Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.
Chapter 11 – Papa Bear
"Kurt? Can you pass the popcorn, please?"
Kurt pulled away from Blaine for just a moment so that he could hand Justin the large bowl of popcorn. The blonde took it with a smile before turning back to David's large screen television. Some action flick was on and it took advantage of the racer's surround sound system; pretty much shaking the coasters on the coffee table with how much the sound reverberated throughout the home. Blaine thought it was all perfect as he pulled Kurt back into him. The two cuddled on David's love seats and had been taking advantage of the fact that the only source of light in the dark room was the movie on the television, and that wasn't much light at all. Their hands were roaming and their lips stayed attached pretty much the entire time. Their friends Nick and Jeff were asleep on the floor, having passed out right after the movie started, and Justin was the kind of friend that would pretend he couldn't hear you and your significant other gasping every other minute. So he pretended he didn't hear Blaine gasping every other minute; his attention focused on the movie instead.
There were pizza boxes scattered from where the boys had devoured a few large pies, and a few empty bottles of soda. Don would kill them if he found out this was how they were eating and behaving the night before a major competition, but the boys all silently agreed to keep it between them. They were young and in shape, anyway. It'd burn off in their sleep.
Gun shots fired on the movie and the loud noise made Nick move closer into Jeff. They snuggled closely on the carpet and Justin tried not to take a picture to post on Instagram as he smirked at them. He put the popcorn on the table and stretched out on the large couch, reaching for his phone when he saw a message come in from Quinn.
Blaine lay back on the small sofa; one foot resting on the floor and the other on the arm of the couch. He closed his eyes when Kurt settled between his legs, and the blue eyed teen started to suck softly at the tip of his earlobe.
David came back in the house from where he was outside on the phone. He went to the recliner which was the seat he occupied previously, lounging back and tuning into the movie once more. Justin pushed the popcorn bowl a little closer to him and he gave his thanks.
"So what did I miss?"
Blaine bit his lip to hold back the moan. Kurt discreetly ran one hand between his thighs as he licked over the shell of his ear.
"The guys that robbed the bank just took someone hostage and they don't know that it's the police chief's son."
The movie got quiet that point and Kurt smiled, realizing they were caught. Really, movie? They'd been silent the whole time and the one moment Blaine moans his name the movie goes completely quiet. Well, maybe they weren't silent, but a few deep breaths were necessary every once and a while. Kurt moved his hand from his boyfriend's thighs to his waist instead and continued to kiss him softly.
David and Justin smiled at one another before the racer addressed their friends. "Kurt, if you want to take Blaine upstairs I'm fine with that. Justin will be on the second floor anyway once he moves in."
The blonde threw his t-shirt at him, smirking when it landed over his friend's head and David smiled. It wasn't like Justin wouldn't let them mess around in his place anyway. He didn't want come on his sheets or any of that, but he wasn't opposed to them unwinding if you will.
Kurt smiled against the hickey he placed on Blaine's neck earlier in the day. As he playfully scraped his teeth across it, Blaine threw his head back and exhaled. Kurt began to suck on the spot again, and when his hand snuck to Blaine's jeans once again, he heard a whisper of "yes" and thankfully it wasn't from Jeff this time. Sometimes he got vocal during their make out sessions, but it was definitely from Blaine who felt Kurt's hands undoing his belt buckle, an action that caused him to bite his lip.
"Should we go upstairs?" Kurt questioned sweetly.
Blaine shook his head no; his toes curling in his sneakers as Kurt pumped him through the jeans he had on. "God…"
His boyfriend smiled. "If we stay down here you have to be quiet," Kurt whispered in his ear. Blaine's hands ghosted over the curve of his ass and the rider exhaled as he listened. "David is a great friend but this may be pushing it…"
Kurt stroked Blaine's hardening cock through his jeans again and Blaine sighed, looking his boyfriend in the eyes. The living room was dark thanks to the current scene in the movie and he could only make out a lusty shade of blue. "We have to get home anyway," he groaned out, thrusting his hips forward into Kurt's firm hand. It hurt to admit that they needed to leave when Kurt made him feel so good.
The response he got was Kurt leaning in and sucking on his lower lip. He pulled at Blaine's jeans zipper as he did it and he could feel Blaine's cock twitch at the movement. "Why is that?" he voiced. Blaine heard a sexy pout in Kurt's words and god if it wasn't making his cock stiffen even more underneath his boyfriend's smooth touch.
A little boy on screen began to cry as the kidnapper shouted at his group of hostages. Justin watched intently, talking to the characters in the movie as he often did and getting upset when they didn't listen to him. As the kidnappers continued to bark out rules, Justin simultaneously watched, grabbed some of the popcorn, and tried to answer Quinn's text. As a result, his reply was filled with typos and he pressed send before proofreading.
I only practiced fort a coupled he's today –Jus
It wasn't exactly the message he intended to send that would've said 'I only practiced for a couple hrs today' but Justin didn't know. He held his phone tightly, looking at the characters interacting and biting on his lip. David dug more popcorn out the bowl as he got a response from the pretty blonde.
… If you've been drinking Justin, I am NOT talking to you. I am officially upset with you. –Quinn
Justin looked away from the movie and frowned at the message.
"I have a c-curfew." Blaine breathed heavily, squeezing Kurt's ass as he whispered. His boyfriend slid his hand up over Blaine's cock, then underneath his white Obey t-shirt. Blaine's body shivered at the contact as he resumed, "Unc gave me one b-because of the competition tomorrow…" Kurt's tongue trailed over his jawline before sucking on his earlobe again and Blaine almost lost it, "babe, you're making me so fucking horny right now…"
Kurt smiled before kissing his lips; sticking his tongue out and tracing patterns over each one. Blaine literally shivered at the contact until Kurt pulled back to speak. "Let's go. Maybe we can hang out before my dad gets in."
Blaine nodded hard and opened his mouth when Kurt started pumping his faster. His lips remained parted while Kurt stroked him, squeezing playfully over the thin fabric of his boxer briefs and reveling in how hard Blaine would get with each movement. Kurt took full advantage of it and wasted no time connecting their lips into a hot, sexy, deepkiss. Blaine hummed against him and let Kurt have his way; the younger exploring his mouth with his warm tongue, all the while still playing with his cock in a way that had Blaine harder than he could stand to be before a long bus ride home.
Stupid bus ride home.
The boys had traveled to Anaheim by public transportation to see David and eventually Justin's new place, and to check out a new skate park there. It was nice letting Kurt see the sights along the way, but having to go back to Long Beach while wanting to do the things that Blaine wanted to do to his boyfriend would only make the short trip that much longer.
"Why aren't you texting me back?" Justin asked into the phone. He smiled as he listened to the response, looking up at the people moving on the screen. "I'm not drinking. I'm with Kurt and the guys and we're watching a movie mother," he told Quinn sarcastically. David smirked at the conversation as he watched the scene unfold on screen.
When Kurt pulled away from the kiss and retracted his hand from inside his boyfriend's now unzipped pants, Blaine didn't even bother trying to hide the disappointment. He sighed, staring at the boy above him and wondering how bad his uncle would react if he came in a few minutes passed curfew.
"I'm going to the restroom quickly and then we can go," Kurt told him. He fixed his clothes and stood up. Blaine watched him go and stared as his hips swayed away. He shook his head and lay back, taking a few deep breaths and trying to calm down. Honestly, he could admit he had no intentions on going out with the boner he had at the moment.
A quick glance outside told the rider it was dark out. When he sat up on the couch, he looked out at the neighborhood and scratched tiredly at his curly head. David took a picture of the couple cuddled together on his floor; Justin snorting as he hung up from Quinn and Jeff threw a hand over Nick's body.
"I wonder if Naomi and Vickie get this close when they sleep," David thought aloud with a smile. Justin grinned too.
"That'd be so hot."
Blaine stood up and grabbed his backpack. He picked his beanie up and threw it on over his curls, pulling his jeans up, (fastening them as discretely as possible) and tightening the belt around his waist. Justin turned to look at him after answering another text message was sent.
"Are you leaving already?"
Blaine nodded in response, stretching his muscles and clutching his fingers into his book bag straps. "Yeah. You know how my uncle gets around event time. He's so strict and fucking pushy." With a noisy yawn he resumed, "I was already in hot shit because of the Peter bet situation. I don't want him angry with me again."
Justin nodded his understanding. "Well, look at it this way. At least someone in your family cares how well you do. Don't take that for granted."
David looked over at them and frowned a bit. He knew how hard Justin's dad was on him for being into BMX riding. And for wanting to go to some fancy college for basketball. The only thing he was supported on was the different girls he'd brought home on occasion and the drinking, especially when he did so with his old man. There was always his sister, but she'd just about given up on him with the boy constantly ignoring her opinion and doing his own thing. Justin really didn't have the support system the rest of the guys had, but David did admire how he continued to do what he loved.
Blaine rubbed a hand down his face before going to sit on the arm of the couch that Justin occupied. He looked at his friend and spoke. "Yeah, I have someone in my family that's supportive. But so do you. I consider you my brother, Jus, and I care, so that should count for something."
"Same here," David said quickly, "Don't sweat shit like that the night before you compete, Jus. You'll stress yourself out and it isn't even worth it."
"I'm not stressing it." Justin told them. David didn't know how believable it was, though. Justin grabbed his shirt from where his friend had tossed it back and put it on, followed by his cap. "I just hope you idiots know how much I love you."
Blaine nodded. "Of course. We love you too, dunce."
David smiled. "Don't ever forget it."
Justin smiled too, smoothing out his shirt and pulling up his shorts. Blaine looked at the screen, paying attention for the first time since it was put on. "Are you coming with me and Kurt?" he questioned.
Justin said yes. "I may as well. I might get to see Teresa if she's still at the beach."
"Are you two really going to leave me with these two?" David shook his head as he looked down at Nick and Jeff. What would happen if they started making out? Who would help David put an end to it?
Kurt smiled at them as he came out the back. "Naomi just called me since Nick isn't answering his phone. She said she'll be driving to pick them up in another two hours or so. Her shift ran late."
"How convenient." David moved forward and nudged Nick's leg, willing to offer them the couch since his living friends would be leaving. The boy showed no sign of wanting to move, though.
After he was ready, Justin stood up and pulled his music player out. "Just wave a buffalo wing in front of Jeff's face. He'll wake right up."
Blaine smirked as he scratched at the stubble on his cheek.
David and Kurt laughed; the former standing up and following behind Justin. "I'll walk you all to the door. Thanks for visiting mi casa."
"Thanks for having us," Kurt replied, straightening his shirt out and swaying behind him. "If ever you need an interior decorator…"
David smirked, putting his arms around him. "I know where to find you."
Blaine looked at the way the tight fabric clung to his muscles when his boyfriend reached up to hug David goodbye. He stood up and followed, giving David a five and half hug before stepping out into the warm night.
The door was closed behind them as Blaine took Kurt's hand. They watched Justin put his huge headphones on as the tall teen led the way out of the yard and to the bus stop.
"Are you nervous about tomorrow since you'll have so many supporters there?" Kurt asked with a teasing smile, watching Blaine shrug softly as he thought about it. "Has that ever added pressure or does it make things a bit more calm for you?"
"I don't know if nervous is the word." Blaine thought aloud. He remembered seeing Kurt in the stands during preliminaries and any fears he had subsided. "Anxious, possibly, you know? I'm anxious to get all of this over with and get my trophy." Kurt rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's cockiness. "And I'll believe your dad is coming when I see your dad there."
"I still can't believe Mikey spilled the beans about that."
Blaine smiled. He could believe it. "Some things he can hold in and some things he just cannot."
Justin began singing aloud to whatever song he was listening to and Kurt smirked as Blaine kicked him in the ass. The elder turned back with a grin and a shrug, mouthing the word 'hater' to his friend.
"Cooper will be back tomorrow, right?"
Blaine held his hand a little tighter as they crossed the street. "I think he's driving to the beach house now and spending the night with my mom. They're both excited to meet your dad but I can't help but feel like they're going to embarrass me with some terrible stories or something. I think Papa Hummel and I are making good progress and I don't need them to rewind us."
Kurt laughed at the way Blaine shook his head at the thought, "So tomorrow should be fun, then."
They smiled at each other and Kurt couldn't wait for their families to love one another too. He felt they needed as much support as they could get. "It should be fun." Blaine agreed. They stopped right at the bus stop when Justin noticed that their transportation was coming.
"We're just in time. Can one of you pay for me?"
Blaine rolled his eyes. "No, cheapo."
