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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: Preliminaries

E - Words: 24,559 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
348 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Forgot to post this here! :-x I own nothing mentioned, though. Hope you enjoy!

"Did you pick a song?"

Kurt shook his head no at his boyfriend's question. They were both in Blaine's new room the morning of his preliminaries competition; Blaine lying crossways on the bed with his hands connected beneath his head, Kurt lying long ways, resting his head on Blaine's chest.

"Not yet."

The alarm clock beside the bed read 7:48AM. To be up this early after working late the previous day, and then spending the rest of it with Nick, Jeff, Justin, David, and his very ridiculous boyfriend at the Skate Park and beach was something Kurt didn't think would be possible. But he usually got amazing sleep whenever he spent the night in Blaine's arms. Thank goodness he got to.

The day before was definitely a good one. Despite the overtime he put in at a place he half loved-half hated, Kurt smiled pretty much all shift. Jenna and Steve were in, and Farrah was off. That in and of itself meant it would be a glorious day. Both his coworkers demanded to know just how he and Blaine happened, and Kurt explained with a smile on his face. It felt good to have more people in their corner.

Around 1, Blaine and Nick brought Kurt lunch to the shop because he decided to work through his break. It made more sense than staying an extra hour that evening while Blaine called him every 5 minutes asking if he was off yet. The best friends even hung out for a bit before returning to practice; Nick telling Kurt all about the arts program at school while trying to beat the boy's Bejeweled high score and Blaine watching Single Ladies on YouTube while spamming the comments with some more of his hashtags.

Work turned out to be a pretty decent 10 hours.

The evening was equally pleasant. He watched the boys get their last minute practice in, skated about five feet on his new gift from Jeff just to make him shut up and stop complaining, and got to enjoy Blaine being deliciously possessive on the beach—all because Jose waved as he walked by. Blaine's behavior was a little uncalled for because Jose was actually happy for them, but whenever the Dominican was brought up, all Blaine could remember was the first night he saw Kurt talking to him. That feeling was a feeling he didn't like experiencing.

When they got back to the neighborhood, it was just the couple's luck that Burt walked through the front door as they were coming from upstairs. Kurt was caught with an overnight bag in his hand and Blaine was caught with a guilty 'I was just staring at your son's ass' face. When asked by his father where he thought he was going, Kurt replied that he thought he could stay at the Kinsella's again. His response garnered a deep hearty laugh that echoed throughout the home, and all Kurt could do was sigh. However, after a bit of torture by making Blaine do 200 push-ups and 200 jumping jacks, they were allowed to leave together.

"The idea is to have you too exhausted to do anything inappropriate." Burt told his son and his boyfriend with a smile.

It did work. Blaine showered while Kurt Skype chatted with his friends, and when he came out with wild, damp hair and a pair of boxers, he collapsed onto the bed face first. Kurt laughed a little, kissing him on the lips and getting under the covers beside him. It wasn't long before both were comfortably asleep.

Around 3 in the morning, Kurt awoke in Blaine's arms. The elder softly hummed the tune to Love of the Loved; just like Elizabeth used to sing. Kurt smiled and moved closer to him, drifting back to sleep.

All in all, both Kurt and Blaine woke up relaxed and ready for the long day ahead. After the alarm clock rang, Kurt darted next door to get ready. His schedule consisted of a shower, skin-care regimen, selection of an outfit, and coiffing of the hair. He caught his dad leaving for the shop and made him promise not to eat anything he shouldn't ever be eating after the man's heart attack, and proceeded to head back to hang out with Blaine. The couple carried between kisses and light conversation for 20 minutes, and that brought them to where they were now: Wednesday morning, the day of the preliminaries competitions.

"Did you ever finish looking through the ones that your friend sent you?" Blaine asked curiously.

Kurt laughed a little as he thought of it. Rachel sent him an email with enough song choices to fill an iPod. It was nice to know she cared, though. "She sent me a lot, but I did get through it."

Blaine peeked down at Kurt resting on his body. "Not one of them stood out?"

Kurt nodded, staring at the muted television. "A couple did as a matter of fact. I think it's because they can be sung as a duet but I don't know."

Blaine let the words and the insinuating tone his boyfriend chose to use register. He smiled softly, looking back up at the ceiling. "Are you trying to hint something to me baby?"

"What would make you think that?" Kurt replied quickly with a small smile, making his boyfriend smile as well.

"I don't know," Blaine answered, "I wonder what would give me a crazy idea like that..."

Kurt laughed and Blaine couldn't help but smile a little harder. The younger teen adjusted his head, turning left and feeling even more serenity when his ear was placed above Blaine's heartbeat. It was part of why he slept so well, he figured. The rhythm lulled him into a place where he knew everything was okay. "I guess I would like it if you auditioned for Pace with me. That could be what I was hinting at." Blaine made a sarcastic face and it got him a poke in the underarm. Kurt smiled as his boyfriend flinched before continuing. "It won't be as fun as it can be with you there."

Blaine rolled his eyes at that. "School isn't supposed to be fun, baby. It's supposed to be incredibly boring with stupid people that make you question humanity at every given opportunity."

Kurt smiled, looking back to the television. "I had that experience back in Ohio. I want something different now, and I think I can have it here."

"I can't help but feel like there's something about Ohio you're not telling me." Blaine said thoughtfully. It was more of him thinking to himself out loud than anything else. Kurt just ignored him anyway. No need to share sob stories about being bullied.

"And let's not forget that Peter goes to your school. Do you really want to walk the halls in August and see him?"

Blaine shook his head in the negative. "Not at all."

Kurt sat up and rolled over to his stomach. As he leant on his elbows, he looked into Blaine's eyes, leaning down to give him a quick kiss. "Would you like to see me?"

Blaine smiled up at him as he adjusted his hands, moving them from behind his head and lying down flat. "I'd love to. You know that."

Kurt grinned, making an obvious face at his boyfriend. "So you should try and get in with me, don't you think?"

Blaine sighed dramatically and it made his boyfriend smile. "I don't like to sing around everyone. I mean the only people that have heard me sing besides my family are you and… you…"

Kurt smiled, lying down on Blaine's chest again. That was one of the most amazing things the boy ever admitted to him. "Justin did too. He says your voice is the soundtrack to his heart."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "Jus only heard me because he walked in while I was trying to put my sister and Mikey to sleep. And I don't even know how to respond to that."

"All I'm saying you have an amazing voice, Blaine." Kurt smiled at the new eye roll he received. He definitely was not the difficult one in this relationship. As he spoke, he used a hand to brush springy curls away from the elder's face, "And it's fine if you don't want to apply into the vocal program. You can enter orchestra. Aunt Pam told me the amount of instruments you play." The words were said in an all knowing, sing-song voice that Blaine had no choice but to smirk at. He looked away from the smug look on his boyfriend's face and back to the ceiling.

"That woman is something else."

Kurt smiled, sitting up again and moving closer up his boyfriend's body. It was easy to appreciate them being alone and just talking. When he was leaning over the elder's face again, another kiss was initiated. Blaine lay idle and hummed when Kurt's lips touched his. Every kiss; whether it was chaste like this one, or passionate like others; every kiss made him fall deeper and deeper.

Kurt finished the kiss with a couple quick ones, pulling back with a smile on his face. "Please honey?"

Blaine licked his lips and asked for another kiss. He was happy when his boyfriend smiled at the request, moving forward to grant his wish. He closed his eyes and relaxed, allowing Kurt to control the tempo. It was gentle but so beautiful, and capped off when Kurt's soft lips pecked the corner of his own. Blaine had never been big on kissing until now. He loved to kiss. A lot. When Kurt did pull away, Blaine took a breath and contributed the rest to the conversation.

"You have an incredible, unique voice. You're into theater and Broadway and performing," Kurt smiled at him and Blaine did the same when he saw it, "You deserve to get in, baby. I'd probably flunk out the first semester."

Kurt nodded, though he did roll his eyes and sit up. Blaine bit his lip as he watched the teen move up to the edge of the bed to sit. "I'm mad at you."

"No." Blaine said simply, sitting up as well.

"Yes." Kurt told him.

Blaine smiled, about to move closer when Uncle Don's voice rang throughout the house. "Blaine! Kurt! Let's get going boys."

Kurt stood up and stretched his limbs. He was wearing another one of those outfits that made Blaine want to eat him whole; a tight pair of purple denim shorts he bought Sunday at the mall with David—a pair that hugged the boy's hips in the best way possible, and a short sleeved crisp white button-up that he cuffed around the biceps. It was tucked into his shorts where a white belt was fastened around his waist, and Blaine smiled when he turned around to see him. "C'mon tiger."

He nodded. He'd get up eventually. "Are you mad at me?"

Kurt absently rubbed his hands over his thighs and smiled. "No, honey. I'm sad but I'm not mad."

Blaine quirked an eyebrow. He didn't like that either. "I think that's worse."

Kurt turned away, picking his cell phone up and Blaine's keys that had a cute little Mickey Mouse keychain on it. The cute one he used to own. He put both items along with his wallet into Blaine's backpack and looked to the teen that was clad in a hunter green and grey striped tank top and light grey fitted jeans. Blaine wore matching SB Dunks on his feet and opted against a cap today. "Let's go before your uncle beats down the door."

Blaine rolled his eyes at that, but stood up anyway. He grabbed the book bag and followed behind his boyfriend who opened the door and ventured into the hallway.

Mikey and Aunt Pam were downstairs when they got there. Shockingly, the little boy was all dressed and ready to go to school. His Iron Man lunch box was in his hand and his back pack was on his back. Kurt smiled and gave him a warm hug, wishing him a good day at day care, (whispering he loved him so a certain someone wouldn't get jealous, but Mikey pretty much shouted he loved him back at the top of his lungs and blew their cover) Blaine glared at Kurt before grabbing his little cousin in his arms, tossing him in the air, smiling at the good luck kiss he got on the cheek from him. Aunt Pam hugged both boys goodbye, wishing she could be in LA as well, but that wasn't possible. After getting an adorable kiss from her husband farewell, she and Mikey headed out on their way.

"Ok you two," Don stretched before pushing the glasses further up his nose, "get a bite to eat so we can get going. Traffic is going to be terrible with the competitions going on, and Los Angeles traffic is always terrible."

Kurt smiled and nodded. He was excited to see the city. "Ok." Turning to his boyfriend he smiled again, "Cereal?"

Blaine nodded and kissed him on the cheek. "Please, babe. I'm going to put this in the car."

Kurt said okay and headed towards the kitchen. Don watched his nephew exit the home and Kurt walk towards the back, pushing the kitchen door open. He shook his head and went into the living room. After seeing Blaine running around with bimbos and pretty much behaving like an idiot after the death of his brother-in-law and niece, this was a welcome change. Of course, he couldn't fault the kid for his choices. He was trying to find things that made him feel good—filling the void with whatever temporary place holder would work. As he sat on the couch he thought about it and sighed. Blaine had been crying out for help and someone heard him. That someone was a spirited young man he used to play Monopoly with when he lived in Ohio, babysitting him and singing along to every musical they watched, and while their relationship caught him off guard, and honestly scared him a little bit, he did like the way they complimented each other. Maybe it had been crazy with the time frame of which they knew one another and all, but the couple fit.

Nick was in front of the home when Blaine stepped outside, along with David, struggling to put all their bikes on the bike rack on back of Don's 2010 Chevy Tahoe. Justin stood watching—or supervising as he liked to call it, the dog tag on his chain between his lips. Blaine said what's up to them when he walked towards the 4x4.

"Coming to help?" David asked, hoisting his bike onto the rack behind Nick's bike. Blaine smirked and opened the rear passenger side door. He tossed his bag into the back row of seats where he planned to sit with Kurt and slammed the door shut. David got his answer when Blaine turned around and went back towards the house.

"Jerk." he said.

Blaine entered the home and playfully smacked his uncle upside the head as he walked past. The man threatened to make him walk to Los Angeles and Blaine smirked, rolling his eyes and entering the kitchen. His boyfriend was pouring milk into their bowls and he smiled at the cereal choice.

"Crunch Berries! Yes!"

Kurt looked up and smiled. "I could've cooked if you let us get up when we were supposed to," Blaine ignored him, kissing him chastely on the lips before taking his seat at the island.

"I'm not sorry baby."

Kurt returned the cap to the milk and went towards the fridge. "Me either." as he placed it inside, he grabbed a couple water bottles for the trip. Blaine took a bite and his boyfriend joined him shortly. "So… How excited are we?"

Blaine smiled at him after he finished chewing. "I always get this euphoric rush of adrenaline when I'm about to compete. I love it." Kurt loved the answer. He needed Blaine to have fun and take his mind off of the other things they were facing. "Of course," the biker continued, "competition season makes me miss my dad even more. He'd always take off to come and see Nick and I…" he smiled softly to reassure Kurt that he was okay and his boyfriend listened to him resume, "but now, I can look out into the stands and see you. That makes me feel really good."

Kurt smiled at the sincerity he saw whenever he spoke to Blaine. "Always." He said simply. The word still made Blaine feel a world better. "But you know he still watches you. He's proud."

Blaine nodded and looked down at his cereal. "I know."

Kurt took a bite a little after Blaine did and it was silent for a moment. He did clear his throat after a minute and ask the question on his mind. "You're probably going to get upset with me for asking, but I'll do it anyway." Blaine raised his eyebrow in and adorable way and Kurt licked his lips, "Do you think she'll be there?"

Blaine's eyes softened a bit. "My mom?"

Kurt nodded.

"I doubt it. Her job is really demanding and all, and the hours fluctuate. But to be honest," they caught eyes and Kurt waited patiently, "I don't want her around for a while. Not until I know I won't say something I'll regret. Today is supposed to be happy anyway."

Kurt didn't get a chance to respond before Uncle Don had entered the room, cell phone in hand. He sighed and took a seat on the stool to the far end of the kitchen's island, smiling tiredly at both boys.

"It's 8 in the morning and Justin has already lost his shirt."

Kurt smirked and Blaine rolled his eyes. That was yesterday's news. Don removed his glasses to run a hand down his face in exasperation, yawning and then placing them back on. "Did you see the roster yet Blaine?"

Blaine shook his head no as he crunched hard on his cereal. "I hear there are like a good forty people in my division. A bunch of no talent newbies." Kurt frowned at his words, but the boy's uncle was used to his nephew's ego.

"There are about forty," Don said, "and there's also a rumor that there has been some sort of gambling going on, so they're cracking down hard this year. I can't believe the way these kids play with the sport nowadays. No respect at all."

Blaine dropped his spoon but quickly picked it up, swallowing hard but looking down at his bowl. Kurt glanced over to him because of his behavior. "Did they say who?" Blaine asked nervously.

