Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Sad to receive to reviews last chapter but hope you all enjoy this. Also unbeta'd so I apologize for mistakes. I own NOTHING mentioned.
8: You are my Sunshine
"The system is down right now. Let Don know he has to go in when it's up again and manually clock you out."
"We should just close up early and go home," Jenna joked with Steve. Kurt laughed at her words as he wrote down the hours he worked for Don's record. Today was a bit slow and he couldn't be happier to go home for the day. "It's not like we'll be able to take credit cards, and who really pays with cash nowadays? Well besides Kurt's baller boyfriend."
Steve laughed at the way Kurt rolled his eyes at them. "Don would kill us if we closed up. But on the bright side we can just hang out and ride the skateboards around the store and get paid to be the idiots we are."
Jenna nodded. "Hm. I guess that'll do. You know Steve, we've been working together for months and I cannot figure out who you remind me of…"
"Fez." Kurt said simply, putting the pen down and slipping the note underneath Steve's register. His coworker made a funny face at the proclamation and Jenna burst out laughing.
"Oh my god! Steve you look like Fez! Please tell me you have a friend that looks like Ashton Kutcher!"
"I do not look like Fez," Steve waved them both off and Kurt rolled his eyes. The man looked like Fez.
"I'm getting out of here people. Have a good evening." Kurt picked up his bag and smiled, accepting a kiss from Jenna and waving at Steve.
"Later, Kurt." Steve said, "Enjoy New York!"
"Enjoy that hot boy toy of yours in New York!" Jenna added, winking terribly but getting her perverted ideas across.
Kurt rolled his eyes at her before turning towards the exit. Of course he would enjoy the mini getaway. Hanging out in the city that never sleeps with a boy that he was absolutely wild over? Seeing New York had been a dream of his for a long time. He knew he'd get there, but the idea that someone he adored would be at his side to drink it all in… that's what Kurt was still having trouble processing.
"Thanks guys."
There was actually a breeze when Kurt stepped out of the shop. Usually the heat was unrelenting at this time of the day. Needless to say, this was a rare but welcome change. He smiled to himself and dug around for the keys to Pam's car in his bag. Farrah who had been returning from lunch slowed down as she approached Odyssey, raising an eyebrow curiously when the elder teen pointed the car remote at the Dodge Charger she knew to belong to Blaine's aunt and unlocking the door. He caught a glimpse of her out the corner of his eyes and rolled his because of it. Locking himself in the back and staying to himself had worked wonders in making sure he didn't have to see the rude girl's face.
Farrah smiled, albeit confused, but she smiled when she reached him. Kurt didn't show any interest in entertaining her and she simply watched him; her hand pushing wavy black locks away from her face.
"Bye Kurt. Tell Blaine I said hey?"
Kurt opened the driver's side door and looked at the petite teen. She smirked and sent him a small wave, turning on her heels and walking towards the sports shop. Kurt sighed for her. It must be hard to be that desperate and pathetic. He felt for her.
The phone in his pocket vibrated as Kurt climbed into the car. He slammed the door behind himself and adjusted the seating to his comfort. Pam was a bit shorter than him and didn't need as much leg room. Kurt looked out over the dashboard as he reached for his BlackBerry, swiftly pulling it out. The notification on the screen let him know Mercedes had texted him, and the time let him know he was making good timing. It really did blow Kurt's mind that Pamela practically gave him the keys to his car with instruction to drop Mikey off and pick him up from nursery school that day. And it had come second nature like she trusted him a lot. Well a lot, a lot. With Blaine and the rest of the guys off promoting the competitions with Don for the day, Kurt gladly accepted the responsibility that came along with babysitting the tot for the day, though let's be honest; babysitting Mikey wasn't as much of a task as Kurt imagined watching after a 4 year old would be. Mikey was his little guy. And hearing Pam refer to him as family was something that made his heart soar.
He ignored the first text message from Blaine that asked for nudes and went to his friend's. The message caught him off guard.
What're you doing? –Cedes
A hello would've been nice. He checked the time again before quickly typing out a response.
I'm just getting off work. What's up? –Kurt
Will you be home soon? We need to talk. –Cedes
The response was almost immediate, and the tone (even though he was reading it from his cell phone as opposed to actually hearing it from the girl) was somewhat frightening.
I have to make one stop, but then I'll be all ears. Is everything ok? –Kurt
Kurt wanted to wait a minute before starting up the car. It was just in case Mercedes needed to talk right away. He didn't want to try to check texts or answer phone calls when he was on the road. That was dangerous and irresponsible, especially being in someone else's vehicle. Luckily, it wasn't too much of a wait before he felt the black phone vibrating on his lap.
It's nothing urgent. Just call me when you get the chance. –Cedes
After a few seconds of reading and rereading the message, Kurt decided to leave it alone. His mind was telling him that something was wrong, but knowing Mercedes, she would've called him as soon as possible to spill the news. Now, it was about 8PM in Ohio. She was free anyway.
Thankfully, Kurt remembered the route to take to get to Mikey's school. He feared he'd get lost in the neighborhood, but thanks to riding around with Blaine on his ATV, he got the hang of the streets and what was where. It didn't take long to get there and there was a spot right out front. Kurt hummed along with the Bruno Mars song on the radio as he parked. A parent and her twins were exiting the building as Kurt got out of the car.
Kurt remembered thinking about how much he didn't like kids before coming to California. It was true to be honest. They were cute and that was pretty much where the list of accolades ended. Cuteness was negated by loudness, snot, and the need to touch things that didn't belong to them. The time Kurt babysat his neighbor's niece pretty much gave him these firm beliefs. Having to tell someone to keep their hands off of his vintage playbill collection more than once shouldn't have been necessary, but he had to continually repeat himself and had to bribe the girl with episodes of SpongeBob to get her not to cry when she got in trouble.
Kids weren't all that great.
Yet here he was, walking through the doors of a nursery school to pick up a little boy he was absolutely in love with. A little boy that sang with him, and shared his love of Yoplait, and even happened to be one heck of a listener. Kurt may have ranted to him a few times about a thing or two; Ralph Lauren's newer lines being nothing but repeats of his earlier stuff, or his distaste of people who pretended it was okay to wear fabrics that highlighted their pit stains, but Mikey never judged him. He nodded attentively, glancing up and pretending he knew who Alexander McQueen was, and brushing that hair off of Kurt's face that sometimes escaped from the rest. He'd seen Blaine do it sometimes and noticed how it calmed Kurt down. Then, Mikey would pass him a coloring book and put the crayons between them. It was simple enough, but it made the night better. Who knew coloring would be so therapeutic?
And Kurt never imagined he'd be this guy; the one who adored a kid and colored outside the lines with him so he wouldn't feel so bad. He didn't think he'd be the one to read bedtime stories to him just to give Don a night off, and smile as the little boy drifted off to sleep, of course after telling Kurt he loved him. He didn't see any of it coming, but god was it amazing.
Mikey was already in his Iron Man backpack with his lunchbox in hand. He sat down at one of the circle tables in his classroom, patiently waiting for Kurt to come and get him. He knew it was 5 o'clock because he usually got picked up at what his mom called 5'oclock, and that was when Regular Show came on Cartoon Network. Mikey really liked Cartoon Network better than school but he listened to Blaine. It wasn't as bad as he thought it was at first, and Kurt was very proud of him for learning things.
Mikey looked over onto the rug where a couple kids played animated with toy dinosaurs. If Lynne was here, he'd have someone to talk to, but she wasn't so he sat alone.
Kurt made his way to the front desk where a woman sat, chatting on the phone and taking down notes. He waited patiently for her to finish, glancing into the only classroom he could see. The window was decorated with beach themed stickers; a sun at the top and a pail and shovel and surfboards and starfish. Kurt peeked through and smiled when he saw Mikey. The boy seemed a bit isolated though, sitting at the table in the purple and gold Lakers jersey Blaine bought him, matching basketball shorts and BMX lunchbox in his hand. He seemed to be staring at something Kurt couldn't see, being that the wall blocked him, but what he could see was that the little boy looked out of place.
"I'm sorry for the wait sir," the woman apologized as she hung up the phone. "How can I help you?"
Kurt turned his head at the voice, forgetting he'd been standing there. "Oh," he smiled softly, "I'm here to pick up Michael Kinsella."
"Kurt?" the brunette gave him a smile as he nodded her confirmation, "Pam told us you'd be coming. Do you have ID on you?"
"Uh sure," Kurt dug in his pocket for his small fold wallet. He opened to the flap that housed his driver's license and held it up for the woman. She grabbed her reading glasses and put them on, glancing over the identification and nodding.
"An Ohio license?" handing a pen to Kurt, she gestured to the sign out list, and Kurt quickly found Mikey's name, having signed him in that morning.
"Yeah. I moved here not too long ago."
"Well welcome to California," she stood up with a smile as Kurt put the pen down, returning it wholeheartedly. "Let's go get Michael."
She led the teen to the Pre-K classroom, the distance not much further from where they stood. Kurt peeked in once he got a better look and found Mikey staring longingly at a group of kids who busied themselves on the rug, loud and boisterous as they clanked toys together. Kurt frowned a bit until he heard the woman speaking.
"Michael! Time to go sweetheart."
Mikey shifted focus to the doorway when he heard his name being called, and the happiness that flowed through his body at the sight of Kurt waving from the doorway almost made him fall out the chair. The boy smiled widely, too excited to remember he had a lunchbox as he ran over to his Kurtie.
The secretary was quick to move out of the way and laughed as Kurt caught the boy in his arms, both smiling as Mikey wrapped his skinny, bare arms around Kurt's neck. It earned him a kiss on the forehead that made the tot feel even happier if possible.
"Wow," the lady grinned and patted Mikey on the back. His teachers in the room were shocked. "He's always happy to leave but that trumped every other exit ever."
Kurt laughed a little, lifting the 4 year old a little higher in his arms. "He left his lunchbox."
"And his hat," a boy said, grabbing the things and bringing them over. Kurt smiled as Mikey looked to see who it was.
"Thank you."
The boy nodded. "Bye Michael." He walked off and went back over to the blocks. Michael only watched him, and Kurt juggled both the boy in his arms and the lunchbox in hand, smiling when the secretary placed Mikey's Lakers cap on his head. "You ready to get out of here, munchkin?"
Mikey turned back to him, crazy blonde curls escaping from underneath the backwards cap. He had to wear it like his cousin. "I'm ready."
Kurt smiled as the boy rested his head on his shoulder, saying goodbye to the teachers and the secretary. They said goodbye as well, to him and Mikey, and the little boy waved absently. School was okay but he couldn't wait to get home and hang out with Kurt.
"How was your day?" Kurt asked, pushing the door open and walking over to the car. Mikey looked around the neighborhood as he answered.
"It was fine. I liked snack."
You are definitely related to Blaine; Kurt smiled at his inner thoughts. "What did you have for snack?"
"Chocolate pudding in the morning, and then after lunch they gave us Goldfish."
"Yumm," Kurt let Mikey climb down as he opened the back door. The boy took off his book bag and tossed it inside, thanking Kurt when he was helped inside. "I haven't had Goldfish in forever."
"I'll save you some next time." He lifted his arms and allowed Kurt to strap him in, reaching up and adjusting his hat afterwards.
"Why, thank you." Kurt replied with a smile.
As Kurt rounded the car, he quickly pulled his keys out and slipped into the car. After strapping in, he got another text from Blaine asking for nudes and ignored it again.
Mikey stared out the window as he usually did, watching the sights as they passed, and Kurt smiled up at him through the rearview. They stopped at a red light, watching quietly as a lady pushing a stroller walked across the street; a little boy on a scooter crossing in the opposite direction. Mikey held on to the straps of his car seat out of habit as he observed his surroundings.
"Did Blaine tell you we're taking those training wheels off your bike?"
Mikey's face immediately lit up. "Yes! And daddy said I can ride around the skate park with all of you!"
Kurt smiled. "Pretty awesome, huh?"
The boy nodded excitedly.
"Well tell me about Pre-K today." Kurt made a turn by the boardwalk and rolled his eyes when the first person he saw was Peter. "What did we learn?"
"We talked about shapes. My favorite is the heart." Mikey told him; eyes trained on the people playing along the beach. "I colored one for mommy and daddy and one for you and Blainey."
Kurt smiled, shaking his head softly. He wished Don and Pam were in charge of populating the earth, because apparently they had awesome gene power. "I'm sure all of us will love it. Did you guys sing any songs today?"
"The Wheels on the Bus," Mikey told him, "but I like Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star better."
Kurt nodded. "Oh yeah. Definitely." They were stopped at another traffic light as Kurt rested both hands on the steering wheel. He remembered the little boy's demeanor when he arrived at the nursery school. Mikey sat alone watching everyone else laugh and have fun, it to be honest it was a bit heartbreaking. He knew both Blaine and the little boy had their moments where they were reserved, but he really didn't want Mikey to remember that being how he grew up.
"You know," he waited patiently for the green light as he began, "you seemed to be a little sad when I got there. Everything okay?"
Mikey hummed. "Yes."
Kurt smiled, lifting his foot off the brake pedal. "Are you sure?"
Mikey nodded. "I just wanted you to hurry up."
This caused the elder to laugh as he continued driving through Long Beach. "Are you sure you're sure? You could've always played with your friends while you waited. You looked sad Mikey and that made me sad."
Mikey frowned. He focused less on the happenings outside the window and more on his friend navigating the car. "I don't want you to be sad, Kurtie."
"Well I feel better when you're happy," Kurt said as he drove, "and seeing you happy and playing with your friends would make me feel better."
Mikey took in all that Kurt was saying as he looked down at his hands. "I don't know. All of those kids are friends to each other." He shook his head as he spoke. "They might not want me to play with them."
"What makes you think something like that? I think you are an excellent friend." Kurt told him. He carefully pulled into the Kinsella driveway as he waited for a response.
There was a hesitation before he answered. Mikey didn't like to talk about it because it made him sad, but Kurt didn't want him sad, he knew that. "Peter told me that I'm a crybaby and that nobody wants to be friends with crybabies." The boy's voice broke off a little bit. Kurt felt nothing but anger as he heard the words, putting the car and park and turning off the engine. Mikey continued, "I didn't want to make them upset with me so I-I don't bother them."
