Honesty is the Best Policy Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: Honesty is the Best Policy

E - Words: 12,483 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
294 0 0 0 0

4: Honesty is the Best Policy

"Leave with you instead?"

Blaine's eyes moved from his friend's kiss-swollen lips and landed on blue eyes. "That's what I said."

Kurt looked away, back to the spot Nick had previously occupied. He shook his head hesitantly before leaning back against the bike ramp. Blaine noted the flushed pink color of his cheeks, the bright cerulean of his eyes, and the sheer confusion covering his countenance. He took a step back and nodded himself.

"Forget it, Kurt."


"No," the boy continued, stuffing his hands in his pockets and looking in the opposite direction, "it's fine. I'm bugging. That was… random."

"No," Kurt shook his head, fighting to gather his thoughts. "I just… I want to know what leaving with you means exactly." he said softly, staring across to Blaine. The elder took a while to respond, turning back to look at Kurt after a few seconds. When they caught eyes, Blaine noticed Kurt wearing a face he'd yet to see since meeting him. It wasn't one he could describe; he just knew he didn't like that it was there because of him.

"What do you mean 'what does it mean'? Doesn't it kind of speak for itself?"

Not really. So-called 'straight people' who kissed a person of the same sex rarely 'spoke for itself' as Blaine put it. Kurt clasped his hands together in front of him, shrugging softly. Everything that had just happened was a bit much to collect, and though it would suck, he could handle kissing Blaine and having the two of them shrug it off, going on with their lives and referring to it as something that happened in the heat of the moment. What he couldn't handle was it becoming a thing. That's how people get attached. That's how hearts get broken.

Blaine had been expecting an answer, and that was understandable since the younger teen had neglected to give him one for the past minute.

"I mean are you asking me to just leave with you, or to leave with you." Kurt made an obvious face to imply what he was trying to ask, but the face he got back from Blaine was a comical 'what the hell are you talking about?' one. He sighed and reset, starting again.

"You know what I mean, Blaine."

"I don't think that I do." Blaine answered in a confused tone. Of course, he knew exactly what Kurt was asking. He just didn't know how to answer it, or why he wanted what he wanted. There was a chick that he'd been pursuing since he started high school really and here he was, begging a guy he met two days ago to go home with him. What the flipping fuck.

The Ohio native put both hands at his side and took another breath. "Do you want me and you to leave or… us to leave?" Kurt questioned. His voice broke off at the end and Blaine licked his lips, staring at the kid across from him. There was that question again. Why couldn't he just drop it? Why couldn't they just leave without all the talking?

"Why are you looking so far into this?" he asked instead.

Kurt scoffed as he looked up at Blaine. He was being really lackadaisical for a straight boy who casually made out with a gay boy and got caught by his best friend. "The better question is why aren't you?"

That was the better question. Blaine never responded, though. He lowered his eyes away from Kurt and back down to the ground, leaning against the opposite ramp. Kurt waited a few more moments until he accepted the fact that Blaine was probably done with the conversation.

"This is what I didn't want to happen, Blaine."

The teen nodded, still averting his eyes everywhere but to Kurt. "I know. I said sorry."

"It isn't that simple for me."

"Why not?"

"Honestly?" his voice held an incredulous tone and Blaine still neglected to give him any eye contact. "We just kissed, Blaine. Twice." He emphasized, staring at the boy in the red and black. Blaine just sort of smirked and Kurt felt himself getting more and more annoyed by the second. "I'm glad to see it's a game to you, but we spoke about this yesterday. I know we laughed it off but I'm soserious, Blaine—"

"It's not a game to me, Kurt." Blaine answered honestly. "Your feelings aren't a game."

"Good," Blaine finally looked to him and Kurt continued, "because I've been toyed with before and I hated it."

"That's not what this is. I think you know better than that."

They stared at one another a few more beats before Kurt finally turned away. He stood up off the wall and stretched, shaking his head. Blaine continued to watch him.

"I still want you to leave with me."

Kurt smiled. Seriously, had he even participated in the conversation at all? The total point seemed to be missed with that last statement. "I still want an answer. You know… before I make a fool of myself."

Blaine shook his head. "I don't have an answer right now. I just know that I want you around."

The words came out so clearly and they were words Blaine hadn't forethought. He looked as shocked as Kurt did after hearing them leave his lips. The younger teen shook his head at the thought and Blaine could tell he wouldn't like where this conversation was going to end up.

"Well," Kurt cleared his throat before resuming; eyes avoiding contact with Blaine's completely, "well maybe we should give each other a little space until you figure out an answer."

At the words, his friend only stared at him. Kurt couldn't exactly tell what was going on in Blaine's head, but he knew he needed to be smart for himself. He didn't want to mess up a friendship that came as easy as it did with Blaine. "I know that sounds like some corny break up line, but I'm being real with myself, Blaine. I have to do this while I can still think with my brain. Once my heart gets involved, I'm screwed."

It was quiet. Awkwardly quiet. Blaine went to walk away and Kurt looked up confused, but eventually he followed behind him. They walked slowly, and Blaine turned to face his friend once they were out in the open.

"Ok," he told him with a nod. "So what happens now? You go to him?"

Here we go. Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'm not sure why he's even an issue, to be honest." he frowned when Blaine looked off into the distance somewhere past him. He couldn't believe this was even happening right now. His attitude was completely pissy. "I told you when we were at the diner I was just going to say hey. He seemed like a nice guy." Blaine still hadn't looked at him and Kurt was close to giving up. Why was he explaining himself to his friend who was honestly not supposed to care about this in the first place? "You're being a brat."

"I said I'm looking out for you. You seem to want to protect yourself against me and I'm watching out for everyone else."

Kurt nodded, looking away as well. The park was quiet at this point…."Wow. K. Be a jerk."

"Now I'm a jerk?" Blaine asked with a scoff. "I think I know Shane and his friends a little better than you do, Kurt."

"I'm not looking to get into anything with him so you can stop acting like a jealous side piece."

Blaine went to respond but couldn't. After glancing at Kurt he smiled a little, and that turned into a laugh. Kurt rolled his eyes but smiled too once the tension lifted a little.

"I'm not jealous, Kurt."

"Yeah—no sure, you're right," Kurt told him with a sarcastic nod. Blaine rolled his eyes, walking off again.

"I'm not. I have no reason to be. He's not the one you were all over a few minutes ago." He turned back with a wink and Kurt made sure to ignore him. There was the cheeky bastard he lov—liked so much. Kurt cleared his throat and looked around nervously. Fuck.

"I still think we should go to my uncle's for a little bit. I promise I'll get you to your little lifeguard before I go see Farrah."

Kurt walked behind him, ignoring the pain in his chest at mention of Blaine going to hang out with Farrah; alone in her house. The pain represented exactly why he needed to cut his losses now.

Mikey's laughter as he ran towards Blaine made Kurt smile. He watched the skinny boy hop into his cousin's arms and Blaine toss him up in the air before catching him. Jeff skated over with a grin, kicking his board up to his hand.

"I'll get you next time Mikey," he turned his attention to his two friends, "Where the hell did you two go? Nick and Jus were looking for you."

"Yeah," Justin added once he rode over, "Nick left to get Naomi. Then, they're going to meet us at the beach where I will be surfing and you," he pointed at Kurt who gave him an amused look, "will be making out with Joselito," the way he wiggled his eyebrows were really ridiculous. Blaine rolled his eyes, switching focus to his little cousin.

"Go pack up your stuff, Mike. We're taking you home."

The boy nodded. "Is Kurt coming?"

Blaine looked at Kurt. "Are you?"

The coiffed teen ignored Blaine's sass and looked down at Mikey with a smile. "Sure."

The boy cheered before running off. His sandals stomped against the ground and Kurt smiled as he watched. "He's adorable."

