded to her as Kurt reached over to take his bag. He smiled at Kurt, thanking him. "Safe travels, Santana. Enjoy your holiday."
She nodded to him before wrapping her arms around Kurt and giving him a hug. "Yeah, yeah. Same to you. And I guess you can text me if you need to, but dont text me unless you find someone in Pennsylvania to scissor with."
Rachel shook her head, waving lazily. "Happy Thanksgiving."
They waited until shed successfully gone through security without any problems from the TSA before waving again and walking off. Blaine wondered just how she passed, knowing the girl probably had a razor blade underneath her tongue or something.
Kurt was in between Blaine and Rachel as they walked over to the Air Train. After a while, she found something else to talk about—much to her younger brothers delight, but it wasnt enough to keep Kurt captivated. All he could think about was spending the holiday alone at home and what in the hell hed do for the next several days. Maybe he could go out with a few friends from class… there had to be someone still in New York. Or he could check out the club scene and meet new people, right? There was also the option of staying home, watching movies, eating unhealthy foods, and texting.
"…what mom would have to say about that," Rachel finished, looking at Blaine as they boarded the Air Train. He shrugged and fixed the luggage so that it wouldnt fall over.
"Im not removing my piercings, nor am I getting any tattoos removed because our parents will have a problem with it. I have a lot of problems with the decisions theyve made, but you dont see them making any changes."
"Maybe they will," Rachel said. It almost sounded like she was trying to convince herself, and Kurt watched her for a moment, hoping that she was right. "Maybe thats the whole reason they invited us to begin with."
Blaine didnt even bother to answer.
It wasnt too much longer before Kurt was accompanying the siblings to check-in their bags. He kept Blaines carry-on back pack on his shoulders for the time being as Rachel gave a quick call to Cooper to let him know theyd be boarding in another half hour. Kurt slid his hand into Blaines and smiled when the boy looked over at him.
"Are you going to miss me as much as Im going to miss you?"
Blaine rolled his eyes at the question and the sass of it all made Kurt laugh. "Duh, dummy. Ill be waking up tomorrow in bed alone. Im not looking forward to that."
Kurt tilted his head as he looked at him. "You better wake up in bed alone…"
Blaine smirked. "Dont be ridiculous. You know how I feel about you…"
"I know." Kurt let Blaine pull him along as they walked towards US Airlines security checkpoint. The line was a tad bit longer here. Rachel turned to hug Kurt before saying her goodbye.
"Its not too late to come, you know. We can sneak you on."
Kurt smiled at her as they pulled away from the hug. "I 100% promise to be there for Christmas. You have my word."
"OK!" Rachel smiled, lingering around a bit longer. She was smiling brightly, and Blaine stood there, waiting for her to take a hint and walk the hell away.
"Can I have a moment to say goodbye to your brother?" Kurt asked with a smile. "Alone…"
"OH! Yeah, sure… bye Kurt," she took a couple steps back before turning away and walking over to the security line. Kurt laughed to himself before facing Blaine and stepping in close.
"Its crazy how different you two are."
Blaine shook his head. There was Cooper, and there was him, but his sister was on a planet all by herself. He licked his lips as he stepped in close too, and Kurt tried not to focus on the two studs on his tongue as he spoke. "Ill call you when I land."
Kurt smiled, looking away from his lips. "You better. I hope you have a wonderful," Kurt patted down his leather jacket, "amazing," then lowered the boys hood a bit, "fantastic trip at your familys home. You know my number if you need me."
Blaine looked as if he was trying not to smile, nodding his head. "Ill do my best."
"And Instagram dinner so I can see it…"
"Assuming I even bother sitting down at a table with my parents…"
Blaine laughed, looking around the airport as he slid his hand to Kurts waist. "Happy Thanksgiving, beautiful. Ill Skype you tonight."
Kurt blushed a little at the pet name as he leant in, kissing him softly on the cheek. "Id love that. Maybe when you get back we can talk…"
Blaine tried his best not to roll his eyes at the cheek kiss, but hed be damned if someone harassed Kurt after he walked away for kissing another male in public. "What are we going to talk about when I get back that we cant talk about while Im away?" he watched as Kurt pulled away to take off his carry on and handed it over.
