Happy Birthday, Mr. BMX Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Sept. 28, 2012, 1:32 p.m.

Ride: Happy Birthday, Mr. BMX

E - Words: 18,667 - Last Updated: Dec 28, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 22/22 - Created: Sep 28, 2012 - Updated: Dec 28, 2013
281 0 0 0 0

Chapter 13—Happy Birthday, Mr. BMX

The first time ever I saw your face
I thought the sun rose in your eyes
And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave
To the dark and the empty skies my love

Kurt's smile couldn't get any wider as he let his head rest on Blaine's shoulder. At this point they weren't even dancing anymore; simply holding each other closely with a slow rock from side to side every now and then. But that slow sway and the words Blaine sang in his ear equated to absolute love and perfection, and it was a moment Kurt knew he'd never forget for the rest of his life.

"You felt all of this when we were 7 years old, Blaine?" the teen teased. A wave rolled up to shore and stopped just before touching their bare feet, receding back to the sea. Blaine smiled at the question asked as his hands slid lower to the small of his boyfriend's back. He ignored him, and as fireworks exploded in the starlit sky, he continued to sing.

The first time ever I kissed your mouth
I felt the earth move through my hand
Like the trembling heart of a captive bird
That was there at my command my love

Kurt lifted his head to look at Blaine, and in that moment the world stopped. Blaine couldn't help but stare into the eyes he fell for on more than one occasion; they were beautiful, and honest, and home for him. The sincerity he found there had often chilled him. It made him question why Kurt chose him of all the people that'd be so blessed to have him, but it wasn't their choice. It was destiny.

Kurt smiled softly as he observed the look on Blaine's face. His boyfriend stopped singing and simply stared at him with those beautiful, hazel eyes, and Kurt wrapped his arms around the boy's broad shoulders, pulling him in as gently as he could for a kiss. Blaine closed his eyes by the time their noses touched and Kurt smiled, doing the same. When they finally kissed, each boy melted into one another— a soft sound of contentment leaving Blaine's lips and sending chills through Kurt's body. They held each other closer as the elder moved his lips; his hands gripping Kurt's back as they moved up a few inches and down again.

It was a wonder to Kurt how anything could feel so perfect. Maybe he thought it was possible for other people, but when it came to him, it was still a concept he was trying to grasp. Blaine being real and being his was something his mind kept trying to convince him was a myth, but then his heart would beat against Blaine's chest and tell him the exact opposite.

When more loud fireworks sounded, Blaine smiled as Kurt slowly pulled away, looking up into the sky and watching the beauty unfold. There was something so special about being here; a place that was often neglected but just so beautiful; the quaint, tiny beach outside L.A with just the right amount of space for the two of them to be them. They set up a tent with sleeping bags inside—a small radio that had been playing music to dance to before Blaine decided he'd take it from there, they built a fire for when it chilled down too much for Kurt's liking, and it had really turned out to be the best birthday ever. Blaine loved this place more than he ever knew he would. He could dance with Kurt here, kiss him here, sing to him here…

The first time ever I lay with you
And felt your heart so close to mine
The first time ever I saw your face

Kurt shivered at the lyrics sang so close into his ear. His heart soared to the heavens and back as they placed their foreheads together, gently swaying and stealing shy glances. They were in love and happy, and they knew this was forever. They just knew.

And it was time to take their relationship even further.

"I—Can we lie down now?"

Blaine opened his eyes at the sound of Kurt's gentle voice, pulling back to look his love in the eyes. Kurt watched for his reaction for a moment before smiling and carding his fingers through dark curly locks. Blaine relaxed at the touch; realization setting in by what Kurt really meant.

"You want to lie down, baby?" he asked; seven parts anticipation and three parts fear he'd misinterpreted. But he didn't misinterpret. It was time.

Kurt nodded as he watched the movement of his fingers, brushing a few curls away from Blaine's face. His voice was less shaky now and a bit surer when he spoke.

"I want you to make love to me."

24 hours earlier…

The saying 'absence makes the heart grow fonder' definitely proved to be true to one Blaine Anderson.

After 17 days of limited Kurt Hummel interaction, there were times he literally told himself he'd die.

Of course, good ol' uncle Don was there to tell him that he was dramatic and the exact definition of 'over the top', but Blaine didn't bother paying the man any mind. Old people were the quickest to judge and the last to actually understand.

Things were as stressful as they were rewarding. There were contracts, and interviews, and commercial shoots with too-bright lights—there were autographs to sign, plenty girls offering to accompany him back to his hotel room (and a few boys making the same offer,) there were photo shoots with even brighter lights—all of it was tiring. Halfway through the trip, Blaine was finished with all of it, which was hell because there was still 8 and a half California-less days to go. But he did it for himself and his mom who was so proud of his turnaround, and for the look on Mikey's face when the tot would see him on TV, because Blaine knew that'd be absolutely hilarious, and of course he stuck it out for Kurt. His ex-boyfriend Campbell's Soup liked to point out that pretty soon, all of Blaine's fame would be over with, but whether or not that was true, Blaine wanted to have enough saved up to get them started—a nice apartment in NY with the rent paid up for a year or two; next to both of their colleges and not too far from the fashion district… something to keep Kurt happy. Because that was Blaine's priority. Fame meant nothing.

These were the things Blaine found himself thinking about as he lie in bed at night, Kurt texting him goodnight because he knew his boyfriend was falling asleep. Blaine would smile, tell Kurt he loved, and then slowly drift off into beautiful dreams. They helped a lot, to be honest, but it wasn't anything new for Blaine to wake up wishing he'd dreamt a little bit longer.

He missed his boyfriend like you'd never understand.

He missed seeing him smile and hearing his laugh, even when it was at his expense, and he missed the way his heart would react when he woke up and Kurt was there next to him, playing in his hair and humming against his chest. Sometimes it got to be too much; the different cities and the media, and Blaine wanted nothing more than to hug Kurt Hummel, but he made it, and he was back.

He waited for a response from Kurt as Don looked out for their baggage—his aunt telling her husband more about what transpired in their absence. She said that Mikey had been strong for a good six days before absolutely losing it. He cried all over Kurt's Lacoste shirt and begged for Kurt to take him to Blainey and his papa, and Kurt hugged him tightly and promised they'd be back soon. Blaine frowned at the story, hating having left the little boy without much warning, but it happened so fast they didn't get the best goodbye ever. But everything was better now. Blaine was back, and pretty soon he'd be able to squeeze his cousin tight and spend as much time as he wanted with him.

He could hardly wait.

From Kurt:

20 kisses is a lot of kisses. I'll have to think about it.

Blaine stared down at the message in the middle of a busy Los Angeles International Airport. He smiled to himself, about to reply when their things arrived.

"That's everything," Don announced, picking up a few suitcases. "C'mon Champ. Your stand-up aunt parked illegally."

Pam pinched her husband as Blaine looked up, still wearing a smile. He accepted his luggage and guitar case from his uncle, wincing as he carried his things. They walked slightly in front of him, still talking about Mikey and a few other things that'd been going on; Don complaining about how little sleep he'd gotten over the past couple days and Blaine wanting nothing more than to hurry up and get home.

He was so close.

Santana told him he was overreacting, but what did she know? To be fair, it'd been 17 fucking days since he'd last seen his friends, his family, and Kurt (who to Blaine, constituted as both a friend and family, really) and yes, while he happened to meet up with Cooper in New York because his brother had a few meetings, and while yes, that helped him feel grounded in a way, there still wasn't a word accurate enough to describe how much he missed home.

It wasn't until Blaine had to go through the distance that he realized home wasn't simply California… home wherever Kurt was. He hadn't felt homesick when they guys went to New York, and it made sense because Kurt was beside him the whole time. But during his time away now, he literally felt sick to his stomach. As ridiculous as it seemed, it was just the way it was.

But for the umpteenth time, as Blaine so happily kept repeating in his head, none of that mattered now. Soon he'd get to kiss Kurt and hug Mikey, and call Nick an idiot, and threaten Jeff to stop looking at Kurt's ass, and tell David that he couldn't steal Kurt for shopping sprees, and help Justin find his shirts. Now, he'd be able to annoy Papa Bear to no end and beg Aunt Pam to make him double chocolate chip cookies, and surf on the beach. He'd also be able to ignore his uncle when he told him to go practice his routine for Semis and Finals in a couple days because he had plans with Kurt.

Big plans.

He threw his things into the second row and climbed into the truck; Don getting in at the passenger side. He heard the man complaining to his wife about something totally new now and smirked. Don was such a spoiled brat.

None of it mattered. He was elated.

"And your nephew decided to sneak off in New York and nearly gave me a heart attack."

Don't care, Blaine thought with a smile.

"He ended up in Brooklyn, darling. He wouldn't answer his phone and I wanted to strangle him when he showed back up at the hotel."

Still. Do. Not. Care.

Aunt Pam seemed to care though, if the way she looked at Blaine after strapping herself in was any indication. He huffed and began to answer, because she'd get an answer one way or another.

"I had something I wanted to do and my phone died… mind you auntie," his face changed and she entertained him, "I apologized a million and one times and he won't stop bringing it up. It wasn't even that big a deal."

She smiled as she pulled onto the road after getting the typical Blaine Anderson response.

"You do know we expect more of you, now. The whole 'do what you want and say sorry when you get in trouble' bit isn't acceptable anymore. You'll be 17 in another hour."

Blaine nodded as he looked out the window, taking in the beautiful city at night. "I didn't mean any harm, auntie. Unc was on the phone and kept shushing me when I tried to tell him I was running out so I just left. I didn't think it'd take as long as it did."

"So where did he go?"

Here we go, Blaine thought.

Don turned to Pam and smirked; his curly head falling back against the headrest. "He went to a tattoo parlor but won't let me see what he got."

"Because I want Kurt to be the first one to see it," Blaine defended himself, already tired of the man pestering him. "After Kurt sees it then whoever else wants to see it can see it."

Pam looked at the teen wearing a dark beanie as he slouched down in the second row of seats. "Is it on your butt?"

"Oh my goodness—"

"It's on his chest," Don took a sip of his bottled water and smiled at Blaine's groan, "He bought bandages and ointment when we went to the pharmacy and has been taking pretty good care of it."

"Yes I am," Blaine said. His voice had an 'in your face' ring to it but his uncle let it slide.

"Well young man," Pam began, "while it definitely wasn't the smartest thing you've ever done, if it makes you happy then that's fine. You apologizes for scaring your uncle and I'm sure he'd forgiven you," she glanced at her husband who stubbornly shrugged, "As long as you don't come home with twenty piercings one day, I'm happy."

Now wouldn't be the best time to tell them about that appointment he made for his tongue piercing, he guessed. Blaine smiled as he unlocked his phone, nodding at the woman's words, "Thanks."

To Kurt:

Kurt Hummey, I am disappointed. The past couple of weeks have been an overdose of Donald Kinsella and not nearly enough people I actually like. I'm getting 20 kisses when I see you and that's that.


Kurt read the text with a smile on his face. He went to reply as Jeff continued talking; the two on the stoop as the rest of Legacy continued to light fireworks. And then there was Mikey who was glued to the fence, looking up and down the road for his father and cousin with more anticipation than he'd ever held.

"Beautiful song, Ohio, but that's a duet. I thought you were singing and B was on piano…" Jeff dug his hand into a Pringles can and looked at his friend, "at least that's what he told me…"

Kurt smiled, shrugging at the skater's words. "That's what we agreed to, but I can beg him to sing a duet with me, right? I know he'll end up saying no and I respect that, but at least I'll be able to say I tried. I need to get over my nerves anyway."

