Aug. 21, 2013, 3:43 p.m.
Aug. 21, 2013, 3:43 p.m.
Will and Blaine were seated in bar stools at a cheap bar joint, the place filled with slurring voices belonging to intoxicated middle aged men who were belting their hearts out to karaoke versions of 80's music on a small, tight fitted stage. Blaine's laughter was the loudest as Will snickered and guzzled down another shot of whiskey, giggling like a young child.
"I swear, Emma would try and clean the entire football stadium if it weren't this 'portable cushion' she brings."
Blaine shakes his head and laughs heartily. "Poor Emma..."
"Hey, she's doing much better, that's all that matters."
Blaine smiles. "I'm glad."
Will calls the bartender over for another shot, and he downs it in a matter of seconds, continuing his giggle spree before he asked, 'So what's up in your corner, Blaine you seem to be liking the teacher gig."
Blaine shrugs, eyeing his shot glass and sighing. "I thought it'd be better, you know? My reality of teaching seniors literature and language isn't exactly what I dreamed it would be."
"Ah, see that's the trick of being stuck in dream world.." Will gave Blaine a sympathetic look. "When I started teaching Glee I thought it would be like re-living my happy-go-lucky past but...instead its like everyday I have to deal with Sue interrupting my rehearsals, Rachel storming out unexpectedly, physical fighting over solo's...it's hell. Oh and not only that, but now I have Rachel hanging on me like a puppy dog."
Blaine raised an eyebrow. "You don't say?"
"She's been crushing on me since her sophomore year here.." Will rolls his eyes. "She won't let it go, I even allowed her to come to my house once after my divorce but...the last thing I wanted to do was be fired."
"Did you..you know...do anything?"
"No of course not. I'm not that crazy to sleep with one of my students." Will chuckles, causing Blaine to laugh nervously and gulp down his shot to calm his nerves.
"Hey, what's on your mind?"
Blaine shook his head, slamming his shot glass down with force. "It's nothing."
"Oh come on, man to man, tell me what's up."
Blaine sighs, running his fingers through his tousled curls. "I don't feel comfortable talking about it."
Will nodded. "I understand, but if you ever-." His phone started to vibrate in his pocket, and he held up a finger before slipping it out and accepting the call. "Hey sweetie." He grinned, and Blaine shot him a smile as he realized who was on the other line. "How are doing stuck at Mckinley?" He waited a moment before glancing at Blaine. "Yeah what's up?." He started to frown. "I-...fine, fine I will. Okay, I love you, bye." He shoved his phone back in his pocket and snorted. "Well you're in deep shit."
Blaine's face fell slightly. "Wait, what?"
"Ms. Pillsbury wants to see you in her office tomorrow, its a dire emergency."
Blaine's breath stuttered. "Why?"
"It deals with Kurt i'm guessing."
Blaine's fingers clenched at the side of the bar. "Wha-....how do you know about Kurt?"
"Well it's just a guess, you're the one who sent him to after school guidance so maybe she want's to have a faculty conversation about his behavior."
Blaine heaved out a sigh, resting his head on his hand. "Right, right you're probably right."
"He could've even spilled something that might've frightened Emma."
Blaine glanced up. "Like what?"
Will shrugged twirling his shot glass around the polished wood of the bar with his finger. "That he has a crush on you."
Blaine paused before snorting. "Will..."
"Oh come on I see the way he looks at you, and I bet you do too.." Will smirks. "It's like he's seeing an angel with his very own pupils, he looks at you as if you're the greatest creation ever placed on earth. He's got a big hard crush on you, and I know it must be scary, I'm dealing with Rachel for god sakes."
Blaine stayed silent, nodding slightly. If only it was just a crush that Blaine could deny. If only.
Will rubbed his shoulder and leaped off the stool. "Welp, you better deal with it before it grows, end it now or forever hold your peace. I wouldn't want to get fired because a teenaged boy snuck into your apartment and you just 'happened' to fall right onto his lips." He tugged Blaine's arm, since he was still sitting on the stool. "Come on, I'll get us a taxi home. We're both too unsteady to drive."
Will practically had to drag a nervous Blaine out of the bar, stumbling and tugging his shirt, while Blaine stayed behind with a cold hard expression, praying to the sky that tomorrow's conference with Emma was just a discussion of Kurt's behavior.
