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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: The First Time I Fell in Love

E - Words: 19,071 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
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Chapter 12 – The Second Time I Fell in Love


"So how did you react when Blaine told you about him and my son?"

Cooper smiled at Burt's question. The two of them looked out over the competition site as the spoke; Cooper more than used to the hustle and adrenaline and the hype of it all, Burt still trying to fathom everything happening around him.

They'd talked about this; Burt and Mikey. The blonde sat beside him on his couch, a bag of Cheetos in his lap and cheese stains all over his face and fingers. They were watching a San Diego Padres game and shooting the breeze. Burt smiled when the little boy told him all about his dreams to be an important bike rider just like his dad was and Blaine is. Mikey went on and on about how all of the fans would scream for him and all of the camera people would ask him questions, and he'd be on television, and Burt couldn't help but laugh at the little guys blissed expression. He smiled though when he told Mikey he'd surprise Blaine by showing up at the event and supporting him, and the kid had that I-can't-wait-to-tell-Blaine face.

"You can't tell Blaine, you know."

Mikey's face changed in that instance, but he nodded his understanding.

"I won't. It'll just be between you and me."

The way that Mikey had been avoiding Burt for the past few days let him know the boy probably spilled the beans anyway. Suddenly he was too busy to come over. But when Burt had decided he'd come to Quarterfinals, he hadn't imagined this.

This was pretty mind blowing.

Yeah, Mikey had pretty much described the insanity and awe of it all to a tee, but Burt thought the little guy had somewhat magnified his experiences. He had to have been exaggerating just a little bit, right?


What Burt actually expected was a few guys with skateboards, wearing those tight jeans the kids wore nowadays to show up and do a few tricks, win a couple hundred bucks or a medal, and go on with their days. The thought that there'd be actual coverage from the local news and freaking ESPN for goodness sakes hadn't even crossed the man's mind.

Whether it crossed his mind or not, Burt was seeing it all now; the thousands of fans filing in and the people still making their way to the stands, the photographers, the cameramen, the signs with Blaine's name on it, the BMX professionals that were suiting up, the gigantic ramp that Cooper explained was the 'vert' that Blaine would do tricks from—all of it was the hugest shock Burt could've gotten. It told him something though. This Blaine kid who swore he'd marry Kurt in a few years was loaded, and Kurt sure knew how to pick 'em.

"I mean I was shocked, rightfully so in my mind." Cooper began. His Aunt Pam was beside him talking to Clarissa and laughing as they always did, and Cooper smiled as he turned to face Burt, thinking back to that day. "I met Kurt first. Sat next to him at Preliminaries in L.A. You know that ring he wears?"

Burt nodded. He'd definitely noticed it.

"My dad bought that for Blaine a few months before we lost him. He wore it with pride until he passed and then he stopped… it hurt too much he said." Cooper took a deep breath, looking out over the park before resuming, "That doesn't have much to do with what you asked but… I promise I'm going somewhere with this," he said with a laugh.

Burt smiled softly and patted the man on the shoulder. "Take your time, Cooper."

Cooper smiled. "Well I showed up at Preliminaries just in time to see Blaine. Kurt looked polite and he had a good seat so I asked to sit next to him. Sure enough he said yes, and we shared a bit of small talk. I noticed the ring on his hand and struck up a conversation, and long story short it turned out that my kid brother had given it to him." Burt nodded, finally getting his answer to why Kurt had started wearing it. The ring wasn't necessarily his style but since he'd put it on, he'd yet to take it off to the man's knowledge.

"I was confused of course. And when Blaine kissed him right in front of me I was probably the most confused I'd ever been. I knew how much he liked girls and here he was introducing me to a young man— handsome fella none the less, but a boy." Burt smiled and Cooper shrugged. "I at least got the opportunity to spend an hour with them and seeing Kurt and Blaine together just made so much sense, but somehow it made no sense at the same time. My brother looked happy in a way I hadn't seen him in years, Burt. With a boy he'd just met. At the time Blaine and I had been out of touch and the difference between the way he looked at your son and the way he looked at me was comical."

Burt smiled. "He was really sad before Kurt got here, huh?"

Cooper chuckled; dragging a hand over his face tiredly. "He was lost before Kurt got here."

Burt lifted his cap and scratched at his head. "Kurt was depressed. He'd never admit it but he was."

"Good thing they found each other, huh?"

The elder waited a while before answering. Truth be told, he was still afraid to leave his son's heart in someone's hands. Not just someone's, but Blaine's to be more specific. As much as he liked him, because truth be told, Burt really did like the kid, he didn't know if trusting him as much as his son did was was pretty fragile for such a strong guy, and though Burt knew Blaine was a good guy underneath it all, it would still take a bit of time. All in all, he answered.

"Yup. It's a good thing indeed."

The emcee introduced himself to the crowd. Cooper looked around to see where his uncle and the guys were. They were always late and usually the fault belonged to either his little brother or Jeff, but at least there was some time left to get here.

"You know, Blaine being into a boy shouldn't have surprised me all that much to be honest. The signs were there. I had some time to think about it since Blaine came out... well I don't know if that's the right term," Cooper thought, "but since he told me about he and Kurt."

Burt turned away from that Peter kid who he remembered coming in and looking for a job at his shop to the man beside him. Cooper wore a faint smirk, making Burt particularly curious. "Oh yeah?"

He nodded. "My family went to NY one year, and on the way back we took a spontaneous trip to Ohio to visit uncle Don. While we were there, Blaine happened to find the person his 7 year old self proclaimed to be the, and I quote, 'love of his life'." He smiled, shaking his head a little and continued. "This person was a little boy."

Burt smirked. "He's a charmer isn't he?"

"You don't know the half of it," Cooper sat back and took a deep breath as if to say this was going to be a long story, "Mind you. I was 15 so he's like 7 at the time. My dad had been teaching him how to play instruments since age three… he tried with me but I gave up on everything after a month or so. But Blaine, he wanted to be my dad so bad he even walks like him." Cooper said with a soft laugh, "Back to the story, he had this little junior guitar he took everywhere. While my mom was with uncle Don somewhere, dad took the both of us on a walk. We ended up at the park when Blaine found him."

Burt laughed. "This oughta be good."

The man nodded with a smirk. "Blaine had found this rock to sit on top of and he was playing an old Beatles song if I remember correctly. There were moms and little girls all around him, and being the little attention whore he was, not that I can judge, he was eating it up. At one point he stopped strumming to pick up an old withering flower and handed it to this maybe 10 year old girl he'd been flirting with the whole time. Blaine was the cutest kid, I swear." Cooper laughed as he reminisced. "His hair was even bigger than it is now—curls dangling in front of his eyes and he had this Power Rangers watch he never took off even though it didn't work. He was adorable."

"So he was flirting with a girl three years his senior at 7?" Burt laughed aloud and rubbed at his forehead as Cooper nodded with a smirk.

"That's Blaine. Ever the charmer."

They both got quiet for a moment when they heard people screaming (females in particular). Cooper looked up to discover that Justin had entered the park. The kid did a few friendly waves as he rode around on his bike and Burt looked around to see if Kurt and the others had shown up with him.

"I saw this lady and a little boy enter the park a few minutes later. Blaine was still practicing, trying to perfect the song he was playing. I can't remember the exact song but I'm pretty sure it was a Beatles' number knowing my father. As Blaine strummed, the lady… oh my father in heaven she was hot— she and her son came toward us. They looked to be just passing through until the mom saw Blaine. She stopped dead in her tracks and approached, her son holding her hand and following. Apparently she knew the song and smiled, saying something to her son who smiled too, humming along with the melody."

Burt nodded at Cooper who took a sip of his spring water before continuing.

"I guess Blaine heard the humming because then he just quit playing completely. He looked up at the mom first and then at the little boy, and I saw his face change a little like… sort of like people react when they… realize something." Cooper stopped, hoping he was describing it correctly. "But because Blaine stopped playing and looked at the kid, I guess the kid got scared that he'd done something wrong. I remember him freezing and leaning into his mom's side a bit. Blaine just stayed on his rock staring at him for a moment while his audience got really quiet, wondering what was wrong with him. But then this slow smile spread across his face, and I remember hearing him whisper "hi" in the smallest most adorable voice ever. That's how it all started."

Burt smiled at the story, but was eager to hear the rest. "How did he get to the professing that he had found the love of his life, exactly?"

Cooper laughed. "Oh, it's a bit of a story. My dad finished his conversation with this old guy who was feeding birds and came back over when he heard Blaine's guitar stop… it was just to check on us. I told him everything was cool but he stuck around anyway, apparently as intrigued by Blaine's fascination with this kid as I was. The crowd disappeared when they saw Blaine stop playing and the lady… lord she was so hot— she said hello to my father and complimented Blaine's playing. Blaine handed his guitar to me and told me to hold it like I had nothing better to do… but I was 15 in Ohio at a park with a bunch of kids so I admit I didn't."

David came in the park now and Cooper waved at him—the teen tipping his cap before going over to sign autographs. "I saw Blaine walk close to the little boy who was really shy and just stood there looking at first. It took a while until they finally made eye contact but when they did, Blaine said hi again. He must've gotten a hello back because he smiled the widest I've ever seen him and stepped even closer. Never did understand personal space, that kid." Cooper smirked and Burt smiled, "We'd watch TV together when we were younger and no matter how huge the room we were in was, or how much space was on the couch or the bed, he'd be right underneath me." Burt could tell the memories meant a lot to Cooper, especially since he told him how they grew apart since their father passed on, but the man knew they'd be alright. He smiled and urged Cooper to continue. "I looked away from them and to the hot mama and she and my dad talked about how we were travelling and visiting, and how Blaine played 3 instruments at the time, I think he's at 6 now…" Cooper trailed off, counting on his fingers and nodding, "and then Blaine asked our parents if they could go play. My dad said if it was okay with his mom, and she said they were on their way somewhere but didn't mind at all. So I'm there bored, holding my little brother's tiny guitar while he goes off with this kid—the both of them not really saying anything but Blaine walking closely as they went to the swings." Cooper took another sip and resumed as a very interested Burt listened, "I went to sit on the rock Blaine had been on and watched as they went."

Burt hummed, totally into the story. It was fascinating to say the least. "So what I'm taking from this is that your brother always falls fast."

Cooper shrugged after a moment. "Well I guess he falls fast for boys? He's had girlfriends before, but the only person I can remember him being all gaga over was the little boy in Ohio, and Kurt now."

Burt turned to look at him because of the statement and Cooper missed his look, continuing. "I decided to listen in on my dad's conversation with the hot lady… the little boy's mom I mean. She said she was taking him to a small production of The Sound of Music so they had to get going soon, but as happy as he was she would give him a bit longer. My dad smiled at the little guys and told her we'd be leaving soon as well."

"I remember that production." Burt added, "Kurt and Elizabeth, my late wife—she took him to see it and they loved it."

Cooper smiled at Burt but missed what the man was insinuating entirely. "Nice! So back to the story," Burt shook his head as the blue eyed man focused on finishing, "I lost them for a while but when I spotted them, they were leaving the swings which were all taken up and going over to the jungle gym. Blaine's little friend looked nervous… I remember his clothes being ridiculously nice and well-kept while Blaine had that 7 year old I play in dirt and fall a lot look going on. Anyway they talked for a little while and at one point they were just holding hands and not saying anything, just looking around shyly to see if they were being watched. I pretended not to pay attention; acting like I found interest in the guitar, and eventually Blaine went back to the monkey bars. The boy stood there shaking his head no and I guess he was guilt-tripped because after a minute he climbed up with Blainers and they sat up there close. Blaine put his arm around him and I was at a loss."