Don checked the time on his BlackBerry screen. "If they did, I'm unaware. I just caught a glimpse of the conversation yesterday. I hope they're found out though." The man looked over to Kurt and then his nephew, "The integrity of BMX and Skateboarding is what makes it enjoyable. At least that's what it was for me. Competitions weren't for profit, but because it was what we loved to do." He grabbed the newspaper his wife left behind and stood up, "But I guess I need to realize I'm not the one out there anymore," he smiled and gestured out the room. "You two hurry it up. I'm going to start up the car."

"Okay." Kurt said softly. Blaine nodded in addition.


When he left, Blaine returned his eyes to his bowl of cereal from where they were at the kitchen door. Kurt watched him closely, knowing that something was up. As soon as gambling was mentioned, Blaine's entire attitude changed. Blaine took a huge bite and chewed, pulling his phone out of his pocket and pretending to busy himself with whatever was on the screen until the tension dissolved. That wasn't going to happen anytime soon, unfortunately.


Blaine swallowed, steadily staring at the screen. "Yeah?"

Kurt watched him, neglecting the little bit of cereal he had left. All he did was look at him and eventually Blaine put the phone and his spoon down, and looked up at his boyfriend. Kurt gave him a look—just a look, and Blaine knew he better spill. He rested his elbow on the counter and rubbed through his curls. "It was Peter, baby. He was being… Peter, and talking shit, and—"

Kurt closed his eyes for a moment before cutting in. "Please say you didn't Blaine."

Blaine shook his head at himself when Kurt opened his eyes again. "I did."


"He was talking shit and there was a crowd of people!" Blaine exclaimed. He couldn't let that guy of all people make him look like a bitch. Especially not after everything he said. "Peter cannot beat me—"

"Blaine," Kurt scoffed in amazement and held his hands up in disbelief, "you can be disqualified for this! It would break your uncle's heart! And all of you worked incredibly hard—"

"I won't be disqualified," Blaine told him, reaching out to grab Kurt's hand. He didn't want to see him upset over something like this… over anything really, "I won't be. And it was only me and Peter, not the other guys."

Kurt shook his head. Blaine wasn't taking this serious enough, but not much was new in that department, he realized. "What did you bet, Blaine?"

Blaine licked his lips and looked him in the eyes. Kurt was finally calm enough to give him eye contact. "One grand."

The younger teen dropped his head.

"You do know he isn't beating me, Kurt."

Kurt shook his head. "That's not what I'm concerned about. I can't wait to see you destroy that ignorant asshole," Blaine's eyes twinkled at the words. Kurt got even hotter when his Peter hatred was showing, "What's upsetting me is that you're putting yourself in jeopardy. You did hear Don, right?"

Blaine sighed. "Don't worry about that… I doubt they know who it was and if they do, I haven't collected. No one can proveanything."

Kurt only shook his head and Blaine tilted his head, smiling a bit.

"Baby… I'm just shutting him up once and for all. There was a group of people. They see him embarrassed; he'll have no shit to talk."

Kurt took a deep breath and withdrew his hand from Blaine's, standing up to clear his things. "When did this happen?"

They could her Don honking the horn outside as a hint that they needed to hurry up.

"Monday morning," Blaine watched his boyfriend before getting up as well. "We went to the skate park before the rain hit."

Kurt shook his head. Now he'd spend the day worrying about whether or not his boyfriend would be able to advance instead of getting to happily cheer him on. "I just don't want you to get in trouble. Especially over him, honey. This is really stupid."

Blaine grabbed his things and walked over to him. "I know." He urged Kurt aside so he could wash the dishes. "It'll be fine though. Don't stress it."

"I hope so," Kurt leant against the counter and watched Blaine. Any shirt he wore that left his arms exposed was a shirt Kurt loved.

Blaine turned the water off and grabbed a few towels, drying his hands. He looked at Kurt—his beautiful, aggravated by his stupidity Kurt, and gave the boy a smile. Just a smile. Kurt looked from his hazel eyes to his lips and then his own smile broke through, though he rolled his eyes and looked away. It was enough though. Blaine just needed to know Kurt wasn't angry with him.

But could Kurt ever really be truly angry with him? That smile could break him any day, to be completely honest. That smile got him to sit through an orientation about stupid bicycles, and go to the beach when he swore on his dead goldfish he'd never go to the beach, and sneak out late at night to sit in empty diners. That smile was everything he adored.

"You shouldn't be mad at me."

Kurt smiled, rolling his eyes away. "Your uncle is waiting for us."

"Are you mad?"

Kurt shook his head no and Blaine smirked, tilting his head further until the boy looked at him.

"Can I have a kiss?"


Blaine smiled. "A hug?"

Kurt shrugged.

"Can we shake hands?"

Kurt laughed at Blaine felt better just like that. He smiled at him and watched Kurt look to him. Kurt shook his head playfully, opening his arms and wrapping them around Blaine's shoulders. He moved in for a kiss, smiling into it when Blaine's hands met at the small of his back. Their kiss was sweet. Blaine closed his eyes immediately and enjoyed it, at least for as long as he could. Jeff burst through the kitchen door a couple seconds into it, and Kurt quirked an eyebrow as he pulled away.

"Can you do that in the truck please? Skateboarders compete a little earlier than you and I should've been gone 5 minutes ago."

Kurt smiled. "Hi Jeff."

"Hey sexy."

Blaine glared at him and he apologized. He let his boyfriend go and rolled his eyes at his blonde friend. "Fine. Let's get this show on the road."


"You took your time with the call
I took no time with the fall
You gave me nothing at all, but still you're in my way! Justin!"

"I beg and borrow and steal
At first sight and it's real
I didn't know I would feel it, but it's in my way! Take it away, Nick!"

"Your stare was holding
Ripped jeans, skin was showing
Hot night, wind was blowing
Where you think you're going, baby?! Everybody!"

Don rolled his eyes as he drove on I-710. He was seriously rethinking this whole 'let's have another little boy' talk his wife kept trying to bring up at random moments of the day. As the boys sang loudly around him to the annoying but equally catchy tune on the radio, he looked up through the rearview at the couple in the third row of seats; Blaine laying his head on Kurt's shoulder, ignoring everything around him, and Kurt laughing at David's passionate duet with Jeff about all the other boys trying to chase them. He smiled, looking ahead of him. The interstate was a little clustered but they were making decent time.

Blaine ignored his stupid friends as he cuddled up with Kurt in the back. He was nervous about the whole gambling situation, hoping no one did in fact have their names, but at the same time he couldn't wait to compete. Shane and this other kid Luke were the only semblance of competition he had, and he knew he was ready. Peter was going to get his today.

His thoughts drifted away to other places. He wondered how Mikey was doing in school right now and he thought about going to New York. It wasn't that he cared too much but he did hope the New Elections would like him. Not so much his dumb ex Cheetah Girl, but the others. While it wasn't so much of him convincing them that he was this perfect boyfriend, but he did want them to see Kurt was in good hands.

Kurt placed his hand on Blaine's thigh as the guys went into a harmony of James Blunt's Beautiful. Blaine looked down at it and smiled when he saw the ring Kurt was wearing. He reached down and took his boyfriend's hand in his, smoothing his thumb over the ring repetitively. Kurt turned away from the performance and looked down at their laced hands. He couldn't see his boyfriend's face because he lay on his shoulder, but he knew he was looking down at the ring.

"I really like it," he said softly. Blaine smiled, smoothing it over with his thumb.

"I want you to wear it a long time." More like forever. He sat up and turned to Kurt, immediately getting lost in in his eyes. Kurt smiled at him, tuning out Justin's wailing perfectly.

"I want to wear it a long time."

Blaine smiled to himself. "Good."

Time passed slowly over the long ride. It seemed to Blaine like thousands of songs were sung; when in actuality it was more like 25. That was still too much though. That was still 25 pop songs or ballads that were being sung by a boy (Justin) who sounded like five different breeds of cats having their tails run over with a monster truck, and three guys who had nice voices but refused to harmonize at all, leaving them sounding like random people deciding to audition together for American Idol after just meeting without a single fucking second of rehearsal. But then there was Kurt, his beautiful Kurt who laughed at every song they sang, and encouraged Justin when he tried to hit notes his terrible voice couldn't quite master, and hummed along to the tunes with the most angelic voice God ever blessed a human being with, leave it to Blaine to tell. And Kurt held his boyfriend's hand close to him, smiling and humming, staring out at the cars passing by while enjoying the time they spent together. It may've been in the back of an SUV that transported a bunch of idiots who were too passionately belting out the lyrics to Justin Bieber's As Long As You Love Me, but it was perfect in its own respects. He was with his friends, he was with Blaine whom he seemed to fall harder for which each breath he took, and he was about to catch a glimpse of the boy's life; his passion.

It was odd in comparison to what Kurt knew to be his life, sure. Maybe that went without saying. He spent his time encompassed in the way of the arts; whether it be music or fashion; Broadway songs and performances were pretty much downloaded into his brain. He worked hard to drink in the knowledge of all the culture was. Back in Ohio, he put his time and energy into making a name for himself—the sketches in his book weren't just for enjoyment. All he wanted was to get to New York so that he could prove every naysayer wrong. But that was then.

Yes. It was odd being here with a bunch of guys who found the same love he did for his passions from riding bikes and skating, but truth be told, Kurt wouldn't change a thing about it. He especially wouldn't change the fact that he had an amazing guy to his right—a boy that pretty much grabbed his heart from the moment they met and put it in a safe place for keeps. It was different, it was odd, but it was perfect in its own respects.

David cleared his throat before starting his solo, and the action shook Kurt from his thoughts.

"I used to think, that we, were forever ever ever
And I used to say never say never
Huh, he calls me up and he's like, I still love you
And I'm like, I'm just, I mean this is exhausting, you know
We are never getting back together, like ever."

Blaine couldn't help but join in with the laughter, no matter how much he hated these guys sometimes. He sat up though, lifting his head from his boyfriend's shoulder, just to get a peek of Kurt as he laughed again. The sight always did crazy things to his heart.

Kurt tilted his head to the side, smiling at the boy with the hazel eyes. He laughed a little when Blaine shook his head at Nick who felt the need to put on Uptown Girl and sing at the top of his lungs. Even Don was getting into it. Blaine smiled at him though, and whispered something Kurt didn't quite hear all the way. The boy gave a confused smile.


Blaine glanced to the front of him. The guys weren't paying them any attention; facing forward as well and nodding to the music. Kurt's eyebrows furrowed a bit in confusion and Blaine licked his lips. This guy was really fucking cute when he did things like that.

"I said," his voice was still hushed, "give me a kiss."

Kurt bit just one side of his lip in the sexiest way Blaine could imagine as one eyebrow shot up. "This is probably the last place we can make out, honey."

Blaine smiled, leaning closer a little. To his surprise and appreciation, Kurt didn't push him away. Their lips touched and the first thing he tasted was the strawberry flavored lip balm Kurt had put on when they got in the car, and then their lips were moving slowly together and this was a much better way to pass the time. Listening to 'four the hard way' tackle songs they had no business singing got old really fast to Blaine, but this… the way Kurt gasped when he thrust his tongue through the opening of his lips, and the way Kurt quickly relaxed and sucked ever so softly on his lip; his hand climbing from the neck of Blaine's tank top, over the skin of his chest and up to the nape of his neck… Blaine decided he liked this a lot more.

Kurt didn't mean to forget where they were, but he did. Unfortunately, so did Blaine. The teen gladly pushed Kurt back and almost lay on top of him, but they got a polite reminder from his uncle that brought them back down to earth.

"Keep it PG in my car," Don said with a smirk, staring up through the rearview. Blaine flinched at his voice because honestly, he did NOT need to hear Don's voice when the thoughts going through his head were going through his head. Kurt bit back the moan in his throat just in time as he realized that yes, they weren't in solitude, but surrounded by guys who would never ever let them live that down, as well as his boyfriend's uncle. It probably wasn't the time or place to get lost in the moment.

Justin who sat in the passenger seat turned back and smiled along with the others. "Hot damn."

"I think it's because our singing is setting the mood." Jeff said proudly, high fiving Nick. Blaine smiled when Kurt pulled away with an adorable but embarrassed blush, sitting up and settling into their previous embrace. He put his hand on Blaine's when the elder teen sat up as well, linking their fingers together.

Blaine smiled, staring down at the ring once more.

"And, we're about to exit," Don said as he signaled right. "I guess now is a good time to give you the rules."

"Here we go," Justin mumbled. Don swung at him but he dodged it.

"First we get checked in. Jeff's competition begins first since there are so many more skaters, and then the BMX riding and BMX stunts are at about 12. Qualifiers should be announced around 4, and once we all get the results, I will allow you all 3 hours to see the city before we meet back at the competition site. If you are not there at 7 I will leave you."

Blaine rolled his eyes. He wasn't going anywhere.

"We'll be back in Long Beach by 9-10 the latest. Are we all good on this?"

"Yes," the group said in unison.

Don yielded behind a Ford in front of him. "Excellent, gentleman."


The park where Preliminaries was being held was enormous. Kurt gawked into the stands where people had already filed in. Justin stood next to him with an orange flavored Gatorade in hand, leaning against a few of the spare barriers and taking it all in. The difference between the two boys was Justin was completely used to this. His awe of the turn outs and amazing feeling of watching the cameras flash was nothing out of the ordinary. For Kurt, he'd never been interested in any form of sports, especially not extreme sports like this. When he was on the football team it had been because he wanted his father to be proud, not because he enjoyed it. Even with that, there wasn't any of this; the screaming crowds or the reporters, cameras or sponsorship. It was insane.

"This is insane." Kurt said, echoing his thoughts.

Justin put the top on his beverage, nodding his head along to Kurt's words. "Isn't it?" Kurt nodded in response. He didn't know what to expect, but this definitely wasn't it.

His observance of the park sent his eyes roaming back over to Blaine and Nick; the two still far off by the entrance, signing autographs and talking with their fans. David was close by doing what Kurt could easily identify as flirting. He witnessed it firsthand when David got them their discount at Alexander McQueen a few days ago. Kurt looked back over to the skateboarder sign in table and spotted Jeff filling out his entry.

"I'm not crazy about the crowds to be honest with you." Justin confessed. He tossed the now empty bottle into a recycle bin nearby and ran a hand through his short, blonde locks. Kurt looked away from a few competitors entering over to his friend.

"I was going to ask why you weren't signing autographs with the others." Justin turned to look at him and smiled at what Kurt said next, "The girls basically cried when you walked by."

That was true. Justin seemed to be amused by the girls' behavior and Kurt was surprised he wasn't getting the number of each and every one of them. As he ignored his phone vibrating, Justin spoke in response.

"I've had very bad experiences with fans throughout the years. Don't get me wrong… I love them. I try to answer as many as I can on Facebook and post videos of me riding and what not. But when it comes to actually meeting them in large groups like this, it's a bit much."