Kurt undid his seatbelt and turned back in his seat, reaching into the rear and taking the little boy's hand. Mikey looked from the nice ring on his hand up at him and smiled softly, and Kurt maintained that eye contact as he spoke. "I want you to know that Peter is a very mean person. I want you to forget all of the bad things he said to you because none of them are true. He said very bad things to me too, but it's important that we ignore him."
Mikey squeezed Kurt's fingers as he nodded. "Why is he not nice?"
The elder shrugged. Could anyone justify being so hateful? "I honestly don't know. Some people are just bad. But then, there are people that can make you feel better because they're great friends, and the bad people don't matter so much."
Mikey nodded.
"You are one of those people for me, because you are nice and a very good person. I bet the kids at your nursery school would love to have you as their friend. But," he smiled at the twinkle in the boy's hazel eyes, "you have to want to be their friend. No more lonely Mikey."
They smiled at each other and eventually, after quite a bit of contemplating on the 4 year old's side, Mikey agreed. He always did want to make friends; he just didn't think he'd be good at it. The last thing he wanted was for people to be mad at him.
"So do we have a deal?"
Kurt smiled holding up his hand for a high five and cheering when Mikey hit it. "I'm happy again. Now let's go hang out inside." He grabbed his bag and got out, quickly rushing over to the opposite side to help out the little Kinsella. "We're actually going to my house for a few hours."
"Okay." Mikey said as Kurt helped him onto the ground, accepting his lunch box and cap and letting Kurt carry his book bag. "Are we watching Cartoon Network?"
Kurt locked the car doors and followed Mikey out of the driveway, over to his home. "We can watch that or I stole Blaine's Wii for you today. Whichever you'd like to do."
Mikey nodded, walking up the steps to the unfamiliar home. He'd never been inside. Their old neighbors scared him a little and his parents didn't talk to them.
Kurt unlocked the door as the little boy looked up at him. He felt his phone vibrate, no doubt Blaine asking for something inappropriate, and after a few seconds of struggling he finally pushed it open.
Mikey eagerly stepped inside first, and Kurt put their things down by the door. He smiled as he watched the little boy look around; walking through the dining room and then back into the living room, nosily scanning everything in a way that reminded him of Blaine in his room on the day of the storm. He walked over to the Nintendo and turned on the TV, putting on Mario Kart and handing the steering wheel controller to the little boy. Mikey accepted it and climbed up onto the couch.
Kurt smiled. "I'll go put something together. Stay out of trouble."
Mikey nodded and Kurt walked off towards the kitchen, stretching his limbs a bit. He wanted a shower bad and a nap, but it'd wait. Don and the guys would be back sooner than later.
In effort not to spoil dinner, Kurt decided to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and go half and half with the tot. Before doing so, he remembered about his phone vibrating and pulled it out.
I hate interviews you know. And photo shoots. I just miss you. :-( A lot. –B
Kurt laughed lightly as he stared down at the screen, smoothing the device over with his thumb. He quickly typed out a reply.
Well if you weren't so good at what you did and failed to qualify, you wouldn't have to do any promoting. But you are amazing so deal with it :-P And I miss you too, baby. A lot, a lot. –Kurt
Textual kiss me. –B
:-* -Kurt
:-D –B
Kurt smiled down at the conversation as his heart fluttered in his chest. He soon got another text that Shane was pressing Blaine to stop texting and pay attention to the press conference, so he'd talk to him later. Kurt took the opportunity to prepare a little snack for him and Mikey as he called Mercedes back.
The phone rang about five times before his friend answered. Luckily she did so, because he almost hung up.
"Kurt." Her voice was in a whisper and Kurt quirked his eyebrow curiously.
"Hey," he walked over to the fridge, "I'm free. What's up? Everything okay with you—"
"Give me a minute…" there was scuffling on the other side for a moment. Kurt dug in the fridge for strawberry jelly and closed the door with his foot, walking over to the counter with all his items. "Sorry, I was with Tina. Didn't need her to hear this conversation."
"What is this conversation about, exactly?"
Mercedes' exasperated sigh could be heard and Kurt stopped what he was doing because of it, turning his back to the counter and leaning against it. "It's about Chandler."
Kurt rolled his eyes, and hard at that. "Honestly, Cedes?"
"He's on a quest to get you back… I mean, Kurt… I kept quiet about Blaine but you need to know—"
"A quest to get me back?" Kurt's hand found his hair in disbelief, and then he winced. His hair should not be victim because of this. He instead dragged it down his face as he tried to grasp what he'd heard. "What do you—what does that even mean?"
"We were at the mall last night, a bunch of us—Chandler, me, Rachel, Artie, Tina and Mike…" she trailed off and there was more scuffling on her end, "and everyone was talking about how happy they'd be to see you."
Kurt listened.
"Then he reveals this plan he's cooked up for when you two see each other again. I tried to tell him to leave it alone… that you weren't interested in long distance, and I didn't mention Blaine like you asked," she highlighted, "but everyone else thought it was great."
As Mikey raced around the course with his Luigi, the boy in the purple and gold outfit hummed the tune to The Wheels on the Bus. The silly song had got stuck in his head.
He held out the steering wheel and dodged Donkey Kong's banana peel trap the same time that keys jingled from the doorway. A second later, the door opened and Mikey turned to see who it was. A man in black coveralls stepped into the doorway of the home; a newspaper tucked under his arm and a bent brim ball cap on his head. The man yawned as soon as he entered and the house, shutting and locking the door behind him. Mikey forgot about the game completely as he stared at him.
Burt couldn't have been happier to leave his shop earlier today. He decided it was a quiet Thursday, and his business partner Nigel was more than happy to give the exhausted man a break and handle things. Of course, Burt did bring some of his work home with him. He had to as opposed to being stuck in the office at back of his second Long Beach shop the next morning, but at least here he could get a beer and kick back on the couch, watching a little baseball—
Or not.
As Burt went to step out of his work boots, he found a little boy staring up at him curiously. Blond curls were everywhere, and one triangle eyebrow scrunched up a little higher than the other as they stared at one another. Burt look passed him and saw a video game on the TV, and the little boy seemed to be frozen.
"Um, hello there." Burt said. The confusion could be heard in his voice.
Mikey didn't know who this guy was; he just knew he wasn't supposed to talk to strangers. He hopped down off the couch and neglected the video games controller, rushing off in the direction Kurt went without a word.
Burt watched the little boy in the Lakers outfit dart into the kitchen. He just stood there for a moment, trying to process what had happened.
"Why doesn't he get it?" Kurt exhaled hard, "I mean we talked about this for hours before I left. More like argued," Kurt corrected, "…days, even. Why isn't he taking what I said into consideration?"
Mercedes answered obviously. "The guy really likes you Kurt. I think that's what you're not taking into consideration."
Before Kurt could reply, because he honestly wanted to dispute that, Mikey ran into the kitchen. He peeked back out for a while before letting the door close behind him, then turning to look at Kurt. His face was a mixture of fear and happiness; fear from that big man and happiness from seeing Kurt.
"Hold on, Cedes," he removed the phone from his ear. "Mikey, what's wrong?"
The boy pointed towards the door. "Someone is here."
Kurt looked at his phone. It was a bit early for his dad to be home. The man usually didn't come home until a bit after 10PM.
Mikey backed away from the door so Kurt could exit and find out who the person was. He opened the kitchen door and looked out, smiling at the confused face his father was wearing. Turns out that Burt did get home.
"Hey dad... you're early."
"Kurt." He simply looked at him. Kurt smiled a little and put his phone down for a second. "Hi."
The little boy with the blonde curls stepped up behind Kurt, nestling close to the boys legs and staring up at the stranger. Kurt focused on him and carded a hand through the curls.
"Mikey, I want you to meet my dad. He's a pretty amazing guy."
Mikey leant his head onto Kurt's thigh and nodded. Burt looked at him with a half-smile.
"Dad," Kurt resumed, "this is Don and Pam's son Mikey, Blaine's little cousin. I promised his mom I'd watch after him since she's in meetings all night." Burt nodded, looking back to the kid. Kurt urged the boy that coyly hugged his leg to ease off him a bit and then bent down until he was eye level.
"So, Mikey," the boy gave him complete eye contact, "now would be a good time to prove Peter wrong and be an amazing friend. My dad is totally nice. Your dad is actually good friends with him."
Mikey looked at him and smiled a bit. "Yeah?"
Kurt nodded.
"But Blaine said your dad wants to strangle him. W-What if he strangles me?"
Kurt's hopeful smile disappeared and Burt smirked. "Blaine was just being silly. I promise."
"I'm a nice guy, kiddo." Burt finished taking off his shoes and gestured to the couch. "And work was long today. I could use a friend."
Mikey glanced from Kurt's dad to Kurt again. He felt better at his friend's smile and nodded. "Okay."
"We're going to split a PB&J sandwich and I'll get you some Yoplait. Sound good?"
Mikey smiled happily and Kurt kissed his forehead. The little boy took a breath and walked back into the living room. He glanced at the big guy and smiled a little, all before going back to his Mario Kart controller and climbing onto the couch. Burt joined him soon after.
"The name is Burt, kid."
Mikey looked up and took Kurt's dad's hand shakily. "M-My name is Michael."
Kurt smiled before going back into the kitchen. "Sorry about that, Cedes."
"Mikey, huh?"
"I'll show you pictures when I get there. Cutest kid ever."
His friend smiled as she answered. "Cute. But back to your predicament here… just please, Kurt. Don't let this get out of hand. You need to tell him."
Kurt sighed, resting his elbows on the island and reaching for a grape.
"Tell him you met someone and that you're happy, since you claim you are." She continued with a pleading tone, "Don't let him make an ass of himself."
"I'll talk to him when I get there. I'll talk to everyone—"
"That is not a good idea."
"Blaine and I came to an agreement that it's best due to the circumstances…"
That wasn't completely true, though. They agreed not to come out on Facebook, not to not say anything at all. Kurt shook his head. He could easily tell Chandler he found someone, but it seemed like a cop out. Talking to his ex in person would be much better. And he'd do it as soon as he saw him, this way, Chandler wouldn't have the opportunity to embarrass himself. Yeah, it'd go fine.
"Fine Kurt." Mercedes sounded defeated. "It's your choice.
"I don't see the big deal about that yogurt."
Mikey didn't respond. He only sent the man a look. Burt got it and turned back to the TV. "So which one of these do I pick?"
"Whoever you want to." Mikey took another bite of the yogurt. "I like Luigi. Blainey likes Waluigi because he wears purple. My mommy like Princess Peach."
Burt nodded. "Okay. I'll go with this Yoshi guy. Kurt was him for Halloween one year."
Mikey smiled. "Yoshi is good."
Burt wasn't so good though. He tried and tried again, but he couldn't get the hang of the video game. It was a little embarrassing because cars were his thing. Yet he couldn't drive a fake one to save his life. Mikey stand up and gestures with his empty Yoplait cup.
"All done."
"The garbage bin is in the kitchen," Burt told him. Mikey hurried back there so he could return and play, and startled Kurt who was having a not so child friendly conversation with Blaine on the phone.
"I'm done Kurtie."
Kurt smiled with red cheeks and pointed to the trash can. "Are you having fun?"
Mikey smiled. "Yepp!" he ran out the room.
Burt sighed after a seventh place finish, putting the wheel down. Mikey patted his back softly. "It's okay. You'll get better."
The man smiled, lifting the cap and scratching at his head. "I'll leave this stuff to you kid."
His words made the little boy smile and they sat there in silence for a while.
"The baseball game is about to start."
Mikey nodded. "Okay."
Burt got off the couch and grabbed the remote by his recliner. He switched inputs and put on ESPN, sitting down with a plop. Mikey got more comfortable as he watched a commercial.
"Mr. Hummey?"
Burt smirked. "Yeah, kid?"
"You made Kurt, right?"
The raised an eyebrow at the question, switching focus from the TV to Mikey. If that wasn't the cutest thing ever. "Well, me and his mom did."
Mikey smiled at him. "Thank you."
Burt smiled. "He's a great boy, huh?"
Mikey nodded. "He's my best friend." They got quiet for another moment as Burt smiled at the conversation he was in.
"You two seem pretty close."
Mikey nodded. Of course they were. "Where is his mommy?"
The hazel eyed boy looked up at him expectantly. Burt took notice of three tiny freckles he had on his nose before replying. Suddenly he was hit with memories of all the conversations he had with Kurt all those years back. Both of them had come a long way.
"Kurt's mom is in a much better, happier place now."
Mikey looked at him for a second. The man's green eyes reminded him of his uncle's as realization set in. "So is my uncle Cooper and Ariel. My mommy told me that."
Burt smiled a little sadly. He wondered if this uncle Mikey spoke of was Blaine's father… and Ariel? It had to be hard to be so young and have to understand people you loved were gone just like that.
They both settled into a comfortable silence as the sports analysts commented on their picks. Burt listened here and there, but his focus drifted between that and his thoughts. It was clear that this little boy and Kurt were attached to one another. It was also clear that Blaine, as the teenager so sweetly explained, would 'be around for a long time'. He sighed at the thought of how quickly Kurt had grown up, from the time he was Mikey's age to now. Life seemed to sweep past him, and his son was adamant. He still needed to be sure though, and who could identify love better than an innocent child?
"Do you think your cousin Blaine is good for Kurt?"
Mikey's face changed completely. The boy had been thinking about the picture of his cousin Ariel Blaine kept next to his bed. He couldn't remember as many things about her as Blaine could, but he did miss her. But at the question he was asked, he could only nod adamantly. Blaine and Kurt were so good for each other! "Yes! They make each other laugh a lot and Blaine told me he loved him, but I'm not supposed to say that he says."
Burt was taken a back at the declaration, though he had to smile. "You kind of did…" the boy's eyes went wide.
"Oh no!"
Burt laughed, patting the little boy on the back of his Bryant jersey. "It's fine. Your secret is safe with me buddy."
Mikey felt a lot better. "Thank you." They tuned back into the TV show. Mikey usually watched sports with his father while his mother begged to turn to something else. This was the norm for him. At the commercial, he turned to Burt again. Maybe Kurt was right. He could do this whole friend thing. It was good.