"The possibility of your future boyfriend Kurt Hummel being your present boyfriend Kurt Hummel," he said with a smile- a slight blush on his cheeks. He didnt dare look up for Blaines reaction until he was finished speaking. "I know it hasnt been that long since we first met, and because of our circumstances I was the one who asked for time… but you gave me time. We should move forward." He looked up at Blaine and smiled when he saw the boys eyes locked on him. "And please dont make me blush any more than I already am because its hot in here."
Blaine smiled before moving in slightly and tilting his head. He caught Kurts eyes and laughed at the bashful look he was given. "Hey… Id love to be Kurt Hummels boyfriend. Im just mad at you for bringing this up now because I dont want to get on the fucking plane."
Kurt laughed, wrapping his arms around Blaines shoulders. "Go. Have a great time for me. Ill talk to you soon, okay?"
Blaine stole a quick kiss. He smiled when Kurt tried to pull away and eventually let go when he got the Ill put you on time-out face. "Fine. I told Punch to keep you company at night when Im not there."
Kurt smiled as he walked backwards. "Bye, Blaine. Have a safe flight and call me as soon as you can, okay?"
Blaine waved, watching him leave. He dropped his hand and sighed once Kurt blew a couple kisses and then about-faced; his ass looking so grabbable in those jeans. That probably wasnt a word, but that didnt make it not true.
And he said he wanted to talk about being BOYFRIENDS when Blaine returned to the city. Like… after all the flirting—and arguing—and kissing for hours on end, as well as the almost taking things further than they actually meant too… theyd actually be doing so as boyfriends! Blaine was the last guy hed expect to care about a label. For years hed been such an idiot growing up, caring more about getting off than he cared about having someone to call his own. Sure, there was Fallon who he dated for a while, but Blaine wasnt in a mature enough headspace to treat him right. Or maybe it was just that he wasnt Kurt, so he couldnt care enough to do the right thing. But now, he couldnt explain it, but Blaine knew he wanted it a lot.
After a moment, Kurt had finally left the terminal and walked towards a taxi. Blaine took another deep breath and turned away, finding that a few other flyers had got on the TSA line and Rachel was already putting her things through the metal detector. He walked over to the line, taking off his book bag and coat before working on pulling everything out his pockets.
There was so much on his mind that he needed to get clarity on. Besides the boyfriend thing, too. There was what he was going to say to his parents—would he come out to them as gay? Would he tell them he was thinking about dropping out of school to hopefully box professionally? Would he mention that he wasnt even majoring in what they thought he was majoring in? Would he bring up Kurt, and tell them that he really, really really wants to go steady with him? Thats what the older folks say, isnt it?
Blaine successfully got through the detector without anything going off. He ignored the dirty look one of the guards gave him and went to get his things. Rachel was busy putting her boots back on when she looked up at him.
"Maybe Cooper can help me with this girl-kiss thing…"
Blaine rolled his eyes. She wasnt going to shut up about this for the entire flight, he just knew it.
"Thats all I have to say about that."
"It was a bullet, wasnt it?"
"A bullet?"
"That jumped up and bit you."
"Oh, yes sir. Bit me directly in the buttocks. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the Army must keep that money, cause I still aint seen a nickel of that million dollars. The only good thing about being wounded in the buttocks—"
Kurt stuffed a handful of popcorn in his mouth as his phone vibrated next to him. He chewed, still staring at the screen as he reached around for it on the sofa. Maybe this wasnt your typical Thanksgiving but he had lasagna in the oven and Forrest Gump playing and hed make it work.
Maybe hed get his Christmas shopping done during Black Friday sales at midnight. What better time to get trampled on by thousands of psychotic New Yorkers than Black Friday?
He picked his phone up and looked down at the text, smiling when he saw what was written under Rachels name.
From: Rachel
This is your future boyfriend texting from his sisters phone. Mine died while I was listening to Blink 182 on the flight, but we landed and some employee of my parents came to pick us up.
From: Rachel
I can just not give her her phone back if you want to talk to me on the way there…
Kurt smiled, placing his bowl of popcorn on the coffee table and quickly replying.
To: Rachel
Hey handsome :D Cant tell you how happy I am that you borrowed your sisters phone just to text me. Thats dedication and it means a lot that you keep your promises, but you can give it back to her now. Ill survive until you get to your parents place, I promise.
From: Rachel
Of course I keep my promises. But this is a long drive :/ What if I want to talk to you?
Kurt looked at the message before laying back on the couch. He smiled to himself and considered calling Rachels phone to talk to him, but he didnt want to be that guy. Lord knows if someone tried to have a cutesy conversation on his phone hed go ballistic.