"You're not backing out, Kurt." Justin told him. "We're going to the beach—"

"I'm not backing out, relax." Kurt responded. Jeff was watching Blaine feigning disinterest and raised an eyebrow. He acted so weird when it came to Ohio. "I'm gonna stop by later. Maybe when it's a little less hot out."

"Ok," Justin nodded as he said it, "Because he was very excited. Gave me that lost puppy look when you left."

Kurt smiled. "I said I'll be there, Justin."

"I'm gonna go help him, excuse me," Blaine walked off after conversation got to be too annoying, cutting in between Jeff and Justin. Hearing about this stupid lifeguard was going to send him off the deep end for sure. He headed towards the benches and bent down to pick up a few stray crayons Mikey had missed, nodding his head when the little boy showed him his picture. Jeff scratched at his head before looking up at Kurt.

"What happened to him?"

Justin sat back on his bike and watched Blaine before looking at the blue eyed boy as well.

"He's fine. Just cranky," Kurt joked, hoping they'd leave it alone. "But I'm gonna get home and rest for a little while."

Both friends nodded, though their suspicions didn't go away. "Alright, Ohio. Let me know if you want a ride, I'll swing by." Jeff told him before dropping onto his skateboard. "We're going to get our surfboards and I'm gonna pick up Vickie. See you in a few." He and Justin waved again, but not before giving their new friend a pointed 'your ass better be at the beach later' look. Kurt smirked and waved too, watching them go towards the park's exit.

When he got over to the park bench, Blaine was helping Mikey into his Iron Man book bag. Neither said anything to each other; in fact, Kurt could barely get any acknowledgment from Blaine that he was standing there. This was what did it. He realized now how awkward their friendship would be after what they'd gotten themselves into. Just great.

"You see how I colored?" Mikey held up the drawing that Kurt gave him with the random colors everywhere. The teen smiled as he looked at it.

"That's amazing, Mikey. I'm going to have to draw for you some more!"

The little boy smiled, reaching up to grab his hand. Kurt grinned and took it. Blaine was right. He had the feeling he did have a friend for life with this little guy. The biker, however, didn't seem to be sociable at the moment, only climbing onto his bike and looking at them expectantly. He began to pedal and Kurt shook his head, walking with Mikey behind him.

The walk had pretty much been quiet. Blaine hadn't spoken, neither had Mikey, busy looking out at the beach as they strolled on the boardwalk. Kurt spent the time trying to think about anything but what had happened. If he knew himself well, he'd replay the images over and over again, allowing himself the opportunity to complicate everything. He didn't need that. Instead, he thought about his audition over the summer and getting into Pace. Rachel had emailed him four hundred different songs that he could possibly audition with and to say he was overwhelmed would be the understatement of the decade.

They passed a couple with another little boy who was walking their puppy. Mikey shied away from the beagle, walking closer to Kurt as they went down the boardwalk steps. Kurt smiled and held his hand a little tighter.

"What is it with you guys and dogs?"

Blaine's lips twitched into a tiny smile; despite how shitty he'd been feeling. Of course his mind had been thinking about the past 20 minutes- basically everything since he got back from the store. What killed him the most was something he couldn't understand: he couldn't fathom for the life of him how in the hell he could enjoy spending so much time with a guy he didn't know existed until Thursday. Guy was the keyword.

That's pretty much where the confusion came in.

He couldn't comprehend why a simple smile from Kurt made him feel a hundred and one times better, or why just being next to him felt as good as it did. And then seeing Kurt in his helmet… that was pretty much it for him. He gave chicks his helmet to wear before. His first girlfriend… the one that gave him his first blow job in the back of her grandmother's Nissan before they moved away— he let her wear his old one. Nothing. Then there was some other chick in his art class that put it on once. She was cute but it wasn't the same. When Kurt wore it, Blaine thought it was the most adorable thing ever. And since when did watching anyone eat yogurt become a favorite past time of his? Blaine licked his lips just thinking about it, but that was a mistake because they still taste like Kurt.

Kurt. Kurt is what's different about all of this.

"…and that's why I don't want to go."

The blue eyed boy laughed lightly. "But Mikey, Kindergarten is amazing. You'll love it."

"Kidney garden is not nice." he responded adamantly. Blaine bit his lip in attempt to not laugh at his cousin and thankfully, did a good job. If not, Mikey would definitely whine to Don and he didn't need to hear it. Not after this afternoon.

He shook his head of his thoughts and sped up, weaving through people so he could do his famous tail whip over the boardwalk steps. Kurt looked up through the clear path people made and smiled when he saw Blaine go airborne, listening to the cheers of people when Blaine spun his bike around and landed the trick perfectly. Mikey gave a 'yay' and Kurt couldn't help but laugh.

"Your cousin is pretty good, huh?"

Mikey nodded, still clutching Kurt's hand and the drawing. "He's gonna teach me tricks too, he said."

Kurt smiled, hurrying up their speed so that they could catch up to the biker. He reached the steps but stopped short, finding Blaine stopping after a girl called out to him. He pressed hard on the brakes and turned to see her, giving whoever it was half a smile. Blaine looked uncomfortable to say the least, but he wasn't stopping her when she leant in and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Kurt didn't know he was staring until Mikey yanked at his hand a few times.

"I'm sorry," he said with a dry smile, letting the boy drag him down the boardwalk steps. Mikey continued to talk about why kidney garden wasn't the place for him and Kurt smiled, trying not to stare at Blaine and his lady friend.

Apparently, it only took Mikey a few moments to make his point. He stopped talking after a few seconds and instead took interest in his drawing. Kurt smiled at the tiny blonde softly before looking up. He saw Blaine leant back on his bike, looking in a different direction from the person he was with. The girl with the tiny skirt and bikini top whispered something with a laugh before placing her hand on his bicep. Maybe she had a hard time reading body language, because Blaine's was practically saying 'get the fuck away from me'.

"I've been busy with training." He said shortly, glancing past her to something else. She seemed to miss the hint once more and continued, leaning closer than necessary for him to hear. Mikey began swinging his hand with Kurt's as he waited for them to walk again.

"Well don't be such a stranger. I've missed you since school ended."

Kurt looked away, trying to tune out the conversation. This was practically the whole reason he couldn't do it. He went from waking up with Blaine, to late night talks, to sneaking out at 2 in the morning, to watching him and other girls… oh yeah, and kissing him in concealed locations. That wasn't something Kurt wanted to get involved with. He did the whole 'pine after the straight guy' thing in Ohio, and he did not have any intention in dragging old habits to a new state.

"I have to use the bathroom."

Mikey looked up at Kurt expectantly, his hazel eyes shining so similar to how Blaine's did. Kurt sighed but gave the boy a nod. He looked to Blaine who was still in conversation and began to walk in the direction of their homes. When Blaine looked up, Kurt gave a sign to say that he'd walk ahead without him. Blaine nodded before turning back to the girl.

"I know," he said, "I leave for New York that day with my friends, so I don't think I'll be able to make it."

The girl smiled, resting her hip on his handlebars. Blaine tried best not to get annoyed, moving his eyes to watch Kurt and Mikey walk away. Both of them were talking and he wondered what it was about. Kurt was so good with him, and Mikey seemed to like him pretty fast. It took him months to warm up to Justin, and he never really liked Peter to be honest. Must've been a great judge of character on that one. Justin always creeped him out with those weird faces he made—


The boy looked up and smiled. "Oh… sorry. I was thinking about something."

She smirked and rolled her eyes. "I wonder what her name is."

Blaine laughed a little, licking his lips and looking back to Kurt. "What were you saying?"

"I was saying," the girl drawled it out, obviously annoyed that she needed to repeat herself, "that this is the party that kicks off the summer. You and your boys need to be there."

He looked back to her and shrugged. "Maybe I can make the second party of the summer." The response didn't seem to be appreciated but Blaine didn't care. He had places to be next weekend. "I need to get going, though. See you around."