"Do you like the beach?"
Burt made a face and shook his head no. "Not my thing. You?"
He nodded. "I like it."
Burt smiled. "You see this gut?" He gestured to his stomach and little golden eyes followed, "I don't think people on the beach want to see it too much."
Mikey laughed at the same time Kurt entered the room with a smile. This was a welcoming sight, and had to be encouraging for the little guy.
"Hey boys."
They both turned to him and Mikey smiled excitedly. "Hi Kurtie."
Kurt would never get used to the love in Mikey's eyes when the blonde saw him. So unreal. "Thanks for keeping him company, dad."
Burt nodded to his son with a smile. "It was no problem at all."
Kurt thanked him anyway. "I'm sure my dad wants to unwind a bit, Mikey. Let's go up to my room and watch some cartoons."
The boy hopped off the couch and smiled at Burt. "I'll see ya, Mr. Hummey."
Kurt laughed as Mikey walked over to him and Burt shook his head with a smile. "See ya, kid."
"I don't know, Jus. I just feel like if I have to see your stupid cousin again, I'm going to explode." Jeff looked exhausted as he rested his head on his hands, elbows bent over the table. "I'm so tired of his stupid face."
"Don't say stupid." Mikey said.
The group of teens and their little accomplice were at the diner, seated in the back at the table with the bench seats. It still wasn't long enough for all of them, so Jeff grabbed a chair from another table and dragged it over, sitting at one end between Kurt and David. Blaine sat between his cousin and his boyfriend, across from Justin who was between David and Nick.
Mikey was on bended knees because he was so little, drinking his apple juice from a bendy straw. Jeff nodded at the boy's demand and recanted.
"Sorry butt face."
"I am not a butt face." Mikey laughed and Justin smiled, falling back into the conversation.
"I think we're failing to accept the fact that he's going to be around all summer. The best way to keep Ian quiet is to ignore him. He thrives on attention." Nick nodded at that. "He's always been this way and we need to stop making a big deal out of it."
Blaine shook his head, looking up from Kurt's phone screen where the boy was scrolling through fashion blogs. "Just promise me you'll kick his ass, Jeff—"
"Blainey," Mikey warned. The teen smiled.
"Sorry Mikey." He turned back to Jeff. "Promise us you'll win and shut him up."
Jeff shrugged. "I'm working on it."
"I'm with Jus," Kurt said, passing his phone over to David who sat opposite him. The boy put his glass down and accepted it, "He clearly likes to get a rise out of everyone."
"Exactly." Justin answered. "He started with you as soon as he noticed you. It's the guy's thing."
"His thing is going to be using a wheelchair if he doesn't keep away from Kurt," Blaine said to no one in particular. Justin gave the couple heart eyes.
"How about we talk about something else?" Nick recommended. He'd seen enough of Ian that day and once again, the 21 year old was nothing less than a douche.
Kurt nodded. "Good idea. So minus that, how was everyone's day?"
"Long." David said quickly, scrolling through the blog.
"It was cool though," Nick countered. "I mean I love talking to the media and promoting."
"I hated it." Blaine said.
"What you hated is that Kurt wasn't there," Nick told him with a smile. Kurt looked at his boyfriend as the brunette continued, "The poor soul was miserable without you there."
Blaine shrugged with a smile, turning to face his boyfriend. "I hated it baby."
What Blaine loved was the kiss placed on his lips a second later. Kurt grinned, touching his lips softly and pulling away.
"I missed you too, Anderson."
David smirked down at that blog. "They be making my shipper heart go cray cray."
Justin nodded beside him. Jeff slouched down in the chair and sighed. His stomach growled and scared the shit out of Kurt.
"Good lord," the teen mumbled.
Jeff apologized and looked across the table to David. "Bro, c'mon man. Go get our food." That garnered him a face he wasn't ready to see.
"I. Do. Not. Work. Here."
"My dad and Mikey actually hit off today," Kurt told Blaine, smiling at the little boy in a thumb war with Nick. Blaine was shocked by this. He didn't think Burt hit it off well with anyone. He probably hit lots of people well, but hit it off well? Not so much.
"Did you?" Blaine asked his cousin.
Mikey nodded, now using two hands and cheating against the brunette across from him. Nick smirked and battled back. "Kurt's dad is nice."
"Not to me," Blaine told him.
Kurt nudged him under the table. "Blaine."
The elder looked at him. "What, baby?"
"You should show Mikey the video of Petey," Nick said with a smile after letting the little cheater beat him. "I think he'll appreciate it."
Blaine smiled. "How could I forget?" Mikey looked up at him and Blaine pulled out his cell phone. "Would you like to see Peter bust his chops at the competition?"
His little cousin nodded and Kurt shook his head.
"I saw these for cheaper," David pointed at something on the screen and Kurt leant in.
Jeff rolled his eyes at them and stared at the ceiling. Where was the food? How could everyone be so nonchalant about this?
Justin glanced around the brightly lit diner and saw just how crowded it was. He yawned and faced his friends again.
"I didn't tell you guys Vickie can't go, huh?"
Nick and Justin both looked up. "Why not?" the former asked.
With a sigh, the skater began. "Her parents seem to think I'm taking her to New York to deflower her or something. They really hate me."
Justin smiled reassuringly. "You're an amazing guy, Jeff."
Jeff's face lit up and Kurt glanced at them. So gay.
"Ouch!" Mikey and Blaine's heads were pressed together as they watched the video, and the little boy giggled. Blaine wore a sinister face.
"Epic faceplant."
"Do you want my ticket?" Jeff asked. It was intended for Nick but Justin answered.
"I'll take it."
Nick put his arm along the seats before speaking, then took it down with a grimace when the surfer tried to snuggle into his side, kicking him under the table. Justin winked at him and Nick rolled his eyes, finally speaking. "I bought a ticket already anyway. Right after you guys decided you were going."
Kurt and Blaine looked up at the words and Blaine frowned. "You let me beg you like a baby and you were coming anyway? Why'd you say that you weren't coming?"
Nick smiled and shrugged, "I had this whole elaborate scheme where I'd walk past you guys in the city and keep going like I didn't know you, and all of you would be confused out of your minds. But then I realized that'd take a lot of work." Kurt smirked at him. Such a dork. "So I'll just tag along with you."
"You suck for that," Blaine shook his head. "You wouldn't be able to troll me anyway you know. I would've found you out."
"I can troll you, B."
"You can't."
"Blainey is he okay?" Mikey looked from the phone screen to his cousin. Peter had just stood up, and boy did he look enraged with himself.
His older cousin gave him an indifferent face. "Who cares dude? He fell on his face. That's what you're supposed to focus on here."
"I wish I would've known about this New York trip earlier," David handed his friend the phone back. "I'm stuck going to what's his face's party."
"I heard it's supposed to be amazing," Jeff said absently.
"It better be for me to go alone," David answered. Just then, the waitress showed up with food; Jeff's BBQ & pineapple bacon burger first thankfully. Kurt assumed they knew who to feed first because she rushed straight to him.
"Thank you GOD," he wasted no time taking a bite and Mikey snorted at him.
Kurt smiled at them all. In 24 hours, he'd be in the city that never sleeps with a bunch of guys he adored, seeing friends he thought about daily. He couldn't wait.
"Can you come inside?"
Kurt bit his lip sexily, glancing back at their houses. His living room light was on, meaning Burt was still up. It wasn't worth risking it. "You know my dad is actually home early tonight. Call me?"
Blaine didn't like that answer. He sighed tiredly and Kurt laughed, looking down between them. His boyfriend's hand reached out to pull him closer, then slipping it around his waist. Blaine wasn't ready to call it a night just yet. It had been too long a day with not nearly enough Kurt. "Can't you give us 10 minutes?" he whispered into his ear. Kurt shivered a bit. "I did come in first yesterday, tied or not." Blaine lowered his hand a touch, "You were supposed to… give me a little something, no?"
Kurt licked his dry lips from the intensity in Blaine's voice alone, not speaking again until the boy gave him eye contact. Those amber eyes grabbed hold of him and he spoke. "Kiss me."
So Blaine did. There was no hesitation involved at the order. He lifted his left hand and raised it, cradling Kurt's neck and tilting his head to the side. Their lips met and straight away the kiss became heated. Blaine's pent up energy from not getting to do this as much as he liked today was spilled into it, and before long one hand was smoothing over the curve of Kurt's backside. He hoped this was okay because it was dark out, not that anyone would say anything to them. Don didn't really have jackass neighbors.
Kurt enjoyed the way Blaine sucked on his lower lip before he had to pull away. A little more of this and he'd no doubt he letting the elder drag him straight up to his bedroom. With another kiss, he pulled back and smiled looking at his boyfriend and taking Blaine's hand in his.
"I'll see you in the morning."
Blaine inhaled and let it go slowly. "Come inside."
Kurt smirked, glancing around the quiet neighborhood. "I don't want to reward you in a house full of people… with your little cousin running around, and my father calling for me to come home." Blaine watched his lips move as he listened. "I think a hotel room with just us is much better."
His boyfriend slowly licked his lips and Kurt stared at the action. "Don't you think so, Anderson?"
Blaine nodded. That much was true. New York would be very, very interesting. "Yeah. Kiss me."
Kurt smiled, leaning forward until their noses were touching and grinning into the kiss he placed on Blaine's lips. The elder hummed as he accepted it. The action was feather-light but so amazing.
Neither pulled away until a door closed from somewhere behind them. Kurt turned back to see his father dragging out the trash, of course staring at the both of them as he did so. Blaine sighed as the man caught eyes with him and pulled back.
"I was going to do that when I came inside." Kurt told him.
Burt nodded, carrying the bags to the curb and setting them down. He dusted off his hands and observed the couple. Blaine, as usual, had that 'I'd enjoy being elsewhere' look.
"Goodnight, Blaine."
Blaine smirked, nodding his head. "Goodnight, Mr. Hummel."
Kurt gave his father a look all before facing his boyfriend once more. He kissed him on the cheek, and Blaine's cheeks flushed because of it. "Night, honey."
Kurt walked off, purposely eyeing his father and going straight into the yard. Blaine watched him go and rubbed at the nape of his neck. He didn't want him to go at all. This would be two nights in a row of sleeping alone, and Blaine wasn't sure how he even got rest before meeting Kurt. All in all, he had to acknowledge that Burt was nice enough to give them the three nights that he did. He really didn't have to.
Burt stood there for a while just watching him. Blaine seemed to be lost in his thoughts for a minute, then snapped out of it when Kurt was out of view. He sent the young man a head nod, and Blaine smiled tiredly, waving goodbye once again.
He didn't go inside until well after Burt did. He just stood there in front of the home, smiling to himself. Blaine felt blessed.
"I think we should watch something else."
"It's the 9th inning sweetheart."
"I'm making you watch Storage Wars with me."
Don nodded, eyes never leaving the TV. "Whatever you want, beautiful."
Pam smirked. He was not paying attention. "What did I just say?"
Blaine laughed behind them as he leant in to give the woman a kiss. She smiled and looked up at him as he ruffled his uncle's hair. "Hey sweetie."
"You've got yourself a real catch here." Blaine answered.
Don waved his nephew off. "Yeah, go away kid."
Mikey's eyes were glued to the TV, though he was working on coloring a couple hearts in front of him. Blaine smiled at the family before turning away.
"I'm going to get in the shower."
Tiredly trekking upstairs, Blaine scratched his head and rolled his neck slowly. He went to his room and closed the door behind him, tossing his phone onto the bed and stripping out of his clothes. How awesome would it be to have a room across from Kurt's where they could look out their windows and have Taylor Swift moments, but he saw nothing but the backyard when he looked out there. So much for the awesomeness of being next door neighbors.
He left his clothes on a puddle in the floor and sighed, going to get some things for the shower. It was then that he realized he hadn't even began to pack for a flight he had pretty early in the morning, and if Kurt knew that he'd probably have a fit. It was only a couple days they'd be staying anyway so he could throw something together—a guitar and some other shit. He'd be ready.
His phone rang as he wrapped a navy towel around his waist, and the teen walked over to his bed to retrieve it. A smiling picture of his boyfriend popped up on the screen and Blaine hurried to answer it, plopping down on the bed and bouncing up and down a bit because of it.
"Baby," he breathed into the phone and Kurt laughed a little at his breathless voice.
"Hi. Did my dad tell you to go home and do pushups or…?"
"Shut it," Blaine joked. "What's up?"
"Ah, just listening to some music and making an itinerary for tomorrow. I should've been more prepared." Blaine stood and went to grab his body wash as his boyfriend continued, "But then about three minutes into it I realized I really missed, which while probably pathetic, is extremely true. So now I get to hear your voice and I'm happy."
"We'll be pathetic saps together then, because I miss you too." Blaine said as he walked out of the bedroom. "And you should just keep talking because it helps tremendously."
Kurt laughed into his ear. "What do you want me to say exactly?" Blaine shrugged like he was there, locking the bathroom door behind him and tossing the towel away.
"I don't know. Ramble. Tell me about work. Sing. Whatever comes to mind, baby."
He heard Kurt hum in his ear and even that helped a bit. Blaine smiled, turning on the water to his shower. He adjusted it as he waited for his boyfriend to say something.
"What's that noise?"
"I'm about to shower," Blaine told him, stepping in after a few seconds. The hot water felt amazing, immediately de-tensing his body. Blaine sighed into the phone, not knowing Kurt was stark still on the other end of the line.
"You there babe?"
"I-Uh-Yeah," there was a pause and Blaine licked his lips, enjoying the water on him. "Uh… you're taking a shower right now?"
Blaine replied with an appropriately bemused tone. "Yes? … Is that a problem?"
"No," Kurt answered quickly and now he sounded a little out of breath. "I just didn't think… should I call you back?"
Blaine smiled. "I asked you to talk to me, baby. Please?"
Kurt stared up at his ceiling for a good five seconds before replying. He could hear the water pelting in the background and Blaine gave these breathy, satisfied sigh as he stood there. Kurt shook his head as he took it all in; the visions going through his mind right now of his boyfriend naked body dripping wet from the shower had his own body doing things. He gulped and closed his eyes, trying not to think about it but failing miserably.
"O-Okay. Well, work wasn't so b-bad today."