Burt smiled. "Wow."

"My dad and the boy's mom were smiling at them and saying how cute and I was just confused. Just confused. Eventually they came back over and Blaine tried to pick up his bike so that they could ride but hot mama announced that they had to get going. Blaine looked devastated."

"Can I ask you something?"

Cooper smiled. "Anything boss."

"You say she was hot… do you remember how the boy's mother looked exactly?"

Cooper nodded in thought, "It was almost 10 years ago but she was something else. Long dark hair and bright bluish-green eyes. Curves that almost made me start a slow clap… but my dad would've smacked me in the head. She had really pale skin too, though, but she was beautiful."

Burt smiled. That was Elizabeth. "What about the kid?"

"Hm," Cooper racked his brain, "I didn't see much of him because Blaine was always in his face, but he had hair… like a chestnut color…" When Cooper saw Kurt and Blaine walk in he smiled, "Like Kurt's hair color to be precise. Pale skin too… and his eyes were…" Cooper trailed off and stopped completely after a minute. Burt nodded at him and the brunette laughed with a hint of embarrassment, pushing his brown hair away from his eyes. "Wow. I just called your wife hot."

Burt nodded. "That you did."

They were quiet. Kurt smiled from across the park when he saw the pair and Burt winked at him. Cooper took a deep breath.

"I am so sorry."

"So Blaine met my son, you're saying."

"I guess that's what happened…" Cooper tried to wrap his mind around the fact that 7 year old Blaine met 7 year old Kurt and fell in love at first sight. "Wow…"

Burt shook his head but couldn't fight the smile. Blaine had walked in with Kurt and had his arm around him; the two grinning at whatever they were discussing.

"You want to hear something absolutely mind blowing?"

Burt smirked. The crowd was going crazy at this point as the street freestylers got ready to compete first. "That was pretty mind blowing, don't you think?"

Cooper smiled as he mussed his brown locks. "I think so, but there's more."

Burt looked at him; mind still processing it all. Elizabeth met Blaine. Kurt met Blaine's dad. Blaine and Kurt met in Ohio when they were kids, and there was an instant attraction. This was definitely mind blowing.

"My mom and uncle were still shopping so dad took me and Blaine to an ice cream shop. It was more to cheer him because of his friend—for Kurt," Cooper smiled and looked at the two, "having to leave. Blaine was pretty messed up over it. They hugged goodbye and everything, and his mom said if we ever visit Ohio again that they could have a play date. When dad told him we wouldn't be visiting any time soon Blaine cried a little, hence the ice cream shop."

Burt laughed as he scratched it his forehead. "Oh my gosh. I can't believe what I'm hearing really."

"Can't believe what I'm saying," Cooper smiled, "but we're having ice cream, and Blaine is complaining to my dad about how perfect the boy's voice was and how he had nice color eyes and Blaine wiped the tears away and said 'I never got to tell him I loved him' and in that moment I was pretty sure Blaine was gay. But when we got back to Cali, things went back to normal. Well, he would ask just about every day when we were going back, but I guess with time he forgot and life resumed."

Burt nodded. "Which part of that was supposed to blow my mind?"

Cooper smirked. "Kurt gave him a ring. It was a candy ring pop. Blaine wore it on the same finger Kurt wears his for a few days before Nick ate it when Blaine was in the bubble bath. I think that was the night of their first fight. Anyway, the fact that Kurt gave him a ring and Blaine probably would still be wearing it if his best friend hadn't got hungry is… I don't know."

"Mind blowing," Burt said with a laugh.

The two got quiet again. Clarissa leant over her son to point out something to Burt who smiled, laughing when he saw Mikey wearing an outfit identical to that of his son's. The group laughed and even people in the audience started to make 'awww'ing noises, snapping photos of the pair.

"So do we say something?" Cooper asked as he looked to the man beside him.

Justin came over and shook Burt's hand, followed by Cooper's and then hugged the ladies present. Burt shrugged as he thought.

"How about we take the post Quarterfinals celebrations to the park? Have a little BBQ and see if they remember anything?" Burt smiled, realizing he'd just come up with a pretty decent plan. Cooper grinned as well.

"That's ingenious."


The day and afternoon turned out to be amazing. Burt really didn't want it to turn out amazing.

Well, that didn't come out right. He didn't want it to actually enjoy the sports as much as he enjoyed them. He didn't want to be Blaine Anderson's fanboy in simplest terms. But it turned out that's exactly what he was after the competition, as well as crazy fans of the other guys as well.

It was easy to like Justin. He was a good kid who Burt noticed was a bit protective over his son. It'd be like Kurt having and older brother, he thought. Whenever Blaine had to walk away, Justin was right there. Also, the kid was a killer bike rider. Burt could respect that even if it wasn't really his thing, per se. Burt also found a kick out of how head over heels he was for his 'friend' Teresa who had shown up in support. They were pretty much a younger him and Elizabeth with the shy glances and blushes. It was adorable.

The same went for the Jeff kid. Besides the fact that Burt caught him staring at Kurt's backside at one point in the day, he had ended up liking him too. Jeff had tied for first with some douchey looking guy Kurt called Ian, and Burt couldn't lie that the blonde had talent. Being able to do the things he did on a skateboard and with such precision, in front of a few thousand people; It took balls. All of these kids had it.

Nick and David had been jawing all morning, and after Nick beat David for first place in a photo finish, the kid had been smug the entire time. It was funny though, seeing Kurt consoling his friend with promises of shopping sprees to cheer him up, while Nick, who Burt really grew to like after watching his relationship with Blaine, constantly taunted him. All of their friendships were special, and Burt simply adored that Kurt had such great company in Long Beach.

Back to fanboying over Blaine… the kid killed it. There was no other way to put it. Everything was perfect in that three minutes; the routine, the tricks, the height he got, the way he ran over and kissed Kurt after getting a perfect score—not only that he'd kissed him, but he did so in front of over 3,000 people without so much as a concern, and to cap it all off, the proud face he wore when his mother and Burt congratulated him. He looked so happy, and Burt noticed that it made Kurt smile from ear to ear. He signed autographs as an important looking gentleman approached Don and Clarissa; the three talking amongst each other and Don coming away with a proud look to his older sister afterwards. It looked as if whatever happened during the discussion was a good thing, and Burt smiled at his friend's bubbly smile.

As discussed with Clarissa, the plan after Quarterfinals had been to get back to the beach house first so the boys could help her pack some things, and then meet up at the park where Burt and Cooper had planned a celebratory BBQ. While she, Cooper, and Pam supervised there, Burt along with Don and David, Nick and Naomi headed out to the supermarket to get food and other necessary items. Burt let Don in on his and Coop's discovery, laughing at Nick's face when he overheard and making him promise not to tellanyone.

Luckily, Nick could hold a secret better than Mikey.


It was only five times that Kurt and Blaine took a break.

It wasn't like Clarissa had a lot of things to take anyway. Their home in San Francisco was still fully furnished. That was the main reason she was returning anyway, Blaine acknowledged… all of their family memories remained in the cozy home. Anything that needed to be moved out to the truck, Cooper and Jus could definitely handle.

Of course, Jeff didn't like that. He knew what was going on in Blaine's locked bedroom every time Kurt and Blaine took a "breather" and if he couldn't take Victoria into a private room for a "breather" he wasn't having it.

They moved a couple dozen boxes out to the truck. Most of it was shoes and Kurt approved of that notion. He was pleased with the end result. Blaine would still have nice furniture and that amazing kitchen that Kurt found himself falling in love with, a couple spare rooms (one of which Cooper had claimed for when he'd visit) and most importantly the Jacuzzi. Blaine and Kurt had plans for that Jacuzzi.

Cooper and Mikey tagged along with Justin and Teresa, going back to the blonde's house for a basketball for the park. Jeff, Victoria, Kurt, and Blaine decided to head to the park early and wait. They left Clarissa and Pam back at the beach house; the two straightening the place up a bit and promising to bring the BBQ grill in a half hour. As they walked along the boardwalk, Blaine waved at the members of Premium who were on the beach, Shane smirking when he saw him and sticking up the finger. Kurt couldn't help but roll his eyes at all of them, but they were happy, and he loved every minute of it.


"Is Farrah going to be there?"

Victoria smiled at Kurt's question. Blaine looked at the girl and smirked as he sat beside his boyfriend on the bleachers at the park. "That's a serious question, Vickie."

"I don't know," she played in Jeff's blonde hair; the skater leaning into her touch as he worked on finishing his cotton candy, "She might be. It's going to be a pretty big party. You know about Robbie's parties, Blaine. Everybody who's anybody shows up to them."

"But she's a nobody," Jeff said after he swallowed. Blaine wholeheartedly agreed. "And she constantly gives Ohio shit at work, which is why I can understand why he asked."

"She told my uncle about Kurt and me… in the back of the shop…" Blaine smiled at Jeff who looked up, lifting the sunglasses off his face. Kurt turned his head to look at Blaine.

"You told Jeff?"

"What did you guys do in the back?" Victoria asked with a wide smile. Blaine stood up when he saw Justin racing Mikey over, smiling at his boyfriend after fixing his jeans.

"We were… kissing," Blaine grinned devilishly to tell the girl they were doing a lot more than that and Kurt blushed as he looked away, "and I had to tell someone. I know you told Mercedes and Tina."

"I didn't tell Jeff, honey."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Jeff grabbed his drink and turned on the bench to face Kurt. "I'm very trustworthy, Ohio!"

"He told me all about the hotel room in New York." Victoria said, brushing red locks out of her face and grinning at Kurt. "I wish I could've come but I think you two were doing enough of that."

Blaine bit his lip into a smile when his boyfriend pinched the shit out of her, followed by a slap upside Jeff's head. Victoria winced after laughing, slapping Kurt playfully on the shoulder. The blond frowned, looking at his girlfriend.

"Whose side are you on, anyway?"

She ignored him and Blaine continued. "So she tells my uncle that Kurt and I were um, kissing..." Jeff snorted and Kurt hit him again, "in the back office, and we get this lecture about professionalism, and some other bullshit that I already forgot because I don't care—"

"Well it won't be happening again. We promised your uncle it wouldn't happen again, and the last thing I need Don to do is tell my dad any of this. He'd put me on punishment for weeks."

Blaine had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. To him, getting caught made it a little hotter. Maybe it was getting caught by that skank. But he really liked… kissing Kurt somewhere as scandalous as his job.

Justin let Mikey win the race as the toddler climbed onto the bleachers, squeezing between Victoria and Kurt as he tried to catch his breath. He'd changed out of his fancy clothes now and wore a simple t-shirt and shorts, along with purple converse shoes that… it's not necessary to say who bought them. You already know who bought them. His older cousin pinched his nose and smirked at the reaction before continuing, looking at Kurt's not amused expression.

"It's not like you need the job anyway, babe. You know I'll take care of you."

The group made cooing noises and Blaine smiled proudly. Kurt however rolled his eyes as Justin sat beside him. "As amazing as that sounds, honey, it's not your responsibility to take care of me, and I just started liking the job. The only problem is Farrah. The customers are great, most of the time I get paid to gossip with Jenna and Fez—Steve, and the work is easy. It's not exactly minimum wage either, sweetie."

Blaine smirked. "But if you don't have to work, you can spend all your time with Mikey. Tell him Mikey."

Before the little hazel eyed boy could speak, Kurt smiled at him and interrupted. "As appealing as that is, you aren't guilt tripping me with your adorable little cousin. Can we talk more about the party anyway?"

"What party?" Justin perked up and looked at Kurt. "Are we talking Robbie's party?"