She smiled and nodded before opening her arms. Blaine moved forward on his bike and hugged her goodbye. Of course, it was then that his friend turned back to glance at them. Kurt saw them embrace before quickly turning his head away. Blaine didn't miss the hurt expression on his friend's face at all as he frowned a little before she pulled away, giving her a faux smile.


"Bye Blaine."


Kurt turned around and shook his head at the image. I'm being so stupid, he thought. He walked over to his side of the block and looked at the street signs, smiling at the way Mikey swung their clasped hands as they strolled. "Only a few more blocks to go, Mikey. How are you holding up?"

"I can hold it." he answered. His little legs moved quickly as they walked and Kurt made them stop at the curb before crossing the street. The sound of tires stopping behind him made both turn around and Kurt smiled softly at Blaine.

"Hey. Sorry to go, he has to use the bathroom."

"I can hold it, Blainey."

Kurt smiled and Blaine rolled his eyes. He just had to let the 'Blainey' slip.

"Looks like I have a new nickname for you." Kurt mumbled.

"Don't," Blaine said shortly, though he let a smile slip. He pedaled slightly ahead of them as they crossed the street. "Only he can call me that."

Kurt smiled in response, hoping to kill the awkward between them with a little conversation. "Ok. Sorry. What are you doing when you get to your uncle's house?"

Blaine shrugged. "You won't let us make out any more so I don't know."

"That's not funny." Kurt answered. He glared at Blaine who smirked.

"I need to shower and relax for a couple hours. Make sure you ask your dad about staying over this weekend, ok?"

Even though he was on his bike in the street, a few feet away from where Kurt was on the sidewalk next to Mikey, Blaine could feel his friend tense up. He turned to look at him and Kurt was an even paler white, shaking his head no at what was suggested.

"I don't know if that's a good idea."

Blaine stared for another minute, sighed, and looked forward. Just like that, they went back to the tense silence shared previously and Blaine showed no interest in looking at Kurt for another few minutes. At this, Kurt shook his head, looking both ways before leading the 4 year old across the street.

"Now you're mad. That's great."

Blaine didn't answer. He slowly navigated his bike against the minimal traffic, rolling his eyes at whomever it was that honked their horn at him. Kurt shifted focus from him to the homes in his neighborhood. He wondered what the people were like. He'd only met Don so far, really.

"Blainey, are you mad?"

"No Mikey."

Kurt smiled softly, walking along with his new partner in crime. "Yes he is. He's mad at me."

Blaine rolled his eyes as he stood up and pedaled on his Colony. Maybe he was. No, he definitely was.

"You know Kurt, I'm a little mad we have to do the whole 'we kissed so now we have to stand clear of each other' thing." He paused his dialogue to reduce the sarcastic sting of his tone. "I just want to be… us again."

Kurt nodded at that. He could understand the sentiment, but there was a bit more to it than that in his mind. "Well I'd like that too, but that's so much easier said than done, don't you think?"

Blaine shrugged at the question. When he didn't answer, Kurt rolled his eyes away. "And I'm the difficult one between the two of us, right?"

"I've been looking forward to this, Kurt. You know that. And I said sorry. The last thing I wanted was for you to be uncomfortable around me…" he trailed off for a second, "I mean, yeah… we had that talk yesterday and I completely took it for a joke, but I really don't want us to be awkward. Everything just came so easy for us, you know?"

Kurt listened, nodding his head. "I know."

"So you're still not coming over?"

Kurt glanced at him and Blaine waited expectantly. Eventually, the younger turned away without a response, and Blaine felt crushed. He turned away without another word; just the nod of his head.

"You have to understand where I'm coming from—"

"I don't, Kurt. You said that we 'got caught up in the moment' and I apologized for that. Let's get over it— "

"Maybe it isn't you that I'm worried about, Blaine."

The elder sighed, finally sitting down on his hunter green bike and pedaling slowly.

"I know you're good. You're fine, actually." he let go of Mikey's hand once they got on their block, and the boy started to skip off towards his home. "I see you with these girls and I know you can handle yourself. You have experience in that department. Me, I dated one guy for 2 and a half months, and already I like you more than I did him." Blaine looked over to him. Liked him like how, exactly? "So like I said," Kurt resumed, "if we can maybe take it easy for a while I think I'd be able to get a hold on my emotions."

Blaine got off his bike and pulled it towards the sidewalk. He glanced at Kurt who leant on his fence and gave him an understanding nod. "What if I slept on the floor?"

Kurt smiled, absently straightening out his coral colored polo. "I wouldn't make you do that."

"I'd do it for you."

They caught eyes and Blaine held his gaze. After a few seconds, he saw Kurt shake his head.

"I can't do this."

The blue eyed teen started walking away and Blaine smiled, reaching out to grab his hand. They both started at the electricity felt, but eventually Kurt looked up at his friend.

Blaine took a deep breath, clearing his throat before beginning. "It's one thing to stop me from being all flirty and inconsiderate, but you can't stop me from being honest. I get to be honest."

"I have to pee, Blainey."

Kurt looked away from the sincerity flooding Blaine's eyes and over to Mikey. The boy was doing the pee-pee dance and Kurt giggled. "Go open the door before an accident happens."

Blaine nodded before looking away. He pulled out his keys and headed towards the door. Kurt raised an eyebrow once he saw them. "Is that my Mickey Mouse keychain?"

Blaine grinned as he walked up the steps. "I'll give it back at our sleepover."

Kurt rolled his eyes though he broke out into a smile. Blaine got the door open and let his cousin run inside before turning back. "Are you coming?"

He glanced at his house. His father was probably fast asleep. He wasn't really the best company on his day off.



"Where's Kurt? I only came here to gush with him. I don't even like you guys."

Nick smirked, looking away from his girlfriend who was playing beach volleyball with Jeff's girlfriend and their friends and back up to David. "Screw you too, dude."

"He's with Blaine." Justin answered, motioning towards the ocean and grabbing his surfboard. "I'll see you boys later. C'mon Jeff."

"Wait," Nick said, settling back as David took the spot beside him, "he's with Blaine? Do you know if they're coming?"

Jeff stood his surfboard up and nodded. "Kurt is. Blaine's going to hang out with Farrah."

"Never liked that girl," David mumbled. Nick smirked.

"Ok." he told his friends. So Blaine was still going to see Farrah after he'd caught the two making out in the park? They were flirtatious and they joked around, but Blaine was taking it too far with that one. He'd need to talk to his best friend before someone got hurt. "Thanks."

The blondes nodded and went off.

"So I have 3 days to get ready for preliminaries, huh?" David questioned, shaking his head. "I don't know how well that's gonna work out."

"You'll be fine. You only have to place in the top 5. You can do that good, right?"

David smirked. "I sure as hell hope so. I'm missing work for this. There's Gucci I need to purchase Nicholas."

Nick smiled. "You haven't changed a bit."


"Give me my keychain."


Kurt frowned and Blaine smiled, putting his keys far into his shorts' pocket. He saw Kurt look at the spot they were in and could tell he was thinking about retrieving them, but they were 'keeping their distance' so it probably wouldn't happen. Worked for him in this situation, didn't it.

"I can't believe you'd steal from me."

He shrugged. "It was cute. I wanted it."

"So you stole it from me?" Kurt asked accusatorily, "You can buy tickets to New York but you can't buy a keychain?"

Blaine smirked, pressing the triangle button on his PS3 controller. "Maybe I wanted yours."

Kurt rolled his eyes away and looked at the TV. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for your date?"

The boy shrugged. "I'd rather stay here with you but I guess you have places to be." He turned his head and smiled at the tired look Kurt was giving him. It wasn't being flirty, it was being honest. "Shouldn't you be getting ready for your 'not' date or whatever you choose to call it?"

Kurt smiled as he laid his head back against the couch. "I've got time, it's still early. What time will your aunt and uncle be back?"

Blaine glanced at a sleeping Mikey on the floor. "Hopefully soon. I don't want to be stuck with booger face over here."