"Yeah?" Blaine replied.
Kurt nodded. "It was slow today. A-And I just sort of hung out in the back, doing a few sketches-s…" he trailed of and gulped again, and it was quiet for another few seconds. "Um…"
"You don't sound okay baby," Blaine's voice dropped knowingly and Kurt could hear his smile. It was sexy. "What do you really want to talk about?"
"What do I really want to talk about?" Kurt repeated, opening his eyes and checking to see if his door was locked. It was, and he pushed his laptop away to settle back in bed. "I mean… whatever you want—"
"This water feels really fucking good on my body," Blaine breathed into the line, "I needed this so bad. I need you bad, too."
Kurt sighed, closing his eyes once more. His boxer briefs felt a lot tighter suddenly, and the need to touch himself almost drove him crazy. "I need you." he whispered back.
Blaine rested his head along the wall behind him. Kurt's whisper into his ear went straight to his cock. He bit his lip and let his eyes fall shut, the water still hot as it hit him. "You need me baby?"
Kurt answered after a breathy sigh. "Blaine…"
"Where do you need me?" the growl in his voice even shocked himself as Blaine spoke. Slowly, he teased his body; trailing a finger down his chest, then brushing between each line of his abdomen. "What do you want?"
"I," the boy sighed, "want you to touch me…"
Blaine licked his lips, his fingers skirting just over his navel. "Tell me how."
"Touch me, oh," Blaine held the phone close to his ear as he listened. He knew Kurt must've been touching himself and that did nothing but make him need to touch himself. He looked down at his swollen cock and wrapped his hand around it; his breath catching at the feeling.
"God, Kurt."
Blaine pulled slowly at his cock and his eyes rolled back. "Keep talking to me."
His boyfriend's breathing was erratic and it made Blaine's hips stutter into his fist. He opened his eyes and tried to gather himself, staring at the shower head as he spoke. "Kurt…"
"Ngh I want you to stretch me, Blaine."
"Oh fuck," Blaine pulled at his cock again and his toes curled against the shower floor. Kurt sounded desperate in his plea and more than anything, the hazel eyed teen wanted to rush next door and give him each and every little thing his body desired. Suddenly, Blaine's mind was filled with images of Kurt spread out on his bed; his dick long and hard against his body and a pretty little whole waiting to be opened. He growled, and threw his head back, ignoring the pain from the way it hit the wall and thrusting hard into his fist. "God, you know I would-d Kurt. I bet you're so fucking tight for me."
Kurt made a sound that came off as a broken moan mixed with straight want, his breathing out of control and his voice broken as he spoke. "Soo tight, Blaine. And it's all for you."
Blaine held his dick firmly as he slowed down his strokes, imagining he was inside his boyfriend. Now Kurt had his legs wrapped around his waist as he whispered 'all for you' into his ear, letting Blaine pound into him and enjoying each and every thrust. Blaine felt himself drawing nearer to the edge and took a few quick breaths, trying to ward it off. "You're so fucking tight baby. Do you like it when I fuck you like this?"
Kurt's phone was on speaker, lying on his chest. His pants were down around his ankles. His shirt was up around his neck. He had one hand wrapped around his leaking cock, the other playing at his entrance, though honestly he had no idea what he was doing with that. All he knew was that it felt amazing, as it would when Blaine touched him. He moaned; trying to slow down the movement of the hand over his hardness, but not having the reserve to. Not with Blaine saying things like this:
"Do you like it when I fuck you like this?"
Kurt's hips snapped far off the bed as he thrust up, throwing his head back and moaning into the air. "Ohmygod," he breathed, fucking his hand with desperation to come now. The way his thighs and gut kept clenching let him know he was almost there, and his body shook with such pleasure Kurt could only stroke himself harder.
"I love it when you fuck me like this, Blaine."
Blaine growled a few curses leaving his lips as he lost control on the other end. "Kurt… Kurt baby."
"I love it when y-you fuck me hard," Kurt was out of breath after the sentence and Blaine moaned louder, "fuck me, Blaine…"
"Shit," the elder's breath caught and Kurt couldn't hold it much longer. "You want it hard? I-I'll, I'll spread those pretty legs and fuck you right into the mattress."
That did it. Kurt's toes curled as his eyes rolled back, and he found himself coming so fucking good. His cry of pleasure must've been appreciated by his boyfriend because the teen let out a string of 'fuck' as he listened.
All it took for Blaine to spill into the shower was Kurt to moan what sounded dangerously close to his name, and another pull of his cock. He almost dropped his iPhone, he almost dropped himself, and he almost asked Kurt to marry him as he came hard into his right hand, body convulsing and his mouth spewing out a bunch of curse words that'd make a sailor blush.
"Kurt… oh… baby…"
"Blaine," he breathed back and took a few seconds before continuing. "Oh my god."
Blaine caught his breath and smiled down at himself. That just happened, didn't it? Kurt just had phone sex with him. That was fucking awesome. "Wow."
Kurt gave a nervous laugh that sounded a bit sleepy towards the end. "Um, yeah. Wow."
"Was…" Blaine trailed off, trying to stand up properly, "Was that okay? I… I mean I liked it…"
"It was um… yeah. It was great."
Blaine licked his lips. "Yeah?"
"I liked it too." Kurt responded shyly. Blaine smiled.
"Well," his boyfriend seemed to be moving a bit, and the Blaine assumed the phone was taken off speaker because he sounded a bit clearer, "I need to get in the shower too. I have to g-get cleaned up and everything."
Blaine smiled. "Ok. Let me finish up here, too. I'm exhausted."
"Yeah," Kurt was smiling and that made Blaine smile harder, "Sleep well honey. See you in the morning."
"Goodnight baby."
"Night." Kurt answered. Blaine stayed on the line a while, waiting for him to hang up.
"Hang up," Kurt told him.
Blaine's eyebrows shot up and he smirked. "I'm going to hang up after you."
"No, I'm hanging up after you."
Blaine sighed and smiled when his boyfriend laughed. "Why are you doing this right now?"
"You're the one being ridiculous."
Blaine stepped closer into the water, turning his head to make sure his phone didn't get wet. "Baby?"
"Hm?" Kurt sounded like he was standing to his feet now and Blaine smiled, imagining him going to the shower. Then he smiled at his stamina because his cock legit tried to get hard again.
"I just wanted to remind you I'm not letting you go. I think I'll do it at least once a day so you don't forget."
The other line was quiet, and Blaine smiled as he waited. He really needed to get out of this shower before he got all wrinkly, but not until he got a response.
"I'm all yours, honey. No need to let go."
The sentiment was enough to make Blaine's heart soar. He smiled to himself and nodded. "I won't. Goodnight."
Kurt smiled. "Goodnight, Blaine."
Blaine decided to let him go first. No one was more stubborn than Kurt Hummel… maybe Burt if there had to be a competition, but Kurt definitely would win. He looked at his screensaver; a picture he took of Kurt looking out of the shore when they went to the Westside of L.A, and kissed the screen softly.
His shower was quick; lather, rinse, repeat for a couple cycles while singing a little ditty he composed when he was 12, and thinking about the awesome phone sex he had. He couldn't wait to go all of those placed with his boyfriend in person. He could wait, of course, but when it actually happened he wanted to make sure Kurt enjoyed each and every touch, no matter what they did.
He looked down at his body and figured he could do a little manscaping. Kurt didn't seem to have a problem when they undressed in front of one another… he didn't seem to mind at all, actually, but with him so well kept Blaine thought it'd only be polite. He looked around the shower and grabbed his razor, wondering if Aunt Pam's raspberry scented shaving cream for sensitive skin would be okay for a man to use. It all did the same thing.
Hey, Kurt. :) –Chopstick
Kurt sat at his mirror tiredly going through his skin care routine. At the sound of his phone going off, he exhaled and dried his hands, reaching for it absently. The name let him know Blaine had messed with his phone again, and the message made him frown despite the smiley face his ex inserted in there.
Hi, Chandler. Isn't it pretty late there? –Kurt
Yeah, after 3 actually. I just woke up maybe 20 minutes ago and I'm too excited to go back to sleep. I guess I just wanted to see what you were up to. How is everything? –Chopstick
Before answering, Kurt fixed the name in his contacts back to Chandler and shook his head.
Everything is pretty good. I've been working and keeping busy. How's the end of junior year? –Kurt
It's odd without you here. I really miss you, but at least we'll see each other soon. –Chandler
Kurt sighed, thinking about what Mercedes told him earlier.
Yeah. I'm about to go to bed, though. Talk to you later. –Kurt
Goodnight, sweetheart. –Chandler
Shaking his head, Kurt tossed his phone over to the bed and went back to what he was doing. Hopefully the plan would work out. He'd be able to set the record straight with his ex before Chandler did something utterly ridiculous and had Blaine down his back. Kurt closed the tops to his creams and went back into his bathroom to clean it all off.
"Go to sleep, Mikey."
"I can't sleep."
Blaine sighed. "Why not?"
"I'm not tired."
"You have to go to school in the morning."
Mikey sighed as he thought about it. School. Ugh. "I know, Blainey."
"Should I read the story again?"
Mikey shook his head no. "Sing, please."
Blaine nodded at him. "Which song?"
His cousin shrugged gripping his Elmo close to his chest. "I don't know. Something nice."
Blaine smiled at him. "Okay, munchkin. Something nice." He hopped onto the racecar bed beside Mikey and cuddled the boy tight, squeezing both him and Elmo. Mikey laughed, getting comfortable and waiting for the song.
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're fast asleep
In dreams you will lose your heartache
Whatever you wish for you keep
Blaine kept his volume low and sang slowly, nuzzling his forehead against Mikey's as he sang. His cousin smiled and closed his eyes.
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through
No matter how your heart is grieving
If you keep on believing
The dream that you wish will come true
Mikey's little fingers clutched Elmo tighter as he listened. He smiled to himself, hoping for happy dreams tonight. The day was fun. Kurt always helped to make it fun, and Mr. Hummey told him he was an excellent friend. Then, he got to hang out with his cousin and the guys and they played with him a lot. Hopefully tonight he wouldn't have bad dreams.
Blaine watched the boy with a smile as he sang. Words couldn't express how much he adored the little boy. With a kiss to his cheek, he continued after a sleepy Mikey smiled softly.
A dream is a wish your heart makes
When you're feeling small
Alone in the night you whisper
Thinking no one can hear you at all
You wake with the morning sunlight
To find fortune that is smiling on you
Don't let your heart be filled with sorrow
For all you know tomorrow
The dream that you wish will come true
Mikey's soft breath were all heard in the room after Blaine stopped. He kissed him again and stayed there a while, making sure not to disturb him. For a few minutes, he simply looked at him and memories rushed back of when it'd be three of them; him, Mikey, and Ariel. He'd sing, and his sister would fuss, curly brown hair standing up on her head, and Mikey would try to take her pacifier because for whatever reason, his wasn't good enough, and Blaine was the happiest kid in all of California.
It still hurt to think about. It would probably always hurt to think about it. He'd always think 'I could buy Ari that necklace', or 'she'd love Kurt', but at least he felt less alone with all of this. He had his family, the ones who cared at least, and he had his friends. Nick may've not been a fan of Blaine keeping everything inside, but the boy knew when he needed a hug. Nick's embrace helped a lot after the accident. And now, now Blaine had Kurt, and Kurt was so sweet and loving, and he was determined to be there for Blaine that it made the teen's heart melt. It may've hurt to think about everything, but it definitely didn't hurt as much as it did a month ago.
You just put your lips together
And you come real close
Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby
Here we go
Blaine quickly eased himself out of the bed and out of the room, careful not to let his ringtone wake the sleeping boy up.
The caller ID read Douche and Blaine quirked an eyebrow, curious as to what this was about. He quickly went into his bedroom and picked up the phone, closing the door behind him.
"Squirt," the man finished yawning and continued, "what's up, baby bro?"
Blaine went to lie down on his bed, lying in nothing but his basketball shorts and the backwards cap he had on. "Just put Mikey to sleep. Is everything ok?"
"Something has to be wrong for me to call you?"
Blaine rolled his eyes. "I don't know, CJ. You remember our conversation yesterday. We don't really speak unless something is up."
Cooper knew it was true, "Well maybe I'm looking to change that. A lot is going on with you and I feel like a piece of shit for you not having the desire to call your older brother and talk about it. That's the relationship I want with you."
Blaine nodded. "I want that too, bro."
"Then no more asking why I'm calling when I call. We're starting fresh. Cool?"
Blaine smiled. "Cool." We'll see how long this lasts, he thought. "How are you?"
"I got a part that I'm really excited about. Looking over the script now."
"Porno again?"
"Let's not talk about that."
Blaine rolled his eyes, tossing his cap away and lying on his back. "Okay, Coop. If it's not a porno it must be an Equifax commercial again."
"You can't see me but I'm pointing at you so hard right now."
"Whatever," the younger Anderson smirked. Cooper smiled and spoke again.
"Pam tells me you're going away with the guys for the weekend, but one day next week I'll drive out to Long Beach to see you."
Blaine nodded at that. He'd have to set some time aside. "Sounds good. Let me know when."
Cooper hummed. "I was thinking we'd go see mom."
There was no answer. Blaine didn't think he wanted that at all.
"Squirt… we need to. She's really fucked up over all of this. I know how you feel because honestly, I'm not crazy about the guy either. Especially since you're telling me he's saying things about Kurt, but you need to acknowledge the fact that we have a little brother or sister coming, and I'm sure mom wants to get to know Kurt too. You have to give her a chance."
Blaine licked his lips and sighed. "If he's there…"
"We won't go when he's there." Cooper answered quickly. Blaine sighed again. "Listen, little bro, I really want this to work. We both have a lot of growing up to do. I've run from my problems pretty much since dad and Ariel died and I do not want that for you. You are so much better than me, Blaine."
Blaine felt his eyes water a bit. "I fucking miss them, CJ. I miss them… and Victor… I can't stand the sight of him—"
"And we'll work this out," Cooper continued. "I promise. Just trust me, okay?"
Blaine wiped his face and exhaled. "I trust you."
"So get some rest, and call me if you need me. Deal?"
Blaine nodded. This meant so much to him, Cooper probably didn't understand. "Deal."