Naomi and Teresa showed up a second later, along with Nick and David. Jeff swallowed and answered.

"We are. Were you going to go?"

Justin looked up to Teresa and smiled. "Well Teresa told me about it and—"

"That means yes," Blaine said with a smirk. She blushed. "I don't see why we shouldn't all go. I mean it's free booze and music."

"And Farrah, more than likely." Kurt contributed.

"I'll beat her down if she even looks at you," Naomi said as she picked up Mikey and put the boy in her lap. Nick looked at him when he cuddled a little too closely to his girlfriend and picked him up, tossing the boy in the air and eliciting a loud laugh. "We're going to go and have a good time. Legacy freaking killed today and it's the summer before our senior year. We're going to make the most of it. Besides, you guys missed the first big shebang when you went to New York. Can't miss this one."

David took the ball from Justin and started dribbling towards the court, "That means we have to go shopping soon, Kurt. A new outfit is necessary."

Kurt perked up at the thought of shopping. "When is the party?"

"After Semis and Finals, which is after my birthday," Blaine told him. "Are you interested?"

Blaine didn't know how much fun he'd have at a party nowadays. His spare time was usually spent trying to make Burt let him see Kurt. Back then, he loved parties. He loved dancing with girls and getting wasted and being a complete idiot, but now Blaine kind of liked the idea of having Kurt alone. Well he liked it a lot.

Kurt thought about it for a while. It would be nice to let loose like Naomi said. It was the summer. He never partied back in Ohio. Not besides a few of Rachel's get-togethers at least. But going to a party with Blaine and getting a few dances, maybe drinking… maybe not, and probably meeting a few new people… it had the potential to be a great night. He looked from his boyfriend to the others and nodded. "I'm interested."

"Awesome," Victoria smiled and clapped excitedly. Kurt smiled as well and entertained the idea of buying a new outfit that included jeans so tight Blaine wouldn't notice anyone else at the party but him.

This could be really fun, actually.

"I'm going to dance with Ohio." Jeff said proudly.

Blaine scoffed. "The hell you are."

Kurt smiled; his attention shifting to his dad, Don, Cooper, Clarissa and Pam over by the field when Mikey ran over to join them. They were preparing the grill with some other guy he didn't recognize.

"Damn… I thought Eric Milton wasn't going to be able to make it," Nick said; Blaine looking over as well.

"No. He just said his flight got delayed. Looks like he made it after all." Jeff said with a groan. "I hate that guy so much."

Justin stood up and gestured to the court. "I'm going to go kick David's ass. Anyone wanna be on my team? Kurt?"

Kurt laughed and shook his head no; standing up and hoping to take Blaine's mind off of this Milton guy they all seemed to hate so much. "I'm going to go push Mikey on the swings or something. Join me, Mr. BMX?"

Justin watched Blaine smiled and nod his head yes. He smirked at the two lovebirds before looking for a teammate. "Fine. Girls versus boys then?"

Teresa looked at Naomi and Victoria who both smirked. "Fine." Teresa answered. "But you have four boys. We get one of you."

"Just say you want me on your team," the blonde teased, pulling off his shirt and gesturing over to the court. Teresa bit her lip as she watched him go, and Kurt smiled, pretty much changing his mind.

"On second thought, I think I'll watch. Blaine take your shirt off too."

Blaine rolled his eyes and took Kurt's hand, pulling him away and ignoring the girls' laughter. Naomi shouted goodbye to Kurt as Nick pulled her in for a hug, begging her to be on his team and frowning when she said no.

"My mom brought my guitar. It's in the car. Give me a minute."

Kurt smiled and nodded, motioning over to his father and the others. "I'll see if Mikey wants to hang. If not you can push me on the swings."

"Or we can hang out by the monkey bars…"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I settled for the monkey bars when I was younger… you know with the boy you called a 'douche'? He said that the swings were 'predictable', and because I was falling head over heels I sacrificed."

Blaine ignored the pang of jealous he felt at some little dick getting Kurt to fall for him first. Sure Kurt said he was 6 at the time but that didn't really matter. "The swings arepredictable, Kurt. You go up and you come back down."

Kurt smirked. "That's pretty much what you do on the ramps with your bicycle, dear."

"No," Blaine held his finger up and Kurt almost laughed at the sassiness of it all, "when I'm riding you never know what's coming next. That's why I'm a pro."

One of Kurt's eyebrows went up as he bit his lip and Blaine chuckled a bit. "Pervert. I definitely did not mean it like that… but if you'd like we could—"

"Well," Kurt refused to get hard in the middle of the park where kids were running around merrily. Oh, and their parents were like 30 feet away, "predictable or not, the monkey bars are stupid. Do I look like I want to climb or hang or more importantly bust my ass?"

Blaine laughed, placing his head on Kurt's shoulder as he did so. They both missed the way that Don's friend Eric looked at them when Blaine snuck a kiss. "Do you think I'd let you fall? You're way too precious to me."

Kurt was smiling but stopped completely at the words. He stared at Blaine and the blue in his eyes turned a bit greyer as his lips parted a bit. Blaine, worried he'd said something wrong, panicked a bit and started to recant… but then Kurt shook his head no and closed his mouth, giving a soft smile.

"I'm sorry… you just… that felt…" Kurt laughed a little and shook his head no, and Blaine gave him an amused look. "I just had a little déjà vu. I swear that the little boy said thoseexact words to me. I'm…" he shook his head again and took a deep breath, "I'm probably losing it."

Blaine smiled, leaning in and kissing Kurt again on the cheek this time. When their eyes met he spoke. "Maybe the douche was smarter than I gave him credit for."

Kurt laughed and pushed him away, taking a few steps in the direction of their families, "How about you go get your guitar and meet me by the swings?"

Blaine pouted and shook his head no. "See you at the monkey bars."

"I'm not settling!" Kurt called back, smiling but not facing him. Blaine watched him go with a small laugh before jogging towards the car.

When Mikey saw his Kurtie coming, he skipped over to him and took his hand, not wanting him to have to walk alone. The blue eyed teen smiled widely and picked him up, giving him a kiss on the cheek and walking over to the elders. He laughed when Mikey who probably needed a nap buried his head in Kurt's shoulder.

When Kurt got over to the group, he watched everyone suspiciously. Pam wore this face that said she knew something he didn't, as did Don, and Cooper, and Clarissa, and then there was his father who of course wouldn't give him any contact. That definitely meant that something was up. Before he could press them, Don's old friend beat him to the punch.

"Hello, young man."

Kurt looked from his dad to Mr. Milton, wearing a kind smile as he did so. He tried not to judge the man based on the opinions of the others, hoping to gain an opinion for himself. Maybe the guys were overreacting a bit.

"Hello, sir." he spoke respectably, "I'm Kurt. It's nice to meet you."

Mikey watched them shake hands as Mr. Milton gave him a look. Burt lit the charcoal and looked up also.

"Eric Milton. Former BMX champion…. Did I just see you kiss Blaine Anderson?"

Cooper and Don glanced up from their drinks as Kurt tensed. His mind threatened to go to the worst place like homophobe, but it was fine. His dad was here, and even if he wasn't, Kurt wasn't ashamed. "Yes, I did—"

"Don…" Milton interrupted him, "did you know about Blaine kissing a boy or is—"

"Is there a problem?" Burt questioned as seriously as Kurt had seen his father in a while. The protectiveness hadn't surfaced since Ohio and Kurt's mind automatically went to his father getting too worked up. Luckily, Don spoke up before things got out of hand.

"Yes, Eric. I expect Blaine to kiss his boyfriend if he wants to."

Kurt felt the tension thicken even further when the man smirked and decided to get Mikey away before his father said something the 4 year old didn't need to hear. "I'm going to go over to the swings. Let us know when the food is ready dad."

Burt nodded, never moving his eyes off of the man standing opposite him, and Cooper smirked, hoping at some point today Burt would kick his ass. Eric spoke up before Kurt could get away.

"It was nice to meet you. No offense but I didn't know…" he hid his smirk now as Kurt put Mikey on the ground, taking his hand, "I'll be the judge at Semifinals so if I leave before everything is ready, I'll see you boys then."

Kurt nodded, smiling softly at Clarissa before turning away. When they were a bit far along the grass, he saw Blaine approaching from his mother's vehicle, the boy tuning his guitar and smiling at a kid who followed him as he walked. Kurt smiled at the two and Mikey perked up when he saw who it was.


The little kid saw Mikey and grinned, running over. Blaine looked at them and shrugged at Kurt who was laughing. When they were side by side, Mikey and the boy talked a little before running towards the slides.

"We'll be back, Kurtie! We're going to play tag."

Cooper rushed up behind them and nudged Blaine in the head. "I'll watch them Squirt. Have fun." He winked with that same look on his face that the rest of them had. Kurt crossed his arms trying to understand what the heck was going on with their families.

"Well it looks like you're stuck with me." Blaine waggled his eyebrows and smirked at Kurt. "Are you ready to go to the monkey bars?"

Kurt laughed, ignoring him and walking towards the swing sets. When he said he wasn't settling, he meant he wasn't settling. There was a little girl there and her mom and Kurt said hello to them both as he sat down on one a few over, smiling at the greeting he got in return. Blaine walked in the fenced area, strumming his guitar and nodding to the ladies as well.

"Join me."

Blaine made a face and Kurt stuck his tongue out, laughing at the adorable smirk Blaine gave him in return.

"I'll be the entertainment because swinging is incredibly predictable and you'll be bored soon."

"It is not." the little girl said, sticking her tongue out too. Kurt laughed along with her mother and Blaine waved them all off.

"If you say so, little lady." he smiled and started to play louder, watching Kurt kick off with his feet and begin to swing, laughing at the face the beautifully pale boy gave him. When Kurt smiled back at him; those blue eyes sending his heart into a sputter and those perfectly pink lips curving adorably, Blaine began to sing; a slight blush on his cheeks.

You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you
You'd be like heaven to touch
I wanna hold you so much
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

Kurt bit his lip, trying to hold back the wide smile threatening to display just how ridiculously happy he was right now. The girl's mom grinned enough for him though, listening to Blaine and pushing her daughter.

"If you're singing this because you want me to go on the monkey bars with you then I'm sorry."

Blaine laughed, strumming his guitar and shrugging. "Maybe I'm singing it the lyrics mean even more to me now than they did in New York…"

Kurt slowed down on the swing as the lady decided to give them the space to their selves. Her daughter wanted to hear the rest of the song but decided to listen to mom, saying goodbye and smiling when Blaine winked at her. Kurt smirked at him and waved to the pair, wishing them a happy Saturday before returning his attention to Blaine.

"It means more to you, huh?"

Blaine nodded, strumming and staring Kurt in the eyes. He wore that stupid smile that made his boyfriend giddy, continuing to sing.

Pardon the way that I stare
There's nothing else to compare

He winked and Kurt laughed, shaking his head in disbelief of how beautiful Blaine really was. 
The sight of you leaves me weak
There are no words left to speak
But if you feel like I feel
Please let me know that it's real
You're just too good to be true
Can't take my eyes off of you

Kurt had been swinging slowly but he stopped completely, watching Blaine with a soft smile. If you feel how I feel, please let me know that it's real. It was definitely real, Kurt thought. He bit his lip, blushing as he decided to let him know.

"I know we're in the middle the park in broad daylight, but would you dance with me?"

Blaine stopped strumming and a slow smile crept across his face. "I don't care if where we are, to be perfectly honest. I'll dance with you anywhere, anytime."