He smiled when Kurt laughed, but there was nothing new there. "Leave my buddy alone. And you should put him in the bed or something."

"I will eventually."

Their banter died down for a moment and Kurt found himself looking at his friend. He turned away after a few seconds and looked at the television. This stupid video game got old after a while.

"I'm bored."

"Take a nap." Blaine said obviously. He noticed how far Kurt was from him and this sucked. They were at opposite ends of the sofa.

"If I take a nap, it'll turn into sleep. Jeff and Justin will kill me if I don't show up tonight."

Blaine didn't respond and Kurt glanced at him. "Sorry. No more talks of José."

"I don't mind."

"Yes you do." Kurt said with a smile. "If it makes you feel any better I think you're cuter."

Blaine tried not to blush as he rolled his eyes. "That's flirty, Kurt. If I can't do it, you can't do it."

His friend scoffed. "What happened to 'I can be honest' and all that other nonsense you were spewing."

"That was not nonsense, I meant that."

Kurt grinned, fighting the urge to play in curly locks and looking back at the TV. "K."

He ignored his friend smirking at him and crossed his legs, steadily staring at the screen. Blaine glanced down at the thighs covered by whale embroidered shorts and smiled.

"Okay, Kurt. Let's be honest."

The boy glanced back at him, a soft smile on his face. "Ok."

"Did you like the kiss?"

Kurt rolled his eyes. "Blaine—"

"Moment of truth, Kurt. Honesty is the best policy. Didn't Tupac say that?"

"I believe it was Shakespeare—"

"So man to man. Did you like our kiss?"

Kurt laughed and his friend smiled. "'Man to man did you like our kiss'. Wow, Blaine."

Blaine shrugged. "You're avoiding the question because you did like it, which means I won the bet because I told you that you would."

Kurt turned his body to face him, smiling all the while. "But I also told you that you would, and you did too. You're the one who went in for a second kiss, remember?"

Blaine nodded. "I remember it well. I'm not saying I didn't like it," he moved a little closer and Kurt watched him cautiously. "I also remember you clutching your fingers in my shirt."

Kurt watched as Blaine slid even closer on the sofa as he responded. "I remember your hand cupping my face."

"Did you like that? Since we're being honest."

Blaine licked his lips and Kurt looked away. He refused to get into this. "We aren't having this conversation."

Blaine looked at what he was doing and dropped his head. Shit. He probably seemed like an insensitive prick right about now. "I swear I'm not trying to be a gigantic douche, it's just happening."

Kurt smiled very small. "You're a flirt. Comes with it, I guess."

Blaine turned his head away. "No. Ok... let me admit something."

Kurt shook his head at the words. This wasn't going to happen "If it is going to be something that plays at my emotions, just don't say it. Please."

Blaine looked at him for a second and nodded, moving back to his end of the couch.

It got very quiet—uncomfortably so, in fact, and Blaine decided to take a break from his video game. Kurt was playing with the hem of his shorts when he glanced at him. He turned the PS3 off completely and Kurt looked over at him curiously as the elder walked over to where Mikey lay and picked him up. The boy immediately curled against his cousin, wrapping his arms around Blaine's neck.

Kurt smiled at them and Blaine saw it, quickly looking elsewhere. He didn't want to see Kurt smile. Seeing Kurt at all probably wasn't what was best for right now. He'd end up doing something the boy wouldn't like.

"I'm going to lay him down upstairs and get in the shower."

Kurt looked at him, trying to understand what Blaine was trying to say without really saying. By the way he avoided his eyes, Kurt caught on rather quickly.

"So you want me to go?"

His friend nodded, digging in his pocket and removing the keychain. Kurt caught it when Blaine tossed it to him, and the elder carried his cousin over to the door, opening it for the Ohio native. Kurt got up after a second, nodding his head but avoiding eye contact.


"Later." Blaine responded. Kurt exited without another glance, going down the steps and out the yard. Blaine waited until he was in his own yard to close the door after him, shaking his head and leaning against it momentarily. He came to the conclusion that talking to Kurt about how he was feeling… whatever he was feeling… wasn't going to work. And that was the one person he needed to actually help him through this…

So much for wanting to talk about something for once in his life.

Blaine shook his head again, hoisting his cousin a little higher in his arms. He was getting heavier and heavier by the second. As he climbed the stairs, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. It may've been stupid since he'd basically just kicked him out, but he seriously hoped it was Kurt. Blaine went into Mikey's racecar themed bedroom and lay the boy down. He pulled out his phone which was low in battery at this point and frowned at who it was from.

Can't wait to see u ;) don't make a girl wait. –Farrah

He couldn't believe he was frowning about Farrah texting him. He'd wanted to date her since he first laid eyes on the girl, but after the last few days things were changing a bit.

But maybe she'd be the person he could talk to about everything; about how maybe he was falling for Kurt, and if he should do something about it. Girls were good for shit like that.

I'm gonna shower really quickly. C u soon – B

Before he could even get out of Mikey's room good, Blaine got a response. He stepped out the door and into the hall, looking down at the text.

Bring your ATV. I want u to take me for a ride –Farrah

Blaine rolled his eyes. That wasn't happening. The only person allowed on his 4 wheeler from here on out was himself and Kurt. Nobody else.

It's broke. –B

Blaine turned the phone off for the time being and put it on his charger. Stripping quickly, he grabbed a towel and headed into the bathroom. The quicker he got there, the quicker he could get to the beach and be a cockblock.


José has asked about you 3 times. I swear if you stand him up we will have serious problems Ohio –Jeff

Kurt rolled his eyes at the message before looking back up at the ceiling. He could totally stay home now that he had his cable and just watch movie channels all night. He didn't need to go to the beach and worry about lifeguards or bike riders or ex-boyfriends who wouldn't stop texting him, or anything at all. He could stay here and watch TV and have a perfectly happy night.

A stupid, attractive, gorgeous Blaine free night.

He couldn't understand him. One second he's begging him to stay, the next implying that he should leave, and all because he wouldn't let him be his usual flirty self? Kurt swore everything he said to Blaine went in one ear and out the other, and it wasn't fair. His feelings mattered, too, and he couldn't let himself get any more involved just to end up hurt in the end. It wasn't fair.

One thing was for sure, though. This summer was going to suck now. He'd gone from thinking he'd have an amazing one with his new, crazy friends, to thinking it'd be the worst two months of his life. There'd be no escaping Nick and the others. He'd have to hang around them and probably watch Blaine make out with Farrah, and go to work where Farrah would talk about how amazing a kisser Blaine was (which he'd be able to agree with) and have an altogether shitty summer. The only thing that could save him at this point would be getting into Pace.

That's it. We're coming over. –Jeff

Kurt sighed, sitting up on his bed and lazily typing out a reply.

I'll be there soon. –Kurt

He grabbed the remote and turned off his television before getting up and stretching. In the mirror he could see his helmet hair and rolled his eyes. He couldn't believe he was walking around looking like this.

It took a few minutes, but soon enough, Kurt's hair was coiffed and looked as hot as he liked it too. He did a once over in the mirror and nodded. Not too bad, Hummel.

Two knocks on his bedroom door made Kurt raise an eyebrow.


His father opened the door and peered inside. His face was a little blank but it usually was, to be honest. The man usually was hard to decipher. Kurt looked at him expectantly and Burt cleared his throat.

"Blaine's at the door."

Really? Why?

"I'll be down." he said.

Burt nodded, looking his son over once more before leaving. Kurt smiled and looked back to the mirror. Dad wasn't supposed to have intuition but he swore the man knew everything. Not to say that there was something going on between them, but Kurt admitted that nothing wasn't not happening, if that made sense.

Okay, it didn't.

Kurt shrugged it off. He'd get over it. He always did. His teenage years consisted of getting over the straight guys. He grabbed his cell phone and keys and exited the room, going down the stairs. His dad sat on the couch with a plate of something he had no business eating, trying to hide it when he heard Kurt's footsteps.