"Go to sleep squirt. Night."
Blaine nodded again. "Later."
Blaine pressed end call, and not even a second later, his phone was ringing again. He smiled at Kurt's smiling face flashing across the screen again and pressed answer.
"Hey there. Why are you still up?"
"I'm going to sleep right now. Just wanted to hear your voice before I did."
Blaine smiled, shutting his eyes and letting Kurt's voice fill his senses. "Everything ok, baby?"
"Mhm," Kurt hummed. "I'm good I promise. See you soon?"
Blaine nodded. "See you soon. You have to hang up first this time. You owe me that."
Kurt laughed and said ok. "L—Um, goodnight." he blurted. "Sleep well."
Before Blaine could answer the phone line clicked off. He raised an eyebrow before shrugging, and rolled over to put his phone on the charger. The alarm clock was set to 5 and he had a few hours of rest. Everything else he'd get on the plane.
This weekend would be a great weekend.
"Justin shut up."
"My head is killing me."
Nick rolled his eyes.
"I've never had a hangover this fucking bad."
"I told you to go easy, dude." Nick relaxed into his seat, propping his feet up comfortably. First class flying was beautiful. He had a big screen in front of him and Jeff staring out the window beside him, tense and rigid in the recliner as they listened to Justin complaining.
"Nick, Nick, please turn that down." Justin lounged on the leather couch at the opposite side of the first class suite; his eyes closed as he lay down on a plush pillow provided by Kurt. "I can't… why won't these pills kick in?"
"Jus, I can't turn the television down. Blaine and Kurt are being a little expressive right now, and unless you want to hear that...I can't help you." He turned back to the blond and felt a hint of sympathy. As much sympathy as he could have for a guy that got ridiculously drunk and went home with an incredibly beautiful girl last night. Not much sympathy at all. "But what I can do is give you some ear plugs."
The turbulence made Jeff tense even more and Nick turned to face him. "Dude, relax."
Jeff smiled a bit. "I thought it'd get better with time but I still hateflying."
Nick smiled at him in return. "We'll be fine, bro. Try and sleep or something."
"Whenever you're ready, Nick." Justin grumbled. "You and Jeff can fall in love after I get my earplugs."
The racer rolled his eyes before turning in his seat and throwing the pack of earplugs at his friend. Justin whined and said thank you before Nick faced front again. The movie was maybe 20 minutes in, but between his pissy hung over friend, the boy beside him terrified of flying, and the couple in front of them in their own closed off location, being absolutely affectionate and gasping for air every so often, Nick honestly didn't know what was happening on the screen. It'd be a lot better when they landed, he hoped.
Blaine trailed a strawberry slowly over Kurt's parted lips. His eyes were glued there, watching the boy lick the sweet juice away before taking a bite. Kurt held his gaze afterwards, chewing slowly and moaning contently at the taste.
Blaine sighed and took a bite himself. The berry was sweet as juices dripped from it, and Kurt pulled the elder closer to lick a trail away. All the action did was drive him absolutely insane.
The ride was maybe an hour in at this point, and this summarized it. They lie down in the same spacious leather seat; Kurt reclined beneath Blaine with the elder between his legs, sharing kisses and whispering sweet nothings and words of affection, sharing the softest touches and looks into each other's eyes. It was a level of intimacy Kurt never expected to share on their flight. He didn't even know they'd be in a first class suite, instead expecting to be squished in between Blaine and some stranger with some stranger in his lap. Of course, it was silly of him to assume he'd have anything less when Blaine was the one involved. Blaine didn't say it, but a lot of planning went into their weekend getaway. When someone came in and saved you from yourself, you should want to give them every perfect thing manageable.
When his boyfriend's lips teased at his neck, Kurt found himself biting his lip into a smile as he looked at the ceiling. There was the lingering thought that someone would catch them—not so much their friends, but a stewardess or his father. He didn't put it past Burt to follow them on the plane to be perfectly honest. But as Blaine's tongue licked a swipe from Kurt's earlobe to his collarbone, the boy gave an enjoyable sigh and relaxed. It was a mini vacation for goodness sake. He should be able to do that much.
Between heated make out sessions and hands roaming, Blaine found himself stopping quite often. If only for a few seconds to remind himself where they were. As much as he'd love to go further right here and now, he had to acknowledge that his boyfriend deserved a little more privacy. And with the erection pressing against his jeans tight now, it was hard for Blaine to do.
Kurt smiled to himself when Blaine pulled back from a kiss and rested his curly head on his shoulder. He took a few breaths as his fingers played at the ring on Kurt's hand. God, he wanted to do so much to him right now.
"It's fine." Kurt whispered. "We can take a break honey."
Blaine nodded, licking his lips hard. "You make me fucking crazy Hummel."
Kurt exhaled at the admission. "Sit up. Let's cool down a bit."
Blaine did. Kurt licked hips and scooted over, allowing Blaine to take a spot next to him. Lying on his back and pulling Kurt onto his lap, Blaine closed his eyes at the bit of friction he got when Kurt lie on top of him. The younger then sat up, and Blaine's eyes went wide as he stared at Kurt on top of him, leaning forward and pressing the button on the television. Whatever movie Nick had been watching was on… after a few second Blaine processed that it was the recent Mission Impossible as he rested his hand at Kurt's waist.
The coiffed teen grabbed a bit of fruit as he settled back, taking another bite and sucking the juices that escaped. Blaine watched Kurt suck sweetly on his thumb, groaning a bit as he held him closely around his midriff.
"What's on this itinerary?" he whispered.
Kurt swallowed and thought about it. "I never did get to finish last night. After…"
Blaine smiled. "That was amazing, by the way."
Kurt nodded with a shy blush. "Yeah. I kind of want to get back to the hotel first to be honest." There was a hint of arousal in his voice that Blaine liked. A lot. "We can get settled in and plan a few places to go see from there."
"Ok," Blaine answered, smoothing his hands from Kurt's waist over the boy's thighs. His boyfriend took another bite as Blaine massaged him. "That sounds like a plan to me. And when do your friends get in?"
"Some time tonight. The competition isn't until 3 tomorrow."
Blaine nodded. He accepted a cherry that Kurt held to his lips, parting them and sucking on the tip of Kurt's finger. The younger teen's breathing caught and Blaine pulled away with a smile.
"Thank you, baby."
Kurt nodded. Suddenly his blue eyes seemed a lot more like grey. "You're welcome.
"We're landing in another hour. You good?"
Jeff nodded; his eyes closed. "I'm good."
Nick smiled and looked away. Justin was fast asleep—his belly showing as his preppy polo shirt rode up a little. He looked back at the TV and slouched down in his chair, lifting popcorn to his lips. Jeff lie back beside him and tried to focus on the movie as well.
"Decide what you're doing for the anniversary?"
Jeff smiled at that and Nick was happy he could distract him. "Dinner at some fancy restaurant she loves and camping on the beach. I got her earrings."
"How many karats?"
"Enough to feed Bugs Bunny's family for a few months."
Nick laughed as he shook his head and Jeff continued.
"I just want to keep her happy. I feel like I'll never live up to you and Naomi or Kurt and Blaine. I know you've two have been together forever, but Blaine and Kurt already have their shit together. This is hard."
"None of us have our shit together. It's a work in progress, dude. Relationships are always works in progress. Don't try to live up to us," Nick continued. "You have to be Jeff and Victoria. The girl is crazy about you."
Jeff smiled. "You think so?"
Nick laughed. "I know so."
They smiled and the brunette held out his popcorn. "Eat. Eating always makes you feel better."
"What're we waiting for now?"
Blaine turned to Justin, "My guitar and Jeff's bag."
The taller teen nodded with a stretch. Kurt looked up at him. "How are you feeling?"
"Like shit." Justin told him. "But a little better."
A few people at the baggage claim picked up their belongings off the belt. Blaine felt Kurt take his hand as he saw his guitar case coming. "Why were you drinking exactly?"
Justin shook his head. "Long, dreaded story. I always say I never will but it kind of runs in the family. I'm going to stop."
"He says that after every hangover." Blaine mumbled, reaching down and grabbing the instrument. Jeff got his bag behind it.
"I'm serious. Just stressed out, that's all."
Kurt listened to him, but soon he was being led out the terminal. Nick led the way, riding on Jeff's skateboard, and Jeff dialed his parents to let them now he landed. Justin held onto the straps of his backpack as he walked, and Blaine carried the book bag he and Kurt shared along with his guitar, strolling hand in hand with his boyfriend through the terminal. Nick stepped off the skateboard and Jeff stepped on with fluidity. The brunette turned back to his best friend.
"Are we going straight to the hotel?"
Blaine nodded. "Just to get settled in. Then Kurt and I want to relax a bit before we go out later."
Nick nodded. Blaine knew his friend knew what that meant, but loved that he didn't blow it up like other people (Jeff) may've. "Cool. I'm just going to bunk with Jus and Jeff instead of getting my own room. They're going to make me stay in there anyway."
Kurt smiled as they reached the escalator to go up to the main level. "Do you guys have anything specific planned?"
"Room service, then we'll go out and walk around. Personally I'd like to see Madame Tussads," Nick stepped off the escalator ad Blaine listened, "and since we're in the area, stalk Broadway and what not. Dave and Buster's tonight…Jus said something about a Sex Museum."
Blaine smirked. "Would they let you in if you're under 18?"
"If we beg hard enough," Nick joked. Kurt shook his head at them because he could see it happening.
The group hailed a SUV taxi and loaded their things, giving the address of their Manhattan hotel and enjoying the ride from JFK Int'l to the big city as they did so. The traffic only made it that much better because Blaine got to enjoy the look on Kurt's face as he took it all in, and the driver got to experience Justin's complaining of his hangover. And no matter how many times Blaine asked him not to, Kurt would turn and face him with a beaming smile and bright eyes, whispering an elated thank you that made him want to show the boy everywhere.
Everything was beautiful.
"Everything is beautiful."
Blaine smiled as they entered their hotel suite. "Wow. I saw the room on the website but it didn't quite live up to this."
The first thing both boys noticed was the view. The skyline was as clear as day, and Kurt shook his head as he walked towards it. Please don't wake up, he found himself thinking. How could this be real? "Oh my… Blaine… look at this!"
Blaine glanced around the suite; the burgundy couches and mahogany wood furniture, crystal lamps and expensive vases adorned on the tables. Paintings were hung on the wall, on opposite sides of the flat screen mounting the beige walls. There were jasmine scented candles and beautiful drapes that matched the rug Kurt stood on, still peering out the window. Blaine smiled as he dropped their things and walked over to him.
"I am still trying to process this," Kurt said almost breathlessly. Blaine smiled beside, glancing back into the rest of the suite. He could see the beautifully decorated bedroom; canopy bed, the flowers he requested lying over the duvet, and instead of the mint on the pillow, Blaine smirked when he saw they actually went through with a plastic spoon and cup of Yoplait.
"Just know that it's real baby," Blaine turned to him and grabbed Kurt's hand. Kurt smiled and looked at him as well. "It's real and you're here with me."
"And I couldn't be happier," Kurt added. He grinned at the proud look on his boyfriend's face and moved closer to him. When Kurt kissed him, Blaine closed his eyes and relaxed.
A few knocks from the door elicited the teens to pull away. Blaine wondered who it could be as he walked over to the door.
Kurt followed to take their things into the back. It was then he got a good look at their room and shook his head. He secretly wondered how in the hell could this weekend go up from here.
"Hope I'm not interrupting," Jeff said, pushing past his friend who blocked the door. Blaine sighed and stepped out of the way so Justin and Nick could enter as well.
"How can I help you all?"
"This is sweet," Justin said absently, taking in everything he saw. "Our rooms are like a weird, lavenderish color."
"Very feminine," Nick said, sitting on the couch.
"How can I help you all?" Blaine repeated.
Jeff smirked at his friend's sass, watching Kurt smile at something in the bedroom. "We came to see what you want from room service. We're going to order and get out of here."
Blaine carded his fingers through his hair. "I don't know. Let me go get the menu."
The boys nodded, turning the TV on and Blaine rolled his eyes at him. He walked through the suite and back to Kurt, smiling as he entered the area.
"Purple roses?" Kurt asked, blushing terribly and picking up the dozen. He inhaled and smiled warmly. "I can honestly admit I've never seen this color. They smell amazing."
Blaine stepped over his guitar and into the room, watching blue eyes follow him as he moved closer. "You know I didn't just get purple because it's the best freaking color in the universe, right?"
Kurt laughed, holding them to his chest. "That is debatable, Blaine."
"I got it," Blaine cut in with a grin, "because purple roses represent something that I cannot deny is very true between the both of us."
Kurt gave him a flirty glance, smiling as Blaine placed both hands at the small of his back and drew him close. Naturally, his boyfriend didn't resist. "Tell me more, Anderson."
Blaine smiled, trying to hold off the blush he felt forming on his cheeks. "Well," they caught eyes and that did it. Blaine was blushing. "In a nutshell, the roses represent enchantment." Kurt quirked an eyebrow as he smiled, "The giver of the purple rose," Blaine gestured to himself with one hand, "does so to say that they've fallen deep from the very first sight."
Kurt only stared at him with his lips in a full smile. It was shaping to be one of those moments Blaine did something incredibly amazing to blow his mind again. It was starting to feel like the weekend would be full of these moments at this point.
"If a person receives purple roses, it's because the sender wants them to know they couldn't resist them from the very first time they met. Whether it was platonic or because I crazy about you from the first time you caught my eye—I don't know, Kurt. All I know is that I couldn't resist you. I wanted more. Hence, the roses."
Kurt smiled at him after a few moments, dropping his gaze back down to the flowers in his hands and bringing them up to Blaine again.
"I think you should tell our friends to go."
Blaine gave him a confused look. "Oh. They wanted to know what we want from room service—"
"We can get something out later," Kurt explained. He made sure Blaine could read him clearly as he lowered his register a bit, "I think you should tell our friends to go, Blaine."
Blaine's eyes went wide for a second or two, and he nodded his understanding. "Oh! Oh, okay babe. Yeah. Be right back."
Kurt grabbed a vase and went to the bathroom as his boyfriend went to kick the boys out. More like his boyfriend ran to kick the boys out, but Blaine got the job done.