To Blaine:

I don't like your tone. You'll be lucky if I kiss you at all.

"At least if he enters the vocal program, you and him will have a greater chance of having your study based classes together… like every year Vickie, Naomi, Hunter, and I have had our dance courses together because we have the same major." Jeff put the chips in his mouth, chewing and swallowing as Kurt listened, "Nick and his actor buddies in his grade usually have the same classes, all of the singers as well. So it'd be something to think about." Kurt nodded to him as he took it all in, "But I know how Blaine feels about people besides you and his family hearing him sing so maybe it isn't ideal. As long as he's in Pace with us, right?"

Kurt smiled and nodded. "As long as he's there. Like you said, I just want senior year to be magic."

Jeff smiled, imagining Pace High School of the Performing Arts with Legacy and Ohio running the halls. It'd be amazing. "When is this audition?"

Kurt sighed. "A couple weeks."

Jeff smiled. "You two will be fine, I'm sure."

They grew quiet and Kurt looked off down the road. He saw Nick light the fuse of another firework, the guys all running off and turning back to watch as it shot up in the air. Mikey stared up and pointed at the blue and red sparks in the sky and got excited, turning back to Kurt.

"Look Kurtie!"

Kurt smiled and looked up. "I see, munchkin. It's amazing."

From Blaine:

Are you really going to deny me kisses? Just for that I reserve the right to squeeze the hell out of you with no complaints about your ability to breathe or asking to be put down.

"Is Blainers going to open his gifts first and then party or are we partying first and then doing gifts?"

Kurt thought about that for a moment and looked to Jeff. "I don't know. What do you think would be best?"

To Blaine:

I couldn't deny you kisses if my life depended on it, and you know that. But in other news, you're taking forever and I've been dying for one of those hugs 17 days now…

"We should probably go to the party first. After he sees his gifts he won't want to go anywhere but to the bedroom to thank you—"

"Thank you, Jeff." Kurt said with a smirk, rolling his eyes as Jeff ate a few more Pringles. "I guess we'll get him to the party first, then."

Jeff stood up and put his cap on, smiling when Kurt gave him "the Kurt look" and motioning to the guys. "I'll let the boys know, then."

"Thank you, Jeffrey."

From Blaine:

This text is now evidence for future reference. Never deleting it.

Phone dying, beautiful. Kiss you soon.

Kurt laughed lightly at the text until he heard Mikey complaining. "Jeff, give him his nose back."

The skater said "Fine," and tapped Mikey's nose, hopping over Burt's fence and jogging down the block. Mikey checked to see if it was there before looking out for his parents and Blaine again, satisfied at the results Kurt assumed.

To Blaine:

My lips are impatient but I'll live until then. See you soon :D

From Blaine:

I wasn't only speaking of your lips, darling.

Before Kurt could reply, another firework shot off and Mikey let out an excited "Whoa!" Kurt smiled as he watched the colors paint the sky. Justin shouted that it was his turn to light one next and David said no, taking the lighter from Nick. He smiled at the group and sat back, finally going to reply when the door swung open behind him—the action followed swiftly by a stumbling white puppy breezing past him and barking as he ran around on the grass. Kurt looked from Tumbles, to Mikey who cheered when he realized the dog was there, to his dad who was closing the door behind him.

"Oh no you don't," Kurt stood up and put his phone on the step, running up the last two and knocking hard on the front door of his home. He heard a groan and after two seconds, his dad was revealed with an exhausted expression on his face. Kurt honestly didn't care.


"The dog won't stop barking, kiddo—"

"Blaine will be here soon, dad." Somehow it seemed as if the roles were reversed and Kurt was now the father. Burt sighed and watched Mikey playing with the pup as his son continued, "I am not showing Blaine any of his gifts until he is officially 17 years old. The dog stays inside with you until midnight."

Burt's green eyes stared at his son in a way that said he was the dad and wouldn't be spoken to like this, but Kurt didn't falter. "Why don't you just put him in his room? Why do I have to watch him?"

Kurt put both hands on his hips. "You went out of your way to buy a puppy, dad. He is not chewing any of my Italian leather shoes, and until the clock strikes 12 he is your responsibility. Now c'mon before Blaine gets here!"

The man scratched his head and nodded; looking down at his feet in his bedroom slippers and mumbling a response.


Kurt nodded. "Good."

"Just go get him," the man said. "But once 12AM hits, I'm letting him right back outside. Technically he's yours and Blaine's, but you seem so quick to forget that."

Kurt smirked and turned around, jogging down the steps and approaching Tumbles and Mikey. The snow white Boxer looked up at him and barked and Kurt sighed, bending down to pick him up.

"I don't want Blaine to see him yet, munchkin. He's going with my dad. Say bye."

Mikey smiled an okay, rubbing the dog behind his ears. "Bye Tumbles."

Kurt smiled and turned away; that smile quickly falling when he noticed that the front door was closed again. His eyes went thin as he got suspicious, cradling the squirming Tumbles in his arms and rushing back up the steps to his doorway. He turned the knob and as expected, the front door was locked. Tumbles chose this exact moment to start climbing all over Kurt's shoulders.


No answer.

Kurt's shoulders slouched as Tumbles began to bark… not believing his father would do something like this. He banged on the door twice and Mikey ran up to help; quick knocks against the door.

But there was no answer, and of course the curtains were now closed.

"Burt Jonathan Walker Hummel, you open this door right now!"

"No!" the man shouted back.

"I have to use it, Mr. Hummey!" Mikey smiled at Kurt and the elder laughed, chiming in.

"Mikey has to go to the bathroom."

"I'm not opening the door."

Kurt sighed as he shook his head. This man would be in so much trouble when he finally did let him inside. He knew the perfect place to hide his beers, too.

"I have my key… let me open it up for you."

Mikey turned around first being that Kurt's body froze and melted at the same time because of the voice speaking into his ear. The little boy's smile couldn't be any wider and he started to shake with how happy he was. Blaine laughed, bending down to pick him and tossed him in the air, catching the skinny boy and squeezing him tightly, all before wincing when Mikey accidentally elbowed him in the chest.

"Blainey!" the toddler pulled back to look into his cousin's eyes, pinching his face to see if he was real. Kurt turned around with Tumbles who looked at Blaine cautiously, and Blaine smirked at the pair.

"Hello beautiful. Who's your friend?"

Mikey had an answer.

"That's Tumbles! Mr. Hummey bought him for you for your birthday because a dog tripped you before you fell in love with Kurtie and we were trying to hide him before you got here but Mr. Hummey won't open the door because—"

"Thank you, Michael Kinsella." Kurt interrupted as he dropped his head.

Blaine laughed at Kurt's sigh before kissing his cousin to shut him up. The toddler grinned and hugged him again before noticing his dad was at the gate. When Don winked at him, the little boy smiled even harder.


Blaine let him down and watched the kid fly across the yard and into Don's arms. The man laughed and stumbled back a bit, swinging his son in his arms. Kurt looked from the happy reunion with a smile, over to Blaine who was looking at him; a certain sparkle in his eyes that Kurt remembered being the same one that sent his walls crashing down so many weeks ago. He tried to prepare his lips to say something snarky or cute that'd make Blaine smile, but the only thing that slipped out was:


Blaine's lips curved slowly into the most perfect smile, and Kurt sighed at the sight. He felt himself being pulled in closer and his breath caught when Blaine's arms were around him—the dog barking until Kurt finally let him down. And then his hands found Blaine's stubbly face and mapped out his features, almost as if he was rediscovering him. Blaine closed his eyes and sighed at how at home he felt. He held Kurt closer and they hugged, getting lost in each other's arms.

And this was home. Blaine was home again. Kurt's heart was beating against his own chest and he could feel his breaths against his neck. Blaine held him there for almost a minute before laughing into Kurt's ear, picking him up off the ground and swinging him around. Kurt wiped at his eyes and Blaine put him down, pulling back to look at him.

"Don't you dare cry, Kurt Hummel."

Kurt laughed and wiped a tear off his cheek, shaking his head as he buried his face in Blaine's shoulder. "I told myself I wouldn't—"

"Look at me baby," Blaine whispered in his ear. His hands rubbed Kurt gently up and down his back and Kurt sniffled adorably, holding his head up to look at his boyfriend. They ended up laughing lightly as Blaine brushed another tear from his cheek. "I'm back. There wasn't a second that went by that I didn't miss you with every fiber of my being, but I'm here, and I don't want to see another tear."

Kurt nodded and rubbed his hands over Blaine's shoulders, sighing at the words he heard. He smiled when Blaine smiled and rolled his eyes when the teen made a silly face, eventually laughing and moving in to hug him again.

"I missed you so much, Blaine. God, I missed you."

Blaine closed his eyes and breathed in the scent he missed so much; a mixture of jasmine and that Burberry cologne Kurt stole from Blaine after they started dating. He relaxed when he felt Kurt relax, and smiled because he was home.

He was with Kurt.

They both lifted their heads and smiled again when they were face to face. Blaine looked from Kurt's eyes to his pink lips and licked his own; the action heating his boyfriend's body. A firework sounded and Justin shouted that it was his turn as Blaine took a quick breath.

"I'm so in love with you."

Kurt cheeks were hurting from smiling so much as he placed his forehead against Blaine's. He noticed the green shining in hazel eyes and folded his arms around Blaine's neck, tilting his head a bit to the side.

"I love you more." Kurt whispered against his lips, smiling when Blaine closed his eyes and finally pressing his lips to the rider's full ones. They both stopped breathing for a moment and then somehow found a way to move even closer to one another, their lips moving softly and sweetly.

"Just give me the lighter." Justin said angrily. "You always do this."

David turned his back as he pulled out another shell. "I want to light another one!"

Jeff rolled his eyes. "You two are the oldest and yet I'm always telling you to grow the hell up—"

"Blaine's back!" Nick shouted when he noticed Don's SUV in the driveway. And then he spotted the couple on the Hummel porch and smiled. "Just in time."

Kurt heard the teens approaching like a stampede and smiled against Blaine's lips; pulling his boyfriend closer by the fabric of his Henley and deepening the kiss. Blaine didn't even react to the touch against his still sore chest thanks to the small tattoo; too busy groaning and moving Kurt back against the front door of his home; breathing him in.

He missed this so much.

Kurt's body hit the door softly, though he'd forgotten it was there altogether, and his arms went weak. He did nothing but part his lips; Blaine taking it from there. His mouth was invaded by a warm tongue that tasted like mint and coke, and Kurt moaned at the way that tongue absolutely owned him.

And he didn't mind it one bit.

Justin stepped into the yard, followed by Nick and David who picked up Tumbles, and finally Jeff who stood off to the side with a smile. They looked from Kurt and Blaine who were…busy at the moment, and then to one another.

"So," Justin scratched the nape of his neck, "do we say hello?"

Pam laughed as she pulled her car into the driveway behind Don's. "Good luck interrupting that, boys."

Kurt opened his eyes when he felt his legs going weak and moaned against his boyfriend's lips. Blaine tasted better than he remembered and how did he manage to get hotter? Since when was that a possibility? This Henley he wore and the way his jeans were fitting, and probably the way he was holding him against the door, but that's a story for another day, everything had seemed even sexier. His eyes closed again when Blaine's tongue slipped between his lips another time and his hands trailer into curly hair, lacing his fingers in the silky locks and groaning when Blaine pulled away.