To: Rachel
Talk to Rachel. Ill be here when your phone is all charged up, Blaine. Xo
He looked up at the screen, quoting along with the movie. Forrest Gump made him emotional at times, but he really did like watching it. It annoyed the hell out of his father.
From: Rachel
This is Rachel now. I took my phone back. Please keep your Xs and Os to a minimum with me. Thank you.
Kurt laughed at the message, placing his phone down. He arched an eyebrow when it vibrated again, picking it up and almost dropping it when he read the message.
From: Charles
I hear youre still in New York for Thanksgiving. Happy Turkey Day, Kurt. Even though youve been ignoring me, I still wanted to wish you a great day. If you dont want to be alone then we can definitely catch up.
This wasnt about to happen. Kurt was done with this guy. He was an asshole to him and a complete waste of time, and Kurt wasnt the one for on-again, off-again relationships with dickwads who treated him like scum.
Hell. No.
To: Charles
Happy Thanksgiving. Im not interested.
He reached for the remote and his bowl of popcorn, turning the volume up and hoping to drown out everything else. Screw Charles and his role on his stupid CW show. Kurt would gladly trade all of that in for a relationship with someone who actually cared for him—for someone he actually wanted around. There was one guy who Kurt wanted to be with and that was Blaine, even if the thought of the boy meeting his dad with his tattoos and his piercings and his rebel of an attitude scared the shit of him. If there was one thing Burt would appreciate, it was someone who treated Kurt like he mattered. Charles did not treat him that way. Blaine did. End of story.
From: Charles
I guess it sucks that Im outside our apartment.
From: Charles
Oops. Your* apartment.
Kurt looked from the phone to the door. He sat still, not moving a muscle, but that wouldnt really matter. The TV was loud and Charles knew he was alone. He knew he was there.
And then there was a knock. Kurt clenched his fists.
"I know youre in there, Kurt. Cmon."
Kurt muted the television and stood up, walking towards the door. "Go away. I dont want you here Charles and I mean it."
There was silence. Kurt stared at the door, praying that his ex-boyfriend had never made copies of the keys before he turned them back in. A knock followed and Kurt flinched at the sound.
"Please. I apologized," he said, sounding a little out of breath. "I have Facebook like the rest of the world. I know that you are dating the little asshole and I dont care. But I cant end things the way I did without making this right."
Kurt walked closer to the door. "I accepted your apology but Im not letting you in. Now, go… I swear Ill call the cops."
He could hear Charles laughing through the door.
"And that wouldnt be good publicity for you or the TV show you work on. Leave."
"Leave, Charles."
There was silence again. Kurt took another step towards the door and peeked out of the peephole. He could see his ex clearly, all 6 feet of him, standing there in an expensive brown coat with dark jeans and matching boots, an old scarf Kurt bought him around his neck. He was pacing a bit, and looked like he considered walking off before changing his mind.
"I just want five minutes… is that too much to ask?"
Kurt continued to look out the peephole.
"Hear me out, then. I didnt exactly end things on the note with you that I wanted to… we were like, I think," he faced the door and held himself up with both hands on the frame. "Best friends at a certain point in time, and I took you for granted. Ill admit that. And towards the end when you brought him around, I hated it. I did mess up and I did start seeing someone, but neither of us are perfect. Im just…" he looked up at the hole and knocked a couple more times. "Please, Kurt. Just open the door. Step out if you dont want me to come in—"
The sounds of the locks turning made Charles be quiet, and a second later the door swung open. He stared at Kurt for a moment; his brown eyes taking in the length of the man before Kurt rolled his eyes.
"While I think your apology is full of shit, I do forgive you. But most importantly I want you to know that I dont care," Kurt told him, staring his ex down. "You can date whoever the hell you want to, and if it floats your boat, keep being unfaithful. Youre not my problem—"
"I didnt come here to argue—"
"But you never listen, Charles. Now you have to listen, okay?"
Charles stopped staring at Kurts Anderson Boxing Gym hoodie as he fought not to roll his eyes. "Are you really with him, now? You did a complete 180. I guess you did hate me because that midget and I are polar opposites—" Kurt turned away, about to close the door when it was evident that Charles wasnt going to listen to him, but Charles blocked the doorway with his boot. "—wait! Just… wait. Im sorry. Continue."