"We're going to stop at a restaurant a bit later so you guys can get the fuck out."
In the luxurious bathroom, Kurt smiled to himself as he filled the vase with a bit of water. He looked into mirror; oval shaped with a bronzed border, and once more asked himself not to wake up. Things like this didn't happen to Kurt Hummel. Yet here he was.
He turned off the golden faucet over the ivory sink and took the beautiful vase back into the open. Blaine walked over to their canopy bed with a nervous smile. He was so gorgeous and adorable at the same time, and Kurt couldn't wrap his head around the fact that that was possible, but Blaine somehow accomplished it.
And now they were all alone. They were all alone in the comfort of a gorgeous hotel suite. A hotel suite in the center of New York City. It was just the two of them and an unspoken promise not to let the opportunities go to waste.
The roses were in the vase on the table. Kurt smiled down at the ring on his hand, turning back to see Blaine seated on the bed facing the window. He stared at the blue eyed boy though; watching him approach with a soft smile and licking his lips at the way Kurt's hips swayed in the perfect red jeans he wore.
Kurt stopped in front of the rider and looked down at him seated on the king sized bed. Blaine's beautiful honey eyes did a hungry sweep of Kurt's body. They started at his thighs before moving up to the slim waist he was eye level with, continued over his chest that was dressed in a white button up; a black skinny tie around his neck, and finally reached Kurt's small smile.
"Complimentary yogurt on the pillow?" Kurt questioned with a sexy smile. "This hotel staff is so sweet."
"They're the best." Blaine joked back with a smile. He licked his lips when Kurt reached past him to pick it up and watched the teen put it in the mini fridge. And then Kurt took a moment to undo the laces of his boots, and after Blaine stared at him for a few beats he did the same, kicking his sneakers off in the direction of the dining area.
"I wanted to say thank you again for all of this Blaine. I know you're telling me not to," Kurt stood to his feet again and walked over. Blaine sat back on the bed, until his knees bent at the edge, holding himself up with his hands. "But I can't just not express my gratitude. All of this means the world to me, Blaine—the plane ride, this amazing room," he gestured around with a smile, "the flowers… I have never in my life been catered to like this. Being taken care of… well, for a long time I've been taking care of myself. So if you hear me mutter a thank you," he climbed on top of Blaine and the elder let a breath go, "it is because I want you to know I'm honestly grateful for all of this." Kurt smiled as he rested his body on Blaine's lap. His boyfriend seemed to be a bit frozen and that made him smile even harder, leaning in and stealing a kiss.
Blaine's fingers grabbed onto the duvet beneath him. He closed his eyes and hummed into the kiss. Kurt sat on top of him with bended knees and played softly at the hairs on the nape of his neck. He carded the curls there repetitively, reveling in the soft sounds of content Blaine made. The elder stayed still, allowing Kurt complete government, something Blaine didn't mind at all. He sighed when Kurt slowly kissed him, sucking on each lip and caressing spots tentatively with his tongue. It made his heart race in the best way possible, and happiness wasn't great enough a word to describe this.
Minutes passed. Blaine squeezed the comforter again. He sighed when Kurt's lips brushed over his chin and peppered kisses over to the left side of his neck. Then Kurt's tongue was circling his pulse point, and the boy was sucking there so softly, and Blaine took a deep breath, feeling himself drift away at the affection that underlined it all.
He frowned a bit when Kurt leant away from him, but that stopped quickly. Having his boyfriend straddling his lap was quite nice actually. What was even better was what left Kurt's mouth next.
"So you came in first…" Kurt licked his pink lips and smiled. His finger trailed down the grey t-shirt his boyfriend wore, stopping in the center of his chest. Blaine nodded hard as he listened.
"Perfect score and all." he mused.
"Mm," Kurt's finger trailed lower, and despite the strong blush on his cheeks, he continued to speak, "I believe I owe you a reward. We did agree to something like that, right?"
Blaine nodded. Blaine nodded emphatically. Kurt's finger scratched teasingly over his abdomen and stopped at his navel; their eyes meeting briefly before Kurt quickly looked back down. Lifting the t-shirt up just a bit, he brushed his fingers lightly over his boyfriend's bare midriff, licking his lips at the way Blaine trembled at his touch.
"We… " he trailed off, "you should lie down." Kurt finished quietly, but loud enough for it to sound more like an order than a request. Blaine looked up at him and gulped but nodded, sitting up straight and holding Kurt around the hips so he wouldn't fall over. Kurt gasped at the positioning. He could feel Blaine hard against him and had to take a quick breath.
Blaine kissed him softly before pulling his t-shirt over his head. Kurt rolled over so that Blaine could move and the elder tossed his shirt to a chair across the room. He was left in his fitted light blue jeans sagging off his waist and the pendant around his neck, and with a shy smile he turned and went further on to the bed, lying his head on one of the many pillows.
Kurt smiled at him in return. There were maybe 2,000 thoughts going through his mind at once, and hundreds of emotions; many including coyness and excitement and even a little trepidation, but this was them. This was Kurt and Blaine. Whatever happened would be amazing, he was sure of it.
Blaine watched his boyfriend crawl over to where he lay with his hands on either side of him. He relaxed himself, parting his legs a bit and taking a shaky breath. Kurt's eyes were taking in the boy beside him as he made way over. He loved Blaine's body—he loved his arms and his chest, he loved the trail of hair from his navel that disappeared into is boxers, and the V that he wanted to put his lips on. Everything about Blaine he found incredibly sexy, especially the way the boy stared at him as he mounted the boy's body again.
Blaine made sure to move his hips up slightly when Kurt straddled him. He'd been hard on and off all morning and now that they were finally about to get some time alone, he wanted to make sure Kurt could feel exactly what he reduced him to. And when Kurt slowly grinded down on top of him, Blaine bit his lip and pulled the boy forward by the tie he wore.
They were kissing heatedly.
Neither stopped. Both inhaled each other and exhaled against each other. Tongues were teasing and lips were kiss swollen. There were moans and gasps and roaming hands, and sloppy kisses that equated to lust and desire, but at the same time love and adoration.
Kurt found himself grinding down against Blaine as their cocks pressed into each other. He did so slowly as his boyfriend's hands worked to undo his buttons, carefully as not to ruin the shirt but feverishly all the same. Kurt sucked on Blaine's earlobe as he undid his tie, tossing it aside, and Blaine cursed the undershirt Kurt wore after he finally got the button-up undone. He was less cautious with the tank top, yanking it out of his jeans where it was tucked in neatly, ripping it down the middle, and pushing the remains off with his boyfriend's shirt. Kurt didn't care. It was Blaine's tank top anyway.
As his boyfriend's hands ran the length of his back, Kurt breathed into his neck enjoying the touch. Soft kisses were placed to Blaine's collarbone, followed by light sucking into his neck, and this went on for quite some time. The worst part about it all was Kurt stilled his hips, no longer grinding against Blaine, and the elder lost the friction that was making him a little more than crazy.
Kurt grabbed Blaine's hands from off his waist, lacing their fingers together and placing each above their heads. Blaine closed his eyes and threw his head back; allowing Kurt to place teasing bites along the skin there and run his long tongue across his chest. He had no clue where they were going but would love if this didn't stop. Ever.
"I hope you'll like your reward," Kurt said sweetly, smiling into the kiss he planted at the center of Blaine's chest. "I… you know what you're doing a lot more than I do," he joked.
Blaine's fingers rested along the mahogany headboard behind him. Kurt's hands skirted from his wrists, down his forearms and over his biceps, eventually rubbing at his shoulders; the whole while the boy kissing tentatively and shyly across his torso. Blaine watched him; not knowing his eyes had become a couple shades darker as his boyfriend slid down his body. But Kurt was touching him; smooth fingers massaging his sides and lips kissing at his abs, and Blaine couldn't stop watching.
The boy looked up with red cheeks, nervous he was doing something wrong. He was nervous that he sucked at this to be completely truthful, but Blaine looked incredibly amazed as he shook his head no.
"Don't stop."
Kurt felt his cock twitch at the command, nodding his understand and moving lower. His lips found Blaine's belly button and he dipped his tongue in slowly, smiling as Blaine thrust up into his chest. Continuing, Kurt moved one hand from Blaine's chest to the boy's thigh, rubbing all the way up the hardness in his jeans and pumping slowly.
"Ah… shit." Blaine closed his eyes again and relaxed against the pillow. Kurt stroked him again and his hips snapped up, eliciting a short moan. "Kurt, baby—"
Kurt sat up on his knees between Blaine's legs, watching with parted lips. The boy was rock hard beneath his hand, working his hips forward into every stroke Kurt gave him.
Blaine groaned; his lip worried between his teeth. He moved his hands to beneath his head and slowly opened his eyes, just in time to watch Kurt's fingers treading slowly to his belt buckle.
Kurt undid Blaine's belt slowly, focused primarily on not making a fool of himself. He could say that Blaine's experience didn't frighten him. He could also say that there was no lingering thought in the back of his mind that the girls Blaine were with were so much better at this than he is. But if he said those, they would be complete lies. He felt Blaine watching him; the boy's eyes darkened and lower lip sexily held between his teeth, and all he could do was worry that he'd be an embarrassment. And then Blaine lifted his hips to allow Kurt to slide his jeans and boxers down, and Kurt did so with shaky hands, remembering what he'd read online about things like this, blushing terribly as he did so.
Kurt found that Blaine had trimmed up a bit and licked his lips. He stared at the bead of precome gathered at the head of Blaine's dick, wondering how it would taste in his mouth. He stared at the vein that was pulsing and the thick width, letting out a breath as it seemingly got harder in front of his eyes.
Blaine exhaled as his boyfriend stared down at his cock. He waited patiently for Kurt to touch him. He waited quite some time, actually. In fact, he waited so long that he had time to map out each and every spot on his boyfriend's bare chest that he wanted to leave a mark. He didn't understand the big deal. They'd already touched each other before… and even had phone sex last night where they said some less than holy things, so he didn't understand the hesi— oh my god.
"Hoooly… fuck!" Blaine's head shot off the bed so quick he felt dizzy. Kurt had lowered his head between Blaine's legs and without warning, took the length into his mouth. He sucked experimentally as he hollowed his cheeks and Blaine rested on his elbows, staring at the boy with wide eyes.
"Kurt? Oh, shit… Kurt," the younger moved even lower, sinking his mouth around Blaine's hard dick and moaning as he did so. Blaine wasn't exactly making this easy with his whimpers or his squirming underneath him. And his dirty words of encouragement went straight to his own cock and he did not have any plans of coming in these jeans, so he lifted his ass in the air to deny himself any friction.
Blaine was legitimately losing his mind. Kurt held him down by the hips as his head bobbed up and down, slickening the length as he did so. He kept his mouth tight around him and those three seconds of shyness had evaporated completely, along with Blaine's ability to form coherent thoughts that weren't 'propose to him right now'.
Kurt found it amazing. He focused less on what Blaine did with other people and more on the salty taste on his tongue, more on the smooth skin his tongue was touching, and more on the way the heavy cock moved in his mouth. And if the way his boyfriend was behaving at the feeling of his mouth was any indication, he had to be doing this right. His jaw began to ache with how much of Blaine's wide cock was in his mouth but he exhaled through his nose, sucking harder and harder.
"Yes, baby," Blaine collapsed against the pillows for the umpteenth time and grasped at the pillows beside him, "so fucking good. Suck me," he groaned and looked back at Kurt who was watching him; pretty lips wrapped around his dick and thumbs playing at his V. "Fuck, Yessss…"
Kurt closed his eyes momentarily and stopped, if just to catch his breath. He sucked on the head as he did so and was shocked Blaine let out a string of curse words, his body trembling uncontrollably against the bed.
"Kurt! I'm gonna come baby…" Blaine sat up again, leaning back on his hand this time. Kurt looked up at him and smirked, shaking his ass in the air a little and sinking back down when Blaine's eyes became glued.
Kurt eagerly lowered himself again and Blaine's eyes rolled back in his head. He grabbed his boyfriend's hair and guided him up and down his cock, staring at his ass in the air as he did so. When he felt Kurt's throat touching the tip of his cock, his stomach tightened and he shook his head.
"Baby… baby I'm about to," Kurt sucked him harder and his hold on the boy's hair tightened as he tried to pull him off, "Kurt I'm g-gonna c-come… Kurt! oh fuuuuckk…"
Kurt relaxed as best he could when he felt the warm come filling his mouth. He heard and felt Blaine's body hit the bed as the boy stilled completely, and he swallowed the bitterness hard. The room fell silent save heavy breaths, and Kurt pulled off with a soft kiss to Blaine's dick.
The sight was funny to say the least. His boyfriend seemed to look as if he passed out, but there was a sated grin on his face which told Kurt otherwise. He smirked, licking his lips and crawling up the bed to sit beside him.
"You might want to come in first place more often. I liked that."
Blaine grinned and Kurt laughed, stretching his long legs out. "I used to be proud of how long I could last before you came along. You know that?"
Kurt smiled down at him. Blaine's eyes were still closed but his teeth were showing. "Oh really?"
Blaine sighed. "Yupp. Then there was you, and I'm coming in three minutes, and something tells me I'm going to be a huge let down when we make love."
Kurt laughed the thought off, though thinking of Blaine making love to him made his neglected cock hurt even more. "I don't think so, honey."
Blaine's breathing became less erratic. "Can you do me a favor?"
Kurt turned to him and Blaine's eyes were open now, giving him that dangerous look. "Whatever you need."
Blaine bit his lip. "Take off your jeans and turn over for me."
"God, Blaine please, please…"
Blaine smiled behind Kurt as he knelt on the bed, kneading the flesh of his ass softly. "What?"
Kurt bit his lip as Blaine pulled painfully slow at his cock. He forced his face back into the pillow and breathed hard, hands gripping at the edge of the mattress.
Blaine slowly jerked his boyfriend off with one hand and massaged his ass with the other. He licked his lips at the sight when Kurt arched his back higher and higher, and then the tight hole he fantasized about last night was right in front of him. As Kurt whined into the pillow he brushed his finger along his crack, pressing softly at the boy's entrance.
"Blaaaine!" Kurt thrust forward into the boy's hand as he whined. He'd never felt so hard in his life.