Kurt rolled his eyes at that. "Justin, I don't know if you ever look in the mirror but you're kind of a big deal."

Justin smiled. "I'm not. I'm just a guy and I like not being sexually harassed."

His words garnered a laugh from Kurt as the boy leant against the barricade with him. "What happened exactly?"

"The first incident was when I was 15. I was saying hey to a few fans on my way out of a competitions and Nick decides he'd stop and sign autographs. We were being rushed by Donnie but I thought it would be nice to give a couple people a reason to smile. They did come to see us and all." He stopped speaking for a moment as he recollected and Kurt smiled, "So I stop for pictures, and as I lean in, these two sisters just start pulling me over the barrier. I'm asking them to stop but they don't—in fact, they get help from a few others. Nick and Blaine find it hilarious, and before I know it I'm being pulled over completely, landing on my hand once the people cleared the way." He held up his left hand to show Kurt and the younger teen looked on curiously, "I dislocated my pinky with semi-finals the next day, and had to compete wearing a splint. Only ended up hurting it more."

Kurt winced at the indent on Justin's left pinky finger. "Ouch."

He nodded, putting his hands in his pockets now. "Yupp. Another time, when we were in Florida for group competitions… this was last year as a matter of fact," Kurt nodded attentively, "I almost didn't make it out alive bro. We went to an after party type of thing after winning that a few people threw for us. I decided to take a few pictures with the fans and this one girl thought it'd be cute to squeeze my nipple. Only problem was she drew blood." Kurt's eyes went wide as he looked away from a few skaters warming up and over to the taller teen, "I hate to have the rest of my fans suffer because of a few stupid incidents, but it was so traumatizing… I can't sometimes."

Kurt tried really hard not to laugh and did quite a swell job. "Jus, that's terrible."

"Tell me about it."

They fell quiet as Justin thought about how scary the incident was for him and Kurt imagined Justin wearing a band aid on his nipple. It kind of creeped him out. He looked back over to Blaine and Nick's progress and found that they were a bit closer now. There may've been a barrier but that didn't stop girls from reaching over, Kurt noted. Justin had a point. Blaine politely posed for pictures but his fans were more than a little touchy. Clingy even. He watched a girl leaning close and pointing her camera at the both of them; half her outfit missing and her arm around Blaine's shoulder. The next group requested Blaine sign his name on their chests and the boy shook his head, taking the marker and penning his signature. Justin smirked at Kurt's evil glare as he watched, almost letting loose a laugh.

"Are you the jealous type?"

Kurt stopped beaming flames through the girls as he heard Justin's voice. He composed himself and looked to his right. "Jealous? That's not me."

Justin only looked at him after receiving that answer; his sky blue eyes casting a knowing look.

"Maybe a little." Kurt recanted.

Justin smirked and looked back to the others. "Two jealous people in a relationship. I bet the sex is off the charts." He smiled when Kurt looked away and blushed; his cheeks tinting the softest pink.

"We aren't there yet."

"Yet," Justin pulled his hands out his pockets and crossed them over his chest. A few fans screamed for him and he smiled, refusing to go over. "Did I tell you I met a girl?"

"Only about a hundred times."

Justin smiled. "I mean I didn't meet her but she smiled at me. Her smile is adorable." When he faced Kurt again he noticed his coiffed friend was giving him a look. "What?"

Kurt sighed, smirking as he looked away. "What happens when the two of you have an actual conversation?"

Justin licked his lips at the thought. "I don't know."

Kurt shook his head. As Justin pondered that idea, Kurt found himself watching Blaine and Nick. The duo now posed for pictures together and watched their fans hold up phones and cameras.

Jeff approached with his skateboard in hand, shaking his head at both friends. "I go up like 53rd. Best part about having my last name start with S I suppose."

"Nervous?" Kurt asked.

Jeff shook his head no. "I'm good."

"This is old for him," Justin explained. "How long has it been… like six years? The man's a pro."

Jeff smiled. "Thank you cutie."

Kurt smiled. So gay. Justin was about to answer when he got distracted. Someone was approaching and he stopped mid-thought, smiling a little when they got closer. Both Kurt and Jeff looked over to see who it was.

"Justin," an older guy with bright blue eyes pretty much identical to Justin's approached. Kurt noticed those first, followed by his sly but attractive smile, and short dark hair. He was maybe an inch or two shorter than Justin but both were muscular with the California surfer vibe. "My baby cousin is all grown up."

"Fuck." Jeff mumbled under his breath. Kurt sensed his discomfort as the guy finally stood in front of them, a pretty brunette a bit behind him to his left. Justin gave the man a once over and a confused but happy laugh slipped out his mouth.

"Ian," he smiled and they gave each other dap as a greeting, "what the hell are you doing here?"

This Ian guy held up his skateboard with an obvious look. "What does it look like, cuz? I got back from school a week ago. I want a little extra spending money so here I am." After speaking, he turned and looked to Jeff. The blonde was eyeing him with an unnamed expression and Kurt found it strange. "Jeff. How have you been little guy?"

Jeff glared at him a while longer before looking away. "I'm good."

"That's good to hear. It's been far too long since I've been to Long Beach. I—" half way through his thought, Ian noticed there was a person standing along the barricades. He froze completely for a second when he noticed him; eyes leaving a perfectly styled hair do and traveling the length of his body down to the shoes he wore. He glanced back up to the boy's confused face and gave that sly smirk.

"Who's your friend, Jus?" He locked eyes with Kurt and as a result, Kurt quickly looked away.

Justin rolled his eyes at his older cousin and turned to Kurt. "Kurt, this is Ian, my uncle's stupidest son." Ian smirked, "I'm kind of surprised that he's here since he swore off competing a few years back." Justin said with a quirked brow. The elder shrugged and the girl beside him smiled softly. It was clear to tell she was around just to be around. Justin looked to Ian and shook his head, "And Ian, this is our homie Kurt," he gestured to him and Ian locked eyes with the teen. "He moved to Long Beach from Ohio."

"Ohio," Ian repeated, holding out his hand. Kurt gave a friendly but weary smile as he took it, "I think I should reintroduce myself because Justin didn't set the right impression. I'm Ian Palmers, Jus's hotter, older, more talented cousin."

Kurt smiled as they shook hands. What a contrast. One was extremely humble and the other apparently couldn't get enough of himself. "Kurt Hummel, like Justin said I'm new around here."

They didn't know that at this point Blaine glanced over to see where they were. When he found Kurt smiling and shaking hands with who appeared to be Ian Palmers, he felt his fingers clenching into a fist before he even knew what was happening. The taller brunette clutched his trademark red and black skateboard to his side as they spoke, hands finally leaving each other's as Kurt turned to look at Justin.

Kurt pulled his hand away and Ian smiled a little while longer. The blonde BMXer cleared his throat, knowing his cousin all too well. "Why don't you introduce us to your company?"

Ian nodded and glanced back, "Oh. This is my friend from school, Gabriella. I invited her to spend the summer here in LA with me… watch me take first place," he glanced to Jeff and winked and the blonde rolled his eyes, focusing on something in the distance. It was just his luck that the only guy that he knew could outskate him for days would show up and kill his buzz.

"Hi Gabriella," Justin said with a smile. Kurt smiled as well, sending the girl a polite wave.

"So you're new to Cali?" Ian licked his lips after taking in the impressive outfit Kurt wore. "Are you a biker too or—"

"No but he's Blaine's boyfriend." Jeff stated clearly. Ian turned to look at him and smirked, and then he smiled, almost laughing at what he heard.

"Blaine?" his eyes got wide and he turned from Jeff to Justin, eventually to Kurt. The Gabriella chick seemed to look lost. "Boyfriend? What?" he asked incredulously.

Kurt only smiled at the man's reaction. He must've known the old Blaine. "You heard him correctly."

"Baby, I'm going to find a seat." Gabriella said, squeezing Ian's hand before walking away. Jeff watched her go off, absently dropping his board and standing on top of it. Justin returned his hands to the pockets of his black jeans.

"'Baby?' I thought she was your friend…"

Ian shrugged and looked down at his watch. "She is my friend… we have a call each other when we need each other type of thing." With that, he looked back up, catching eyes with Kurt. "Nothing wrong with a little fun, right?"

Before he could even think to give an answer, Blaine and Nick came over and joined the group. Ian looked over to them as Nick gave Justin's cousin a curious look. Blaine eyed him for a second before grabbing Kurt around the waist and pulling him close. Kurt smiled leaning in for a kiss. They were watched by the brunette who gave an incredulous smirk.

"Wow, Ian." Nick looked the taller man up and down as he pulled his biking gloves out his back pocket. Justin and the others hadn't seen him in about 3 years and the run in was a little alarming, especially with him popping up at a competition. "What're you doing here?"

Ian smiled at Nick, giving the younger brunette a fist bump. "Don't sound so happy to see me."

Nick gave a half smile. "I didn't mean anything like that—"

"No, it's cool." Ian glanced over to Blaine and Kurt; the former busy whispering something into Kurt's ear as he blushed. He licked his lips before continuing, "I felt like coming back for the summer. I can only take so much of Massachusetts before I go crazy… not enough beaches or hotties for me." he smirked and looked at what he could see of Blaine's profile. The boy possessively held his hand on Kurt's side and pulled him closer, continuing to speak at a level to which only Kurt could hear.

"I missed you next to me when I was signing… it's going to be way too long a day before I get you alone again."

Kurt tried not to be a blushing idiot as he spoke back softly. "You should be focused less on alone time and more on ranking in the top 5, don't you think?" They were in their own little world as Blaine spoke again.

Ian looked away and to his cousin, resuming his previous thoughts. "What I find insane is that I leave to school for three years and all of you crazy kids get so big. Blaine even grew a few centimeters."

Kurt tried not to bite his lip at the things being whispered into his ear. Blaine kissed teasingly at the lobe, smiling at his boyfriend's shiver, all before hearing Ian mentioning his name. At the sound, he licked his lips and looked up, not easing his hold on Kurt in the slightest. If Ian was anything like he was when he was 18, he was someone that old Blaine would've loved to be, but Kurt's Blaine wanted nothing to do with.

"You're still a comedian, I see."

Ian shrugged. "Still think you're better than you actually are or did that uncle of yours actually teach you something?"

Blaine smirked, taking Kurt by the hand and preparing to walk off. His boyfriend sighed. This was going to be a long day. "Stick to your skateboard Ian." Blaine answered casually. He turned to Nick and motioned with his head, "I'm going to sign in."

Nick nodded. "Don wants David and me so I'll go check on that first."

Justin stretched, standing up off the barricade. "I'll come with."

"Me too," Ian said, smiling at Kurt and Blaine. The elder tightened his grip on Kurt's hand and glared at Ian, making the older man smile innocently. "Everything okay, Mr. BMX?"

Jeff rolled his eyes before looking away. "I'll see you guys later. Going to watch this shit."

The guys with the exception of Ian waved him off. "I'll be over soon dude." Justin told him. Jeff nodded, kicking himself forward on his board. He went toward the park where a kid who just finished his run was being interviewed.

Kurt laced his fingers with Blaine as the couple walked over towards the BMX station. The park was getting more and more crowded by the minute.

Blaine took it all in. This would be year two where he performed without his father up in the stands to cheer him on. As always, he dedicated the days like these to him and promised to give it his all. The only thing that was new about this was now, he didn't feel like shit. Now, he had someone special to perform for, just like before, and he knew Kurt would be proud of him too. He needed that.

"I can't believe this is the norm for you," Kurt shook his head in disbelief. The announcer introduced a new skater and the crowd cheered. "I can't get over how incredible this is. You're too shy to sing but you can fly in the air on a bicycle in front of almost a thousand people?"

Blaine laughed as they walked slowly, in line with the other's steps. "It'll be way more people at the Long Beach competitions after we qualify."

Kurt was still in awe. "Are you trying to help your case? It isn't working."

"I'm just saying," Blaine smiled, looking to his right, "and the two can't compare. This is different."

His boyfriend nodded. It was different, but it didn't matter. Blaine could do both singing and stunt riding pretty well. "It's fine. I have weeks to harass you about this."

"That you do," Blaine answered with a grin. They had time for a lot of things, and that's what was amazing.

Ian and Justin walked slightly behind the couple. Justin wasn't even sure why his cousin was hanging around. He had a girl he could be entertaining right now, and a competition to participate in. He could definitely do like Jeff was and scope out the other skateboarders. Instead, he was walking along with him, being incredibly suspicious as he watched Kurt and Blaine in front of him.

"So how long were these two together?" the man questioned.

"Not long," Justin told him, "but long enough to know what they want. You know how out of control Blaine was. Kurt balances him out."

Ian smiled. "So this is a real relationship? They're not just—"

"They're together." Justin said simply. Ian rolled his eyes. "Blaine asked Kurt to be his boyfriend, Kurt said yes. They are a couple and everything that entails."

"Since when is Blaine into guys?"

"Since he met Kurt." Justin answered. "Leave it alone."

Ian smirked. "You think I'm going to embarrass you cuz?" he wrapped his arm around Justin's shoulder and looked at the taller boy, "I practically brought you boys up under my wing. I just want to make sure that this new kid is a good guy."

"Ian, don't be an ass—"

Justin's words were said in vain. His cousin had pushed him off and put his skateboard on the ground, pushing himself forward. Kurt stopped midsentence when he felt someone brush against him, and Ian smiled widely at both he and Blaine.

"This is totally adorable, Blaine." Ian skated in front of them and kicked his board up, catching it in his hand. He proceeded to walk backwards as Blaine showed no effort in stopping. "I'm proud of you. It can't be easy going from getting any girl you want to staying tied down to one person." Kurt tensed. This man was definitely starting to get on his nerves. "But you're doing it. Share your secret with the class."

Blaine smiled a little as he stopped walking completely. Kurt stopped after he did and turned to see if everything was ok. The look on his boyfriend's face screamed kick ass mode and he sighed. Why could nothing be simple?

"The secret is to stop being a low life asshole who chases after things he can't have." Their eyes met and Ian smirked, nodding his head.

"I can't help but feel that was a dig at me, kid. But you know guys like me get what they want..." he licked his lips and smirked, quickly glancing at Kurt. Blaine felt his skin heat up as he took a step forward, dropping his boyfriend's hand.

"What is it that you want Ian? A bloody lip?"

Justin rolled his eyes. "Are you two serious right now?" Ian never moved his eyes off Blaine as he tried not to laugh. "Ian, stop being a dick and Blaine, you know he's not going to do anything."

"Can we go?" Kurt asked. Blaine only continued to look at the man in front of him, not faltering his gaze at all. Ian smirked harder, giving the younger teen two patronizing slaps on the cheek.