"Come on Kurt answer." Rachel groaned, knocking for what must have been the tenth thousandth time on the Hummel's front door. She waited anxiously before she heard the click of the door, and Kurt opened it with an annoyed expression.
"Do you have any patience woman? I'm trying to take a nap..."
"No time, I need to talk to you." Rachel stormed inside and slammed the door behind her, dragging Kurt down the hallway to his bedroom. She stumbled over her own feet but managed to pull him into the room.
"Rachel what the hell is going on?" Kurt ripped his arm from Rachel's grasp once they were inside, watching with a confused expression as Rachel started to pace around the room, mumbling words to herself while clutching onto her brunette hair. "Are you listening to me?"
"I'm so sorry, Kurt, I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me I just got so nervous I didn't mean to." She continued to babble, her pacing growing faster. Kurt frowned and rushed over to grab her by her shoulders and halt her pacing.
"Rachel what did you do?"
"I'm so sorry I honestly didn't mean to..."
"Rachel!" Kurt shouted, grabbing at the smaller girl's shoulders and looking into her eyes. "What did you do."
Rachel let out a whimper before a tear slid down her cheek. "I am so sorry."
Kurt froze, narrowing his eyes before he rasped out. "You didn't."
Rachel covered her mouth as she let out a sob. "I didn't mean to!"
"Oh my god who did you tell!?"
"Ms. Pillsbury but she made me Kurt! She told me you were in danger of harming yourself and I just don't want to see you get any more depressed than you already are!"
"I'm not depressed you idiot I'm perfectly fine!" Kurt screeched, stepping back to sit on the edge of the bed and bury his face into his hand. "I can't believe this is happening, why would you tell her that!?"
Rachel turned to wipe the tears out of her eyes, facing towards the wall. "Blaine is hurting you, Kurt."
"Oh yeah, says the girl that tried to steal him from me, you just want him for yourself!" Kurt spat, causing Rachel to spin around.
"Excuse me? I was going to protect your secret because we were friends!"
Kurt snorted. "Friends don't spill to guidance counselors that they are dating their much older teacher. /Friends/ don't threaten their boyfriend to sleep with them just so they will keep their mouth closed about something that they only found out by snooping and hiding in men's bathrooms for!"
Rachel stormed up to him and pushed him back down to sit, pointing her finger at his chest. "I was trying to protect you but its obvious that you don't have any morality, or sanity that is left in your brain because of Blaine's domination."
"How dare you." Kurt sneered. "How dare you even mention that. Blaine's domination is a private part of our lives that you're just jealous of."
"Jealous!" Rachel let out a croaked laugh. "Well I guess I'm not now since you'll probably transferred by your father to another school, and Blaine will lose his teaching license."
"I can slap you just like I did the last time." Kurt stood up and raised his hand, but in the nick of time his slap was halted when a strong hand gripped at his wrist, and his eyes tore away from Rachel to see his father standing beside the two with various eyes.
"What the hell is going on?" Burt let go of Kurt's wrists, folding his arms.
"I-...I can explain-.."
"Then explain to me why you were about to physically hurt Rachel?"
Kurt's eyes flickered between a flushed, teary Rachel and his furious father, still in his overalls and leather gloves from working on his cars. He opened his mouth to speak, but could barely make out words. "How...how long have you been standing there?"
Burt stepped closer, huffing out a breath. "I came in when Rachel said you'd be transferred and Blaine would lose his teaching license."
Kurt gulped.
"So tell me Kurt, why would Blaine Anderson lose his teaching license?"
I hate Rachel .... So much. All of their problems is because of her *facepalm*
Nooo don't stop there!
Please let something happen to Rachel. What a nosey, jealous bitch.
No no! When's the next update?? Please make it soon!
Maybe Friday...
I want my fic to be one of those stories where a Dom learns how to actually control his sub. I understand your hatred for Blaine but don't worry darling, it's all about the process of learning how to care for a submissive, Blaine's just learning.
i feel bad for kurt but i cant bring myself to care about blaine getting fired. ive read several bdsm stories but i just really dislike blaine in this one. i dont even hate rachel anymore for what she did. i kind of hhope burt rips blaines head off. lol i guess ill have to wait and see...