Blaine stroked him a little harder. "I know baby." He pulled his finger away and sucked on it, pushing Kurt's legs further apart with his knee. "You want me to stretch you?"
Kurt nodded hard against the pillow. "Please," he turned back and saw Blaine sucking on his fingers, still completely naked as he jerked Kurt off. He almost came from that alone. But then his toes were curling because Blaine was pressing into his entrance, and while he was tight and it hurt a little, the boy was completely careful with him. He played with his cock a little quicker allowing Kurt that pleasure, and worked his finger in and out at a tempo that Kurt worked his hips at. And when Blaine's own cock was hard and pointed directly at Kurt's hole, he had to take a few breaths to calm down, pulling his finger out and circling the rim with two now.
"Please, more Blaine," he mumbled. His legs were shaking and he would come sooner than later. Kurt just found that he wanted to be filled a little more.
Wincing a bit, he looked beneath him at Blaine's hand wrapped around his cock and tried not to whine as he threatened to spill over. "I'm about to—"
"No," Blaine slowed down his strokes, "not yet…" he abandoned Kurt's cock altogether and brought up that hand to spread the boy's cheeks. "I want to stretch you."
"Yes," Kurt nodded at the thought. "Please, baby."
Blaine's fingers were a third of the way inside him and Kurt squeezed the pillows tightly. He watched, giving him a second before pushing further. They were all the way inside now and Kurt pushed back, making him smile. He pulled them out and forced them back inside, adjusting and—
Kurt got up so that he was on his hands and knees. Blaine's eyes went wide but he repeated his movements, taking in the shout that filled the room and smiling at the recognition.
"There, baby?"
Kurt nodded, gasping for air, "Again! I'm so clo—ahh!"
Kurt collapsed as Blaine's finger massaged the little nub inside of him. He came hard; harder than he thought he could, and moaned into the pillow he landed on.
Blaine recorded every moment in his mind like a student taking notes. He watched Kurt fall onto the mattress and saw him shake as he came. His muscles flexed and his hips stuttered and Blaine sighed. Looking down at himself, grabbed his cock and moved close to his boyfriend's ass, pulling it twice before he was coming again. His seed spilled all over Kurt's curvy cheeks and the younger teen moaned at the feeling. Blaine watched with parted lips, milking himself of every last drop and wiping the head of his cock on his boyfriend's ass. They both took a minute to come down, and Blaine smiled as he did so.
"I… fuck."
Kurt couldn't open his eyes if he tried. "Oh my god."
"I know," Blaine pulled his fingers out slowly so not to cause discomfort. "I think we need to sleep before anything else."
Kurt nodded, already drifting of. Blaine forced his weak legs off the bed to go find something to clean them up with.
So far this trip was pretty good.
They napped much longer than they'd planned to, but that didn't put a damper on Kurt and Blaine's day. After showering together and smiling against each other's lips at the intimacy, both dressed again and exited their Midtown hotel. Blaine refused to leave without his guitar, ignoring his boyfriend's question of whether or not he intended to pan handle in Times Square and smirking when the boy offered him quarters.
Lunch was served at a Japanese restaurant Kurt really wanted to try, and honestly who was Blaine to tell him no? They sat by the window with a sample sushi platter, smiling dreamily at each other as Kurt shared stories with him from when he was younger.
"I swear I wanted to be Patti Lupone up until I was like… 15."
Blaine laughed as he listened to him. He watched the boy's face tint pink as he laughed animatedly, recalling little things from his past, and he smiled when Kurt flailed the chopsticks around in his hand during his storytelling. There was an unmistakable abundance of joy in the cyan orbs whenever their eyes met, and Blaine felt like the luckiest guy in the world because he was the one Kurt shared this with.
After sharing a banana split at a Friendly's and strolling down 5th Avenue, the pair finally made their way to 8th Avenue and 42nd Street. Blaine took in the sights in awe. He hadn't been here in over 10 years, and it wasn't quite this grand when he was little. And as much as he adored California, the thought of buying a condo somewhere out here wasn't so farfetched to him. He could imagine doing it just for Kurt. It was obvious the boy was falling in love with each sight his eyes laid on, and that alone was enough to make Blaine rearrange heaven and earth to give it to him.
They took pictures. Lots of pictures. Pictures of them together, kissing, smiling, being silly. Pictures of Times Square. Pictures of Broadway. Pictures of a person dressed up in a Dora the Explorer costume trying to get a hug from Kurt. Pictures of them falling even deeper in love. The day was something Blaine didn't want to forget. He knew he'd wake up in the middle of the night wondering if it was all real, and he'd be able to smile because he had proof. The way Kurt smiled at him told him he felt the same.
Unfortunately, they happened to run into Justin, Nick, and Jeff on their way to Central Park. Jeff skated up to them with a smile and Kurt smiled, waving the others over. Blaine rolled his eyes because seriously, they wouldn't stay away, and Justin laughed when he noticed.
"You love us twerp."
"Whatever," Blaine said. He held onto the strap of his guitar and smiled when Kurt's hand absently tightened around his own; his boyfriend chatting with Jeff. Nick joined them a second later, eating an icy and holding his camera.
"Where are we off to?"
"We?" Blaine asked in confusion. "We as in me and Kurt or…"
"As in all of us, ass wipe," Nick said with a smile. "We gave you like five hours. We miss you."
Justin nodded.
Blaine shook his head. "We're going to hang out in Central Park."
Kurt let go of his hand and Jeff put his skateboard down. Kurt got on it and kicked a few times, riding shakily down the sidewalk. He maintained his balance for a while, kicking a bit more and getting off at the end of the block.
"Are you happy?"
Jeff smirked as he rushed towards him. "You're such a punk. Keep going."
"We just came from that way. There's nothing but trees and shit."
Nick laughed at Justin and Blaine shook his head. "Where are you guys going?"
"Soho," Nick told him. "To Flight Club."
"Really?" Blaine turned to them, "Buy me something."
"I'll buy Kurt something." Justin told him. "Because he's nice to me."
"I'm nice to you I just don't want you around right now. And Kurt won't want anything from Flight Club anyway."
"What's Flight Club?" Kurt questioned as they caught up to him and Jeff. Nick finished yawning as the crossed the not so crowded New York street.
"It's a sneaker store." he told him. "The one in L.A. sucks though."
"Skate some more," Jeff said. Kurt rolled his eyes and got back on. He took off cautiously down the block and Blaine watched him go, trying to think of the quickest way to get rid of the people around him whose initials weren't KH.
"I want to take a bite out that apple."
Blaine, Nick, and Justin all quirked their eyebrows as they turned to see if they heard that correctly. Jeff's eyes were glued to Kurt's ass as the boy kicked and pushed down the city block.
Nick couldn't stop him fast enough.
The blonde yelped out in pain as his back hit a store window. Then, Blaine swung hard and his fist tagged Jeff right in the ribs. The taller teen doubled over, smacking Blaine in face and stepping on his foot before his friend could retaliate. Kurt turned back and saw Justin laughing against a parked minivan and Nick trying to pull his boyfriend off of Jeff, failing terribly in his efforts. Rolling his eyes, he picked up the skateboard and tiredly walked over.
Justin slouched down to the ground at this point and Kurt couldn't help but smile at him. He watched Nick finally pull Jeff away and the blonde stumble onto the ground, providing the perfect opportunity for Blaine to push his best friend out the way and kick Jeff hard in the ass. Kurt wanted to ask what all this was about but didn't bother. He turned back around and hopped onto the skateboard, riding down the block again.
"Ok, ok," Justin got off the ground and walked over to his friends. They were attracting a crowd at this point and the last thing he wanted was for Don to find their video on YouTube. "Let's go, break it up."
Nick stood off to the side out of breath. He watched Justin drag Blaine off and push him down the block, then turning back to pick up a wounded Jeff. The boy hugged him and Justin shook his head, rubbing his friend's back soothingly. "There, there, Jeffy."
Kurt looked back to see if they had settle their differences. Nick ran over to Blaine as the teen fixed his guitar around his body. He wrapped his arm around his best friend, ruffling his hair as he did so. Kurt watched them with a smile, holding the skateboard in his arms and waiting for the couple to reach him.
"You have a problem with how you react to things people say," Nick told him. Blaine ignored the words. He had no such problem. They arrived in front of Kurt and Blaine took the skateboard, wheeling it into traffic and walking off as if nothing happened.
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Jeff hopped over a car and held out his hand for taxis to stop as he went to pick up his baby. "YOU ASS!"
Kurt's eyes were wide as he watched the scene play out.
"See what I mean," Nick smiled, "Reaction. Problems."
Blaine shrugged. "Enjoy Soho. We're going to hang out."
"Give us a minute, Kurt?"
Kurt smiled with a nod. "Sure," he looked at Blaine and smiled, "behave yourself, champ."
Blaine smiled at the kiss he got as Kurt walked towards the entrance of the park, his camera out and pointed at the beautiful scenery.
Nick stood there. He stood there for maybe a minute and a half, simply watching Blaine stare at Kurt with that dopey smile on his face. He folded his arms, and smirked, clearing his throat a few times to garner his friend's attention.
Blaine was snapped out of his trance at the noise. Nick gave him a knowing look and he licked his dry lips. "Oh. Yeah… what'd you want to talk about?"
Nick glanced over to Kurt and shrugged. "Did you tell him yet?"
Blaine ignored Jeff's shouts at him as he looked at Nick. "Tell him what?"
"That you're hopelessly in love with him, of course."
Kurt glanced back at them and wondered what the hold-up was. Jeff and Justin were waiting for Nick it seemed, and he waited for Blaine.
"I didn't say it yet," Blaine told him. He looked over at Kurt and they caught eyes, smiling softly. "I want to, of course. Sometimes it almost slips and maybe—"
"Hold your horses," Nick laughed and Blaine looked at him confused. "I'm not saying for you to tell him. It's obvious, if you couldn't tell. I can hear it in the way he says your name, Blaine. And it's just written all over your face." Blaine smiled now. "Besides, Mikey told me you told him."
Why was that not surprising.
"But," Nick said 'but' and then the smile was gone, "one thing I want you both to be sure of is that this isn't infatuation."
"It isn't," Blaine told him. Nick nodded.
"Given the circumstances, I'd say wait it out."
"Why would I do that? What if he's wondering if I do or not?" Blaine asked.
Nick smiled, glancing back at Jeff and Justin. "I told you it was obvious. I'm sure you both know. But, the thing about those three words is, they hold a lot of meaning. But people abuse it so much until it loses that."
Blaine nodded, listening attentively.
"I'm not exactly a love guru but from past experience I can tell you love is so much that 'I love you'. It feels great to hear it, but it's even better when someone can show you that they love you. You and Kurt have all the time in the world. Show each other how serious you are for a while before you start blabbering it, maybe. Then when you say it there will be no doubt, because you can say you've been together a while. You both faced shit together. It's not infatuation."
"Who made you cupid exactly?" Blaine joked, though he could acknowledge the things his friend said made sense. He didn't want Kurt to ever doubt him when he said those words.
"I'm no cupid. I just love the both of you. And we can all agree that there's a lot much more for you both, right?"
Blaine told him yes. "I really do love him, Nick."
"He loves you. He'll prove himself just like you will. Hell, sing it in a song to let the feels out if you need to, but show him in your actions first."
Blaine rolled his eyes at Jeff and nodded, giving his friend dap as a goodbye. "Can I tell you I love you?"
Nick laughed. "I love you stupid. Have fun."
They parted ways as Blaine nodded. "You too."
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away
Kurt smiled the whole time as he and Blaine cuddled around the phone, listening to Mikey's singing. Blaine watched Kurt grinning and couldn't help but smile.
"That was amazing. I think you should sing it again."
Mikey sighed. "But I'm shy again."
Blaine rolled his eyes and Kurt laughed. "Come on, Mikey. Just once more. Pleeeasee."
The couple had spent a few hours in a secluded part of the park, spread out on a blanket they bought from a vendor and enjoying their alone time. Especially Blaine. He played his guitar and hummed to himself, and Kurt smiled with shut eyes as he listened. They spoke about little things here and there; Blaine letting Kurt in on his and Cooper's phone call, and their plans to go see their mother, and Kurt kissing him, promising it'd all be alright.
It was dark now, 9:00 in NYC, but it was only 6 where Mikey was. He called his cousin and Kurt to tell them he had a good day in school. Lynne colored with him, and this boy named Jim played with the blocks with him. Kurt knew he still had a long way to go but this was a start. He couldn't be more proud.
You Are My Sunshine
My only sunshine.
You make me happy
When skies are grey.
You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.
Please don't take my sunshine away
The kid had a set of pipes for an almost 5 year old, Kurt thought. Talent must have run in the family.
"I loved it," Blaine told him. Kurt smiled beside him.
"Same here. Thank you, Mikey."
"Ok." there was noise on the other side before he spoke again. "I love you both, ok?"
Blaine smiled at Kurt's laugh. "We love you too. Talk to you tomorrow."
"Later, munchkin."
Blaine shook his head and ended the call. "The kid is a character."
"He gets it from you I'm sure." Kurt smiled. He lay on his back and looked up at the dark sky.
They both lay there in complete silence for maybe another 10 minutes. Their area in the park was completely quiet. Every once in a while you could hear a person walking by with their dog or a group of friends laughing, but for the most part, it was only the couple, tucked away in a little cove all to themselves.
The feeling was perfect. It was just the two of them there in contentment, relaxing in Central Park in the middle of New York City.
And then it wasn't so quiet. Blaine lifted his head when he heard the sound of music approaching. He looked off in the direction of which he thought it was coming before facing Kurt. The boy was still lying on the blanket with closed eyes, a soft smile on his face.
"Baby do you hear that?"
Blue eyes were opened as Kurt sat up too. "What?"
Blaine saw a group with instruments in the distance and smiled, hopping to his feet. "You stay here." He was off before Kurt could reply and the younger teen didn't appreciate that. He was not a fan of being neglected in the middle of NYC where he could be kidnapped and forced to turn tricks. But he stayed there; watching to make sure Blaine never left his line of vision.
"Excuse me," Blaine stopped the group from following the path they were walking. The men turned back with smiles.
"How can we help you?"