"I saw you."

"Where are you going?"

Kurt walked over and shook his head at the gyro his father had already half destroyed. "I'm going to the beach. And that," he motioned at the food, "is going to stop dad."

Burt frowned. "I know." He put it on the coffee table and looked back at his boy. "What time you coming back?"

"By curfew, dad," he backtracked towards the door and waved goodbye. "My phone is on if you need me."

Burt watched Kurt open the door and step out. He shook his head and looked back at the baseball game, wondering if Don spoke to his nephew yet.


Blaine really shouldn't have showed up at his place in a half zipped black sleeveless hoodie with no shirt on underneath, but that's what he did. He wore his black G-shock and grey cargos, along with some black Nike Dunks. But back to the partially zipped hoodie with a bare chest underneath, Burt was probably in there going crazy.

Blaine smiled a little when he saw Kurt. "Hey."

"Hi," Kurt began, moving his eyes away from Blaine's chest and to his arms, then from there to the boy's face. Hopefully it was as subtle as he hoped it to be, "what are you doing here? I thought you were mad at me."

Blaine shook his head no, pulling at the white draw strings of his hoodie. "I'm not mad at you."

Kurt looked at him and eventually Blaine broke into a smile. "I wasn't mad at you, Kurt. I'm just upset at the position I'm in, if anything." His friend nodded, but was still quiet, and Blaine resumed. "I… Can we go? I promised to get you to your lifeguard."

Kurt licked his lips and walked ahead out the yard. Blaine watched him go before following behind him. As much as he wanted to say and to do, he stayed to himself, allowing Kurt the space he wanted.

They had been quiet for the first few blocks. Neither knew what to say. Previously everything had come so easy, but now that both had to be careful of what they said, it wasn't so simple.

Kurt connected his hands behind his back as he walked, sighing when his phone vibrated. Blaine looked at him as he reached for his phone.

"I am literally five minutes away, Jeff."

Blaine shook his head, walking with his hand in his pockets. He listened to the remainder of the conversation which was essentially Kurt sucking his teeth and threatening to hang up, and then doing just that. The boy sighed, placing the BlackBerry in its holder and continuing along their stroll.

"Does Farrah live far from the beach?" Kurt asked as they approached the boardwalk.

Blaine shook his head. "She's a few blocks away from you, actually." He reached to take Kurt's hand and stopped right after their fingers touched. "Sorry," he said, shaking his head. Kurt looked down and nodded. "I was going to take you over here." Blaine pointed to the spot, "They have the best Philly cheesesteak Stromboli."

Kurt followed Blaine up the boardwalk steps and over to the restaurant he was speaking of. He read the banner as Blaine waited behind a couple in line.

"Hungry?" he asked.

Kurt looked at him and shook his head. The outfit Blaine had on was killing him. "I'm just going to get an Italian icy."

Blaine smiled. "And a Stromboli."

"No," Kurt said with a smile. "Just an icy. Thank you."

His friend nodded and stepped forward, placing their order. He leant against the counter as he spoke, eventually pulling out his wallet. Kurt watched him for a moment before looking away. The beach was crowded again but now it was expected. The sun was just setting and it looked as beautiful as ever at this time of day. He'd never thought he'd see something as beautiful after growing up in broke down Lima and all, but here he was, and soon he'd see New York's city lights.


He turned back at Blaine's voice and the boy was smiling at him. Kurt couldn't help but return it. Blaine was beautiful too. "Yes?"

"Which flavor would you like?"

The store owner smiled at him as well and Kurt stepped forward a bit, browsing the flavors. The rainbow one looked good but that was a tad bit stereotypical. "Can I have cherry?"

Blaine smiled and nodded. "Whatever you want." With that, he turned to the guy and paid. Kurt stared at him in that black hoodie with his sexy arms on display and sighed, turning back around. He could hear the man scooping his Italian icy, and smell Blaine's food being prepared as he watched people walk by along the boardwalk. Even more so than that, he could smell Blaine's cologne, just like he had earlier when they were pressed against each other, exchanging fluid kisses and all but moaning into each other's mouth.

Was it going to be a long summer or what?

"You okay, Kurt?"

Blaine nodded a thank you to the cashier and handed Kurt his icy and a spoon. Kurt smiled as he accepted it.

"Thanks. I'll be fine."

Blaine leant on the counter and nodded. "I'm sorry about asking you to leave like that; it was just that I wanted to kiss you again so I thought it was best."

Kurt's fingers froze from where they had wrapped around the spoon. He nodded after a moment and looked over to Blaine. "I understand. I'm not mad."

Blaine smiled. "Cool."

A lady came up front with his Stromboli in foiled paper and he said thank you as he took it. Kurt took a bite of his icy and followed next to Blaine when the boy started walking again.

"So," he took another bite and licked his lips, swaying next to a very greedy Blaine who took a too big bite himself, "when you say you wanted to kiss me…" before he could find the words to finish he shook his head and trailed off. "Never mind. I don't even want to discuss it."

Blaine finished chewing as he watched a little girl walking in front of them with a toy shovel and pail for sand. He smiled at the toddler when she smiled at him and ignored Kurt's whisper of 'you flirt'.

"If I wanted to discuss it would you let us?"

Kurt shrugged, eyes focused on his cherry icy. Blaine smiled because his lips were red now. Cute. "I don't know. I just don't want to be an experiment, you understand that right?"

Blaine raised an eyebrow, holding off on taking another bite. "I can't say that I do." Kurt glanced at him and oh boy had that been a mistake. Blaine threw him that trademark charming smile he'd given him the first moment they met and he had to turn away.

Blaine noticed his hesitance to continue with the conversation and sighed, facing forward again. He took another bite of his cheesesteak and looked out over the beach. Justin had just wipedout completely and Jeff was laughing like the idiot he was. He smiled at them. He loved his friends to death. He could also see David and Nick chatting it up with Naomi— Nick's girlfriend, and a couple chicks he could quite make out. And of course, José was laughing it up with Shane and some other guy. Blaine heard Kurt saying something as he looked to make sure it wasn't Peter.

"Pay attention to me."

Blaine turned back, taking a napkin and wiping his lips. "Sorry. I just saw an asshole named Shane with your boyfriend. Had to make sure Peter wasn't around."

Kurt glanced past him and frowned at José with Shane. Blaine would never let him hear the end of this. "First things first, he's not my boyfriend."

"Second?" Blaine asked.

"Second," Kurt continued, "you don't have to watch after me. I'm a big boy."

Blaine nodded, stopping short before Kurt could step onto the sand. "What else did you want to say?"

Kurt shrugged, playing at the icy in his cup. "I don't know. Nothing I haven't said already, I guess. I don't want to sound like a broken record."

Blaine looked at him stepped closer; ignoring the look his friend gave him. "I want to know where you were going with this experiment thing."

Kurt shrugged, looking down at the icy. Blaine frowned and moved his free hand to Kurt's face, tipping it up so that the boy gave him eye contact. "Please?"

"I…" Kurt took Blaine's hand in his and shook his head. "I don't know what this is."

Blaine shook his head. "Me either."

"And because of that," he continued, lowering their hands between them, "I just think this is dangerous. It's obvious you're confused about things, right?"

Blaine laughed a little. "What gave it away?"

"Can you be serious for a minute? Just one minute, Blaine."

The rider bit his lip into a smile and Kurt sighed. "Stop being cute."

Blaine laughed and looked away. "I don't even know how to respond to that one."

"I'm serious," Kurt smiled and looked up at him. A few curls were poking out from beneath the hood and he shook his head as he continued, "I just don't want to be played with. I don't want to be the guy that helped you prove you were straight—"

"Let's not throw labels on me, please." Blaine said, turning back to him. "Because straight is the last thing I feel around you—"

"Fine," Kurt said, "whatever you are, you obviously like girls, and I cannot let myself fall for you knowing that I'd have to worry about you looking at every female that walks bye. We live by a fucking beach for goodness sake, Blaine. They're practically naked around here."