Kurt gripped the door and turned back to look at him. "Im with Blaine. Were happy. Youre pursuing your dreams. Youre happy. Im not really considering you as an option for a friend right now, Charles. We had our time and we failed each other. Thats it."
Charles shook his head no as he slouched against the door. "You never quit on me before. Please dont quit on me now… I have so much that I need to share with you and no one really listened like you did."
"A little too late, dont you think?"
"Maybe. Maybe not." Charles was about to take another step forward when Kurt pushed him back with his hand.
"No means no. Right now, Im trying to enjoy my holiday alone—have some time to myself. That may sound pathetic to you but Im done caring what you think. Now if youll excuse me—"
"They want me to hide my sexual orientation."
Kurt stopped midway from turning away from him again. He wondered if he heard that correctly, but Charles didnt stutter.
"They gave me a girl to attend an event with tomorrow—someone on the crew of another show on the network. I told them that Im not interested in hiding who I am, but apparently I was so eager when I signed on that I didnt know that Id be living my life the way they want me to from now on. My potential… they say Im a brand and gay guys dont appeal as much."
"Im sorry," Kurt told him. He turned back around and folded his arms. "I really am. But you know what Im going to say—"
"Youre going to tell me not to do it," Charles said. "That its not worth it." He smiled at Kurt, standing up straight. "Trust me, I dont want to. Im seriously considering just doing what I have to and dealing with the consequences. I want you to be my date to this event tomorrow and—"
Kurt smiled, shaking his head no. "Sorry. Ive been out of your clutch for quite some time now and Im enjoying it, Charlie."
He smiled. "You called me Charlie…"
Kurt looked away. "Listen. I feel for you and your situation, and I dont agree with ever hiding your sexuality to please some homophobic pricks and make a buck, but that doesnt mean Im getting sucked into this with you. If we were still together, Id be proud to be on your arm. But were not."
Charles nodded. "Youre right."
"And," Kurt started to close the door a bit, still in the frame, though. "If you really care that much, you can just ask another guy of yours. Im not being bitter but Im serious. Im sure the other guy cares about you. This event will probably have all the glitz and glamour anyway…."
"My own driver, red carpet photos, tons of celebrities," Charles said. "Itll be fun."
Kurt nodded. "Thats good for you."
"But I dont care about anyone else, Kurt. It isnt the same. I care about you and—"
"Its over, Charles." He stepped out of the doorway and began to close it some more. "We can discuss being amicable at some point in the distant future, but as of right now I have other things on my plate. I have priorities, and while this may sound rude, theres no room for you here."
Charles stared at his ex-boyfriend for a moment before smiling sadly. He pulled his hood back over his head and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "Yeah. Ok. I hope he treats you well. And not just better than I treated you, because anyone could do that. I hope he treats you well."
Kurt nodded at him. "Bye, Charles. I wish you the best, too."
Charles continued to smile as he turned and walked off. When he pressed the button for the elevator, Kurt finally closed and locked the door. He wished that things had ended differently between the two of them. The feelings he once felt for Charles couldnt be denied… but today was a new day. Tomorrow would be even better if Kurt had anything to say about it.
He stayed there against the door for a few minutes longer; eyes closed, deep breaths inhaled. Now, the reality of being home alone started to sink in. If his ex had been drinking before he showed up, that whole predicament couldve ended entirely differently.
"Were only about 15 minutes away now," the driver said. He told Blaine and Rachel his name but Blaine didnt care to remember it. "Your mother wishes that you both get settled in and cleaned up for dinner right away."
Rachel looked up and around at the expensive homes as they approached their parents estate. Every time they came back here, things seemed different. "Thank you, Mr. Tanaka."
Mr. Tanaka. That was his name.
"No problem. So how do you two like New York?"
Blaine tapped at the screen of his dead phone, wishing to just about every deity that the thing would magically come on. He wanted to text Kurt and Jeff and Sugar and Elliott… he wanted to text anyone that would keep his mind off of the forced conversation in this suburban and the hollow feeling he had in the pit of his stomach.
"I like it. We recently moved in with a couple of my classmates and we all room together," Rachel said, sounding her usually chipper self. She looked at Blaine for him to add a comment, but he was quiet.
"That sounds lovely. I was born in The Bronx… used to go see Yankee games every Sunday with my dad," Mr. Tanaka told them. "I sure do miss that city." He turned onto a familiar road and Blaine looked out the window. "That truly is a city of great opportunity. I hope you two make the most of it, unless of course you come back here with your folks—"
"I doubt that," Blaine mumbled under his breath.
