Aug. 21, 2013, 3:43 p.m.
Aug. 21, 2013, 3:43 p.m.
Kurt was practically skipping down the hallway to Blaine's classroom, grinning from ear to ear and glowing with excitement for his and Blaine's afternoon lunch together. He had made sure he wore his tightest skinny jeans and a silk blue button up to tempt Blaine as best as he could. It was his best quality, his flirtatiousness and swayes of his hips to get Blaine's jaw to drop all the way down to the floor.
He pushed open Blaine's door but thumped against something, and peeked inside to see Blaine sitting up against the door in a fetal position.
"Blaine?" He asks worriedly, hearing no answer he knocked to get the man's attention. "Is everything okay?" He knelt down to take Blaine's face into his hands, pushing the door behind him closed for privacy. He frowned at Blaine's mumbled response, tilting his head up to meet his eyes.
Blaine's distressed sigh worried Kurt, and he couldn't help but think the worse of what had happened before he entered the room. "Please tell me what happened."
Blaine removed Kurt's hands from his cheeks and took them into his own, kissing the top of Kurt's knuckles. "I need to ask you a favor."
Before Kurt could protest, his mind was already obeying. "Okay..."
Blaine swallowed hard and brushed his lips against Kurt's knuckles again in his best to comfort the boy, holding his hand in a tight grip. "I need you to delete my number from your phone."
Kurt opened his mouth to speak before Blaine interrupted him.
"Just listen to me, please. Delete my number, take all pictures of us off your computer, and go home tonight and text that nice boy that gazes at you during my lectures."
Kurt's lip started to wobble. "I..wha-...I don't understand."
"We can't be together while you're in school, I'm so sorry." Blaine whispered with a broken voice. "I'm so sorry I thought we could do this but we can't, we took advantage of the situation and now we're caught Kurt, and my job is on the line and my record."
A single tear dripped down Kurt's pale cheek, his pale blue eyes looking glassy as he croaks out. "Who was it."
Blaine closed his eyes. "Rachel."
Kurt was ready to break into tears, but once he heard that name, that name that was like nails on a chalkboard to his ears...he began to fume with rage. "Rachel." He repeated in a monotone voice. "Rachel fucking Berry huh? We don't have to end this, I can end her right now." He stood up and swung open the door before Blaine grabbed his wrist and pulled him roughly back into the classroom.
"Don't you dare do anything you will regret." He threatened, pushing the door closed and keeping his grip on Kurt. "She knows, she has clear evidence of what we were doing."
"Oh please, like what?"
"When we fooled around in the bathroom, probably pictures who knows, and I called her Kurt when...."
"When what?"
Blaine shook his head. "I just...she knows about us and we have to stop. That's it."
Kurt narrowed his eyes, getting closer to Blaine. "She asked for something didn't she...no, not ask, she demanded something. Tell me."
Blaine kept a stone face. "I don't have to tell you anything, but I'm giving her bonus points for the rest of the year. That's it, once again. Now go home before you're locked in by the janitor." He grabbed his side bag from the desk and started to head out the door. Kurt suddenly realized what was happening, as if reality suddenly sunk in, and he realized how fast everything was ending. "No...NO!" He screamed, grabbing onto the back of Blaine's shirt and tugging him back in the classroom. "Don't leave me!" He screeches, wrapping his arms around Blaine's waist to cling to him from behind. "Don't leave me please!"
Blaine cursed and ripped Kurt's arms from around his waist, shoving him away. "Get off of me, Kurt! Go home!"
"No!" Kurt screeched again, tears pouring from his eyes as sobbed out. "Please, please don't do this we can still be together we can! I promise I'll be good we won't do anything inappropriate I'll just get good grades and smile at you, please don't break up with me." He begged and babbled, grabbing onto Blaine's arm as he sobbed heavily.
Blaine tried to control himself, keep a hard look but Kurt's tears were melting him on the inside, and he wished he could wrap the boy in an embrace and cuddle him until his every woe went away. But he couldn't. He didn't want to get in trouble and never be able to see Kurt again. He had to do this.
"Kurt, let go of me and go home. I'll see you tomorrow in school." Blaine kept his voice calm but sturdy, shoving Kurt back once again before leaving the classroom and slamming the door behind him.