"You stilltaste like heaven."

Kurt licked his lips; the dark look in Blaine's eyes a little more than he could handle. "Blaine—"

"Be right back, beautiful."

"O-Okay," Kurt responded, nodding hard as Blaine licked his lips and turned away. The rider ignored Jeff telling him to go back and finish what he started and instead hugged the pervert hello, the other guys pouncing on top of him. Blaine tried to fight them off but David tackled him to the ground and prevented any chance he had. "Blainerssss!"

Kurt laughed, reaching down on the steps to pick up his phone and record as Mikey ran over and jumped into the pile.

"Get him!" he shouted.

And like the smart man he was, Don ran into his own house before any of that could happen to him.

Kurt waved goodbye with a smirk as he watched the man go and Don smiled widely, getting the hell out of dodge. The teen walked over to the scene with iPhone camera in hand; zooming in on Blaine choking Nick as the BMX racer tried to tickle his underarms. He shook his head when Justin complained of someone grabbing his butt (Jeff, Kurt knew immediately) and zoomed the camera in even further.

"This is so going on Facebook."

Blaine lay there after a while and gave up, not even fighting when David kissed his cheek. He'd remember all of this on their birthdays. Every. Single. Moment.

"We missed you bro!"

"Mr. Superstar," Jeff sang as he stood up, dusting off his clothes, "we're so proud of you, B!"

Blaine took a deep breath and sat up on the grass, smiling when a puppy hopped into his lap and sniffed him hello. Nick was pulled to his feet by David and smiled at Blaine's words.

"I hate every single last one of you. I wore this outfit for Kurt."

They rolled their eyes and scoffed—except for David. He seemed almost proud.

"Someone went shopping at Saks in New York…"

Blaine smiled and Kurt grinned. "I've trained him well."

The guys laughed and Blaine smirked at his boyfriend, turning Tumbles over in his arms. This was exactly what he'd been missing out on, and even though everything that'd been coming to him was great, he couldn't help but wish he was here. Hopefully he'd be around for a while this time… well he did have to leave for a couple days in two weeks but that'd be minimal as compared to the first time.

"I want you all to know I couldn't have done any of this without you…" Blaine looked from his boyfriend around to his friends. "You guys have been there for me for years even when I pushed you away, and babe," he looked back to Kurt; the teen smiling down at him, "you came out of the blue and was more stubborn than I was. I needed that, and I'm grateful, and I can't believe you're filming this."

Kurt smiled wider as the guys laughed. He stuck his tongue out and kept filming, ignoring the quick puttering of his heart when Blaine gave him a smile in return, even though he was over the moon excited the teen was back. Instead, he filmed when Tumbles licked Blaine's face and watched as Mikey grinned; the boy sitting down on the ground with Blaine as he wore a smile that stretched from ear to ear.

"So, Mikey. Is there anything else I should know?"

Mikey nodded to his cousin. "There's a party—"

"NO!" All of Legacy shouted simultaneously. Kurt laughed and turned the camera off when Mikey's eyes went wide.

"But I'm not supposed to say anything."

Blaine smiled deviously and ruffled the boy's curls. "You're the best." He looked up to Kurt and then to the rest of his friends. "Is this the same party I asked you guys not to throw me?"

"We don't know what you're talking about." Jeff lied.

Justin laughed but figured they may as well give in now. The cat was out of the bag. "Precisely. And," he looked at his watch and stretched as Jeff played with his tongue ring, "It started at 10. It's now half passed 11, so we should get this show on the road."

"I need to change," Kurt and David said at the same time, causing everyone but Mikey and Tumbles to roll their eyes. David shrugged and pulled out his car keys.

"Great minds think alike. I'll meet you guys there."

"We'll go with David," Nick suggested to his friends. Jeff, even though he wanted to see the rest of the Klaine show, nodded and waved goodbye.

"See you when you're 17, baby boy." he said. Blaine nodded and mocked saluted, making Jeff smirk.

"Later dudes," Justin winked and followed behind the others, waving at Kurt who returned it. Kurt then looked to Blaine was still on the ground, scratching the dog beneath the collar and smiling when the puppy gave him eye contact. He was adorable.

"I always wanted a dog before that one tried to murder me. This guy is pretty cool."

Mikey smiled. "Mr. Hummey named him Tumbles because you busted your butt—"

"Yeah, we covered that munchkin," Blaine said with a smirk and Kurt laughed. "I might have to change his name though. Hope he hasn't gotten too used to it."

"Please change his name," Kurt said under his breath, but not low enough for his boyfriend not to laugh.

So that was one successful gift out the way.

Kurt was happy that Blaine liked his Tumbles, but was still nervous about his own presents. He sighed at the thought and began to feel anxious all over again, despite Nick's pep talk. There was one thing that helped— at least they still had the party to go to and the gift giving could be held off until then.

It was a relief, to say the least.

"I'm going to change out of this babe," Kurt told him with a soft smile as he gestured to the house. "And then I'll be right down. You probably smell like dirt and grass so I guess you'll be changing too…"

Blaine glanced up over Kurt's outfit and bit his lip. "I don't really see a problem with that."

Kurt rolled his eyes and walked away. "Not in front of your cousin. Be back."

"Let me help," Blaine hopped to his feet and pulled out his keys, letting Mikey hold Tumbles while he still could. Pretty soon, the dog would be bigger than the toddler and just as playful as he was now, and he could imagine Mikey trying to get piggy back rides from him. Kurt walked over and kissed Mikey goodnight, the boy smiling and trying to his blush. "Goodnight, Kurtie."

"Goodnight, Mikey." He smiled and patted the dog whose name would hopefully soon be changed on the head and walked off. "Get some good sleep, okay?"

Mikey nodded as Kurt went up the steps and Blaine went to follow.

As Kurt stood facing the door, waiting patiently for his boyfriend, he felt Blaine's chest against his back and bit his lip. Mikey pulled Tumbles' leash out his pocket and put the puppy down, attaching it to his collar. Blaine looked away from him and back to his boyfriend, his hand running down to Kurt's hip and holding him closely.

"If I unlock the door for you, will I get my 20 kisses?"

Kurt smirked, nodding his head yes. "I'll give you your 20 kisses. I promise."

Blaine smiled; his lips touching the back of Kurt's neck and making him shiver. "I missed you a lot, beautiful."

"Nineteen kisses," Kurt said, biting his lip.

Blaine smirked and put his key into the lock, turning left until it clicked. Kurt took it from there and pushed the door open a bit, turning around and placing his lips to Blaine's.

"One," he whispered, smiling when Blaine's eyes were closed.

"Nineteen more."

"Eighteen more," Kurt said with a grin, kissing Blaine's chin next. "That's two."

Blaine smiled, opening his eyes before preparing to speak—but when he saw Burt standing in the doorway behind him he stopped smiling.

"Oh, hey Papa Bear…"

Kurt turned around and found his father looking past him to Blaine. "Hello. Welcome back, bud."

Ok, cool. He was in a good mood.

Blaine smiled and took the man's outstretched hand, shaking it firmly. "Thanks sir. You miss me?"

Burt rolled his eyes as he smirked and looked at Kurt. Blaine knew that was a yes. "Inside, kiddo."

"I'm going to Blaine's birthday party tonight, remember… and why didn't you answer the door? Do you understand how much trouble you are in?"

Burt sighed and turned around, entering the house. "I won't see you until tomorrow so happy early birthday, Blaine."

Blaine laughed at his boyfriend following Burt inside and giving him a piece of his mind. "Thanks sir. Kurt, remember you still owe me 20 kisses!"

Kurt turned around with a smirk. "17!"

"You were just disqualified," Blaine said with a laugh before closing the door. He smiled and hopped down the steps, ruffling Mikey's hair as he walked by with a pep in his step.

He was a very happy man.

"C'mon booger. Let's get you in bed."

Mikey followed after him, holding the leash tightly. "Okay, Blainey."

The duo walked into the Kinsella residence. Pam groaned when she saw Tumbles but Blaine smiled and promised he wouldn't be a problem.

"Please puppysit him? It's only for a few hours. Right after the party."

Pam couldn't tell him no if she tried. "Fine, Blaine."

She got a kiss on the cheek before her nephew was flying up the stairs.

A quick shower came next. Blaine sang in the shower—his usually perverted songs with Kurt in mind of course, the bar of soap as his microphone. As he shampooed his hair, he smiled and thought about tomorrow—being alone on the beach and having the night to themselves. He could hardly wait.

Blaine found a white shirt with two thick navy blue stripes going horizontally through the top. He threw it on the bed and looked in the mirror, whistling to himself as he tightened the belt over his red jeans. He seemed like a cliché maybe but he always wore red, white, and blue on his birthday. It was the fourth of July for crying out loud.

His American flag boxers were showing above his jeans as he stood in the mirror, applying a small layer of ointment to his tattoo. He smiled at the sight of it and hoped Kurt would like it before his alarm started going off.

It was ten minutes until midnight.

Blaine went to the bed and put on his shirt. He did the whole deodorant and cologne run before noticing his Mickey Mouse stuffed toy was missing and making note to press Mikey about it. Until then, he kissed Kurt Jr, Kurt III, and Kurt IV goodbye and finished getting ready. He grabbed a white and navy pair of Adidas… sadly it would be frowned upon for him to wear his Nikes from here on with a big ass endorsement from the other guys, and quickly tied them. Checking himself in the mirror, the teen picked up a Yankees cap and put it on facing forward. It looked weird since his hair had been cut a bit but he looked less skater and more mature, he guessed. It was nice.

On the way downstairs, Blaine noticed the house was quiet. He figured maybe Tumble and Mikey were out for the night and maybe even his aunt and uncle had settled in too.

Blaine pulled at the brim of his cap as he stepped out the door; wallet and keys in his back pockets. The sound of fireworks sounded again and he smiled as the wind hit his face, jogging down the steps and pulling at the hem of his shirt. He looked around the neighborhood before entering Kurt's yard, and it definitely felt great to be back.

He took his keys out again as a car drove by, and unlocked the door. Papa Bear was gone—Blaine wondered if he got sent to his room. Knowing Kurt, he probably did. He closed the door and looked around the home before turning to go up the stairs.

And then he stopped.

Kurt took a few steps down and stopped when he noticed Blaine, too. A smile slowly appeared and Blaine seemed frozen; all until he licked his lips, of course.

"Happy Birthday, Mr. BMX." Kurt said with a grin. He took another step down and Blaine's breath caught in his chest as he took in the outfit his boyfriend was wearing.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday, dear Blaine,

Kurt sang with a smile, still walking down the steps as the locked eyes

Happy Birthday to you

Blaine swallowed hard. That black shirt outlined Kurt's toned body in was that had to break 8 out of 10 commandments and every law in California. "T-Thanks, baby. Wow… you look…"

Kurt smiled as looked down at himself. His mustard colored jeans stuck to him like glue and the black Dolce & Gabbana button-front top was brand new and fit him perfectly. Kurt knew he had to have it and thankfully he knew just the place for a discount.

Thanks to David and his wonderful ladies, of course.

Kurt reached the bottom step and did a quick spin for Blaine, smirking when he saw just where his boyfriend's gaze was focused. "Thank you. You look amazing yourself, handsome. I can definitely approve of the sudden interest in name brands."

Blaine pulled him close by the waist and it wasn't even a second before Kurt's lips were covered by his boyfriend's. His eyes went wide for a second to match his shock but after a moment, he groaned and reciprocated; the pair sexily kissing each other with the pace that said they didn't have anywhere to be right now, which wasn't exactly true, but oh well.