"I really am happy for you," he whispered, "he's fucking hot."

"I'm not the person you remember Ian," Blaine responded back, moving his hand away. "You know the Blaine who bullshitted and felt he didn't have to work for anything. Now I know that I have a lot to work for, and if you step in the way of that you're not going to like the results."

Ian smiled. It was clear to see things had changed a lot over the past 3 years. He stepped back and dropped his skateboard once more. Kurt and Justin watched closely, wondering what the two had just discussed. Gesturing to his chest, he began to speak.

"Let me reintroduce myself. My guess is that I made a bad first impression," Ian smiled at Kurt and the boy watched him closely. "I'm Ian Palmers. I'm 21 years old and attend MIT for health sciences, and I hate it. What I do like is having a good time and that's my intention this summer." Blaine stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked off to the crowd, waiting for this to end. "The last thing I want is for you to feel uncomfortable around me, Kurt. If anything, we should be friends. I taught your buddies a lot and since I'll be in California this summer, all of you will have to get used to me being around." He grinned at Blaine's face and Justin folded his arms. His cousin could be such a douche when he wanted to be. "So, with that being said, I'm going to let you boys get to it. See you around."

Blaine stumbled back when Ian walked past, knocking his shoulder against Blaine's.

Kurt ignored him because he knew the elder would be sending him a glance. Ian smirked when he noticed Kurt wouldn't give him any eye contact, shaking his head and going to find Gabriella. Kurt would be alone at some point. He'd get to him then.

Justin shook his head and dragged a hand over his face. "Why did he have to show up?"

Kurt smiled and walked over to Blaine, standing in front of him. His boyfriend only shook his head with annoyance and reconnected their hands.

"If you're wondering why I feel annoyed having him around, it's because he fucks anyone and everyone. I can't stand the thought of someone else looking at you like I look at you."

Kurt smirked as the crowd went crazy for some reason or another. "I just watched you write your name on a bunch of titties. I think I should be the one feeling a little green." Blaine rolled his eyes, "You on the other hand should know that people can look all they want but they can't touch."

Blaine licked his lips, looking off elsewhere for a second. Justin had just gone off to help Nick and David with all the equipment as they all approached. "They have my name in magic marker on their chests. I have your name tattooed on my heart. You do know you have nothing to worry about, right?"

Kurt smiled softly, placing a hand on Blaine's bare arm. "You can be the cheesiest, most beautiful man in the world and I adore that." Blaine blushed and looked away, "Just know that you have nothing to worry about either, honey."

The curly haired teen smiled as Kurt leant over to his line of vision. His boyfriend continued, "I think your Ian friend is annoying as hell, but he does get the point. I think he's just testing us, and you're letting him win. You get bothered way too easy."

"You should know from the Jose experience how I am." Blaine said obviously as Kurt laughed a little. "And testing us or not, he still needs to watch how he looks at you."

"I know," Kurt told him, "but the back and forth between you two is uncalled for. I'm all yours, remember?"

Blaine nodded. "I remember. I just need everyone else to understand."

Kurt grinned. "Forget everyone else. Today is about my super-hot, bike riding boyfriend. I don't know if I've ever said this but seeing you BMX does a lot for me…. So can we go get you all signed in?"

Blaine's lips felt dry all of a sudden. He licked them and stared straight into Kurt's eyes. "It does a lot for you? A lot like what?"

Kurt bit his lip. "Come in first and I'll show you. How about that?"

Blaine nodded hard. That would be a definite. "Ok."

"Now let's go." Kurt smiled, relieved that the tension Blaine was feeling previous had somewhat dissolved after their short conversation. Honestly, the Ohio native couldn't wait until

"One kiss and we can go." He smiled as his eyes found Kurt's lips and the boy quickly gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I think that's enough. I don't need your groupies to try and kill me."

Blaine rolled his eyes and Kurt turned to walk away; going in the direction they were previously. He was startled when someone was behind him and stopped himself just before he could walk into them. Shane Smith apologized quickly with a nervous laugh.

"Sorry, new guy. I was rushing over to talk to Blaine."

Kurt was about to tell him it was fine when Blaine grabbed him by one of his belt loops and pulled him back. He stepped in front, giving his rival a quick once over. "What can I help you with?" the hazel eyed teen asked.

Shane rolled his eyes and looked around briefly, all before stepping in and lowering his voice. "Peter is telling the judges you took bets with kids at the park saying you'd come in first."

Nick rode over and caught a glimpse of the last part. "Are you serious?"

Kurt's heart dropped a little. Suddenly he couldn't help but feel like all of this was his fault to begin with. Blaine's issues with Peter only began because of him if he could be perfectly honest with himself.

Shane reached up to rub at the nape of his neck, displaying a flexed arm covered in tattoos. "They're asking other riders do they know anything about this—"

"Did they ask you?" Blaine's face was pretty much red and Kurt felt a bit scared. "Because your new best friend is the one who initiated the whole thing—"

"Dude, stay quiet," Shane looked around and stepped in closer. Blaine unclenched his fists, looking around as well. "Yes they asked me," Shane told him, "and I told them you wouldn't do anything like that." Nick looked over to Kurt who watched attentively, "Just don't go near him, and don't do anything else stupid Blaine. If he comes up to you, pretend like you're wishing him good luck or something. They see you two interacting anything like the way you do back in Long Beach as of late, they'll know there's bad blood."

Blaine looked off to the other bikers and saw a few of the dudes talking. No sign of Peter, though. He shook his head and walked off without another word.

Kurt watched him go and sighed, looking up at Shane. He smiled softly before going to follow. "Thanks a lot."

Shane nodded. "Yeah." David and Justin walked up as Kurt jogged off behind his boyfriend. The dirty blonde gave a head nod to all of them as a greeting. "Best of luck, guys."

David gave him a head nod in return. "You too." As Shane walked off, putting his helmet back on as he left, David turned to look at Nick. "Want to get us caught up on whatever this is?"

Nick rolled his eyes at the situation, but in the distance he could see Don walking over with Blaine's bike. He hurried to explain before the man could reach. "Petey is saying to the officials that Blaine has been gambling on the results of the competition. They're asking riders what they know, and I'm sure they won't approach us since we're all the same team, but Shane just came to give warning anyway."

Justin sat down on his bike and looked around for his old friend. "I can't believe that snake."

David shook his head.

"What are you boys waiting for?" Donald looked at them like they were losing it. "Go sign in. Come on. Chop, chop."

Justin smiled and nodded. "Yes sir."


The morning had passed in a blur. Kurt anxiously sat through tons of skateboarders and tons of weird stunts attempted by people dressed as various mascots before the people he actually knew got up for their run. As expected, Ian pretty much killed the entire course. Kurt understood Jeff's apprehension when the 21 year old showed up claiming to enter the competition. He landed every trick, grinded down railings, went airborne a lot, and had a ton of fangirls cheering him on as he did so.

Kurt checked the time on his watch after Ian went up. In about 20 minutes, the BMX competitions would be starting. Right now Blaine and the guys were getting suited up; Nick and David in their protective gear for their BMX racing, Justin in his for his BMX freestyle street competitions, and Blaine in his for the freestyle vert category of BMX he competed in. As Don explained to him earlier, vert style was the U-shaped ramp Blaine would always practice on. Before today he hadn't really known there were different levels of competition, but he hoped to see all of them perform. That was unlikely, but Kurt at least wanted to cheer Jeff on before he went to the other side of the stadium. Hopefully the blonde would be up to compete before then.

As some 14 year old got set to begin, Ian finished speaking with the sports reporters that were covering today's events and waved over to the fans behind barricades. They shouted for him and he winked, turning to walk over to where Gabriella sat in the stands.

It was just Kurt's luck that he allowed himself to be waved over by Gabriella earlier that day; the friendly girl making small talk with him throughout the competitions. She seemed nice, and maybe a little too nice for the likes of Ian, but Kurt figured it wasn't entirely fair to judge him yet. He was pretty sure the skater was picking on the new guy, which turned into picking on the legend's nephew when he found out they dated. He seemed like one of those asshole type of guys that got kicks out of annoying the hell out of people, but that didn't have to mean he was a bad guy.

Whether or not he was good or bad, Kurt knew he didn't want to find out. He could live with not knowing if that meant Blaine didn't end up going apeshit all over Los Angeles. But because Kurt did sit with Gabriella, and because Ian was walking to join Gabriella right now, he was about to find out just what this guy was about.

They were about 7 rows up into the stands. Kurt sighed as he watched Ian hand five a few people in the front row before climbing up towards them. Gabriella smiled and sent him a wave when the man glanced in their direction. Ian smiled back, climbing the steps by two until he reached them.

The awkward had risen about four or five levels. Ian squeezed past a couple people, thanking them when they congratulated him on doing damn near perfect, and sat between Gabriella and Kurt. He accepted a kiss from his 'friend' and spoke shortly with her for a few minutes or so. Kurt was tense from sitting so close, shifting right a little, but Ian apparently wasn't thinking much of him. So far, so good.

The fourteen year old finished up and waved to the crowd. He took a few spills but got back up like a champ. Kurt clapped for him. That took a lot of strength to do at such a young age. The announcer introduced the next person and Kurt checked his watch again. One more before Jeff would come up, and he'd have to skate perfectly if he wanted to come in first over Ian.

"Did you clap for me too?" Ian smiled as he asked, removing his elbow pads. Kurt looked away from the cameramen filming and to his left. The elder smiled, patiently awaiting a response.

"I clapped for everyone," Kurt told him simply. Ian nodded.

"That's very sweet of you." he said with a smirk.

When the elder turned away, going back to his conversation with his company, Kurt shook his head and looked back to the competition. An Asian kid maybe his age was grinding down a railing and kicking himself forward. Kurt could see Jeff as he prepared to go up next, stretching a bit and putting on his helmet. He smiled and got his camera out of Blaine's bag beside him, ready to take pictures for Vickie. She and Naomi had to work and couldn't make it.

"I'm really sorry about earlier. I love messing with the little guy you know," Kurt turned to Ian as he spoke and the man shrugged with a smile, "B was that kid that always hung around the big kids swearing he was better than everyone. He had the biggest head and I guess I would too if Donald freaking Kinsella was my uncle." Kurt looked back around the park as he listened, "He and Jus looked up to me and my friends and we teased the hell out of all of them. Now look," Ian shook his head as he thought about it, "they're running Long Beach now."

Kurt smiled. "Don't you think now would be a good time to leave them alone? You are a college junior-turning college senior, I'm guessing, at MIT… you should be a little bit more mature by now."

Ian rolled his eyes and laughed. "You think college is a bunch of 18-22 year olds training to be professionals and finding someone to start a family with? I've been partying and fucking for three years, Kurt. I don't know if mature is the word to describe me."

Gabriella shook her head. "He's right about that."

"But you can't deny that everyone loves me," Ian said aloud, smirking when the girl rolled her eyes away playfully, "and you will too, Kurt. That's a promise."

Kurt ignored him; too busy preparing to get Jeff's performance on camera. Ian glanced up as the kid skating finished up.

"So are you two monogamous?"

Kurt nodded. "Yes we are."

"How's that working for you?"

"Great actually."

They heard the name Jeffrey Sterling announced and Kurt cheered, holding out the camcorder and zooming in. The crowd was pretty pumped and Ian found it amusing. As Jeff took his mark atop what he liked to call the 'playground'; a skateboard park tricked out with rails to grind on and domes with deep slopes to get big air for tricks, he put a hand in the air to signal he was ready. The judges watched closely; three middle aged men and one maybe 25 year guy with long dark hair that resembled Russell Brand. They all kept their eyes glued as the announcer rang a bell, signaling the start.

Once Jeff pushed himself into the dome, the crowd went crazy. Kurt smiled and made sure his camera captured every single second. The blonde was everywhere at once it seemed; flying over the hill in the middle of the park and doing a 360 before twirling up into the air and gracefully coming back down.

Ian sat back and watched. There was no doubt Jeff was good. He had the speed and the dexterity to be the best… in a couple years. He still had work to do to get to be where Ian was, he felt.

The boy shot up on his board and grinded along the top of a railing and people went wild. Mainly chicks with crushes, but kids like Raymond were there too, holding up posters and shouting Jeff's name. Kurt captured it all with a proud smile. It was odd that he was here with friends that did this for fun and for a living, really, but he wouldn't trade it for the world.

Ian clapped a bit when it was over, nodding his head at something Gabriella said. Kurt was cheering as he turned the camcorder off and slid it back into Blaine's backpack, zipping it shut and waving down at Jeff when the kid looked for him in the audience.

"He was pretty good," Ian said thoughtfully, watching the rambunctious blonde walk over to the camera crew. Kurt smiled at the statement.

"He was. It was nice meeting you, though. I'm going to watch the BMXers compete now."

Gabriella smiled and held out her hand, saying goodbye. Kurt gladly took it and smiled as well.

"Let me walk you down there," Ian said. He turned to the girl and handed his helmet and things over. Kurt sighed as he put Blaine's backpack on.

"That won't be necessary, Ian."

"I insist," the elder stood up first and motioned for Kurt to join him. Kurt looked up at him and the man's sneaky smile appeared on his face again. "Come on."

Kurt stood up, saying excuse me to those who were preparing to watch the next skaters. They politely moved aside and let him slide through, followed closely by Ian who thanked the people as they went.

The crowd was lively after Jeff's performance. Now an 18 year old from Orange County was getting ready to go and a mascot started to dance, getting the children and teens in the audience even more hype. Kurt carefully navigated his way down the steps of the bleachers until he was at the very bottom. He felt Ian walk beside him as they snuck around a few makeshift souvenir shops and in front of fans by the barricades.

"So you don't bike or skateboard, I'm guessing you aren't much of a surfer, what is there to do in Long Beach?"

Kurt smiled softly at the question. "I hang with your cousin and his friends. Never a dull moment with the 5 of them."

Ian smiled. "He is something else."

"Yupp," Kurt played at the straps of the book bag he was wearing, walking the distance across the stadium. Jeff was trying to hear the questions of the interviewer over the noise as the couple approached.

"How old are you?"

Kurt turned to look at him. Ian was rubbing at his shoulder, wearing a smile as he asked. There was something about him that screamed dangerous and that must've been what made the girls they were walking by go so crazy for him. He looked away and answered. "I'm turning 17 in August."

Ian's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Wow. I thought you were older. You look way too hot to be 16."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Is there something I can help you with? I'm sure you know I'm not interested in whatever it is you're selling."

The man licked his lips. "I'm not selling anything, Kurt. You're close to my cousin I just wanted to get to know you."

"Everything cool?" Jeff asked as he walked over. Kurt turned to look at him and smiled.

"Everything is fine. We were just saying goodbye." Kurt smiled politely at Ian and the elder's eyes got another swipe of his body. Jeff glared at him.