Kurt smiled at the both of them. A woman who'd been waiting before they showed up stepped forward and Blaine let her pass, wrapping an arm around Kurt's waist and bringing him closer. "How nice would it be if we could spend the night together?"
Justin smiled at them before his phone started ringing. He reached into his pocket, removing his headphones and putting the phone to his ear.
"I'm on my way home now, baby girl." He told Quinn, digging around in his pockets for a few bucks. "I'm going to try to see Teresa and then I'm going home. How was Breadstix?"
The bus was standing at a stop light and Blaine smiled at Kurt's hand's playing loosely at his curls. The younger teen leant in to kiss him softly; his light voice replying to the previous question. "It'd be amazing. There's always tomorrow night. That is if you get first place, of course."
Blaine smiled as the bus pulled up in front of them. Kurt winked at him and pulled away, getting his wallet from Blaine's pants pocket and stepping on the bus after Justin. He paid twice; once for himself and his boyfriend, before putting the bus pass back in his wallet and following Justin to the rear of the bus.
The driver pulled off as the lady the three teens were with took a seat in the middle of the bus. Blaine walked carefully behind Kurt and the two went past Justin who got comfy, tossing his feet up on the seats next to him as he held the phone to his ear.
Kurt sat in the last row where they could be excluded from the rest of the passengers, smiling when Blaine slid in the seat next to him. What Blaine said as they sat down caught him off guard.
"A girl I messed with is sitting in the front."
It was an odd thing to admit to the person you were currently with. Usually if one would see an ex of theirs while "they were with the person they dated currently, one would think they'd look the other way in attempt to avoid an awkward situation. Especially when they were dating someone of the opposite sex now and all. But it was obvious that Blaine wasn't like most people, and he felt that he should put it all out on the table.
He had a past. There were girls in his past. None of them could ever hold a candle to what he had with his boyfriend and he honestly wanted Kurt to understand that; hence, the admission.
Kurt looked at Blaine for a bit before trying to see who exactly he was talking about. When he looked up he found a girl with green eyes glancing back at them.
"The one with the blonde hair? Blue top?" Kurt asked, only because the way she was staring made it kind of obvious.
Blaine threw his arm over Kurt's chair and nodded. "Yeah, that's the one."
Kurt looked away from her glare and to over to Blaine. "Oh. She's a real pretty girl."
Blaine looked down at his boyfriend's lips and Kurt smiled as he got the hint, leaning in for a kiss. There were a few seconds before either boy pulled away, and that was only because Kurt knew how easy it was for them to forget where they were at times.
"You know the thing is," Blaine smiled at Kurt's blush, not believing that he could still make him do that, "the more I think about how I was before you came along, the more I realize how completely lost I was."
Kurt stared him in the eyes as he waited for Blaine to continue. "What makes you say that?"
Blaine glanced up at Justin running his mouth on the phone as he thought about how to respond. When the words came, he looked back at Kurt, "I guess what I'm trying to say is I didn't know what I wanted until I had it. I thought I wanted everything I got myself into." He licked his lips, shaking his head at the memories. "It was so easy to text a girl like her to come over, you know? And they always ran to my place. Same thing with every single one. At first I'd get an act like they didn't want to do anything, but after a few 'baby please's they'd give me anything I asked for. And I thought I liked that."
Kurt smiled a bit, looking back up at the girl. She turned away when she saw him. "You didn't like having girls wrapped around your finger?"
Blaine shook his head. "I guess the jackass in me did. But my father's son didn't. My father would've wanted me to behave like the man he was raising me to be and that wasn't happening at all." He thought for a moment. "I realized that after a few chats with Uncle Don, and my mom yelling at me after catching me pulling my clothes up one to many times. I guess that's why I started dating what's her name."
Kurt playfully rolled his eyes. "The girl that used to hit you?"
Blaine laughed, easing down in the bus seat. "Yes. I thought it would magically make me a better person had I tried to show some commitment to someone. Had I treated someone right and built a relationship, took them out, did more than text them when I needed to come. I thought that if I stopped acting like a jerk and a douchebag, and maybe if I had someone to actually love me, then I'd be better. Mom wouldn't be as bothered and Don would be proud of me. More importantly, my father would. But I got nowhere and like I told you before we started dating, I had to call it off. The relationship didn't make me feel any better. We definitely didn't love each other. Dalia was pretty but she wasn't the type of person I needed, or wanted even."
Kurt nodded, taking it all in.
"But now that I have you, I realize what I've always craved. It isn't someone to text so that they can get me off and leave, while I go to bed even lonelier than I was before they came over. It's someone who I can see myself with for years to come."
Kurt smiled at him as they caught eyes. "I couldn't agree with you more, Blaine. I hope you're insinuating that I'm that person."
Blaine brushed a few stray strands away from Kurt's face. He carefully leant it and placed a feather light kiss to his soft lips. "You'll always be that person. And I'm really happy we got to spend time together today."
Kurt smiled into the peck before giving Blaine two more. "I'm happy too." After another kiss, he resumed, "I hope it doesn't end anytime soon."
Blaine didn't even want to check his watch. It'd only remind him that he'd have to be in the house sooner than later. "As soon as my uncle is sleeping and your dad's asleep, I'm sneaking into your place."
Kurt laughed; turning in the chair so he could throw his legs over Blaine's. "Yeah, ok. And I'll let down my hair so you can climb up through my window."
Blaine smirked, ignoring him. "You're perfect."
They stared at one another for a moment before Kurt finally turned away, resting his head on his boyfriend's shoulders. "You're insane." Looking down at the ring on his finger, he smiled, listening to Blaine's heartbeat. "And I love that about you."
Blaine heard the words and had to bite his tongue. He took a breath, smiling to himself and kissing Kurt in his perfectly coiffed hair. The girl got off the bus after shaking her head at them and Blaine smirked at her attitude. "I love that you don't think you're insane for dating someone that's insane."
Kurt giggled into his shoulder and Blaine felt butterflies in his stomach. "I never said I wasn't crazy, honey."
Blaine rested his free hand on Kurt's thigh. "Yeah, yeah." they laced hands when Kurt took his and Blaine rubbed gingerly over the ring he wore. Justin hung up and put his headphones back on, turning the music up loud and nodding his head along to the beat. "What are you thinking about right now?"
Kurt listened to his heart beating and closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Blaine's hand in his. "Besides how lucky I am? Nothing really."
Blaine smiled. He was starting to think Kurt was ready to hear what he'd been dying to tell him. And maybe Kurt felt the same way. "I want to take you out… somewhere special on Sunday night. Just you and me. W-We can go out for dinner maybe? If that's fine with you and all…" Kurt glanced up and Blaine started carding the hand that was around the chair through his brown locks. "I just… we need some alone time and I want to talk to you."
Kurt nodded his head after observing his boyfriend for a few seconds. "I'd love to go out with you, honey. Sunday is my late night at work but I think we can make it work."
Blaine rubbed over the ring and smiled. "Okay beautiful."
Kurt lay back down on his shoulder and the driver pulled up at a new stop. "Do I get to pay for dessert afterwards?"
Blaine smirked at that. "I was kind of hoping you'd be my dessert afterwards."
"And with that said," Kurt grinned, "I'll be taking a nap."
Blaine laughed, shaking his head at Kurt's words. "Okay. This conversation isn't over though…"
A few people stepped onto the bus and Blaine wrapped his arm back around Kurt, ignoring any disapproving looks he may've gotten. Kurt began to hum and of course, Blaine found it beautiful. He looked out the window next to his boyfriend and listened, smiling blissfully.
The beach didn't seem to be as crowded as Justin imagined it'd be, but he still couldn't find the person he was looking for. At this point in the evening, the sun had already set. The only source of light beside the moon was coming from an old jeep's headlights; the vehicle parked on the sand not too far from him. Justin huffed as he walked across the beach, scanning faces and frowning when none of them matched who he was looking for.
He'd been texting Teresa earlier, but the girl explained that her phone was dying. Her last text said that she would hang around as long as she could before having to head home, and Justin hoped that the time hadn't come.
Unfortunately though, it looked like it would turn out that way. Justin stopped right by the shore and did a sweep of all the people in his vision. There were tons of people from his high school and some older dudes that were always around doing nothing with their time. But wasting it. But there was no Teresa.
As he began to make his way to the far end of the beach, he made the mistake of paying less attention to where he was going because of the search. Someone yelped as Justin walked straight into them and the boy quickly reached out his hands to steady them.
"Oh shit… I'm so sorry!"
The girl in the bikini that was super revealing turned back with a smile because of his voice. "Oh, Justin! It's fine sweetie, it's good to see you!"
The group of girls turned around and smiled at him. Justin nodded hello.
"Hey, yeah, totally… What's up?"
He knew her name once. It had just been a while. Blaine only hung out with the girl around them maybe twice, and that was a while back. She still remembered Justin though, obviously.
"Nothing really. We're just hanging around for a few more minutes. What's up with you? And Blaine and Nick? All of you guys have been pretty quiet this summer…"
Justin watched as one of the other girls smiled at him, stepping closer as well. He gulped hard and looked away. Not a good situation to be in if Teresa was actually here right now.
"We've been around," he began hesitantly. His other thought was to just walk away, but Justin wasn't rude. "Practicing mainly, and staying out of trouble. You know. Trying to at least."
She smiled. "You weren't even at the party last weekend. Well David came, and girls were all over him," she smirked as she recounted the events. Girls loved Legacy and Premium. "But none of the rest of you showed. I was disappointed."
"We all were." one of her friends purred suggestively. Justin moved his eyes away from her chest and back to the leader as he spoke.
"We were in New York so … maybe next time."
"I hear Blaine's having a birthday party?" Another one voiced. "I can't wait."
"Me either," said the first one. She smoothed her platinum blond hair back and smiled at Justin, "he's going to have a lot of explaining to do when I see him. The boy hasn't been responding to my texts lately. Oh well…" she turned to her friends and gestured away, smiling back at Justin, "I'll see you around?"
Justin just stood there trying not to get an obvious boner as the girls all waved goodbye, brushing against him as they walked past. He exhaled a second or two later, turning to watch them go.
"Teresa," he said aloud, "Gotta find Teresa."
"She left."
The voice made Justin snap his head around. He winced as he faced Jose, rubbing gingerly at the nape of his neck. "Damn." He had missed her after all. "Stupid bus driver barely put his foot on the gas."
Jose nodded, looking the boy in the eyes. "So what was that about?"
Shane walked up behind him with a grin. "Where are your loser friends and the new guy?"
Justin ignored him. "What was what?" Jose eyed him obviously and Justin decided to stop playing stupid. This guy would more than likely have some influence on whether or not his sister dated him. "Oh? The girls?"
Shane smirked, crossing his arms. "I'd love to see you get out of this one."
"Shut up," Justin looked back, "One is one of Blaine's old flames and the rest are her friends. They were asking about Blaine and what not."
Jose nodded. "I swear to god if you play with my sister—"
"I'm not playing with her," Justin shook his head. "I like the girl. I ran here from another town because I wanted a fucking hug, Jose. I'm not playing with her."
Shane felt someone walk up behind him, slapping five with Blaze as he approached. The elder said hello to Justin who bumped fists with him.
"What's going on?"
Jose shook his head. "Nothing." he told Blaze. Looking back to Justin and smoothing out his swim trunks, he began to speak. "I'll tell her you were looking for her, okay? Just… please don't disappoint her. She likes you a lot."
Justin nodded his understanding. "It definitely goes both ways."
They caught eyes for a moment and Jose didn't even bother trying to see how sincere he was. He just decided to leave. "I'm out of here, guys."
Justin watched Jose look away. Shane slapped five with him, as did Blaze, and all three of them watched the kid saunter off. Justin scratched his arm lazily as he wondered if something was wrong.
"He's been texting someone since about 5 and I'm willing to be it was your stupid cousin."
Justin smiled at Shane's words. "I hope he's smarter than that."
It got quiet and Blaze shrugged. "I think they'd be cute."
"You don't know Ian," Justin told him. He looked back in the opposite direction, past Shane's shoulder and sighed. "I need to get some rest. Competitions are early and all."
Shane nodded at that. "I'll sleep eventually."
"What's the point when Blaine's gonna kick your ass anyway, right?"
Blaze smirked and Shane deadpanned. "We'll see about that. I hope you fall."
Justin laughed. "Yeah ok. I'm—"
"Justin," Peter smirked as he approached, surfboard in hand. "Long time no speak, bro!"
Justin glared at him, taking a step forward in a way that made Shane put out an arm to hold him back. "Tonight isn't the night, Petey."