"How much for a song or two? I'm here with my boyfriend and it's his first time in New York."
The taller gentleman who Blaine assumed was the leader or something shook his head no with a smile. "For such an occasion, it's on the house."
Blaine gave them all a warm smile. "Wow, thanks. He's right this way."
Kurt saw Blaine speaking to a group of people. It was late though, and he couldn't make out just what was going on. He sat forward and sighed, looking down at his boots and waiting patiently. After a minute or so, he smiled when Blaine finally came back over, but raised an eyebrow dubiously at the small group of violinists following behind him.
Blaine approached with his usual charming smile. He smoothed out his t-shirt and held out a hand, amber meeting ocean. "May I have this dance?" he asked.
The violinists wore smiles as they began to play softly.
Kurt dropped his head in disbelief and his boyfriend laughed. This day could not be real.
Kurt stared up at him and smiled. "Of course you may." Accepting Blaine's hand, he was helped up off the ground and whisked away.
Blaine rested his head on Kurt's shoulder and started swaying them from side to side; his hands rested comfortably at the small of his boyfriend's back like they belonged there. And Kurt grinned as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulder, still trying to gather his, thoughts. They stayed quiet for a moment smiling at wonderment of being in New York City, slow dancing in Central Park, and just hold one another close. And then the melody changed, becoming a familiar tune Kurt loved. And then Blaine began to sing in his ear.
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
Kurt closed his eyes at the soft voice entering his ear. He held Blaine tightly and carded his fingers into the boy's hair.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
The violins got a bit louder as they hummed harmonies in the background. Kurt blinked his eyes to hold back the happy tears that threatened to fall, and Blaine pressed their cheeks together as he led them along the grass, dancing slowly and singing softly.
Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
So if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
A contented sigh left Kurt's lips and Blaine licked his own, pulling the boy even closer. The rider felt his eyes getting even damper as he went to the chorus, singing just loud enough for Kurt to hear, with as much honesty he could muster. He meant every word. He had to show him.
I need you baby, and if it's quite all right,
I need you baby to warm a lonely night.
He paused for a moment to place his lips closer to Kurt's ear,
I love you baby, Blaine sang, hugging him now and kissing the boy gingerly. Kurt sighed and moved himself even closer.
Trust in me when I say it's ok
Oh pretty baby, don't let me down I pray.
Oh pretty baby, now that I found you, stay.
And let me love you, oh baby let me love you, oh baby...
The violinists continued to play even though Kurt had captured his boyfriend's lips into a kiss that said much more than words could manage. They continued playing and humming the melody, smiling at the couple in love, and wishing them the best in their endeavors.
To be young and in love.
"Are we ready to go?" Justin mussed his hair and glanced over to Blaine. The teen zipped his sleeveless hoodie up half way, sure to showcase the hickeys on his collarbone, and tossed the hood over his curls. It was the color of Kurt's eyes and the boy wasn't lying when he said he'd buy it for him.
Blaine checked himself in the mirror once more, smoothing out the denim jeans he wore and giving himself a nod of approval. "I think I'm good to go. Where are the guys?"
"Waiting in the lobby." Justin stood up and flexed his muscles. His shirt hugged him rather appropriately and his jeans fitted nice, too. "Nervous?"
Blaine shook him off. "What's there to be nervous about?"
Justin smiled. "Let's just get out of here."
His friend looked around for his wallet and room key before following.
The theater where Nationals was being held was huge. The group arrived pretty early, getting their tickets and decent seats. They weren't incredibly close but they weren't far either.
Blaine watched the choirs performing and could easily imagine Kurt on the stage. To be honest he wished he could see that instead. It wasn't like this was his thing. It was like Kurt explained to him, if he didn't like Blaine he probably wouldn't have enjoyed Preliminaries as much as he did. The same here.
Some show choir from a school in Nashville was up now, in full rodeo gear doing a set list that consisted of Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton. Justin slouched down next to Nick and Jeff in the row in front of them, their head nodding to the beat of the mash-ups. Blaine wrapped his arm around Kurt's seat and took in the performance. Time passed and he was more and more anxious about meeting his boyfriend's friends. He hated the idea of being scrutinized and evaluated to their expectations. Kurt told him it would be fine, but he hated that.
Jeff clapped for the Nashville choir with more gusto than the probably deserved, but he enjoyed the choreography. The host for the evening walked back out and played at the crowd, allowing the next choir to get prepared. Eventually, he introduced a New York based choir. A large group at the front of the theater stood to their feet and cheered.
"When are your friends coming up?"
Kurt looked down at the program and counted down to the New Directions. "We have a good 11 to go. Are you bored already?" he asked with a smile. Blaine shook his head no.
"I'm not. Just want to get this over with."
Kurt smiled. He moved in to kiss the boy on the corner of his lips and settled back into Blaine's embrace. "I keep telling you everything will be fine."
They sat through choir after choir. Blaine smiled at how much Kurt enjoyed them all, and could tell by the twinkle in his eye that he couldn't wait to get back on stage. And Blaine couldn't wait to go to his performances. He'd be in the front row every time.
Finally, the announcer introduced The New Directions from Lima, Ohio. The audience applauded, Kurt clapped happily, and Justin and Jeff made loud barking noises that would definitely embarrass their parents. The pianist began as the curtain pulled back, and out came a humungous giraffe boy with low cut hair and a brunette girl from opposite ends of the stage, walking towards one another as they sang. Kurt smiled, not knowing they'd do originals songs again, and Blaine glanced at some guy with a black scarf cutting through the audience to take a seat.
"They're pretty good," Nick said to Justin. The taller teen nodded.
"Not as good as me, of course." He answered.
Will we ever say the words we're feeling
Reach down underneath it
Tear down all the walls
Will we ever have a happy ending
Or will we forever only be pretending
Blaine whispered, "I'm guessing they're dating?"
Kurt shrugged, smiling at the performance. "I don't even know anymore."
His boyfriend smiled. "Ah. One of those relationships."
Every move we make
Seems like no-one's letting go
And it's such a shame
Cos' if you feel the same
How am I supposed to know
The rest of the club came on stage and Kurt smiled as he saw his friends. It was one of those instances where you don't realize just how bad you miss someone until you see them again. This was the case for his friends from the New Directions. They were facing the opposite direction as Finn and Rachel slowly walked around each other on stage. Blaine lifted his eyebrow at the performance but shrugged.
As the couple belted the last note, they stood center stage, staring into one another's eyes. Nick knew it was coming before it happened.
"They're totally gonna snog," he whispered to Justin. Justin grinned.
"They wouldn't do that on stage, dude."
Gasps filled the auditorium. Kurt's eyes went wide as he watched Finn and Rachel move in for the kiss and Jeff had to be the one…
"Get some!"
Blaine snorted.
They pulled away from one another and the place remained completely silent. It was then that Kurt noticed a man who he eventually recognized as Mr. Schuester stand to his feet and begin a slow clap. Blaine laughed now, but after a moment of disbelief the crowd slowly joined in, no matter how shocked they appeared to be.
"Told you so." Nick said nonchalantly, looking through the program.
The pair on stage went to take their places as a blonde boy with glasses turned in place. He fixed his tie as he addressed the crowd with a smile.
"We are McKinley High's New Directions! This is dedicated to Kurt Hummel who is here with us this evening…"
"No…" Kurt shook his head as he said it. "Don't—"
"A boy that I am crazy in love with."
The crowd made cooing sounds and Mr. Schue looked around to see if Kurt was there. He found him not after long, and wave politely.
Blaine tensed immediately; his hands forming fists as he looked at him.
"Oh shit," Justin said with a laugh. "Charmander's flame is about to burn out." Jeff smiled widely, looking behind them at Blaine. Kurt didn't even look at Blaine. He could only stare at the stage in disbelief.
"Thank you all!" Chandler said.
The beat dropped and the choir went into choreography. The Latina Nick remembered from the flash mob video began to lead the song at the same time Blaine stood up and left. Kurt finally broke his eyes away from Chandler and cursed as he went to follow after him.
You gotta give up the bark and bi-i-ite
I know that we got the love, alrigh-igh-ight
Come on and ligh-ligh-light it up
Light it up tonight
Nick shook his head at Jeff dancing beside him as he got up, squeezing past them and rushing off after his friends.
The teen kept walking, pulling up his shorts as he entered the theater lobby. This shit wasn't happening. It wasn't at all.
Kurt sighed and ran up to him. "Blaine! Stop! Please, baby—"
"A boy that I am crazy in love with." Blaine repeated, spinning around and facing his boyfriend. "You ever tell him you love him too?"
"No." Kurt shook his head, "I… we never got that close, Blaine. I told you about him and I and it was basically nothing. He never even said 'I love you' to me—"
"I don't even want him looking at you."
Kurt sighed, "How many times do we have to go through this?"
"You don't have to tell me you're mine, Kurt," Blaine stepped closer and stared at his boyfriend's lips, "I am very aware of that. What I want you to know is if you don't put him in his place, I will."
Kurt nodded his understanding. "I know. I'm going to tell him—all of them about us. I just don't want you to snap before I get the chance to do so."
"Your friends are finishing up, Kurt," Nick said as he reached them, "Let me handle knuckle head here."
Kurt turned back to Blaine and nodded. "I'm going to congratulate them and say hello. I'll handle it."
Blaine looked at him. "You do that."
Nick patted his back as the taller teen walked off with a sigh. He looked around the lobby at shoved his hands in his pockets before focusing on his hot headed friend.
"What do you want?" Blaine asked him. He lazily pulled the hood onto his head as he looked away from Nick.
"Oh, I don't know." Nick smiled. "Maybe to remind you what this trip was about originally." Blaine looked at him and Nick continued. "You wanted to bring Kurt to see his friends perform and he's gotten the chance to do that. What I'm sure you didn't want to do is seem like a psychopath in front of them."
"I just don't like the kid," Blaine said with a shrug. "I don't like what Kurt's told me about him and—"
"You don't like that he's just declared his love for your boyfriend in front of hundreds of people."
Blaine felt heated. "Definitely that too."
Nick gestured with his head towards the theater and Blaine nodded, walking along with his best friend. "Here's the thing," Nick began, "Kurt's amazing. He was cherished by a bunch of people before he met you, and now we're about to spend a day with them. This is what I want you to think about, bro," Blaine fell into line with his friend's steps and Nick wrapped an arm around his shoulders, "Kurt came to California. You two fell head over heels. That's great. But in you asking him to be your boyfriend, you had to ask him to be accepting of your past—the girls that loved you, whether or not you felt the same, and the mistakes you've made. Now, he needs you to do the same. Maybe Chandler was—"
Nick smirked. "Fine. Maybe Chauncey was a dick. I don't know. All that matters is Kurt has you and you have him, and you trust him. You told me you love him so I'm assuming that much is true."
"I do love him Nick."
"So breaking his ex-boyfriend's limbs won't be necessary."
Blaine shook his head as they entered backstage. Choirs were everywhere and apparently security was shit. "I'm not making any promises. If he disrespects me…"
Nick laughed and pulled him closer. "I know, bro. I know."
Did you guys leave? –Jus
Kurt leant against the wall as he read the text. He could hear the New Directions finishing up another original song as he finished typing out his message.
I'm backstage. Nick and Blaine are around here somewhere. –Kurt
We're coming now. –Jus
Claps filled the auditorium and Kurt paced as he waited for them to come backstage. He couldn't believe Chandler would fucking do something like that. First there was Finn and Rachel making out on stage and now there was Chandler shouting he loved a guy to the audience, which wasn't true, because they weren't even close to being in love. Amicable love, possibly, but romantic. No. Way. And what the hell was Mr. Schue teaching them anyway? They had no sense of professionalism at all. This was a Nationals competition for crying out loud. Kurt couldn't believe—
"HUMMEL!" Puck shouted as they entered the backstage area. Kurt turned to see all 12 of his old friends rushing at him and smiled brightly, bracing himself for the impact.
"So what are we going to do?" Nick asked again.
Blaine rolled his eyes and Jeff smirked. "Let Kurt handle it."
Nick nodded. "Ok. Let's go look for him."
"Well you look fucking hot."
Kurt rolled his eyes at Santana and accepted a tight hug from Brittany. "That performance was interesting to say the least."
Finn smiled dopily.
Kurt was reminded what was happening before this reunion when he saw Mercedes staring at him pointedly. He sighed and then Rachel was in his face, smiling and gesturing behind her.
"There's someone here that really wants to see you."
The choir parted and there stood Chandler, smiling coyly with a single red rose in his hand. His heart sped up when he laid eyes on Kurt; the boy even more magnificent than he remembered. He took a few steps forward accepting the pat on the back that Sam gave him.
Kurt shook his head no before he could even speak and Mercedes looked away. This was going to be a travesty. Approaching, she could see the tall surfer dude and the other boys from the video chat, along with Blaine. The boy's eyes were locked on Chandler as he they walked and this probably was not going to end well.
"Kurt, I—"
"Before you start, Chandler, I can't accept that."
Chandler looked at him oddly. "What?"
The Cali boys arrived, and everyone but Blaine took in the group in black and gold. Blaine gave the exes their space to work it out, watching closely.
Kurt glanced over to Mercedes who was ignoring him, back over to Chandler. The boy gave him a hopeful, confused smile as he stared at Kurt.
"I have a boyfriend."
The New Directions looked at Kurt as if he were crazy. Rachel shook her head.
"You don't have a boyfriend, Kurt. You just moved two weeks ago."
Kurt sighed. "I have a boyfriend."
"You're lying," Chandler looked at him and shook his head, "If you don't want me just say that Kurt. Don't make up some nonexistent boyfriend because you want to take the easy way out."
Nick's eyes went wide as Blaine stepped forward, whipping Kurt around and attaching their lips.
This was not a part of the plan.
The choir gasped as the scene unfolded in front of them; some boy in a cerulean sleeveless hoodie cupped Kurt's face and kissed him deeply, and they all noticed how Kurt relaxed because of the action. Mr. Schue finally made it backstage when the rose Chandler held hit the ground.
Blaine let Kurt go and turned to his friends.
"Kurt has a boyfriend." he told all of them, but most importantly Chester. "I'm Blaine Anderson. I am Kurt's boyfriend. It's a pleasure to meet you."
Thanks for reading!