The driver smiled. "Well, I wish you the best in whatever it is you plan to do."
They were pretty much quiet the rest of the way, and it wasnt too long before they were pulling into the Anderberry Estate. The mansion was a huge three-story home, complete with a tennis and basketball court out back, and of course the swimming pool that any kid would die for. Blaine could remember when they first moved into this place how much he loved it, but when he got older and realized he saw the maids and nannies more than he did his parents, all of this luxury became less significant.
A guy around their age was outside walking a bulldog down the cobble stone path, a tennis ball in hand. Blaine looked out to stare at him, as did Rachel.
"Is that… Is that Sebastian?"
Blaine saw the boy watching the car approach. If it was Sebastian, he definitely experienced a growth-spurt.
Son of a bitch. Everyone had theirs already except for him.
"That is Sebastian," Mr. Tanaka said. "Hes walking Coopers spoiled dog. Damn thing eats better than me." He parked in front of the home behind a burgundy Range Rover and turned back to the siblings. "Someone will be out for your things in a minute."
Blaine unlocked the door. "Ill carry mine by myself. Thank you."
Rachel stayed put, grabbing her things and stuffing them in her pocketbook. "Ill wait for someone. Thank you."
He slammed the door behind himself after dragging out his small Louis Vuitton luggage and rolled it around the vehicle. Out of the corner of his eye he could see the guy who was most definitely Sebastian approaching. Sebastian was one of his… acquaintances back here in middle school, before Blaine moved to The Big Apple. He was smiling, pulling the Bulldog along with him.
"Anderberry! Wow. Look at you… its been a real long time, huh?"
Blaine nodded to him. "Yeah. Hey. What are you doing here?"
"I work for your mother now. Well, my mom works for your mother and I somehow got dragged into the business," he smiled, looking Blaine up and down. "I never wouldve pegged you to go off to the big city and turn into a bad boy. Wow. You much get tons of pussy."
Blaine shrugged. "I do what I can. It was good seeing you though—Im heading in to charge my phone and get comfortable." A door slammed and it was Rachel getting out of the car. Her luggage carrying person had finally arrived, and it was a heavyset guy who threw everything over his shoulder and took it into the mansion. Rachel approached the two of them with a smile.
"I thought that was you. Hey!"
"Hey," Sebastian pulled her in for a half-hug and grinned. "You both look great… come on, lets go inside."
The dog barking made Rachel jump a little, but she smiled at it before turning to walk in with the others. "I didnt even know my brother had a dog. Whats his name?"
Sebastian tugged at the leash. "Her name is Lola. Coopers ex-girlfriend bought her as a birthday gift. Like a week before they broke up. He refused to give her back, though."
Blaine picked up his luggage and climbed the steps, looking around as he entered the tall double doors. The place still looked as pristine and perfect as he remembered it. For the Anderberrys, everything was perfect.
At least on the outside looking in.
"Sounds like Cooper," Rachel said. She ran over to grand piano—the centerpiece in the open living room as she undid her scarf. "Oh my god. So many memories here. I could sit here forever."
Blaine looked around for his parents but it was quiet. He left Sebastian there, running his mouth with his sister before sneaking up the winding staircase to the second floor. If he could remember correctly, the first bedroom was Coopers. He was probably in there, but Blaine didnt want to bother. The second bedroom further down the hall belonged to Rachel, but he believed his parents turned it into a guest bedroom after they left. For now, their rooms were at the end of the hall. He looked down over the balcony and saw Rachel attempting to remember some piano when something touched his pant leg.
Blaine looked down at the grey kitten and its bright blue eyes. He stared for a moment, nudging at it with his foot. "Go away."
Blaine rolled his eyes as he took a look around the mansion. This place was everything he wanted to forget about himself. What it represented to him wasnt the home it once was and he sometimes hated it. He could smell the Thanksgiving dinner—the fragrance hitting him like a slap in the face and making him forget everything he was previously thinking about as he walked to the end of the hall. The kitten followed him.
Blaine quickly rushed to put his phone on the charger, not even looking around at his old bedroom. It hadnt changed much and he knew it—football posters, musician posters, same shit. He sat down on the bed and looked down at his phone, impatiently waiting for it to come on. The kitten started to climb his leg and he pet it once it reached his lap.
"Youve got to be kidding me."