"BLAINE!" Kurt screamed, feeling his whole body collapse in on itself, his face was heated red and his head pounded in pain as he watched the love of his life turn his back on him. He fell to his knees and screamed again while clutching at his shirt. Shaking, then trembling violently, as if all sanity left him and he was just a body without a soul, a vessel with no purpose in life.
He wanted to die.
He curled up in a ball and sobbed into his knees, gasping for air and squeezing his eyes shut to pretend that all that had happened was just a dream, that he would open his eyes and see Blaine's beaming face smiling right next to his own. But when he opened his eyes, all he saw was Ms. Pillsbury rushing into the classroom.
"Oh my god Kurt, what happened!?" She gasped, kneeling down next to him. He tried to respond but all that came out were more sobs and gasps for air, curling in on himself again. "Shh, it's okay, it's okay, was it Karofsky again?" She pulled him into her arms, and he blessed that woman for her maternal instincts, because right away he sobbed into her cashmere sweater and clutched at her as he shook with fear. It wasn't enough embrace to heal his heart, but he felt so abandoned that even the smell of floral perfume from Ms. Pillsbury's neck was comforting him. He merely nodded his head in response to her question, he couldn't tell her what had happened even if he wanted to, and Karofsky was the only excuse he had for a break down. He cried and cried into her shoulder while her small hands rubbed up and down his back, calming him with her soft voice and promising him everything would get better.
He hoped she was right.
Blaine cleaned off the coffee table in the living room, fixing books in a neat stack on the right side and placing a bunch of pencils on the other. He wiped his forehead, which was drenched in sweat, and collapsed back against the leather couch with a loud groan. It was the afternoon that Rachel was going to arrive, driving Blaine crazy the whole day with anxiety and uneasiness. He nearly vomited during one class, when Rachel stared at him with knowing eyes and that awful smirk that caused his stomach to churn.
He hoped all she wanted was a kiss, a hug, a simple manly touch to serve her craving for whatever boyfriend-type embraces she needed. He knew she was a lonely girl, he figured by the amount of dirty looks she got from students when she babbled during his class. She had a big mouth and a sassy attitude, and Blaine couldn't blame the guys in school for dodging her every second they could. He huffed angrily and threw a pillow against the wall. He wanted to do the same to Rachel, for ruining everything, for being a stupid little spy just for the benefit of stealing someone else's love. Fuck. Her.
But the mature way Blaine had to the think, was it was his own fault. He was the cause of the break, and if had just taken a break with Kurt before the school year started, he wouldn't have had to see more tears than needed come out of those beautiful blue little orbs.
The doorbell rung, and Blaine groaned.
He lifted himself off the couch and dragged himself to the doorway, taking a breath before he opened it and met eyes with his worst nightmare.
"Hello Blaine." Rachel beamed, entering the house and kicking off her shoes. "I found out your first name from Kurt by the way, he was so sweet to let me know." She slipped off her sweater and pushed it towards Blaine, who took with a grumble and hung it up in the coat closet.
"Does he know you're here too?"
Rachel shrugged, tracing her fingers along a wooden frame that held a picture of Blaine at his High School graduation. "I'm sure he found out, I was bragging to everyone in french about my date tonight with an older man." She smiled, smoothing out her dress. "Show me to the living room? Unless we're studying in the bedroom."
"Living room." Blaine walked in front of her down the hallway with an eye roll, sitting down on the couch with Rachel joining him. He folded his hands into his lap, fumbling with his fingers before he looked up at the brunette haired girl next to him, noticing her eyes twinkling.
"You're really gorgeous up close." Rachel giggled, earning a raised eyebrow from Blaine.
"Standing under florescent lights doesn't compliment anyone."
Blaine wanted to laugh, but he wasn't in a joyful mood, he wanted Kurt sitting beside him, he wanted Kurt to smile and giggle with him, blushing as always when he complimented Blaine. Instead, he was staring at pink cheeks belonging to a girl with an abundance of unneeded mascara and bobby pins. Rachel nibbled on her bottom lip as silence filled the room, and shifted closer to Blaine while sliding a hand onto his thigh.