Kurt stood up and approached as Blaine pulled off his guitar; the same one that Ariel and Mikey got crayon on, and put it on the ground beside him. He held out his arms and Kurt wrapped his around Blaine's neck, smiling happily when they were wrapped up in one another a second later. The swing that he was on still swung around behind him as they barely moved, simply holding one another as Kurt whispered in Blaine's ear.

"I get to sing it to you this time."

"Ok." Blaine buried his face in Kurt's neck and nodded, smiling a second later at the beautiful voice that entered the air.

I need you baby, and if it's quite alright
I need you baby to warm the lonely nights

He stopped for a second, and Blaine tensed because of it. He could feel his heart breaking over the fact that Kurt stopped. Kurt wasn't ready. It really hurt but he'd wa—

I love you, Blaine Anderson, he sang almost too quiet to hear, but perfectly clear.

I love you, Blaine Anderson.

Blaine's heart stopped in that second. His hold on Kurt tightened as realization hit him, and he pulled back to look him in the eyes, not even sure if he'd heard correctly. Kurt had this maroon colored blush on his face, but his eyes never failed him.

"I love you."

Blaine stared.

Kurt laughed shyly and shook his head; his eyes moving down to his boyfriend's parted lips. "I don't know if you're ready to say it back but I sure hope you're ready to hear it…. I really needed to say it."

Blaine simply looked at him, waiting to wake up. Just like before, when Kurt said it to him. It was all a dream. He'd woken up devastated.

"I—" Kurt shook his head and laughed, a nervous expression taking over now, "I'm sorry… I… know this isn't ideal but I wanted to say it before I blurted it out randomly like while we're watching television and I'm so sorry if you're not ready but I just thought—mmph—"

Blaine couldn't have possibly kissed Kurt harder.

He cupped his face and breathed in, waiting to wake up because he knew he would. He was so afraid that he would. When he pulled back and took in Kurt's expression; all awe andlove and god he's so beautiful even when he's a confused, rambling mess. Blaine smiled widely and shook his head.

"Kurt Hummel. I am so fucking in love with you."

He'd said it. He had gotten to say it back. If Blaine woke up right now he didn't know what he'd do.

Kurt's grin couldn't be held back this time, the boy almost laughing as he hugged Blaine tightly. Blaine felt every touch and his heart was racing. There was probably a tear in his eyes, but he couldn't care right now. There was a possibility that this was actually happening and Kurt told him that he loved him.

Oh my god.

"I love you, Kurt. I swear I wanted to tell you for so long but I was scared and if it wasn't perfect and I didn't make it special for you like you make breathing for me, I would've hated myself."

Kurt pulled back from the hug, still laughing. His eyes were definitely wet, and he was redder than Blaine had ever seen him.

"Seriously? You could've told me with your mouth full and it'd be special. Every second with you is everything, stupid."

Blaine laughed, kissing him again and looking around the park. "I may be stupid but I'd never tell you like that, gorgeous… just promise me that I won't wake up."

Kurt gave him a confused look before realization set in. He smiled even though he understood completely, playing with a few curls that were in Blaine's face. "This is very much real, Blaine… I know it is."

Blaine smiled, nodding and looking down at their joined hands. "Ok. It's real." He glanced back up to Kurt and smiled even harder, not knowing it was possible. "I love you."

Kurt grinned, ignoring Cooper giving him two thumbs up in the background. "And I love you."

"You love me." Blaine repeated, smiling as he looked Kurt in the eyes. And then he laughed in what seemed to be disbelief, backing up and staring at the sky. He threw his hands into his hair and looked around the park, and Kurt watched him with a watery smile.

"I do."

Blaine turned back and smiled, running over to Kurt and lifting him in the air. The boy laughed, and though he'd usually hit Blaine until he put him down, this time he enjoyed it. In many ways, Blaine lifted him up on a daily basis. It only made sense that he'd do so physically.


Burt and Clarissa smiled over at their sons. They'd been talking, waiting for one of them to put the puzzle pieces together, but it hadn't happened. Now… something was going on. Neither could tell if it was the revelation that they'd met when they were 6 and 7, but something was definitely going on.

"I haven't seen Kurt this happy in years, Clarissa."

She smiled, nodding her agreement as the pair kissed again. Kurt picked up Blaine's guitar and put it on as the elder took his hand, leading him away from the swings. "I couldn't be more grateful. I often felt like my son was lost and I had no idea how to help him. I was lost myself."

Burt looked at her and nodded. He could understand that. The woman brushed curls away from her eyes and smiled. "I was talking to Blaine the other night, and he told me that Kurt reminded him of his dad. He loved his father more than… I can't even make a comparison. He pretty much lived to make his dad give him that proud smile Cooper Sr. would give him, and once he and Ariel were gone… god. I didn't know what to do."

Burt watched Blaine pretty much run over to where his brother was with Mikey and his little friend, interrupting the blonde from his game of tag with the other kids to start krumping in his face. He seemed to be bragging about something, and Kurt facepalmed pretty hard at his boyfriend's behavior. Burt shook his head at them and focused on what Clarissa had been telling him. He felt his heartbreak for the Andersons because he understood the situation perfectly.

"To have him say that Kurt reminded him of Senior, I knew it was serious. I'd seen how much Blaine had changed and I'd seen how they looked at each other. I'm elated for the both of them."

Burt nodded with a knowing smile as well. Kurt sat down on the bleachers, laughing when his face was grabbed by Blaine who'd caught up to him, kissing pretty much everywhere—lips, eyes, nose, cheeks, and then lips again. The rider ran off towards their friends afterwards. Kurt shook his head with a grin, strumming at the guitar lazily as he watched Blaine run right over to Nick and hug him. The man had to raise an eyebrow as the scene unfolded, wondering if they really figured it out. If not, what else could they've been so giddy about?

"I was so worried about bringing Kurt here and changing his life around like this… but now," Burt smiled at her and the lady chuckled a little. "Now, I couldn't be happier."

"Neither could they."

Don put a slab of ribs on the grill before he pulled Pam in for a kiss. Burt glanced away from his son and back to Clarissa. "Now about this beach house…"

She laughed, knowing exactly where he was going. "To be honest Burt, I don't know how I feel about it either. Well… I know how I feel and we're probably on the same page."

Don chimed in with a smile. "Are we talking about Blaine living alone?"

"We are," Burt smirked, "and it wouldn't be living alone, Donnie. You know who would be right there with him and that's a whole new concern."

Pam laughed as she listened, acknowledging her neighbor was absolutely right. There was no way Blaine wouldn't make the home his and Kurt's if he could.

"I can see it now," Burt continued. "First, they'll show up with a 'can Kurt stay the night?' and Blaine will give me those eyes that he and Mikey have pretty much perfected," Don and Pam nodded and Clarissa laughed, understanding completely, "and then I'd agree because Kurt would mope around the house guilt tripping me if I didn't. It starts there, then next thing I know little by little, his toothbrush, movies, skincare gunk, all of it disappears slowly but surely." Don laughed at the man's words, "Next thing you know, there's nothing in his room but an old pair of slippers and I only get to see him on holidays."

"I don't think it'd be that bad," Don told him with a smirk. "I'm sure they know we won't have them living together. And I mean, I'm not thrilled about my 17 year old nephew living on his own, especially not after his mishaps with the parties and all," Burt looked at him and Don grabbed the pronged fork, "He's had his moments of rebellion, but I think we dealt with it. All in all, he still had some maturing to do—"

"And this is the best way to help him do just that." Pam cut in, looking back over to Blaine and Nick talking. She smiled at Cooper next, her nephew paying less attention on Mikey and his Skyler friend from school and more attention to the lady walking by, "If we let him have this and make him prove that he can handle it, I think he'll gain a little more sense of responsibility. Of course he wants this for him and Kurt, not just to mess around in Burt," he rolled his eyes and she smiled, "but to be together in. If he can't handle it then we'll make sure his butt is back under our roof."

"And Clarissa, you know that if he needs anything we'll be right there. You know that."

The woman nodded wholeheartedly at her younger brother. "I know. He loves all of you and I'm eternally grateful. I just worry."

Burt nodded. He understood where she was coming from. And he wanted to not be okay with any of this, but for some reason he was. He trusted Kurt, and after the talk he had with Blaine where the kid was upfront and honest, he trusted him too. Still, it was his baby boy they were talking about. Things were moving quickly and he still wanted to protect him.

"I worry too. But I don't think we'll have to."


When Cooper found someone to flirt with, he ended up pushing Mikey and Skyler off on his little bro. Blaine didn't mind though. It was good to see Mikey enjoying himself with a kid his age. As much as the little boy loved hanging out with Legacy, he'd need to learn to make his own little buddies when school started up. Skyler was a bit annoying though. That was probably mean to say but it was true, and it made a lot of sense when he mentioned an 'Uncle Shane'. Blaine just nodded. It made so much sense.

He did miss Kurt, though. Sure, he only went to the store with David for some ice and whatever else Papa Bear and Uncle Don forgot on their trip to the market earlier like… maybe ten minutes ago, but it was ten minutes too long.

Kurt fucking told him he loved him.

No, fucking Kurt fucking sang it to him, afterwards admitting that he wanted to say it so long too, and Blaine knew he couldn't be happier.

Truth be told, he didn't think he could wait until dinner the next night, which he actually had to cancel anyway since his uncle just informed him of some promotional thing he, Jeff, and Nick would be doing for Semifinals and Finals (which were both on the same day) the next day. And also, Don mentioned a few endorsements Blaine had lined up which he'd been turning down before because Blaine's emotional health wasn't exactly at the place where it should've been (at least not for his uncle to thrust him into the public eye for a few bucks, knowing Blaine would fold under the pressure), and said endorsements would more than likely keep Blaine a bit more busy leading up until the next competitions. None of that mattered because luckily, they confessed their love to one another, and even if they didn't get to spend as much time together for a few weeks, they at least knew.

Blaine sat back on the bleachers, pretending to listen to whatever the hell Ian and Justin were going on about as he texted Kurt. Cooper was still by the slides working his magic, and Blaine smiled as he watched him. He then looked over to Jeff holding Mikey in the air so that he could make a basket; Victoria clapping as it went in. Skyler was busy trying to navigate on Jeff's skateboard and Nick and Naomi had found a nice, quaint spot by a tree to make out underneath. José and Teresa were talking when he glanced over to the other side of the bleachers, looking back down at his phone after it buzzed.

From Kurt:

So dinner is canceled and I don't get to see you all day? :( Great.

Blaine frowned a little at that. It'd be late by the time they got back to Long Beach and Kurt had to work Monday morning, and Blaine had a flight to catch before Kurt would even wake up.

The next couple weeks would suck balls.

To Kurt:

I know, baby. We'll definitely reschedule. And tonight everyone is having a sleepover at the beach house. We'll just have to get lots of cuddles in to last us a few days.

"I made it Blainey!" Mikey put both arms in the air as Jeff laughed at the kid's enthusiasm. Blaine stuck both thumbs up and smiled at his cousin.

"You're the best, munchkin."

Justin yawned loudly as he put his shirt back on. "Well I have a date and probably a girlfriend, so I'm getting out of here and going to shower." he stood up and nodded at Ian who finished texting, looking back to his cousin and giving a sarcastic 'good luck'. Ian winked at Blaine before walking off at the curly haired teen didn't even bother quipping back. He was too happy right now.

"I'll be at your place tonight, champ." they slapped five and Justin smirked, "Congrats on the three words, huh?"

Blaine's phone vibrates as he spoke with a smile. "Thanks, stupid. Have a good date. Be anything but yourself and she'll be all over you."

"Fuck you," Justin laughed as he walked away, waving to his friend. Blaine laughed too, looking back down at his phone.