The black haired boy smiled. "I just had a question. Does Kurt let all of Legacy blow his cock or is it reserved only for the newly turned fag-bag Blaine?"
Justin pushed Shane away and lunged at Peter, though the boy held the surfboard in front of him and backed away. He laughed as Blaze caught hold of Justin's arm and Shane got the other.
"Keep it up, Petey. you can only be so fortunate to have someone around to protect you but so many times."
He grinned now, "Oh yeah? You guys have been talking shit for weeks. I'm still standing pretty boy!" he turned away and went towards a group of girls.
"You weren't standing when you bust your ass mid-competition," Justin said with a grin. Shane dropped his head. All of Legacy had a problem with letting things be, well except for Nick who unfortunately wasn't here to talk sense into him. "I guess it's a good thing that you made a fool of yourself and got kicked out by Blaine. He would've kicked you out for making an embarrassment of him after that stunt."
Peter tensed. He was still getting heat for that and he wouldn't take it from a let-down like Justin. Stopping short, he turned back and spoke. "I fell at Preliminaries, and it sucked." Justin snatched his arms away from Shane's grip, though Blaze held him a bit stronger. "Luckily," Peter resumed, "I had someone else who sucked to comfort me. That Teresa, Jus," he smirked, "she's a great lay."
That did it. Blaze ended up trying to stop both Shane and Justin from attacking the boy. Shane because the girl was like a sister to him, and Justin for more obvious reasons. Peter laughed and ran up the beach in the direction of the Anderson rental property, and Blaze was pushed aside by his teammate, trying not to stumble into the water. "Fuck, Shane!"
The dirty blonde ruffled his hair and turned back to him. "Sorry." he cursed, looking around for his girlfriend and calming down immensely when he saw her, "I'm getting out of here."
Justin didn't say another word. He stood there watching Peter's retreating back feeling completely heated. Blaze sighed pulling out his car keys knowing that he'd better get to his place as well, and it wasn't but another second before Justin picked up the hat that fell off his head and turned away. The 17 year old stormed off, going in the direction of his and Jeff's neighborhood as he put his headphone's back on.
Peter was going to pay.
"We should probably go upstairs... before my dad… catches us…" Kurt smiled as he spoke in between kisses. Blaine gently urged him to lie down, settling on top of the teen as he connected their lips again. He wasn't in favor of Kurt using his lips for anything other than kissing him right now, but Kurt felt the need to get his thought across as he pulled away. "It's about a quarter to 10 and he has a habit of showing up early on Fridays—mm, sweetie—"
"If we go upstairs we won't be able to hear him pull up," Blaine sucked on Kurt's lower lip and the younger teen hummed, "And we don't want him to go upstairs and find my head between your legs, now do we?"
Kurt sighed at the question, smirking when Blaine's tongue met his Adam's apple and teased softly. "We don't."
Blaine smiled against his skin, "Exactly." He began to kiss along the teen's neck until Kurt's hands were at waist, slipping underneath his shirt and rubbing the tanned skin. "That feels nice."
One of their phones vibrated but each boy ignored it. The elder slid between Kurt's spread legs, burying his face in the boy's neck and inhaling as they slowly grinded into another. The phone vibrated again and Blaine realized it was probably a phone call, but he couldn't bring himself to care.
"That might be Donnie," Kurt whispered into the air. Blaine thrust forward again making his boyfriend moan aloud. "Oh god."
"Whoever it is can wait, baby," Blaine told him. Pulling back, he looked straight into Kurt's eyes and rolled his hips forward again, watching with keen eyes as Kurt's lips parted. He held the long legs in the air and breathed heavily every time his clothed cock rubbed again Kurt's through their jeans. "I'd rather watch you like this."
"Kiss me." Kurt requested.
Blaine wasted no time granting him his wish. He whispered "Gladly," against his mouth before attaching his own with Kurt's supple, coffee flavored lips. Kurt hummed; his hands trailing from Blaine's backbones, over muscles, and down to his hips where a pair of Playboy boxer briefs showed just above his jeans. His fingers massaged the skin just underneath there as Blaine's lips continued to kiss him sweetly. By the time his hands slipped a few inches further, squeezing playfully at the flesh underneath Blaine's boxers, Kurt realized the action turned his boyfriend on more.
This was useful and rather exciting information.
Blaine placed his forehead against Kurt's and grinded harder. He kind of adored the way Kurt was touching him. No one had really touched him like this before he dated Kurt, and even if the boy was playing around as he squeezed his ass, Blaine liked it. He sighed; licking his lips at the sound his movements between Kurt's legs emitted, and frowning when the younger teen removed his hands.
Because really, that felt nice.
Kurt tried not to become a writhing mess as his nails dug into Blaine's t-shirt. He rocked his hips to meet each thrust and whined when Blaine snapped forward, pinning him to the couch. There were way too many clothes.
This went on for quite some time. The kissing, the sounds, the not so subtle grinding against one another. Blaine realized he really wanted Kurt's hands back where they were previously. As hot as it was to think that he'd have scratches covering his back if this shirt was not on him, he really missed what Kurt's hands were doing underneath his boxers a few minutes ago. So he leant in to whisper a request in Kurt's ear, stopping his movements for a moment. Kurt sighed, not entirely okay with the lack of movement, all before the front door closed. Blaine only got out a 'Touch me—' before he jumped up and grabbed a pillow, scooting to the furthest end of the couch and placing said pillow in his lap. Kurt rushed to sit up as well, startled by the noise, and found none other than his father standing in the doorway. The man dropped his bag besides the welcome mat and glared at his son first, then his son's boyfriend.
As he stepped out of the burly work boots he'd bought in Ohio, Burt glared at the duo adjusting themselves and sitting properly on the couch, not at all missing Blaine's defeated look.
"Hi dad," Kurt said nonchalantly—as if he hadn't just been caught in the middle of a make out session with his boyfriend on the sofa. Burt simply looked at him as Blaine slouched down on the couch, picking up the remote and turning away from the movie that was on.
"Hello, Mr. Hummel."
Burt cleared his throat. "Good evening."
The television was placed on a cartoon that Kurt often saw Mikey watching, but he quickly judged Blaine for leaving it there. "We're not watching this, Blaine."
Blaine ignored him, turning the volume up. "This is my favorite episode. The Magic Man switches bodies with Jake, and Finn has no idea."
Burt shook his head at the thought that the two thought they'd simply act as if nothing was going on and start watching TV. It seemed rehearsed, and really stupid. He stepped further into the room and went back towards the kitchen. A beer would be necessary for the talk he intended to have with the two of them.
Kurt glanced over his shoulder and watched as his dad entered the kitchen. He sighed heavily and sat up straighter, slapping Blaine's hand off his thigh and speaking. "You know he saw us, right?"
Blaine smiled. "He saw us kissing. So what?"
"Kissing?" Kurt scoffed, "You were lying on top of me! That's a little bit more than just kissing, don't you think?"
The elder only rolled his eyes.
"I said we should stop—"
"And I thought we'd be able to hear him coming in, Kurt. Slight misjudgment."
Kurt glared at him and Blaine shook his head, looking back at the television. "You're making me miss one of my favorite episodes."
They were quiet as the dialogue between Finn and Jake occurred on screen. Kurt looked at the show while listening to his father move around in the kitchen. "Aren't you supposed to be in bed anyway?" he asked. He figured he'd take the blunt of the backlash Burt Hummel more than likely had in store. Blaine smirked and Kurt turned to look at him, "What happened to your curfew?"
"You're kicking me out now because we got caught?" the curly haired teen questioned, turning to face his boyfriend.
Kurt shrugged, looking away. "I'm looking out for you. Don might get upset."
Blaine arched his back so he could pull his jeans up a bit. "He knows I'm here with you."
The television gained both of their attention for the next few moments and Blaine smiled, remembering everything that happened in the episode he watched with his little cousin. Kurt only sat there shaking his head at the silliness, and it wasn't but a few seconds before his father walked back into the room with a beer bottle in hand, taking a seat at his recliner. Both teens glanced over at him, but the man ignored them for the time being, looking up at the cartoon he once watched with Mikey.
"How was your day, sir?" Blaine asked in what he hoped came off more polite and considerate than patronizing. Burt took a gulp and turned to the teenager.
"It was fine Blaine. Of course until I came home and found my son and his significant other being intimate on my couch."
Kurt closed his eyes in hope that when he opened them, he'd be somewhere much less suffocating. Blaine only scratched at his stubbly chin and turned back to the television.
"That was entirely my fault," Blaine told him, though his eyes were elsewhere. On the coffee table, to be exact. "Kurt told me I should be less… excitable, and I still allowed myself to get completely lost in the moment."
Burt hummed, glancing at Kurt who tried to physically melt, and then down at his beer. Anywhere to avoid staring at the huge hickey on Blaine's neck. "It seemed to be the both of you when I walked in.
Kurt sighed. This was exactly why he wanted to go upstairs, but no. Stupid boyfriend.
"You two having sex?"
He blanched white. "Dad, please—"
"I have a right to know," he spoke again and Blaine tried to hide his smirk, doing a swell job to be honest, "I'm letting Blaine stay over here some nights, and you're with him some nights… I want to know if you and your boyfriend are doing things so we can talk about this."
Blaine's phone vibrated but he ignored it. "Talk about what, exactly?"
"Please do not give me another sex talk, dad. Please."
Burt ignored Kurt and chose to answer Blaine's question. "You and my boy, Blaine. I know what it's like to be 17 and in a relationship and I just want to know if I have to worry."
Blaine raised an eyebrow at that, asking a new question this time. "What would you have to worry about?"
"I think I'm going to go to bed," Kurt announced, standing to his feet. Burt looked up at him and shook his head.
"Sit down, Kurt."
He stopped dead in his tracks and sighed, no idea in his mind about what he could've possibly done to deserve this. As he turned back and sat on the sofa, Blaine moved closer and put a hand on his leg. Kurt slipped his hand into Blaine's without even thinking about it, and Burt noticed that right away. "Relax, babe," Blaine began, "This is your father. You should be able to go to your dad about things like this, don't you think?"
Burt looked from Blaine's hand over Kurt's, up to the boys themselves. Kurt took a quick breath as his eyes went over to his father's. Blaine continued, "If you don't want to talk about it, I understand, but I think that we should."
Kurt nodded. "Fine, Blaine."
"Don't 'fine, Blaine' me, babe. I'm just saying."
Kurt looked at him. "I said okay, geez."
Burt smiled at the two and shook his head. They were quite the match.
"As I was asking before," Blaine resumed from where they left off, ignoring his boyfriend, "What would you have to worry about, sir? I'm sure we talked about this a while back and you have nothing to worry about when it comes to me and your son."
"First," Burt took another sip and put his bottle down on the coffee table, "as respectful as it is for you to refer to me as 'Mr. Hummel' and 'sir', I think you've made it to the 'Burt' stage by now."
Blaine nodded. "What about Papa Bear?"
Burt glared at him. "Burt."
"Papa Bear it is," he said. Kurt looked at his boyfriend and Blaine continued, "So you were saying…?"
"I guess my worries lie with how safe the two of you are. Blaine, I don't know how safe you've been prior to Kurt, and if you've even been intimate with anyone previously—"
Blaine withdrew his hand and ran it through his hair. "I've been safe."
Burt nodded. "Ok. And if you two are… sexually active," Kurt turned beet red and Blaine listened, "I just need to know that the both of you are treating one another with respect and that you are each respecting yourselves. STDs are no joking matter and sex really isn't either. It's been belittled and simplified into something insignificant to a lot of people, but it's meant to be special."
"We aren't having sex, dad."
Blaine cleared his throat. "I want to, though. When he's ready, of course," he said. Kurt snapped his head around to look at him and Burt reached for another drink of his beer, still trying to prepare for this conversation. Blaine turned back to Kurt and tried to soften the glare a bit. "I know you think I'm doing this just to get on your father's nerves, baby, but I'm being sincere. I've been thinking about it… a lot." He mumbled the last part before turning back to Burt who heard it anyway. Blaine cleared his throat looked at him softly, "I lost my dad a few years ago and I know that if he was here right now, he'd be willing to talk to me about everything I want with Kurt. But he's not, and Don… while I love my uncle, I know he loves Kurt but he can't really talk to me about anything like this. He isn't experienced in much with his only kid being so young, but you have a gay son that you're proud of and love. I think you're better suited to talk to and the only person I have is you… if I do have you, that is."
Burt took off his cap and placed it on his thigh, sitting back in his seat. "You have me, Blaine." Kurt smiled at the response as his dad continued. "Keep in mind that yes, while I love Kurt more than I love anything in this world, I am still learning about how to deal with all of this. I'm a work in progress."