"Oh," Ian pointed up at the scoreboard and Jeff quickly turned to look. Kurt looked back as well. "Second place, champ," he smacked the blonde on the shoulder and squeezed it tightly. Kurt saw the 95 out of 100 average Jeff got as opposed to the 98 Ian got and his shoulders dropped. Did this guy need any more reason to be a pompous jerk? "Looks like I'll see you in Long Beach in a week and a half."

Jeff rolled his eyes, jerking away from Ian's touch. "I'll see you there. C'mon Kurt."

Ian smiled, backing off. "Later Jeff. Later Kurt."

Kurt ignored him, struggling to keep up with his friend. Jeff skated off, absently waving at people screaming for him and shaking his head at the results of the competition. A 95 was fucking amazing. He won with a 90 before. Never had he seen a 98.

"Jeff, can you wait up a bit?"

The blonde turned back to see his blue eyed friend jogging behind him. He smiled a bit and kicked the board into his hand. "Sorry, Ohio. I'm fucking pissed."

Kurt shook his head. "You did amazing. I got everything on tape."

"Great. That guy just works my nerves." Kurt listened as they walked to where Blaine and the others would be competing. "He plays with your head, you know? Now I have to see him again and it's such bullshit."

"That's what upsets me… the mind games." Kurt shook his head, "How is Justin so sweet after growing up around him?"

"Great question," Jeff answered. "There's Donnie."

Kurt smiled as the man hung up the phone and waved them over. "How'd it go?" he questioned Jeff.

The boy only gave a half shrug. "I got a 95 but Ian scored 98."

Don's eyes went wide. "Shit. I was hoping he got worst from not competing."

Jeff shook his head, looking out over the BMX race course. "No such luck."

The crowd on this side of the stadium was amped up. Kurt smiled when he saw David in his red and gold, placing his huge helmet on. Nick was beside him in navy blue and white, doing the same. Don looked over before finishing. "Well, looks like it'll come down to you and Ian at the end of July. Exciting facing a guy you looked up to, huh?"

Jeff rolled his eyes. "I looked up to him before he treated me like a loser."

"Even more reason to kick his ass," Kurt said casually. Don laughed.

Looking across the stadium, Kurt could see the vert ramp where Blaine would be performing. Jeff stretched and looked down at his watch.

"What time do the freestyles start?"

"Now," Don said. "Kurt, you need to hurry for a seat. Blaine is up second."

Last name Anderson, Kurt thought. It made sense. "Okay. Should I save you a seat?"

"He's judging Justin's competition in a few," Jeff smiled, pulling out his cell phone, "Easy first place, huh?"

Don slapped the kid away and Kurt laughed. "I'm the fairest guy around. You know that."

"I'm going to go." Kurt told them. Jeff nodded.

"I'll film the race with these two knuckle heads for you."


With that, Jeff went to the seats stationed for the BMX race, and Kurt went over to the opposite side where the large ramps were. He smiled when he saw Blaine probably talking smack to the kid that went before him, stretching and laughing at whatever they said. The blue eyed teen looked away and up to the stands; already packed with people. He sighed as he scanned the crowd. This would be difficult.

"Have fun watching me kick your boyfriend's ass twink," Peter rudely pushed past Kurt as he walked by, dragging his bike along. Kurt stumbled to the side a bit but regained his composure, glaring back at the boney black haired boy. Peter smiled and rolled his eyes, facing forward again. "Fucking cock sucker."

Kurt looked around and saw people lost too lost in everything else to notice. That was pretty much the story of his life. He shook his head and walked towards the bleachers, seriously hoping Blaine would destroy him. And that Peter would fall. Twice.

A couple minutes later, the announcer was asking the crowd to settle down. Kurt found a seat between a 7 year old with a poster of Shane and a lady who had to be a parent of one of the competitors. She wouldn't shut up about how good he was and how he'd be the best for the next 10 years, and everyone around her was pretty much annoyed.

The judges settled into their place and the announcer addressed the crowd. The boy Blaine was speaking with previously got ready, going to the top of the ramp and bouncing nervously on his bike. As Kurt tried to tune out the obnoxious woman beside him, Blaine turned to scan the people in the audience. Once he spotted his boyfriend the nervous look on his face softened and a slow smile surfaced. Kurt smiled back, sending him a wave and two thumbs up. Seriously, did he really think he would miss this?

"Excuse me little guy, can I sit here?"

A man smiled at the boy beside Kurt and he nodded, grabbing his poster of Shane and scooting down a bit. Kurt politely moved Blaine's backpack closer to him so that the man could take a seat. As soon as he did, Kurt looked up to the person competing as he dropped down onto the vert.

"Is this the first guy?"

Kurt turned to see if he was being spoken to and nodded. "Oh, yes. They're just starting." The crowd clapped because of a spin that was done and Kurt pulled the camera out. The man nodded and settled back a bit.

"I meant to get here earlier but I had an audition that I'm not even sure I got the part for. Enjoying it so far?"

The boy did an upside down spin and almost fell after his landing, but kept pushing. Kurt looked to the man beside him. He seemed pretty friendly, in about his mid-twenties with a full head of dark brown hair and nice blue eyes. There was a bit of stubble along his rigid jaw line and a bright smile that was half charming-half animated. Kurt found himself smiling back. He looked incredibly familiar…

"Um…yeah," he laughed a little at how hyper the man was, "I am enjoying it. I mean it isn't really my cup of tea, per se, but I can say it is fun to watch."

The man smiled and looked back over the park again. "Yes. It definitely is cool." He undid his tie, letting it hang loosely around his neck.

The woman finally shut up beside them and Kurt took a breath. "Are you like a former skater or biker?"

"Nope," he shook his head no, reaching down for a bottle of water and wincing when the boy on the vert fell. Kurt frowned too, clapping with the rest of the crowd when he got back up slowly. His new chatty partner looked at him and spoke. "My family is into all of this shit though."

Kurt nodded with a smile. "My boyfriend is actually the one competing. This is my first time coming to one of these or anything like it."

The woman beside Kurt turned and gave him a disgusted face, though he was looking at his other neighbor and missed it. The man did see it though, and glared at her until she turned away. Kurt raised an eyebrow at his response but the man shook him off.

"It's really awesome that you're here to support him."

Kurt smiled. "Yeah. Thanks."

They grew quiet for a while and watched the remaining of the boy's freestyling. He got better as time went along, though falling in the first place would hurt his overall score.

"That's a nice ring." Kurt looked over at the man and saw him smiling down at his hand. "My little brother has one like that. He doesn't wear it anymore." He looked away with a soft shrug, smiling through his words. "It's a long story."

Kurt stared at him with what looked to be realization and the blue eyed man noticed, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Everything okay?"

"Now up, from Long Beach, California; 2010 and 2011's BMX Games National Champion, Blaine Anderson!"

The crowd went crazy and Kurt shook his head of his thoughts. He quickly turned the camcorder on and held it up, taking quick breaths and smiling when Blaine pushed his hunter green bike towards the ramp. Before placing the helmet on his head, Blaine looked into the crowd and spotted Kurt right away, grinning as he held the camera up and waving over at him. Blaine smiled back at him. Suddenly he was smacked with a wave of feelings just because Kurt was watching him do something he loved; there to support him and cheer for him just like his father did. And then he saw his older brother next to him, smiling and cheering as well, and Blaine almost fell before he even started.

The bell rang and Blaine only stared into the crowd. Cheers from all of his fans died down a bit as they wondered what was wrong, and Kurt looked at him incredulously, gesturing with his free hand for him to start.

"What is wrong with you, baby bro?" the man beside Kurt mumbled. Kurt quickly turned left and looked at the man.

"Baby bro?"

The bell rang again as the announcer waited patiently. Blaine gulped, watching Kurt and Cooper look at each other oddly. This would be great. He didn't come out to his older brother yet and now Kurt was sitting right next to him. Shaking his head, he looked out over the ramp and took a deep breath. Peter smirked as he looked up at him.

Concentrate, Blaine. He told himself. With another breath, he looked over at Kurt who was returning a hopeful look and smiled, riding down the slope of the vert and letting the adrenaline hit.

The crowd cheered again, louder this time as the boy many of them came to see began to ride. Shane smiled at the reaction of crowd, shaking his head at how perfect Blaine was starting off as usual. He was pretty much an arrogant dick and probably didn't deserve such recognition, at least in Shane's eyes, but no one could deny how talented he was.

Cooper turned from Blaine doing a tail whip in the air to the boy sitting beside him. Kurt was filming with a soft grin on his face; one sweaty fist clenched nervously on his lap.

"I'm guessing my little brother gave you that ring?"

Kurt licked his lips and turned to the gentleman. He nodded after seeing the confused look in his eyes. "Y-Yes, he did."

Cooper stared for a second longer before directing his attention back at his brother. Blaine was killing it and the judges looked as pleased as usual. The curly haired kid flipped upside down and slapped the ramp with one hand before flipping again and landing perfectly. People shouted, mostly girls, and Kurt bit his lip into a smile as he filmed it. He couldn't be more proud right now.

"So I know this is probably going to sound stupid but, Blaine and you are a couple?"

Kurt nodded, not looking at him. Blaine was doing amazingly and he didn't want to miss another second. "I know this is confusing—"

"A little." Cooper admitted. "My mother told me to talk to him because he moved out but she didn't mention him dating a guy. I guess confused is a good way to put it."

Kurt shook his head. She could call everyone else but she couldn't call her own son. "Well he is dating a guy. I'm sorry if that bothers you—"

"Should it bother me?"

Kurt finally looked at the man and blue eyes pierced through him. They both were drawn away when the crowd got out of control. Blaine went air born and pulled off a 720, landing perfectly. Even Shane clapped, though Peter beside him looked rigid. Kurt smirked before whistling loudly over the crowd.

"His time is almost up," the man told him, "let's go down so we can meet him."


"Well thank you, Blaine Anderson. Head right over and see your scores."

Blaine smiled at the interviewer and waved at the camera before walking away. He dragged his bike past Shane and Peter, smirking at the latter before flashing his middle finger in the most discreet way possible. The skinny kid looked as if he wanted him dead and that was definitely a feeling Blaine could reciprocate, but he focused less on that dickwad of an asshole and more on the couple waiting for him a few yards away. Cooper stood beside Kurt with a smile spreading across his stupid face; and Blaine couldn't tell if it was because he was proud of the performance or because he'd just found out he was dating a guy. He approached, glancing over to his boyfriend whose smile was a bit more on the coy side and smiled back. Before he could get his post-performance kiss, Cooper had stepped in front of his path; all 32 teeth showing.


Oh god. "Hey stranger," Blaine dropped his bike and let the elder Anderson pull him in for a tight hug. Kurt smiled widely behind them, filming the entire thing. When his boyfriend pushed his older brother off, Kurt giggled and turned the video camera off. Blaine ignored Cooper and looked at the boy he was crazy about. The younger teen wrapped his arms around his shoulders and Blaine quickly grabbed him around his waist.

"Did I tell you that you're my Superman?"

Blaine listened to the words being whispered into his ear and smiled proudly. He held him a little closer at the small of his back and stayed that way, buried in Kurt's arms and feeling his heart beat against his own. This was something he could get used to. It was only that he had a somewhat bemused older brother tapping him on the shoulder and a bunch of fans that were watching the exchange with a bit more that confusion.

"I have questions."

Kurt smiled into his boyfriend's shoulder before pulling away. He looked up at the older man and realized he only knew him as 'Blaine's brother'.

Blaine kept one hand on the small of Kurt's back and put the other at his side. "I guess we can make this quick," he smiled up at Cooper and the man watched him carefully; one eyebrow quirked and that ridiculous half smile on his face. "Coop, this is the beautiful man I get to call my boyfriend, Kurt Hummel." The announcer introduced the next rider—a kid by the name of Darius Blake, and Blaine looked over at him before continuing, "Baby, meet my older brother Cooper." Kurt smiled from his boyfriend over to Cooper. The man held out is hand and gave a soft smile.

"Hello Kurt."

He reached out his right hand and nodded, "Pleasure to meet you, Cooper."

"I would ask what brought you here but I think I know," Blaine told him. He watched the both of them pull away from the handshake and picked up his bike.

Cooper stuffed his hands in the pockets of his grey dress pants. He gave the younger Anderson a questioning look as he spoke. "It can't be because I wanted to see my little bro do what he loves? I have to have some ulterior motive?"

"We haven't spoken in what… five-six months?"

Kurt put the camcorder away as he listened.

Cooper rocked back and forth on his heels, steadily staring at his brother. Blaine looked at him expectantly. "We haven't spoken, no. But it isn't like you don't have my number either. And all that matters is I don't miss your events, B."

"Yeah," Blaine rolled his eyes and looked to Kurt, as he did so, a perfect score for him flashed on the judge's screen.

The crowd went wild and Blaine smiled as he saw it, waving a thank you to his fans who clapped crazily, and then smirking in Peter's direction. The teen eyed the scoreboard with disdain before gazing away. The look of fear on his face may've been better than getting the perfect score.

Kurt smiled at the board before looking over at his boyfriend. "I guess you aren't so bad after all."

Blaine smirked at him. Jerk. "I'm going to sit in on Justin's competition. Let's go babe."

"So am I not going to get any answers?"

Kurt smiled at the elder man. "You didn't ask any questions."

Cooper smiled as he followed after them. His younger brother sat on his bike and slowly pushed himself along, neglecting the pedals as his feet wandered along the concrete. Kurt walked beside him, taking in the atmosphere one more time. This was something he couldn't fathom, yet his friends were totally used to it.

"You know mom told me you moved out Blainers."

Blaine nodded, still a few paces ahead of him. "Yeah I did. Has she told you about the baby or her fiancé?"

Cooper frowned, looking out over the park. He caught up and walked on the other side of Kurt. "She told me."

Blaine stopped about a quarter of the way towards the Freestyle Street competitions. Kurt who walked quietly beside them stopped as well, giving the two their time to talk about everything.

"And I know you're going to ask and no, I don't condone it. But who am I to tell her how to live her life?"

Blaine smiled. "And who is her boyfriend to tell me how to live mine?"

Kurt looked off into the distance. The crowds were really into it. He wished Blaine could be enjoying this instead of having to talk about everything that he hated right now. But on the other hand, he knew Blaine needed to talk about it. Unfortunately, he couldn't do so with his mother.

Cooper ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "What did he say?"

Blaine shook his head. "I don't want to get into this right now. Can we actually meet up later or will you be too busy?"

Cooper rolled his eyes. "I'm going to say hey to unc and then I'm getting out of here. Call me when you're done and all of us will get a bite to eat or something." he smiled at Kurt and patted him on the back. The coiffed teen smiled softly and watched Cooper turn his attention to Blaine, running a hand through his hair and being pushed off. He made Blaine promise to call when they left and then went off in the direction of their uncle.