"I know you're gay." She says softly, stroking her thumb along the top of his thigh. "Just pretend I'm Kurt."
Now he wanted to vomit, and nearly did so into his mouth. He turned towards her and grabbed her hands. "This is only because you know my secret, and if you tell anybody about this, I'll tell your Glee Club about the stunt you pulled last year when you ripped up the set list so you could create your own."
Rachel frowned. "How..."
"Me and Kurt are closer than you think, it's not just a sexual relationship. I love him."
Rachel looked down, huffing out a breath before she lifted up her head high. "Then lets get this over with, you have to make me feel just like you make Kurt feel, or else I'm sending Principal Figgins a long, descriptive letter about your inappropriate actions during class."
"Fine." Blaine tugged her closer, earning a yelp from the shorter girl before he tilted her head back and started to press his lips close to her jaw. He wrinkled his nose as the stench of girly shampoo and conditioner and bubblegum lip gloss, but this was to save his relationship with Kurt, and making Rachel Berry feel like she was loved by at least somebody was the least he could do. He forced his lips to press to her neck, deciding that he would feel less guilty kissing any other spot other than her lips, and started to place tiny kisses down her neck, feeling goosebumps form as he brushed and teased the sensitive spots. He nipped just slightly at her pulse point and sucked just the tiniest of red marks below her jaw. He felt her shiver against him, and her hands laced their fingers together as she exposes more of her neck by tilting her head back.
He gulped and tried to imagine it was Kurt, as Rachel had suggested, trying to imagine the light cologne scent from Marc Jacobs, and his vanilla body wash that caused Blaine to ravish him the minute he stepped out of the shower on Sunday mornings. His mouth started to water, and he began to kiss downward, nipping and breathing his hot breath to tease her skin and cause her to shiver each time. The image of Kurt glued into his mind, thankfully, and his hand came up to grasp at her shoulder as he nipped harder at the crook of her neck. She moaned, and it broke Blaine completely, the feminine sound of pleasure making him cringe. He paused, squeezing his eyes shut and trying to imagine Kurt again, before he felt her shaking again in his arms, and then a soft crying sound.
"Rachel?" Blaine lifted his head up, seeing the girl's hands covering her face as she cried. "Did I do something wrong? Are you hurt?" He asked worriedly.
She shook her head slowly, sniffling and rubbing her teary eyes as she tried to suppress her cries. "I'm...I'm so sorry, Mr Anderson, I'm so sorry I'm a monster I know."
Blaine said nothing, looking at her with a confused expression.
"I can't force you to love me, I can't force anyone to love me because I'm a monster. A jealous, evil monster who will never find anyone to settle." She broke into tears suddenly, and Blaine tried to push through his awkwardness to slowly pat her back.
"Hey, stop that." He said softly. "No one has to settle, you'll find someone."
"No I won't..." She croaked out. "Everyone who gives me a chance I drive away the minute I open my big mouth. You're just so perfect, and nice, and generous that I thought you might drop Kurt out of fear and choose me but...you keep whispering Kurt's name and I can't stand stealing someone's love of their life."
He hadn't even noticed he had been whispering Kurt's name against her neck, but now that he thought of it, he had let his imagination rescue him from the situation in his own living room. "I...I don't know what this means." He frowned.
Rachel stood up and brushed her hair back from her face, wiping her tear stained cheeks. "It means I'm so sorry for what I have done, and I want you to go back to Kurt and apologize to him for me as well. I lost a best friend, and I don't want to lose a good teacher either." She started to walk down the apartment hallway, and Blaine, still utterly confused, followed after her towards the coat closet where she retrieved her sweater. "Please don't hold any of this against me, I'll stay after and help you clean the chalkboards if you want." She glanced over her shoulder towards Blaine. "I wish you and Kurt the best." She whispered, reaching for the doorknob before it swung open, and both Rachel and Blaine were startled as Kurt stood in the doorway with a wrecked expression on his face, hair disheveled as if it was tugged and pulled out in frustration.
The previous distressed look on Kurt's face soon turned into anger, and Blaine couldn't react fast enough when Kurt and Rachel met eyes.
"You fucking...little...bitch." He gritted out, smacking Rachel right across the face. "Your ruined everything, you always have to ruin everything good for me." He screeched, shoving her backwards. Rachel cried out in pain as she clutched at her throbbing cheek, a red handprint shown on the skin.