For the second time that night, Kurt found himself trapped against the door and Blaine. He wondered if this was foreshadowing something as he bit his lip; strong hands squeezing his ass and teeth scraping across his pulse point. "Oo, Blaine…"

Blaine held him firmly by the hips and looked up. "Your dad won't like this, but I need people to know…"

Kurt gave him a questioning look before Blaine licked his lips, eyes raking sexily over Kurt's exposed neck. And then the taller teen got his answer when the birthday boy found a spot he liked and sucked down hard.

Holy shit.

Kurt's eyes went wide as he let his head fall back against the door; the boy smiling as Blaine sucked even harder. It hurt a little but it was hot and he wanted this. He wanted to show up at that party and have people know that he was Blaine's and Blaine had done that to him, and Blaine grinding against him at the same time his tongue teased that spot on his neck didn't hurt either.

"Blaine, baby..." Kurt turned his head so that more of his neck was exposed; a sated smile on his face, "yes."

Blaine heard the encouragement and had to tell himself to relax. There was nothing he wanted more than to sink to his knees and hear Kurt make some more of those sounds, but he couldn't. There was the party and whatever else excuse and he'd have to hold off until later.

Kurt was writhing when he pulled away, and he licked his lips with dark eyes as he watched the boy come back down. Kurt took a few deep breaths and looked at him, smiling after a few seconds.

"How does it look?"

Blaine looked from blue eyes down to the dark blemish and ran his fingers across it. He felt Kurt shiver as he responded. "It's beautiful."

Kurt smiled and nodded okay, playfully shoving Blaine away by his abdomen. The teen backed up and took another look at Kurt's outfit, placing his hands in the pockets of his jeans and biting his lip. Kurt walked over to the mirror and looked. There was no doubt about it—the mark was huge but it turned Kurt on, and his dad would probably kick his ass.

"It's perfect."

Blaine turned his cap to the front and pulled it low over his eyes as he took a few steps forward.

"So what do I do to keep the vultures away from you?"

Blaine smirked as he stood behind Kurt, looking in the mirror with him. "You do remember when I told you that your name was tattooed on my heart, right?"

Kurt smiled as he checked his hair, flicking a few strands up. "I remember. Unfortunately, they won't be able to see something figurative, baby."

Blaine smirked as he placed his hands on Kurt's waist. Before he could tell him how wrong he was, there were two quick beeps from outside announcing the guys and girls' arrival.

Kurt turned around and wrapped his arms around Blaine's neck, enjoying this moment of sanity before they were surrounded by drunken people rubbing up on one another. "Let's get this over with so I can have my birthday boy to myself?"

Blaine kissed his jaw line and nodded with a smile. "I like the sound of that."


And just as Kurt suspected, everyone was drunk.

The ride in Nick's Hummer was a preparation for the party, Kurt thought with a smile. After everyone sang Happy Birthday and gave Blaine birthday punches, Nick turned music up and Legacy started shout-singing and screaming over each other in a way that made Kurt want to kick every last one of them. But it was definitely good preparation.

Because everyone was drunk and just as rowdy here.

Well, Shane seemed okay, but according to Justin, he came to school with vodka in a Poland Spring bottle for a majority of their senior year and still made it out with a decent GPA. Couldn't really tell with that one.

And at least there was no Farrah, right?

Blaine smiled as he walked hand in hand through the entrance of Shane's house where his not-so-surprise party was being held. The music was ridiculously loud and Kurt didn't understand how none of the neighbors had complained. His thoughts then went to the people Blaine was saying hey to and the way they looked at their clasped hands when Blaine would say 'thanks' to their birthday wishes. He tried to hold his head high and smile a hello, but part of him was honestly concerned with how the evening could turn out if people didn't want the gay kid who showed up and turned their high school playboy around.

"Happy Birthday!" a girl approached with a drink in hand and half hugged Blaine. He smiled and thanked her before gesturing to Kurt with his free hand.

"This is my boyfriend Kurt. Kurt, Tiara, one of Nick's classmates at Pace."

She smiled at Kurt and shook his free hand, "Nice to meet you, cutie. I gotta get going, congrats on the deal!"

Though Tiara shouted against the music, Blaine still heard her and nodded. He looked around, fist bumping a few people and leading Kurt along the way. Kurt met a guy called Sean that Blaine goes to school with, and another guy named Brian that Blaine used to hustle for money through BMX, and a few chicks who hugged him a little too long for Kurt's liking. But Kurt was patient, and smiled to the people Blaine introduced him to.

By the time they reached the DJ, Kurt didn't hear anything going on really. The music was thumping so hard the floor of Shane's home shook. Blaine ran his mouth somehow though, and the DJ named Lewis smiled as they spoke.

"This is my boyfriend Kurt." Blaine shouted, "We won't stick around too long but…" that was all Kurt could hear. Lewis smiled at him as he fixed his tie, turning the music off and grabbing the microphone.

"Ladies and gentleman of the LBC," Lewis began, and Blaine looked around as the teens turned to face the DJ, "I need your attention. The birthday boy aka Blaine Anderson has entered the building."

Everyone cheered and Kurt rolled his eyes at the females winking over. Lewis quieted them a second later. "I'm not going to make you guys sing happy birthday and embarrass him, but I will deliver a message from him—"

"I got it," Blaine grabbed the microphone, "You see him right here? This is my boyfriend. I better not see any of you getting too touchy-feely—"

"Oh shut up," Naomi walked over and grabbed Kurt away, winking when Blaine smirked at her, "we're dancing. Lewis… will you please?"

Lewis nodded to Nick's girlfriend as she dragged Kurt to the dance floor. A quicker paced song came on and everyone went back to what they were doing—Vickie and Jeff coming over with drinks for everyone.

"I don't think you need to make that announcement with the Texas sized hickey on his neck," Lewis said. Blaine shrugged with an innocent smile, accepting a few wishes from more people.

"What's up bro?"

Blaine looked to his left and smiled at one of his old friends, "Oh, Tommy. What's good? How's everything."

"Everything is everything," the brunette smiled and slapped five with him. "Congrats on the endorsements. Are you too big for JFK High with the rest of us or will I see you in August?"

Blaine smirked and looked over to his boyfriend—the teen laughing as Jeff started grinding against him all before slapping the rambunctious blonde away. "I'm not leaving because I have a little bit of money now if that's what you think."

The teen scratched at his buzz cut and laughed. "Yeah, okay hot shot."

"It's not like that," Blaine said. "I'll always remember where I came from but my baby—Kurt, my boyfriend, he's going to Pace senior year and he wants me to be with him."

Tommy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "You're switching schools because your boyfriend wants you to?"

Blaine looked back at him and nodded. "I want to be with him and he wants me there so yeah. I don't see the problem. If you had someone who felt that way, you'd get it."

The shorter teen shrugged. "I have a girl, but I wouldn't jump because she said jump. Especially if I was as hot as you are right now. You could have any chick in here but you're with a guy."

Blaine bit his tongue to keep from replying how he really wanted to, but made sure they were eye to eye when he did. Tommy took a few steps back and hit the wall, and Blaine unclenched his fist.

"Who I'm with isn't a concern of yours, Tommy. You wise up before that girl of yours leaves you and stay the hell out of my business."

Justin showed up just when Blaine looked as if he'd say what he wanted to initially, "Hey, hey guys! Tommy, Blaine, what's up?"

Blaine calmed down a bit as Justin put an arm on his shoulder and pulled him back. He stared at the teen who was ramrod straight against the wall and didn't stop until he snuck behind Justin and ran off through the crowd of people. Justin smirked and turned to the birthday boy.


"If you see him around Kurt, let me know." Blaine turned back to look for his boyfriend and rolled his eyes when he saw José in their circle, dancing with him. "Here we go."

Justin laughed and leant against the wall, ruffling his golden hair. "José is harmless, let him have fun. You stole Kurt before he could say hello properly."

Blaine rolled his eyes. "He wasn't his to steal."

"Well leave him alone."

Blaine licked his dry lips and looked away. He knew José would behave himself. "You're not drinking, right?"

Justin shrugged.

Blaine looked back at the dance floor. Shane and his girlfriend were practically having sex and he had to look away. "I'm not afraid to tell Quinn on you."

Justin scoffed and waved him off. "I'm not afraid of Quinnie."

Blaine looked at him.

"Fine," Justin shrugged, knowing he didn't want to disappoint her. "I'm not drinking anything. I'm going to wait outside anyway. Teresa had other plans and there's way too much temptation in here, so I'll be better out there."

Blaine nodded. "I'll walk you out there bro," he said, glancing to make sure Kurt and the girls were okay and feeling better when he saw Nick and Jeff over there dancing. "C'mon."


"What's your beef with them exactly?"

Peter put the cigarette out and sat back in the seat, looking out the passenger side window. "I was in Legacy before he showed up, and I'd still be if he hadn't. Simple as that."

Farrah looked out the driver's side and saw Blaine and Justin step back outside. "How did he replace you? He doesn't even know anything about BMX…"

"He didn't replace me, per se, he got me kicked out. I called him a fag and Blaine punched me. Then I was gone."

The girl smirked. "He is a fag."

"Yup," Peter looked at her and smiled. "But he turned your little boyfriend so that's that. Now I'm out of a team and Blaine's making all of this money and getting Legacy a lot of shine that I could've been a part of. But that twink—"

"You wanted to see me. What do I have to do?"

Peter glanced away from her thighs and looked up at Blaine reentering the party. Justin pulled out his phone and began to talk. "Your uncle is one of the admission guys at Pace, right?"

Farrah nodded. "Yes, and?"

"And Kurt is auditioning in a couple weeks. I want him to have to spend his senior year with us at JFK High. You know, so I can keep eye on him."

Farrah smiled. "My uncle isn't going to throw an acceptance if that's what you think—"

Peter sat up and leant over the console, his hand on her knee. The girl removed it before glaring at him. "He won't throw an acceptance."

"He will," Peter said. "Or you know that boy you've been trying to get your hands on… the one with the endorsements and the boyfriend who pretty much made him forget you existed?"

She looked outside.

"If we don't break Kurt Hummel, you won't win Blaine Anderson." He sat back and smirked. "I just want the satisfaction of that flame getting what's coming to him. You can't win ateverything and he needs to know that. The both of them do…"

Farrah rolled her eyes. "Blaine isn't losing if that's what you're hinting at."

Peter shrugged. "If he has a little accident he'll lose."

"What would I want with a loser Blaine Anderson?" Farrah turned to look at him and Peter played with his lip ring, "This makes no sense. If you ruin Blaine, I'm not going to want anything to do with him…"

Peter laughed, about to lie his ass off. "Fine. I'll leave Blaine be. You just make sure Kurt doesn't get into Pace and I'll handle everything else. Then the playboy will be yours."

Farrah nodded. She ran a hand through her hair and looked back out at Justin, walking along the yard and still running his mouth on the phone, his cousin Ian skating around him. "Deal."


Girl let me love you
And I will love you
Until you learn to love yourself
Girl let me love you
I know your trouble
Don't be afraid, girl let me help
Girl let me love you

"That looks like it hurts." José said with a smirk. Kurt laughed as he took another drink, swaying to the music. He honestly hoped Jeff hadn't spiked this with a little extra because he was already feeling amazing and after whatever the blonde handed him to drink.

"It's not as bad as you think. It felt good."

José smirked. "I bet it did."