"See you later, Jus."

From Kurt:

That sounds like fun! Who is everyone?

"Can you pass the ball?"

Blaine felt the basketball touch his foot and reached down for it, tossing it back to Victoria.

"Thank you, Blainers."

"Yeah, yeah."

To Kurt:

Just Legacy and the girls, and some food and some movies. And cuddles.

He smiled as he sent it, and Cooper came over to sit next to him. Blaine glanced up at him and his older brother had that stupid wide smile on display.

"I got a phone number."

Blaine smirked and nodded. "Good for you, bro. Should I fetch you a cookie?"

Cooper glanced over to the court, rolling his eyes when Jeff winked at him. That kid had to be bisexual if he wasn't completely gay. "Never joke around about rewarding someone a cookie if you don't have a cookie, Squirt. That's how arms get broken." He smirked at his brother's laugh and continued, "Where's my little bro-in-law, anyway?"

Blaine blushed as another text message came in.

From Kurt:

You're such a cuddle whore. A Legacy sleepover sounds fantastic, love. I can't wait :P


"He went to the store with David but he'll be back soon."

To Kurt:

Can you hurry back? You and David better had not ended up at the mall.

Cooper nodded. "Awesome. Food will be ready soon. Want to play me one on one?"

"You cheat all the time, CJ—"

"Just because you're fucking 4 feet 7 doesn't mean I'm a cheater," Cooper stood up and undid his button up, pulling it off and leaving him in a blue tank top. Victoria, Naomi, and Teresa who'd been on her way out of the park all stopped and stared and Blaine rolled his eyes. "Let's go. One on one with your big bro. If you lose, I'll give you a hug and a kiss so that you feel better." Blaine rolled his eyes as he stood up and Cooper laughed. "You win," his brother resumed, "I'll tell mom the exact car you want for your birthday."

Blaine froze as he took in what he'd just heard. His phone vibrated as Cooper grinned at him. "What was that?"

"I said," his brother's ocean colored eyes had a twinkle to them, "if you beat me in a one on one game, I'll go with mom to buy your birthday car and make sure she gets the exact model. So are you playing me or what?"

Blaine looked down at his phone.

From Kurt:

We're not at the mall, geez. We're a few blocks away. See you soon. xo

He placed it next to Nick and Jeff's things and walked to the court, smiling as Mikey sweetly allowed Cooper the ball and ran over to watch. All eyes were on them as Blaine pulled off his black t-shirt and tossed it away.

"Game is 21. Don't break anything or those endorsements will go out the window," Cooper said with a smirk, dribbling the ball between his legs. "Don't call foul like you do every time there's minimal contact, and—"

"You elbowing me in my face isn't exactly minimal contact, CJ—"

"I don't see how it's my fault you're eye to eye with my elbows," his brother took a practice shot and it went in, and Jeff snorted as Blaine pulled up his jeans, going over to retrieve it, "as I was saying, no foul calling, and anything behind the arc is worth 2 as you know."

"My ball first." Blaine said, tossing it to Cooper and going behind the free throw line. Cooper caught the hard pass and smirked, giving Blaine some space and looking at the audience.

"Has Squirt gotten any better since I last played him?"

Jeff shook his head no as Mikey shouted yes, and Blaine gave the skater a finger he wasn't supposed to be flashing. "Just check the ball, Coop."

Cooper smiled and tossed the ball to his little brother, getting into a defensive stance once Blaine caught it. The rider bounced it a couple times, smirking at Cooper and taking a few steps forward. The girls clapped and cheered the boys on as Blaine realized just how much taller Cooper was. That would probably be a problem.

"What's the matter?" Cooper smirked, moving closer as Blaine turned his body to protect the ball. "Scared to shoot already?"

Blaine was about to quip back when he noticed Kurt and David walking back into the park. The two were laughing, walking alongside someone else he didn't notice at first. And then he did notice him.

And Blaine didn't like that too much.

Cooper saw his distraction and smirked, swiping the ball from his little brother easily. Blaine looked up and saw Cooper running to the basket and dunking it in; his friends cheering as he did so. Blaine was less interested in the game now, only looking back at the trio walking along the green grass, Blaze a little too close to Kurt for his liking.

"What the hell was that? You've gotten worse?" Cooper smiled widely as he went to stand behind the line. He gave the ball to Blaine to check to him, but Blaine still watched Kurt walking towards Burt and his family. Everyone saw his reaction and turned to look where the hazel eyed teen was, immediately finding what had caught his attention.

Cooper quirked an eyebrow as he watched his mother hug Blaze hello. "What the hell is he doing here?"

Kurt noticed the brothers—well he noticed pretty much everyone looking over at him and sighed. David, completely oblivious, laughed at something Burt had said as he put the ice in the cooler. He stood up and smiled.

"First off, Nick cheated. He only won because I saw a girl in the audience who I'm sure he hired to flirt with me—you okay, bro?"

Kurt glanced from Blaine's stare to David and nodded. "Yeah. Um, I'll be right back."

Blaze turned away from Pam and watched Kurt go in the direction of the basketball courts, both Cooper and Blaine glaring at him from where they stood. He swallowed hard and gave a sad smile to everyone present. Burt raised an eyebrow at him.

"It was nice meeting you, sir. My mom's in the car so I need to get going—"

"Amber is here?"

Blaze smiled at Clarissa's question as he nodded his head. He didn't think his mother would want to get out. He was lucky that she even came to watch his teammates Shane and Ian during competition today, knowing that Blaine and his family would be there. Honestly, she knew just how much Blaine disliked their family after the accident and Blaze didn't blame her for wanting not to get the boy upset. "She did come but—"

"I'm not letting you go until she comes over here and gets a bite to eat," Clarissa told him with a warm smile. "You either. Now let's go."

Kurt walked onto the court and Blaine stepped forward, coming to meet him halfway. He gave a shy smile that wasn't really returned as Blaine pulled him in by the waist.

"What's he doing here? Why were you—"

"Stop, Blaine." Kurt looked him in the eyes, holding both sides of his face. "Stop."

Blaine held his gaze for a few seconds and took a deep breath, glancing back over Kurt's shoulder to the boy who used to be his friend. He saw his mom speaking to him and Kurt grabbed his chin, drawing his attention back to him.

"Why'd you wait until I left to take your shirt off, exactly?"

Blaine wasn't really in the mood to joke around. His mood had plunged after seeing Blaze and he wasn't afraid to admit it. He let go of Kurt's waist and turned back to Cooper who was waiting patiently. After sharing a look with his brother and sighing, Blaine looked back at a hopeful Kurt. "I'm not dropping this, baby."

"I don't see the problem, honestly."

"I don't like him, Kurt."

"Why?" Kurt's voice was soft and almost pleading. He wasn't trying to start an argument, or criticize Blaine for his feelings on the matter; he simply wanted to hear him open up about this. Was that really so much to ask? "If you can tell me a legitimate reason why you dislike a boy who has, from what I understand, done nothing to you, I'll leave this alone."

Blaine didn't answer at first. He looked back over to the others; Burt had been watching him expectantly as David went back to helping Don, and Blaze looked as if he'd been trying to escape; only Clarissa looked as if she wasn't having it. He took another breath and shrugged.

"Maybe it's not that I don't like him, then. I just don't like seeing him around." Blaine stopped for a second and Kurt waited patiently, "Every time I look at him, I see what I lost."

Kurt took the words in and nodded as well, watching his boyfriend whose eyes were everywhere but on him. "Explain to me what you see."

Cooper jogged over, bouncing the basketball and trying to read the situation. He noticed his mother and Blaze going towards what he assumed was the teen's car and wondered what exactly was going on. It'd been a while since he'd seen Blaze; since the teen buried his father to be exact. Him showing up kind of threw Cooper for a loop.

"I see…" Blaine licked his lips and thought, "I see us the night we got the news. I see the look on his face and the fear I felt, and I'm just reminded of everything we faced. I don't want to go back there."

Cooper stood at his side as Kurt nodded, looking at Blaine. "You remember all the pain the two of you felt. You remember how scared the both of you were that night."

Blaine looked at Cooper who was showing little to no expression before responding to his boyfriend. He put his hands in his pockets and spoke, "Seeing him is a constant reminder, and I definitely don't want to watch you cozying up to him, Kurt. That's like seeing the person who saved you from something get tangled up in that very darkness, and I'd prefer that not to happen."

"I don't think I saved you Blaine if you can't look him in the face."

Blaine looked at Kurt and his brother cleared his throat, turning away and taking a shot at the basketball hoop they were close to. Kurt watched him before stepping closer to Blaine. "I'm going to give you my opinion, and you don't have to accept it, but this is how I feel on the matter. Are you interested in hearing how I feel?"

Blaine nodded.

"I think," Kurt began, "that you're pushing him away because you're still not ready to deal with this. He was your friend for a while before everything that happened with your dad and Ari, and he knows just what you faced. All this time you could've been helping each other through, it Blaine. Call me crazy, but it sounds like he could be another rock—"

"You're out of your mind," Blaine interrupted, staring Kurt deep into true blue eyes, "I already told you who my rock is and that's you—"

"My point is, you're being completely unfair and unreasonable and I don't like that." Kurt folded his arms and stared Blaine in the eyes. If he had to get bitchy on the topic he was prepared to do so. He really did love Blaine, and he wanted him to be a grown up concerning this. This was their lives.

Blaine shrugged however, not really agreeing. "What's unfair is that I lost two people who meant the world to me—a guy who I know would've loved you as much as I do. Our family would still be alive if—"

"His father hadn't made a mistake."

Blaine's lips were still parted to speak, but after Kurt's words he closed them. The blue eyed teen took his boyfriend's hand and smiled reassuringly, trying to get through that he wasn't attacking him, or judging him for feeling what he felt, but just trying to help him through it. "His dad made a mistake, Blaine. Both of your fathers worked long hours and were rushing to get to you. You can't say that it wouldn't have happened if your dad was driving either baby." Blaine simply looked at him, his tense stance relaxing a bit when Kurt touched him, "I told you that I loved you, right?" Kurt asked next, receiving a sure nod from Blaine and continuing, "I love you, Blaine. And I'm not letting you go on years from now holding onto grudges over something neither you nor the next guy could help. And I'd hate to pull this card, but I just want you to think about how your father would feel if he saw how everything was playing out."

Cooper listened in on the two, bouncing the ball as he walked back over to where they stood. He saw Blaine's face change a bit and the boy sort of nod, looking away as his hands worked their way deeper into his pockets. He watched Burt and Blaze's mom making small talk and Pam walking over to join in.

"You can be mad at me, Mr. Anderson," Kurt said with a soft smile, "but you said I can share my opinion and I did."

"I'm not mad," Blaine told him, pulling the teen closer by the waist. Kurt wrapped his arms around the boy's neck and smiled.

"Good. I'm not saying you aren't allowed to hurt, Blaine. I'd never say that. I just want you to feel better."

"He's right, and you know how to pick 'em." Cooper added, pulling Blaine in for a hug once Kurt let go. He kissed his temple and smiled when Blaine leant into him, a little caught off guard by the reciprocation but in no way turning him away. Never again. Kurt watched with a proud smile as the brothers hugged and Cooper playfully put his brother in a headlock, not letting him go, "Honestly, Blaine. I haven't been the best role model and I've never left good examples," he let Blaine go and the teen looked up at him, "and dad would expect so much more. Let's… let's do better. Ok?"

Blaine smiled, shoving Cooper away when he tried to kiss him again. He looked over to Blaze again and saw the teen talking to Burt and his mom, sighing as he accepted it. He'd definitely try. That's the most he could say for right now. "Can we finish playing? I want that car…"

Cooper smirked; about to reply when Don's loud voice rang out. "The food is ready! C'mon, guys!"