The voice belonged to his mother.
"What the hell are those things in your ears?"
Here we fucking go.
Blaine_AB: It sucked. Dinner sucked. Dont make me talk about it.
Blaine_AB: It made me want to hurry up and come home. I cant even hold you tonight or wake up with my head on your chest and thats making me sick. Ill be real.
Kurtionista: Can you at least tell me what happened? Can we Skype?
Blaine_AB: Im with Cooper right now but as soon as Im inside Ill video message you. My mother saw me first… she showed up at my door and without saying hello son, Ive missed you after shipping you to live with your grandparents and only seeing you once annually since then, she immediately goes off because I have ear piercings.
Blaine_AB: I explained that they were earrings and then she got an attitude. Thats when she came in, telling me that she and my dad pay for everything and that I need to watch my mouth. Thats when she saw my tattoos.
Kurtionista: Where was your father?
Blaine_AB: He came in after a while too, and Id kept my tattoos a secret for a while but after getting the one on my wrist, it wasnt as easy to hide. They were both shocked and I just looked at them, trying to figure out if they thought they were convincing. I dont think they give a shit about me, of course. They dont even –know– me. But whatever.
Blaine_AB: What I will say is the chef did an amazing job on dinner. That was the highlight of my time here so far.
Blaine_AB: But I also have this random kitten that I think belongs to Cooper that wont stop following me around. Hell probably be in my room while were Skyping.
Blaine_AB: Youre quiet. Whats up?
Kurtionista: Im just sad for you, Blaine. I wish there was something I could do but… I dont know. You deserve better than what your parents did to you. I dont even understand that.
Blaine_AB: Dont worry about that. Ive got something to look forward to when I come back, and thats you. Just remember that you promised to tag along during my birthday so youre going to be sitting through awkward ass dinners where my parents look at me like Im Satan and praise Rachel and Cooper for being the Golden Children.
Kurtionista: Im definitely tagging along. But wait… do they know? About you being gay or having a … well a soon-to-be boyfriend?
Kurtionista: If youre waiting for me to be there with you when you come out, then I can do that. Ill be there for you, Blaine. But if youve already done it, I support you either way.
Kurtionista: I just hope you had a good Thanksgiving and I would love to meet your pussy.
Blaine_AB: Lol. Done with you.
Blaine_AB: Are you wearing my hoodie? I want a picture…
Kurtionista: Come on Skype.
Blaine_AB: If youre ok with it, then we can come out to them when you get here. Dont worry, Im not letting anything happen to either one of us, ok? And I could give you a hundred and seven kisses right now for giving a damn about me. I swear.
Blaine_AB: Skype soon. I have my old guitar here. Ill sing some Sam Smith.
Kurtionista: Awesome. :P I want to go shopping in about another hour so dont make me wait.
Blaine_AB: Black Friday? Mm. Nah. Youre not going out there alone. We can shop together.
Kurtionista: Well there arent any 300 dollar HD TVs on sale any other time. Plus, Im not going Christmas shopping with you. Youll see what youre getting and that defeats the purpose.
Blaine_AB: Dont go out. Please? There are assholes out there whore probably preying on people who are shopping alone. And plus you have to talk to me all night.
Kurtionista: I have work in the morning. *pouty face*
Blaine_AB: Oh yeah…
Blaine_AB: Im going to find out what you got me anyway. We live in the same room practically. How was your day, though? Weve talked about me and not about you…
Blaine_AB: I fucking miss you.
Kurtionista: It wasnt too bad. I spent the entirety of it thinking about you and watching nostalgic movies. I made lasagna. Gave some to our elderly neighbor Bertha… she damn-near cried. I wish I wouldve spent more time with her. She seemed a bit lonely too. But, my day was… interesting. More interesting than I wanted it to be, honestly.
Blaine_AB: Is there something youre not telling me?
Kurtionista: Yes. But Big Boy Kurt handled it all on his own, and you have enough to worry about. :)
Kurtionista: And if you dont get on Skype in ten minutes, Im going to sleep.
Blaine_AB: Im getting on right now. Sure you dont want to tell me what it was you handled?
Kurtionista: Yes. Ill see that gorgeous face of yours soon then.
Blaine_AB: Walking up the steps now. XOXOXOXO.
* Blaine_AB invited you to a Skype video call*
Kurt ignored it, typed about 500 Xs and Os, and then hit the call again. He didnt like to lose.