The younger teen rolled his eyes and took in the rest of the party. "Shut up."

It was a typical teen get together, Kurt figured. He never went to anything like this back in Ohio, but being associated with Legacy he figured he may as well get used to it. So far it wasn't so bad. It looked like a scene out of a high school movie, really; there were people drinking and others on top of furniture, a few people in the corner smoking and that one guy who was in nothing but his boxers. The music was really loud on top of everything else but Kurt liked feeling the music move through him.

Naomi laughed at whatever Nick said into her ear as the racer's hand trailed to her waist, the couple rocking to the beat. Jeff and Victoria were lost in their own world as well and Kurt thought that was a good thing because it meant the blond wouldn't be getting his skateboard tossed into street tonight. It hadn't happened since New York, but Blaine could be out of control when he wanted to be.

I can see the pain behind your eyes
It's been there for quite a while
I just wanna be the one to remind you what it is to smile
I would like to show you what true love can really do

José moved closer and continued to move, dancing to match Kurt's swaying. He smiled when the blue eyed boy would move closer as well but not close enough to make it look as if they were really dancing together; just in the vicinity of one another. That was fine with José though. He came to have a good time and this was pretty cool. But then Kurt realized someone watching from the corner of the room, and when he saw that someone smirking over at him, he sent a wink.

Blaine couldn't help but smirk, to be honest. He watched the way Kurt would shimmy his hips and then glance over to him, spinning around in front of José to the beat of the music, and throw his arms into the air when the beat picked up. He saw Kurt look at him and wink, and Blaine licked his lips.

José smiled when he realized what was going on but didn't turn around. "Are you sure that's a good idea."

Kurt bit his lip and pulled José closer, the beat picking up a bit. "Bring it, Suero."

Girl let me love you, baby
Girl let me love you
Let me love you, girl let me love you, baby

For every heart that beats
For every heart that beats
For every heart that beats
For every heart that beats

José shook his head but did it anyway. He pulled Kurt against him and swayed to the music, praying that Blaine didn't bring a weapon as Kurt swayed with him. But getting a concussion would be worth it for this. Blaine owed him this at least. The jerk.

As Blaine folded his arms and watched Kurt move; his boyfriend smirking over at him every few seconds and winking, Blaine smiled and nodded.

"Two can play that game, Hummel."

He reached out his hand and spun a girl into him, the girl obviously shocked at being whirled around. "Oh… Blaine! What're you—"

"It's my birthday, sweetheart." He smiled and she almost melted into a puddle of goo. "Dance with me?"

Kurt bit his lip when he noticed. Motherfucker.

The beat picked up again. People shouted along to the lyrics. Jeff started showing off as per usual as he spun Vickie around and did a few dance moves of his own. She laughed and pulled him into her as they continued to move.

When Nick looked over to see a girl grinding on Blaine, and then to see one of Jose's arms around Kurt as they held their cups in the air and danced, he only rolled his eyes and turned back to his girlfriend.

"Here we go."

Blaine looked down at the girl as she worked her hips and he held her waist, smirking and glancing over to Kurt who smirked back, his arms working their way around José's broad shoulders. Blaine watched him for a moment and the song changed.

You and I go hard at each other like we're going to war.
You and I go rough, we keep throwing things and slamming the door.
You and I get so damn dysfunctional, we stopped keeping score.
You and I get sick, yeah, I know that we can't do this no more.

Kurt looked José in the eyes as the rhythm changed, their movements doing the same. The people around them sang the lyrics as they drunkenly jumped up and down. Blaine felt an arm go around his neck as the girl urged him closer against her; his chest flush with her back. Blaine pressed their faces together and slid his hand over the front of her skirt as she played in the curls exposed beneath his cap.

Yeah, but baby there you go again, there you go again, making me love you.
Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head, let it all go.
Got you stuck on my body, on my body, like a tattoo.
And now I'm feeling stupid, feeling stupid, crawling back to you.

So I cross my heart and I hope to die
That I'll only stay with you one more night
And I know I said it a million times
But I'll only stay with you one more night

Kurt watched closely and felt a bit green. He knew that was ridiculous, but maybe it wasn't. Blaine was supposed to be touching him like that, not some random girl whose name he was positive Blaine didn't even know. He looked away and at the plaid of José's terribly Southern California boy screamingshirt, playfully grinding himself against him to the beat of the song. The Latino gulped and his eyebrows shot up.

Please don't, he thought.

Try to tell you "no" but my body keeps on telling you "yes".
Try to tell you "stop", but your lipstick got me so out of breath.
I'll be waking up in the morning, probably hating myself.
And I'll be waking up, feeling satisfied but guilty as hell.

The girl gasped as she felt Blaine's hands clenching around her. She looked back and saw him not even paying her any mind; his eyes focused across the floor where Kurt was dancing with the lifeguard guy. She rolled her eyes, feeling rather used—but then again every girl here wanted Blaine to use them if she could be honest with herself.

Kurt noticed Blaine watching him and smiled, his hands slipping down to José's ass. Blaine couldn't see exactly, but he did see the change of positioning in Kurt's arms and sighed.

"I realize you two are trying to make each other jealous and that's cool but please don't give me an erection."

Kurt smirked, slowing down the pace of his grinding. "Don't act like you aren't over here making Ian jealous. We're helping each other right now."

José smirked and nodded. "Fair game… but this isn't going to end well."

Kurt laughed now. "For me it will."

Yeah, baby, give me one more night

Blaine licked his lips as he watched Kurt, the girl working her hips slower now. He didn't seem to react and she rolled her eyes, turning around to face him. Blaine looked away and down to her, smiling a bit when he saw her.


"Cut it," she smiled and gestured over with her head—blonde hair falling off her shoulders, "your boyfriend is gorgeous and yet you're over here ignoring me. You can ignore me while you dance with him, can't you?"

Blaine glanced over again and saw Kurt watching them curiously. He turned back around as the song began to come to a close. "You probably think I'm a jerk."

"I've known you since sophomore year. We made out once and you don't even remember me. I know you're a jerk."

Blaine's face fell. "I'm sorry—"

"Is there a reason you're over here and not over there?"

Blaine glanced over and shrugged. "He's being a dick right now."

She laughed and Kurt continued to watch them. "You should probably get a dance in before the cops shut this down, birthday boy. I'm going to dance with someone who knows I'm here…"

Blaine nodded, smiling at her as she backed away. "Thanks… and sorry…."

Yeah, but baby there you go again, there you go again making me love you.
Yeah, I stopped using my head, using my head, let it all go.
Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

"They're doing this on purpose you know."

Blaine crossed his arms and nodded rather obviously. "No shit. You should go ask him to dance."

Ian smirked, taking another sip of his beer and watching Kurt and José dance a bit more casually now. "Who? Kurt?"

Blaine rolled his eyes, picking up his cup of soda and finishing what was left of it. "Don't be a smart ass, Palmers."

Ian smiled and put the bottle down on the table, slapping Blaine on the back as patronizingly as he always did and started to walk off. "Happy birthday kid."

Blaine ignored him of course.

David sat on the sofa watching two girls make out with a smile before they both started kissing him. Blaine rolled his eyes as he looked away from him and back to Kurt; the teen smirking at José when Ian walked up and pulled him flush against him.

"Have fun."

José would've responded but Ian started whispering something in his ear that must've been nice.

Blaine went to stand against the wall as Lewis put on something a bit slower. He saw Kurt glancing around for him and smiling when he finally found him, moving through people and sauntering over.

Blaine licked his lips and watched his boyfriend approach. He was too sexy and he fucking knew it, and that's what made it even hotter.

The beat continued to play as Lewis spoke over the microphone. Kurt stopped in front of Blaine and put his thumbs in the front pocket of his jeans—they were the only things that would fit with how tight they were, and crooked his hip to the side as he smiled.

"So. Fun party."

Blaine nodded, looking up possessively over Kurt's legs and then up to the hickey on his neck. "It's ok. We're about to walk home. I don't think I'll wait for the guys tonight…"

Kurt's eyes darkened as he stared at Blaine and the biker felt goose bumps on his skin.

"Who was your friend?"

Blaine reached his hand out and pulled Kurt into him; his hand sliding into the boy's back pockets. "She wasn't you."

Kurt smiled. "I know that."

As the lyrics finally began to play, Blaine stood up off the wall and held Kurt close to him. Kurt looked him in the eyes and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck and pulled him in; their noses touching as Blaine's lips ghosted over his.

These lips can't wait to taste your skin, baby, no, no
And these eyes, yeah, can't wait to see your grin, ooh ooh baby
Just let my love
Just let my love adorn you
Please baby, yeah

You gotta know
You gotta know
You know that I adore you

Blaine's lips moved to Kurt's neck as they slowly danced, grinding against one another. Kurt bit his lip even though he could've moaned out loud here and no one would even hear but Blaine. The elder's hands palmed Kurt's ass, rubbing as their hips moved against one another's. Then there were Blaine's lips kissing the hickey and Kurt threw his head back as they danced.

Baby these fists will always protect ya, lady
And this mind, oh, will never neglect you, yeah, baby, oh, baby
And if they try to break us down don't let that affect us, no, baby
You just gotta let my love
Let my love
Let my love adorn you
Just let it dress you down

"You know," Blaine whispered against his skin, "that little show you put on was cute."

Kurt smiled as they rocked back and forth to the song. Blaine's hands were pretty much claiming everywhere they could reach and he kissed the elder on the ear, whispering into it afterwards.

"That show you put on with what's her face was adorable."

Blaine bit his lip and grinded forward, Kurt's fingers curling into his hair.

"I would've gotten jealous, but I know what's mine."

Blaine smirked and began to kiss his ear now, grinding slow to the melody. When Kurt felt hands squeezing him roughly, he groaned aloud and thrust up, digging into Blaine's shirt when he was forced against the wall.

He also made a mental note to flirt with other people more often.

The same way that the stars adorn the skies yeah
The same way that my whole world's in your eyes

Just let
Let my love adorn you baby

"So you're saying you weren't jealous?"

Kurt found it cute than Blaine had a hint of disbelief to his question. Why would he be jealous? Please.


Blaine smiled, "You're a liar." He held his head up and kissed him feverishly as they grinded against one another. Kurt's tongue forced its way into this mouth and Blaine sucked on it, snapping his hips forward harder. It felt too good. "You were hardly looking at José at all."

Kurt let his head fall back against the wall. Everywhere Blaine's lips went made him harder and he didn't know how he'd make it home. Tipsy and horny and walking for 10 minutes didn't sound so appealing. "You were hardly looking at her."

"Because I was too busy thinking about fucking your brains out for dancing with him like that."

Kurt's nails dug into Blaine's back and he moaned; the teen palming his hard on through the jeans he wore made his toes curl in his boots. "Oh god…"

"But that won't happen again, no matter how adorable it was." Blaine said with a smirk into his ear. He kissed his cheek and pulled away, leaving Kurt against the wall and winking.

"Meet me upstairs in five minutes."

Kurt watched him turn and walk through the crowd before looking down at himself. He'd have to walk through a bunch of people with an erection to get to the stairs. His boyfriend was an asshole.

He put his hands over his crotch and began to walk. People looked up and moved aside—those who remembered Blaine's warning of course. Other people stared at him disdainfully and Kurt sighed, pushing through them.

He reached the steps and waved away the smoke, coughing a bit as he quickly went up the steps. It was dark and he didn't like it at all.