The speed at which Jeff and Mikey ran past Kurt almost made him fall over. He could only shake his head.

"You were going to get the car either way," Cooper said obviously, rolling the ball over to their things. "Which one do you want?"

Blaine smiled widely as he thought about it. If he had his own car he could go to his spot in LA with Kurt much more.


Cooper smiled at Kurt as Blaine looked to his boyfriend. After a smirk at the adorable confused face Kurt gave, Blaine looked back to his brother.

"Let me and Kurt discuss it and I'll get back to you."

Kurt was very confused as Blaine smiled at Cooper who said "Cool" all before heading over to the others. Blaine however grabbed his boyfriend's hand again and led him over to the benches. As everyone attacked Don for food, Blaine pulled Kurt into his lap.

"Aren't you hungry?" Kurt asked, laughing when Blaine buried his face in his chest. "We should probably get over there before the blondes clean house… and you can tell me about this car, too."

Blaine kissed Kurt's chest over the shirt he was wearing and came back up. "Apparently mom is buying me a car for my birthday, but you can't let it slip that we know that. CJ and I have been doing this for years."

"Spoiling each other's gifts?" Kurt asked with an amused grin. Blaine nodded as he pulled Kurt closer.

"Pretty much, yeah." he smiled at Kurt's chuckle, "We liked to think of it as helping each other. This way, if it's something we don't want, we'll make sure it doesn't happen."

Kurt nodded as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulder. "So you're perfectly fine with a car, I'm guessing."

"Of course," he answered obviously, accepting the soft kiss Kurt gave him. "The question is, what car are we getting?"

"Guys, come eat!" Clarissa yelled out. Blaine poked his head out and nodded to his mom.

"Just a minute!"

Kurt saw Blaze's mother and Cooper hug; the woman looking as if she'd start crying. He smiled before facing Blaine again who was looking as well. "What do you mean are 'we' getting?"

Blaine smiled; his hands playing at Kurt's waist line. "I mean what car should we get? What's mine is yours and you know you'll have a set of keys. Beach house. Car. Everything."

Kurt couldn't believe what he was hearing, and Blaine honestly didn't get why he was so shocked. He should know him by now. "You should answer before my birthday comes."

"Um…" Kurt smiled, shrugging a bit and ignoring Blaine when he laughed, "I don't know. Just get whatever car you like, sweetie. I'm sure you've had something in mind."

Blaine smiled. "We'll decide on something tonight. I… should let you know though…"

"What's wrong?" Kurt asked, and before he could get too concerned Blaine kissed him sweetly. They smiled, pulling away and the elder spoke.

"About everything I was telling you earlier… If the meetings go well and I get these endorsements, I'll be promoting and traveling for a few weeks. I may not be back until my birthday or a bit before, but I'll definitely come back for my birthday…"

Kurt leant forward until their foreheads touched. He nodded and looked into deep hazel eyes. "So will you be gone constantly for the next few weeks or can I see you again?"

Blaine kissed him and Kurt sighed into it. "It depends if Adidas and Colony want to pick me up as a rep. If not then I'll be here."

Kurt nodded. "That's amazing, baby. It's amazing for your future."

Blaine knew that was true. His uncle told him he didn't have to do anything he didn't want, but the opportunity would be stupid to turn down. And he knew if he did, they'd go to the second hottest guy around which was Shane, and that'd be like handing away a huge blessing. "I know baby. I just wish I could bring you with us but I know that's not ideal."

Kurt smiled at the thought of traveling the country with Blaine, but knew the time off would be good. They'd spent every minute together pretty much since they'd met and absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? "It'll be hard, but you'll text me right?"

Blaine nodded with no hesitation. "And we'll video chat, and I'll call you every day when I wake up. You'll probably be asleep but at least you can wake up to a message, I guess. Maybe I'll sing or something," he told him sincerely. Kurt smiled as he kissed his cheek, "Ignore the fact that I'm putting up a wall. Once I'm on the plane back east I'll probably be in tears missing you."

Kurt laughed a little and hugged him tightly. "Hopefully they keep you busy so you don't have too much time to sulk like I'm sure I'll be doing."

Blaine frowned. "The guys will keep you company. And Mikey."

Kurt smiled and nodded. Nick and Naomi sat a few feet away from them, their plates and drinks beside them, and Kurt dug into his pocket for something that Blaine couldn't exactly see.

"You'll think I'm a loser but I bought you something when I went to the store."

Blaine wondered if it was condoms but was proven wrong when he saw a candy wrapper. "You didn't have to get me anything babe."

"Stop being so humble," Kurt kissed him as he showed the boy what it was. "I used to love these when I was little and I haven't had one in years. I just had to buy you one."

Blaine smiled when he noticed it was a candy ring pop, "Aww. Is that purple?"

Kurt giggled and opened the package, "Yes, it is grape."

"Well, no need for a speech, beautiful. Yes, I'll marry you."

Naomi laughed at the adorableness and Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'd buy you a much better ring, don't be crazy."

Blaine bit his lip into a smile. "Would you, now?"

"Anyway," Kurt blushed and held the ring pop up, "I know this is corny and the ring I'm wearing is so much better," he winked and Blaine blushed, "but I just remembered always having one when I was little and thought I'd share the little nostalgia with you. And I know you'll ask if I got Mikey one and no, only you."

Blaine laughed and accepted it. "Thank you, beautiful. I love it and I'm gonna make all the bitches jealous with this bling."

Kurt rolled his eyes and stood up, ignoring Naomi's laugh. "I'm going to get us something to eat, love. Hot dog?"

"And cheeseburger. And ribs."

Kurt shook his head and walked away. "I'll be back fat ass."

Blaine smiled, putting the purple candy ring on and flashing it for Nick's girlfriend to see. "It's pretty, yeah?"

She smiled and turned to Nick who had no clue what was going on. His interest in the corn on the cob he was currently destroying was probably the reason. "Why don't you ever buy me a ring pop?"

Nick realized he was being addresses and swallowed, putting the plate down beside him. "I had a bad experience with those things when I was little," he looked over and saw Blaine wearing one proudly, raising an eyebrow. "Where'd you get that?"

"Kurt," Blaine raised his eyebrow as well at Nick's strange reaction. "Why are you looking at me like that?" he questioned monotonously.

"Because, we had our first real fight over those things. Remember?"

Blaine gave him another look before glancing over to where everyone else was. He couldn't remember anything like that. "No?"

Nick shook his head. "Dude, you came back from your trip no NY and Ohio after we'd first met, and my mom let me stay the night at your house. You had a ring pop that you said the love of your life gave you and I really wanted to eat it but you wouldn't let me. Then, when you went to get in the bubble bath I couldn't help myself. You told me I ruined everything."

Naomi started laughing at the story and looked up at Blaine, coke can to her lips. "I'm sorry… what?"

Blaine looked down at the ring and then it hit him.

Holy. Shit.


"You're really beautiful. I think you're perfect."

Kurt blushed, looking down at his folded hands on his lap. Blaine glanced around, noticing that his dad was still talking to Kurt's mommy, and Cooper was messing at the strings on his guitar. "Thank you," Kurt told him.

"Can I hold you?"

Kurt looked around too before sliding closer into Blaine's side. He took the hand that wore a Power Rangers watch and held it in both of his, not moving his eyes from the sight.

Blaine smiled happily and put his arm around him. It felt perfect. "Can you come back to California with me?"

Kurt shyly looked up at Blaine and smiled, making his friend smile back. "I don't think I can but I want to."

"I hope you can someday."

Kurt nodded, looking down to the ground. He really hated heights but Blaine promised he wouldn't let him fall of the monkey bars.

"Do you want to ride my bike?" Blaine asked, hoping to get Kurt to smile at him again. It worked, and he sighed at the sight.



The memories flooded back all at once. Blaine stared at Kurt with a blank face as they all came to him.

Nick and Naomi shared another look before he tried again. "Blaine! Dude—"

"I'll be right back."

Nick watched his best friend stand up, ring on hand, and jog over to the others by the wooden tables. "Okay?"

What the fuck.

Blaine couldn't fucking believe it.

How did he forget?

That had to be Kurt he met when he was little. It had to be. Those eyes… he remembered the smile and the shy little laugh. And the way he had to fucking beg him to get on the monkey bars with him because the swings were stupid. He remembered hearing him hum, and the exact moment he fell in love when Kurt said "hi" back. He remembered it perfectly, and that had to be his baby.

Burt tapped Clarissa when she saw him running over. She grinned, crossing her arms and watching.

"Yes, he wants a cheeseburger, hot dog, and ribs Don. I'm not sure why you're shocked."

Don shook his head as he put a burger onto the bun for his nephew. "Kurt, I don't know either. Have fun keeping food in beach house."

Kurt laughed, about to respond when Blaine ran up behind him. The two turned to look at him and Don knew by the look on Blaine's face that he knew. He smirked, looking at his wife with Burt and Clarissa and listening for this revelation.

"What's wrong—"

"Tell me more about little douche—the boy," Blaine looked Kurt in the eyes, trying to hide his smile, "What else do you remember?"

Kurt's eyebrow rose as he gave his boyfriend a bemused look. "Honestly, babe?"

"Please," Blaine licked his lips and stepped closer, "just tell me if you remember anything else?"

Kurt thought for a moment and couldn't really get anything. "Besides the non-swinging? Well I know we hugged…"

Blaine tried to hide his smile. The hug was incredible. "How'd you meet him? I know you said it was at the park but how'd you two start talking?"

Kurt found the behavior strange but racked his mind. Jeff came over for thirds and listened in. "Well I know I was with my mom… I think she was taking me to see Sound of Music," Cooper smirked at Burt who watched with a smile, "and we were taking a shortcut through the park."

Blaine nodded, urging him to continue.

"We heard music playing and…" he trailed off and looked Blaine in the eye, "and it was the Beatles song she sang to me. We found that it was a little boy and after a while, he noticed me. The rest is history, I guess."

Blaine smiled. "What's history? Did he sing to you at all or what?"

Kurt smirked. "He asked my mom if we could play and I told him I wanted to go to the swings which he agreed to at first. But it was crowded and he said he didn't like them anyway, so we should try the monkey bars."

Blaine nodded. "And you went?"

"I went… I told him I was scared," Kurt recalled, "and that I didn't want to fall... which was when he said—"

"I won't let you fall because you're too precious to me."

Kurt froze, nodding his head after a minute and gulping as he did so. "Exactly. And …"

Jeff smiled as he caught on.

"And what?" Blaine asked.

"And he took my hand and helped me up to the third bar. We sat there and he asked if he could hold me… I was so worried my dad would show up but I said yes anyway," Burt laughed in the background and Kurt shrugged, "and then he put an arm around me. Told me I was perfect. It was amazing."

Nick and Naomi walked up and caught Blaine speaking.

"What happened when you hugged?"

Kurt sighed, thinking this was ridiculous. "Baby…"

"What happened?"

"We hugged. He picked me up a little bit and his dad laughed. He told me something… he said… I can't remember. I'm sorry."

Blaine smiled. "I'm never letting you go."

Kurt's eyes went wide. His heart just about stopped. He almost dropped the plate, but thankfully Jeff's ninja like reflexes caught it. He stared at Blaine. He stared at him for a long time. Nick bit his lip, trying to hold back the laugh as Blaine nodded at his boyfriend.

"I told you I'd never let you go. You told me you'd never say goodbye to me. And then—"

"I let you have my ring pop."