Kurt smiled at his dad and Blaine grabbed his boyfriend's hand once more. "I'm still learning a lot too, sir."
Blaine smiled. He turned to Kurt. "I'll understand if you're not ready to talk about any of this…"
Kurt licked his lips and exhaled. He didn't think he'd be ready to sit through another 'you matter' speech or another 'do you need to know how to put on condoms' talk with his father. But he did want to hear what Blaine had to say about taking the next step. And he also wanted Burt to see that they were not just teenage boys who made out on his couch, but he was over the moon in love with this kid. "I'm fine, Blaine. Go on."
Blaine smiled softly, looking away. He turned off Cartoon Network and focused instead on their laced hands. "Open confession, then. I often find myself day dreaming about your son and my wedding day. I've never done this before in my life, Papa Bear—"
"Please call me Burt." The man said, though he was curious to hear the rest of this.
Blaine nodded. "Burt. I can see us together for a long time. We haven't talked much about the future, but what Kurt wants, I want. If that's here, if it's New York, if that's freaking Kalamazoo, I want it." Kurt smirked. It wasn't Kalamazoo. Blaine continued after smiling at his boyfriend. "Mind you, I'm aware that it's only been weeks, but sometimes I'll be alone, thinking about little things, and I find myself making up different scenarios of which I could propose."
Kurt smiled to himself; his cheeks burning red. Blaine had never shared anything like this with him.
"That's deep," Burt picked up his bottle and eyed the young man for sincerity, something he could honestly say Blaine didn't lack.
"I know," Blaine smoothed his finger over Kurt's ring, "It is deep and I'm being honest with you. I definitely want everything with Kurt. I want the kisses, and to wake up next to him, and for him to say yes, he'll marry me one day," Kurt smiled at him and Blaine grinned back, "and of course I want to go… all the way with him."
Burt nodded, looking at the obvious 'boy in love face' his son sported before facing Blaine again. "So that means the two of you haven't done so yet."
Blaine shook his head no. "We haven't. I'm not saying we haven't done anything, but Kurt's completely respectful as am I of him. No one is rushing anyone—"
"We're both comfortable," Kurt reassured.
Burt nodded. "I'm going to be honest. I'd like for you to wait."
Blaine smiled. Of course you'd want that. "I'd wait as long as Kurt needs me to."
Kurt looked at his father. "And if I feel I'm ready, would you scold me?"
Burt smiled. "I wouldn't. I was your age and I know that I wasn't the holiest or most abstinent." Blaine listened and was thankful that Burt was being honest with them. "So I couldn't judge you. I'd just like for you to be sure."
Kurt nodded at his father's words. "I'd like to think that I'm ready… I mean Blaine and I still have a lot to discuss but just like he's been saying, I really do want to wake up five years from now and see him sleeping next to me. And five years from then I want to be able to go to all of Mikey's competitions with him, hand in hand." Blaine smiled, wanting that more than anything. "Ten years from then, I'd like to be able to say that he is my one and only."
Burt scratched at the nape of his neck. All of this sounded great, but he just wanted it to be the case. It was probably naïve of him to want that to be certain. Young love was amazing at first, but they were just about 17. Who knew what life would throw their way? And would they still feel this way after all the problems? Those were the questions in his mind. Even though he wanted definite answers, only time could tell. In the back of his mind, he had the answers anyway.
He knew Blaine was family. No matter how much it pained him to admit it about the punk.
"All I ask," Burt began, "is that you're health conscious when you take the next step. I would love it if you waited and proved to one another that this isn't just physical, but it seems like you two are sure. I just don't want to think about my little boy growing up, I guess."
Blaine smiled to himself. Kurt is not little.
Burt didn't like the look on Blaine's face at all. Kurt spoke quickly to distract him.
"We'll be safe, dad. I promise. And this is so much more than the physical. I can imagine what it looked like when you walked in but I promise Blaine and I, we're—"
"Young." Burt finished.
Blaine nodded, picking up from there, "And crazy about each other. It happens."
Burt smiled. He couldn't really argue with that. It did happen with teens, but as long as they had someone to talk some sense into them, it'd be okay. He looked over to Kurt who was still blushing; both he and Blaine staring down at the ring he suddenly began to wear after coming to California. Not hard to guess where he got it from. "I think you have a competition in the morning." He told Blaine.
Kurt smiled as he turned to look at his father. He heard Blaine chuckle. "I guess you're kicking me out." The biker asked with a small smile.
"Only because I care," Burt said, standing to his feet. "And Don told me to tell you to come home when I got in the house."
Kurt smiled, reaching onto the coffee table for his boyfriend's cell phone. He handed it over to him with the screen full of missed calls and text messages. "I told you so, Anderson."
Blaine smirked as he accepted it back. "Walk me to the door, will ya?" he pulled his beanie on as he asked.
Kurt smiled at him, watching the teen stand and grab for his backpack. Before he could stand to join him, Burt stepped forward instead.
"I'll walk with you, kid."
Blaine lifted a dubious brow as he forced his way into the straps. "Um… I mean if you want to. I kind of wanted a goodnight kiss so I hope you're up for that."
Kurt shook his head.
His father laughed, though, grabbing Blaine around the collar in a way that was probably meant to be construed as gentle, and urging him towards the door. Blaine winced as he walked, tripping over his own foot a couple times.
"Step onto the porch, big guy."
Blaine smirked, opening the door and saying goodbye to his boyfriend over his shoulder. Kurt smiled at the pair and gave a sweet wave.
"I'll text you or something."
"Okay." Blaine responded. Burt made sure their short conversation was finished before he closed the door behind the both of them.
Blaine smiled when Burt finally let his shirt go. He imagined it was ruffled around the edges in a way that would make Kurt snatch it off of him and iron it.
"Well. Goodnight."
"Wait a minute," Burt held out a hand, smirking at the teen in front of him. He saw Blaine smile and turn to face him, though his eyes were elsewhere, off down the quiet block.
"You love my son, don't you?"
Blaine looked at him now, caught off guard by the question. He must've been as readable as a magazine. "More than anything."
Burt nodded and looked away now, focusing on a car in the distance. They were both quiet and Blaine began to wonder where (as he referred to him in his head) his future father in law was going with this chat. He wondered if maybe he should just leave and go home before Don went crazy or if there was still more to discuss on this front. He was answered sooner than later as Burt began to speak.
"I know that this whole thing… well the two of you…" he stopped for a second and Blaine looked up at him with confusion. Burt cleared his throat and rubbed a hand down his face. "I know that I wasn't exactly as supportive as I would've liked to have been of my only son's boyfriends and all. It was a little unorthodox, the two of you." he leant against the railing and thought about his next words. "You know. When we first moved here, he hid it well but Kurt was really bothered about everything that took place. That home was the only home he knew. As much as Ohio wasn't for him, and trust me it wasn't, that was all he had for almost 17 years. And I knew that he dreaded the idea of leaving it all behind."
Blaine gave Burt his full attention as he nodded.
"And then I get here, and after the few days of him moping around, and saying how much he hated his out of the blue job, he was suddenly fine, and I saw the two of you out here and I figured that was why."
The teen smiled. "The night I hugged him, huh?"
Burt nodded. "Kurt told me you were straight, but I could tell he was smitten. He didn't know he was smitten, but I know my boy."
Blaine nodded. "What I'm about to say will probably kill all the progress we've made, but I don't really consider myself gay sir."
Blaine smiled. "Yes. I mean Kurt tells his friends I'm bisexual when they ask, but I just don't label myself at all. Bisexual would mean I like boys and girls, and I don't like boys, I like boy. And while yes, I won't lie to you, I find women attractive, I could never feel for another human being the love I feel for your son. I kind of think it's meant to be, him and I…" Blaine smiled as he considered it, "and I don't want to put a tag on that."
Burt continued to look at him. Blaine noticed he was probably just standing there with a ridiculous grin and tried to float back down to where they were. He thought about where Burt was going with his thoughts and concerns and began to speak. Papa Hummel probably wanted his side of their story, he guessed.
"The hug that night…" he licked his lips and sighed, "it just felt so correct. Like nothing I'd ever experienced with anyone else. I mean that whole day I'd been falling for the little things Kurt said, and I'd been adoring every movement he made… that smile…" he couldn't help but imagine it in his head, "for me Papa Bear, it was so out of the ordinary. I'm Blaine Anderson and I'm a play boy. At least that's what my friends or their friends would tell you. But that idiot was slain as soon as I laid eyes on your son. I'd subconsciously try to keep him close to me, and him knowing my reputation thought it was weird, my actions. It was of course. The day you saw us hug I lost count of the amount of times he called me gay," he smiled and Burt smiled too. "But of course I wouldn't have admitted any of my feelings out loud. It was weird."
"Well he went from being adamant about you not liking him to dating you a couple nights later." Burt stood up now and faced him once more. "You must've admitted some things out loud at some point."
Blaine laughed, ruffling the curls that showed underneath his beanie. He returned his hands to the straps of his backpack as he answered. "We were messing around, being silly… we had that type of relationship right away, you know?" Burt nodded. "He'd joke around with me, make me laugh. I'd do the same with him. Well we were at the skate park and we were being silly, a little flirtatious…" Burt looked at him knowingly, "and I kissed him. Then he kissed back. And it was amazing."
"So was it only the kiss?"
Blaine stopped staring into space and came back down to reality. He looked at the man beside him and tried to read his face. Burt's face was hard to read. "What do you mean?"
Burt glanced back when he saw Kurt peeking outside, and the boy quickly closed the shades. Blaine smirked at the two.
"I mean," Burt pulled at his cap, "I'm curious as to whether your revelation was based solely on the kiss you two shared. The revelation I'm talking about is you grasping the concept that Kurt was who you wanted to be with, as you put it, years from now."
Blaine smiled sadly. "You still doubt me."
Burt sighed. "Blaine. I'm already falling for you kid, and that's scary, because this is my son. I don't want to see him hurt—"
"And I'm in love with him, Burt. In love with him. I'm not letting him down and ultimately I'm not letting you down."
Burt put his hands in the air in defeat. "Ok, son."
"I know this is strange, trusting someone with Kurt who you don't know. And what you do know isn't so promising."
Burt shook his head, scratching at his stubble. "I'm scared on behalf of him. He's not scared so I guess the fear fell on me."
Blaine laughed and looked out at a person walking by. "He was scared, with right. It took a bit of convincing, Papa Bear. He didn't just run into my arms."
Burt smiled now. "Seriously? A day is a bit of convincing? Do you know how hard I had to fight to get Kurt's mom to say yes to a date?"
Blaine grinned. "You're not as cute as me."
"I'll make it so you can't have another BFF sleepover."
Blaine laughed and Burt chimed in. "Hey, I'm sorry. But to answer your question," he looked back out into the yard, "It wasn't only the kiss. The kiss kind of confirmed all else. It was the way he listened to me, and the way he smiled at me, and the way I felt better when I heard his voice. I've had a rough few years and he makes it better. At first I was like maybe he's just a really awesome friend who I for some reason found attractive, but when we kissed… god I never wanted to let him go." Burt smiled. He acknowledged the fact that his son was getting older. He was having little moments like these and falling in love. Hell, Kurt deserved it. "It sucked, because he thought back then much like you do now that I was just caught up in the moment. But each day I love him more and more. This doesn't just go away."
Burt was quiet; the two leaning against the railings and letting the words linger in the air. Blaine felt so much better sharing all of this with Burt, even if he wasn't crazy about the man in the beginning. It was just that he hated being judged and he knew Papa Hummel was doing that. He really did want a relationship with him though; because he was a great man just like Cooper Sr. He missed his dad every day. "I just think I'd be a dumbass, excuse my French," Burt nodded and Blaine continued after asking him not to tell his aunt, "I think I'd be a dummy if I didn't tell him what he meant to me. Luckily, he liked me too. At least enough to give us a shot. There are a few guys around here who have tried to get his attention and he chose me."
"Because you're an amazing young man, Blaine."
Burt smiled at the kid next to him, standing up straight again. Blaine remained still as he looked at him, probably trying to understand if he'd heard correctly. Burt put him out of his confusion. "You're an amazing young man. I want to trust you as much as Kurt does, I do. I just need more time."
Blaine nodded. "I understand."
"I am rooting for the both of you. You make him so much happier than Charlie did, Blaine. He literally smiles for no reason at all nowadays and it's the best thing I could imagine for him. Times were rough in Ohio."