Blaine turned to Kurt with a half-smile before putting his feet on the pedals. "I'm sorry you had to meet him like that. I don't know the awkward he put you through."

"It wasn't so bad," Kurt told him, walking beside the bike. "He seems nice. Kinda hot." Blaine rolled his eyes and his boyfriend smiled. "But you're the hottest when you're jealous."

"I'm not jealous." Blaine pedaled as slowly as possible so that his boyfriend wouldn't have to rush. "Remind me to take this bike to the shop. I hear there's a super sexy repair man that'll put pegs on the wheels for me."

Kurt smirked as they walked past another kiosk stand. "I heard something like that too. I'll remind you."

"Thanks baby."

"Of course."

A few minutes passed. They rode around the course, squeezing past barricades and the camera crew, just to get to the already too crowded stands. Justin was watching one of the riders go up, casually kicked back with earphones in. He did have a while to go before his chance came up.

Blaine got off the bike and held it up. "Sit down babe. I'm going to find the others and call my aunt. The race should be over by now."

Kurt nodded, handing over his boyfriend's book bag. "Your phone is in the outside pocket."

Blaine accepted it with a thank you and waited until Kurt was sat down on his Colony bike before walking off. Kurt put one foot on the ground and one foot on the pedal, leaning to the side and holding himself up. He smiled at the forehead kiss he got before Blaine was walking off. Luckily, the fans surrounding them behind barriers and in the stands were too focused on the street competition to make a big deal about it. Not that Blaine cared anyway.

The curly haired teen pulled his jeans up with one hand as he held the phone to his ear with the other. He walked through the park, smirking to himself when he saw the scoreboard show some loser's score with 68 out of 100. Why did they even bother showing up to events like this?

Aunt Pam answered her work phone after two rings and Blaine smiled at her voice.

"Just calling to let you know I got a perfect score and if I keep this up, no one will remember your husband's name in a few years."

Pam laughed into the phone. "Where did you get that ego, little boy? Remind me to drain all the water out of that swollen head when I see you later."

Blaine smiled, stopping to sign something for a few kids walking through the park, "I'm kidding, a little bit. But guess who showed up?"

Pam hesitated to answer as she thought of a person, and Blaine ran his sharpie marker over a couple posters. "I know it wasn't Clarissa because I just got off the phone with her…"

"Oh yeah?" Blaine asked, signing one last thing and waving the kids off, "How'd that go?"

"She asked how you were and thanked me a hundred times for letting you stay with us. Promises it will only be temporary and—"

"I haven't heard from her so it's funny she say that."

Pam sighed. "We'll deal with this later, Blaine. I promise." the boy nodded at her soothing voice, staring at the ground as he walked. "But who is it that came? You're in L.A. so it's safe to say it was that big head brother of yours?"

Blaine smiled. He could see Cooper chatting with his uncle at the judge's corner. "It was him. And he randomly happened to meet Kurt before I got to introduce them."

"Oh lord."

"Kurt said he was nice though. Just happy he didn't creep the hell out of him."

"You and I both," Pam mused, "so I'm guessing he didn't freak out at any of this?"

Jeff could be seen skating over on his board with a huge grin, followed slowly by a laughing David and an indifferent Nick. He smirked when he saw them. It wasn't hard to guess who actually won.

"He didn't freak out but we didn't talk much about Kurt and I. Only a brief snippet of what's been going on with mom. But I promised we'd meet up somewhere after the competitions."

Jeff pointed out Blaine who waited where he was for them, and Aunt Pam spoke. "That's great. He needs to be a little more family oriented and I think Kurt needs to know that you do have more support than opposition. Must be kind of weird for him dating a boy who everyone knew to date girls."

Blaine nodded once more. "I was thinking that earlier."

"But it is fine sweetie," Nick pushed David hard because of something he said and the eldest almost fell of his bike, "You have your uncle and I and your cousin who is excited to help me bake you all a 'happy winning cake' since we couldn't be there. I told him the word is congratulations but he said he likes his words better."

Blaine smiled. "I missed the both of you today but I bet the cake will great. Thanks auntie."

"Anytime," she said with a smile that made Blaine smile harder, "now go have fun, okay?"


They hung up just in time for the guys to approach. Jeff and David were laughing, the former basically throwing his sweaty body all over Blaine who laughed and kicked him off. David looked to Nick who didn't seem pleased in the slightest.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys?" Blaine smiled at their contagious laughter as he asked. Putting the phone in his pockets, he straightened out his tank top and the book bag on his shoulders.

"I-I had one day of practice in a year and I kicked this guy's ass," David pointed at Nick who was starting to smirk, rolling his eyes and wheeling off towards where Kurt was. Blaine smiled as he watched him and Jeff started to skate again.

"Nick got second place and we laughed at him. Now he feels sour." Jeff explained. "But it is a little funny."

"I think so," David added. Blaine only rolled his eyes, walking beside them.

"Be nice to him. Remember that huge Pit Bull he has in his back yard."

"That precious pup? Oh please. How'd you do though?" Jeff asked.

"I got 100."

David's eyes went wide. "Damn bro. Congrats."

Jeff smiled widely. "Shit. Congrats. I wonder does Peter have your money."

Blaine motioned with a finger to his lip for them to keep quiet. "I'm sure he doesn't and I'm not even going to pursue it. Too risky with how he's been snaking everywhere. But I know he's nervous and that's good enough. How'd you do?"

"Ian beat me for first place." Jeff said shaking his head.

Blaine winced at the words. "Dude? Honestly?"

"You know he's better than me, B. Don't give me that look."

They made it back over to Kurt and a somber Nick and stood with the group. Blaine stood behind his boyfriend who still sat comfortably on the bike and rested his arms on Kurt's shoulder, smiling when the younger teen held on to his wrists. David smiled at their positioning. He'd never stop shipping them, no matter what.

"How many more people before Palmers?" he asked.

Nick looked at David and rolled his eyes. They group smiled.

"You need to get over yourself," Jeff said. "Second place isn't the end of the world. Just kick his ass in a week in a half."

"Not happening," David said with a smile. Kurt rolled his eyes at both of them as Blaine folded his hands around him.

"Not many competitors are in this one. Justin goes up after about 10 people."

"Awesome." Jeff sat down on his skateboard and pulled a Gatorade out his back pack. "What are we doing when we're out of here?"

"Shopping." David said quickly.

"Cooper showed up so Kurt and I are going to chat with him."

Nick looked over at his best friend, connecting his bulky helmet to one of his handle bars. "Wow. Seems like forever since I've seen him."

Blaine nodded. "Yupp."

"I'll go shopping too." Jeff added. "Seven month anniversary is coming up and I want to do something special."


"Shut up," Jeff said with a blush.

"Well as long as we all meet back here at 7 so Donnie can't destroy us we should be fine." Nick told them. "No one wants him angry like last time."

"The man wouldn't hurt a fly," Kurt said with a smile. Blaine shook his head.

"He's nice to you because he likes you. He doesn't like us baby."

"He doesn't." Jeff contributed. Kurt only smiled.

"Well let's just watch Jus cream these kids." David added. "We'll do all of that later."


Justin did just that, destroying his competition embarrassingly so. The second place winner had about 11 points less than him; a kid from that town he and Blaine started a riot in. Justin was lucky enough not to have anyone enter the event this year that was anywhere near as talented as him, at least in this division. If Blaine entered the Street category he acknowledged he'd be in for a challenge.

The group waited around a bit longer before leaving just so they could laugh when Peter failed after talking so much bullshit. Blaine had the camera ready for his performance so that he could show Mikey how much he sucked and remind the kid that whatever the bully said wasn't true. What the group wasn't expecting was for Shane Smith to go air born and turn into a complete animal on the ramp—landing trick after trick and making the crowd go as crazy as Blaine had. They weren't prepared to see 100 out of 100 posted for the dirty blonde; or watch the teen smile as he bowed to the fans. Blaine was tied for first place and he absolutely hated it.

"What. The. Fuck." Justin said, staring up at the scoreboard. Kurt looked from the shocked faces of his friends back to Shane being interviewed.

"That was pretty good, right?"

"Spectacular," David said; his mouth still slightly parted. "Wow."

"It wasn't better than I did," Blaine stated. "We'll set the record straight in the Quarter-Finals."

"You know that was fucking awesome Blaine shut up." Nick said in just about one amazed breath.

"Peter's up now," Jeff watched the boy nervously climb to his position of the vert. People in the crowd cheered politely and the judges looked from the rider over to Blaine. He feigned indifference, handing the camera to his boyfriend and instructing him to film. Kurt pointed the camera at the performance as Blaine made small talk with Nick.

As the bell rang, Peter patted his green helmet and gripped the handle bars; flying down on the vert. Shane crossed his arms, turning his attention away from Blaine and friends to the performance. Peter started off slow. He didn't do an actual trick until he'd went up and down both sides of the ramp about five times, and the tricks he did do were shaky. Blaine smirked at Nick because of it and his best friend only shook his head.

Peter pedaled hard, flying up the left side of the vert. As he whipped his bike around in a 360, he lost control and went crashing into the solid wood. The crowd gasped and even Kurt winced, looking away. Blaine tried not to smile too widely because the officials were probably watching, and Justin watched to see if he would get up.

As the crowd waited quietly, Peter grimaced on the ramp. He shook his head at the pain in his wrist, pushing himself up with his arms and hitting the vert in frustration. Shane watched, feeling sympathetic for him but knowing that Karma was a bitch. He wanted Peter to understand that there was some integrity to this sport and the way he'd been behaving, especially a performer of his caliber, was absolutely disgusting.

Peter stood up on the ramp and the crowd clapped, happy to see he was okay. Kurt continued filming though he wanted to stop. They had their satisfaction. This would be enough. But David shook his head no, taking the camera himself and zooming in at the face of disappointment Peter wore. "He spoke bad about you and Blaine and now we're putting this shit all over the internet."

Blaine smirked, stretching his arms and ruffling his hair. "I'm getting out of here guys. Hold on to Kurt's camera, David?"

He nodded, "Sure thing, bro."

"And my bike, Jeff?"

The blonde rolled his eyes. "Take it to the truck lazy."

Kurt smiled and grabbed the bike, sitting on top of it. "Let's go, honey. Later guys."

Peter started riding again and saw Blaine and Kurt stalking off with their smiles. He felt himself anger, watching the couple leaving directly after his spill, laughing and going their separate ways from the group. He took a deep breath and focused on finishing out his last couple minutes, though he knew when he got back to Long Beach he'd be a complete joke. He was tired of being Blaine Anderson's lag. This kid had everything handed to him, and now he was a fucking cock sucking homo and he was still number one. Peter hated it.

Peter had to come out on top at least once this summer.


"So let me get this straight." Cooper chewed on his fries and wiped his mouth with a napkin. Kurt sat across from him, giving the elder an amused look, and Blaine ignored him to stare up at the television screen in the restaurant. They were showing highlights from Preliminaries and he got to catch a glimpse of Ian's performance. "You work for my uncle. Blaine walks in, flirting with that stupid slut that I told Don not to hire, and that's when you first met him."

Kurt nodded. "He taught me a little about bikes and I sold him one. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, I guess. A simple meeting."

"But then you nursed him back to help when a dog tripped him," Cooper picked up his turkey club and looked at Kurt, "something you didn't have to do… so what I'm getting from this is you're a pretty nice guy who hasn't learned not to talk to strangers."

Kurt smiled at him as he put his glass back on the table. "I am a nice guy, I'd like to think. Blaine wasn't a stranger exactly… we'd spoken at the shop. He was pretty nice to the 'flaming gay' as Farrah liked to call me."

Blaine looked over at him and Kurt reached for a fry. "Anyway, from there we spoke and started to hang out. The rest is history."

Cooper nodded, smiling at his younger brother. Blaine only put his arm around Kurt and looked back up at the television. "Somewhere along the way of this history you started liking one another more than friends."

"Pretty quickly," Kurt admitted, "at least for me."

"Me too," Blaine said. He picked up his cup and took a sip as Kurt finished. "We were friends first, which I love, and I've never felt as close to someone as I did to Blaine after such a short amount of time. I'm happy it turned out to be more than just friends because it'd suck to have a huge crush on him while he dated all these different chicks…"

"And if I had to watch you make goo-goo eyes at Jose I would've died."

"I really didn't make goo-goo eyes at him."

"You did."

"Look Squirt," Cooper sat back and smiled, "to be completely honest with you I want to ask you a hundred questions and grill you, and ask you if you're sure, and tell you that you don't like guys," he looked over to Kurt, smiling softly at the teen's apprehension because of his words, "but then I see you both look at each other and hear the adoration in your voices, even in silly ass conversations like these…" Blaine looked away from his brother and up at the television again. Cooper shrugged and continued, "I see this and no I don't understand it, but it seems so fucking appropriate I'd be an ass to ask any of those questions."

"I wouldn't fault you for asking," Kurt told him. "I mean, I can understand everyone's confusion—"

"The only thing that needs to be said is Kurt makes me better, Coop. Whether or not you accept that, or mom, or Victor, or fucking Pope Benedict," Cooper stretched his arms over the chair he lounged at and grinned as Blaine clearly spoke, "he wants to be with me and I couldn't be luckier."

Kurt smiled. "We're both lucky. Things have changed for the both of us and we're both lucky."

Cooper finished looking at his brother and turned to Kurt. "And not that you need my approval but I'm happy for the both of you."

Blaine nodded, "Thanks." Kurt said the same.

"That means a lot."

Cooper took another bite, looking up at the television as well. "So, Kurt. You're from good ol' Ohio? What's it like?"

Kurt shrugged as he settled in closer to Blaine's side. "Nothing spectacular I suppose. Much quieter, a lot less accepting."

"You don't care too much for extreme sports so what did you do for fun?" Cooper questioned.

"I was in the glee club. That was cool."

Cooper snorted. "No it wasn't."

Blaine looked over at them and Kurt smiled. "Okay it wasn't. But I liked it, and so did my friends."

"Were you guys any good?"

"Well they're going to Nationals in New York this weekend. That's the big shebang."

Cooper nodded. "That's amazing. So I trust you'll be getting into that over here?"

"That's the plan."

Blaine's sports watch beeped and he realized it was getting late. "I'm happy you two are hitting it off but we need to get going. Unc is expecting us back in a few hours and I want to spend some time alone. No offense."

Kurt smiled at the ridiculously annoyed face Cooper gave them. "I'm just trying to get to know the guy. You seem to be inlooooove," The man teased and Blaine rolled his eyes, "I want to be able to go home knowing you're in good hands."

"I find it funny that you've spoken to him more than you have me in almost a year."

"Okay," Kurt put his glass down and looked at his boyfriend, "I'll pay and we can get out of here."