Cooper looked at his mom and shook his head.

"You let me have your ring pop. Told me to wear it forever."

"Oh my god."

"Whoa, whoa," Naomi couldn't believe her ears, "you two met before?"

"YOU TWO MET?" David repeated, knocking his canned soda over and standing up. "Just when I thought I couldn't ship you any harder!"

Kurt's eyes watered as he looked at Blaine; the elder smiling at him as he processed it himself. "Blaine…. Oh my—"

They hugged so tightly Burt thought they'd fuse into one person.

Kurt squeezed Blaine tightly as his boyfriend lifted him into the air, the two laughing in disbelief at what they'd just discussed. Clarissa grinned when she saw the ring pop on Blaine's finger and wondered if that was what triggered it.

"I fell in love with you twice," Blaine whispered with a laugh. "You're so freaking charming I fell in love with you twice."

Kurt giggled as Blaine put him back down, teary eyed even though he tried not to do this. "I think I'm going to need some time for this to sink in."

Blaine laughed, nodding his understanding, "Yeah."

"Also, you called yourself a douche."

Cooper and Nick snorted. "Well, he's smarter than I thought."

"Shut your trap," Blaine rolled his eyes and Burt shook his head, stepping forward with a smile.

"So you two need to eat something and think about how you met Cooper Sr. and Elizabeth at some point in your lives, huh?"

Blaine smiled, remembering the compliments Kurt's mother gave him. "Wow."

Kurt looked at his dad and the others suspiciously. "Wait. You guys knew!"

Clarissa gestured to her eldest son. "Someone remembered Blaine falling for a certain little boy when he had just turned 7, after knowing him for maybe 10 minutes. We brought you guys to the park to see if it'd spark any memories and…"

Blaine and Kurt laughed, still trying to grasp it. "Well. Wow," Kurt said.

Blaine nodded his head in amazement. "Wow is right. Let's get something to eat, beautiful."


It'd only been five days since Blaine left. Kurt pretended to be strong over Skype and on phone calls, but even pretending was hard.

He really missed him.

He missed his stupid smile. He missed his cheekiness. His arrogance, the smell of his cologne (that, lucky for Kurt, got all over the stuffed Mickey Mouse toy Kurt won Blaine at the fair in New York— the same Mickey Mouse toy that was currently in Kurt's bed. Blaine wouldn't have to know). He missed the way his eyes seemingly changed shades with his thoughts, and the way he'd swear he'd cut his hair the next day but when Kurt got the scissors he'd change his mind. He missed watching him play guitar, and his annoying need to pick him up off the ground when they hugged. Annoying was code for perfect in this scenario. The list went on. Kurt missed him like crazy.

Kurt listened to Justin rambling as he thought about it. The surfer lay down on his couch… wait for it… shirtless, with a sleeping Mikey on his chest. He'd been falling asleep too for the most part until his phone would chime and wake him up, and then he'd talk some more. Kurt smiled at him before his thoughts took over once again. He thought back to the sleepover they had last Saturday at the beach house and how amazing it really was; just all of the guys and girls, movie watching and talking, sharing dreams and being silly. They all got the chance to enjoy each other's company and it felt great.

There was something else that Kurt couldn't take his mind off of pretty much all week long. Ever since Blaine left, to be honest.

They'd almost done it. Kurt and Blaine almost took the final step.

And god, had they wanted to.

It wasn't exactly planned. In fact, it was as spontaneous as ever, which made sense being that their relationship had been nothing but spontaneity and surprise after surprise. Kurt hadn't snuck upstairs with Blaine after everyone had fell asleep at their beach house let's all camp out in the living room sleepover to do what almost happened, if that's what you're thinking. Initially, they'd just gone up there to spend a little time alone. Sunday, Kurt would have to go to work and Blaine and the others would be doing promotional work for the day. And then Monday would be Blaine's flight. They just wanted to be alone.

Neither expected a little time alone to turn into what it became. Kurt could vividly remember the way Blaine's tongue tasted inside his mouth, and the weight of his boyfriend between his legs; the way his nails dug into the muscles of Blaine's back as he gasped for air, and every sexy word Blaine moaned into his ear as he reached for a condom.

But they couldn't do it.

It was fortunate that they didn't, to be honest. Blaine admitted during a phone call that he wouldn't have been able to go through with it and then leave for almost three weeks. He needed their first time together to be special; to be as beautiful as Kurt was to him, and he wanted to make sure that Kurt experienced that. Blaine's first time wasn't special at all, and there was no way Kurt would have to say the same thing.

"Trust me… I wanted you so bad baby. I just couldn't go through with it knowing my brother and all of our friends were downstairs, and that I'd have to get up in a few hours and leave. I want us to be alone when we make love, and I want to be able to hold you all night. I… I love you so much, and as long as I can help it baby you're getting the best of what I have to offer."

Kurt smiled as he recalled the conversation. Blaine was unreal, and he was lucky to have him. And he could definitely agree with everything Blaine said. Just like he told his boyfriend, he'd wait as long as he had to.

And now, it was almost 6 in the evening on a rainy Friday night. Both Justin and Mikey had successfully fallen asleep, cuddled on his couch. Burt had called to say he'd be in soon and would be going straight to bed, and Kurt knew that meant when Jeff came over he was not to bother him. In Jeff's mind, he and Burt were the best of friends and he usually missed hints on when the man wanted to be left alone. Kurt sighed as he sat back, thinking about how much he missed his boyfriend. It was probably pathetic, and he often judged his friends when they went all lovesick puppy after being away from their significant others for three minutes (Rachel) but now, he couldn't judge. It hadn't been that long that he and Blaine had been dating, but he still understood. All in all, despite how lonely he felt without the teen around, he couldn't be anything but proud of him for his accomplishments in so little time.

The week had gone slow. Work on Sunday was as long as Kurt expected it to be. He had minimal repairs and ended up on the floor, helping people who needed it and running his mouth with Jenna. Farrah didn't say anything to him all day. She hadn't said much since she told Don about him and Blaine being in the back and Kurt assumed it was because he hadn't gotten fired. Hopefully that meant she gave up. Maybe, maybe not.

That night was a drag. Burt slept. Mikey slept. Everyone in Ohio was too busy. The guys were at their media thing in LA and Kurt was bored. He ended up drawing and thankfully he liked the outcome of this outfit.

By the time the guys returned, it was pretty late. Blaine had a 5am flight to New York with Don on Monday. It didn't stop him from sneaking over to Kurt's when his dad was asleep just for a few more minutes of talking and being close. It didn't stop uncle Don from hitting him upside the head when they almost missed their flight either. But Blaine didn't mind. They got in a few more I love yous and an I'm never letting you go before he had to leave.

The days went by and they did as promised, Skype chatting and sending each other video diaries, texting non-stop and calling whenever they had the chance. Kurt had a few videos of Blaine at different landmarks in the cities he stopped at with Don, and of course his boyfriend promised to bring him to everyone. It was almost like he was experiencing the tour right along with Blaine, and it was amazing.

At the moment, Kurt was smiling at a text from a rather successful Blaine who landed both endorsements, not that it was a shock, really. The fact was that Blaine had been hot for the past two years, and he was definitely making a name for himself outside of the 'Kinsella' brand. Companies wanted to get their hands on him for a while now, only the teen wasn't ready. Pam explained to Kurt one night that her nephew wouldn't have been able to deal with any media interference along with everything else he was going through at the time, and Kurt totally understood, glad that his family wasn't the type to throw him to the wolves for a little bit of money.

Blaze and his mom came to dinner that night as well. Burt dressed handsomely and pulled out Amber's seat for her.

Neither Blaze nor Kurt missed it, smirking at each other after they caught on.

The point was that Blaine was ready and he was mature enough to make it. Clarissa thanked Kurt for that, but Kurt couldn't take credit. Blaine had done a lot of growing on his own. And of course it didn't hurt that he'd signed a couple contracts worth a lot of freaking money. Blaine was elated.

Money or not, Kurt still missed him terribly. It'd help if time wasn't passing so freaking slowly on top of everything else. The only thing to do was cherish the time they got to talk and wait it out.

Patience was harder than Kurt wanted to admit.

From Blaine:

So do we agree on the Lexus IS F? I'll get the windows tinted ;)

And as it turned out, even horny!Blaine messages like these made him the happiest guy around. Hearing from Blaine made Kurt happy. But when one was busy and the boys couldn't talk to another, Kurt could honestly say he felt a little bit empty. Cliché or not.

Only 12 more days.

"Oh," Justin cradled Mikey on top of him and opened his eyes, "I fell asleep again?"

Kurt smirked, sitting back in his dad's recliner and nodding his obviously. "Unless you were looking at a pretty picture on the back of your eyelids, you were asleep, Jus."

To Blaine:

That car is expensive, babe. Are you sure your mom will be on board with it? We can always get something else. I mean it's your first car after all…

From Blaine:

Says the guy whose first vehicle was a brand new Navigator?

Justin stretched; careful not to wake up the sleeping toddler on his chest, and eased up the sofa a little. As he reached for the remote, he glanced over at Kurt. "How're you holding up?"

To Blaine:

And my brand new Navigator wasn't over 60,000 dollars, smart ass. :P

"You already know my answer so I won't bore you with it. It's getting easier though," Kurt smiled at him and looked at the show Justin turned to, taking interest in Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and shaking his head when he realized that's what it was.

"You're not boring me if you need to talk, bro," Justin pushed some of Mikey's curls out of his face. "Lord knows that boyfriend of yours has been letting the world know."

Kurt smiled.

From Blaine:

What was it? Like $59,000? :P Not much of a difference, hypocrite.

And I can buy it myself if she doesn't agree, but it shouldn't be a problem. Cooper gave me the price range and the Lexus fits that price range. Stop trying to make us get a Corolla or something. I'm Blaine Anderson and you're my future husband and we're not driving a Corolla.

"You're being dramatic."

Justin rolled his eyes. "I have the messages. Nick has the messages. Jeff has the messages. David has the messages. Naomi has—"

"I got it," Kurt giggled, folding his legs in the chair. "This is just harder that I imagined, and I imagined it'd be hard."

Justin nodded.

To Blaine:

I'm not trying to make you drive a Corolla, silly. I'm saying that's a lot of money to spend on a first car. And excuse me Mr. "I can buy it myself".

From Blaine:

Don't worry about the money. Just texted Cooper and he said they'll be going to get it next weekend. We have a Lexus ;)

What are you doing? I'm about to go on sports radio number 2 in about five minutes. Some college baseball player is in there interviewing now.

Justin looked down at his phone and began to type out a reply. "Jeff and his bro are coming over in about 10."

Kurt began to reply to Blaine as he smirked. "I don't have enough food here to feed them, Mikey, and you. Tell them to bring something.

To Blaine:

I wish I was in Boston so I could listen. I know it's just biking stuff but still. :) I'm so proud of you. Don't curse on-air and don't do anything to embarrass your uncle.

Justin yawned and Mikey started to shift on top of him. "Pizza, Wendy's, or Chinese takeout?"

Kurt grimaced at all of those. "All you guys eat is pizza. I wouldn't mind a Frosty, though."

Mikey picked his head up and rubbed at his eyes, asking what toy was in a kid's meal. Impeccable timing, really.

From Blaine:

Thanks baby. I'll check and see if they put interviews up online or something. And I'll be good, I promise. Love you, and we're Skyping when I'm back at the hotel. You, me, and my guitar :)

"I think that they have Marvel superheroes now, but I'm not sure. Want a kid's meal?"

"Yes please," Mikey sat up now and rolled off of Justin, "I have to use the bathroom Kurtie."