He nodded again. "I know. That kills me. If I ever go to Ohio again, I'm not leaving until I talk to those assholes."
Burt laughed lightly. "Slow your roll. What's done is done. No need to get yourself arrested."
Blaine rolled his eyes. "You'd bail me out."
"Sure," Burt shook his head. He'd rot in that jail. "You've been to Ohio?"
Blaine was thinking but tuned back into the conversation. "Oh, yeah. I was maybe 7. My dad took my older brother Cooper Jr. and I to NY, and then to see Uncle Don in Lima."
Burt nodded. "Nice."
Blaine's phone began to ring now and he sighed. "Speak of the devil. I better get out of here." He looked up to Burt and smiled. "It was kind of nice talking to you."
"Kind of nice?" Burt asked with a smirk. "You didn't enjoy this to the max?"
Blaine shrugged as he tried to hide how much he really did. "I'd rather get a goodnight kiss from my boyfriend but talking to you isn't so bad I guess." the man rolled his eyes but couldn't stop the smile on his lips. Blaine continued, "Just know that if you sit around waiting for me to mess up and break his heart for some female, you'll be wasting your time. Unlike Clancy I intend to keep Kurt smiling."
Burt looked at him. His name was Charlie. What a character, Burt thought. "Make sure you prove yourself right and we won't ever have a problem."
Blaine nodded. He'd definitely was up for the challenge. "Deal. Goodnight, Papa Bear."
Burt held out his hand and Blaine wasted no time taking it into a respectable shake. "Goodnight. Sleep well for your competition and all."
Blaine nodded. I know you'll be there because you secretly like me. "Thanks."
The rider went off, down the steps and out the gate, and Burt smiled to himself as the boy went up to the Kinsella home. If he had to choose a guy for his son to fall hopelessly in love with, he liked his chances with Blaine. After another wave, the teen went inside, and Burt did the same. It'd be great to have a shower and a long night's rest.
Kurt was standing at the door when Burt opened it and the man couldn't help but laugh.
"Kurt what are you—"
"Did you hurt him, dad? Did you hit him somewhere?"
Burt rolled his eyes. "I'm going to bed."
As the man put his cap on a hook by the closet, he started humming to himself in his low tenor voice. Kurt smiled knowingly as he locked the door behind the man.
"Oh my god." He placed both hands on his hips and glared at his father. "You like him, don't you?"
Burt continued to head towards the stairs. "Stop it, Kurt."
His son laughed and he smirked, not believing the situation he was in. "You like him! We're sleeping in your room tonight, dad." Kurt followed after him, "I'll let you have some kettle corn and you can tell me all about how much you like him. And you can't say no! It's Friday night so you don't have to work."
Burt rolled his eyes and continued up the stairs. "He's ok, son."
"Yes!" Kurt grinned, following after him. "You actually like my boyfriend. I have to call Mercedes!"
Mikey sort of attached himself to Blaine's leg when the biker walked in.
Don went on and on about how 'I'm next door' doesn't mean you made your curfew.
"And when I say to be inside at 10, Blaine, I mean get your butt inside at 10. You need to learn some discipline and that comes from following rules. It's really simple."
So Blaine apologized and carried his cousin up the stairs, heading straight to bedroom. He could still hear Don going on about the competition the next day and how Blaine didn't take anything seriously, and he had to smile at that. He'd been that way for 17 years. He wasn't exactly going to change overnight.
"What did you do today?"
Blaine kissed his cousin on the cheek before tossing him on the bed. Mikey laughed as he popped up. Then he realized something on his cousin's neck and frowned.
"Blainey! Are you hurt?"
Blaine raised an eyebrow at the little boy. "I'm fine. What?"
"Your neck is a little red. Or purple. It's bad." The boy looked sad and Blaine touched over the hickey on his neck.
"Oh! This… it's nothing Mikey. I um walked into the cabinet because I wasn't watching where I was going. It'll be gone soon, don't worry."
Mikey nodded. "Kurt can kiss it and make it better like he did for my knee! And stay away from the cabinet okay?"
Blaine laughed. Kurt kissed it alright. "I promise I'll be more careful. Now tell me what you did today?"
Mikey sighed, trying not to focus on the spot. "I went to day school and then I went to the beach with Skyler and his mommy. We had turkey sandwiches. And we watched Skyler's uncles and his friends surfing!"
"Oh," Blaine stepped out of his sneakers and smiled, "that must've been fun."
"I thought you'd be there too because you guys are always there."
"David got a new place, bud." Mikey smiled, "I went to visit with Kurt and the rest of the guys," Blaine pulled off his shirt and tossed it away, going to join his cousin on the bed. "It's a nice place."
Mikey looked up at him. "I missed you and Kurtie."
Blaine squeezed his nose and smirked when his cousin yelped louder than he needed to. He hadn't squeezed his nose that hard, but Mikey was a little drama king. "We missed you too. You can hang out with him at the BMX competition tomorrow."
"And Mr. Hummey."
Blaine nodded. "Both of them." He smiled and gestured to the TV. "What video game are we up to tonight?"
"Bedtime!" Don reiterated as he walked into his bedroom. "Blaine. Now."
"Oh god, fine." He stood up and went to close the door. Mikey laughed his ridiculous laugh that always made Kurt crack up and Blaine had to smile at it. "Your dad: huge buzz kill."
"Dad is nice." Mikey pulled his shirt off too. "I'm staying in here?"
"Please? Until you sleep at least?" Blaine asked. His cousin nodded definitely. "But I need to shower. Should I do that now or wait until you're asleep?"
"You can go now."
Blaine nodded. "Ok munchkin. I'll only be a few minutes."
After grabbing his things for the shower, Blaine quickly went out of the room. Mikey got to watch some recorded episodes of Fairly Odd Parents and laughed when Cosmo and Wanda began to bicker.
Blaine's phone went off a few minutes later, and Mikey smiled as he saw Kurt's face on the screen. The picture was of him in a purple shirt that definitely belonged to the boy's older cousin, and Mikey quickly went to answer it.
He could hear his friend smile as he spoke. "Mikey? Hi sweetie!'
Mikey grinned, lying down on the bed. "Hi Kurtie! I missed you today."
Kurt laughed into his ear, always in love with the kid's enthusiasm to speak to him. "I missed you too munchkin. But don't worry, I've got a fun day planned for us tomorrow when we go to Blaine's competition."
"You do?"
"I sure do." Kurt told him. Mikey smiled even wider, closing his eyes and listening. "I bought you some Yoplait Gogurt tubes, and we'll finally get to wear our matching outfits—"
"With our friendship bracelets!"
"Of course!" Kurt told him, "and I drew something for you to color while we wait for Blaine to compete, and if you want you can play games on my Kindle."
Mikey took a deep breath. "I. Cannot. Wait."
Kurt laughed. "Neither can I, love. So what are you doing now?"
"I'm just talking to you." he rolled over so that he could see the television. "I was watching Fairly Odd Parents. Blaine's in the bath tub."
Kurt hummed. "I love that show."
"Me too." Mikey answered with a smile. "What are you doing? Can you come over?"
"I can't," he said sadly. The blonde frowned. "I'm sorry but your dad really wants Blaine to have a good night's rest, and if I'm there he'll be up all night running his mouth."
Mikey nodded. "I know. I just miss you."
"I miss you too, munchkin. But I promise when you wake up in the morning, I'll be right there."
The boy clutched the phone to his face staring out the window at the bright moon in the sky as he they spoke. "You will?"
"Yup. And I'll be able to squeeze you and kiss you and you'll be able to tell me all about Lynne and your fun with Skyler, and we'll have a great day."
Mikey smiled, closing his eyes. "Ok."
Kurt giggled into his ear and Mikey sighed. What a nice laugh. "You sound tired, munchkin."
He yawned. "I'm just a little bit tired. You can keep talking to me."
"I'll sing to you," Kurt said, "and like I said, fall asleep and I'll see you in the morning. Ok?"
Mikey hummed. "The counting song."
Kurt laughed. "Count On Me?" Apparently the boy was a "hooligan". But who could blame him? Bruno Mars was great.
"Yes," Mikey smiled now. "I like that one."
Mikey pressed the speakerphone button, remembering where it was from touching his mom's phone. According to her, he'd dialed a place called Indiana and she wasn't very happy.
As Kurt cleared his throat, he began to sing what Mikey referred to as 'the counting song' for his little friend.
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
Mikey moved closer into Blaine's pillow as he hummed along. His adorable voice was heard by Kurt and he smiled, singing the chorus.
You can count on me
Like 1, 2, 3
And I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you
Like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Mikey stopped humming shortly after, and Kurt knew that meant he was drifting off. Soft breaths sounded into the phone and he softly continued.
If you're tossin' and you're turnin'
And you just can't fall asleep
I'll sing a song beside you
And if you ever forget how much you really mean to me
Every day I will remind you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
Kurt stopped and smiled. Mikey had been quiet, save his fluttery breaths, and all he could hear was the television in the background. He blew a kiss into the phone before singing the last part again quietly again.
You can count on me
Like 1, 2, 3
And I'll be there
And I know when I need it
I can count on you
Like 4, 3, 2
And you'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
"I love you, Mikey. Goodnight."
Kurt pressed 'end call' and smiled to himself. He got out of the bed and went back over to his father's room, shaking his head at the man who'd been fast asleep. Not only would he not gush about how much he liked Blaine (beside a "He's an okay kid, you know?") he couldn't stay up long enough to pass the opening credits of a movie. Kurt ended up leaving his room after the man brought up Blaine's huge hickey anyway. Great way to get rid of your kid.
He turned away from the grand bedroom and entered the hallway. Maybe he'd get some kettle corn for himself and watch a movie alone, since his dad was no fun, and maybe, by the time he got back to his room, Blaine would be out of the shower and they could talk a bit before bed.
Blaine smiled when he got back into his room. Mikey was fast asleep on the bed; his shirtless body sprawled across the covers. He shook his head and went to grab a pair of sweat pants, throwing them over his boxers. The recording of the cartoon he put on for his cousin was over and the news was now playing. Maybe the shower he took did run a little bit long, but god Kurt had been teasing him all day and he really needed to masturbate.
No regrets.
Walking over to the bed, Blaine noticed his phone was on the recent calls screen. A few minute call with Kurt made him raise an eyebrow before he realized Mikey must've been the culprit. He picked the little boy up, along with his shirt, and carried him out of the room.
It was a shame that he had to tip toe through the home he lived in, but Blaine was worried of the repercussions if Don caught him still awake.
Mikey snuggled up with his Darwin stuffed toy when Blaine put him in the racecar bed. He smiled and threw a blanket over him, making note to set the AC to turn off after a few minutes. Quickly, he kissed the boy on the forehead and went back into his room, turning off his overhead light and settling into bed.
The television continued to play the news until Blaine turned to one of the movie stations. He ended up watching the Proposal with Sandra Bullock and smirking at the scene that was on with Betty White. Shaking his head, he reached for his cell phone and texted his boyfriend.
You said you'd text me. :( –B
Stop touching yourself and get out of the shower and talk to me :( –Kurt
Oh hi! See. I was texting you :P –Kurt
Blaine smiled at the message and quickly went to reply.
Why do you assume I was touching myself? Maybe I just needed a nice long shower because tomorrow's a big day. –B
Were you touching yourself? –Kurt
Yes. –B
Blaine laughed lightly, pressing send. It was no secret to Kurt that he'd been guilty of rubbing one out. In fact, Blaine never really hid the fact.
The day they met, after they'd exchanged numbers, the boys shared a few text messages that night. It started out with Blaine trying to break the ice because honestly they were still strangers, and he could tell Kurt was trying to define why exactly Blaine wanted to talk to him to begin with. They spoke about California and Ohio, and evil dogs that tripped BMX riders, and plans the next day, and shopping malls that sold more than just your average clothing brands. Kurt had questions regarding that and Blaine answered. The conversation was innocent at best, and both were happy they got to speak with one another. It made Blaine bothering him about getting off work the next day less awkward and forced, and a bit more natural. Like they were friends.
Yep. Their conversation was innocent up until Blaine said goodnight because he couldn't jerk off and text at the same time. His new friend obliged.
Kurt often referred to the message at the moment where he knew he and Blaine were actually friends.
And then there was the next day when Nick ordered that porno (the same one that Aunt Pam would be finding out about when the bill showed up in a few days) and Jeff proposed a "circle jerk", which turned out to be another reason for Kurt to assume he was the straightest guy present. When Blaine responded that he only trusted his own hand in pants, Kurt figured that Blaine took pride in his ability to bring himself pleasure.