Blaine nodded. "I'm sure that's true, but I haven't noticed. I'm too busy looking at you, and that's probably what scares me the most."

Kurt looked his friend in the eyes as Blaine continued. "You do know that I've basically spent the last two days with you, or thinking about you in some respect."

Kurt remained quiet.

"And I'm sorry if you don't want to hear this but it's true. I try to make comparisons when I think about it, you know? Like have I ever felt this way for another guy. I've never ever wanted anything with a dude before, Kurt. Ever. Then I realize I never felt this way about anybody—male or female." He shrugged before continuing, and Kurt couldn't believe someone could be so nonchalant about an issue like this. "But then I realize I don't see you as another guy, I see you as Kurt. And I like Kurt. Kurt makes me feel good… your icy is going to melt by the way."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I don't care about the icy right now."

Blaine smiled and nodded. "Ok. So I understand how you feel, and once more I'm sorry for putting you in spots that made you uncomfortable. I just want you to know how I feel."

He let Kurt's smooth hand go before stepping forward and placing a soft kiss to his cheek. Kurt closed his eyes at the feeling of Blaine's soft lips on his face, frowning at the absence when he pulled away.

"I'm going to go." he told him, waving his sandwich in the air. Kurt quirked an eyebrow at the action but didn't think anything of it. Blaine was always a strange one.

"Have fun, I guess." Kurt told him softly. Of course he didn't mean it. Blaine smiled and nodded.

"I'll be back really soon, actually."

"Yeah?" Kurt asked.

Blaine nodded. He wasn't sticking around. He'd end up thinking of Kurt all night and that would be rude. "Yeah. If you see Peter I want you to go to Nick and David."

Kurt rolled his eyes, but nodded anyway. He could take care of himself. Why didn't anyone believe him? "I will."

Blaine smiled and turned away, back in the direction they came. With that, Kurt could only sigh as he watched him go. This pretty much changed everything. He stepped onto the sand and went towards the shore, passing by people who were relaxing under their umbrellas and others who were relaxed on their towel. One guy had a python around his neck and Kurt made sure to stay the hell away from him forever.

He took another bite of his now melting icy, ignoring the way his cheek still tingled from where Blaine had kissed him. How would he enjoy trying to spend time with some other guy when Blaine had just kissed him? Why was life so difficult?


Kurt laughed at the squee that came from David's mouth after the teen said his name. He walked over and let the boy hug his ankles while he looked at Nick with a scared expression.

"He's been expecting you," Nick said with the shake of his head.

"So this is the handsome Kurt that David wouldn't shut up about?" Victoria, Jeff's girlfriend asked. Naomi smiled next to her and they both gave friendly greetings, introducing themselves. After Kurt was free of David's clutch, he sat down next to him and spoke to the girls.

"Nice to meet you," he said, holding out his hand. Naomi accepted it with a wide smile. She was adorable; small and petit with gorgeous curly brown hair that stopped at her backbones and tanned skin. Her voice was smooth and Kurt could tell right away she sang. Victoria shook his hand next. She was a bit taller, and he could remember Jeff saying he 'liked them that way' on the beach last night. She was just as gorgeous with long legs and auburn colored hair that was styled into a pixie cut.

"So, Ohio?" Vickie asked. "Why such a change?"

Before Kurt could answer, Jeff and Justin had arrived. They stared at him from behind the girls and Nick looked up at them with the shake of his head.

"You are not taking him." David said clearly. Kurt smiled and patted the boy on the shoulder.

"I promise I'll be right back."

David frowned as Jeff leant down to kiss his girlfriend. "Hurry up. I wanted to show you the new line of Versace sweaters that I bought but have no use for."

Kurt turned back quickly. "The Wool Houndstooth style?"

"Yes!" David exclaimed with a smile.

Justin jumped in front of the blue eyed boy before he could retreat. "No. Go. Now."

Kurt rolled his eyes and walked away. He hoped they wouldn't be expecting anything magical to happen between he and José because as he explained, that would not be happening.

José was standing along with Shane Smith when Kurt walked over. He thought about not making his presence known because Blaine would probably have a heart attack if Kurt ended up hanging out with both of them, but thankfully once Shane noticed Kurt standing there he made to leave.

"Hey new guy," he said with a smile. José turned back with a happy smile when he realized Kurt was there. He'd been waiting literally since the second his shift was over.

"Hi," Kurt said with a smile of his own. Shane patted his friend on the back and said goodbye. "Be good," he whispered playfully. José ignored him and walked over to Kurt.

"What's up? I've been looking for you all day."

Kurt nodded and smiled. "You know, I was around."

"With Blaine," José added knowingly. Kurt looked at him oddly but the Dominican shrugged. "Justin told me you guys were close."


"Yeah," José looked down at the cup and spoon in Kurt's hand and smiled. "I was gonna ask to take you for ice cream."

Kurt smiled and looked around the beach awkwardly. "That won't be necessary. I'm probably leaving soon. Just wanted to say hey."

José raised an eyebrow but nodded sadly. "Oh. Ok. So do you have a minute to talk or do you need to get going?"

"I can talk for a bit," Kurt told him. Now he felt like shit. He didn't want to string anyone along. He'd been upset with Blaine all day for doing that.


"Then let's just walk," José recommended, motioning down the shore. Kurt nodded with a small smile, poking at the ice in his cup.



I'm outside. –B

Blaine leant against the home tiredly. He put the phone back in his pocket and waited patiently. A few seconds later, the door knob turned and was pulled open. Farrah poked her head outside and smiled at the boy perched against her porch railing.

"Finally. I thought you were standing me up."

I thought about it. "No," Blaine said with a smile. "Got caught up."

The girl nodded, pulling her black hair out of a pony tail. "Come in."

Blaine took a deep breath, looking around the neighborhood and entering the home slowly. It was nice inside. A small home, but a big one wasn't needed since she was an only child and lived with her parents. He closed the door behind himself and watched Farrah trek to her couch and sit back. She was in boy shorts and a wife beater, something Blaine usually went crazy for. But now as he walked over, he could only wonder what Kurt wore when he lounged around the house. It was probably ridiculously expensive, knowing him.

"Are you gonna sit?" she purred, kicking her legs up. Blaine licked his lips before taking a seat next to her, smiling when she pulled the hood off his head. "What's up with you?"

"Nothing much," Blaine said absently, staring at the television. "How was your day?"

Farrah scooted closer to him on the couch and rested her legs over his. "Oh, you know, the shop was busy. Jenna was as stupid as usual. Steve was of good help though, unlike Kurt. I still wonder how he got hired, sometimes."

Blaine tensed at the words and Farrah noticed.

"I'm sorry. I know that's your friend… I forgot. Sorry."

Blaine only looked at her and the girl smirked before getting up. "Are you thirsty?"

He nodded.


She walked towards the rear of the house and Blaine rolled his eyes, pulling out his cell phone. He got a message from his mother asking how his weekend was and responded well before going to Kurt's number.

Are you with him? –B

A minute passed and Farrah entered the room once more. She had a bottle of Coke and held it out for him to take. Blaine nodded, accepting it back.

"Thank you."

"No problem," she sat down practically on his lap and Blaine smirked, looking over at her.

"Why do you like me all of the sudden?"

Farrah laughed and Blaine watched her. "That's a serious question." he said.

"I always liked you. I just hated that you couldn't stay to one person."

Blaine nodded, taking a sip of his beverage. "What makes you think I can stay to one person now? Have I changed since the last time I asked you out… what, three days ago?"

She made a face before looking at him. "Why are you pushing at this so much? Either you want to be here or you don't."

Blaine's phone buzzed and he put his soda down to answer it.