"No, it's fine," Cooper smiled at the both of them, pulling out his wallet. "I've got it, Kurt."

Blaine stood up and grabbed his backpack, holding out his hand for Kurt to take. "I'll call you, bro."

Cooper nodded. "Cool. Love you, squirt."

"Love you too."

Kurt took his boyfriend's hand as he slid out of the seat and smiled sadly at the older Anderson. "Nice meeting you, Cooper."

Cooper nodded, putting a bit of cash on the table and settling back. "Same here, and thank you."

Blaine led him out of the busy Los Angeles restaurant. He didn't have time for his brother to pretend like he had time all of the sudden now. He'd been pretty absent when Blaine needed him before, burying himself in auditions, landing a few small gigs and flopping on the others. Now, he shows up interested in what's going on? Something smelled like a rat.

"Was that necessary?"

Blaine started walking off down Hollywood Boulevard as he wondered what Kurt was talking about. "I don't know what you mean."

"Did we have to leave like that? I was under the impression you two hadn't seen each other in a while—"

"Correct." Blaine nodded, walking him along.

"Well," Kurt laced their fingers a little tighter, "why did we leave in the middle of a conversation?"

"I want to be alone right now."

They were quiet for the next few paces. Kurt looked around Hollywood. It was a strange place filled with young people and weirdos dressed up like movie characters role playing with one another. Kurt slowed down a bit and looked around, taking in the sights. Now would be a good time to have his camera.

"It's a lot, Kurt. No we haven't spoken in a while but I'm saving him from having to. He doesn't want to be bothered." Blaine spoke softly. "We love each other but we have our own agendas."

"What better time to put those agendas aside and be brothers again for a couple hours?" Kurt asked in return. He watched Blaine look at him for a moment before shaking his head.

"I appreciate you trying to help me solve my countless amounts of problems, but you don't seem to want to talk about yours much."

Kurt raised an eyebrow at the words. "What do you mean?"

"You were just telling him about Ohio." Blaine said obviously. Kurt played unmoved.


"I know you were bullied about glee club but that's the furthest you'll say."

Kurt smiled, "Because it honestly doesn't matter, honey."

"It matters to me." Blaine told him. "If I were to say that you'd beg me to talk to you. I think it's only fair if you talk to me as well."

"Ah," Kurt shook his head. "Um, it's a long, depressing story that I would absolutely love to leave in Ohio."

Blaine nodded. "Okay. I spill out all my insecurities and pain and you keep your old life locked away. Sounds fair. You want to see the Walk of Fame? It starts at Vine Street."

Kurt felt Blaine let go of his hand and saw the boy pretend to have to fix the straps of his book bag as an excuse. He immediately felt cold, despite the 85 degree weather, and clasped his hands in front of him in response. Blaine put his hands in his pockets and looked up at the street signs, walking slightly ahead of his boyfriend. He pretty much made no effort to see if Kurt was even still there as they strolled along the busy boulevard, and Kurt sighed heavily. This by far was not the way he wanted this day to turn out.

"Can I draw you a caricature?"

Kurt stopped and smiled at the woman who asked him. Her drawings were amazing; a little goofy but that was the point. "Oh, no thank you."

She smiled anyway and nodded to him, scanning the rest of the people on the boulevard. Kurt finished looking through the drawings before looking up. Blaine was a few feet up, hands still shoved in his pocket as he waited. The younger teen cut through a group of tourists and went to join him.


Blaine shook his head. "It's fine. That's Vine right there."


The elder stopped to bend down and tie his sneaker. Kurt licked his lips, looking off down the block. "Yes, Kurt?"

He's mad at me, Kurt thought to himself. "I'll tell you everything you want to know later, I promise. Let's just enjoy Los Angeles because I was excited to come here with you today. Please?"

Blaine finished tying the knot and stood up nodding his head. "That's cool." He started to walk off and Kurt moved to follow, tentatively reaching his hand out until his fingers brushed with Blaine's. The elder resisted at first but couldn't for too long, eventually spreading his fingers and letting Kurt slide his own between them. Even though he felt his boyfriend was being a bit of a hypocrite, he wasn't a fan of not being able to feel him close by. With the way Blaine's mind would race all over the place, simple touches like these kept him grounded; kept him sane.


"What time is it?"

"A quarter after 3," Don checked the bike rack on back of his vehicle to make sure the boys had secured it tightly. "Do we remember what time I asked you to be back here?"

David smiled as he flipped the cap on his head backwards, "Yes, Donnie. 9:30. We know."


"I'm joking," the boys laughed and Donald gave them his serious face; the one that told Mikey he meant business. It worked on 17 and 18 year olds too, apparently.

"I need you to be back at exactly 7. I have quarter finals to prepare for."

Nick's phone began to ring and he pulled it out his jeans, "Promise we'll be back at 6:59, Donnie."

Jeff smiled innocently from ear to ear and the man nodded at them. They knew he meant business, but it was fun to pick on him. Don was like that really cool teacher that everyone loved, that also happened to be extremely strict. You had to be really freaking cool to be a strict teacher and still be adored. That was Don. He didn't tolerate any of the boys' nonsense, of course, but he let them enjoy their youth the whole way. The man pulled out his car keys and stretched a bit, patting at the lightly gelled dark hair on his head. "You boy's get going. I'll be with the council."

"Yes, boss," Nick answered his phone and waved goodbye to his best friend's uncle, leading the group away.

Justin came over from where he bravely (against his better judgment) signed the autographs of a few women. Thankfully, he rejoined his friends with both nipples intact and no dislocated appendages. He even got a phone number that he had no intention of using, but he got one. That was the point.

David listened to Nick being completely lovey dovey on the phone with his girlfriend and rolled his eyes away, turning towards Justin. The blonde headed boy fell into step beside him.

"Where are we eating?"

"Waffle house!" Jeff answered, though he wasn't being asked. Justin shrugged at the answer anyway. "Sounds good to me."

David nodded. "Cool. I need to—"

"Waffle house sounds amazing," Ian skated up behind them, kicking his board into his hand and bumping David on the shoulder with his, "haven't had any of that in the longest."

Ian of course caught Jeff rolling his eyes at his presence and smiled at the younger skater. "Great run out there today, Sterling. You freaking evolved from the last time I've seen you, and you were pretty good back then."

Justin smirked at Jeff's aggravated face. "What are you doing here? And where's your friend?"

Ian looked to his watch and back at his cousin. "Took her to meet up with some friends. Didn't feel like sticking around though," he danced around David who was about to orgasm when his eyes landed on an outlet of some sort, and stood next to his cousin, "I'd rather catch up with you boys…" Nick hung up the phone and turned back to see the eldest had joined them. "Where are Blaine and his boyfriend?"

David finally came back to life and answered, flipping his hat frontwards now to shield his eyes from the sun. "They're spending some quality time together."

"Oh," Ian nodded, not even trying to hide his disappointment. Nick raised an eyebrow.

"Why do you ask?"

"Well, no reason." He dropped his skateboard and stood on it, now having a height advantage over his towering younger cousin, "I spoke to Kurt today for a bit and he seemed like a cool guy. And I know Blaine hates me but I wanted to see the little fella before you guys go back to Long Beach. I won't be there for a week or so."

Justin nodded. "Well if you don't piss either of them the fuck off by that point, maybe they'll actually hang out with you when you get there." He smiled at his cousin's devious face and shook his head, "I don't know if you've noticed but Blaine kind of likes other guys not to look at or speak to his boyfriend."

"He doesn't like assholes not to look at or speak to Kurt," Jeff corrected. "Everyone else is good."

Ian smirked, licking his lips and stopping along the path. He stepped off of the skateboard and left it in the middle of the sidewalk, and when he was in Jeff's face, he looked the teen straight into his brown eyes. Jeff looked back, unmoved.

"Are you calling me an asshole, second place?"

David's eyes went wide as he turned to Justin. Nick rolled his eyes and kicked the skateboard away so pedestrians could go by carefully. "C'mon guys, stop being stupid."

Jeff never answered. He only stared the boy straight in his eyes, absolutely hating the fire behind Ian's as the man smirked. Eventually, Justin walked over and grabbed Jeff by the arm, pulling him towards David. "Let's go, J." Jeff broke away from his grasp and walked down the avenue, ignoring Nick who called out for him and briskly turning the corner. David shook his head and looked over to Ian who watched the younger skater storm off; the look on his tanned face sheer pride.

"You really need to chill with this stupidity," he said, finally catching Ian's eye. "You've always treated him like he's an absolute nobody."

"I'm pretty sure he has more awards than you to be honest," Justin added. Ian shrugged, bending down to pick up his board.

"If I was to stay around here for school and compete, he'd definitely be a 'nobody'. And I'm only hard on you idiots because I want you to do well. Prove me wrong, you know?" he smiled at Justin, "I did that with all of you, did I not?"

"We're good because we worked hard and actually had people like Don encouraging us. Not because you told us we couldn't amount to shit, Ian. Now if you'll excuse us," Justin patted David on the back before walking ahead of him. David stared at Ian a little longer and shook his head at the smirk the man gave before following after Justin. He was set in his ways, definitely. Nothing would change with that.

Ian watched them turn the corner and considered apologizing. He didn't mean to make Jeff upset, he just didn't take kind to insults. They'd get over it. For now, he sighed and dropped his board to the ground, skating off in the direction of which he came. It was early. Maybe there'd be a groupie or two who wanted to hang out for a while. A little release would keep the stress levels down.


"And you swear we won't get in trouble?"

Blaine smiled. "No I don't. We probably will get in trouble." He felt Kurt stop walking completely behind him as the boy squeezed his hand tightly. Biting his lip, he turned back with a sneaky grin on his face. It was a look that Kurt didn't appreciate at all given the circumstances. "C'mon, baby. I just want a little bit of sanity before we go back home. Just you and me and some serenity. " He stepped closer to Kurt after speaking, eyes finding a gorgeous bluish green staring back at him. Kurt smiled when his boyfriend's hand cupped his cheek, softly brushing the smooth skin there with the pad of his thumb. "I'm not worth the trouble?"

The question was one that Kurt had to smile at. Blaine loved using guilt to force him into doing things they'd probably get ruined for—not only this case, but also when they tried to mess around the other morning in Kurt's kitchen. His father was on the phone in the living room, delegating orders to his workers. Blaine said he'd literally cry if Kurt didn't let him touch his butt, and that he'd tell Burt his son was putting his hands in inappropriate places on his body. Of course Kurt knew Burt would think Blaine was out of his mind, but he didn't want to risk having to sit through that conversation. But Blaine did have reasoning behind this.

"And you know what they say, baby: Friends that turn into boyfriends let their boyfriend touch their butt."

Kurt ignored him, continuing to cook his breakfast, and shaking his head when an eager hand squeezed his left cheek. A few minutes later, it wasn't surprising in the least bit that Kurt found himself with a finger to his lips, pushed against the basement door as Blaine grabbed a handful of his ass and squeezed hard, grinding hard against him. Kurt did all he could not to make any noise, but the same didn't go for the smoke detector in the kitchen. They hurried back into the room and just beat Burt who rushed in with a confused face, eyeing an of course guilty faced Blaine and watching as his son waved hot air away from the device.

"All is well dad," he smiled. Thankfully his acting skills were further advanced than his boyfriend's. Burt nodded, glancing back to the elder teen before heading to the door.

"Just be careful in here."

"Okay," Kurt said.

They settled for cereal that morning.

Now, Blaine pulled away from a chaste kiss with Kurt, smiling as their eyes met again and motioning with his head. "Can we go get a taxi now? The shopping and everything else you want to do will come… just a little bit of time alone."

"Okay honey," Kurt sounded breathless from their two second, gentle kiss and Blaine's lips curved into a smile because of it. He felt the same way. "I'm not concerned about the shopping. We can always come back and do that, Blaine. I'd definitely just spend the rest of the time in a nice spot with you but us getting in trouble is what worries me."

"We'll be fine," Blaine kissed him on the corner of his lips again before pulling away, "I promise it's a public spot. We wouldn't be trespassing. It's just neglected most of the time," he hailed a cab as he spoke, "which is ridiculous because it's beautiful."

Kurt smiled at that. "Ok. I'm all for it."

"But," a cab driver motioned that he'd pull up to them when the light turned green and Blaine nodded, "you have to be prepared to do a little climbing."

"You had me but then you lost me," Kurt said with a smirk. Blaine laughed a little and turned back to him. "I don't want to ride two hours back in your uncle's car with all of you sweaty men sweating myself. I thought I'd be the one person to not stink."

"You've hugged me more than once so you stink too, bum."

The taxi pulled over and Kurt rolled his eyes at Blaine's words. He didn't stink. Once the car was fully stopped, he walked the short distance to the rear door and pulled it open, smirking at the smack that hit his ass. Blaine winked and got in after him, slamming the door closed and lacing their fingers in his lap.

"Where can I take you boys?" the driver asked.

Kurt looked to his boyfriend and smiled when Blaine was looking at the ring again. "To the Westside. I'll tell you the spot."

The gentleman nodded, pulling off slowly.

"You're such a mystery, Anderson."

Blaine nodded. No need to deny it. He did smile though, nestling into the boy's side. "I'm crazy about you."

Suddenly, the stores they passed and the landmarks he dreamed about seeing didn't seem so appealing. The simple words uttered by his boyfriend did though. Four words that said much more that implied, or implied way more than they seemed. If Kurt could be completely honest with himself, he felt the same way. His father and Blaine's uncle were quick to tell them they had miles to go, but he knew he felt the same. With a soft smile, Kurt moved closer to Blaine too, resting his head atop the curly haired teen's.

"And I'm crazy about you."


"I can't believe he's coming. I thought we wouldn't see him at least until further over the summer." Chandler sat down at the mall's food court table besides Tina. His friends smiled at him, knowing how excited the boy was to see his ex. Chandler didn't think he could wait to be perfectly honest. They'd shared texts here and there, and yes, Chandler believed that Kurt would want to talk more being that he moved to a whole new state and didn't know anyone, but he was okay with the minimal conversing they did do. It had to be hard up and leaving the only place you knew as home. Kurt probably wanted to stay to himself right now and Chandler decided that he was perfectly okay with that.

"I know he's excited to see New York," Mike said aloud. "Can't believe his dad is letting him come."

"Same here," Artie said, picking toppings off his pizza. "I bet he misses you like crazy, Chandler."

Mercedes watched her friends smile at their blonde friend. He pushed his glasses up his face and nodded happily as she shied away from conversation. Holding onto secrets had never been her strong suit, and now she knew Kurt had a new boyfriend and probably wasn't thinking twice about the poor boy.

"I hope so." Chandler said. Rachel beamed a smile in his direction, and before she could say anything about Kurt having fabulous new friends (hot as hell friends) Mercedes cleared her throat and spoke.