And Blaine did.
So you had your hand in the cookie jar and you STILL tried to guilt trip me? Typical. –Kurt
Blaine rolled his eyes with a smirk, quickly typing out a reply.
"Hand in the cookie jar"? Really? You could've done better than that, Kurt. –B
Leave me alone. –Kurt
Blaine smiled, glancing from his phone screen up to the television's.
"If you get chilly tonight, use this. It has special powers."
It was one of his favorite parts and Blaine couldn't help but smile at the movie, mouthing along with the words of Grandma Annie. "I call it the baby maker." he said, mimicking Betty White's voice.
I know I said leave me alone but I didn't want you to stop talking to me. –Kurt
With a smile, he sat up and answered.
Come over. –B
He didn't get an answer for a minute or two, and Blaine picked his phone up off his chest to look at it. As he did so, a new message came in that he read, curious of the response.
I'm going to be the smart one in this relationship and decide that even though I want to see your face, I'm not going to risk you getting in trouble. You should be trying to get some rest anyway pumpkin. –Kurt
Most difficult boyfriend award goes to: Kurt Hummel.
Blaine rolled his eyes. How did it turn out that he had to have a smart, levelheaded, think of the consequences of my actions boyfriend. Why couldn't he have an idiot like him that'd sneak out, get in trouble, and spend a few weeks grounded?
Yeah that was a stupid question.
I just feel upset because as usual your pappy had to cock block and I couldn't get a goodnight kiss. –B
What did you two talk about anyway? –Kurt
Come over and I'll tell you. –B
Blaine smiled as once again, he was denied.
Not gonna happen. You're going to tell me anyway right? –Kurt
Why would I do that when my end of the bargain isn't being held up? –B
Once again, he didn't get an answer for a few minutes. He tried dialing Kurt's number and smirked when his boyfriend quickly pressed ignore, a text coming in shortly afterwards.
Because you think I'm really cute and I'm asking nicely. –Kurt
And I'm not answering because you're going to convince me to come over and I don't want us to get in trouble. –Kurt
Sorry for lagging. I was trying to start my skincare routine. –Kurt
Blaine smiled, trying to call him again and sighing when Kurt really refused to answer. So his plan of begging in the low register Kurt was fond of wouldn't be able to work this time. It usually got him what he wanted but apparently, not tonight.
Grrrrr. –B
I just want my goodnight kiss :( –B
The response was much quicker this time.
So you want me to come over to your place just for a kiss? –Kurt
Blaine smiled.
Yes. –B
I wasn't born yesterday. –Kurt
What if I snuck out for only a minute and you met me at your front door and we kissed and I came back here and went to bed? –B
It'll help me sleep so much better. –B
He could almost see the gears in Kurt's head turning as he awaited a reply. Blaine knew that he would first consider it, and then think about whether or not he was being trolled by his sneak of a boyfriend, and then realize that he really wanted a kiss, and then go back to thinking of them getting in trouble. He began to type again.
Just for a minute. :( I miss your lips soooooo much. –B
You won't talk to me on the phone. You won't kiss me. I'm going to come in last tomorrow and it's all because my heart is broken. –B
Oh gosh, calm down. –Kurt
Only one minute, Blaine. I don't want your uncle upset. –Kurt
Meet me at the door. –B
Blaine grinned as he stood up, placing his phone in his pocket and looking for his sports sandals. When they were located, he gently eased into them and made his way through the door of his bedroom quietly. Making note to pack his stuff up and maybe move it into the beach house Sunday, Blaine slowly closed the door and tip toed through the second floor.
With his aunt and uncle's room right by the staircase, he had to go down very quietly. Of course he assumed they were asleep but you could never be too careful.
He grabbed the keys off the ring by the exit and left, locking the door behind him. Kurt was already at his door, poking his adorable head out and smiling when he laid eyes on Blaine.
"Hurry up, 007. I don't have a shirt on."
Blaine grinned as he jumped down all four steps of the home, quickly exiting his fenced yard and going over to Kurt's. He could hear his boyfriend laughing as he approached, quickly hopping up the steps—now out of breath from his mad dash over. They smiled at one another as Kurt shielded his body from absolutely no one; the neighborhood was a ghost town with it being the time it was and a bunch of old timers living on their block, but they were happy to see one another.
"I don't have a shirt on either if you hadn't noticed. I missed you."
Kurt smiled; his eyes returning from Blaine's chest up to his own hazel orbs. He definitely noticed. "I missed you too, crazy."
Blaine gave him an obvious look. "So then we should hang out a little longer, don't you think?"
"Well I'd love that but—"
"Then let's go." Blaine reached inside and grabbed Kurt's hand, practically yanking the boy out of the home and onto the porch. They winced at the sound of the door slamming shut because of Kurt's hold on it, and hoped to everything good and pure in the world that it hadn't disturbed Papa Hummel.
"What—WHY did you do that? Are you trying to get us killed?"
Blaine smiled innocently. "We're just gonna hang out. I—"
"Blaine," Kurt pinched the bridge of his nose with the hand that wasn't laced around his boyfriends, "This is not what we agreed to. I'm outside with no shirt on and my very expensive Del Toro house slippers. As in indoor slippers, Blaine. I'm not supposed to wear these outdoors. And back to what I said initially, this is not what we agreed—mmph!"
Blaine threw his free hand over Kurt's mouth and stared at the boy until he relaxed. "You're going to wake up the neighborhood."
Kurt sighed into his palm and nodded apologetically. "Sowwy." He mumbled. Blaine nodded and removed his hand, stepping a little closer. He looked down to the smooth chest in front of him before finding Kurt's lips again.
"You said you missed me and I missed you, so I just thought we'd spend a few minutes together. Your nightly skincare routine will be there when you get back inside and I'll go to bed right after."
Kurt sighed, shaking his head no. "You know this is a terrible idea."
"It is," Blaine said, "only if we get caught, which if we don't it'd be a great idea."
Kurt smiled at that logic. Or lack of logic. "What's to say we don't get caught? And where are we going anyway? We're both half naked."
"Is this a game of 20 questions?"
"It's a game of 0 answers because you're giving me nothing, Blaine."
Blaine rolled his eyes. "That's the thing with taking risks, dear. We might get caught. But the thought of it excites me. Doesn't danger excite you?"
Kurt stared at his lips as they moved. A lot of things concerning Blaine excited him. When the elder realized he wasn't getting an answer, he continued.
"And it's not like I'm taking you somewhere to capture your virginity. I just wanted to talk and be with you. Okay?"
So all of that danger talk was for nothing, Kurt gathered. "Oh."
"Yeah." Blaine smiled, leaning in and chastely kissing his boyfriend's lips. Kurt closed his eyes at the contact, but just like that it was gone. "So," Blaine spoke, "do you want to hang out with me? We can go on a quick five minute date and I'll have you home before daddy notices anything is out of the ordinary."
Kurt gave a small smile. He was still a little scared on his boyfriend's behalf. Don seemed strict when he wanted to be, and the young Anderson often pushed the man's buttons for what seemed to be sport. But a few minutes with the gorgeous kid he was helplessly in love with didn't sound bad at all. "I'm in. Where are we going for this 'five minute date', exactly?"
Blaine's smile slowly fell. He hadn't thought that far. "Um." he looked around and realized there was only but so far they could get in their sleep clothes and with no shirts on. He cleared his throat and glanced back to a smirking Kurt who knew his predicament. "My uncle's garage."
Kurt's face fell. "The dusty, cluttered garage that Jeff says makes his allergies go bonkers every time he's in a five foot radius of the thing?"
Blaine nodded. "That's the one. But it isn't that messy. Nick and I just haven't gotten around to cleaning it yet. C'mon."
He led the way with a hand in Kurt's and his boyfriend shook his head as he followed. He'd rather go inside and risk the chance of his dad stumbling downstairs for a midnight snack and catching them (for the second time that night) than go hang out in Don's garage. There were probably spiders and other unfriendly pest lingering in the shadows, on the prowl for unsuspecting victims. But then again, as they passed Pam's Charger in the driveway, Kurt had to acknowledge that he'd follow Blaine into an igloo filled with hundreds of photos of Peter if it meant he got to spend time with him.
We'd be able to gather all the photos and set them ablaze to keep warm, at least. Kurt thought to himself.
As Blaine lifted the door, he released Kurt's hand to go over and turn on the light. As it illuminated the dark backyard, Kurt looked around at the very tightly packed garage and took it in. there were a lot of boxes, there was Blaine's ATV, there was an old rusty piano that looked like it'd been abandoned for years that was underneath more boxes labeledChristmas ornaments, and then there were various tool boxes that he assumed belonged to Don and toys that Mikey must have gotten tired of.
Blaine gave a tight lipped smile as he looked around. "This is going to be a pain in the ass to clean."
Kurt laughed lightly. "Would I be going out on a limb if I assumed your aunt and uncle were hoarders?"
Blaine shook his head no. "Aunt Pam refuses to get rid of a lot of pointless things. Well to me they're pointless, but to her they have meaning."
Kurt walked inside following after Blaine. The boy turned back the flap of one of the boxes and gestured inside. "You see? Why would she still need her college cheerleading uniform? Pompoms and all."
Kurt laughed. "I don't know. I did want to keep mine though, back when I went to McKinley. I just loved the way it fitted my ass." He walked further into the garage and looked at an old photo frame on the shelf. It housed a picture of a much younger but obvious Don and Clarissa, and two other people.
Blaine smiled at the words, trying not to lick his lips. "I bet they did." he turned to look at his boyfriend's ass when he realized Kurt was looking at something. "What'd you find over there?"
Kurt observed closer. They all looked alike now that he did. "Your mom and uncle and two other guys."
"Uncle Wilson and Uncle Trenton." Blaine said. "Wilson lives in Texas with his wife and Trenton, he's the youngest. Lives in Georgia. Keeps to himself. I don't know much about him."
Kurt nodded. "I didn't know you had more uncles."
Blaine smiled. "My family, beside mom and Don, they're a bunch of idiots. Uncle Wilson is stuck up. Owns a few businesses and invests in a lot. His kids, who are even more stuck up than he is, both go to Cornell. They think they're so much better than Coop and I because of what they have. You know Coop did junior college and fled to LA after dad and Ari died. They don't think I know anything but bike riding, so since they're in a prestigious school they're obviously better." he looked into a new box, finding a bunch of pregnancy books. Pam was more than likely holding onto these for when Don gave Mikey that little brother she'd been hoping her son would have. "They say we're trust fund kids and our dad gave us everything… like they're any different."
Kurt simply shook his head, walking back over to Blaine. The elder ruffled his curly locks and spoke again. "Because Don was into sports, he wasn't good enough for the eldest Kinsella... Uncle Wilson… and because I do the same as Don, I'm not good enough either."
"You're amazing, Blaine."
Blaine shrugged. "I'm okay. I'm not them."
Kurt rolled his eyes before leaning in and kissing his boyfriend. "You're. Amazing." He looked at him a second longer, "If you were anything like them, we probably wouldn't be together, and I l-like you just the way you are." He turned a little red and Blaine stared at his boyfriend, wondering what the slip up was about. Kurt quickly walked off and continued to peruse through the old garage. Most of the stuff seemed like it'd be easy to get rid of had the Kinsellas ever had a garage sale. "What about Trenton? He sounds like the black sheep from the way you described him."
Blaine followed after him, cutting around some storage bins labeled 'VHS tapes'. "I wouldn't say that. If anything he ostracizes himself, but mom just tells me he moved away as soon as he turned 18. Floats from place to place. I think I met him twice—once at a Christmas dinner with the grandparents and then again when we all went to Uncle Wilson's. But that's it."
Kurt hummed, walking to the opposite side of the garage. "Only family I have left is my Uncle James. He lives back in Ohio and he doesn't even like me. Never liked my father, to be honest." Blaine listened, still following Kurt around the garage. "He says his sister Elizabeth could've done better than my dad, and if she had, she wouldn't have had a faggot child."
Blaine tensed up, stopping dead in his tracks. Kurt continued as he brushed his fingers over the dusty keys of the piano. "Needless to say, we lost touch with him. I mean I do talk to my cousins on Facebook but we weren't close like one would hope. Nothing like Mikey has with you."
Blaine shook his head. "You're better off without him."
Kurt laughed. "That's what my father said after he almost wrung the man's neck." Pressing down on the keys, he winced at the noise. "God."
"It hasn't been tuned in a long, long time. And it's in pretty bad shape."
Kurt nodded. "I can see. Hoarding this is just unnecessary."