Another song came on as Kurt stepped over someone passed out atop the staircase. He rolled his eyes and looked down the hall, a small light at the end the only source of light at all. As he walked towards it he was grabbed and pushed against the wall—yelping because not only did it scare the shit out of him, but it was rougher than necessary.

Blaine smirked and his hand returned over Kurt's bulge; the boy buckling against him.

"Oh… Blaine you scared the shit out of me."

Blaine palmed him harder, stroking as much of the length as he could through the tight jeans. He watched his boyfriend writhe against the wall and bite his lip. "Baby… we'll get caught…"

And then Blaine sank to his knees.

Kurt looked around the dark hallway and sighed; eyes closing when he was freed from his jeans. "Baby… we're in the hallway-oh like that…"

Blaine smirked, kissing the head of Kurt's cock. "Shut up unless you're moaning for me not to stop… thanks."

"You should know you can't shut up Kurt Hummel. I know we've been…god… we've been apart for a couple… oh Blaine yes… for over a couple weeks but I won't be silenced—Blaine…" his head hit the wall with a thud, and Kurt grinned as he thrust forward into Blaine's warm accepting mouth, "I really missed you…"

Blaine pulled off with a pop, smirking as pulled Kurt's underwear down a bit more. "And I missed you,Hummel." he flickered his tongue over the precome a few times until Kurt was looking down at the action and winked, parting his lips and sucking over his cock.

Kurt bit his lip as a Rihanna song played downstairs, nodding his head to the beat. Blaine's nose touched his midriff with how deep he was sucking him and Kurt watched him; bottom lip worried between his teeth as he took off Blaine's hat, running his fingers through the hair still wet from his shower.

"So good, baby," Kurt looked up to make sure no one was there and relaxed, closing his eyes and fisting some of Blaine's locks, guiding him up and down his cock, "Yes…"

Blaine allowed Kurt to use him as he swirled his tongue around, pressing it into the underside along the vein. Kurt's cock pulsed in his mouth as Blaine held his hips against the wall, and the teen started to sing along to the song playing as Blaine hummed with him.

"I'm close…" Kurt sighed, holding the back of Blaine's head in place as the rider looked up at him with a smirk. "Suck me."

And Blaine did. He relaxed his throat and put one hand around the base of Kurt's long, wet cock, deepthroating him with closed eyes and humming against the tip of his dick. Kurt felt his gut tighten and his legs go weak at the same time someone stood atop the stairs, watching them.

"Oh fuck… I'm coming, Blaine… I, baby."

Shane crossed his arms, his girlfriend behind him as the couple watched Kurt slide down to the floor. Blaine stayed on his knees looking down at Kurt and wiping his lips.

"Get out!"

Blaine turned around and saw the couple staring at them, laughing when he saw the look on Shane's face. "Oh hey…"

Shane through an empty cup and Blaine and Kurt smiled, trying to fix himself. "We're going, we're going."

"You can laugh now," Shane walked by and kicked Blaine in the ass "but when Amber and I are getting busy at your beach house one day, don't say anything."

Blaine wiped his mouth again as Shane's bedroom door closed behind him. He looked at Kurt; the teen biting his tongue not to laugh, and the two burst out, doubling over as they did just that.

"Thanks for throwing me the party!"

It was good to be back.


"How does it taste?"

Blaine held two thumbs up as he chewed his breakfast, reclining back in Kurt's bed. "It's amazing. You know you didn't have to cook breakfast for me babe."

Kurt smiled as he took a bit of strawberry. "It's not exactly breakfast since we slept until 1. And I had this planned out for a while. Kisses, food, and then you'll open gifts."

Blaine smiled as he rubbed his hands up and down Kurt's legs. This was pretty hot. Kurt straddled him and fed him every bite—the boy shirtless and his hickey as clear as day. If there was any time that he felt spoiled it was definitely now.

Kurt forked a few home fries onto the utensil and lifted it to Blaine's lips, smirking when Blaine slowly opened his mouth and took it in. "Do you have to make everything sexual?"

Blaine smiled. "Yes."

Kurt rolled his eyes though he saw that coming. "Whatever." He placed the plate down and Blaine held him by the hips as he reached over for their drink, holding the straw to his lips. Blaine licked his own as he watched him, wondering when would be a good time…

"It's getting late and I know we don't want to have to sit through traffic."

He nodded. Perfect. "Yeah. So gifts now?"

Kurt sighed, giving Blaine the cup and watching as he sipped. "Gifts now. Please, if you don't like them…"

"Kurt. Don't even finish that sentence," Blaine told him seriously. He put the cup down and Kurt looked at his boyfriend. He found it weird that Blaine slept in a shirt but didn't mention it. "I love you and everything you lift a finger to do for me. No matter how minimal it may be to you."

Kurt smiled, nodding his head. "I understand babe… I hid your gifts everywhere so we'll have to make stops around the house, but—"

"Me first," Blaine smiled, sitting up and reaching into the pockets of his shorts, "I just—"

"What are you doing?"

Blaine tried not to laugh at Kurt's face. "I'm—"

"You are not giving me a gift on your birthday." Kurt told him seriously. That was a 'don't fuck with me face' if Blaine had ever saw one. He licked his lips, tilting his head a bit and smiled.

"Not even on our one month anniversary?"

Kurt looked from Blaine's hazel eyes to the box in his hand, sitting still on Blaine's thighs as he'd been previously. He held Kurt's gaze and began to speak.

"We met June 1st," Blaine said, "well… the second time we met was June 1st," he told him with a smile. "On the second, I punched a guy in the face over you, and we cuddled on your couch and fell asleep. On June 3rd, we kissed for the first time and you turned my world upside down in the best way possible. And on June 4th, you told me you'd be mine," Blaine rubbed his thumb over Kurt's hip and the boy had yet to move, though there was the slightest blush on his beautifully pale cheeks. "Three days after we met, I'd smothered you until the point where you actually believed being my boyfriend was a good idea, and one month later," Blaine opened the box and Kurt's eyes left his to look down, "I'm wishing you a happy anniversary and praying for many more months. Years, really."

Kurt's eyes looked down at the bracelet and he shook his head. "Blaine… that's a diamond—"

"Baby," Blaine spoke softly, "look at me."

Kurt looked up as asked though Blaine could see the hesitance in his eyes.

"I know you'll ask me how much it was and complain about it if I were to tell you, which I'm not," he smiled, "but yes it's a diamond bracelet, and yes I got it because I know you'd love it… I got it engraved with a message just for you and if you don't accept it, it would break my heart."

Kurt took a deep breath. He loved this kid more than he knew. "I didn't bring the fact that it was our one month anniversary up because I didn't know if you thought it was dumb to celebrate that, and here you are giving me a diamond bracelet…"

"Please," Blaine held his gaze and smiled softly, pleadingly. "Just wear it today if you don't want to wear it all the time. I guess I did go a little over the top…"

Kurt shook his head. "I love it, I do. I just… wasn't expecting it. But I love it."

Blaine smiled.

"What does it say?"

The previously named Tumbles walked into Kurt's room and looked around as the teen pulled the bracelet out. His name was now Diesel, as Blaine explained to Kurt, because he was 'bad ass'. Of course Kurt rolled his eyes, but he could get with Diesel over Tumbles. At least when the boxer grew larger he'd grow into his name.

But back to the bracelet.

It was stunning, and fucking expensive, but Kurt remembered seeing something like that in the jewelry department at Macy's when he went with David. It was beautiful.

"Here," Blaine turned it upside and held it up for Kurt to see. "Moulin Rouge quote," he said with a shy laugh. "I know that you, Jeff, and Nick watched it about five times when I was gone."

Kurt smiled. He held Nick when he sobbed. "I love that movie."

Blaine nodded. "Look."

Seasons may change
Winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

Kurt read the words.

And then there was a tear in his eye.

"There's more," Blaine said. "Another thing I did in New York… the first trip me and Don took when we first left, not the most recent one. I … I don't know how you'll feel about it."

Kurt wiped his eye and Blaine smiled, leaning in to kiss a tear trailing down his cheek.

"I love you." he whispered against his skin, smiling when Kurt pulled him closer. "Let me put it on your wrist?"

Kurt nodded. He held out his wrist for Blaine and the teen took the jewelry, slipping it around his boyfriend's slender wrist and fastening it. Kurt smiled as a thank you.

"I love you too, baby. Thanks… I—"

"It's fine. I have another thing to show you and then we can open mine, okay?"


Kurt sat back on Blaine's legs again and took a deep breath. He looked down at the amazing bracelet on his wrist and Blaine took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he prepared to take off his shirt.

But fuck was he nervous.


Blaine opened his eyes and decided to face the music. He didn't know what he'd do if Kurt thought it was totally creepy… and damn he should've talked to him about this first… because this was permanent, and shit this might mess things up—


Kurt looked worried now. Blaine licked his lips, laying back down and smiling coyly.

"I did something in New York and this is probably the most over the top, maybe even stupid thing anyone has ever done as a first month anniversary gift, but you have to understand how I see it."

Kurt listened closely. Diesel heard Mikey squeal downstairs and got up to leave the room.

The elder smiled nervously which ultimately made Kurt nervous. Then he saw the panic and shook his head, finally sitting up and pulling the t-shirt up over his torso, tossing it away a second later.

Kurt's eyes went wide as he found it. There, as plain as day on Blaine's chest was a tattoo.


He simply looked. Blaine licked his lips and tried to read his face. It had healed a bit at this point but he kept a thin coating of ointment over it as recommended by his tattoo artist Adam.

"Oh my gosh."

Blaine closed his eyes. It was too much.

Then Kurt trailed his finger around his chest, outlining the tat and probably trying to assess if it was real.

"I know," Blaine said, "what if we break up, right?" he opened his eyes and looked at him, "People will tell me I'm dumb for tattooing a lover's name on my chest, and maybe it is, but I don't consider you my lover. You're the love of my life, my soulmate, and I marked your name on my chest to profess that. I have your name tattooed over my heart forever, Kurt."

Kurt looked up into Blaine's eyes as he took in everything that was said. He said that Kurt was the love of his life, and that they were soulmates. He said he was marked. Blaine marked himself as Kurt's. As his.

Kurt felt his heart soar, and then he leant in and kissed Blaine softly; their lips barely touching but making contact in the best way possible.


Blaine opened his eyes when Kurt sat up again, straddled on top of him as he looked at the tattoo.

"What if we break up?"

Blaine smiled. It was the question. "You're going to be my husband one day."

Kurt looked down at the tattoo. "I'm not going to lie and say I don't believe that with my whole heart, because I do. But you know what our parents and family will say. What if it doesn't work out?"

Blaine licked his lips; his hands rubbing over Kurt's arms. "Then I have the love of my life and my best friend's name tattooed on my body forever. At least it'll be a warning to anyone who takes interest in me that it won't work out between us because I belong to a Kurt," he smiled, "and if you were to find someone else, I'd just pull off my shirt in front of them and tell them they're wasting their time."

"You're an idiot," Kurt said with a laugh.

"We're meant to be together," Blaine told him, smiling at the sound of the beautiful giggle. "You just don't fall in love with a guy twice and not spend all of eternity with him. Whoever has a problem with it can take a swim because I did it for you and for me, baby."

Kurt smiled and nodded. He continued to stare at the tattoo and he really loved it.

"I want one."

Blaine shook his head no with a smile. "You don't have to get one."

"I didn't say I had to," Kurt told him. His name was on Blaine Anderson's chest. This was… wow. "I know I don't have to. I want to."