Kurt nodded, grabbing the boy and kissing him as he went by. Mikey laughed when he was put back down and ran towards the restroom. Justin sat up, smiling at the two of them.

"He misses his dad and Blaine, I know."

Kurt sighed. "He misses them a lot, but he's putting on a strong face for Pam. Can't wait to see his face when they get back."

Justin smiled. "Me too." He tossed his phone aside and looked at the ceiling. "What are we doing Sunday? I'm not taking you to that new party Ian was telling us about without Blaine so all those fucking predators can pounce on you, so you, me, and Teresa will have to find something else."

Kurt scoffed. "I'm not being a third wheel for you guys, that's for sure. I told my dad I'd help out at his Long Beach shop on Sunday and then afterwards I'm working on Blaine's new bike. Haven't finished yet."

To Blaine:

I love you more and I can't wait to see you :) Break a leg!

From Blaine:

I love you most.

Kurt smiled, letting him win for now.

"I just want you to know that since you're spoiling the hell out of him, he's going to be twice as bad during your birthday… which is what, a month afterward?"

Kurt laughed. "Oh well. I just want to make it memorable. I want him to smile."

Mikey ran back in, drying his hands on his Iron Man shirt and hopping onto Kurt's lap. The blue eyed teen pulled him close as Justin resumed.

"That's why you two are perfect for each other and that's why David's been planning your wedding since Tuesday."

Kurt rolled his eyes but couldn't hold back the smile. His friends were nuts.


From Santana:

So you're in Ohio with your uncle now? Where's Kurt?

Blaine yawned as he read the message, pulling his laptop out of his bag. He sat on the hotel bed and stretched, wondering if he should just go to sleep. His interview with the sports shows in Columbus had gone well, and he still had a commercial to film for Adidas in the morning. That meant another flight within the next 24 hours. Blaine was exhausted.

Three more days.

To Santana:

I'm in Columbus. Kurt's back home in LB and I've been travelling and promoting BMX and just trying to make a name for myself.

From Santana:

How can you come back to Ohio and not bring, Kurt? If you can, drive down to Lima. We're all at the mall. Chandler is here. I'm sure he misses you, twerp.

Oh, and Quinn's boyfriend posted on Facebook that you'd be on Adidas commercials. I'm sure Chandler would love to see that too.

Blaine smirked. Charlie was the last of his thoughts right now. He was definitely old news.

And there was no way he was taking Don's rental car and driving miles and miles just to go anywhere Chunky Monkey was.

To Santana:

I was thinking about bringing Kurt back before school starts in August. We'll see. I just really need to pay a few people a visit.

Don't call Jus Quinn's boyfriend. He has a girlfriend now and she probably wouldn't like that.

"Ok, sport," Don walked in as Blaine plugged up his laptop, and the teen was happy he wasn't in the middle of a particularly interesting Skype chat with his boyfriend. "Next stop is New York for ESPN radio, we'll do the filming, then we head out to Northern Cali to do a bit of promotion with Colony Bikes, and we should be back in Long Beach a few hours before your birthday."

Blaine looked up and smiled, flopping down on the bed. "And then a few days later, I'll have Semifinals and Finals. I'm exhausted, unc."

Don laughed, walking further into the hotel room. "Well, I did warn you. But you're doing great and I'm proud."

Blaine smiled, nodding his head. It felt good to feel like he was doing something right. "I'm proud too. I'm going to get some sleep, though."

Donald patted his nephew on the back, that proud smile on his face. "Sleep well, kid." Blaine nodded and told him to do the same, and the elder walked towards the door, digging his ringing phone out of his pocket, "No sneaking out to see Kurt's Ohio friends."

Blaine laughed, grabbing his phone as well. "I won't."

From Santana:

Don't do anything stupid. We'd love to see Kurt, but if you're coming here for revenge after becoming a spokesman for an international company, then you best stay your ass in California, Frodo.

Honestly thought Quinn and Ken were together. My bad.

Blaine read the message a few times before shrugging. It kind of sucked that he couldn't do anything stupid anymore, but he kind of liked his bank account at the moment. He said goodbye to Santana and opened up his laptop, wasting no time reaching for his guitar and opening up his video program to record himself. Kurt was still at work right now, and the guy Don left in charge was a dick, so they didn't talk much when he was on his shift. Blaine had to acknowledge that he'd be passed out by the time Kurt got off. The time zones sucked and he was really freaking exhausted.

So, this would do.

The laptop screen was bright, and Blaine cleared his throat as he put the guitar strap over himself, pressing record and smiling at the camera.

"Hey, babe. I miss you like crazy. Ohio isn't all you cracked it up to be," he laughed a little, imagining Kurt's reaction before resuming, "and it doesn't help that I'm exhausted. But, I promised you a mash-up a day for the remainder of the trip and I won't let you down. I thought this up when I was on the plane earlier. It's gonna be a short one, but I hope you enjoy."

Clearing his throat again, Blaine looked down at his guitar and began to strum. He thought of Kurt and smiled. Three more days.

Your lips, your lips, I could kiss them all day if you let me
Your laugh, your laugh, you hate but I think it's so sexy
You're so beautiful
I swear I'll tell you everyday

Blaine shyly looked up at the camera, blushing as he sang. He didn't know why, but the thought of forever with Kurt made his cheeks stain red and his heart speed up a bit. There was so much to discuss regarding their future, but he knew he wanted Kurt either way.

Oh, you know, you know, you know I'd never ask you to change
If perfect's what you're searching for, then just stay the same
So don't even bother asking if you look okay
You know I'll say

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are

He continued to play, trying to keep his voice as soft as he could with his uncle's room next to him. With a smile, he started the next part.

And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause boy, you're amazing
Just the way you are

The way you are
The way you are
Boy, you're amazing
Just the way you are

Blaine nodded his head to the beat, watching his fingers strum along the instrument. With closed eyes, and resumed.

Let's go all the way tonight
No regrets, just love
We can dance until we die
You and I, we'll be young forever

'Cause You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream
The way you turn me on, I can't sleep
Let's runaway and don't ever look back
Don't ever look back

My heart stops when you look at me
Just one touch, now baby I believe
This is real, so take a chance
And don't ever look back, don't ever look back

Blaine licked his lips, looking at the camera and smiling at the lyrics.

I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight
Let you put your hands on me in my skin-tight jeans
Be your teenage dream tonight

When I see your face
There's not a thing that I would change
'Cause you're amazing
Just the way you are

He put all that he had into the last part, meaning every last word.

And when you smile
The whole world stops and stares for a while
'Cause boy, you're amazing
Just the way you are

With a grin that he couldn't quite hold back, and a kiss from his fingertips towards the screen, he took off the guitar and pulled the laptop close to him.

"I hope that made you smile, Hummel. I'll see you in a few days. Love you, babe." He smiled again, made another kissy face, laughed at his own silliness, and finally stopped the recording. After sending it to his boyfriend's email, he lazily went to shower and turned in for the evening. The next text he got made his sleep that much sweeter.

From Kurt:

So, Mr. BMX. I watched your mash-up during my lunch break. There were tears baby and the waitress at Layla's and Fez didn't know what to do. I just thought that you should know I am so in love with you, Blaine Anderson, and you are getting cuddles, kisses, and whatever else you want when I see you again.

Sleep tight, honey. Xoxo

Blaine smiled and closed his eyes. "I love you too."


"I don't see the problem." Nick sat down on Kurt's bed and tried not to laugh at the pacing teen. "You got him a bunch of things he'll cherish. All of this was a lot of hard work and very expensive."

Kurt checked his watch as he shook his head. "You don't get it. What if he doesn't like this stuff? The gifts I bought Chandler when we were together he wasn't exactly crazy about. I thought I was an amazing gift giver but now I'm really anxious, and nervous, and—"

"Kurt," Nick scratched his stubbly jaw, "You made him a customized Lakers purple and gold bike from scratch," he said. "He is going to lose his shit. You got the matching jewelry which I'm sure he'll never take off. You fucking had the wood from his father's piano that was going to be destroyed in a few days made into a brand new guitar that I'm sure he'll cry all over, and let's not forget the songs you recorded just for him—"

"I went to Blaze's studio behind his back. What if he hates me? I know he said he'd try to do better but what if he just didn't want to argue—"

"Relax," Nick smiled, still trying not to laugh. "He told me he and Blaze talked over Facebook messenger and it was short but it was ok. Blaine trusts you, and he's really trying, I'm sure. So stop freaking out, please?"

Kurt stopped walking, his hands slapping against his legs. "My dad got him a puppy and his mother got him a car. They pretty much blew me out of the water."

"Your dad is hilarious," Nick smirked, "saying to name the puppy 'Tumbles'. I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard."

Kurt smirked. That was kind of funny.

"And I think it's cute he got you guys that being that you pretty much bonded over a dog's almost killing B. It's sweet of him." Nick folded his arms because of the cold temperature in Kurt's room, "His mother bought him a car. That's great. You aren't supposed to outdo that after dating for a month, are you?"

Kurt shrugged. "I want him to remember his 17th birthday because of something I did, too."

"And he will. And you're ridiculous." Nick stood up, putting his arm around Kurt's shoulder. "Let's go downstairs and wait for him. His and Donnie's flight land in, what…?"

Kurt opened the door, "About 20 minutes."

Nick smiled. "Perfect. So we'll go downstairs and wait, and I'm sure once he shows up he'll whisk in, ignore the rest of us, lock you guys in your room, and you'll be happy again."

Kurt laughed as they walked down the steps. "Shut up, Nick."

From Blaine:

We landed early. Waiting for baggage. I cannot fucking wait to see you.

Kurt moved 'Tumbles' over and sat on the sofa. The same sofa he told the Boxer puppy time after time not to sit on. As he read the message, he smiled because after how many ever days, he'd see his boyfriend again. Fireworks sounded outside, probably Jeff, Justin, and David's doing. It'd be the fourth of July in a few hours, aka Blaine's birthday, and they were getting celebrating their friend's return.

To Blaine:

I missed you more than I can begin to explain, honey. How much longer do I have to wait before I can kiss you?

Mikey ran in the house and Tumbles (Kurt couldn't wait until Blaine officially named him) excitedly ran up to him, barking and hoping to play. Kurt smiled and read the reply.

From Blaine:

Fifteen minutes the most. I'll make sure Aunt Pam drives like a madman. She understands my desperation.

To Blaine:

I want you to get here in one piece, you know.

"Come outside with us, Ohio," Jeff said with a wide, devious smile, "this firework we just shot off looks like a cock when it's in the sky."

Nick smiled and ran to the door and Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'll pass."

From Blaine:

I'll be there soon. And we're going to spend time together with everyone, and then tomorrow evening I'm driving us to LA. We'll go to the private spot on the beach to watch the fireworks, and we'll camp out up there for the night, and it'll be the best birthday I've ever had.

Mikey laughed as Tumbles licked his face and Kurt smiled. Better Mikey's face than his.

To Blaine:

I hope I can make it that special for you baby. And that sounds absolutely beautiful.

From Blaine:

*You're* absolutely beautiful. And while the car and whatever else I got is great, what I want the most is to make love to you, Kurt, if you'll let me have you.

Kurt read the message a few times to see if it was real. He nodded before realizing that wasn't suitable an answer in this case, nervously tying out an actual response.

Maybe he'd be able to make Blaine's birthday memorable for the both of them.

To Blaine:

You have me always, Blaine. Always.

From Blaine:

So tomorrow evening. We have a date.

Kurt bit his lip, trying to hold back the smile.

But he couldn't.

To Blaine:

We have a date, birthday boy.


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