Blaine stood at his boyfriend's side, his chest against Kurt's bare arm as he looked at the wooden piano. "Well this one happens to be my fault. It belonged to my dad and I have a hard time letting go." Kurt turned to him with a sympathetic look. "My uncle told me that we can't restore it so there's no sense in me holding onto it, but it just holds special memories. Dad taught me how to play on this when I was three and I don't want to throw that away."
Kurt nodded. "I understand. Is he sure it can't be restored?"
Blaine nodded. "It's old. An antique that's way far past it's time."
He could see Kurt thinking about how to save him from himself again; something he'd done a few times already, and smiled. It was a lost cause now. "So what's going to happen? Will it just sit back here forever?"
Blaine said no. "I kind of wish. I know I can't play it but being able to see it… to touch the wood grain, it helps." Blaine looked up and saw Kurt looking at him, the elder laughing a bit in embarrassment, "I know. That's stupid."
"It's not." Kurt said.
Blaine stood there quietly.
Kurt looked back at the piano. "So I guess it'll be here until you guys clean up? Is that the hold up?"
"I could only hope so, but unc will probably take it upon himself to move it out. It's more because he wants to get me a new one and doesn't want me holding onto what he says are painful memories. They're actually happy ones but he wouldn't believe that."
Kurt nodded. "Move it out?" he asked softly, just above a whisper.
Blaine sighed, placing a hand on the fallboard. "Trash it. I don't know. He would probably donate it somewhere but if it can't be fixed, what can they do? Trashing it is what's ultimately going to happen."
Kurt touched it too, smiling because he'd gotten to touch something Cooper Sr. did, something that was important to both the man and his son. "You should keep a piece of it. I know it wouldn't be the same but it's better than it being destroyed."
Blaine looked down at the piano and nodded. Maybe he'd be able to lift a few keys off. C for Cooper, B for Blaine, he thought with a smile. "I better get you home gorgeous."
Kurt looked up at him and nodded. He'd think of something. A small smile on his lips as he spoke to his boyfriend. "I really liked this date. It wasn't very conventional but, it was sweet."
Blaine nodded. "Shirtless dates to garages aren't normal?"
Kurt laughed, grabbing his boyfriend's hand. "Not exactly, honey." They began to walk. Blaine stopped only to turn off the light and close the garage door back. "So do you think you'll be able to sleep when you go inside?"
Blaine thought about that as they walked hand in hand to the front of the yard. He let Kurt slip past his aunt's car first. "I should be. I'll just watch The Proposal and think about ways I can propose to you until I fall asleep."
Kurt snorted in front of him and lord if it wasn't the cutest thing ever. They ended up side by side again and the blue eyed beauty spoke. "Do you really do that are were you just kissing up to my dad, who by the way you still didn't tell me what you spoke to him about?"
Blaine smiled, pushing the gate open. "I honestly think about it a lot. Almost as much as I think about kissing you. And speaking of kisses," Blaine walked up to the top step and smiled when Kurt joined him; the two staring dreamily into one another's eyes, "I'm thinking about the ones you gave me on our date earlier. It'd be amazing if we could maybe do this again sometime."
Kurt hummed, tilting his head to the side like he did when he was being a tease. Blaine smiled at him, his heartbeat speeding up its pace. "I'd love to do this again." Blaine's eyes were fixed on Kurt's lips. "So." The younger said.
Blaine smiled, licking his lips and stepping closer. "So."
Kurt shyly bit his lip, staring down at Blaine's now. "Promise you'll call?"
Blaine laughed, looking out over the neighborhood. "Promise you'll answer?"
Kurt giggled, remembering back to earlier when he blatantly ignored the boy's calls. He couldn't answer because Blaine did this thing with his voice that… jesus. But he ended up giving him what he wanted anyway. And he didn't regret it. "I promise."
Blaine laughed too, and that was actually a blush on his cheeks as he looked down at the ground. Kurt would've paid good money to know what was going on in that head of his.
"I'm going to kiss you now, if that's okay with you."
Kurt smiled, stepping in even closer. "I'd love that, Blaine."
Blaine licked his lips, not realizing he was lost in a swirl of blue and green until Kurt blinked those beautiful lashes. He leaned in after his boyfriend began to and finally, their lips met.
Their goodnight kiss was not only much anticipated, but it was as sweet as a soft, chaste kiss between two people in love could ever be. Kurt pressed his lips tenderly against Blaine's and the elder reached up to cup his face, keeping the tempo slow and only breathing when Kurt gently pulled away.
"I had a lovely time. Thank you."
Blaine nodded, glancing back up to the boy's eyes. "I did too."
Kurt smiled after lingering a while longer. "Goodnight, Blaine."
Blaine smiled as the boy turned to go inside, watching the entire time with a grin that just wouldn't go away. It couldn't. "Goodnight, Kurt."
The door closed and Blaine stood there for a few seconds, trying to come down from his high. It wasn't happening, but he wasn't complaining.
And just like it was the first date at an actual restaurant or at a movie, and the first kiss Blaine ever received, the boy practically floated back over to his uncle's home. He sighed, unlocked the door, and placed his naked back against it. "I love him so much."
"Where'd you go?"
Blaine jumped at the tiny voice, looking down and finding his little cousin clutching Kurt Jr. and staring up at him. He took a deep breath and locked the door behind him.
"Shi—Shoot. You scared me. Why are you up?"
Mikey apologized. "Sorry Blainey. Where were you?"
Blaine walked over to the stairs and picked him up. "I went to see Kurt. We have to be quiet."
Mikey wrapped his arms around his cousin's shoulders. "Ok. Can I stay with you?"
"Bad dream?" Blaine whispered, walking to his bedroom. Mikey nodded against his cheek. "Of course buddy."
"You need to shave."
Blaine smiled. "In the morning."
Back in his room, Blaine tucked Mikey in and walked over to his side of the bed. A message from Kurt lit up his screen.
I miss you already. Sleep well, honey. –Kurt
Blaine smiled, typing out a reply.
Miss you more. See you in the morning, baby. –B
He kissed his lock screen before putting the device on the charger, and cuddling close to his little cousin. The boy was already falling asleep and Blaine kissed him in his hair, holding him closely.
Quarterfinals were in the morning, and with the great people he knew would be on the sidelines supporting him, he was more than ready to compete.
"Your ten minutes is up, pal."
Blaine ignored that voice. That voice was stupid.
You know what wasn't stupid? Sleep. Sleep was nice. Sleep never told you to that you slept too much, because sleep knows there is no such thing as too much sleep. Sleep was Blaine's friend, and he liked friends—
"Ouch! What the hell?"
"I said get up, Blaine."
Blaine sighed. Uncle Don, he thought with a grimace. "What time is it?"
His uncle moved around in the background, throwing some things onto his bed. "It's ten minutes after you were supposed to get up. Maybe if you do the math, your brain will wake up a bit quicker."
Blaine took another deep breath and pulled himself up. He frowned at the drool spot on his pillow; wiping his mouth with his forearm, and then he frowned even harder when he turned to his right and Mikey wasn't there. "Where's Mikey?" he asked, sleep heavy in his voice.
Don did the top button of his shirt and answered, using Blaine's mirror as he did so. "Kurt came and got him maybe an hour ago. They're next door, ready already."
So Mikey probably got a kiss good morning before Blaine did. And they were probably drinking tea and telling each other how much they loved one another. Maybe even making each other pictures or bracelets—
"Blaine get off your ass—"
"Ok, ok." He finally rolled out of the bed, stumbling onto the floor and fixing his pants. There were some good dreams last night and it took a bit of readjusting when he got out of bed.
"I already put your things out. The bike is up on the truck. We're just waiting for you."
Blaine nodded. No one ever let him forget that he was the last to be ready, especially Jeff who hated to wake up before 9 in the morning. He stretched a bit more before addressing his uncle.
"I'm gonna go piss."
"Yeah, make it quick."
It didn't take long for Blaine to get ready to go. He did some stretches to prepare to compete and listened to some music that'd hopefully motivate him. He responded to Kurt's 'Good morning :) please get out of bed' message, and got dressed.
Today's attire was all black. He figured he'd hate himself if the weather passed 90 degrees but he just decided to go with something neutral and form fitting. It wouldn't get of the way of the aerial moves he'd been rehearsing.
Black V-neck, black jeans, black Supra sneakers. He was set.
After pumping himself up in the mirror and kissing the locket around his neck, Blaine exited the small room. He tried not to be tense as he went down the steps, but who could blame him? His mom and brother would be there, Kurt's dad would be there, his award winning uncle was always there and Pam and Mikey would definitely be rooting for him. His schoolmates would be there of course, and so would just about all of Long Beach. The people who cared, rather. Oh, and let's not forget his boyfriend, Kurt. Kurt would be there too. One wrong move and Blaine would embarrass himself in front of the whole city.
How comforting.
But he was good, and he was working himself up for nothing. It'd all be fine. He was Blaine Anderson.
"Your aunt left already to get everyone good seats. I think she's with Cooper and Clarissa now," Don answered the phone after realizing Nick was calling him and told the teen to hold a second, "go next door. Kurt made breakfast."
Blaine nodded and pulled on his Nike book bag. "Thanks, unc."
"Uh huh."
Blaine smiled at him, opening the door and exiting. Before he could get too far, Don called him once more. Blaine was about to close the door behind him when he heard his uncle's voice and turned back, giving the man a questioning look.
"Yes unc?"
Don smiled in a way that said the thought had just come to him. "I forgot to mention this; well I was going to bring it up last night but you seemed so intent on not getting home on time and—"
"I apologized for that like a billion times." Blaine grumbled before rolling his eyes. If he had to hear about it one more time…
"Anyway," Don ignored the boy's attitude and resumed, "my old buddy will be at the competition today. He's back from Toronto and he's looking forward to seeing you."
Blaine turned his nose up; mood already dampened from the news. It wasn't that he didn't like Don's old friend and BMX buddy from way back when, it was just—okay it was that exactly. The guy was amazing at his craft and by all means a legend, but he was no Donald Kinsella. Eric Milton had this air about him that screamed 'pompous jackass' and he always had something demeaning to say about Blaine and his friends. Nick always suspected that it was because he was jealous that his time was up and the next generation was living his dream now, but Blaine didn't care. He just really couldn't stand the guy.
"That's great."
Don stared at his nephew with a knowing look, laughing a bit after Blaine gave him his typical uninterested glance. "I just thought I'd ask you to be respectful. He's not only your elder but he's pretty important to the sport."
Blaine nodded his head in agreement, playing at the straps of his backpack. "As long as he's respectful of me and Legacy, there shouldn't be a problem."
"Blaine." Don's tone was serious now. He knew how Blaine got when he was challenged and this was exactly what he didn't need to happen. Eric was a good friend of his from years and years back, and they both contributed so much to the sport. He wanted Blaine to have the same reputation years from now, and constantly smart mouthing those who paved the way rarely did that.
Reputation be damned, Blaine didn't care. He followed the mantra that respect is earned. You don't earn it with age, but with how you conduct yourself. Eric Milton conducted himself like an ass wipe, therefore Blaine felt no need to respect him. But this was his uncle—kind, sweet, amazing Uncle Don, and Uncle Don did take him in like a son and not many people would do that for Blaine. Blaine respected his uncle, at least.
So he nodded his understanding and gave his uncle a blank look. "Understood. May I go?"
Don turned back to his cell phone to return Nick's call. "Go ahead, Blaine."
Blaine smiled forcibly, though he rolled his eyes as soon as the door was closed behind him. The thought of Quarter Finals wasn't as welcoming as it had been a few minutes ago. Now that Blaine knew Mr. Milton would be there, his excitement sank just a bit.
It shouldn't have mattered, maybe. He knew Burt would be there and his mother and him were on good terms, and she was going to show support. Cooper wasn't too famous to show his face, Blaine thought with a smile. But still, it was something about that prick that made Blaine uneasy, ever since he met the guy. He just didn't want to be bothered.
Don was great with the youth wanting to get involved in BMX and Skateboarding, offering tips at his shop and even visiting the skate park every so often. He never held back what he learned over the years and genuinely rooted for everyone. With Mr. Milton, there was nothing but taunting, and the bringing up of his own accomplishments, and sometime sly remarks about why there'd never be another Eric Milton.
Blaine knew he was better than him though, so he usually stomached the man's arrogance until he got on a flight back to wherever. Nothing would change this time.
As Blaine opened the gate to his uncle's home, he smiled at one of the neighbors who wished him best of luck, extending his thanks in return. The elderly man nodded and continued on his stroll, half walking-half being dragged by his poodle.