Blaine's hands trailed up and down Kurt's thighs. "Your dad will kill you, and we both know you're going into show business. You don't want tattoos—"

"There's makeup," Kurt told him. "And if anyone gets to call you dumb for saying you belong to me, they can call me dumb for feeling the same way. I belong to you, right?"

"You know you're mine," Blaine told him.

"My dad may call us stupid, but it's between us. He didn't even look twice at the hickey from last night and I was sure he'd have a reaction to it."

Blaine sat up and held Kurt around the waist so he wouldn't fall over. "I'll let you think on it some more. After this weekend when the competition is over we'll revisit the topic. At least before I have to leave again… it'll only be a couple days this time but if you still want it, we'll go before I leave."

Kurt smiled and kissed him again, and Blaine let him have his way before the younger teen pulled away.

"I have a couple things for you. I'm kind of nervous but, I hope you like it. I love everything you got me."

Blaine smiled and leant back onto his hands, watching Kurt reach over to his iPhone. "You're giving me your iPhone?"

Kurt rolled his eyes and kissed him again quickly. "No, silly. I … Blaze, when we first spoke, told me about this studio he has for his music. He let me use it for one of your gifts and I recorded a song for you. Put on your headphones."

Blaine obeyed, excited to hear what this was. "You sang a song for me?"

Kurt smiled and scrolled to it. "I had trouble deciding on a song but I hope you like this. It makes me think of you and me, hands down."

Blaine smiled, already excited. Honestly, Kurt could've recorded himself singing The Thong Song and he would've adored it. "I'm ready."

Kurt sighed. "If you don't like it—"

Blaine huffed, "Kurt."

"Ok." Kurt smiled and pressed play, sitting back and watching Blaine. He hid his nerves well as the song began, and Blaine closed his eyes, taking in the melody.

At last
My love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song

Oh yeah yeah
At last

The skies above are blue
My heart was wrapped up in clover
The night I looked at you

The voice gave him chills. It made him fall in love with every word. Every word caused him to fall deeper in love with Kurt Hummel.

The song choice, the way Kurt nervously looked at him as the music and voice entered his ear, all of it made Blaine fall even deeper in love.

How the hell was that possible?

Kurt watched him hopefully. He couldn't tell what was going on in Blaine's head as the teen held him by the waist, wearing a huge pair of headphones and looking down at the ring Kurt was wearing.

Please like it.

I found a dream, that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known

Oh yeah yeah
You smiled, you smiled
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in heaven
for you are mine...

At Last

The music ended and Blaine swallowed, removing the headphones from his ears and looking up at Kurt.

And god, were those eyes beautiful.

Kurt felt his heart try to stop and speed up at the same time. He smiled softly, and Blaine grabbed him gently around the nape of his neck to pull him forward.

Their lips met and Kurt could've lived in that moment forever. He breathed out through his nose and relaxed as Blaine controlled it, chastely kissing him and rubbing his cheek.

At last. Blaine couldn't agree with the song more. They found each other and they were done. They were in love, and Blaine had the dreamy voice singing the lyrics to remind him that whenever he pressed play. It was the best gift he'd ever gotten.

When they pulled away, Blaine kept their eyes on each other and spoke.

"I can't even begin to express how much I love this. How do you even think of any of this? My…" Blaine shook his head, "you're amazing. I don't even deserve any of this, or you, but—"

Kurt put a finger to his lips until Blaine stopped talking. Then, he kissed him sweetly. "Are you happy?"

Blaine scoffed and looked down at the iPhone. "I'm ecstatic. You need to put the song on my phone… I'm listening to it every single night you aren't with me and I swear I'll wake up just as happy as I went to sleep. This is the best thing you could've done…"

Kurt couldn't have been happier. He definitely made note to thank Blaze for the help. "There's another thing… well two, and then we should leave before traffic picks up…"

Blaine nodded, not sure if he could handle another gift from Kurt. He honestly felt like he didn't deserve any of this. He was much too happy and way too in love for a guy like him and he didn't understand…

"Remember our date to the garage?"

Blaine smiled. "Five minute date? We talked about our stupid familes…"

Kurt smiled. "Yeah… and you told me that Uncle Don was going to get rid of your dad's piano because it wasn't any good anymore."

Blaine nodded. "I stole a few keys off of it since I knew they'd be taking it while we were traveling. Why do you bring it up though?"

Kurt got up and went to his closet. Blaine watched him curiously. "My coworker Steve has a friend whose dad makes instruments. I got him use the wood from your father's piano," he pulled out a perfectly polished guitar, "to make this."

Blaine stared, moving over on the bed. "That's … that's made from dad's piano?"

Kurt smiled and held it up. "Well yeah, the bridge is too. He did great with what I gave him I think."

Blaine stood up; his eyes focused on the guitar. He touched the wood and a tear left his eye.

"Kurt. Baby."

Kurt lifted the strap and put it over Blaine's shoulder. His boyfriend looked down at the instrument and put his fingers along the strings, smiling as he strummed.

It sounded beautiful.

And the wood grain automatically made him think of Senior. It was the exact color and it even felt like the wood Blaine would run his fingers across, looking up at his dad as the man smiled down at him and played. He wasn't the best singer but Blaine never minded.

This was amazing.

"I don't even know what to say."

Kurt smiled. "Don't say anything. Just promise to keep writing songs and play beautiful melodies, and I know Ari and your father will hear it up in heaven."

Blaine smiled, the tear dropping down onto his hand as he looked at it. Kurt felt his heart warm at the sight, and he moved close to dry it away.

"I love you, and I'm happy you're happy."

Blaine nodded, lifting the guitar up and over his head. He turned and sat it down on the bed, and Kurt was about to take him to show him his bike when Blaine spoke.

"Let's get out of here."

Kurt licked his lips and gestured to the door, "I have another thing… it's hiding out in the basement."

Blaine shook his head and turned to face him, "The only thing I want right now is you. Whatever else there is, we can look at it later. I just need you."

Kurt closed his eyes as Blaine's hands found his hips, the boy's mouth on his a second later. It was time.


"I want you to make love to me."

Blaine closed his eyes and opened them a second later. Kurt stood there watching him; his hand glazing over the tattoo on Blaine's chest.

"I'm ready." Kurt repeated. He looked up from the tattoo and smiled softly, the action making Blaine's heart speed up.


Blaine took him by the hand. They walked towards the tent near the cliffs, the fire that he'd set up earlier still going strong. Kurt had goose bumps all over his skin, and it had little to do with the cool weather by the beach and more to do with the fact that they were actually doing this.

They were about to go all the way. No turning back now.

Blaine took a deep breath and let Kurt's hand go. He unzipped the tent and slipped inside onto their sleeping bags, looking around the space and trying to calm his nerves. Kurt crawled in next to him wearing a shy smile and placing a kiss to his lips.

"We should relax, right?" he asked.

Blaine nodded. That was much easier said than done. He turned the radio on and it was a little static-y, but they could hear a song playing in the background. Kurt got comfortable, lying back against the pillows, and Blaine looked down at him before zipping the tent partially closed.

"How are we… are…" Blaine licked his lips and shook his head with a nervous laugh, making Kurt smile at him as well. He couldn't believe he was bumbling over his words like this, but then again, he could. This was Kurt Hummel who he was about to make love to for crying out loud. "I'm trying to ask how you'd like to do this… we haven't talked about it much. Do you want me to top or do you want to?"

Kurt raised his eyebrow at the question but smiled. He assumed that was the way it was going to go and he wanted it that way, anyway. "I didn't even know you'd consider bottoming," he licked his lips and it made Blaine stare at the action, "you're pretty much fingering me every chance you get."

Blaine laughed; a slight blush on his cheek; the fire from just outside lighting up their shelter just enough to see every expression. "I didn't want to assume how you wanted your first time to go."

"Our first time," Kurt sat up now as he spoke. He put his hand on Blaine's face and kissed him sweetly. "I want my first time to be with the man I'm in love with, and I want him to make love to me."

Blaine looked him in the eyes and Kurt was closing in for another kiss. This time, he didn't pull away.

Slowly, Blaine urged them back to lie on the sleeping bag. Kurt's head touched the pillow and he relaxed, allowing Blaine to take control. He trusted him completely and knew that this would be everything he hoped it would be and more, and he could honestly say he was happy they waited. This moment was absolutely perfect.

Blaine's mind was racing like crazy.

There were doubts. A lot of doubts.

What if it wasn't good for Kurt? Not only had he never been with another guy before, but Kurt hadn't been with anyone at all. He didn't want to let him down in any way.

What if he let him down?

Kurt felt Blaine's lips slow down against his as the teen tensed up above him. He opened his eyes, pulling back and giving him a curious look—his heart immediately paining in his chest.

"W-What's wrong?"

Blaine rolled off of Kurt and looked up to the top of the tent.

"Blaine?" Kurt took a deep breath, "If you don't want to—"

"I…" Blaine shook his head, "I definitely want to do this, I'm just—"

"Anxious?" Kurt asked. Blaine turned to face him and saw the concern in his eyes. "Nervous? Scared out of your mind?"

Blaine nodded. "What if I'm not what you expected it to be? What if I bore you to death, or hurt you… I'm probably going to come after 13 seconds just feeling you around me and I'd hate to disappoint you."

Kurt waited to see if he was finished before speaking. "What if I'm nothing compared to the girls you were with?" he voiced.

Blaine shook his head no. "Baby, everything I've ever experienced with you has been 100 times better than anything I've experienced with anyone from my past."

Kurt sat up and nodded. "So why should this be any different? And if you come in 13 seconds, what difference is that going to make?"

Blaine licked his lips; his eyes returning skyward. "Kurt. Everyone wants their first time to be amazing. Me coming in 13 seconds would ruin that without a doubt for you and you know it—"

"You love me, and I love you, and whatever happens tonight will be special to me for the rest of our lives, Blaine." Kurt straddled him and smiled as he leant over his face until they had eye contact. "Hi."

Blaine smiled, watching Kurt's face. "Hi beautiful."

"Do you want this?" Kurt asked him, "Because I don't want to doubt that you want this—"

Blaine sat up quickly and held Kurt against him; the two eye to eye. "I want this more than life, Kurt. I've thought about this moment so many times in my head, and the thought that I could mess it up is scaring the shit out of me."

Kurt nodded, understanding completely. "I'm scared too. You have all of this experience and the most I've done is everything you've walked me through."

Blaine watched Kurt's lips as they moved. "You shouldn't be scared."

Kurt smiled, looking at the ring he wore as he brushed his fingers through Blaine's curls. "Why shouldn't I? You're Blaine Anderson, Mr. BMX. It's your birthday, and the fourth of July, and we're here alone about to do something that will change our relationship. I think I should be scared."

"I love you."

Kurt looked him in the eyes.

Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and pulled him closer on top of him. "You shouldn't be scared because this means so much to me, that you would be here with me, giving me this amazing birthday and trusting me this much to be your first…"

"My only."

Blaine licked his lips as their eyes stayed locked on each other's. "Mine completely. Forever. You're not only giving me an amazing 17th birthday but you're making me happy until I take my last breath."

Kurt nodded. He put his fingers on the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head. Blaine looked him over and his boyfriend noticed how his eyes had darkened as he took him in. "That sounds beautiful."

"I mean it," Blaine told him.

"Then show me."

Kurt moved in and kissed him again, and Blaine hummed as he moved in for more. That bit more wasn't enough, though. He needed more, before he could take it, Kurt smiled and pulled away.

"Show me."