"We need to make a list of all the places we're going to go when we get there! Kurt wants to see so many places and so do we. Who knows when we'll see him again?"

"I'm going to ask him to reconsider us," Chandler blurted out. Tina turned to see if he was serious and the boy was a smiling mess. "I think we can do this long distance thing if he tries."

Mike smiled at him. "Go for it bro."

"Or," Mercedes cut in, "don't. That's a wound you don't want reopened."

"Why are you being such a negative nelly?" Rachel questioned. Mercedes rolled her eyes.

"Thanks, Rachel. I have it mapped out. We'll go for a stroll in Battery Park and I'll buy him flowers, tell him how I feel… it'll be great. All the things he felt will come flooding back."

He didn't really feel anything, Mercedes shook her head and stood up. "I'm going to get something to drink. Be right back."

They looked at her suspiciously for her behavior but nodded.

"Sprite." Artie said clearly.

Mercedes rolled her eyes but nodded, going off. Her friends shrugged going back to the conversation.

"Kurt's a hopeless romantic Chandler!" Rachel exclaimed, "You should go for it."


The climb down the steep hill wasn't as bad as Kurt imagined it.

Blaine paid the taxi driver and asked him to come back in three hours, all before he helped Kurt out of the car where the boy found the most amazing view he'd ever seen. There was nothing but a beautiful ocean that took his breath away, and the beautiful skyline of a city that Blaine told him was Santa Monica. They walked over the pebble filled sand a little closer to the Pacific, and his boyfriend smiled back at him when the maybe 5 minute quiet walk led them to a cliff.

"Now, we go down there and take it all in."

And that led them to where they were now. Kurt held Blaine's hand as he cautiously led the way. When he was told earlier that there'd be a climb, he thought they'd hike through a musky forest with animals that wouldn't be fond of their habitat being invaded. It was possible that the idea was insane because honestly where would Blaine find a forest in this city, but it was what Kurt thought would happen. This was intense, still. There were large rocks to navigate down, all hidden in the beautiful sand that thankfully stabilized his footing. And Blaine held him tightly, familiar with the spot and how to get down to sea level. He felt a bit safer behind Kurt so he could stop him from slipping if that happened, and also he got to look at that ass. That was never a bad thing.

A little out of breath, Kurt's foot finally hit the sand. He felt Blaine hop off a huge rock beside him as they both gripped each other's hands a little tighter, slowly taking in the beautiful view. The sun was still high in the sky and the sound of the waves clapping together was wonderfully calming. Just like Blaine said earlier, there was nobody else around. The bustling city was filled with people and all of them were rushing from place to place. But here, here was a setting that allowed the two boys tobreathe. Blaine needed to breathe, and Kurt felt he needed a second to think; just to take a second and acknowledge that all of this was actually happening.

"I wish I had brought something for us to sit on. I know you'll resort to violence if sand gets inside your clothes."

Kurt chuckled lightly at the words, releasing Blaine's hand and walking over to the shore. The water rolled in and he stopped, smiling at it all. For someone who didn't think he'd enjoy this, the serenity and its simplicity was something Kurt didn't know he desired. Bending down to pick up a few pebbles, Kurt smiled to himself before standing again.

As Blaine went to join him, he did the same. Bringing him here was dangerous. It was quiet and astounding, and the perfect setting for words to spill that Blaine wanted to save for the perfect moment. He told himself he wouldn't do it though; no matter how much Mikey wouldn't shut up about Kurt telling him he loved him.

"I want Lucky Charms. Oh, Kurt told me he loved me again today."


Kurt skipped a pebble out over the water and smiled to himself. Blaine found himself wondering what he was thinking about as he skipped a pebble too. He didn't ask; instead focusing on how happy he was. It was a long day of Preliminaries and Ian Palmers and Peter Sutton, and a bunch of stress that he wanted to forget. Luckily, he was with someone that helped him forget.

"Did you want to talk or just relax?"

Blaine licked his lips and shrugged. "Not much to talk about is there?" His boyfriend laughed and Blaine smiled, albeit confused. "What's so funny?"

Kurt shook his head as he too shrugged. "I don't know. I think there is a lot to talk about after today."

"Like?" Blaine questioned, smiling at the boy he lo—adored. He looked away and shook his head, skipping another pebble.

"Well," Kurt began in his sing song voice, "There's Justin's bisexual cousin that is back in town. There's your rival who tied with you, who I happen to think is an okay guy but you happen to hate for some unknown reason," Blaine rolled his eyes and Kurt smiled, continuing, "Then, of course there's Peter—"

"Who talked a bunch of shit but couldn't qualify for Quarter Finals," Blaine said with a smile. "That makes me warm and fuzzy inside."

Kurt shook his head as he laughed. "I was going to say there's Peter who has been plotting to get you in trouble, and you seem to shake it off like this is the last straw. He isn't finished."

"He's finished," Blaine smiled. "His face hitting the wood today said he's finished."

"Okay," Kurt bent down again and picked up another few pebbles, smiling at a little seashell he found. "If you say so. Though I think this is embarrassing for him, and he won't rest until—"

"I couldn't care less about that loser baby." Blaine smirked when Kurt gave an exasperated sigh, rolling his eyes at the younger teen. He had enough of them talking about that stuff, whether or not it was an actual conversation, and decided to switch the flow of things.


Kurt shook his head no with a smirk.

"Baby," Blaine leant forward trying to get some eye contact, but Kurt looked out over the view. "Stop being stubborn."


Blaine licked his lips and leave it for that to be the moment that Kurt looked up. Something about Blaine licking his lips was irresistible to him. He quickly turned his head before he could whimper, throwing another few rocks into the water.

Blaine nodded as the boy feigned indifference. Deciding enough was enough, he dropped the pebbles in his hand and rushed up to Kurt. The boy didn't have time to register what was happening before he was lifted up into the air. His eyes went wide and Blaine laughed at his boyfriend's surprised giggles, spinning them around quicker than Kurt deemed safe. He held onto his boyfriend's shoulders for dear life, smiling as Blaine squeezed him tighter.

"Please put me down."

Blaine smiled. "I told you I wasn't letting go, Kurt. I meant it."

"Blaine," Kurt tried to have a tone that reprimanded him but it came out all bubbles and sunshine, "put me down."

"Lay you down?"

"No!—" but it was too late. Blaine already flipped them around, facing away from the ocean and to the steep hills, placing Kurt down right on top of the sand. He laughed rather hard at Kurt's 'you are so dead' face, almost doubling over because of it.

"I can't believe you."

Blaine rolled over so that he was lying by his boyfriend's side. They both stared up at the sky as Blaine took a few breaths, wiping the dopey smile off his face. This probably would mean he wouldn't get to have some 'happy winning' wanky times before Burt got home that night and he didn't know how he felt about that. But then Kurt moved slightly, and his hand was touching Blaine's, and the boy's dopey smile was right back, lacing their fingers together and staring up at the sky.

"I'm going to have sand in my hair." Kurt said calmly. Yes, he would like to rage and make Blaine suffer, but all of this was so much more than he could ever imagine himself having. No angry thoughts right now, he told himself, only beautiful ones.

But then Blaine spoke.

"I want to know about what happened in Ohio now."

Kurt felt the anxiety rushing to the surface. He sighed, turning slightly so that he could see the side of Blaine's profile. The beautiful teen didn't seem to want to look anywhere but at the sky. "What would you like to know?"

Blaine smiled. "Everything to be honest. Tell me something, at least."

Kurt's eyes left Blaine's lips after he watched them utter out the words. He then faced the sky again and shrugged a bit. "I was bullied and harassed for being queer and wanting to sing, and had no one that wanted to help me through it. Not the teachers—well except a couple, not friends much. I could've told my dad. He would've been irate, and with his health I felt it wasn't best. So I dealt with it alone… Excuse my hesitance to share everything with you, honey." His voice was apologetic, "None of my other friends really noticed."

"I would've."

Kurt smiled and nodded. "I think you would've."

Blaine took a deep breath. "I wish you were here the whole time so I could keep you safe."

Kurt didn't answer. Deep inside, he felt that if Blaine were raised there, things would be different. He wouldn't be the person he knew today. That's why he was happy with the circumstances of which they met.

Blaine turned to his side, ignoring the sand covering his bare arms and simply looking at Kurt. The ocean's voice calmed down a bit, and Blaine could swear he heard his own heart beating as he watch him; the beautiful eyes that matched the water behind him, the slight smile on his face when he noticed he was being watched, looking back at Blaine and blowing a kiss. It made the rider blush and Kurt smiled as he saw him. His hand was then lifted, fingers still woven with his boyfriend's. Blaine looked down at the ring on his hand as he kissed the porcelain skin.

"You swear you'll wear this forever?"

In a way, it was Blaine's way of asking Kurt if he saw them together forever. He did, like he told Aunt Pam and Mr. Hummel. He believed it, and he didn't think he wanted to do any of this with anyone else. Kurt was definitely it for him, he just needed to know if the boy truly felt the same.

Kurt quirked his eyebrow at the question. They'd been through this, he felt. He told Blaine how he felt, and he told Blaine's family, but deep down Kurt understood. Blaine didn't want him to disappear like everyone else had, and as long as he wore the ring, it was Kurt's promise that he wouldn't. Kurt honestly believed he wasn't going anywhere.

"I'll wear it as long as you want me to, honey."

Blaine smiled at the words. "I want you to wear it forever." His thumb stroked Kurt's skin softly as the boy smiled back at him; eyes a little wet and smile covering most of his face.

"Then I'll wear it forever."

Blaine nodded hard. That needed to be true. "Awesome." Leaning forward his lips met Kurt's chastely, though the kiss told a story that both of them loved to hear. Blaine smiled into it, opening an eye and seeing Kurt peeking up at him too. They both laughed a little, cheeks red and eyes blissed. Kurt leant up to kiss him again and Blaine loved that.

"This is amazing; being here with you." He whispered, finally lying back down with a grin. "This is perfect."

Blaine nodded at the words. It was perfect. "You know, it was a gift from my father."

Kurt looked up at him with a bemused expression. "What was?"

"The ring," Blaine answered, staring back at their clasped hands. He rubbed it gingerly as he recalled. "I had this whole phase when I was 12, maybe 13, and I made his life much harder than he would've liked," he joked and Kurt just watched him, not sure if this was for real because Blaine was about to tell him something from when his dad was alive. He didn't even ask him to, and that's what made this unbelievable. "I kept pestering him for jewelry. I hit puberty. Girls found me attractive. I was about to start high school soon and needed to be sexy."

Kurt rolled his eyes playfully and Blaine scooted closer, lying down next to him. Kurt turned onto his side, despite how angry the sand on his skin made him feel, and Blaine let him get more comfortable, placing a hand at his side.

"To make a long story short, I was a spoiled pain in the neck. All of us are…were," he said thinking of Ariel and Cooper, "but it was dad's fault." Blaine smiled and Kurt did too. He loved that Blaine was willing to open up to him. "Anyway, after I had a chain and a watch and expensive clothing, I wanted something on my hand."

Kurt played with the ring, running a finger along the jewelry, nodding as he listened. Blaine watched his actions and resumed, "Dad came in from work one day and he had this ring in a box. He sat me down after dinner, after mom put Ariel to bed, and placed it on the table. I was excited of course but before I could grab it, the old man had to give me a speech."

Kurt laughed a little. It felt like he knew Blaine's dad in some ways, with the way he described him. "What was said in this speech?"

Blaine sighed, smiling slightly as he recalled. "Whenever I got a speech, it was because I was lacking in character somewhere. That wasn't different here. My father was extremely moralistic, and he wanted more than anything for me to be a man, and an excellent one at that. Cooper Anderson Sr. was an excellent man and father." He looked to Kurt and saw the boy watching him, looking as lovely as usually. "He smiled at me and said that I'm taking a lot of things for granted. He hated to think that we were being showered with whatever we wanted and there was no meaning behind it. So," Blaine took Kurt's hand and held it up a bit, observing the ring closely, "he gave me this, and explained what it meant. It was a reminder that first and foremost, anything I wanted or needed he'd give it to me, not because he could, but because he loved me. Second, that a gift like this should mean something—it should symbolize something strong. When I see it I should smile because I'm thinking about what it represents. Because of that, I wanted you to have it. My father basically defined what I want you to feel about us and maybe the ring can represent that."

Kurt seemed to be at a loss for words, and that was perfect. Blaine wasn't finished yet.

"Another thing the old man said was when I find that special person, and looking back I think it's funny that he never once saidgirl," Blaine shot his eyebrows up and shook his head, "but he told me when I find the one, to always do from the heart. I'm not giving you it because I want something in return. I just want you to know you mean so much to me, baby…" Kurt looked like he forgot how to communicate completely. He was really at a lost for words, and Blaine smiled nervously.

"I couldn't wear it after I lost them because it made me think of them Kurt, but when I met you and when you said yes to being mine, I could only remember his words. So wear it. Forever," Blaine kissed his hand and Kurt's eyes were even wetter. He then leaned in and kissed him softly, "Wear it and know that it represents us and what you mean to me and everything I want us to be."

The ocean roared as the waves rolled in, and it sounded so peaceful. It was just what he needed… what they needed.

Blaine was taken by surprise when his boyfriend pulled him in for a kiss, but as Kurt's fingers laced through his hair and held him close, he felt like flying. Kurt maintained control of it, not rushing to deepen their kiss, but communicating just how blessed he felt to be in the relationship he was in, with the person who he was with. He didn't know just how much he could say in words before the word projectile vomit spilled out a three-word phrase that probably shouldn't be said until they were both ready. Kurt didn't know if they were ready, so instead of talking, he kissed.

Blaine tilted his head, parting his lips slightly and exhaling in content when Kurt's warm tongue cautiously played at his mouth. Placing his hand on Kurt's thigh, he caressed his boyfriend's leg softly and breathed in the kiss, almost moaning when Kurt's tongue did slip against his.

They transitioned between rolling around in the sand kissing and simply staring into each other's eyes when they stopped for air. It was more than either could imagine. Blaine didn't think he'd want to do something like this with anyone. He didn't see himself as the guy to sneak a person down here and kiss them on the sand. And Kurt, Kurt just thought he couldn't have it. It was for movie stars that did what the script told them to, not real people like him with backstories, desperate for a victory.

Time passed with them sitting up, overlooking the wonderful view. Neither ruined the moment with words. Neither needed to say anything. Blaine knew that Kurt would wear it forever and Kurt knew Blaine wouldn't ask him not to. Enough had been said.

They sat, hand in hand, letting the perfection of the moment say it all.

End Notes:

Ok. If you go to my profile page on Fanfiction.net, you can participate in the poll I have for next chapter. You should do that!



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