Kurt's door was unlocked, and Blaine assumed it was because he knew he'd be showing up sooner or later. As he stepped inside, he glanced around the empty living room and closed the door behind him. The television was left on one of Mikey's Nick Jr. shows that was currently discussing the color red. Blaine listened around for voices so that he'd know whether or not they were upstairs or in the back, but he figured it'd be safe to check the kitchen first. For one, it smelled delicious, and two, this was Mikey Kinsella. The kitchen was a likely hangout spot.
Burt's truck being gone pretty much let Blaine know that he'd already left for the competition. He also reminded himself that he wasn't supposed to know Burt went to see him compete, so he made a mental note to act surprised when he saw him later on.
When he got close to the kitchen, Blaine stopped right at the entrance and listened. Mikey seemed to be asking a question in that adorably curious voice of his and Blaine could hear the smile on his boyfriend's voice as he answered it.
"And during Christmas I used to help her bake cookies, and we'd always sing together. My dad would just laugh as he watched us, but we didn't care. Christmas was our favorite time of year. She'd play the piano beautifully and sing carols. I loved her voice."
Blaine peeked into the kitchen and saw Mikey perched up on a stool at the counter, smiling at Kurt as he told the story. The two of them were close together as they spoke like they'd been talking with one another for a long time, and being that Blaine was supposed to be ready a long time ago, it wasn't hard to believe.
"Did she sing to you at night?"
Kurt nodded as he brushed back Mikey's growing curls. "Yup. Most of the time I'd wake up from a bad dream and ask if I could stay with her and dad in their room. They both would cuddle me in bed and she'd sing me her favorite Beatles song. It always made me feel a lot better, probably because I got to be held closely and hear her sing. But you know, it got to the point where I wouldn't have to be woken up from a bad dream for her to sing to me. She knew what it meant for me to have that closeness before I even knew, and she'd just sing it to me while she tucked me in at night. Every night."
Mikey hummed and looked down at his hands. "I hate bad dreams. I had a scary one last night. I'm happy you had your mommy to hug you."
Kurt looked at him and a small smile shone through. "I'm happy I had her too. And you know that when you're scared you can always go to someone right? All of your family loves you and we're here for you."
Mikey relaxed into the movement of Kurt's hand, and Blaine smiled as he watched, noticing their matching outfits and trying not to squee from the adorableness of it all.
"So are you my family too, Kurtie?"
Kurt laughed lightly and made sure that strong hazel eyes were looking into his as he answered. "Michael, no matter what happens between me and Blaine or anyone else, I'll always be here for you. I'd like to think that makes me something like family, right?"
Mikey nodded with a wide smile as Blaine listened from the doorway. He leant against the wall, watching Kurt and wanting to tell him that nothing would happen between them, as silly as that sounded, but he wanted it to be known that he was in it for the long haul.
"Right." Mikey nodded in the affirmative. "I need to learn the Beatles song so I can sing it to you too. Because we're family and you can always come to me too."
Kurt didn't know why but his eyes were suddenly wet. "Don't ever change, Mikey. Ok?"
The little boy looked confused but he nodded. "Okay, Kurtie." He watched Kurt stand up straight and reached for the tiny satchel on the counter. Blaine guessed that it belonged to Mikey since a larger matching one was beside it, and found out that he was right when Kurt began to shovel a few coloring books into it.
"You know Blaine sang me the song one night. "Love of the Loved" by The Beatles." He smiled at Mikey who was listening closely, handing over a box of crayons so that Kurt could pack it for him. "He sang it, and that's when I knew."
As if waiting for the rest, Mikey tilted his head to the side and urged his friend to continue. "That's when you knew what?" his voice got higher on the end of the question; peaking like his curiosity. Blaine listened as well, feeling like a huge creep but way too interested in Kurt's revelation to care.
"It's when I knew that Blaine was worth it."
Mikey still looked confused and Kurt laughed a bit, slipping a few Yoplait Gogurt tubes into Mikey's bag and closing it shut. "It's hard to explain I suppose. I guess I can say that relationships are great and lovely, and people want to be in one. Some people more than one," Kurt mumbled the latter to himself before continuing, "Anyway, relationships also hurt sometimes. They aren't always easy, and sometimes people are afraid to like someone because they don't want to be hurt."
Mikey seemed to sit and think about that and Blaine could almost see the wheels in his head turning as he thought. "Did you think Blainey would hurt you?"
Kurt grabbed his satchel and smiled lightly. "I was scared he would, but not on purpose. He'd never do it on purpose but we both had a lot to think about before being each other's boyfriends. I only liked boys. He liked girls, so I didn't want to like him because I thought he wouldn't like me back. I don't know if you'll understand. It's stupid teenager stuff anyway."
"I'll understand. I promise!" Mikey grabbed Kurt's hand and looked at him honestly. He smiled when Kurt laughed and settled back.
"Okay munchkin. Well you know how you didn't want to make friends because you thought you wouldn't be good at it? Which was totally wrong by the way."
Mikey nodded with a smile.
"Well I didn't want to be Blaine's boyfriend because I didn't think we'd be good at it."
Mikey looked to think that was absolutely insane and Blaine almost laughed because he agreed completely. Kurt leant onto the counter and grinned.
"I have a good reason. Like I said I like boys and he doesn't, so that was something that worried me. If he only liked girls and I wasn't a girl, how could it possibly work? And then even if that wasn't a concern, being someone's boyfriend isn't just going on dates to the movies or holding hands. At least not being a good boyfriend. It's more than what you see on TV."
"Kissing," Mikey said with wiggly triangle eyebrows, making Kurt laugh and Blaine roll his eyes.
"It isn't just kissing either. It's a relationship, and in relationships you have to know that the other person has feelings. You want to make them feel good. Not afraid, or upset, or worried, or any of that. I think no one can be certain that something will last forever and ever, but I knew that it would be worth trying with Blaine the moment he sang my mom's favorite song to me. You know why?"
Mikey's eyes sparkled and Blaine listened closely. "Why?" he asked with an intrigued look; lips slightly parted and eyebrows raised high.
Kurt leant close to Mikey and smiled, capturing the boy's undivided attention. "Because in that moment, I didn't feel afraid, or upset, or worried, or any other bad thing. I felt safe and sound and loved. Just like I did with my mother."
Mikey smiled and nodded. He looked like he was about to say something that he was not supposed to say and Blaine's eyes went wide, pushing the door open fully and stepping in.
"That's because Blainey does lo—"
"I can't believe you two are wearing matching outfits," Blaine said, hurriedly entering the room as he smiled at the two. Mikey stopped talking immediately (thank the heavens) and grinned up at his older cousin. Kurt smiled widely in response and placed both hands on his hips.
"Well it's about time you showed your face, superstar. I cooked for us all an hour ago and everything is cold now."
"Scrambled eggs and blueberry pancakes," Mikey added, rubbing his tummy nostalgically. Blaine smirked at him and walked further into the room, his heart still beating a mile a minute.
"I'm sorry guys. I slept late and all." he stopped beside Kurt who was giving him the 'Uncle Don was right' look and kissed him on the cheek. Mikey jumped down off the stool and looked up at Blaine, modeling the outfit he wore.
"This is from next season's Little Marc Jacobs collection," Mikey explained, gesturing to his white Henley with buttons that looked to be gold. "These khakis are Armani," he stuffed his hands into the pocket of them and leant to his left side, sending a smirking Blaine a wink (or something that was supposed to be a wink. He hadn't quite mastered that yet) and smiling at an overly proud Kurt. "The shoes are Armani Junior, the socks— Ruff Lauren, and our hats are from Blueberry."
Kurt laughed and clapped at Mikey's modeling; the little boy doing a quick spin and popping his collar in a way that made Blaine roll his eyes playfully.
"The socks are Ralph Lauren and the hat is Burberry," Kurt corrected with a grin as Mikey got back onto the stool. "And you are going to make David lose his mind at all of your fashion knowledge."
Mikey smiled proudly and Blaine leant against the counter. "You both are too much for me," Blaine took in Kurt's matching outfit even down to the socks and laughed, "I hope you know this means you and I are going to have to match one day too."
Blaine could see Kurt already planning an outfit in his head as his blue eyes lit up. "I have the best bow ties in mind."
Blaine snorted. "Not happening," he bent down to kiss his cousin on the forehead before glancing back up at Kurt. "But I have the best Lakers hats for us."
Kurt smiled. "You're cute." And delusional.
"We were Skype chatting with Rachel and Mercedes," Mikey began with a grin of his own. "They think I'm adorable."
Kurt laughed as he turned to make his boyfriend a plate. "They formed a Mikey Kinsella fan club. Total fangirls."
Blaine sat down next to Mikey and watched Kurt work. It seemed that the situation was completely diffused so he relaxed a little bit. "You should've seen them when we went to New York Mikey," Blaine smiled, "they were all passing your picture around and being total girls."
Mikey grinned. "Wow."
"Don't forget about Lynne," Kurt called out with a laugh. He knew Mikey's flirty face well because it was pretty much identical to Blaine's flirty face. He placed a plate in the microwave and turned around to see the two. "So. Excited?"
Blaine nodded. "I'm more excited for our parents to meet than I am for the competition. I know I'll kill," Blaine waved the thought off and Kurt smirked at his cockiness. Same ol' Blaine.
"I'm excited for that too." he began. He knew that Clarissa and his dad would get along fine. They were both amazing people and they both had gone through similar experiences; both losing their spouses to fatal car accidents. Honestly, it was hard to deal with for both, even if they were trying to be strong for their children, and talking to someone who understood would more than likely help. It'd be good for Burt to get out and meet people anyway. He'd been working non-stop since they got to California and a little social life never hurt anyone.
"This friend of my uncle's is going to be there. Eric Milton," Blaine thanked Kurt for the cup of orange juice he placed in front of him, looking to his boyfriend and speaking again, "He was in the same BMX division as Donnie and they were both basically the faces of the sport."
Kurt hummed acknowledgment, placing the plate in front of Blaine. His boyfriend didn't waste anytime digging in after adding some syrup to his breakfast and Mikey took to playing with a few of his racecars. "That sounds cool."
Blaine swallowed and shook his head no. "None of us like him. He's one of those guys who has no consideration of anyone's feelings and says things without caring how they affect you. He insulted Jeff's little brother once and Jeff of all people lost it. Cool, calm, collected Jeff totally lost it because of this guy."
Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Is it really intentional? I can't imagine a grown man hurting a kid's feelings on purpose."
Blaine shrugged. "You'd think he'd do better with his reputation and all but I can't stand him. Never have." he took another bite and heard his cell phone beep. Digging in his pocket, he realized it was Justin.
We're all here and ready to load up. Let's go. –Jus
"Okay then," Blaine put the phone back, "I'm just going to shove this food down my throat. Everyone's here and Uncle Don's ready to drive us."
Kurt smiled and grabbed their things. "Let's go Mikey. We get to watch Legacy kick butt today!"
Mikey fist pumped and jumped down, allowing Kurt to put the satchel on him. Kurt then grabbed his own, as well as Blaine's back pack. "I'll go tell your uncle you're coming so he doesn't come in here flipping over my furniture."
Blaine laughed before taking a sip of orange juice. "I'll be out soon, babe."
"I'm leaving my keys so you can lock up behind yourself."
The two exited the kitchen and Blaine heard Mikey start up a conversation after Kurt turned off the television. The front door closed shortly after and Blaine took a deep breath.
If he hadn't been standing there, Mikey definitely would've spilled the beans. Maybe it wouldn't have been a big deal because Kurt more than likely knew Blaine's feelings toward him, but he told Mikey a lot and he knew that the little boy wouldn't have held back once the floodgates opened. Honestly, if Mikey started talking about the purple and white themed wedding Blaine imagined, Kurt probably would be creeped out.
But what Blaine really couldn't get out of his head was the words Kurt said. Kurt felt that he was worth trying for because he felt loved. He was worried about being a good boyfriend and them letting each other down, and hurting each other in the end, but through the midst of it all, Kurt felt that everything would be worth it all for Blaine. Blaine felt the same way, though he was a bit more certain that they'd share forever.
Their date tomorrow night wasn't coming fast enough. Blaine chewed the food in his mouth and swallowed before rushing to the sink and washing his dishes. He didn't know if he could wait that long. Today was going to involve more of Kurt with Mikey; the two of them being adorable, and more of Kurt with their families and friends, and then maybe even the two of them getting some time alone. How could he not say it?
He was going to say it.
Come on cutie. I miss you already. :-( -Kurt
Blaine smiled at the message. Yup. They were both ready to hear it.