"I will."

He was laid down a minute later. Kurt's head hit the pillow and Blaine's lips left his, moaning as he worked his way down his body. He paid special attention to his neck and then to his chest after that, then to his navel and all the way back up. Kurt panted heavily when Blaine's tongue flicked over his nipples and the boy sucked hard. He didn't think they'd be that sensitive but when Blaine's teeth grazed across the nub, Kurt's threw his head back.

Pretty soon, there were a pair of lips on his abdomen and the sweats of Blaine's that he was wearing were being slid down. This was it. Kurt's heart had never beaten so fast in his life and he knew it was more than just because of the arousal. It was because of the love he felt encompassed in, and he wanted nothing more than to dwell in that love for the rest of his life. Even beyond then.

He knew he wanted Blaine forever.


Blaine closed his eyes and licked over the damp spot in Kurt's briefs. The boy shivered beneath him and looked down; watching with almost grey eyes as Blaine's hand reached around for their bag. And then, with another kiss over the navy briefs, Blaine sat up and put Kurt's legs in the air, kissing his boyfriend's ankle and shin as he pulled them off, inch by inch, bit by bit, licking his lips hungrily when Kurt's cock was freed and already hard against his body.

And Kurt was completely bare for him.

Blaine took a deep breath, letting Kurt's legs fall down on either side of him. He stared at the skin he wanted to map out and groaned at the thought of being inside him—hearing his moans and watching the faces he'd make.

"I want you to ride me."

Kurt's cock twitched against his stomach at the growl of Blaine's voice. He bit his lip and nodded.

"I'd love to."

Blaine looked down at him again before reaching into his bag. He felt eyes watching him as he dug around and pulled out a condom, and then a tiny bottle they'd half used at this point. Kurt's hands trailed along his chest as he watched, taking quick breaths to relax a little and anticipating every moment.

First, Blaine eased out of his shorts. He watched Kurt watch him as he pulled them and his boxers down. Kurt moaned when he saw it, thick and red and leaking, and he wanted to touch it. He just wanted to please him.

Blaine heard Kurt gasp as the younger teen looked his body up and down. Kurt stared at his cock and licked his lips, and Blaine almost dived in right there. But with a quick breath, he took a second to think and regained his composure.

"I know we did this earlier but I promise I won't take too long," Blaine said. Kurt nodded and spread his legs wider.

"Okay, baby."


This was it.

Kurt looked up at the handsome boy between his legs. He saw slicked fingers approaching his entrance and smiled, nodding that he was ready.

"I love you."

Blaine smiled at the words, placing his finger against Kurt's rim and biting his lip at the heat. Shit. "I love you too, beautiful." he said, and then he pressed in.

Kurt closed his eyes and relaxed, enjoying everything Blaine did with that single finger. He circled it inside of Kurt for a minute before adding another finger, this time opening him up a bit more. The stretch wasn't too bad. Kurt had been so tight last night when Blaine fingered him and he'd gotten used to it again.

By the time Blaine pressed in a fourth finger though, Kurt was biting his lip and wincing.

Blaine watched him closely as he pushed his hand as far as he could, wiggling them around and by all means avoiding where Kurt was pleading for him to touch. As his boyfriend seemed to adjust and eventually started thrusting up against the intrusion, Blaine groaned. His own neglected cock wanted to be inside him so bad,

"When you're ready I'll—"

"Please…" Kurt opened his eyes and looked at Blaine, already sweating as he writhed against the sleeping bag. "Please baby… I'm ready."

Blaine looked at Kurt one last time before easing his fingers out. He tried to smile but the nerves were hitting him again, and shit this moment would change his life, he knew it. "You're ready…."

Kurt nodded hard as he sat up, leaning on his elbows. "Kiss me, Blaine."

Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in

Blaine nodded and leant in, staring at Kurt's lips as he did so. Their mouths covered each other's and their eyes closed shut; the moment far too perfect for the both of them.

Fireworks shot off as Blaine hummed into Kurt's mouth. He sucked on the boy's tongue and breathed out through his nose; Kurt's hands moving around on top of their sleeping bag for the condom.

Lie down with me

Blaine's back hit the fabric and he rested his head against the pillows, closing his eyes as Kurt knelt beside him. The condom was ripped open as Kurt put it to his lips, pulling the latex out and exhaling hard.

And then he threw one leg over Blaine's and sat on his thighs; their bare skin touching.

With focused, coffee colored eyes, Blaine watched as shaky hands rolled the condom over his cock. He grabbed the base and held it steady; their eyes meeting for a second as Kurt's hands worked. The boy smiled shyly and looked back down at his work, sighing and stroking Blaine's length.

"Oh…" Blaine closed his eyes; grabbing Kurt's thighs and urging him closer. "C'mon."

Kurt nodded and grabbed the lube, pouring some into his palm. "Just a moment, baby."

And hold me in your arms

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kurt sat back on Blaine's thighs to stop him from thrusting up as he rubbed the lube over Blaine's cock. The teen bit his lip and his hands clutched into the pillows behind his head. The longer this went on, the shorter he'd last.

"Kurt, I need you baby…"

His eyes opened and he sat up now, leaning onto his elbows and watching. Kurt nodded, wiping his hands on the covers and taking another breath.

"I'm so happy I'm here with you," he told him sincerely.

Blaine smiled, nodding his head. "There's no one else on earth I'd rather be with."

And now, the moment was here.

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved

Kurt knelt above Blaine, their eyes locked on one another as their hearts raced. Blaine rubbed his thigh softly with one hand before trailing it up to his hip. With a small smile, he whispered the words they both were thinking.

"I'm so in love with you."

Kurt sank down a bit lower and his breathing hitched when the tip of Blaine's cock was against his hole. "I love you, Blaine Alexander."

And then he moved lower.

This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Blaine bit his tongue as he threw his head back, already breathing heavily. "Oh my god, Kurt."

He was so tight. The heat covered the tip of his cock and Kurt stopped; his hands in his hair as he tried to get used to the burn. He knew it would hurt but he didn't expect this, exactly.

Please get better, he thought, thanking the heavens that Blaine was patient even though it sounded like he was dying.

"Holy… I… Kurt you're so fucking tight…please I—"

And then Kurt was zoning out again. He had his eyes squeezed shut as his body got used to the burn and the stretch, sinking a bit deeper a moment later.

With time it got better. It did hurt like a bitch, but in a weird way, it felt good.

Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my baby

Kurt put a hand on Blaine's chest and rubbed tenderly, calming his babbling boyfriend down a bit. As he opened his eyes to look at him, he bottomed out and spread his legs until he was completely filled, both of them moaning out at the feeling.

Blaine couldn't help but collapse down again, and the action caused him to shift inside Kurt, the teen's eyes rolling back when Blaine touched that spot inside of him.


Kurt's gasped after shouting, not expecting the movement or the mind blowing pleasure that struck him in that second. He steadied himself by placing his hands on Blaine's chest, taking a few breaths with closed eyes.

Blaine listened to him moan as he rubbed from Kurt's knees to his waist, trying to relax his boyfriend and his own racing heart. He took a few breaths as Kurt steadied his hips.

"Okay… okay baby." the elder stared, "Just let me know when you're ready."

Kurt nodded, still taking deep breaths. As he felt that he was ready, he bit his lip and raised himself up a bit, slowly dropping down again. Blaine's eyes slowly closed as his chest rose and fell beneath Kurt's hands, and they both moaned when Kurt lowered himself completely.

"Ride it baby," Blaine's groaned, stroking Kurt's cock, "Take me."

I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

"I'll come," Kurt whined, moving Blaine's hand away, "don't."

Blaine nodded. He instead held him tighter by the hips as Kurt's fingers moved from his chest to his abdomen. It made his nerves go haywire when Kurt grinded above him; slowly working his hips as if he were dancing on top of him. Blaine watched and squeezed his waist hard.

Kurt focused on Blaine's groaning as the boy's grip on him tightened. He couldn't believe that this was happening. He was here making love to a boy on the beach, a boy who he was over the moon in love with, and it was absolutely perfect.

Blaine couldn't agree more.

Their rhythm picked up a moment later. Blaine's hands on his hips helped him bounce up and down slowly but steadily and Kurt practically whined because of the pleasure he felt. Blaine licked his lips as he watched Kurt's reactions and this is exactly what he wanted.

It all made sense. Nothing felt better than this. Giving yourself to someone who you know will cherish you and essentially becoming one with them… that was what Blaine craved. He had it now. He had it with Kurt.

My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed to my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

"Baby, god right there…" Kurt cried out. Blaine leant back and lost all reservation; the little he did have. He thrust up repeatedly and knew he probably shouldn't have, because that only meant he'd be coming hard into the condom and more than likely passing out, but when Kurt leant back on his hands and rode him like that… he couldn't be so upset.

And was he really concerned about lacking experience?

Kurt took Blaine's hand and led it straight to his neglected cock; getting over himself and acknowledging that he needed to come. As Blaine's thumb crossed over the head, swiping up precome to bring to Kurt's lips, Kurt moaned and sucked it into his mouth, focusing on the movement of his hips as he lowered himself repeatedly. Blaine took his hand back and jerked him off hard as he tried to match his movements, though he was closer than he could even understand.

"I love you b-baby," he groaned, snapping his hips up hard and hitting Kurt's prostate, the boy shaking above him. As the boy cried out, he said it again, "I love you."

Kurt watched Blaine's hand on his cock and felt it in his spine when Blaine's dick struck his prostate over and over again; shaking above him in ecstasy as he bounced up and down. His knees were killing him and his thighs burned from exertion. They were sweating, and moaning, and staring into each other's eyes as they drew closer. And the pain mixed with the pleasure was what drove Kurt insane. "I lov-love you, B-Blaine—oh my—Blaine…"



Kurt began to fall back as his orgasm hit him, but Blaine held him steady, cradling his body. He continued to thrust up and stroke the entirety of his length as Kurt came hard, spilling over Blaine's wrist. He cried his name as he felt his body shake, so overcome by love and Blaine altogether at once.

And as Blaine watched him fall apart, he licked his lips and smiled. He was the first to do that to Kurt and he'd be the only. He moved his hips up and down for a few more seconds before it happened to him.

"K-Kurt… oh god."

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved

Kurt looked at Blaine as he noticed he was close… his movements slowing a bit as his eyes rolled back. Kurt sat up and pushed Blaine until he was lying down, the boy's head hitting the pillow as he moaned.


Kurt moved his hips once, grinding against Blaine, and then Blaine's nails dug into his thighs. He came into the condom as his body shook, back arching off the sleeping bag as Kurt helped him through it.

"You're beautiful Blaine…"

Blaine breathed heavily and opened his eyes, watching Kurt look down at him with half closed lids. "Baby… kiss me…"

This feels like falling in love
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Blaine smiled against his lips and Kurt carded fingers through his hair, their eyes opening and looking at one another. There was nothing but love between the two of them, and Kurt smiled, gently easing off of Blaine. Kurt felt empty immediately but Blaine kissed him quickly, washing away all of the anxiety.

As he lay down beside him, he looked up at the top of the tent. Blaine looked over at him and smiled, taking his hand between them.

"Thank you."

Kurt smiled, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. He turned to look at Blaine and shook his head.

"Thank you."

Blaine leant in and kissed him, cupping his face as he did so.

"I love you," Kurt whispered against his lips. "Until the end of time."

Blaine looked into his blue eyes and nodded. "For eternity."

End Notes:

Thanks for reading. Please review. 


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