We're walking on the beach right now. I don't want to be rude so I'll talk to you later. –Kurt

Blaine read it and put the phone on sleep.

"Did you really just check a message?" Farrah asked, glaring at the boy beside her.

Blaine returned the look. "Yes."

She scoffed. "This is what I'm talking about. You're supposed to be with me. Other people can wait."

Blaine smiled and shook his head. "You're making this a lot more than it is."

"You're taking messages from other girls when I'm supposed to be priority number one. At least give me that respect until you leave, Blaine."

"I asked Kurt a question earlier and I simply read his response. I'm not talking to other girls. If I was, I doubt it'd be any of your fucking business because we're not together."

"Are you seriously going to come to my house and disrespect me?"

Blaine stood up. "I'll leave."

Farrah glared at him before standing to her feet. The girl pointed to the door and crossed her arms. "You know where the door is. I hope Kurt is worth you missing out on what you could've had."

She shook her hips as she walked ahead of him and Blaine watched her go before shaking his head. He grabbed his phone and the soda bottle and got up to his feet.

"Kurt is worth it, just so you know," he said into her ear. "And thanks for the soda, sweetheart."

Farrah laughed dryly as he stepped onto her porch. "I hope Shane kicks your ass this summer. I'm sure he's a better fuck anyway."

With that, she slammed the door in his face. Blaine smirked, placing his phone in his pocket and about facing. He didn't get advice about what to do, but that was fine. He already told Kurt how he felt. He did, however, get a free soda out of this. That was awesome.

After taking a few steps towards the beach, Blaine changed his mind and went back towards his uncle's place. He had walked enough for one day. He felt like riding his 4 wheeler instead.


"So did he cry?"

Kurt laughed and shook his head no. "He didn't cry. We hadn't been together long enough for that. But he was upset."

José nodded. "I'd be, too." He glanced back at the blue eyed boy and smiled, "Eres hermoso."

Kurt looked at the dark haired boy and laughed a little. He felt like he was the man after today. He had one boy who loved females that couldn't keep his lips off of him, and here he was being spoken to in foreign languages by another. California was a beautiful place.

"Thank you. I mean gracias." He laughed, trying not to blush. Four for you, Mr. Schue. You go, Mr. Schue.

José rolled his eyes playfully. "De nada. So, I see your friend just showed up."

Kurt listened to the roaring engine of Blaine's ATV and turned around. The boy was navigating his way across the less crowded beach now, stopping over by where Justin and the gang were stationed. He got off and proceeded to do that ridiculously long handshake with Jeff. Kurt smiled and looked back at José who seemed to be watching him all along.

"Yeah. Blaine's pretty cool."

José nodded. "How'd you two meet?"

"I work at Odyssey for his uncle." Kurt explained, looking out over the calm ocean. "He came in for a bike and that's how this story started."

The other boy smiled. "That's sweet. Something to tell the kids one day."

Kurt raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at him. "What?"

José laughed, putting his hand in the pockets of his red swim trunks. "I'm not stupid."

Kurt only continued to look at him and José rolled his eyes. "You two are crazy about each other. You can't tell me I'm wrong."

Kurt was still speechless and José smiled, shrugging his shoulder. "He's staring at us so I may as well walk you back."

Kurt looked over to his friends and sure enough, Blaine and his sexy exposed chest were looking over at the two of them. Kurt nodded to José without another word and the two began to walk.

There was no way they'd been that obvious, though. He didn't think he'd been 'crazy' about Blaine. He liked him, yeah. Crazy was pushing it.

"If he hurts you I'll kick his ass, Kurt."

Kurt started laughing at the words and shook his head. He played at the sand as he walked, looking back up at his friends. "I hope that never has to happen then."

José nodded. "Me too."

"So," Nick finished yawning and looked at his friend. "You aren't going to tell me how the date went?"

Blaine smiled, watching Kurt walk closer and closer. "It fucking sucked."

Justin made a 'ha' noise but Blaine ignored him, still smiling at Kurt who was glancing at him every few seconds. "I don't care though."

Nick looked between him and Kurt and smiled too. "Oh."

"Yeah," Blaine told him. He and Nick looked at each other and smiled, and Jeff stared between the two of them with his award winning confused look.


Blaine shook his head. "Where are your girlfriends, anyway?"

"With David," Nick said. "I think we're going to cut out early, though. Naomi made me promise to take her to see that new Matthew McConaughey movie that came out last night."

"Eww," Justin said.

"I know," Nick looked over at his best friend who smiled at him softly. "But if you need to talk, which I think you do, I'm here."

Blaine nodded. "I know, bro. Call me as soon as the movie lets out."

"So what happened with Farrah?" Jeff asked curiously. "She was like all over you outside the diner."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "I don't know, dude. That should've told me something was wrong to begin with." He looked up to see José and Kurt hug goodbye and watched closely. Nick smirked at him and stood up.

"I gotta get out of here."

They said bye and Nick walked off, slapping five with Kurt along the way. He smiled before continuing over to the others.

"Where's David?" he asked.

"Frisbee with Vickie," Jeff said. "Sit down. Tell us how it went."

Justin lay down on the towel resting his chin on clasped hands; his feet tangled up in the air behind him. Blaine rolled his eyes and looked at Kurt. He was curious to know what happened as well.

"It didn't go exactly." Kurt told them with a shrug. "He seems to think I'm crazy about another guy."

Blaine looked at him and Kurt leant back, resting his weight on his hands.

"Chandler?" Jeff asked.

Kurt smiled. "No. Blaine. That's insane, though."

Blaine laughed a little and Justin looked up at him. "Is it?"

Kurt nodded. "Completely insane."

Jeff and Justin watched as the two smirked at one another. Blaine did that flirty thing with his eyes and Kurt rolled his away before noticing his friends were staring at them.


Justin looked at Jeff. "Well, they're fucking."

Blaine's eyes went wide as the two blondes casually hopped up and walked off. He heard Kurt laughing beside him and shook his head.

"Wow," Kurt cleared his throat and Blaine noticed he was blushing a little. So fucking adorable. "How was your da—"

Before Kurt could finish his question, Blaine pressed his lips against his. Kurt stopped and relaxed into it. The kiss wasn't nearly as hungry as it'd been earlier, but this was better. This wasn't 'in the heat of the moment' or the result of playing around. This was perfect. He heard Blaine hum softly against his lips and smiled into it, moving his slowly until Blaine's lower lip was between his own. After another second or two, a hand cupped his face just like earlier and god, if that didn't feel like it always should.

"I knew he'd turn you into a faggot."

Kurt's eyes opened at the voice and he felt Blaine quickly pull away. Peter smirked, walking by with someone Kurt didn't know. He had to stop the biker from hopping up and getting into a fight, clutching Blaine tightly by his hoodie.

"Don't—Blaine… it's not worth it."

Blaine relaxed at the voice but didn't take his eyes off Peter.

"Let's just go," Kurt whispered. He held Blaine tightly, glancing back at Peter who was laughing, middle finger in the air at this point. "He's not worth it, Blaine."

"What happened?" David asked as he rushed over, followed behind Jeff and Justin. All three watched Blaine stand to his feet and pull Kurt up as well.

"If you hear on the news that Petey got his fucking face bashed in, I didn't do it." He handed Kurt his helmet and turned to his ATV. "See you boys tomorrow."

David nodded, and Jeff looked back at Peter who was off with Shane at this point. "Later, dude."

Kurt hopped on behind Blaine and rolled his eyes when the boy dragged him closer. He placed the helmet on as Blaine revved the engine, and wrapped his arms around the boy's torso. They took off shortly after with the three boys trying to figure out what was happening.

"So are they…" David didn't even know how to finish.

"Fucking?" Justin asked. "Probably."


"I want more Blainey."

Blaine sighed and headed over to the box of Lucky Charms. "How can you eat so much?"

Mikey went to the fridge and pulled it open. "Milk, Blainey."