Blaine gasped and rushed forward to try and grab Kurt before he could do any more damage. "Kurt stop it, what are you doing!?" He grabbed him by his hips and held him back while wrapping his arms around his waist to stop him from jolting forward, the younger boy fighting and swinging his fists to try and hit Rachel again. "She ruined us! Let me go! She's nothing but a fucking snitch!" He screamed, face flushed and teeth gritting as he tried to rip himself from Blaine's arms and swing right at Rachel's face. Rachel stood up on wobbly legs as Blaine tried to yell at her to get out, but she got too close to the squirming boy, and he swung right at her nose, a crack echoing the hallway along with drops of blood hitting the wooden floors. Blaine's eyes widened in shock, and Rachel sobbed while running out of the apartment door.
Kurt stopped fumbling in his arms, and had a victorious look on his face as he screamed after her. "I'll finish you off Rachel Ber-!" But before he could finish Blaine covered his mouth with his hand and pressed him up against the wall on his stomach roughly.
"What the fuck was that." Blaine growled out, Kurt whining as he squirmed against his hold.
"I'm giving her a taste of payback, she ruined us!" Blaine pressed him further to the wall so his cheek squished against the paintjob and his hands were behind his back.
"She apologized to me, and wanted to apologize to you until you broke her fucking nose!" Blaine shouted, grabbing a zip tie that he had in his pocket and tieing Kurt's wrists behind his back. He pressed a hand to Kurt's head to keep him on the wall before he shouted into his ear. "I told you never to come back here, I told you we were done and what do you do!? You come over to my own home, and abuse a student that just wanted to be loved for once. She was going to drop her blackmail until you showed up!"
Blaine was absolutely fuming, not sparing pain for Kurt and grabbing him by the hair as he dragged him down the hallway towards the bedroom, ranting to him on the way and ignoring the whimpers and begs from Kurt to let him go. "You're selfish, so very selfish that you can't last a day without being told you're pretty, or loved, or anything. You're a selfish little kid who never gets disciplined." He kicked open the door to his bedroom and threw Kurt inside, letting him land on the floor with a shout of pain as he fumbled with the zip tie, trying to get his hands free. Blaine watched in amusement before he pointed to the bed. "Crawl and sit on your knees, now." He demanded, and Kurt looked up at him, trying to resist, trying to beg him to let him go, but he knew his Kurt too well, and the submissive in him caused him to crawl over to the edge of the bed and sit on his knees, bowing his head down to the floor without a word.
Blaine didn't bother to praise, and followed Kurt to grab his hair and yank him into a standing position, the boy crying out in pain again. "Shut up!" Blaine grabbed his tie and loosened it, slipping it off his neck to wrap around Kurt's mouth. "If I so hear one word from you I will quit this job, move to a different state, and find another submissive to fuck with. Got it?" Mentally he knew he could never do such a thing, but he needed Kurt to cooperate or the rest of the year would be hell.
Kurt's eyes looked glassy with tears and he nodded quickly, keeping his mouth shut, although any protests would be muffled against the tight restraint of the tie.
"Good." Blaine grabbed Kurt and pushed him onto the bed, bending him over the sheets and tugging his pants and boxer briefs down to his ankles to expose his bare ass. "I fucking love you like this." He growled, reaching around to unbutton Kurt's shirt. "And don't think I didn't notice you wore this outfit on purpose you fucking tease, this will teach you not to try and tease me anymore, I'm sick of your little games in my classroom." He spanked the inside of Kurt's thigh, and the boy squeaked. "I said shut up!" He slapped his thigh again, and Kurt continued to jump in pain, but his lips pressed together to suppress his cries of pain.
Blaine pushed Kurt all the way up on the bed. "Hands and knees, legs spread apart. You're getting a well earned fucking punishment pet." And that's when Kurt nodded and obeyed robotically, sinking into his role. Blaine's blood thickened with dominant venom that caused his eyes to dilate and look bloodshot, muscles seeming to tighten and make him grow larger in masculinity then the boy below him.
"You just don't know when to fucking obey, pet. But I'll teach you."