"Oh, I'm coming." He poured a bit more cereal into his cousin's bowl and closed the top to the box. His phone vibrated and he smiled, placing the Lucky Charms back where they stayed on top of the fridge. Mikey smiled when Blaine took the milk out of the fridge and ran back over to the table. Before checking his message, Blaine poured some milk into the bowl and watched the little boy dig.

He's asked me five different times are we dating. The man does not believe me. –Kurt

Blaine bit his lip and smiled, moving to reply.

We'll talk about that when you get here. As for right now, tell him we're just friends :) –B

Mikey held out a spoonful of cereal and laughed when his older cousin took a bite.

"Thank you, big head." Blaine said, chewing and waiting for a response.

I can stay over but he said that I better come home a virgin. –Kurt

Blaine laughed, ignoring how red his cheeks felt. Mikey continued to eat his Lucky Charms as he watched him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, munchkin. Eat."

I can't make any promises. –B

Ignoring you. Be over after my shower. See u then. –Kurt

Blaine smiled.

Can't wait. –B

"Kurt's coming over Mikey." Blaine said happily. Mikey smiled and gave a louder than necessary "YAY", laughing when his older cousin hushed him.

"You're going to wake up Aunt Pam!"


"Wanna hang out with us or are you going to go to sleep?" Blaine asked, sitting down at the table with him. Mikey put his spoon down and got out the chair. His Thomas the Train footie pajamas were the cutest.

"I can stay awake."

"Oh, no you can't." Don said, walking down the steps. "You know it's past your bedtime, Michael."

Mikey pouted. "But daddy—"

"Nope." Don picked him and kissed his frowning son on the forehead. "You spoil him way too much when you're over here. He needs to get in the habit of sleeping on time for when school starts."

"I don't like kidney garden."

"Yeah, yeah," Don walked over to the living room and grabbed one of the boy's books to read. "Clean up behind yourself, Blaine."

"Yes, unc," Blaine said, picking up Mikey's bowl and walking towards the sink. He dumped everything and quickly washed it, heading up the steps.

"…but Kurt is coming over and I want to say hi!"

Blaine winced, stopping directly where he stood in front of Mikey's door. His uncle turned back and looked at him.

"Kurt's coming over? What does he mean Kurt's coming over?"

Blaine smiled very guilty. Michael and his big mouth. "Well, we're having a sleepover because we're BFFs. You wouldn't understand, you're old."

Don looked at his nephew and Blaine only grinned wider. "Burt talked to me about this, Blaine, and I hope you aren't playing with this boy's emotions. He's a good kid."

Blaine's shoulder dropped at the words. Well, Kurt's dad definitely already hated him. "Why does everyone think I'm gonna hurt him?"

The thought was more to himself than to Donald, but Blaine said it aloud. Don was taken aback at the question.

"I never said you'd hurt him, I'm just asking you to be respectful."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "I'm going to bed." He walked off and went into the guest room, closing the door behind him. Eventually he collapsed onto the bed and took a deep breath. He wasn't going to hurt Kurt. He'd prove them wrong.

After a half hour of playing PS3 and texting back and forth with old friends from school, Blaine smiled when finally Kurt text him back.

Leaving now. Open the door for me please –Kurt

Blaine pressed pause on the video game and exited his room, walking downstairs in only a pair of shorts and Adidas slippers. When he opened the door, he smiled at Kurt's eyes finding his chest right away.


Kurt blushed and looked away. "Are you going to invite me in?"

Blaine smiled, grabbing his hand and dragging him inside. He shook his head when he noticed what brand of pajamas Kurt was wearing. "Please don't tell me that you're wearing Burberry. Don't tell me you go to sleep in Burberry."

Kurt looked down past his black V-neck to his plaid patterned pajama pants. "What's wrong with that?"

His friend just shook his head. "That's insane."

Kurt rolled his eyes. "I'm sleepy." he smirked when Blaine gave him a look. "What?"

"Did you eat?"

Kurt nodded.

Blaine took his hand (thank god he could do that again) and led him up the stairs. "Don't look at my ass."

"Don't tell me what to do," Kurt quipped back with a smile. He laughed when they reached the top and Blaine pushed him in front so that he could blatantly look at his. Sweet baby cheesus.

"Cheater." Kurt said.

"The room at the end of the hall." Blaine told him, their fingers still laced. Kurt nodded and led the way, pushing the door open. He rolled his eyes when the PS3 was on and went to lie down.

"Does that not get old?"

Blaine shook his head. "Nope." He lay down next to Kurt and snuck a kiss to his lips, smirking at the boy's blush. "I guess you don't want to play with me?"

Kurt laid his head on the pillow and smiled at Blaine. "I don't understand how your eyes are even open. We barely slept."

"Too excited to sleep," Blaine said with a smile. "But I'll talk to you until you fall asleep. How does that sound?"

Kurt nodded. "I'd rather you sing me to sleep."

"Who said I could sing?"

"I have an inkling." Kurt answered. He closed his eyes and smiled when Blaine moved closer, resting a hand on his waist.

"Before I start, can I tell you something?"

Kurt opened his eyes and nodded. "Of course."

Blaine smiled and leant in to kiss him again, heart fluttering when it was reciprocated. "I just wanted to say that despite what people say, I would never hurt you."

Kurt shook his head and smiled tiredly. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Blaine."

"I'm not." He answered. "Today was all about being honest and that's what I'm doing."

Kurt only looked at him and Blaine moved in to kiss him again. This time, he was met half way and both boys smiled, their lips meeting softly and carefully. After a second or two, Blaine pulled away and laid his head on Kurt's pillow.

"Now close your eyes. I'm gonna sing a song that meant a lot to me growing up."

Kurt nodded with a soft smile, closing his eyes. Blaine smirked and swallowed hard before beginning.

I've been really tryin', baby
Tryin' to hold back this feeling for so long

Kurt's eyes snapped open as he glared at Blaine. "You've got to be—"

"Shut up," Blaine said before continuing. He smiled at Kurt face palming.

And if you feel like I feel, baby

"Blaine," he said with a laugh.

Then, c'mon, oh, c'mon
Let's get it on

"Blaine!" Kurt said, pushing him away with a grin and fire red cheeks. "Stop."

"Fine," Blaine laughed. "Fine. Let's do this again. I think I have a good one."

Kurt smiled. "Last chance." He let Blaine pull him close and rested his head on the boy's chest instead. If he was going to get hurt it was too hard to not let himself fall now. He was a goner.

Each time I look into your eyes
I see that there a heaven lies
And as I look
I see the love of the loved.

Blaine sang the words with the melody he remembered Kurt humming it the night before. His voice was soft, how he imagined Elizabeth would sing, and as he sang he held the boy close to him.

Kurt held back the tears as he smiled into Blaine's chest. He hadn't heard this song in years, not since Burt tried singing it to him. Now, Blaine did it justice. No one could sing it like his mother, but this was equally special in its own right.

Someday they'll see that from the start
My place has been deep in your heart.
And in your heart
I see the love of the loved

He closed his eyes too now, enjoying the embrace of Kurt, warm and perfect around him.

Though I said it all before
I will say it more and more,
Now that I'm really sure
You love me.

Kurt smiled as his head rose and fall with each breath Blaine took. He began to hum along to the words, feeling himself slowly but surely drift asleep. Blaine smiled when he heard the boy humming, continuing to softly sing.

And I know that from today
I'll see it in the way
That you look at me
And say ah you love me.

So let it rain I'll never care?
Deep in your heart, I'd still be there.
And when I'm there
I see the love of the loved

After a moment, Kurt's humming stopped and the boy's breathing became softer. Blaine smiled, not wanting to disturb him by moving too much. He turned off his lamp and placed a kiss in his hair.

"Goodnight, Kurt."

End Notes:

Songs used: Marvin Gaye - Let's Get it on

The Beatles - Love of the Loved


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